r- 3 7) . ,'. N r V - 8C It VEVOK i " I V 1 1 . KNGINKKK- N . county clerk will be -' ' if it fi is' !' jT li'.Veii, ' ., i ith, ' . Nebraska t . , '., ,'1-KMii.kG. .' ' . , I,M KAI I I lit uf ANII iLi:r.i it.u email hum a m tm U KST URANUS OK CIGARS i. ruix i.imor ."'CO AND SMOKlVs ARTICUS always in stock , MMOUtll, Nebransa ' F : NATIONAL : HANK f PLATTSMOl'TII, NKHRA8KA . aw.!! n.TO 10,110.1 v'nviviv t-i r-.::;:;.-i ir tha promp : iraa-v.iiun uj iiKiuinaic inking Business. ' ", bonds, (told, snvrrnment snd local Ixmiilil iid wild. l"Mlu recent... ''"uteres, allotted im tits fwrtlncAiet ,. Irswn, atatlabls lu any Prl "' t siaim and all ike principal twD o '-WON HAD! AM) ratlMITLT BIMIT l marks! ptlfo pl4 liir Countjr war. rl ril, Blt ll ( UUIlly tMiUiU. Vi DIKKCTOK-H n Ptsmrald D. ilnwkswurlB iWauh. K. R. Whim wir I. Ooyry Ivf-raM. H. Wautli. 'frMidrnl Ca.lre. f HI7.KNS RANK. f ti ITflMOl TK ''kick pnld lu " thorued Capital, tlOO.OOO. 'i orruiaa HKl'TH, JOa. A. tONVOU. n. i A a. r V!M-riMttri J- If. B THII.J0. O-!. f DiaSTroa - ' rt(itt J. A. Cooaot, Y. K. (ut Jonas,., Hn Raok.vki (Cheat J 0. Imiiit, Wm. Wtacmt, W. 1 li. v Asn.SA)- I &CT311 GENERAL BANKING B0S1HES 1 . r i ".Jt'.neAleA ul deposit DrtnuK litlsreai li t mid sells unisons, eowity and euf .. K OK CASS COl'NTY ... - -- j l Cor MMu nd Filth itrrt. 'r,tlll1 ... iflft V 1 J UJ OFFICERS 'Hrtilf frMldio1 .urilur Vlr4 J'riililJnl 'Kttrvn CKAhflr I'lAllnTHtu, Am! tanblM DIRECTORS 'r.u!l, J. M PttriB, Frod OnrdM 'nillh It H. Wlndliuu. B. 8. Itnivr ud WNX1KC BOSINEOS 3AN8ATED Klllla MllW'ltiv! l-ilriMt llnml tlm il wid iinmi'K MlfiilluualTeu lii All bu ninnifd to iti rar. r aborlaln's E79 and CMa 1 Olntznant. 1 fUIn euro lor Chronlo Sora Eye, i Salt CLoam. Scold lkad 014 I la bore, iuvor boms, Ixumi, alrie Scratches, Bore Nipple 'a. ItlcoollD2 and iootblng. cdaof csjjcLt8 bcea cured by all other trcutmout bad fillod. t op la S3 and CO cent boxo. Cmmim-H Fnmisn. I AjaVs Tf Crtif.tMftL HO trNUiNC. I j ! 1 1 4 am i. kv r'.Vn. M t a.r l-tl.. ,si i.L-,'d tiM, i ' '.. t I f 4. It i a-WrrA f.tr rtl'-atart, I r : U t,,tti in.!. ,, aaw, At am i. iMfiV. lBiaaiktjfksiA. mn i M.m . w , v nix. lm. ilaloirue howint? picture of A I'iiuio And tolling about thnm fiKD rilEll Our jiaU nt SOl-T ftve wear, making? tho l'iano lurablo, and htoppiiig tLo an- ' bo cf jiractiiung. e OLD HAN0S in EX aell on KASY PAY ?a.nd non.l I'iaiio ON AT ; to 1 rotunfiid at our cx r railway frfiehtaif not nor- Uiafactorj, even though you is & Pond Piano GOnta QIIILIP THEIHOLF Has 0(nnd tip Tho rinost, Ueanist, Curttt SALOOF IN TIIK CITY Where may be found choice wine liiiiorn nml cik"'" ANIIKUSKK HUSC1I HKKK. AMI UASS' ALU WIIITK I.ABKL, always on hand. UIKNIK OK MAIN ANI FOUKTH BT. THE I.EADINO GROC ER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, mmx nn and in . mrm ATTENTION FAkMDkS I want your I'oullry, Kugn, Hut ter tiiul your farm proiliu o of all kintla, I will pay you tiio hiulirsl frtrili price am I u in biiyini; tor a firn in Lincoln. R PETERSEN, TIIK LKADINfi GROCKR riultamouth NVbruiikH p J. H:A:N:S E N OSAI.KK IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES (JI.ASd AM QUEENSWARE mm EOiuira smi si N EW HARDWARE STORE 8. K. HALL A SON Krep sit klndi n( bnllilera hsrdwsr on liAnd and ltl supply imiuUhH i ou nnn Ut urslils Uir i i TIN ROOFINO Hpoutins aud all kinds ol lln murk promi tl y one. Orders Irmii tlis finiuiry Snjioltfd II rVasI "l I'LATTSMOH TH, NF.H. rt'7T PATaTFb i Vj - v ,V j HAIR BALSAM i j!''i''mm" l"v U' ask. h' ' pi' 1.iui.mhi (ruvtu. L Jw.' wKllntf Falls i bMir Oitr l-Vit t" t V) IM Tnllirl Color. .., -At j C'lUM T. A t I,D Iwm, f ' ? ,ni iv li.,.