J x. M A Y ICS .. I ' ' c o i; x r v - s u it v e y o n i vii j;ngint:i:k manly clerk will be Rtf'lHt.'d to. ,- office is' cnuKT itoudis, Wmouth,- Nebraska ' ' f1 - WW lius picppicnlkko. M ANL'FAf'TU II ! ()F AM WiDLEZtllE iVU R7fl!L i iICLST ItAND.J Oh CIGARS ' 'JACCO AND SMOKC.S ARTICLES V always in Block )tsmouth, NebriMsii l4 : NA ATIOJS'ALIJANJi OP l'UTTSMJlTH. MdlltAHKA Flirt up capital ! RuipIlK ....'"'.' Ill.lt.iS . t Effort tbe T'tr li"t f u"'it'i. f..r ilm irnmp " traiim It' ii I ilk aiiuit" i .1 ittivl", tnnd, C"lil. i;n,. rtiwat J lorn! t ' Jtirllli-- limi'tit ..ii'l k ,. o-i.-i-i;.i i'-' 'iv -,' lld INlrri'nl Mil ivr l on Ilift ("ll'liiln" , Ilraft-drswti, av al iMe In tiny p irt (, tin l'riM-4 hulua and all tkr prinrl.il Imii u. Ioousctions ma or ami rmiMni if hsmi-t. Trli. Hlfcbeit rrovlo-t ..r p-ll for Ceimty Wv ' roi.li. l.tBti' una l "Jul) tnim. John F!t7. 'iraM P. If-iwtr.tinrth Saia to aiia-ii. r. 5. i.cirL'e E. Dov-y 10 Fl.HrM. . Win f ti. , fruiufiil .i ! 'IT ! , (' ' " ,1.K mi.KNS HANK. i .AiT.-'M"rr' Nr." aka itsl Block p;i d lU uthoruod Capital, JICO.000 orrn NK OAKKl 1 II. Ji W. A. CfiN.M'i., $ W. II. ( Thlll.Ni,. rr-ali ei i muriti'M ' frans Cantab J. A. ('.minor. V. K. J i-1 1. . i J. W.Jihraon. Il.-n I'o-r-k.Johri ll'Kmli W. It. Mmhni. Win. tttWMM. W. II. CiiFhllil ' T2AH2AC1SA SESEMl BUSlUCJ i ium clt'.flrHl" ill rtrK)lt lirnrl'iK IMnrrwl ' Uuvi MiU ricltuiirfK, muuty nd AN K OK CASS COTNTY Cor Kain slid Kiflh urt-fU PM upcplll... .... ci- I luiplu ti of i OFFIOER8 0. H. Pnn.t PmMoiit Prri i;r I'T Vl Prei.l nt 1. M. rilrxi i Mhi'lr I. M. fallvniin, A-l I nrlilm 0. H. Pwix-lo J. M I'nt'rrvm, Pril (:irilM A, H. Hinitt.. K. B. Wli.dli4in. tt. It. rUniwy u.rt T. M fkllaiMK 1 0CSER1L BASS1SC RU3(SC38 R A S3 A TED AaewiinU nllritiwL Intprmt J1.ii on IItk 4pll wilt ppruuit itilxntloucloitu t i ll hii Ibm eulnutod u IL ttn. Qiamborlaln'a Eyo and CWa Ointmont A ffrtoln enro r Chronic Poro Eyc Totior, 6&t Ehoum, Scald iiond, Oiil Chronlo Bores, Fovcr Borw, Eczema, Ilch, Pnirio Scratches, Bora Nipplt nd Pilot. It la cooling and sooihtog. flandnylsof CMoahavobcta cored by hARfrfcllcthfr trtiiitmeDt bad failixl ' It U vut up la U aad M ccot Uiic VI llJ.ialML.r"'Tao,"""'r . la. til, t4 k,i w fFIfflOS" Cutftlofjn) ihowinj rfettires of rilir I'innna an, I ll,.,r. .t.,.1 it. H v. O.JUI tlllllll MAILED mUIl OurpaUnt SOFT STOP savor! wottr, malinir tho I'itino ,i it. i . . mum tiuiBuio, sua nu)pimij ujo rui iiojinj uoiso of prwtiiiiiirj. Wo lulio OLD PIANOS in EX. CIIANCiK, fc,H on EAST PAY MENTS. tnJ ncni Piauog ON AP- I'KOVAIi to L1 rntnrtin.1 af. mi ..- ronsa for railway fri iL-lta if not Dor- fi!tly BatiBfitctonr, even Uioul-Ii tou Ivers & Pond Piano milLIP THEIHOLF t - . Pi nost, til mu fit, GiM'st- SALOON IN THIS CITY Where niny be found choice wines liquors it nd ciprnr8 ANIlliUSliU IJUSCII UKISR. AND HASS' ALU WIIITIJ LAIJEL, ' alwnyH on Inind. COUSV.K OF MAI.X A.VIi VOUKTIl HT. THE L.UA DINO GROC ER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. t H...I IUIIIU lmU 4UU - ill ELlUill ATTK.NTIO.N' FA KM K KM I wiint your ronllrj-, KH.Hut Icr mid your f.irm prodiui1 of nil kiiuln, I will p:iy you Hit; li indent i"li price in I utn buying Tor a lirii in Lincoln. B. PETERSEN, TIIK LKADLNOCK'OCKK I'Littnuioiitli N'ehrriHkR DKAI.KK IN STAPLE AND FANCY (!i:ocei:ii:s. (JLAvS.S AM) QUEENSWAUE Haw sill m a M i Tiiihi;- i the I'ublo Silicitod. J0H3S0H BQILDISGH Sixth SI EW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL & SON Kefp nil kind nf hullrlert ImrdnfH on hod mill HI aupply frntrm-t r. oa inosl fat nrabla toruia . : TIN ROOFINO j MMUllu( and all klmUol i In wurk prontblly one. Ordri. irmu Urn ciiuuiry Kolltltfil. l Fiakl 't. FLATTHMOUTII. NKH. P.'V'"' I .i '.. "J. ? . PARKER'S r . .V.l HAIR BAL3AM f ... ; ;.'