.smouth Daily Herald :NOTTS BROS, Publishers lihwl fTiry Thursday, and daily everj . ,..! uk except Hunday. Kfci.teiTd at His Ciatlsmouth, Nee. soat offlwfor tnin(uli"l(Mi thriMiith thf t'.S. mailt at wrond clam rate. Offlr eonier Vint and Kltlb streets. TnUtphose 3d. TSKMS FOB WSEKLV, Oae copy, one year, lu advance .. ...fl5e Una oopy, one fear, nut to ad vane aw Ona copy, i'inniht, la advaaee TO One op' " '.nonlht, In advaaaa. ... 40 ' " roa oaiLi Via advaaea .'woo ' by carrier ;y, sept, as. isoi E TICKET. r ' ol the Supreme ( our. '.OHTof flatu. v ' ;'Htat I'olvsralty. : Still .MiVatWAYef Dlioo true ui . REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Kor Clerk ol the District Court : A, SALISBURY. Fur TiMurtf : . " L.C. KICKHOFF. For Sheriff : GKO. KDSON. for County Cleik : FRANK DICKSON. For County Judit : CALVIN KUSSKLL. For County Muperlnlendsiit : J. K. LKYDA. For Coroner : J. I. INKUH. For Surveyor : A.C.MAYES. For I'owmiMloof.r Flrtt IM.trtet : S. Y. DUTTOX. J urr Post is a man that will unite all auctions into one aggressive stronghold. The election of JSdgerton would not only be a disgrace to the state hut a public calmity. Indication point to the"eledion of their repnblican county and utate ticket by creditable inajontes. THK republiran party in very anxious to nettle the quest of party supremacy, with the democratic party, on the issue of free silver and free trade- in selecting a district judge there should be no hesitancy between an uble jurist and a political shyster. Our courts of justice should not be tampered with by elevating incom petent men to the position of chief tribunal. THE OlbTHICT JUDGE SHIP It in a supriwe to nearly all that 'the democratic convention should nominate Travin for the jude-ehip, in view of the fact that the party has within its ranks men poeaeHS in better qualilii utioiii, and iik-ii capable of poling u much lurcr vote. He is not a man that would grace the position with becoming dignity, and the position could not receive the reepect, from the lar at din. Mr. Travis is everywhere it-warded as a cronic office e-ker; a member of no par ticular political party, unless there is an opportunity to feed at the nubiic iiuiih: not a tr.zn who de sires io attain poititionM through the avenue of true ruerit, but rather by wire pulling and other renorts to thwart the true will of the peo ple. In view of thin it would not only be an injustice to the citizens of the district, but it would be a dis grace to Cans county to have this ignoramus elected In the ponitioii. THE llKKALK believes that our people have too much respect for the citixens of Otoe county and think too much of their own credit to vote for such a man even though he has been forced upon the party as the most available man. We are confident that the better element of voters of all partiea will vote for Judge Chapman, a imin who posseHMes every cssetitial ele ment fur a 'popular judge as indi cated by his n-iord in the past. We cannot afford to dispense with the service of a man who has hern weighed in the ballance and not foutKlewiinting ami elevate to this) position an incompetent, inexper ienced lawyer and n. , chronic olliee eker. Mll. C. H. Jones, of Spring Hill, vfow. .aya: "1 have used Chamber l t.itii P.v'n Halm for severe and i.uV.-is wilh better effect than alviliWf.hiiyeever tried. It re- livee the pain f;itantly and enres J; VvPlii-iHt le ;vrjnga srr " I'a m Malm Violent tier' most useful medicines " .1 s ....i. i r. iiii.n ..,,t Jie tirovKii'f tcif!. cA.i.e.ojIy "r ri:c"'iHtism I 'l l.!. biuk liu'ik. surains, lrnse, iooui- iir1n li.iuid like Lilnn'O1"- tf'ifilVatbni will relieVe ,UU'x trufj insure W liittlAs f.irale by F. thf IV"" IciirKftv1 15. FriW '-J-'-S- irugV'iHi That Saw Salt Laka. Howard J. Cone, who for the past year 6a U-en the agent of the Southern Pa :ilic Railroad company at SlUm, i a! boms in South Pasadena on a leave o' absence for a few week. A reporter u- joyeil talk with him about the Si-Uoo sea. or lake, that has caused go uiin in terwst thruutiiitu the couutry. Mr. Cone hay a teiii-ratii'e tt MS nl 120 dept. in the'shade regular and coiumoa tbtnef t ballon, but that the few white p-l'le about the atatiou and tilt work ruK'e to stand it pretty well. They irespir profusely anil drink enormously. " the water used at the station brought from up th road "by rail They bud thai mixing Wtineal with the wter " no,ir tailing and tbs It prevents Ulnesa De spite the gyt Deat- sectionmen work out io the ' un