The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 15, 1891, Image 3

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    " Butplua
clerk will be
id to.
( wt'RT HOUSE, -
always in stock
.i i .... ..i, i
..$!.! 10,00
.. 10.oo0.09
Oilers the verv best facilities for the promp
tr;niHHCtini of laminate
Banking Business
8tocki, bonds, KflU. government and local e
juritie bought and solil. Heposhs recHiv-.i
and interest allowed on the certilicau-
Drafts drawn, available lit any lart of the
United Slate and all the principal twwn ot
TKD. Highest marker price p:dl for County Wai
rants, ttat ana County bonds.
John Kit.,'.;ral.1 I) IlawkHWortb
' Sam Wauuh. K. K. Whl.e
tieoru-e K. Hovey
Jobn Fit afraid. w'!'-'h.-t.
I'reMileiit Carter.
t m: en i.kns hank.
OayitiU !; -i"k paid in '
A u i 1 j o r i z c d C p i t n 1 , 3 1 C 0 , C C C .
:: : : ". ; - . JO'".. . ' ' 'r '"o.
.1 v."
: i." .
. ... ! '
.;. t-.'ilf. K.
-.u-s ceil i' '
l .1 il lei .S- i ' - 1
i .'t.aty 'and
r,.r .v.dn and Fifth v.reei.
J ,l t .... ,.'T .1 vi o"
V. H. I'.inii-'M
Kri-i ."ill-." r
Ir,,s; :.j.j
ViC- ! i -a.-a
.1 M. IV. .T--ir,
T. M. I'.iltiMs hi. As-si t .i-iiier
dipj:c r o
O. M. (:.-..!. M !:::.'..... r--l 5or1ir
A. It. S i:. !;. Wi-.'.li.u.i. 1'.. S. Kam-ey and
T.' 51. 1'atiti - tii
Aco.iants soli, .;. l:: -r.-s! al'owvd r, time
Ifpos!;- :in,i in::ii !;.!?! ioinfiv-n ail bus
lues entrusted to its
When von j; to a shoe store y our
object isnot only to buy shoes but
to procure for what you spend the
best that vour money will buy.
Less than this will not content you;
more than this you cannot, in rea
son, ask. Our methods are as
simple a vour desires. We do not
lift your expectations to the clouds,
but'we realize them whatever they
are. We will never sacrifice your
interests to ours and nowhere else
can von ijet a fuller and fairer
equivalent for your money. An
especially profitable purchase for
you is our etc. .
."VM Maiu Street.
-tit 7
Haai Opened up Tlie
Fineat. Cleanest, OosieBt-
Where may be found choice wines
liquors and ciartt.
always on hand.
I want 3-our I'onltrj-, Kis, Hut
ter and your farm produce of all
kinds, I will pay you the lu'hest
cash price as I am buying for a
urn in Lincoln.
I'lattsmouth - - Nebraska
p J. H:A:N:S:K:N
I !!.(
i tin; i'uble Solicited
JOB5S03 IWMWH Hllli Si
S. 1C. J I ALL & SON
Ki'i ii Minis Iuiil."ii'rs li;ii;vv;ir on li.iaJ
aiid f nply i'ontia,t r ou most fav
orable ter ns
and all kinds I tin work irniu"tly
one. Order!1 irtun t lie cimniry Soiiciled
610 Veasl St. rLATTSMOUril. NEB.
7? h
umoer tar
11. A.
Sliinles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw demand ot thji city
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rur of opera house.
Chamberlain's Eya and Skin
A certain care for Chronic Sore Eyes;
Tetter, Salt Eheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Sore3, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Files. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
,it after all other treatment had failed,
It la pat up in 25 and CO cent Loses.
8 HI IdMl'a Photograph.
Apropos of boarded doors and win
dows, there is a romance attached to
one in Philadelphia. It neeins that after
reaching liar Harbor, Madame remem
bered something which had been left be
hind iu that darkened house. She wanted
it, liut her husband was traveling, no Bhe
could not ank him t ffo to the house for
it. She had a nephew from the Kouth
visiting her lie off-red to no to her and et it for her.
