PlaUsjiwiitli Daily: Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Fulish! every Thursday, and dally every evening except Xunday. Registered at the Ilattsmouth, Neb. office for transmission throutth the U.S, it second class rates . Office corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone 38. post-malls TKHM8 FOR WEEKLY. One copy, one year, in advance........ Oae copy, one year, not In advance... - One copy, six mouthf.ln advance One cpy, three months. In advance. TEKMS FOB DAILl One cop one year in advance One copy per week, by carrier ... One copy, per month too 75 I 40 6 00 . 15 .. 60 SATURDAY, OCTOBER. 10. 1891 STATE TICKET. Koi Associate Justice of the Supreme Court - A. M. POST of Platte. for Kesents of ttie State University. H. P. fill UM WAY of Dixon. C. H. MARPLE of Von REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Kor Clerk of the District Court : A. SALISBURY. For r.rasurer : L. C. KICKHOFK. Kir Sheriff : (JKO. KDSOX. If or County Cleik : FRANK DICKSOX. For County Judge : CAI.VIX RUSSKLL. Fir County Miieriotendetit : J. K. LKYDA. For Coroner : J. I. UXRUII. For Surveyor : A. C. MAYES. Fir Commissioner Firt District : S. V. DUTTOX. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The republican party of Je Ktate of Nebraska ive renewtT expres rtion of its devotion to the princi ples of the republican party and de clared that those principles, as ex pressed by the nationnl republican convention, should be the strong1 point of union between all repub licans in the state of Nebraska. auionir our own people nor destroy the' developing industries of our country. . We are -heartily in favor of the I ircneral provisions of the interstate I commerce act, and we demand the J regulation of all railway and trans portation lines in such a manner as to insure fair and reasonable rates to the producers and consumers of the country. ; We favor such legislation as will prevent ail illegal combinations and unjust exactions by aggregated 'capital and corporate powers. We insist upon the suppression or an trusts, combines and schemes de signed to artificially increase the price of the necessaries of life. We regard the world's Columbian exposition as an important event in : (ho wnrlH'ii tiiHiorv. and we are in aWI. ... ,41. ,r..-,r f,.w ileal iv oviiiiiuiiir rw. v . v v . ... to make it a success, we snouiu make a creditable exhibit of Nebraska's products, and we favor an additional appropriation oy ine next legislature for this purpose; that our prosperity and greatness may be fully exemplified.. We take pride in this" state . We recognize that its irrowth.and power, its pros neritv and irood name have been the fruits of ita industrial people, and we believe in such policies, state and national, as will promote justice and widen the opportunities among these classes, lo their sup port in the future, as in the past, we pledge our most. intelligent juug merit and most sincere endeavor, We denounce the Grand Island platform of the democratic party as framed with the deliberate purpose to mislead and deceive; wherein sympathy is expressed where none is felt; wherein help is proposed where none is rendered; wherein purposes are avowed which are not entertained. In support ot tins in dictment we point to the pretended friendshiD ior the soldier, wnne at the same time the democratic party has alwavs proclaimed acrainst the irrantincr of liberal pensions; to the iree silver piann, imniucu iu ucn i . the supporters of free and unlim ited coinage of silver, when it is known that many of the leaders of the party are opposed to the doc trine: to the failure to erive the re lief from exhorbitant freight rates while it was afraid to either ap orove or censure the action of its acting alien governor for" vetoing the Newberry bill. We denounce the democratic party for its insinuations against the inteirrity of the supreme court of the state as an effort to make the judicial powers subordinate to political parties and as disgraceful to a political organization. We denounce the democratic party for its double dealing with the civil and political rights of the people, wherein it appears to favor free and untrammeled elections in the state of Nebraska, but never I r servatives have hitherto been vic torious, but they have a hardcrtight on hand now than ever before, and the most sincere friend. of the alli ance are apprehensive. It is to be hoped their fears will prove to be unfounded, for the alliance will cense to be a power in the interest of the farmers the moment it be comes a political machine to be operated by demagogues for their, personal advantage. Bee. wagons, had one of ftjs H 2 it J-f dly cut and burhetf wit ft . a Ifl f A Vi tus wound refused To 'heat. - V jT The fact that L,. C. Eickhotf, re publican candidate for county treasurer, will carry his own precinct solid, is surely sufficient evidence that he is held in the highest esteem by all who are acquainted With him. This is, perhaps, more than can be said of his opponents. No republi can should neglect to vote for him. Louisville Courier-Journal. Kvk.V tin ware is cheaper now than it was three months since, not withstanding tiie duty that was placed upon tin plate. This This fall in price is accounted for by the fact that nearly 100 tinplate manufacturers have began opera ing in this country and the Wales monopolist, upon whom we were formerly forced to depend, has been brought to time by spirited competition. Let the good work go on. Wonderful. K. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis., a prominent dealer'' ifi tgfttrtT, iiieiiwiciiiuise, hiiu wno runs Mvel peminng wagons. horsos ha lariat, Tl 1 he horse became lame and stiff novvwithstanding careful attention iiud the application of remedies., A friend handed Sawyer some o 11.11 .. I . l W? . iiaiter iai o wire iiuemeji.T, ine nioHt wonderful thing ever iKaw to heal such wounds. He-applied it only tnree tunes and the sore was completed healed. Equally good tor all sors, cuts. Druses, a in.. wounds. For sale by all druggist l he repfiDiican county conven tion showcd good judgment in re nominating A. C. Mayes, of Platts- moutli fort surveyor. Mr. Mayes . . i . ... lias made u cooa surveyor, crivine universal satisfaction to the people. and whv not re-elect him? We know him to be qualified for the position and because he is a poor man is no reason we should kick him out and put in another. This paper is for A. C. Mayes for surveyor, first last and at all the time. Louisville Courier-Journal. We conirratulate the people upon the marvelous prosperity attending ) rai8es its voice against the political the development and growth of the state of Nebraska during its twenty four years of statehood .under re publican administration, and which has brought us to the front rank among- the, leading states of the union; and we can fearlessly assert that no state which has been con trolled by democratic power,during any considerable time of the same period, can compare with us in the economical management of public affairs, tu the rapid ratio of increase in population, wealth and general prosperity, notwithstanding the fact that there are within the borders of the state a number of dissatisfied persons who took ad vantage of the general financial de pression which swept over the en tire country to pave their way into temporary prominence by declaim ing against tne welfare ot ourpeo pie and slandering the fair name of our state, the rams from heaven and the rich soil, vigorously culti- x-:it1 liv the pnercretie linnrl- rt tur , farmers, have produced such botint uui crops anu sucn unrivaied pros perity that shall silence jill calam ity talkers and add to the- strength and enthusiasm of the republican pa rty. We congratulate l-resiuent jiarn- son upon hi eminently wise, loyal and courageous administration, and declare our absolute confidence in his integrity, ability and patrio tism. and pledge him our cordial support in the discharge of the duties devolving upon him as the chief magistrate of the nation - We rejoice in the restoration of dignity, vigor and statesmanship in the conduct of our foreign affairs under the guiding hand of Amer ica's favorite son, James G. Blaine. We approve of the silver coinage act of the present administration, by which the entire product of the silver mines of the United States is added to the currency of the people, but we denounce the democratic doctrine of free and unlimited coin age of silver as a financial policy liable to precipitate the people of every city and every state in the Union in a prolonged and disas trous depression, and delay the re vival of business enterprise and prosperity so ardently desired and now so apparently near. The free and unlimited coinage of silver would tend to the hoarding of gold and to force the use of cheap money in the payment of wages in everv workshop, mill, factory, store and farm, and tend to tiie scaling down of flie wav.- of. the toilers and weakening the purchasing power of the dollar which would be used to purchase the products of the farmer. We are in favor of naving every dollar as good as any other dollar. We. demand the titkiintenance of the American system of protection to American industry and labor, the policy that has been identified with every period of our aational pros perity. We admire the genius of that heroic statesman. William McKin ley. Jr.. whom the people of Ohio will make heir next governor as a recognition of his magnificent ser vices to the country. We also com mend and endorse that policy of re ciprocity by which, the Central and South American nations and the. Spanish Indies are being opened up to our trade upon favorable terms and -by which all the surplus products of our country may find a market and by which all our people shall receive in exchange therefore a loner line of products which do produce ruinous competition outrages practiced against the re publican voters, while and black, throughout the democratic states of the south. We arraign the democratic party as the enemy of labor, scheming to break down the defense of protec tive laws, to