Elmwood Iinith. Yfm I lie Krhn. Trunk Dicknoi! is running for county clerk. His cppouenta are walking. It in next to impossible to get uny liiiji'tt i in X41 in uuu. j.itcj uc all employed. j A protracted meeting' at the . Christian church at fin enivood had -reHtiltt'd in fifty-etht iiiTesnious up 'Jiii Sunday evening. Good Holier and industrious men can iiiid employment in around Elmwood at fair wng-i'n, There ia a scarcity of laborers here. I. C. Win. Pclles attended the grand lodge K. of 1. nt Lincoln last week. Will him an interesting1 re port to make at the next regular .meeting, so come out, brothers, and ltear it. Vte, Nrvond Ci,,r aita. Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver. Btomrch and bowels through the nervs. A new discovery. .Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliou- unesa bad taste, torpid liver, piles, Souetipation. Uneiualed for men women, children, smallest, midest nrest! 50 doces, 25c. Sample free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Ladies who use cosmetics or pow- una n w y v i"v bv plexion, do not know that O. If. Snyder can furnish thein with Blush wf Roses, which is clean water, purl ies the skin, and positvely remove ' black heads aud all skin diseases takes the shiny look from the face ad whitens it soon as applied ThaOirioflh Fuiur. Now John, if I say yes, its on one condition will you promise? You 'liad better say yes well, its that yon will get me a bottle of Haller's Jain Parahter. Why'f Because its the best thing for headache and - rheumatism I ever heard of and -then its so nice for babies when they have the colic and diarrhea. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia -nd Liver Complaint? Shifoh'a Vit lizer ia guaranteed to cure you. 2 A raii child. -My oldest boy, who has not yet reached 4h mature aire of three, has. 1 think . ysstic way of expressing himeelt Thus other day, oa noticing the ripples oq Hi lake in Central park, caused by the anna, be exclaimed, "Mamma, look; see Jw the water is laughing." New York Cor. Babyhood. Cloth an fH' Mad fraaa Oaa Trw The psper trco cf ihs South an U a species of the mulberry. Its inner bark is ao delicate that a soft and pleasant feeling cloth is made from it, which the aalives use in making their "beet suits.' It is also used in the manufacture of a -rery fine grade of paper. PUikdelpnia Times. la the abysses of the oceans, below 600 - tihoma, mmjy aiiliuaia have either im perfect eyes or none. Tbeir condition in this regard affords a suggestive par diet to that of cave life, and the eansns n probably the same. Science is of the jauion that all deep sea life originally migrated from the shallows. A. writer on social affairs in Iceland myn there is cot a single prison on the island; that such things as locks, bolt md bars are unknown, and that there we uelllirr waic'nmen nor policemen. Ia the line of eating the Uanchoa. -mho have niled In China since its con noest by them som 250 years aso, are ArOTg-at in baked meats. Tbs Chinese oel in soup. Old French fort are being sold very . cheap. A French artist ha bought the Fort da Onesclin for ubout $1,100. They C from a few hundred to $1,000. Tho laontor i Dnta ml rmmm. 4Xtrj inventor has some Idea of dls wanrering a great useful article, which -fill benefit the whole human race and arry his own name down to posterity as -m great ninn of genius. Often these am iatious schemes are never realized, but Us best part of the inventor' life