. 1 jritanM 4 UaMifat lk kak. I i a laml mvi. to Boi Uray MIIU 111 vniup, wHUif H tkr-.-g . ... . 1 ..... 4 -1.-. it. lj(Mi.,i'M.'UI. lubMa.Jb.ta. MIMOCMCORNS. -ra. ,.ir.Timt,i'nt twr kiu, i-k at u.iiu, ur liUiuJl a co M. y. "a'i.w'i. .r V -I 'l.lt r I Hlra.f' ( it P-ati t(. CMlCHf UN iHattlUtl CO , r Ml.ita.aA J it ..... . r' ": - . lira flOOO CoMuSuTa Not for riaraotr. , It sives tome women a deep and al- j mot oTipim.iive sense of responsibility j to be iutrn.-lfil with the Reliciion of a : pair of giuvua or a yard of rii.ixui f..r Bipitlmr woman. "It isn't for myself," j iuiid tin anxious looking customer ut the j ribbon counter of a lurga dry gooda i tore one ufternoon when tlie clerks were busiest. "If it wan for myself 1 bo'iM know exactly wh;it I wanted anil wouldn't waste uny time over it. But" "Did you any dark or liht green rib bon?'' nuked the clerk. "She said di:rk, and yet not too dark, no I don't exactly know what to get. If I were (,'oini? to n-:o it inyBolf" "How would this do'r" "Well. 1 hardly know. It aenmit a trifl'i Ih;ht t' me, and yt inaybo !t wouldn't be. 1 don't know jintwh.it to Ij j n cl f.:r, which makes tho mat ter all tho moiv i"i ii'''.iii.M "How vidn Ii l you want it?" ",':he nail f i-oiit Iwoand ii half to three It.-r h-whii'h t.i of ('iiiir--.) rather iiuh.fi niie. U'.i fur it fi i' ti 1 of initio living m Ii , im 1 i-!ie Mi.iiily wrotu for a yani of (lark fT'Tii ribhoti, f,-oin two mid a half to tiino inrlp's wide ut from thirty to fortyccniH ityitnL und I am iuzzlej to know j;;:;t waat to gi-t If it were for myself" "You didn't want satin ribbon?" "She didn't say, and I don't know whether to get taLin or gnr-:,'rain or wa tered ribbon, or ribbon with a idain. corded or ptcot ed'e, or what. Every thing It ro lnd-nnitu atmnt it. If I knew what she wanted it for, or had some lit tle hint to go by, or if it were for myself but ait it I in entirely in the dark. "I think, on the whole, I'd batter write and get more definite information beforo Rel-etin;j anything. Yes. that'll wlmt I'll d. and then I'll not make any iniblake." Youth's Companion. A Til on jlit Mraaiirliia; Marlilne. Dr. J. K. MeKatteri'U has constructed an ini'iiioug apparatus by which lie can d-terinin", with a considerable degree of accuracy, tho time it takes to think, and has experimented with many inter t. ting rults. Ho lias tdiown that to see n piece of white paper and be con scious of the fact takes one-twentieth of a H'lcninl; to pee a picture takes one-tenth of a second; to see a letter of common print, one-eighth of a second; to see a full word, one-seventh of a second; to be able to judge between red and blue, one thirteenth of a second. lie has al-o proved that to see some words and letters requires more time than others, f.y this same tnachiim, with some added piece of mechanism, tiie time of