IliHunnt lived iu one of the rows in
which every house in like its neighbor
lie iiad always mobilized her'a by its
double row of black tiling across the
house, and took but little notice of the
Ala.-it wbeii tin readied Philadelphia
ho had forgotten the number, anil tin-re
were two houses with painted bricks and
next but one to each other. Which was
the ou for which he had the keyb? He
finally decided on one his keys 6tted.
so he felt safe, tie entered and went
immediately to the second floor. He
now discovered that he was not in the
right house it being furnished in a style
entirely different from that which
stain ied hia aunt's apartments.
Aa he looked around hia eyes rested
upon a portrait of a girL He gazed fas
cinated: it was the face of his ideal
realized. He took it up, studied it, held
it off at arm's length, drew it near and
at last took his unknown from the dainty
frame and swore he would fiud the orig
inal. Luckily, he got out of the house and
no one saw him. lie returned to Bar
Harbor; he could get no information
there; his aunt's neighbors were travel
ing in Europe but they had no daughter.
He sought for her at all the summer re
sorts; at last he found her, and well,
the engagement is announced. Phila
delphia Music and Drama.
A Villu:il!o iOH)'ision.
We can have ... more valuable posses
sion than a good heredity an inherit
ance of longevity, and if this has not de
scended to us. it is generally because
ancestors, more or less remote have
iiquandered it.
Such an inheritance gives constitu
tional vigor, keeps its possessor safe amid
almost every form of microbic disease,
secures the needed recuperative energy
in case of attack, makes life worth liv
ing up to the uonnal end, renders old
age green and sunny and keeps up intel
lectual activity to the last. Mr. Glad
stone, in his ninth decade, is more than
a match for most men of lifty at their
best. No one would guess from the
late.-t products of Doctor Holmes' pen. or
from his genial spirit, that he had been
for two years an ociogen.".ri".n.
Alter U, care is luves.- ry to the pro
longation of life; not anxious care, but
caro to avoid hariulul transgression.
Mr. Gladstone rill keeps up vigorous
e..-rci. s;:;d Dr. Uo!m,-.s uses his great
J.u.Avlede of ,? l,(ws oi" hcilth and life
t l:;vj hmi. sell not m reiy alive, but in
g )' 1 working condition. Vouth's Com
panion. Men's l;t!ri.
Ill thi fine tailoring tr.ide there is not
nearly the demand for enormous lines of
fabrics that there once w.-is. Given a
few good things in a moderate range of
l-cally lino colorings and live times the
number of people sa in to be satisfied
with them as was tin e;;,o. a few ye.'irs
ago. A leading Hanover Mivet tailor
said to me the otiier day. "It ns.-d to
seem as if every customer we served ex
pected we would have a special piece of
ciolh woven for his p. it . lone i::d th?
pattern destroyed at ierv.v.rd." This ma
nia for exclu.-i veness is now far more
cliarjicteristic of cheap trads tinai it is
of the best.
True swells fi in for M'.-.!:ly ;:r.d fine-?
ncss which tiie cnieap trade can lot touch,
and there is now nothing abov t the pat
terns in vogue which the ci'.e,':) tr.ele
can easily imitate, it is tY- same i i
neckwear fabrics. London Uor. Clothier
and Furnisher.
A Cat Ilais- SiiiiTeIs.
Our fellow townsman, .lames II. Gal
loway, tells of a very peculiar way of
raising pijuirrtls. About three weeks
e.go Mr. Galloway's son, while out hunt
ing, found a nest of young squirrels,
which were only a day or two old. They
were brought to town, but as they were
too young to be raised by hand it was
necessary to find them a mother. Mr.
Galloway had an old house cat, which
had j-ouug kittens, and as aa experi
ment all the kittens were killed except
one, and the squirrels were pnt in their
places, and strange as it may seem
the oltlinother cat did not seem Jo no
tioe the difference, but seemed to be
very fond of her adopted family, and is
raising them with the most motherly
care. Osceola (Mo.) Sun.
