i 4 Wpin..j Water liamw. m.i-f!ic Eemihilcsn. day. Frank's majority U growing larger ,-' every dn; nothing can ' be '; "aid ' nsainst bini, .nd'ricwill poll a lare vole otlt- aide of his own party. , ,'".' it i! fo 'Uncommon tiling to hear -tiieitihera of the o'her purlieu my they intend to vote fur Kickht'lf, tlie republican candidate .for , ' ' treasurer. 9 ; . Chri Sclirumpf received tin- fad neivs tif tin dentil of li i mother, , which occurred in Saxony, Ger- many, Oct. 1. Four titters and one , " brother remain to mourn her loss. . j Tnt; W. K. C. wHr nerve one of their popular nnp'perrt at the 0. A. R. hall cm Saturday, Oct. at from 5 to T.'M p. m. Supper, liiceiitij. All are invited, especially the young folk. Mr. f. M. Ward's family went to Louisville Monday to attend the . fli-urul ttf Mr Hm-i 'uiniitl It-llI itlH of that place, who died on Siliu'diiy la.st. lie wart ci;;tity-fivc yea; id ae anil hat! 1 fi n hick Ur a long lime. About tux weeks a:. o he Imd n tuirjjcal oiirratiinl I 'rfonin-d from which lie mull md rally, pt "61fTTrC. " Id.i aft-.-. He v. an Mr. WardV ifTiiinlfiitlicr. lie wa buried on Monday at 'i o'clut k. You til lift re.!!-'.! voil have not alrt .n to morro v, if , or '.ro wid. out a vole. ' Hdk - The home m' .Mr. am! Mr.-.. F; I V.in.i'.ta ;n gl.nhlcned tl.i morning by the arrival of a ."on. S. I.. Furlong was in the city last veiling with hi dehorning outfit. He U prepared to do work in tliirt line for all who apply. A dele-ration of t-trong tdiotiM go to AVeepiug Water toinoi'ow evening to lit r the ilo-pient apostl. a of rt'pii!,licaiii:-iii. K'ememher t!ie n.ciiil ll'.in cc:i ing at V. V. Leonard. A good lime In expected. Adiui-iduti free. Supper will be .served fori" eeu:s. Let it In: rcnicuib-."vd tl'.at the re publican l:c!i' t i cunipoMd of men ably fu .t il to grace the jei-i-tions to which they a.-piro v.iili nbility. Til'5 IlEK M jol department if well etuippel with every It vice necessary to do work that w ill com pare favorably with any office in the country. The several wards and precincts throughout the county tdiould vie with each other in casting a larger vote than any other. It is all im portant that every vote be polled thin year. Greenwood has cstabliehed in their midst a factory for the maniu facture of cob pipe. The firmcon ists of C. K. Teflt, leo. W. Meeker. ml J. L. Ilrynii. Frank Dickson srisited the establishment a few days since and Hays that they are employing quite a number of peo ple already. Eagle. Prof. Halsey inform in that type writer recently ordered have arrived, and under the skilful pttpcr--rision of l'rof. Musjjravea the pupils will be taught to manipulate the keys ai thoroughly and effict- 4vely a in any buhiints achool in the country. PERSONAL Everything id quiet in poliie court to-day. IIou. Jebtie Harper came in this jcs-jrningpn Si ltnyler. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. White returned from Lincoln latit evening. John Kcich is lying at the point of death aa we g to pres.-. 0 Geo. Ktloti in in the city to-day . circulating nmog th" voter. ). II. Cook, of Salem, Io.va is Tiniting m ti.e home of liia t-ou, IV. Cook. Andcrvnn Koot, of .Murray, is transacting linsitu-fts in I'ia'.tH motilh to day. ' Tom Akersou u young man liv ing eight milcH north of Weeping Water is reported low with diph theria. Carlos X. K'auU, Iiyron Clark's efficient stenographer and atten tive law student, has been coni aiHs'oned a notary public by Gov. Thayer. Indies who ukc co-tnetica or pow ders to cover up or hide n bud com plexion, do not know that ). II. Snydcrcan furnish them with LIuhIi of Koscx, which is clean water, fiuri f ien the Hk in, and po'iilvely remove black headit autl all skin dim-am s takes the shiny look from the face ainl whitenn it fsnon an npplictl Th Girl if tlin Futtim. Now John, if I e iy y -, i! i on one condition w!l yt"i prcmi r't Vt.n Jiad heiter fay yen well, in i.. yon will eel toe ii buttle, of J IhIUt'h 1'iiiii I '.ir .i i i.-.i r. . V.'hy ' l't cimi-. its the beet thing for headache anil rheninnti-ill I ever !iein of and then it.H no tiicO for balden when they have the culio mid diarrhea. Will you KuiTt-r with PyKpermia ml Liver Complaint? Shifoh'e Vit- aducr is guaranteed to cure you BRAU-4'3 bTONE FENCE. llttg ttll7.iiril Attrmptrit In llul" f.'njit' tin iH-tet A f--w i'ers . wi9 u oil Diitc'iii ii i iir.iuetl Cmnu bo.ilit a , quarter efvctiin jj.-.t Ik.-loir nine. ' ITu em. is from Fcus--.-haiii.i, an 1 vrw u hard woriu-r .".ml ti tlui.ty i-liuy, ux must all IV-unsylvuni i Ihitclimeu niv. My f.irTii is f..-iKvd wii'i Iwthed wire. Tlio Uutciiui:iii tluln't lii(.-win- fi'jjet s.'rn' in the rirltr,' lie jlititf"! a willow li.-U't iiromid liisj iiiarter ht-c-t .in. Si.iiini.-r pi td, mil tiie liel.'f was rcAvi', ; l:-n H jiin-n vvct-J, wlit-i t-ariy ia tim fail a liaid ll.ick clou i which had been Ihuik'" anminl ovt-i- ia the northwest nil the ufleniooii sndth ni;. swoop-d dnwn our way ami went rini Hid teariu ac-roiJi Uniting place. Jt didn't leave a dozen hetlyo plant Btundin. Then the old man concluded that fence which wonld iitatid ain a hard wind woidd be cheajiest in the loni; rtu;, and by the uiiddlu of Octol)er he hu 1 built a atnut rail ft-ti'-e to replace the hede. It was a beauty tteveu rail li;g!i, with locked comers aifl a heavy "rider" on every length. Dat we hiel hardly time to look over the old luaii'a i . t. 1. V . m l:aino vn unit 'iuu-jum c it. n7ii it iota a blizzard R'.riu k it and mattered tli3 mils over st-veral iK iblxtring townships. Kalhi-r rductantly Lraun th-n deeiih-l to follow lay eiiimplu aud fence hU pi-id- with barb wire. He put In J.l.u-j of th rail fence that w,-u a wire fence which could scarcely be beaten. It h id hir-r". sawed pofts an-1 five heavy win f, uti-1 sin mid have luMc 1 a hfetiiie-. It iiunht have tltaie M), perhaps but for ail null rtutiatf oci:urr.