re-mom tiering can also be ac curately measured. According to the learned M. D. and his curious lit tle ma chine, it tak' s much h-s time to remem ber the name of A familiar word than it dues the name of a letter, and we are all supposed to be ery wi ll acquainted with tho mimes of the letters of the al phabet. This se"ms fclraiige, especially when we take into Colmidt-ialiou the fact that we can see the letter in lew time than we can the word. Tli name of the lu st month to coma can be thont'lit of in less time than that of the last. Tills machine also shows that sensations travel by the nerves to the brain at the rate of one mile pet minute, much slower than has been sup posed. St. Louis Republic Mncoln'a Far anil tha Artlata. Lincoln's features were the despair of very artist who nndertook his portrait T-1. . . I . ... . n r.. .. .1 ... . . a ttj t hiaT awv ri.-m . a .iumiD, oiio anix-r another, soon after the first nomination to the presidency, attempt the task. They put Into their pictna-, the large, rugged features, and strong, prominent lines; they made measurements to ob lain exact proportions; they "pftrifted" some single look, but the picture re mained hard and cold. Even before thie paintings were finished it was plain to see that they were unsatisfac tory to the artists themselves, and much more so to the intimate friends of the man this was not lie who smiled, spoke, laughed, charmed. The picture was to the maic as the grain of sand to the mountain, aa the dead to the living. Graphic art. waa jMiworless beforo a face that moved througn a thousand delicate gradations of hue and contour, light and shade, spars le of the eye and curve of the lip, in the long gamut of expression from grave to gay, and back again from the rollicking jollity of langhter to that serious, far away look that 'with prophetic iutoltions beheld the awful panorama of war. J. U. Nit olay In Century. . trurilw tat Lvbatcr. It is singular how the cruel practice of boiling lobsters alive continues. Our for-f;tther and, Indim, our parents let calves bleed slowly to death, on the theory that lu no other way could white meat be seenred, and later on calves were bled one day and killed the next. Now every one knows that a calf can be killed in a buiimiio man nor and the veal made jnst as good. Hogs are largely killed by electricity instead of by the old barbarous method; and, generally speaking, animals killed for food have been put ont of the way in a mnch more humane manner than formerly. Dnt lobsters are still tortured out of exist ence, the only difference being that, while formerly they were exclusively Isiiled to deaih, now some are boiled and some hroiM. Which process causes the on t agony no 0110 oh a say. St. Louis Globe-l eruoerat. . . Alt Afr-rbl Kantlfriea. Oi of the most agreeable of denti frices Is to b found in a few drops of tincture of inyrru in half a glass of water. It not only clean tha mouth, making it freah and sweet, bat it Is an excellent tonic for the gums and arrests decay. It also has the unfit of being very iueipeusive, as ten cents will buy tumult) to l.n.1 a year or more. New York Tribune. A compound couijswh of oxygen and hydrogeu baa beeu discovered which Will dissolve metals, and when uuited wllh merenry aud silver It forms a pow i ful explosive. INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS. . IV,r-r.,-.i4 .1.