-.. I InA.gatlMI, J'sMI, i4fc iMlMHCSbrii, INOtkCORNS. n.1. r.K to, l'ni Rib Cxass The sMaif fl, Narr. ayH rtiVt rL . P wfsi ,r, a loxyv'Asrf , i! fMssit. siva1 "tfJ,r tmr I n- It ' i (. M ! r At 1 4. M Ch L ssilL. I L .'i v n ' i li r - " V, ; - live 3000 milot away Vrit us.' WOLVES. 'jlll ruiiy NfUr-fl loMr HodlnA. OiJ-c NelirasikH tiuJ licon to Vinit At t3-r iiciiclitxir'ii mnl ttaru-d for boint wlin it wu Di'urly dark, but as It win iii.ioiiliK'lit uilit bIip lid tint fwl lonely uinii hail jiiht lliuiifjlit, "What a lovely evf ntiifj for a mini" whim ulie heard pat-ti-lring teii Lwikinj; around, she saw to wnly steulthily fullovving. She niV'-il her pony to hiH(,'reate.st eieed, ami triil to think out what she should do for she wu by this tune only half w:iy homo, and wven mill froui the noaresi hiiu.itv tilie kept perfectly till hecansc s ie knew tl a' if HliDHcreained before lie V t attacked. althoiirb it would srure I . aniiniilt away for a time, they worn.! return and would soon get awd to t!ie noiso and not be frightened by it. i;r felt oertaln wi few of thein would not dare attack her, fur wolves am vers cowardly, but shx aluo know that the Would summon ths rest of the pm . aluiont instaiitly The woIvm were now in full pursuit and she, KlaneitiK biu k, saw there v.err threA She was alarmed Indeed now and as they were KaiuiiiK on her every minuto she knew something must be done if she waa to reach home alive She knew the wolves would not long homtate to attack her, for there wa quite large pock of them gathering Ller pony, too, sniffed dauger, and the next iiiHtaut, before she comprehended what be ww g.-'.iig to Jo, hn had turned and sprung right into the midst of the snarl ing pack, pawing and kicking right and leitl He had not forgotten his wild uabita. nor how he had many times saved him self from the ferocious animals And uow his bravery stood his mistress i;i good stead, for as his feet came down on the wolves fiere yelps showed that he was not deal in ir gentle taps, in a few seconds there were four stretched dead on the ground, and the others hail fled. The young rider had thought, as soon fui sue kuew what be was going to do, tiiat she was safe if she could keep on his back, and this required all her strength and skill. When the pack waa gone she looked down at the dead bodies and shuddered as she thought of bar nar row escape. With no injuries and only a few anxious minute she had secured four dead wolves, worth more than fifty dollars. Hlie dismounted and slnng tbein over Pawuoe'a back aud then galloped borne. No need of saying that her father and mother were surprised to see her couie np to the door aud exhibit triumphantly four slain wolveal After this glorioua exploit the pony was more -tted than before. Did he not deserve iU-taU U Putney in St Nicholaa. Kvarr I Ack a toldlar. A good story la told on one of the officers connected with a local militia comiutny. For a number of days before the inspection of the eitisen soldiery the offloer in question would each afternoon retire to the privacy of his own bed chamber, in the seconl Adry of hi resi dence, and after dressing himself ,iu fall regimental would put an Imafinary company of soldier through a lively coarse of drilling. He would clasp bis word at the hilt with on band and at the puiut with the otW, and Un walk backward as if viewing the alignment of bis troops. It so happened that while going through this maneuver one afternoon. h walked backward Into an opsa stair way and tumbled into a heap 'on the floor of the ruoin below, and presented anything but a soldierly and dlgnillod appuarauce as be lay. there rubbing bis bruise, ills good wife waa in the room atteuding to some household duty, and she rushed to the side of the falhhj bero, and in anxious and tender voice asked him if he were hurt. With quick bound