y yK- ... . f yUBLE WALL POCKET. ju Msha th Commodious sod 11 fl . ly ArtUlU Koootl. U fntrruvin,? lUiistrnbr-s . com- .iloin and decorative wall pocket ik , no le'1lh of r smooiniy covered with dark ,. iiU The pocket an. ,1M of .Hx.ar, ..monthly ooj on the 1. With g-reen Mk Bnd th A Piile-sr..ld .Ilk, on which a pretty i U done 1 ontline ,titch ,k.wee Prof. Ewlno l-oft. The Omaha Hee of to-day tr ' that C. C. Ewinfr, against whe complaint charging him wi ' duction whs filed, left very l for parts unknow n. It hop' he whh discharged n few rf but another warrant worn out and before ' nerved Vwing could f 1 mi i Mm , pormn wall pwkf.t. ths pockets and the back are Inserted Korea of the green ailk to give spring' and depth to the pocket. Kibbona drawn through hole raale near the up per corners and prettily bowed are used to suspend the wall pocket The de signs may be done in water colors or with pen and ink, or a pretty piece of cretonne may be. ose.L Any of the fancy silks or reps, cretonne, plush, velvet, etc., may be used InsU-sd of Ilk. Hutu-rick's Delineator. EGGS FOR THE SICK. Is Itoslpoa Which Will f-rovs at Interns to Mmmj Ifonorliorpon. Dyspeptic and Invalids who cannot digest eggs cooked In any ordinary tnauner should try mma of the follow ing: 1. Set a kettle of water over the Are. 'When it boils remove to the aink and place the eggs to U cooked in the ket tle Immediately, letting them remain fifteen minutes or longer. There must be a liberal quantity of water. i. 8ek half a ben of gelatine In two rwps of water fifteen mlnuU-s, then add wo enps of hot water or hot milk, two "beaten eggs, sugar and flavoring, fctlr well and put In a cool place. In case all Is nwd lemon juice may be added. . Btlr together two enps of milk, two-third of a cup of floor, put over the Are and ciititinuo stirring till cooked. Then remove frtmi tho fire and add one or two eggs, sugar, salt and flavoring, beaten well together . 1'repnre suit oxlfish a for the table, with thickened milk gravy, and "best Into It one or more egg according to the quantity 8. I'nt one cup of boiling water Into pint bowl, break In an egg, and whisk rapidly for a minute, then add sugar and flavoring. This 1 to be used iu place of grnel a a change. Do not pour the tmi ling water on the egg, but follow the directions. The advantage of Recipe 3, I and 4 Is that raw rgjf can bo eatrn by the Invalid without a knowledge of the fact on his purt 4. The most delicious way of prepar ing a raw egc, when it can be borne by the stomach, Is to leut It well with one tablchpoon each of sweet cream and sugar, with a bit of flavoring. It may ''lie eaten with bread or biscuit. W. V. Heath, in Kami and Home. HOUSEHOLD POINTERS. Cl Kaihk cixtern water with powdered TAVioji and uitml. Heat, skim and seal up fruit juloeslo bottles without sweetening and keep for summer drink. St A hi H the tablecloths slightly; It will give them a new look, and besides they will keep clean much lunger. IT is said thut thu unptcawtnt smell of newly-painted wooilwork may be lessened by setting pails of fresh water about In the room. A gtASrtTV of stock articles In the kitchen should be prepared at one time. l)ry beans may be kept pinked over, potatoes washed, raislne seeded, eta. Or.D newspuers will put the An Lulling touch to newly-cleansed silver knives and fork ami tinware better than any thing else. Uub them well and make perfectly dry Newspapers are excel lent to polish stoves. A aoou plan for keoping batter eool and aweet in summer is to fill a bo with sand to within an Inch or two of the top, sink the butter jars In the and, then thoroughly wet the sand with cold water. Cover the boi air tight The boi may be kept In the kitchen