Horn and Married in I'rNon.
The body of ltobert Western, who
was drowned at St. Louis, was buried
in Evergreen cemetery. In one respect
Robert Western was remarkable. He
was born in jail, was married in prison
and sjient eleven years in the peniten
tiary, yet he and his parents were emi
nently respectable people. Robert's fa
ther was keeper of the counry jail here
at his birth. For eleven years he drove
the prisou carriage, and. was tendered a
reception at his marriage, which tool:
place at tbe ieniteutiary- Chester (Ills.)
Cor. St. Louis Globe-Democrat
A Cirtrat Comfort.
Friend 1 see jour little boys have
their hair clipped close to their heads.
Mr. Baldhead Yes: I find the fashion
a great comfor.
"They are certainly cooler."
"1 was not referring to them, but to
myself. When the boys are aronnd the
Cies sort o' divide themselves np and
give me some peace." Good News.
A His Output of Float-.
The mills rolled np a big output for
the week ending Sept. 12, making 29,693
barrels daily. The aggregate amount of
flour made was 173.100 barrels, against
130,565 barrels the preceding week, 172.
000 barrels for the o rescinding time
in 1S90. and Itl.SUO Utrieis in 1SS9.
t - 1 fch tiny In &UtZTS?mm----i t--
jtestJay- wan Peach Day at . ;
Ijhnction It wan Inn first fasti vi ( f)
or ine Kinu ever oitserveii in tinn (jr
or perhaps in any ottter Colnraty 1
deed, seeniH to i;ave et the example of
setting a pari day for the viuuieniora
tion of p-ial resources and special
priMlucts First lincky Ford n.ul its
Watermelon day. then Monument on
the divide established Its Potato Bake
Day. and now tirand .1 unction lias fol
lowed with us Peach Day
The governor and his staff graced he
occasion Kepresentatives of every city,
town and section of the st.ite were pres
ent. The arrangements for the enter
tainment of the great throng were ample
ami rerlect and worked admirably
The teeu!iar!y significant thing about
the celebration wax the illustration fur
iushed of the marvelous growth of the
new west, a growth that would be jiossi
ble only in a region of wonderful fertili
ty of soil. Five tyns of leaches were put
up iu tempting pyramids and terraces,
to be gratuitously distributed to the at
tending crowd Yet only six short years
ago the country about the spot where
the city of Grand Junction is now situ
ated was reported in disgust by one of
the leading newspaper men of eastern
Colorado js dreary, dismal waste of
aand and cactus and sage brush.
Since then irrigating ditches have
ben built. The gladdening water has
been made flow over the sand, and it has
developed a wondrous fertility. On no
ordinary soil could richly learing fruit
orchards be developed witiiin six years
or less. Rockv Mountain News.
I.o king for Morse'a Fimt Mensage.
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany is trying to get hold of .the first
message that was successfully sent over
the wires, in order that it may be placed
in tue exhibit that the company will
make at the World's fair in Chicago.
Major Stephen Johnston, of Piqna, O..
to whom Professor Morse handed the
slip, with the message in cipher, in 18-14,
has mislaid it somewhere among his pa
pers, but it is thought that it will be
J W Kirk, the veteran telegrapher,
tells an interesting story of the way the
slip happened to come into the posses
sion of Major Johnston. In 1844 Pro
fessor Morse was experimenting with
his telegraph line from Washington to
Annapolis, and Mr. Kirk took Major
Johnston to his room in the Capitol.
Professor Morse said that he had sent a
man to Annapolis to see if he could send
a message over the wire, and while
Major Johnston was there a message be
gan to come in.
Professor Morse cut off the slip of
paper and handed it to Major Johnston,
who carefully put it away in his poc)
The next day Professor Morse astuui. . tl
Washington by announcing an hour be
fore the news arrived by train the can
didates nonnn.1 ted at the Whig conven
tion in Laltiiiii'ie. New York Times.