her husband re gained hi leet, aud coining to an "at tention," in a voice of thunder roared out: "Hurt? No, woman: what do yon know about war?" and then ran back op stairs and dismissed his soldiers. Anaconda (Mon.) Standard. Hr llrl Maws, Among the uninjured pusseugur In the JUvpuna disaster waa a young man, a New Yorker, who had been ou a visit 1.4-.. . I4.M 441 ... l; i i - . city. She waa a devout Christian, and bad been uiuch concerned over certain worldly tendencies in this her favorite nephew On the day of hi departure she hud especially pleaded with him to renounce the mammon of unrighteous ness, alternating her prayers with tier vuus fear over Ins coming jonrney. When the young man got out of his :ar after the collision, considerably bruised and shaken up, he realized his aunt's anxiety if she should read of the ai-cldeiiL and rubliig to the Idi jrrsph oflh'4 wired her the emotional im-rMagn. 'Thank Uixl, Tin saved. ' The dispatch was received before any tidings cAine of the casualty, and the gentle soul supNMd that her nephew had suddenly came to a realising sense of his spiritual condition, and much re joiced thereat she wrote a long letter of grateful congratulation to him, and told the happy news to her little coterie of Intimato hetore she diAcoreird her seri ous mistake.. -Uur Point of View In New York Times. (laud to Ha Arnusil. Among the convenience, almost ue reHKltiiM, kept In the pantry by every housewife, are piect-a t,f blotting .wiper, bottle of Iodide of potash and a Solu tion of stare li. This is most fortunate, because I teiul in the paper today that alter the pawuige of an electrlo storm a giMsl deal of ozone is left sneaking around behind the klut'u, in the i.vllarwuy, up iu the guiTet and so on With tint articles mentioned lying bandy on the (wintry shelf, all one has to do to detect this om uis is to make a compound of the Iodide of potash and the starch solution, And then dip the blotting paper in the couisiiiiiiL If it luriih blue it is ozone. If itdiMMUil it's just as mull. Detroit Free I'voaa. AOVKNTUtI' WITH Hf .-'.am, r.0MRADC3.' lUrlOitir :'.,.! iili,llll.'d by An tl fllrnt'K :ii-ty Ollltia Aw u John K iII'-WbiIb, tlm well-loio-i-baritone, w,is at the Columbia with len and II irt's ' New Later ')n." Mf McWade, It will be remembered, is the singer who popularized "Cmir.ti'ie.i." lull he i a nice fellow In Hiiteof that. He and his little family have a delightful home nt Mount Vernon, near New York city During the milliliter Mr. McWade saiipf in li;;ht opi-ra in Milwaukee, aud in every production, whether the scene vns laid Iu Venice or Japan, the audience howled fur 'Comrades" until John Stepni to t footlights, winked at the leader of the orchestra and proceeded t remit r that venerable buiiad us ht only can render it When hero lie and his wife Htopfied at the V indMir hotel. Earlv one morning Vinei tierk Jasper received a message saying that I'.aritone McWade was want- ed at the public telephone station, where a party In Milwaukee desired to hold converse with hun. Mr. Jasper carried the message to the McWade parlors in person , The baritone was Indulging In hi' morning nap or beanty Bleep, when hi learned whal was wanted. lie hiu.iilv arose, donned his clothes and rniiii c oer to the telephone station, ivbcre ht entered the long distance telephone bo' and took np the receiver. "Hello!" he shouted, "is that Mi! wankee'i"" "Yes, came tho answer, faint be.i clear. "Is Unit John McWado'r" "It Is." replied the singer. "Who I thatr "I'm Billy Crosby, from Chicago." "llello, Hilly! what are you doing iv therer "Had to run up hero nn business Ihm mghL Say. John, I want you to do u a favor, if yon wilL" "With pleasure. What U Ifr "Just sing me the first verse and