and used ssa table. Whr the face la usually pal bathe It In tepid water, robbing briskly with a Turkish toweL Then apply every day tlie following preparation: Four ouncee of rose water, two ounce of glyoerln and one ounce of diluted liquid ammonia. Rub It well Into the akin for about three minute and then wipe off with a soft tuwel. Fur Taking Oat f roa ftosl. Dip the spot In a strong solution of tartaric acid and expose to the inn. Wet th article In warm snda, rub the pot with ripe tomato juice, expose to the hot sunshine until nearly dry, then wssh in another anils. ' Onion Crone Car. Pure onion jtilce will- eore croup In the first stair Cut the onion fine, put In cloth, pound with a hammer, ant1 aqur. Into a small dish) sweeten, a: jrfve until It produces vomiting neen yiilil be found. some time would not A Selectly It hn been evi'' that Prof. C. ( . 1. 1,.. BrtHuiuc contr '""" A ... o..i...,.i .....i courne in niiry' ' Jic(roti.itioI)(S hHv,",rn l'-'vliJf fr wime time-witli' "M,n,,,,M "llc-c " Hit! UtiiUAi('li:'l"tki"," ""' cmplo.y'iiiPnf "r a cmn im-icii t in- Mtriictor. ,e Brt "'" "uuiiuiu'c thut the -,our'l educntiiin met )M )M.ning; and enifiloy i-d I'rof. Wnyn iuHraveM, m gnuliiiite of a UjKiichh Collect at liij; Kapidnund a .tirher of expi-rii-nce. Hi; cornea (i uh well recommended uuddoulit- ih the credulity of the hoard Iihh not been impoMed upon thi-4 lime. It in the intention to have every thing in running order by Oct. 5, and iiiHtruction will he furninhcd in elocution, biiHin cex, Hrithuu-tic, hook-keeping and himineMH corrt-H-pondence. A night nnd day e Hion will he maintained. It in earnt-Htly hoped that the Kidt-walkw will be repaired iih or dered by. the city council. It in Hiirlily iitiporrnnt (li;t hcy be kept in good condition. Hiik.v -To Mr. and Mrn. Hyron Clark, a girl. Hyron thinka that ere hIic in old enough to vote the con Htitutiou will provide for woman HufTragc. and that we are certain of another republican vote. Willing to riih BIdiskIu As the train waa about palling oat ot the Union depot Sunday most excel lent yonng tnun handed ont slip bearing the title, "Where Khali We Oo tm bun day?" A yonng fellow got otie Of these and waa jtm entering the car when a lady stopped him. "Have yon read that slip?" -Ves'ra' -Well, what do you think of ltT 'It's ail right mam." said he, politely raising bia hat 'The you're not goiog off with this excnrHii.ay "Most awtiredly; yea'm." 'Why not remain at home and attend church "I wonld be of no use. mam. 1 cautmt sing.' "Hut others can." "Hint's all right, mam? But I can't talk In meeting." "Others can talk for yon." "And I can't pray"- Oh, we'll pray for yon' 'And I can li.ili I'm a big tneeeh at thuf "Ah, let other do yonr fishing for you" "Ah, nomiunl I'm no coward, what ever 1 am. I want cuhody lost on my accor.ct Therefore Hi go as! do my own fishing These oor. Ignorant ex cnrsioniBts riM their souls Tor me? Not much, mam Neverf And he politely stepped on board and was gone. Colurnhn Hat rinured In lh Ksbolllon. It baa been stated that the last horse thut sniffed the powder of the great re bellion died a short time ago, but Oeor-e Mortimer, a farmer, who reside near Arlington. Va.. nr l.e can tmng relia ble neighbors to prove thut the old bay horse which he own and every two weeks drive into town not only followed the Union army for some timeovur the bill and throngn the valleys of Vir ginia, but was cnylurvd aud branded tiy the Confederate and remained in their poneesmon nntil the battle of Berkeley Spring waa fought, when the involun Ury rtTirgada was rcci,turo4 by Hi northern boy. Then the four footed warrior went through the reuialulr of the struggle with the stamp of twd armie