-tice. One afternoon early in Xnveinlvr another hlizr.inl l-aiiie j.tunteritig along, pulled tip every blatae-l fence jiost. carefully wruiK.'J a few miles of wire around them ami sailed off toward Chicai with the wholu outfit. When tlie b tlgo Was ilestroyeil t!n old Du'chin-in inert ly sighed; win n ti.1) rail fence went he haid Koiuetiiin half under hi breitli: when the wire fence followed it he swore. Then he sat down, lighted his I'll) and fell itito .- br-m n dtudy. Lright und etrly the next Fpriiig he bewail Htiotht-r fence. It wi.h donietliin entirely tn-w for our country, but it vm a dandy ami no mUtuk?. The old in:i st t bis hired huuds to work pickiu ui btoni-s and haulm bowlders toL-eher. uiel in a few weeks he had coHecinl i r.ou rh of 'em to build a k'.uiii wall. I: was as strung u-t htoti" nnd t etaent cetil 1 make it. and was four feet wide a:. 1 t'mte f'-et hifjh. One afieruo'tii, jiid am r il v.vs c.:i.;.:;i ;;, j:rau:i v. :." ptiia'.ia out t-) tie! the f'.ae panN of I:; t new wall, when we liotwd a black ci-jivl over ti;.;in tin; we-ter,i h'trizm. "Tlurt H trotibln over tiiar. old iii.-.n," 8.iid L "That blamed tiling is j -st rt Inn u;i its slet vtn ti nd spitrin on its hauls and tfettin reatiyfor hu-'iie-s. It'll ho allium hen-, too, in about two iinutvs." "Ye!!, let it f's-ni." Then, as there wasn't ariythin else to do, we i-at down to watch it. It cau. zijipin along, twi.-.t in oil trees close t tlie ground or puliiti 'era by tho rixits, cut t in the prairie trass its cb-an as a mower could have done it and Kweepin a clean path. When it reached that wall it j ;. t topned a iiiotnetit as if to If l; it over, ami leoul 1 nwear I heard a chin kl". Then it stopped and canght bold of the etl'e of tho masonry. It held to?etiier well, bnt up it came, slowly and stealily. Jtft wli-n t'ne wall hatl been turned half ov.r tlj bhsssrd saddt-aly sav a ,'msn, lost its u'rip and l.encl iu h.dd. The wall setilt d down upon its Fide and tho blizzard jumped over it auJ went howl In out of t,i-ht. "Veil!" naitl Drann jubilantly.' "Vot I to!d yon. Dot fence is a dandy, ilou't it? It is von feet higher now a jH-foro dot vind coom alon." And he winked the other rye. Ea:::U DukoU Cor. C'hi ca'' News. Th Wainaa with tit Ian. The woman who nses a fun in a public aN-mbly mtint see, if she has any ade quate pen-option of what the is lining, that five-HUth of the air curried by this implement of torture is thrown into the ii'iit of the gentleman or lady who sits in front of her. .She may have read in works of phyj-io!o?y, and nhe inu.d have (.t-tj ul ..iv i.. r nt uim r: t mo1 i a n.l tindred disease r often the result ot such carelewi use of the fan; but nhe wonld not abuiidnn the habit or fnr. ;'i th alight relief tiiat lit tle waft of air brings to her cheek to fai the life of the whole ns.