block the wheels of home industry, and to degrade the ! masses ot the people a party con trolled by aristocratic and sectional tendencies, the lecracy ot slavery. The republican party of Nebraska appeals to the intelligence and to the integrity of the people ot this state and from all srood citizens we invite support. r DEAL FAIRLY. Dox'T forget that Blaine said the MCKinley bill would not make a market for a single bushel of wheat or barrel of' pork. It has not done it yet.' Journal. " As to what the writer of the above hopes "to receive as a reward, The HERALD is at a loss to determine. He surely knows that it cannot be substantiated by facts aud thus it cannot serve to deceive voters as is apparently intended. Mr. Blaine used the words attributed to him by the Journal, in advocacy of the reciprocity feature of the bill. After the reciprocity clause became attached, Mr. Blaine's ideal plan for extending our markets and the plan which called for the words as quoted from him, was incorporated in the bill. Hence he was perfectly satisfied. Why could not our esteemed contemporary have stated the facts as they really were? Has this bill extended our markets? We answer in the affirmative and proof is very positive.' By admit ting Germany's beet sugar without duty, she accepts our pork. Simi lar negotiations are pending with France and Austria. Under the provision ol the bill our wheat pork and etc is received in South American countries without duty while lrom all other countries a duty is exacted. Under the pro vision of the bill tinplate indurties have been established employing hundreds of menand thereby con suming large quantities of the commodoties in question. Such unwarranted attacks as the above were made by the democracy prior to the practical application of the bill, and last fall they had the desired effect, but no$. that the fruits of the bill areainly mani fest there is no excuse for longer continuing this tirade of abuse and deception. Satisfactory evidence is being given in many-instances that mem bers of the republican party that were enticed into the independent camp last year, are becoming dis gusted with the calamity organiza tion and like the prodigal are re turning'to the party of their choice. On this point Judge Reese is quoted as follows: Judge Reese, Broken Bow: In every township and every neighbor hood in Custer county are men who have left the independent party and returned the to repub licans, while I do not know a single instance in which a man will vote the independent ticket this fall, that did not do so last y-ear. The West Union alliance that contained some eighty members last fall has gone to pieces and I am told others in the county find it hard work to get up any enthusiasm at their meetings which are being very slinily attended. A Cure for Paralvsls. Frank Cornelius, of l'urcell, Ind. Ter., says: "I induced Mr. I'inson, whose wife had paralysis in the face lo buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. To their great suprise before the bottle had all been used she was a great deal better. Her face had been drawn to one side; but the Pain Balm relieved all pain and soreness, and the mouth assumed its natural shape." It is also a certain cure for rheumatism lame back, sprains swellings and lameness. 50 cent botties for sale by F. G. Fricke 5c Co., Druggists. Capt. W. A. Abbett, who has long been with Messrs. Precival and llatton, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Des Moines, Iowa and is one or tne oest Known and most re spected business men in that city says: "I can testify to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough jvemedy. Having used it in my family lor the past eight years, I can safely say it has no equal for either colds or croup." 50 cent bot tles for sale by F. H. Fricke & Co Druggists. i r" .J a TftK rvj -wy . 1 Some of the most startling, in tersting discoveries of the life and customs of buried Egypt are now being made through extensive exca vattions. These discoveries are exciting a great interest. Many discoveries are, however, being made in our country that are re markable, among which we may mention that of Mailer's Pain Para lyzer which effects entire relief, and in many cases a complete cure of that terrible disease rheumatism, and which also relieves pain of. all kinds. F'or sale by all druggists. HENRY BOECK The Leading FtJRNITURE DEALER I N.K.Iairbank&Co. JrVe CI u- 1 : AUE THE BEEZE. LEADERS : ' 3 In all that goe to make uj a first cla-a line of Hard war. their stoves in - LOAD - LO1, and thus are enabled to undersell all competitor. "Oifly-Otie Sqmple Stores; 03ST EXHIBITION AT OUR The liadiant Home and celebrated Hound Oak are their 6r This firm has the ex clusive agency of the celebrated anti-rusting tinwart guaranteed for One year. A large line of Cop per ware, tinware, and Graniteware. They also fine assortnieti penter tools, ' C i and shelf hardw .1 Prices havcbeenk j-ight down to suit t; times. AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on band everythin you need to