is aajwot in vaia effort to accomplish this - - - -uuui uiu mimm vnDouio ad dignify hi work. and. though they -aaav never be realized, he hjia 1 iiit Ai' Ia. - artion of knowing that other will come mllrr him to Uks up the work which he haa left nnflninhed. Wany of the great invention of today have not been the product of one man' finins, although he may enjoy all of the redit, but the result of generation of "thought, experiment and suggestion of ihoetis of scientists and inventor. TJrorge E. Walsh in New York Epoch. A Military KoT.lty. -- vegeUble cartridge shell, which U trtirvly cousomed in firing, is now com Jn into general nse in the French army. The cartridge ha scarcely half th weight of on with a metal shell; th -asMt i cousMcraU less, beside the in oor?nienc of removing th (hell after jmch shot i avoided. At present th -cmpo.it.lou of this military novelty i jfasj a secret New York Telegram. tSr. II. C Fl'tzgeralil, whoTeside fir -wBiile southwest of Uolden, tell na a 4tnod one on an egg stealing blackoak bmt has been operating around his -ciucKen doom. nr. r iMgeraia roniisbed 1 of his hen nest with finely polished : ep'R, wmcn is neither a novel nor uncommon thing for chicken raiser to !. Oil the second d ty the nest epg dis appeared, and its wherealwut were not j).rvrTi;d nuMl Wt Sunday. On that 4ny tiio son of ?.fr. Fitzgrndd killed a Uig. bl.-K-ksnaka. whicj he dijcororcd to be tmuMiaily lare where a snake's tamiH-h n snppoH-d to be. Tlie infjusi--truene! of young Fi'JtwraH le 1 him to iioM j.iiftntojpyoii tlie Uxlyof hiflanaks sliip, snd lo, the loni lost f;r was found 4o bo the c:nn of the unnatural enlarge mint. The nest egg bvl rt"nainel in 1'ue rornrions maw of the snake for lil weeis. U,Jen (Xo.) UcraJX PKAYEIv,WOIlK AND PLAY THE ARDUOUS DAILY ROUTINE IN CATHOLIC C0LLEGE3. A Car- at Staiiy and Trsisir; TSst Waada Out from Ilia Prleatbood Many Men tVha Arc Nut Paaaaaad ml mm t)a acslnf Zaal Plain Food mm rrajara. What kind of a life is it in our col leges? Well, I snppoNO It is much the same as the life in colleges which are cot ecclesiastical. Of course, church students have many more prayers to say, and are expected to observe the rules with more tiilelity than other students. They rise early in foreign colleges at 8 in winter ami 8 In summer in most English college at 6 all the year round. Half an bour is allowed for dressing, after which all go down in silence to the church, where morning prayer are said, and a meditation is held for half an hour on some spiritual subject Meditation ia followed immediately by th celebra tion of mass, and altogether about an hour is spent every morning in spiritual exercise. Then fullow ctudy till break fast time, at 8. Breakfast consist of a bowl of coffee or tea, with bread and butter at discre tion in the home college, while abroad on has a rhi' hMtwami fluffs, milk and chocolate, but the bread must be eaten dry. It ia wonderful what a ub tantial meal can be mad of coffee and dry bread when there la nothing ! to be had. A few minute for recreation are allowed after breakfast, then work goes on till dinner time, broken only by half an boar s recreation at 11 0 clock. PLAI5 FABS. Dinner, which Is eaten at 1, U al way a good, substantial meal, and ample justice 1 don to It after the rather thin breakfast No study I al lowed during the hour and a half fol lowing dinner. All who ar well enough Boat join in the public game, which for the most part are