I nncn I;:l ion lor Ii I in' ria.
Among the linropau medical cases
recently report t d are three of severe
diphtheria, winch innckly
alter they were attacked v.
las This led tho physician to experi
ment with th" treatment of diphtheri.i
by inoculations with the. cultures of ery-
mierobes, fourteen patients being'
treated t.iy tin
Hons were lea;
ti i'js in th- n
under t iie jaw.
sipelas siio ,ve 1
method. The inocula
by means of scarilica
at the side, dirci- !y
The symptoms of ery-
e 1 themselves in from foil-
twelve hoars, a::d as this iu.-e;;se
grossed the diphtheric membrane
trraduaiiv iJi-;i;v:reii irom tnro.'il,
tin daixlul.'r enlargements went down
r:d oilier associate symptoms disap
peared In only was this treat
ment mehVetnaJ, i.ud in these death oc
curred before the erysipelas developed.
Noi.duii'.otial I reatineiit was resorted to.
-New York Tribune,
Tm ISojh I'isli for an IZicc-tric Oiirn-iit.
Walter Fitze and Vetener Bailey,
boys ot Houston, procured a piece of
fine wire which t h'.y threw over tiie wire
supporting t he trolley w ire on Fanning
street for the purpose of getting a shock.
The wire came in contact with the trolley
wire, and no sooner had the boys each
s'-i.d an end of their wire, when the
d -adly current began to burn them, caus
ing them to fall to the ground, the
Kmoke issuing from their clothing and
causing tiie victims to emit piteous
screams for help. Young Bailey was
badly burned, and young Fitze had hia
right hand eo fearfully burned that he
will probably lose alJ the fingers and
part of the palm of the hand mentioned.
San Antonio Express.
Explorers Helpers Scarce.
It is not generally known that most
African explorers entering the continent
from Zanzibar have been compelled to
fit out chiefly with slaves hired from
their Zanzibar masters. A few weeks
ago the British Antislavery .society
issued a protest agaidst this practice and
called attention to the fact that the ex
pedition which H. H. Johnston had just
led into the country was made np of
slaves. The sultan of Zanzibar has now
issued a decree forbidding the enlisting
of slaves on these expeditious. There is.
accordingly, a great scarcity of labor,
and explorers - and the German East
Africa company cannot get all the men
they ueed. London Letter.
Hard Times for fiorgi Alligators.
Lake Iamouia is fast drying np. Thir
ty years ago the lake dried up and one
could walk over auy portion. Hundreds
came with wagons and hauled thousands
of pounds of fish away. Alligators were
as plentiful as logs. No cause for the
strange disappearance of the water cm
be assigned. Dozens of alligators are
crowded together, and parties are al
ready seining the holes for fish. Cor,
Atlanta Constitution.
Business in the Loudon fashionable
marriage market seems to be unusually
active. One leading confectioner re
ceived in one day no fewer than thirty
eight orders for brides' cakes, to be de
livered during the month.
"-"e" -J."" WW-'' ' i wii "i i iii i i i i ii i t. . ii 1 1 ! j . T I "J " ii ifl ntWiaur TWilpii.'--V7"'.'""' 1.
' ,. ' -
flu dogs wer k
Bergen, a farmer.. L.
training. They werj) quic
being of nnnsnal iucTlligence, and
developed a sag:;city that is probably
not equaled ty any other pack in th
A test of their scenting owers wa
given a few days ago in the presence ol
the board of county commissioners. The
dogs were fastened in their kennels and
a man was started off from Mr. Bergen'
house. He skirted the fence, and reach
ing the railroad track climlied upon 11
freight car. walked along the roof ol
that and other cars attached, coming to
the ground again at a distance of 2bC
He then took two long planks and
walked along them, carrying each oi
them alternately and walking on tin?
other, so that for a distance of 300 yards
his feet nor bauds never touched the
ground. He then continued his course,
carefully covering up his tracks in the
dusty roadway by means of a stick foi
a distance of half a mile. He continued
his course for two more miles, nsing
various devices to destroy the trail, an 1
finally took refuge in a tree.