chorus of 'Comrades,' will youT "Well. I ll be ."said Mc Wade half to himself aud the other half to Crosby in Milwaukee. "Oo ahead, John. I've paid the tolls fd give five dollars to hear 'Oomradi-s now. If you'll sing I'll open a small bottle when 1 meet you tomorrow." "All right; here goes," replied Mo Wade with a laugh, and he started in on "Comrades," singing It as be never sang it before. One of the messenger boys tiptoed over and quietly opened the door of the long distance box. Then the whole force of the office knocked off work aud drank in the uperb melody as it rolled from the bari tone lULkOt to Milwaukee bv wire. As be wound np the otig with a high note be beard Crosby say, "Vait a minute. John.' Then be plainly beard the Mil waukee receitt drop and Crosby clap bis banda vigorously in front of the transmitter, it waa genuine applause froui ninety ml lee away, and it sounded as sweetly to the cinger as though it bad been the roar of vast audience. "Thanks, John. That was great The bottle foe. Tell Clayton to pat It on ice now," came th faint volo. "Oood- by." ..... "Ooodby," said John, and he chuckled all the way back to his hotel. Chicago Port. A ttiropAA Ida. ' A matrimonial clubhouse la among recent Innovations in a European city. It I a. large, roomy building, divided into several apart man U, In one o which portraits of each woman subscriber are exhibited, toljji full uasvripiiuua of her age, talent, fortune, color of tairleyes, etc., size of bands and foet, and . meas urements of the bust, and goneral con. tour.' There is also a brief account of ber life, whether widow or spinster, and of her particular penchant in alliance with bachelor or widower, merchant, lawyer or jurist, etc., all nicely tabu lated and set forth. In another room are the portraits of men candidates for connubial bliss, but the description are less elalstrate, and confine themselves to an euumeratiou of the social status of the candidate and his financial condi tion. A general reading room provide a mpiliuin for mutual meeting, and ia pre sided over by an ancient daino who knita iutertnlnatile stockings. . There are ata private rooms for more confidential tete-a-tete. Oil of the curious rules ot the piace is that ouiy iadie may enter the room where the men's portrait are, and men only are admitted to the women's gallery. They must meet in the com mon room. The establishment 1 con ducted on moral principles, and the num ber of mutches ou It book approximate 1.000. New York Hun A C'ollftetlu of C'rosrns. A whole collection of crown la kunt at the royal palace (the Kremlin) at Mos cow, Russia These relics of denarted greatness they nearly all come from countries which have Iw-en subjugated by the Russians ure kept lu what is known as tho "Throne lloom" of tho Kremlin. Here are shown the crowns of Poland. Kazan, (Jeorgia, Astrakhan and Persia, besides the thruues and other royal in signia too numerous to mention, ite siile the crown of couquered nations, those of almost all the czar may lie seen in that Vunt treasure bouse. The unset curious one of the lot t the double crown made for Peter the Great and his half witted brother; the nioet costly that of the Empnvta Catherine, which contains 8,536 diamonds of th first water. St. Louis Republic. Ttilil Ilia Truth. Young Lady I paid you a high price .'or theso kid gloves, and a friend of r line, who is an expert, say they are not kid at at all. II say they are made of cnti-kln. Dealer Shust vat I said, mine tear young lady I tolu you cay was kit gloves. Uood New A A Ulirlr main.!. Doctor I believe you have some sort of poison in your system. Patient .Shouldn't wonder. What was that last stuff you gave me? New York Weekly. Rolililu l-AiutiliMt ' Cl'mb. , The tiilects