reKnlarly, but, with tba eicepwon of the boas, they are. Mexi cans. Ur. Cons brooght up some excellent LotgTaphi of tbs lake, the station and . i i li I t . A fW - , i ) I suumcrgou salt uiu, uuui uiucicui i point t view. He say the inflow and the evaporation of tba water about couu teriiaMace each other, anil that there fore t j level of the lake remains about lb( tstue, although ths wind sometimes ea-.ies floating debris back and forth in ay to lead to the belief that the water j rising or falling. Ha believes It likely that the bourn will continue to fill up from ths Colorado river to a level with the gulf, and that it will be permanent body of water, with tbs Colorado flow ing through it to tbs gulf. Ths salt deposits are entirely tinder water, and that industry is ruined. Th warehouse and a small portion of the Southern Pacific's tnxk running beyond the salt beds are still above ths level ot ths lake, but the main track is still 1,000 feet or more from its banks. Pasadena Cl )Ktar. The Waif ef Woaad4 Kut. On the through train which arrived over the Rock Island route was a party of editors from Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln, Beatrice and Fairbury. They breakfasted at the Al bany and were entertained by the gov ernor and mayor. In ths party was fifteen-months-old Indian baby, which was found upon ths battlefield of Wounded Knee after the defeat of the Sioux by United btat.-e troops. It bas been adopted by Mrs. Colby and wa christened Zintke Lannni which means in ths Hioux tongue tbs waif of ths field of Wounded Kuoe. it was on ths fourth day after tbs battle that ths child was found besids its dead mother. Its feet and one aids ot its fac were fro ten. It was given in cars of an Indian woman to nurse and soon showed no trace of its exposure and suffering. Mrs. Colby obtained permission to adopt tbs thiid, but she was bidden by tbs Indians and it was only by dint of bribery that its whereabouts was discovered. Tbs Indians were given orders on ths post trader, and while tbey were making pur chases sbs was smuggled out of camp and driven to ths nearest railway stay lion, snd tbencs taken to Beatrice, Ns Mrs. Colby has legally adopted tb child, and proposes to ed scats her and train, her tw bacful lif. Dsvr Re publican. Savlag Boat is tba City. "To Let" signs on flats and honses all over ths city are ooming down with ths returning rush from mountain and sea shore. Tbs o amber of returning faru ilies who are hiring nsw dwelling places calls attention to s wsy of saving sum. mer rents which is increasing in popu larity each year as ths summer vaca tions lengthen. Families which expect to be out of tbs city from- two to tlir months now surrender their leaae ou May 1, put their furniture in storage, go to a boarding bouas for ths four or six weeks before ths country pilgrimage be gins, then return in September or Octo ber and hire new dwelling place. In this wsy they savs at least four, and in aoms esses five months' rent, 1125 to Seal estate men will tell yon that it is almost impossible to rent flats or houses in th summer st any pries. I know one man who (tar np an attract! v flat on May 1 for an outing in ths mountains, who will nod in same noma swept auu garnished fur him at ths landlord's ex pens on hi return in October. Brook lyn Eagle. Globular Lifbtalaf. A curious thunderbolt fell at Berga. Dear Schlieben, in Germany, recently. It appeared to be a ball of fire and came down the chimney of a bedroom in which man, hi wife and three children were sleeping. On emerging from th fire place it broke into two parts, each of which assumed globular form. On of these globe ran along the rafters and disappeared, whils th other traveled slowly toward the bed, on which it after ward jumped. Thenc th nun watched It roam around th room and finally dis appear through th wall with a loud crash. None of the occupants was in jured further than being temporarily tUnfeiied. New York Recorder II riiae MoMiultoa. To clear th room of mompiiloe taks a piec of paper ro le.l around a lead pen cil to form a case, and fill this with vert dry Perwuii insect powler, putting in littls at a time, and pressing it down with a pencil. .Set this cigarette in s cup of sand to bold it erect An hour before going to bed close ths room and set tbs cigarette on fir. On will I sufficient for small room, but for a large room two will b required. De troit Free Press. Imparrloea Io Culd. A p.ofesBor of the Paris Academy de Sciences has been making experiments, which