About three hours after the man had
reached the tree the dogs were brought
out. As soon aa they had caught the
scent they started off on a run, finding
their first difficulty at the railroad cars
They began to circle around in widening
circles until the scent was picked up
again at the point where the man had
left the cars. The animals had but little
difliculty iu following the trail from
there to the tree, where they came to a
standstill, bellowing savagely when they
discovered the object of their search.
San Antonio Cor. Philadelphia Times.
A Counting; Chimpanzee.
The zoological gardens have sustained
a serious bereavement in the death
of Sally, the black faced chimpanzee
from the west coast of Gaboon, who foi
eight years has entertained many thou
sands of folk of all ages and of both sexes
at the popular gardens in Regent's park.
The intelligent JSally has been the sub
ject of comment among men of science,
of sages and philosophers, and possibly
theologians. Perhaps the most remark
able of her feats was that of counting.
Sally, iu the presence of a crowded
room, when called upon, say for bits of
straw in her cage, would give you the
exact number you named up to ten, and
the keeper has found her, when alone,
count in this way up to twenty If one
of the public asked for five, six or nine
straws, or whatever quantity up to ten
she would pick each deliberately up.
without any mistake, put one by one in
her mouth until all were got together,
and then give tnciu into your hand.
If asked for a "bu:tonhoie,"slie would
take a straw, break o!F part ol the stalk
and put the ear into the buttonhole of
tiie keeper's co.t. tliie knew right 1 rom
i -it. would use a spoon and stp with it
until the cup wa empty She was I
yea is old wiien lir.-t brought to this
country, and was tiief' !or- 1 years of
ig wir.-.i s!ie thej. London Tit-Bits.
On 3!-eit'rt Loss A not tier's C:ii.i.
Wi: ! v r there m a lire v.'t can b?
stiro that v.-i::l it i iay hn"" !.j.-s to some
o;:e it brings gal.i to ot hers." said .1
Harry tS.ilteiiie, ot a mg importing
ii(iti". be .-tood in ins of.ii e under the
big lo"k!vn s.ridg'1
"Tl!-iv was that warehouse tire down
near Wall .-i reet, where so mucii chemi
cals were iiurn-'d. Nearly. If not quite
all. cf the shellac in lulii now in this
count ly. except lifty bales we had here,
was d si T03 ed. That meant, we con
trolled the market the second day alter
the fiie.- The price jumped over WAt per
cent, and is stiil climbing It was about
twenty-two cenls a pon.nd the day he
fore the tire We have iii'iy bales, with
about v." pounds to the oa!e. Shellac
comes from Calcutta, lnd;;-, and before
rtiiy moru can come we shall probably be
sold out. So you sew Unit fi. e meant gam
to us if loss to some otiic-r .eaicr.'" New
York World.
AVbat tiie Dude e;,rs.
Perhaps yon haven't heard flint the
entirely correct and unexceptionable
dude at present has the flower for hi3
buttonhole cut with a long stem, which
must be permitted to stick out care
lessly from under the lapel of the coat.
It seems a trifle, but of course it is just
such matters of no apparent moment
that distinguish the really, truly well
dressed man from the mere imitator.
The latter is aJ ways somewhat behind
the mode and never up with it. For in
stance, just now he keeps on wearing a
sash instead of a leather belt, which is
the proper caper. By next season he
will have caught on, and by that time
the swill will have adopted further
touches. Interview in Washington Star.
Cprising Against tlte Winchenter Kifle.
Owing to the numerous murders which
have been committed in Effingham
county, steps outside of law have been
taken to preserve the peace. At a public
meeting of citizens held at Guiton, Ga..
the following resolution was adopted:
Any person hereafter visiting this
town armed with a repeating rifle &liall
be waited upon by a standing commit
tee and required to show good cause for
carrying such rifle, it being the unani
mous opinion of tbe meeting that one
armed with a Winchester is prima facie
in quest of gore. Cor. New Orleans
Tlie Lougtt Coal Traiu.