ipon uuluiaU of a change "'V the conditions of their life is a favorit '"llic among Eoologista, who find that Iv cvnj-y species of annmiis exiHieu "ne other than it present form af-ijl was a eoiutaul suflurcr from dy, :.ne r. U of th world J'fjtuno PCU .i..le. Lfi ium.n., waa once a land am- vu Ci4,ei ouly BK)!rayaied Uie UK mil K'on-ed to xnk, water for a livin: lie ix-oame in Hiiim muw. more like a tinh ttivhaiiu tiiiin like it himi nnliiii.il . Accordinv to a Tusiiianf..,,. tinner a uimlihcutiuD of the form t,h familiar Kmopeau animal is goinl on in the Australian world under the t.ye of tli -people there Tlie Australian rabbit. lmpor fr, England, is acquiring nails ouis f,Ni and learning to climb Asia wtl known the rabbits .tl Australia have iuVruasen to such eiiuruious uumbers thau tliev have become a great pest, swanin,,,',, over the land and devouring the farno era crops In order to protect their Helils the furmers put up wire netting in place i,'i feuces The rabbits could not get Alirough these, hut they presently bewail to burrow heueatb them. Then the larmeYs iauk the nettiugs u or eight inches iirto thesoiL This stopped the rati in ut iroiu getting in by digging but they presently la'gan to attempt to climb over the oetting As the result of this climbing, it if said, the rabbits are developing a nail in their toes Tne nail development has been noticed iu Queensland, and still later in Tasmania. Accordmii to the theory of natural selection, it is liJely presently to happen that in certain districts only those rati bits will survive which can climb at least a little, and iu this way a race ol climbing rabbit may be developed. Chicago Mail. Th ftusalttD Matluttal Hymn. The great part which the Russian na tional hymn has played in western til rope since the French fraternization with Russia baa started much inquiry about its oiigui According to tne Frank' furter tteitung, the hymn is not yet sixty years old. and was first used for its pres ent purpose uuder Czar N icholaa. When be made bis tour in Prussia and Austria. in the year 1H33, be was accompanied by Adjutant Oeneral Alexei Feodorowitscb Luoff. a passionate violinist and com poser of oiu skill The czar was im pressed by the fact that every regimental band in Berlin and Vienna greeted him by playing (he national hymn of their own country. and this was apologized for by the known absence of any recognized national by ma In th great empire which be rulea Nichols waa much . impressed by the deficiency, and during . bl return Jour ney toward Ht. .Petersburg had much talk with Laoff npon th subject, and at last ordered him to compose a bymn for the Russian military band. Luoff here upon set biuai to Schulowsky'a Uod Be the Czar's Protector." TheSchnlow sky-Luoff hyniB was first played pub licly before th cur, on A o v. 23, 1833, and so pleased the. sovereign- that iby a ukase of Dec 4 of the aaue year be or dered, it to be adopted a Uie national bymn. of Kuasiav.j Luoff waa uot only re wsrdud by. the gift of a gold naS box st with diamonds, but pemUsuon wa given to him and hi heir to adopt the first line of the bymn as the family motto .; i i Tb Trua Way al looking at Fallaras, "I have made a practice all my life," said a very suoccs&ful man, "of looking opoa failures as step s tones, rung on the ladder of life, anything but dis couragement. When 1 wa young and struggling and I met with some unex pected check or disappointment 1 would say stoically to myself. 