-einbly. Wo have have had aftifl m-ck (not tho nu ral, hut the phyce-id kind) for hevcral daya tidinwinx liiu graiiucaliou of una wiio fat lieiii'.d tin in a church or loctnre room, aiid we repaid tho woman with fi.n as the ll ! picture of supreme in 1 ic 'ine.-'s ii'Mi jue oiio i.'iioiiii, but u wiu. '.l wo.li.in w i.U a fan cau la!a tlw pri.'.a. Xcw York Journal of Commerce. Mirror of llm (irrrlis and UUilnaa. The mirrors of the ancient Orneks and Romans were thin dinkm of bronze, high ly Miliihed and miually f.uhionud with handles, though soinetium they were Fct upright on stands. Later on silver was used, and tho first mirror of solid silver is said to hava liceu made by Praxiteles ii the time of Julius Cur. Bubaerjuetitly silver mirrors totik the placaof brass or bronze ones almost al together, though steel, Cupper and sten BiJd were also employed. "Looking Klamves" of nu tal wero employed every where op to t'ne Fifuxuth coii'.ury. Wshiiin-jtoQ iiur. Hla I'mllranirnl. Lady (to deaf buiein-r) Weil, Mr. StiiaHboiics, how h you tiad youret lf totlay? KiiiiiUllones Vt 11, I'M pret'7 v.-cil n'.-l uji.m'iiii. iivery riit iiie, tliey'w ii'i.tc, 1 1' -ni iro to pi. e. a fur ny i lic'.l ti. ;, n i'l I ntiv. r h i l sac U a r.1.1 ou uiy li IjOtilllWl Til lil'-K. An r-aib'jth writer ave.'ljitlv r.o mat i r what Kpt'ci-s of o.iU-ia are phu ed in tho Luri'!i.h iiedit, vvlieie the natives are ia t-xce.-s, they very inK-n, "by Inter hrti tlin', IdH-oiue of a uniform character, the iVfccnd.'tut b.-iiij all practically native oyhturs." uriu.Joro.Nr'k af.sot7jii mris b. r. AST . coin: VDI, , i VT. ..t :.-! a. im . . (t : b -i . ( :'r. ftt .. ' '1 . S. HI. . ' p, III .. s IV. t. n., . 11 ntSs. ni. S:i ........ ....!,: IJ t M ...ID ..4 .1 .. ...i i f. '. , 11! 'J4 . '1 o t. No S . Nil t.' Nu IM N - " . .. Nu. 1. . ii. 111.... .vi.-.snL';:i i'.t' ' HAii-irr TIM.': t'Ak'U. N'i. .Tt A'''.lrn.'rt'l II I e. V '.... Nil ,.-l . ' It: IV- L... Iriil'.u rtal'.J i "t il -ui. ay 1" M s 111. . 4 tst p. In. KMI, H IS o I., main I ueir Nil t; Heel- .-eiv i llr t-ll:iy t-V'1,11 K M tlifir Ii II Ii. I arii'i- f I'm u taerk. All vi Itirni kuik'lils rs caitii ly te.l to aiteml C. 1'. Mamlwll. ."?'. t' I'uvey. K. K. H. YOl'NO M FN'S ' IIKIs't ICS ssK'UTIil vtteru!i.n Mt t k tnin Ho et. hn.m.a isii (r. in :m in "i t I' w-t f-'or int-ii tin'y (iimkI u.ett tiK every KiiiiOay tuteiin uu at 4 0 e.ts'k. AO T. ',. flr-t sntl third FtMav s iilC4- i f e-e ll in. Hi ll al 0 A K. I) ml In liiK'kwn..K I I" k . Hi tiik Vemillyea, !. V . I), V. kurro:e, liet oril.-r. 0 l". W No st- MeH f( nt ami limriti Vrnt:iv v. : ll r III the n.tililll ' If. A ". IihII ii Hu. k"i il I'll t k. h J. iMiiipaii, M W, I", hitivtn, 1!. i t.i. i r. I) OVA I. Al!' t M - c. Tin m It in-.'l, M r: nl tiie K, .it : liall 111 III- I s.n.el.