on bi id. Hi owner slate that when be was purchased in lbOl be wa 10 year old. so tht forty inmmrri and forty winter have passed over bi now tootb Itwa bend. Hi partner in burnt t re puted to be U year old. bnt bi life bat been only an ordinary one, and in per sonal appearance be is far below the war horse. Washington bur fuinfnrlabl Flaking. An enthusiastic fisherman iu Connec ticut enjoy the sport without acriflclug any of bi bonis comfort. Hi residonce la on th Williuiantio river. From back window he ha strung a wire across to th top of a tree. Just over a very good "fishing hole" he La blocked the wire, and with carrier and a reel he slide hi bulled hook, tinker and lint down tbe wire to tht block. The con tact release the reel, and a It unwinds the baited book drop Into tht water and "Diliing". begins. Sitting at borne he ran bwi tbe nibble and bite, and a quick morion secure bit prey and polls it along th wire to the house. I'hilmlel phia Ledger fossil Flour. A deKislt of what Is known a "foil flour" haa teen recently discovered In Maine which will resist the ertion of acid, alkalies aud oil aud is a remarka ble nonconductor ol beat It will be used In th uiauufactnre of rubber good. It couUins W percent of pure silica, and when uiiutd it come out a fine powder. New York Time. A lav-at-Hono. Mr Frederick nrdwick, on of South nlncy'i wll known cltiretit. U away on brief trip, and what le quite re niHrksble I that tint I the flmt time since lie bs been married (seventeen rears) that bt has been away from bn ifeer nigliUnincy (Mas.) Ledger yTOt fODitf iMf BM H M. y TIME TAELE. J OH DAILT J'ASfKN(iKK TKA1A8 GOING ERST tin. 2 6: Mr. a So. 4 irat.il. No. T ; 44 p. ui Ho JO ; f . in Nn. In u .14 1. M No. W S :9Ul. II GOING VEST No I o. 1... N'-.i,.. n. Vo. , Nil 't, . i... . S a. di. ..6 :'.'6 p. iu .. :'.'!! a. si. 'I.'.s. m. . t : p, m . . s p. m, . 11 :(l6il. SI. MUIOVKI I'AliriC UAH.YTAY 'n .in Trillin dnily eieept .. 10 Iri s si, . . . 4 ,un V- ni. TIHI! I'Akl). N. 34 AeursJation Irf-iivi. srrivi-s . Uli'liiy i OK l-YIHIAH lisillltlet l.'"lll' M'-pt- I'Veiv w i'i!i:-nliv eveiiliic si tliclr h M in l-Hi'iin-ie rsix nioi-K; All vie llliiK knililn nn- .(iidl.i ly IiivM.mI to Kltend t).C. Mii'ituill. (.'. C ; ' tl tuiv-y, K. H. H. XTNIiiins IX Nil.' 47 YljL'Mi MhN'HiUKl.VllfiN MOiCIATKIM W sternum bl"ik tnln flrri't. Koonm niieii (nun :Mi in In s ; V in; For men only (impel meat'iiK every Humlsy alti-runnii at i oVI'irk . AO IT. W s. 1eeU firvt sml llilitl frldny evejliin n( nu ll nionlhiitl) A II. Hull In li kouk 1. 1 k l liil.k Vmmilyeii, M. W. 1 1, V hia-inile, Heeuriit-r. A 0 I'. W. Kn. M-Meets ienil aiid leurtll KrniJiV vki'Iimih in ilie iniiiiui i. A. K. hull in Km kwnod lilixik, K.J. .MniKHn, M W, r, P, HniKli, Heiuinler, UOYAI. AWIANAM- Cm. Hell Nil lfttl. Melt ut Hit- K.i.t I' hull In lh.' Psimele & Criln block liver li'n lieu A lulu, vlnlrlns lirethri'n Invlli-d Henry llernll, lfeut ; i lies w aiiuiK. necrf ioiv. 'AK l.lilMiH. No. I4. I. . I). P. nii-ets ev rv Tui'rilHV nltht M their hull III Fltzirersld tiiork. AlKldu helliiHK are corrilnlly Invited hi lend when vtit!uK In I V cuy. J ( cry. J. I, s. w.HrniKe. necreiary. I'LACKS OK WOKSII11'. CATinii.i;.-(t. Psiil'i f'hurrh. sk. between Fitlli slid Kluth. Kullier I'H'iiev. Pimtiir S. rvleei : V i'.i ut iinil in :m a. M. Huliday Hehnnl st 'l :.m. Willi peiiruicum.. rtHHiTiAir. l oriier l.jcunt sml Fliilith Hts, Kervlces monilliK Slid evenlns. Klder J. R. i'.efd, piMtnr. hiindy HcikmiI 10 a. m. Kl-lHi'oi-AU-Ht buke't Churrh, corner Third mid V ine. Kev II II. Hnre" pHtnr. Mer vieen : II A. M. s .d 7 :iir M. Huudiiy Hcliool st 2 :Jl V. M. (iKMAH MSTHonisT. i rner Hlxlh Ft ssd (Irmille. Kev. Illrt. 