'Another diffi culty ia behind me,' and would really feel that the future beld Just one obsta cle the less in my road to success." What a brave spirit ia shown in such a view of life the splendid Anglo-Saxon quality of "not knowing wbett one i beaten," which make heroes out of common clay and enable a man to conquer fate. "Such a delightful view to take of my spoiled can vastier sighed a young artist who was an interested listener to bis comforting theories; -It is the only tru way to look at thing, believe me, my dear young lady," be answered. "We are all so miserably Suite that it become, after all, nmply a question of drTCS, Atld If "mm Si ugft'ct uTt7tjr aud patiently toward any goal that w place before, so we are bound to advance." New York Tribune. Mr. VandarhlU th Rlehaat Mao. One of the best of all authorities on wealth, a gentleman who has undoubt edly rubbed shoulders familiarly with a greater number of millionaire than any other person bving or dead, remarked to me that be was sure that Cornelias Van derbilt bad a larger fortune than any other tenant of tills planet He was entirely familiar with the riches of the Rothschilds, and kuow tome of thein personally. None of them could match Mr. Vunderbilt in plethora of millions. The scores of million of Jay Gould and John D. Rockefeller did not equal Cornelius Vanderbllt' possessions. This gentleman, however, did uot credit the estimate of John 1). Rockefeller's wealth at fl.OOO.OuO. He thought it would hardly exceed ball that amount. Ulakely Hall In New York Truth. Illlud Naw fork Haggara, A rather clever trick which 1 (uccesa fully done by a number of beggar in this city Is to turn their eyeballs up until they ap.tear to be blind. With their eyes in this condition tbey grind a small wheezy band organ, or stand on some prominent corner and bold a tiu cup in their bauds, thus mutely appealing for charity. A few of thein attempt to sing, but they soon realize that it i too nisch to ask of mankind to listen to their sing ing and then give tlicm money. To do thJ ucoewirulj? for vy btiiyth of time la very tt-.teliriDg on the eyes, and may result In genuine blindness. Lint some of them have practiced It until it Is im possible to discover by looking ut them that they are not really blind, New ork Cor. Chicago Uotald. FOR ,DY$PEPSIk Aycr'sSarsapanJ.u Is su effooWye remetly, a niimerou tmtlino Plals concliu'iyely wove, 'kvr two years ayl"'ii-ia usjiljr every cate. ouiy aKKravnteu u:o uim-j An aputliecary advised nie to use Ayy Barsaparilla. I did so, and as cum) , Ht a ceil of b. Kiui-e tii.it time U h.ut Ituen mjr family medicine, and sleknt'ss hat heeoiiib sUanner to oar houscholil. t believe It to lie tlie tx'st tueiiicijm on earUi." F. K. Mi Nulty, Ilackuiau, W BuuimcrsU, Lowell, i'.aas. FOR DCEILITY. Aycr'o C a rc a p a r i i i : Is a certain cure, when the complaint cri;l- nales In ImiHiyertshed hluixl. "I ;i a ; great siitlemr from a low condition of tho liloml and irener;!! ileMlHy. Ijec.olnllig filially, sn reduced Uiat I ha until fr work. ISotU- lint Uiat I did lur itia complaint bellied at a, Jt.j,.,, dyer's hanapsrilla, a few botUeS of win,.!, restt'tKd mo to I1. UU1 and strength. I takeVvery opportunity to reconuneitd tills meiiidiu. Dinniar riues." li bvlck, 14 E. Maiu al.,.ci,micoUiB, OI1.0' " i'B-S,PAA4Sl It dlinrdrr nrliritiatintr In rmsMrtty ol ' .' the hlil. a, .UP), M )lls carbuncles, pimples, blotches, SAlt-,Aumi jcalcl-liead, scrofuloiw sitres, and Uie like, ske only ' Ayer'sSarsaparJlla , rasrASSD st DB. J, 0. AYES tfc CO., LowU. Mass. Tries 1 ; six Ul'.lw, V,'uclk a aouw. It Should be In Every House J. H. WilHon, 871 C'lny St., Siuirp.t but jr. I'n.. nav'K he will nut lie with out Dr. Kiiiej'H New Discovery for Coimuniitii)ii, C'oimlus .1 ml Colda, tlint it fured hie wiie who wim tlireutcncd with Pneumonia after an attack of 'La Orippe," when various' other rcniedicH mid Ht'vcral tihyHiciiiiirt had done her no good. Robert Itiirbcr, of ('ocksport, Pa., i-lainiu Dr. Kinjf'n New DiHcovery Iihm thine him more ood than any thing he ever lined for Lunjf Trouble. Nothinjf like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at V. O. Kricke A Co'h tlruftore. Lartje bottle, 30c. and $1.