A train of 225 loaded four wheel coal
cars passed over the Lehigh Valley rail
road a few days ago. It was the longest
and heaviest train ever carried over any
road in thjj country, and that mean3 in
the world. Naturally this train suggests
a comparison with the trains of Conesto
gn teams which sixty years ago toiled
between eastern Pennsylvania and Pitts
burg. The teamster of that period never,
in his wildest conceptions, imagined
uch an event as the one related above.
Scrauton (Pa.) Truth.
at a cost of fo. ,
been ray family moth.
; tt-coiiin a, ktrnriirer to
i believe It to Imi Um bent medl s
' 1 F. MeNully, llatkuuui, i
Lowell, Mass.
Avfir'R Snrcnnnrillr V
I It a certain cum, when Ui complaint oiIkW
nates In ImiHiverbdiod blood. " I was a
pruiit stifTcrer from a low condition of the
blood and general debility, IxTomtiiK finally,
ho reduced that I was unlit for work. Noth
ing that I did for (lie complaint helped ma
no much as Ayer's Hnrsaparllla, a few bottiea
of which restored ine to health and strength.
I take every opixirttinlty to recommend this
medicine In similar case.i." C Evlck, U K.
Miu si., ChllhcoUie, OlUo.
And all disorders oiiitinaUiiK In impurity of
the Mood, such as bolls, carbuncles, phnplos,
blotches, salt-rheum, scald-hoad, scrofulous
sores, and Die like, take only
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
pkbpakep nr
DR. J. O. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Mas.
Price fl ; six bottle, i. Worth ( a bottle.
GKAThl'L C )1I KT!;
!lv ii Hioi-ML'h U eowleib'e it tlw natural
law w llich jtovel n I lie ne ;;. ie S of lllk'it.nil
:r i nutrition mid by caoMiil iii li.'lliin ot
I lie fine rnM" I ic ef ell M-lee'eil ifl Mr.
h iiw Iih n nviileil our til. aklie-l titble with a
i'e :c:i elv tl vored bevonje liili m;iy h.iv
i.s ma ii v leav d net or' hi :N. 1 1 i bv'lhe Judio
bais use of Hiieli aitieli ot diet lliat a roii-i-iMili'
ii may lie mad unlly luiilr up until Ntroli
eiioieli to renis! f eiv t l'dene to disease.
iliiiidieilH of Ktitilie e ehiiljeK are lloutiu n
.iron i il us lends lo :ii lack w heiever herein a
ii'ik poi-t. i e may ec;ie ihhiiv ;l fatwl
;liiitt liv keeob. it euie; ve !! fiinilied Yiith
nine bioo inl a properly nourished frame."
Civil si Mi'e i;aeite. aiiosi simply with
lu.lliiiK i ;:ter o- milk. Sold In liali-poiiud
lii". Ii L'loi eri"H hi helled thin:
Mrs KITS X DO . Hon ieoi.;lhte I'lieinlst
I oliiloli. l-ni'land
Dt. Grosvsnor'f
Givr quirk rHi'f
J rom pain.
Klwumtim. nuril("'. pleun-ysnrt liimli
e.rf, t. nnrH. f:titii. forni'M ir all I Inli'R it.
8,a.:j.'-..-;'- -:?' V'. f
!' ' ..... . liuir.
" 1 ((,.. ". Ii: ; . i fit - . ..v r fi.
..(- -:"v'-f - -ri i" i i i? re tiruy
i'.:,.r 1- I ; Yr.uO.lel C-MOr.
, lin - nn ft I. ii ii
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' .. r'H O ;:, - i'. I . i.i. . C.i' w..r t I '.Hit Ii,
... I . - o.-i 1 . .', I 'i' I . 1 . . il i, J '.1 . 1 1 .1 1. ; i u t i nil. .Vl flA.