played with great spirit and keenly enjoyed. At o'clock the itudiei commence again, and class and lector or prepara tion for them, with half an hour's rest at 8, go on until 7 or half past, when thirty miuates are given to prayer and th reading of the life of some saint After tb prayers all go to th refectory for Kipper, which, Ilk dinner,! eaten in silence, broken only by th voice of th reader, who read alond soma bio graphical or historical work. After sopper there is recreation, and at foreign college this Is always the favorite hour of the day. And Terr pleasant it is to besr the fresh young voices and merry hearted laughter echo- lug aiung liie coiiege cui.siera. At 9 the big bell ring oat again for the last time that day, and at it first peal the bilk and laugh are hushed, the groups break up, all professors and church students alike make their way to the church for night praver. Pravers over the points for the next morning's meditations are read out, and after the ngtng of a hymn all retire to a well earned ret, which in most case Is only too soon disturbed by tu noisy clanging or me great bell in the early morning. TUB WORK IS BARD. Of coarse, every day is not a study day. Sunday is always, more or less, a Cay of rest, and at least one afternoon very week U devoted to outdoor recre ation. Yet, in spit of occasional play dsvs. tney are caUi.il. and the holidays twice ayca: uA I : u 1 u t. . A , -" j J UMU viwuiiu, t, ujuat necessarily go on for some docen year before the student is called up for ordi nation. The life of a Cathoho priest is inaeea one to which msny ar called, but few are chosen. A great number of those who go to college, at th age of fourteen or fift-n. with th intention of becoming priests do not reach th goal 01 orutnanon. In some case health break dWa, many grow weary of th routine and strict discipline of the life, other dis cover that they have no calling for th ecclesiastical sttte, and go out into tb world to begin lif afresh. 80, from one cause cr another, the student find that by the time he is ready for ordi nation he has hMt the company of many who stood by his sid when be entered college. Of six who went to college some seventeen years ago with the present writer, one is dead, on i prcticing a mv ouiwa, a ujiru is manager of a bunk in th north of Eng land, another is serving as a mounted policeman in South Africa, and only two are priests A Catbolio Priest in Lon don Tit-Dits. X Animals In lha Dry Tarts of Cavca. No allium whatever are fonnd in the dry parts of caves. Dampness, or a cer tain degree of moisture, seems to be es sential to their existence. Under the tone one finds white, eyeless worms, and in the damp soil around about are to be discovered blind beetle In little hole which they excavate and bag of the thonsand-leg sort The thousand-leg bags, which in the upper world devonr fragments of dead leave and other veg etable debris, sustain life in th cavern by feeding npoa decayed wood, fnngn growths and bats' dung. Kneeling in a beaten path one can see number of them gathered about hardened drip of tallow from tourists' candle. There are plenty of crickets also. Washington Star. QuMr RctlgUttt Saeta la Kami. M. Tsakni, a Hnsf Un writer, ha pnb Uabod ah interesting work upon the cari ous religions sect of Rossis, from which It appears t'l it there-are not leas than 15,000,000 followers of insane and cranky notions in that empire. Thej cutn munitie.iof ik-vo,nt and deluded