1'ai-tor. hervlcei : II a. m Slid 7 M i: M. SnniiA) hchunl lo :.Ki A . PrtKJOiVTKitiAS. l-eivlee In new church. cor ner M lh snd (irmille sin. Ilev. J . T. ilnlrd Im-lnr. humlsv-ne' mil st ,:v ; Presclilnx st II u. ni.siid s p in. 1hV. K. H. J. F. of lhl rlinrch meetn eveiy haliinilli eveiiinr st 7 :1ft mine iiwieiiieiii. ol the rhuerli. All sie inviled tu allrnd Uiepe nieetlnxs. Fihst MsTHOtiHT.-Hlxth Ht.. hetwnu Msln sml Pearl. Ilev J, li M Huekner puncir. Servleen ; l a. M., s i I-. M huiidst .icliool :.IA M. Prsyrr nieetu g VI eilne vlny even IliK- llriiHN Phkhbvtkki as. -Corner Main arid Nlnih. Ilev Viltln, pnster. fervlces unusl hourii. Hiinday ecuool v uw a. m. Rwr-KiiKM oNir(iATloiAt. Ilrsnlte, be- tnrrn Fifth snd Bulti. C01.11KKI1 BAITIHT.-Mt. Olive, (ink. between lenlli mid Kleventh lirv. A. lml ll. Dsn- tnr. Hervleea 11 s. in. snd 7 :'.) p. III. i'rsyer IneetlMU Wrilnetiluy eveliii g Yol'NO MSN'S ClIMI'TIAK A KHOCI ATlllX IIimiiih III V Slenimll bliM'k..Mnlll llreel. i,ok- nel nieeiliur. (nr iiieL only, everv Hiiml iy si temoon hi 4 o'cliH-k. llootn 0m-ii week dnyi Irnin ;i a. in . lo : an p. ui. Wiii th Paiik Taiikhnaixv - Ilev. .1. M. Wood, I aninf. S. rvlc; Nui'ilny Hchoul, ins in.; IreHClilnir, Us m. slid s p. iil prayer liiettlim Tuemlsy nluhl ; eholr pmc lice Flldiiy nU'lit All are welcome. Jurlue Broody Lionlinoo. judjfe iiroiidy fuiM mitiiicil tin t'liiiiruiiiii of the democratic central committee thut lie declines to accept the nomination to the supreme jtulcHliip tendered by the convention. It in doubtful juet wlmt course the tuirty will next pursue. They iniiy conclude to eat cold crow yet utid indoree lvlg;crtoii, kvv. Muckiirr inforniM us that he will iicc (iinpitiiy his hiiuMt-hold jtikmIh to ti i h new home nt Hebron to-morrow cvciiinir, hut Mr. Huekner will rcuiaiil in I'hittninoiith until Monday. a Cure for Paralvsi. Frank t'nriicliiia, of l'urct-11. Irul. Tcr., nays: "1 induced Mr. riimon,' whorie wile had arnlyni in the dice to buy a bottlo f-f ('haiiiherljiin' I'niil IIhIiii. To their icernt eupriMc In-fore the bottle hml all been uncd ehe was a great deal licttcr. Her lace had been drawn to one side; but Hie Pain Halm relieved all pain and HoretiesK. and the mouth .iHMiimcd its natural shape." It is iIho a certain cure for rlictiniiitixin lame back, HprairiH swelling ami hirtiencMS. !V) cent boltie" lor wile by K. (J. Krickc-At'o., IrruRistH. Wll' Nerve and Liver Pill. Act ou a new principle regtilaMiiu the liver, iloDiach and Imwcls thtougli the nerves. A Hew discovert. If. Miles' fills speedily cure bilio'isuess, I mo tste, torpid liver, piles, euii4pstion. L'ne (jusli'd fot men, wmnen, cluldrvu. Hinsllest. mildest, uret! ftn doses, 8.1c. Bnmpla fn-e a K. (i. Krirke & Cu's. We have sold Kly' C'rcHin Halm about three yearn, and have re commended its line lu more than a hundred special chhch of catarrh. The iinaninioiiH HimwVr to our in quiries iH,"lt's the best remedy thai I haveever iiHed." Our experience Im, thai where inrties coiilinued its use, it never fails) to cure, J. II. Moiitironn-ry, A Co.. Drum- itn, He- corah, Iowa. When I began usinu- KIv'k ( ream lialm Illy catairh was so bud I had I headache the whole time and die charg:ed n larpe iiinoiint of lilihy matter. Th;it ha iilnmx) entirely diMiippeared and have mil had In-mint In- science, J. Sommei s.Slepliiicy, fori ri. Some of the iiiohI Htartliug, in teretin diHcovcrieH of the lile ami cuetums of buried Kgypt are now being; nwide through extensive enca vattioiiH. These discovericM are escitingf h ureal inlerent. Many discoveries are, however, being; tniide in our country that are re-marknbli-, amoti; which we may mention that ol Hnllcr'H 1'ain Para lyner