have resulted In convincing him that the rabbit is. of all living tiling th most capable of wM-hstandisg a very low temperature. Inclosed all night a block of ice, a rabbit was found next day getting on very comfortably and evidently not aware of anything very rwculiar In bis circumstances. Htm Hn Way. incident that la narrated of Oe eial McClellan sheila Itu'ht on the ques tion so cfu-o asked: Why did his sol diers love hi in an dearly? When the Army of the Potomac left Harrison Lauding it marched to New purl News, along the north bank of Uit James river The advauce division be in Us uiart ii early in the moruini; ot Aug l'. but the rear divuiou did nol uio'toul ohrni uiiil 4clock in tht afternooa u tlie.iuij Jy. A Just at dusk a creek,.,. .is reach! must be crottMHlaocortluig to soutcen Cnuun, by fouling or by a singls lot by the roadfcide. ' The soldiers, dialikibg to fill (heir ah rs with water, were try ing to cross on this single log. which o' oourae caused so obstruction, to thoM behind, and relly pot the rear of th army in danger Soon several officers rode np and took In the situation. There was need ol mors haste. Otis of ths officer called out. Wade tight through, my men; wads right through." Some surly fellow from ths rank growled out: "Wade through yourself, and see bow yon like if No sooner had be spoken than tlx officer dismounted and waded through the creek. It was then discovered that the officer was General George B. Me Clellan. Tbe soldiers gavs him a hearty cheer, plunged into ths creek, and afterward tbs point was passed mors rapidly four abreast Tbe general might bavt reprimanded tbe soidier indeed, he might have had him arrested and dealt with severely, But under tbe circumstances hs did just tbe right thing be went where he asked his men to go; and hi men wer glad to go where he led. Yonth's Oompaninn. All bat On. A shipload of fine horses was con signed from Calcutta to Bombay, tinder tbe charge of a very honest but some what dull agent in tbe employ of an East India company. While the horses were being landed at the slip, they managed to break away from tba men in charge, and ran like wild animals through th the city The sirent cauzht ons of them, and. mounting him. gavs chase. After sev eral hours of exciting work, with th help of bis men, bs bad captured all but one nf the bones, a bs counted them. Finally he made bis reluctant way to the superintendent's offlr to give an ao- connt of th matter Th u peri d tend ent cam to th door and listened to tbs story. "And yon say there wer 124 horses in, sud ynn hv eighty of them in tbs company' stables and forty-three back ia tbs steamer temporarilyr "Yes, sir; all saf but ons, and ws cannot find him anywhere. "What is that horss yon sr riding? Have yon counted bimr aak4 tb super lntendent. "Well, I am an am? Of coorss this is on of 'emf And th agent rods off in disgust, wbil the superintendnnt roared with laughter. London Tit-BiU. aparatlllsaa Signs. Two well known and energetic Detroit merchants, who, though rival In butt Unas, ars good friends and fond of each other's society, were coming dwn town ons morning and tbs conversation turned upon popular superstitions, when one of them stepped off ths sidewalk to avoid passing nnder a ladder "What did yon do thst for?" asked th on who walked right along under it. "1 don't know exactly." replied tb other doubtfully. "Superstitious, I supsjse. "1 suppose so.' "Well." bauteringly, Tm not thst kind. I don't believs in signs and what they express.' "No kind?" with a faiut smile. "Nary a sign." with confidence. "1 thought so." "Why hd 'n thstT "Because 1 think so, that's why. And so would any other man who read that great big sign yon vs got np over your store Inscribed, Ths Best Goods in Town for the Least Money.' " (Jhr laughed th other on, and n took him in behind the first Indian they met and gav him a fine cigar as brain tonic Detroit Ire Press. aw, Wbar aa4 Wbaa AacldssU Oaaar. To th question as to when, where, and how accident ocenr, th only gen eral answer that can be given is: When they are least expected. Th commer cial traveler who insures because he exposed to danger while on tb rail draw indemnity for an injury received wbil winding clock. Th deutlr.t who endeavors to protect himself against possible personal injury whil using hi tools is disabled by a cinder in his eys. It is to be noted, however, that more ac cident In proportion to population oc cur in th south, ths southwest and th west than tn th northern, tb