Chris tians are eoiift.iii'Jy springing up in epite of all theeiliirts cf Kus-aaa debits to keep them down. St. Louis RcpuUio. - Th Rrlcht Side YcatgittH.baad Yjo't trjV) a fool of me. Mr. Younghusbsnd That will be handy for you now, my dear. Yoq can do silly tilings to k ep the baby amused. New York I2pocU. TI,r. t inr. OF DAILY P.telNol.H THAI GOING EAST I GO'.iSG 'i'E EST No. 1 6 : 116 r M No I, S -' . I No No, I W & IikK . ' - P 10 . li.. 3.. ... li.a K. 1 ' M ....In :I4 a. ii n. S p.i .lain No. M mii. .19 II Of. AfiAsotjd pAiym: railway TIMHfAKD. No. 3M Afiomortu, n I .,ri a. in : ' M'i'. t .in p. Iraim dully tn-opt fuiw,,. KNUill'll OK I V 1 Mac i.iinMirt U.dif No. 47 Mi-H- evriy kIi.h.Ukjt rriiin si their h H In l'ni'i Cm-i! hh rk. All vi llln koliihla ar orctl ly li.vlr.llo aiirud tC. Mi'iilill. ('.. i ti. Hoy,,, k. K. B. YOUHU Mr.S'8' HMMHiN WTIATHiS alrrreHn blK k Hnl Htn-rt, Vio.n.t op fr'-rn S :.w a m i :m p ir. For atr s enlr (MIrl Diesl'UK sveir Buudny altrrubuu at I 'eiork . AO. 0. W..I. MrHf tnt sn third Pridsy evejlnsi cf e k momti mil A R. hull In Rurkwiiuk Mk. Kmuk Veimliyea, M, W. D, E Kuentols, Keoorder. AO U. W. No. S4 Memeeond sndisunk KrlrtlT venlriti In Ibe munlh II. A . K. hall in Korkwnod hUxk, E. J. Muiisa, M W, K, f, Brown, Keeorder, nOTAl. AROANAM r Coined Wn lfBl. II m. xs . . . 1 11..... r 1 . 1 jttm m inv ni r bwi m inv rti niri a J Tif niocs ir rrinen mut, tiiiiihi orviarva iiTiiea nenry ttcroiQ, 'ategeni; Ikos sills, seoreioiv. vans LUiKis, no. iw 1 o. u. r. veeis ev il? Tuesday nltht st tbeir ball In HtttrraM block. All Odd Kellowa sre cordially Invited Wtsiten hn vUltliic In thselty. J Cory, M i m aw m muh... w. B. n,DMiil,DmriHj. PLACES OF WORSHIP. CiTnoLlc.-St rul' Cbureb. sk, betwer rirtk ss sum. rather s'Bry, raitor arvlceat Wajuat Sasd 10 :M a. at. Sunday Bckoal atlJit, wli hcnedlcllua. Cssimas.-Comer Uteust and fliblk Bi. nervlees morslDS sn eain(. aidrr 4. a. aeod. pastor. BundayBcnooMSA.nl. griacorAU-dt Li-Ae's Churrh, eorner Third and Vina. Hat. M B. Rurgeaa. pslor. Her vlees: II A. At. Sidl Jr. M. Suaday School at 1 Jir. m. k QsaaiA MsTaooirr. ttrser Rlxtk St and (iranlia. Kv. Hlrt. 1'a.lor. hervirea : 11 A.SI. asdtJSr.K. HusdsyHcbooll J A M. raasavTiai eervtrea Is vrm ehmeh.ene net Hlith and (iranlia ala. Kri.J. T. Halm, liaator. KuDda-aei ool at I ;9S; Preaching st II s. .a',d In m. IbaV. K. H. 0. a l ihlarhiirrh mli fry Rabbsth eTenlnt st T :I5 In the l'aanit ot therbucrb. AUste Ibviled to BiUnd theM eettufa, FllUT MTHODtaT RlX'h St., hwR Ma t sad ffarl. Ktv. 1, K. Krlit. I. D. iu r. hrrvteea : II A. at.. ss r. N. hui.da. (M-lioui JO A.M. frsyrrmeetlii Wedueadsy evts lug. Ossmav PavssrTKBiAS. Corner Main and hintb. Hrv Wllle, 'Hl"r. ftrnriois uanal hours. Sunday reboot t jo A. M. Swssdmh ( osdsroATiuSAU Gnuilia, be tween ritth ana num. Coi-omfd BArTiar. Mt. Olive. 'k. btwen lenth siid fclrvrnth hr-v. A. rxawell. t'- tr. Hnvl'-ra It s. ni. Mid I 0 p. in. I'lsjer mrcllur vteiliiraiiay evriili s- Iiitmo Msx'S Chki-TI AnriATloi- KiMHiKln a'TtnKii liliwk. Main iwi. .' pel nirfiinr. ir iiii-i. viiiv. rf-r mh.iIht tl trniMin at 4 n'rl'tf-k. Hini open ek dayi roro j a. ui.. to : as p. m. 8oi-Ta rASK TAsrehAci.r Itcv. ,t. K. d, I aanir. t-ivli-n: huuUy Fehmil .4s. nt.: Irrachtit. lis m. ai.rt I t. m. prayer mealier Turxiny nitln ; rl.olr piac- iico rnuy mtni ai. arr ni irmne. When you po to a Mioe nlore your object ionot only to buy elioen bill to procure for what you spend the best that your money will buy. Lee than this will not content you; more than this you cannot, in rea son, ek. Our method are as simple a your desire. Wc do not lift your expectations to tlie cloiKls, but we realize thctn whatever they are. We will nevir a.icrilice your interests to our and nowhere else caa you jet a fuller 2nd f.