which etTectri entire relief, and in ninny cases u complete cure ol that terrible disense rlieuimitiHiii, and which also relieves pain of all kinds. For hiiU- by all druggist 'O J 0 E g: le" THE LEADING AND ONLY ONE PRICE CLOLHIER ' IS WAITING FOR YOU. JOE IS waiting to show you his new goods can be bought. and to let you know how cheap they M -J OE 7: r. HA8 THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK In line in Chbb Countjr. You will not Le nblo to buy cheaper Wes Chi cago when you take quality and price in conmderation. JOE- Only buyn the mt make and latest noveltiea in CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS HATS, CAPS ETC. And if you are looking for a reliable place to trade give JOE a trial. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. TIIK INTERN ATI O N AX TYPEWRITER A llili'lly Brut cln Km. Iiliif. fully oortxii l. Msaln Irnm I he vi-ry lrt u.ole ruU b tkllii-U nrkmeii, snd silli tlis licat l"ol UI hsve evt-r rmn ili-vi-nl for !! iiurimw. W s muted tu rln nil that esn Im rrsxuiiklily rs peeted of tlie very best ivpewrlter eitsiit Cspslile l wrliinK IK' words -r nilniii im mure seenrdln Ui tlis sbllily n( tbs otM-rslnv HARNESS! HARNESS, t. AT FRED GORDER The only implement dealer who Iihk made a BiiceenB in Cms Com,- i z rp MK best of harness, both double and miitfle mav be f...,H . ! 1 sh.reand everything in the harnesH line ..Uo bRKieH and c.irri,, ., which are hrst-class in every fcpect, bein the lightest, HtronK,.Kt V ' easicHt riding vehicles on earth. nticE sioo. If tliers i no siii-nt In viiur town sddraM Ui iSJiulsctures. TIIK PAHISlI M'rii OO. A. Rents osnted Fsrlsb M, T. F. H. 8EKLRMIHK, AksdI. Lincolu, Neb, ('apt. V. A. Ablx-tl, who haa lonir toen with Messrs. I'recivnl Mini llattiiii, Ki-ul Kstatcand Insurance Brokers, Dcs Monies, Iowa and is one of the best known and niont re. spected btisiui-HM men iu that city says: 'l can teslily to the n'ood oiialiliee of Cliiiinborlain's t onsil v'cniedy. Havinif used it in my family for the past ciht years, I can safely say it has no eipial for either colds or croup." .'VI cent hot ties for sale by I-', (i. Kricke .V t'o., nnifrif'H,H- Wonderful. ' K. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis., a prominent dealer in jrcueral merchandise, and who runs severnl peddling wii'oiih, had one of his hors.iM badly cut and burned with a lariat, The wound refused to heal. The horse became lame and si iff nowwithstandiriK careful attention and the application of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer some of Mailer's Harb Wire I.ineuieut, the most wonderful tiling ever saw to heal such wounds. He applied it only three times: and (he sore was completed lit-ah-d. Kiiiallv ood for nil sors. cuts, bruses, and WHiinds. For side by nil drmjuiet DETECTIVE IU' "TANA In evfi I eiilltv Id ni't s sirPrlv lfeeef Ive unilrr "in In -r run nn. ie"il e." l..r i:iriii'iilir. vs A I II I M. InN PtTKCTIfK AUKM , Inn 7T, Wsnhliilnn, lows. j At.,u nave liirc li f s Imiier, Jioiiuc, Hum and terlinjr waRoi' X Spriui; waoiiH, road carts, aud plows of nil discription. I, 1 Plattsmouth Nebraska " SPECIAL SALS IS OUK C031l'LETK STOCK OP IADIE8 fU SHOES i 4 s $1.1 f-'-' We rive yon the following deep cut in price: Ladies Fine (ilazed nonohi f-'.'.'.T shoes reduced to l.ndics DonoU Kid Klexilile S-' .VIstioe reduced to Ladies Hest Donyoln lf'UHl shoes reduced to Ladies Hand Turimd best Dorolu H(I0 shoe reduced to FOE THIRTY DAYS ONLY Wc luivr m jcreiit in.niy owr Hiunjlr lotrt of oijcj Hizn that wr ;t ,t; In orderto reduce our slock to meet our obligation. W e ulna have a few lots of Ladies Oxford, that we will sell at reduce .' ", price. Pon't forget the place. ,! A