-.-;.:.. i; Yais mu::i procure their ballots from a member of the election board. They mii.it then, without leaving the polling place, proceed to a compartment an 1 prepare their ballot. Nal.eacrosn mark (X) with ink in the rijjdit margin of the ballot opposite the mime of each person for whom you wixh to vote. Ho not niiikc nny mark 011 the ballot, nave an above directed, or the ballot will not be counted. If youepoil a bnllot return it ton member nf the elect ion board und obtain from him a new ballot. Take thia to compartment nud mark it properly. . Having marked the ..allot, fold it ho im to conceal (lie namea und marks on the face, and to expose the name on the back. Take it fo the ju, of election In fore leaving the enclosure, nnd see it deposited in the box. Immediately leave the -ailed enclosure. If oil wi -h to vote for any per.-iou vho-se nanie does not appear upon the ballot, write or iiuert hi-t full nuii.e in the blank space on Hie ballot under the proper of;icc you v.i.-Ii him to hold, and inaki' a emus mark in the proper mat'Ljiri oppos ite the fame. Do not l i!-.e any ballot from (he polling place; you thenby forfeit the rijjht to vote. l;ollowiiiir are the etale ,iik i'OK- J L lll.h ()!' 'I II iv Mll'Kl-..e, (.'Ol. Ada Jiitteiilienih-r. Lincoln Joseph VV. Ivlr.-t loii, .SixiCj f Tn:ili7i A. M. 1'oHt, C'oluiniiim - - l-MK K ; --.s uf ruiv Si A l ly i ' M V A. l'Alleuiaiiile, Alap.ilioe William (iorsit, Nelili, Iv A. Jlailley, Scotia C Ii a h . II . i-1 a r 1 1 1 e7 1 " ia I Ta ' II. T. Shiimway, Wakelield Caroline M. Woodward Seward 1'llK Jl.ls.h Or all JLKU IAL, blMIKICT Sell. CliitiiiiiiitiJ'liittriiiioiitli KepulVUcTtnT Thouiaa II. Slevenon, Nebrartkii (.Tty ii"de'p"etideiitT H. I). Travie, Weeping Water ' . . I)eiiii!c7iity i-oK Coi .s 1 y C LlikK. Krauk Do Knun, rialtsinouili J. W. MarHbaii, (ireeuwood Jeeee Kockwell, Mauley J. H, Tipton, Cedar Creek r OK ColiN I V I KhA.-ICKJ.K TH. Hrown, riattsiiiouth L. (5. Lickboif, LouiHville Fred Herrmann, I'lattsmeuith Samuel kicharilsim, liiht Mile F OK t Ot'M V SlIhKlrK. Kdiiiuiid Dorr. Stove Creek I'recinct George K'N'm, Murray Win. Tii;he, l'laltenioiitli I'll i lander W ill iauiH, lil 111 wood, roK Uium v Ji;i.K. 11. I). Hiirr, Weeping Water Independ.-nt P. I'. Gawa, I'lattMinouth, Prohibition H. S. kuniMcy, i'iattHiiiouth Democrat Culyht KitHriell, Weeping Water - Kepublicaii FOR Cl.KKK OK Dlnl KICT CoUKT, W. II. Hearing, WabaHlt Ackland .iliebnry, 'latlwinouth . ii. TMckeVMtriMeantin',ldnV;r jrp. '1 int. Pbitlsiiiouth T FoK C Ot'M Y St HI.KIM h.Mh. I' J. Kliiier I-yda, Weeping Water Precinct G. W. Noble, Weeping Water 1. t). Weed, Greenwood Precinct Alice Wilaon, Plattsmoiith FoW Col'. l V CoKONhaf, H. K. Hrendei, Murray P. S. Galley, Greenwood . K. W. Murlena, Weeping Water J. I. 1'iiriih, I'lnttrimoutli FoK C'OHM f SlikV hYOk. A.C. Mayes, Plattamouth Frerl Piitteraon, Rock Illuffa Foh CttU.Ni Y CoMMlhnloNkM Is, wrihitton . H'J1- fi"'t. Wm. Neville, Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure fir the Ailments of Man and Beast. A loiig-teslt j pn:n reliever. Its usc'i almost t;nncril by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, a.ul by i.vcr one requiring an effective liniment No other application tominre with it in efficacy. This well-known ii.iv.ciiy lui Ktood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of MustANO LlNtMUNT. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druisla and dealers have it comity tickct.s: KT. V01 e. Hik t)N E. I'l'i.hiliitioil i iiirlependi-iit I Kepiildiiari 1 v. V'iii h Hiik IV i ). IiKleieini iit I I'rohibition Iiidependeiit J Kepulilicnii K'epublicHii i'rohibilion Vol h i-lIK I Vol Ii rOK t h'c publican Iiiili'pend.'iit I rroliibilioii j Democrat I VOlb HlK (i.K I'lllllillitlOll I K'epiiblican I Democrat 1 iideieiideut Grove" 01 Ii rOK W K liidepeiidiiit K'epuldican Democrat 1'rohibitioii V01 K MlK llM' Democrat Republican Prohibition Independent Vo l b r'OK uMi, kepuJilican I Democrat iddcpendent J Prohibition I Y01 b hik ONri DeineicratJ Independent Prohibition j KepublicHii I 1 OIK HiK THTcT Kepublicnn J I)emocrnt Vol h Fok t.i Kepublican Prohibition HemocratT I Wo id rful. V.. W, Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis., I a prominent dealer in general ; iiicrclniudlnc, and who iuiih rievcral 1 peddliuu' wairoiu. had one of bid hormis iiiuiiy cut and burned whit a lariat, 'the '.,'ui.iid reiiiHcd to heal. The horee I '(..Mine lame and etilf nowwitlistandiii- Cini lii! attention and the npplica ion ol remedies. A friend luun'ed Snwycr Koine of Ilalh-r'i-. Uarb Wire Liiu ii.t nt, jjie most wonderful thin;' ever saw to Ileal Kuril wound;1. ' J le applied- it only three times an I the unre waa completed healed. Kqunlly good for nil eoin, cutn, briu-er., and wounde. For Fit le by alt dniggint - Cum fur PnralvKls. Frank CornclitiK, of Pun ell. IrrrrT' Ter., Hayn: "1 induced "W,. pinion, whoHew iie had paiaiiu the face to buy a bottle of Lhaiiiberlain'a Pain iialin. Tollicir i,rcal Mipri.-c-before tin- bolt!,. In,.; ,.n I,,.,.,, ust.j file wan a crcal ileal li,-ii,r i!..r lace bad I but t.ii- I pain and r assumed also a ,: la.i-.- 1, l.'ll'.CII. .-; . ty (.. j' 'ii "iiv'.vu to one side; I- !. n-lii veil all i i ' ; -'. ai,!1 the month 5 ''--'"'-'I eliai e." It is '; c ; : ))! j'l.i-uiiiiitiHiil '." " ip .'. 1 v. . Ii. j " h and .) ci i,t bon 1, h r i,ie ''i- Co., l'l i!;;;.' isln. Stn n "'Ii rrr' pr- n- If our .in.- 11. ii 1.1 i : 1 1 'ftrong nndh.-.-.Iiity.try i::ectric I'it'.ir.-i. if "La Grippe" lia.-i left 3011 weak and weary, tun: Ij.-ctiie DiCeiH. 'lbia remc'ly, acts; directly on Liver. Sui'iiaeli and i indyis' gently aiding tlio.-i' oro.-uiK to preform lhcir fuiic.. tioiiH. If you are idliicteij with Sick Headache, you will lind r-pecdy and iiermaneiit relief by taking Klecti ic Hotter. (Jne trial will con vince you that this in the remedy Villi fll'fll. l.!!lr-, Itr.lllt.u null fUl, 1-or Hale by F. G. Fricke& Co. Some of the most atartling, iu tersting tliscoveries of the life nod custoiiiH of buried Kgypt are now being made through t xteiiHivecxca vattioiiH. Thene. cliscoveries are exciting a ereat interest. Many diecovericH are, however, being inane 111 our country mature re markable, among w'hich we may mention that of llaller'n Pain Para lyser which elfecta entire relief, and 111 many canes a comnlele cure of that terrible di.eane rlu uinatiHin, and which also relieves; pain of all kinds!. For eale by all druggist t 1 tu n eit n "'irt I iii - Day, "Myat ic Cure" for rheumatism ttrid neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3 ilaj H. Its action upon the system ia remarkable ami mynterioiit. It re movca ut once the cuuHi-nnd the di. Hease immediately fliKSappeara. The lirwt done greatly benefits. 