-.irrr equivalent for your money. An especially profitable purchase for you is our etc. DOOE3, SHOES O H RUBBERS P. SHEEWOCD. 301 Main Street Lumber Yard THE OLO RELIABLE. IU pi li ; Shingles, Lath, Bush,-, Doors Blinds Csn supply evcrw demand of the city Call sod pet terms. Fourth strei t In r-nr of opcrM rioti;. DETFCTIVE XZZ nteTrlv Hrfenlve 1 r rt 1 nr n 11,1111. i,. i.Knd ren ( r pmilM.iaia. l.nl l.'H'H I'I t KtilVK A0KM.Y, kl 7t7, W aali.Jit,ij, laws. THE LEADING AND ONLY "OXE PRICE CLOLHIER IS WAITING FOR YOU. TvTT IS waiting to show you his new goods KJ Li and o let you know how cheap they t cen be bought. ' HAS THE LAEOE8T AND BEST STOCK In si line in Cass County. You wi l not be nble to buj cheaper We Chi cago when jou take qnalitr and price in consideration. Onlj bnji the bet males and latest novelties in CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS HATS, CAPS ETC. And if on are looking for a reliable place to trade gire JOE a trial. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. TAKE THE aAil4 v- . rmmstm For Atcliincoii, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St Louis, ui all poiute north, east south or west Tick et sold mid bag gage checked to any point iu v the United States or Cunadu. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Cull nt Depot or address II, C. TjWX!-i;.mi, G. I. A. SI. I .iiia, Mo. J. C. rJIILLIiTI, A. G. V. A. Ouiiilia. I. D. Al tiAK. At., I'lulttnnoutli. Telc hone, 77. THE TYPEWRITER A "triMij II rat eiM' u inn', fullr ail. tlula Hum lha -ry trt lulinal b Slliiwl wiirkinrn, n4 tha im luola ti linv ftarrH ru ll'd lor llac pirru-. U s nuitril t" di kit thitl cai.t rca-n aLly ri tMI-d of the vry t'l lrurlli-r itant ( aimt'le of wrtthiK l.'iii wnriit r-r iiiliiuii- o aw re reordii.tlotU stjlllty of ttia op!" ... 1 .' , T ' '-' .'' ' . .. I riiiti; $ioo. (ribnro la tin aji'iit In To"' ("" Sl'trs-i II. mil' i.l.i. liin . Till l'.lil'l " ". Alffi.U vsiilnl Vsrith ft, V. r. . Hi:Kr.nuur., Ar ri. Lincoln, K. 1, . ..s -TOE- -JOE -- HARNESS! FOifl GOROER & SOH fTHE best of liuriu'BS, both double and single may be found at 1, i 1 aloreand everything lit the which ore firsl-clas in every respect, easiest riding vehicles 011 curth. I ALSO hnvc s Inrge lot of Schutlcr, Moline, Iliiin and Sterling wsgons Spring wugons, road carts, and plows of all dircriplion. FP,KD QOfJDEH SO Plattsmouih - Nebraska SPECIAL BAILS IN OUIt COJUMiETE STOCK OF IA33IES SHOES We give you the following deep cut iu prices: , Ladies Fine Clarrd Donpr.la f27S ehne redurcd to Iji'Iu h Donpola Kid i-Irxiblc JJtislioe recliiccd to Indira Hot Di.ngoln t'MK) i-liorn rt ilucrd to Ladies Hand Turned best Dogola II.U0 shoe reduced to FOE THIRTY Wc have n frrrat many o'her smiiple Jot of ol 1 U that we it - o.l- rmg nt In or.lerlo rch:cc our eturU to inert mirjlilii;;ition. Wc rvn !:ivpn few lol t.f Ladies pricfS. Lon't fur;;et tiie plal;. J,tSa2a2Iw-. U - :- I : ' If,'-- i: ; 1? ff' J- v. (V: I HARNESS, u: V harness linetilHobiiKglcanndcarrhif; being the lightest, strongest and $1.73 DAYS OiTLY. ., Ox funis that we uillici: ut rcIu4-. ' ' . 1 2.10 I kVJ X