(10. Some of the most ".tartling, in terHtiiiK discoveries of the life aud cuHtonia of buried Ejfypt are now beintf made through extensiveexca vattiona. Theae discoveries - are exciting a great interedt Many discoveries are,! however, being made in our country .that are re markable, anion? which we may mention that of JJaller a pain Para lyser wliicll r lire le rolitc it-lief, and in many ciihi-h a complete cure of that terrible diHeaae rheuniatiHm, and which also relieves pain of all kindH. For wile by all drug-ints. :. 1. .j . j. . 1 RrtfunAtia-n C iPs t in si Day. -i "Mystic Cure" for rheutnatiam and neurulg-ia radically cured in 1 to 3 days. , lte. action upon the avetem ia remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause aud the di aeaae immediately diaeappeara. The firnt doae eTeatly benefits, 75c Sold by F, G. Fricke; prnjfKiRt. wt tortilng fmet. ' ' The American people are rapidly becoming a faae of nervoun wrecks) and tlm, following- auggeats, the beat remedy: alpbouuo Jiumpfling, of iiutler, Penn, aweara Uiat when hi eon was spechlees from at Vitua Dance Dr Miles gr-eat Restorative Nerving- cured him. ''Mrs. J. L. Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr, of Lofiransport, Ind each gained "Si ftouiuia if an tuking it Mrs. H. A. uardnerrof Vaatulr Ind, wa cured of 40 to 30 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures freent F. G. Fricke, & Co., who reeomends this uneq nailed remedy. 4 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tii a Bust Halve in the world for Out Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum. Fever Korea, Tetter, Chapiied Hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all Hkin Eruptions, and posi tively cure Pilea, or bo py required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money ref unilcil. Price 20 rents par box. Kor sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co. For many years Mr. H. F. Thonip , son, of Dea Moines, Iowa, was se verely afflicted with chronic, diarr hoea, lie says: "At times it was very severe; so much so, that I feuerd it would end my life. About seven yenrw ao 1 chanced to pro cure n bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kennedy. It gave nie prompt relief and I believe cured uie permanent ly, ns I now eat or drink without harm anything I please. I have iiIho lined it in my family with the bent results. For. sale by F. G. Frickie A Co. Wonderful Success. Two years ago Uie Mailer Prop. Co.' ordered their bottles by the box; - now they buy by the carload. Among the popular and succeseful remedies lliey prepare is Holler's Sarsuparilla A Hurdock which in the most wonderful blood purifier known. No druggist hesitates to recommend this remedy. For sale by druggist. ' Sudden Death. Heart dinense is by far the most frequent oiiihi of sudden death, which in three out of four canca isi iitiHUHpecti'd. The symptoms are not generally understood. Them' are: a habit of lying on the right aide, short breath, pain or ditrcssin (he side, buck or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak und hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or tlropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on Heart Disease, free at F. G. FrBie A Co's, who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' tinequulcd New Heart Cure, and his restoru tive Nervine, which cures nervous- ' ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop sy, etc. II contains no opiates. Go 1n llrown A Hairclt's nnd a inilmv lut-s and nttip up ' little iu your limine. ref f ,c V fi ' 4- 1