7ac Sobl by F, G. Fricke, Drf.ggift. wt That Hackino-CouD-h can ao onick- ly cured by Shiloh'a cure. We guarantee it, For Sale by Iv. (. Fricke and O H Snyd.-r 1 The Createst Strike Anton l the irre.'it Htriki-u llmf nf Dr. ililesj iii tjiecovcring biH New 1 leart ( !iiri Iiiim rirovin iln.lf lit t... one of the mostt important. The de- liiaiiii tor it lias Oecome aHtoniHli imr. Alrendv the treatment nf ih:m- dieeaae is) being revolutioni.ed, nnd many unexpecu-U cures ellected. It aoon relieves nbort breath, flutter ing, pains in aide, arm, ehoulder, weak nnd hungry apells, oppres sion, Bwelling of ankles, Hinothering and heart drormv. Dr. Milu' Imi.k on Heart and Nervine DiseaHes, tree. I he uueualed New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by F. i. rricae a to, nino lus Kestorative Nervine for headache, (its, ppreea, hot Hashes, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. 4 Reduced Dalaa. The H. & H. will acll tickets on the certificate plan at the rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip, as follows: To Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 'JO-US, on account of the annual meeting of the American Public Health Asso ciation. Mt. Pleasant, la., Oct. '.ar., annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. 22-A annual meeting lirotherhood of St. Andrew. Waverly, Ia., Nov. 10-12, annual convention Iowa Huttcr and Egg Association. TVs Moinoia, Is ,nnnt!Hl convention Iowa State Farmers' Alliance. For many yeara Mr. B. K. Thomp son, of Dea Moines, Iowa, waa ae verely afflicted with chronic diarr hoea. He saya: "At times it waa very severe; ho much so, that I feaerd it would end my life. About seven yeara ago I chanced to pro cure a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dinrrhoen Keniedy. It gave me prompt relief and I believe cured me permanent ly, as I now eut or drink without harm anything I please. I have also used it in my family with the best results. For sale by F. G. F'rickie A Co. - ' Wonderful Success. "Two years ago the Haller Prop. Co.' ordered their bottles by the box now they buy by the carload. Among the popularand aucceseful remedies they prepnre ia Haller' Sarsaparilla A Hurdock which ia the tnoat wonderful blood purifier known. No druggist hesitates to recommend tliifc remedy. For sale by druggist. W III be Given Away Our enterprising druggists, F. G Fricke A Co, who carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumcrle.i, toilet articles, brushes, vponges, etc., Hre f riving nwiiy 11 large number of trial ottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Res torative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache, (laziness, ner vous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill elfects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it Is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is univer sally satisfactory. They also guar antee Dr. Milea' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous cr organic heart disease, pnlpitation, pain in aide, smothering, etc.r Fine bonk on 'Nerw.iiM and Heart Dis-'ii rev. :.1 A V I - m ( , ,' "A