- A. l-r.ln I.I. I k Mi r l ei lie I R llill. Velllh.. ite'lilen ll.Mieil lli-l-iy lit rut J, .Utelil ; lie u'.V.l s' fie iiiv. t'A-t l.dlH . f. iry Tn l . oi 'a Unfit. AM I ma n '.I ll'tflill I" ti v X. ll H w.llu.ln i. 1 It I O. (I. K. reieu rv ii ll elr hs'l II' r !tseoi',i1 , u. it i - i ii.iiii.l y 'i vili-i: -tn u in t'te cay. J t t.ry . .-..r.i.i-y. I 'LACKS OF WOKSHir. CAi ion tc.-' 1 t'u'd filth in1 SiMli. H- rvict p : V-ii ' bt-lii nl tl 2 i.i i I. Clililelt. lilt, p.-ttiei'l, K.lHier ' a lii V. 1"hj.Io in! iii A H. biititiiiy Vet ct li t lot.. CliHi-TlAK.-t. ri.il I .hikI una Ml-IiIm Hit. heiviei-s ti.' ii.leir mi il .-!. ii'i: K'te r J. k. Ileeil, piiMi.r l.l tl;. '' imiI 10 A. M. El-srt..AI..-H! !. :ki I tlllll'll. futni-r 'I hltd Hint V lav It r. 1't.ii.'." faMnr. her- lees :11am a ill 3tif huinlaj l-liotil at i :Mi V. M. RriiMtN Mutiiiiiio-t irtier Sixth HI anil (leu lie. I i t til-tin. m rv ie : ll A. M. atitl I ::i I-. M. !.ll; t im-IuihI In :.'ie A M. rnn-HVt HiiaN - 't "it e III in ctii'lfli.ri'r- iiir miiIi ni tl i.ri.mif if. V.rv. J r. rsiri .ntir Mii ii.e -se . el nl 1) ,:e i I iriii'liinK Ml li m. in. k i i. 11 in. 1 lif V ll. K et 'h' i Inirt ll ll!et fvctv fiilil'ittli iM'iai ill l.ri lit tlie I itM llit't I ul lliei I in ill. All me .iivnt tl lo nil. lu tin llierlll.. pie.T M 'TllOlil-r V i x f l "1 . Ntu-iMl M n met p. ui i. I i-v. I. I-. in i I', i .i.ei r. nl. e. : 1 i i. l-l I' M Mil il t -' I 9 :i" A M. J ray r leefii s Vf.ii,fii.iy rv liniMVN I'll" Y.s Tim a . Ceri er Main nnd . i. . it . I., v w i:-. i. r. met- tie.i iii'.tl. hull'...) -I bi.i I ll ..41 A. M. Bwi Kiit"! i I'Miin it vTit'NAi. llnuii.e, If Ittt-ei. I- .till ul.it MX. ll. Cm i.i-ni luni-T - Vt oiivp. k. bt-taien li lillt m il h iM-nlll In A. I'i'ittcll, I :ih ..r. M.l'e 11 in .y nil 7 HI i. III. Il;t)el ll.'-ellliK Wi'.ll.i ex. 1.0 V.ilMI Mn' llllt-TM" A i"t'CIATIliV- 1.....H'. In ait-it .'-n I.'." k. M :i. .ii el l.i- I e: mi e; nm. (..I Ii..... mil) . t V. 4 hi litlujr kl l-ri. II Hi 4 H I IiH'K. I I It. t'ltl t...i. ti.-': (:tiiiiA:Iia iii ,tn 'j : an y. in. SHI TH 1-AHK TAIin.bAI'l.f -l:i .' M V uitl. i in r. beivit-i j bunatir hrtn-l ' i in.: Iri'.-rl UK. Ha in. k i.ii ft i. in. .titei merino In'w'i.y in;'lii : rluilr t'lue ice 1-tltUy niclii All ute ui-lli'lnr. When you po to a fhoe tore your object i-iiot only to buy tdiocx but to procure for what you Hpend the beet that your money will buy I-cfm llian this will not content you more than thin )on cannot, in rea eon, nnk. Our method are as winiiiie bh your dcMire.t. We do not lift uur tiutctatioiia to the clottdt, but we rculize them whatever they Hie. We will nevir a icrifice your interests to ourn und nowhere elue can you Kct a fuller and fairer equivalent for your money. An erpcciniiy pioiilelde purchune for vou im our etc. BOOE3, SHOES O 3rt p. sheewo:d. 501 Lumber Yard THE OLD RlfLIACLC. il i. nmm & so? PIMF LUMBER ifdiinglt. Lalh, teti. Doora, BSind Cmi sep If everw deimiud nf tin- city Call and f;et terms. Fourth ftr- t lu riL.r of rprrs hnu-. DETECTIVE K V ANT A VAN ,u ei l.