furnish your house. CORNER B'XTH AND MAJN STB RET STAND BY THE TICKET. w hex your democratic friend ac costs you and eloquently urges that you should "lay aside your party prejudice" and vote for tbe candi- oate ior 111s party, "Decause it is just a little county office" and "his election would not signify anything of a political nature," etc., just politely inform him that the wind blows in the direction the straws point. Yielding to just such argu ment as this has -given the demo cratic party the ascendency in this state and actuated the party to make strides lor even greater supremacy. If every republican had voted the straight ticket at the last election there would not be a democratic official in the county, and if the republican party regains what it has lost it will be necessary for every member to remain loyal. Just as certainly as the democrats elect a portion of their ticket this year, they will be referring to the fact that Cass county is democratic, and as proof of this assertion, point to the offices that are filled by mem bers of that party. If you are a re publican, now is the time to show your colors. Kemaui loyal to the old party and success will be assured. Plattsmout Neb 31 IKE SHINELLBACKEK. Wagon and BlackHmith shop Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow Repairioif done 1TORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY He uses tne NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which 19 the best horseshoe for the farmer, or for fast drivine, or for citj purposes ever invented.' It is so made tb&t anyone . can put on sharp or flat corks, as needed for wet and slippery iaya, or smooth, dry roads. Call at h3 shop and examine the neyibbijf nd you will use no other. J. JL SnXEJ.LB ACKER. 12 North Fifth St. Plattsmout h S'EIIKINS- HOUSE, 217. 219, 221 and 223 Main St., Plattsmouth - Nebraska - S'. M E0KS. Proprietor. The Place fur bargains in every department jt Hardware. of our mammoth stock of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. NEW LUMBER YAJRp J- D. GRAVES & CO. DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES. LATH, SA8II. DOORS, BLINDS.and U building material Call and see us at the 11th and Elm street, north of HeisePs mill. corner of one block Plattsmouth., Nebraska Everything to Furnish four House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. The annual convention of the Iowa state farmers' alliance next week promises to be of unusual interest. The contest between the radical and conservative elements in the organization is certaMi to be renewed, and the result will deter mine whether the alliance is to con tinue on the lines it has thus far pursued and thus depart wholly from its original purpose. Thecon- S. H. Clifford. New Castle. Wis was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away ami he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven bottles Uucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba. O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he whs incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. 1 he Perkins has been thoroughly enoyated frora ton tc lotf.oii. iid :e jow one of the best hotels in the state Boarders will !' taken by the wnek at M-50 and up. GOOD EAR CONNECTED The M..P. R. K. will sell tickets to St, .Louis and return Oct. 3 to 10th, good to return Oct. 12th. on ac count St. Louis fair, at $11-t0, plus .TO cents admission, Train leaves 10. 53 a. m. only one change and direct connection. I ot W Anted Au active, relioble man salpry ?" to $80 lnoutLly. with increase, to represent in hie own section a responsible New Xorh House. .References. MASiTAfriritiB, LocU Box Lt85. New York. APOLLO WAS A PERFECT HAfJ. FUFICT II FIRM I-MAUHIESS II WAI! S aiuUoaa wm lb uanu lor mmlwmn mn that paay aoya at am war sat m 4eatlu Etit KIR cu ha STKOH0 and VieO&OUS la all raapacta. vniiNn iitu nsmn w vii m mail tin w a. iff nffarinc Croat MZXVOU DE BILITY. Loat or Faillac Maa fcood. Phraleal Exeasaaa. afaatal Worry. Staatad DaTeloomaat. ar ay FE&80M AL WEAEHES8. cub raatarod to PERFECT HEALTH ami tha NOBLE VITALITY of 8T0W MEK, tha Frida aad Fowar of Batioma. We claim by years of practire by our exrlusive methods a uniform MONOFOLY OF SUCCESS" in treat- idkii itatiaaaa, v ckb. inn A Affliction of Kaa. Testimonials 1 Having rjiirchased the J. V. Weckbach store room on Bouth Main, street where I am now located I can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stove and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan. I. PEARLMAN. F Q T7HI0riE G2 "'33 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drugs', Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours t V from so state and Territories. OUR MEW BQQKZXZ'ul&rSZ itwblla 70a earn. Pall Explanation for HOafS TREAT MENT. Yoa caa DO FULLY BE8T0BED aa TaoaaaadS kav beca by a. Bd our tetimonils. Addrost at oae ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. B.Y. r 1 TtTctd r. rT (T nn a&n ;w7?1 V w w w & THC POS TIVE CURE. KLY BKOTHKRS. 6S Warren Vem York. Price 60 eU I Jt'ata 7 1 'JU y