! ', ?1 ).-" r O j"- V: 'r:-o .. "in r- l.r Cm.,
u.i ic u. li u, or JlJ.-.CoX 4 CO., ti. y.
i ' l Cr-. ; 1 ':S S.rniC.ij 1 v-.
' IO iii -I .MA 1 , I 1 . .1 ot lor Cute
iii n. . .: i- -. I'i. ; -. .-.I' !"" mi. (Vver
- .'! " : ' . " , i i !...!-.( 'Ih! f liniiis.
' . -. 1 - I . ;.! ' 11 , ! 11 ii.s. Ji nd posi
I i . 1 1 - P l or ; p. 1 eq uired.
Ii 1- u 10 r;i 1 . 1 1 1 1 to ;!.!- s. i ' .1 1 ion, or
I ot ' ' ! 1 -id. i ' 1 h". III - i r box.
1". h- ' i'. ii. i lilrl'l'h 'it.
I'.vj'o H u r c . tl.
'1 i- the .V.S"; ;n'oidelil of lift"
v. iih-h :.:!:.-l.:eO,;-i i v Kihf.
s-'i -i . .' I . . . I . I ' I r e Hi i i ! I ' ' ; i 1 1 ! I , Ot ll-
ers v.uoi i !o( i... but tii-- inn jority
1 '"on 1 i 1 1 -1 1 i . if iei 1 1 ;:. 1 i l w.i 1 1 i 1 1 1 nerve.
1 i ... . : ! e i . v 1". 1 U i ! f'e -1 i 1 . 1 1 , cllJIIIC-
u-il'. ;:'ei lln-biiH s aul"l;ike
th.e spirits liov.n 10 Keep t'tie spiritw
Up." tiliis A u .-'. i . 1 n ' 1 1 ie , t i mi', p
portimily nuil Inrce. 'I bcreis
iio-liing" hi.'- the K'esli r;i t i ve Ner-vio'-.
discovered by 1 1 trrenl spe
chii i.-!, 1 -';". M ib's. t c 1 re .ill iutvouh
li.i';ie.-, ;is benibifbe. flic blues,
ii'-i" hi - ,:'isi rut ion, sleeplcssiieMS,
lieu r;ilo-i;i. St. V i 1 11 s d;-nee, f it s mill
liystcri.i. Trial bullies ;uil line
! i li!-: of t f -o i.'iion in I.s free :it I'. G.
IVickc S: Co.'s.
For many yiars Mr. IJ. F. Thomp1
son. ol Ies Moines, Iowa, was e
verely afllicted with chronic diarr
hoca. He says: "At times it wai
very severe; so much so, that I
feaerd it would end my life. ..About
seven years ato I chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chamberlaiu'B.
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kenicdy. It gave me prompt relief
and I believe cured me permanent
ly, as I now eat or drink without
harm anything 1 please. I have .
also used it in my lankily with the
best results. For sale by P G.
I-rickic Ac Co.
Wonderful Success.
Two years ago the Ilaller Prop.
Co." ordered their bottles by the box
now they buy by the carload.
Among the popularand nuccesef ul
remedies they prepare is Ilaller'
Sarsaparilla & Hurdock which i
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist hesitates to
recommend this remedy.
For sale by druggist.
Cood Looks.
Good looks arc more tlian nkiu
deep, rleqendirio; upon healthy
condition of all tbe vital organs.
If tbe Liver be inactive' you have
a Hilious JOok, if your stoinac"
be affected yoi have a Dyttpef'
Liokaud if hour Kidney a be ef? "
yov will have a Pinched Ixk
cuts' jgood health and you S
g-ootl look.-. Electric Hi' N
reat- alterctive and
directlv on tliofe
Cures Pimple. Ulot
fur botHi-:
Fpps mm
ry.Pectoral iaan;
xi esivro xbslbj a i
Ke? in the hoc: 7V
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