-rklli In n l i airl'rlv 'rirHt nniirri iir iumtn'ti. t,-, 1 n nil mp tur t'"rtiriiin, V A I I I - t, 1 1 N' DKIkt'IlVK AOK.NtV, liul 7ni. W ailiiiilou, Uiik TOFc 'b: ' -A till IS KJ w Ai and o 1st you know how chean thev cr n be bought. HAS THE LARGEST AND I3E3T BXOCIC In l'i line in Cans County. Vou vi 1 not lo' nolo to buy cln-;i.cr Wa Clii cago when yon take tjunlily ainl pi ico in i:oii.,iili.iat!o,i. OPERA HOUSE COFNER, PLATTSMOUTil. TAKE TIIK 4 4 For Atchinpon, St. Jonepli, I-aven- wortli, Kiini-uii City, St. I-ouia, and ull points north, eaat outh or went. Tick eta Mold und b;i(f ' K"k'e checked to any point in the United Sit a tea or Oniiiid.i. For INFORMATION AS TO K A TICS AM) ROL'TKS Call ut Ui pot or iidilrcnM II, C. TOWNHi.M), (j. r. Ast. iniu. Mo. J. C. I'mi.i.iri'i, A. G. I. A. Omaha. II. I. AiiiA;.-. .t., rintiniioiitli. Tclt'l bone, 77. THE INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER A mnftly dm at n it linit-. fullv marraii td. Matin in in Hi ti iy l et inairintl b -Kllietl n-lfcri'i'!-. lti.il iltl I lie lnt ttitils lit hiiyi- enr h tlovl.f il tor Hi" urr.. W a rHittetl tn d i nit teiil ntu lit iruM:. atily tt orcird i( tlio mt l-t triHrili-r ritaiit t aim Dm ot wrt'lnir IVi mt1 ei-r oilnme-tii urn eoeiirdtns lo tue alilllly irf tlw oparaw : II lliel III ili'il.e . . t ni : 'ir t wn Ai.'loi. I- S-'teftS -' tl 1 V. U. !-i;i.U MII'.K, Ai;.i't. I.ilicol i, Neb, r JO 0 o THE LEADING AND ONLY 0E PRICE IS WAITING FOR YOU. waiting to show you his new goods aV JOE- Only litiy tho be-t in:iics ami latot noveltif-.s in CLOTHING A N'D FURNiSHING GOODS II ATS, CAPS KTC. Aixl if you nr looking for a rdi.-iblu jiliice to traJo give JOF a tnnl. HARiNESS! enen I ilLU GnDfisn UUUULiil rTIIK teat of harm ss, both double JL toreandeverylliiiijf in the iiarncna line alHolnij;t;iea nnd carriacJJ which are firat-cIuHH in every rtHpect, caaieat riding vebiclca ou earth. I ALSO have a larjje lot of Schutler, Moline, Ihiin and Sterling wagona Spring wagoim, road carls, and plows of ull diecripliou. FlKD Q011DKI $ SOU Plattsmouth - - - Nebraska l. Olllt ClHll'lihl K STOCK OF U13IE8 r m SHOES We give you the following deep cut in prici-a: Ladies Fine Glnr.ed I)onfola f2 25 Hhoea reduced to Ijitlira Donjrola Kid Flexible fUOtdioe reduced lo Indies Heat l)oii(.'Oln f-'Lltonliots reduced to Ijulies Hand Turned bent Loyola J-l.UU ahoe reduced to . FOE THIRTY We liave a great ninny oilier Simple. ' lotn ollering ut :'1 J -V In order t. red tice out tlocli t nc. t unr ohIi'uli(iu. c nlun linve a lew lot of l.n.'.itu pi ici-H. Don't forget tin; place. I snr,iAi&'iii-ij-t,-.a-v.'tai CLOLIilER i HARNESS, ouia and Binj;le m.-iy be found at m, . Leiiiff the liglitcut, Btroncat and BALIS 11.75 2.10 it-V) ' i MYS OWLY il odd ni.trt that we V - )lii(U Hint we will sell ol ii tlureo V w I V, Ni