middle and th eastern states. Th older and more closely settled portions of thecoun try ars the safer one. A to tbe times and seasons, midwinter, with its icy sidewalks, and midsummer, with its groat variety of outdoor occupations, are especially prolific of accident. James K. Ittcber in Foruia. SaafUaaa. SawfUhe belong to ths order of rays, although their bodies bav th shape ol ordinary fishe. They swim wholly with their tails, and th long weapon which adorn their nose are merely pro longations of th snout, armed on si tin side with teeth la acini and covered with roiih kin of great Wughneu. With this formidable instrument the attack their prey, tearing pieces of fir from Its body or ripping open th abdo men to feed npon th lutes tine of the victim. There is something positively abnormal about all thess creatures called rays. They suggest th notios of Isks antediluvian, and H is not surprising to find many larg and extinct specie among tb fossil of vsnished epochs. s WiiKloOffsrl opr .mil j fir Lrotat. No Excuse for not having a Home ol Your Own. Put What you are paying out for Rent into a home. 7 per cent money for persona wishing to build in South Park. Look to the Future and invest now in South Park. HE OPPOHTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. Anions other reasons why it ia better to invest in South Park than laewherc in the city, arc theae: Property Is more saleable if you wiah to Hell, more rentable if you wish to rent; if looking for an in crease in value.no other part of the city will compare with it in prospect The 5th ward comjWHed largely of South Park, lees than three year ajro could hardly tnuater up a vote at the last general flection the vote was 13S and all were not polled. It has been less than two year since the city invited us into the corpor ate limits, yet we haveoveroue hun dred newly built house ond others n process of construction, owned, with few exceptions, by the parties now living in them. Thiaoartof the city has a store - r " water mains, electric arc ngnts, church and school priveledje and new church edifice just erected of which the whole city id proud. I'lattHtiiouth'H steady growth for five years past almost doubling its MipuIiition; the advauce stand it has taken regnrding public im provements, the certainty of a new H)ft) court house; the completion of the great Missouri Pacific rail way into this city, giving us anoth er great trunk line and competing market: the constant increasing pay roll of the C. H. A y. shops, to gether with many other well known reasons, assure a steady and perma nent advance in realty, which will doubtless effect South Park more favorably than any other portion of Plattsmotith. JVi a tittrto thi tttMraymtut uf a it ill yrriittr growth o thin part o the city, tw will coiitint V it'll foUim monthly jxiyint-nU, furnUh mtnvy trrith llhbh to trett iiie will fx tlui'tie lot fur olhrr imjirottnl city proprrty or fur AtnlraMt imprutml or unlmprotfd luvl. It is not so much the speculator as the permanent resident that we wish to purchuse this disirable property. Out of over r.H.IITY pres ent owners of South Park property none are ".peculators hence there are no fictitoua values and lots are selling at about the price they were immediatly after it was platted -a strong argument why the present is u most desirable time for investments. Much nddi tioual information regarding South Park limy be had by calling at my office on Main street over Hank of Cass County. R. B. WINDHAM A. C. M AYKS 0OU!rv - HUKVKYOK CI TIL KXGINKKK county clerk atlruiled to ill tx OKKK'K riattsiiiolltll, IN Cdl kT HOI MK, Nebraska I U LIL'S I'KJ'I'KKHKKt;. MASUrl.TKK or ASU USAI.BII IN tea CHOICKST UKANDS OF CIOAKS rci.t i.tss oe TOBACCO AND SMOKE ARTICI.F.S always in stock IMattsmouth, Nebraasa WW IkST : NATIONAL : HANK or rLATTnHdum. ksi;:u.ss.a Paid up capital ivinrin.oe Surplus , . lo.ueo.i Oiler- th ry rwl furllltlM for tb promp irmuvciion ui udtiiiui Baiikhig Business tttocka.boniti, fold, tavernmeiit 1,M"' jurluea bouKlil an4 auld. insults rseelvae iiiianiL ailiTuKt on the evrllOcatM Iru drawn. STallsble Id Uif part ol the fi0t4 SiM and all Iks principal tewu 01 urupe. 0OU.BCT1OKS HA US ANO SO SIFT I. aIT- TIU. SUbesI mafket price paid luf Toiiiitv Wsr rauts. auua ana Cuunly boudt. PIHKCTOK John KlUxarald . D. Hwkwortb Ham WrAis-h. V. Wblla (ieorf g. Dot j lota Fttxserald. H. Waoh. President Cal let. T IIK CM I1..NS HANK. PLA1T3M0CTH NEBRASKA Ja vital sbwk paid la Vt Authomed Capital, tlOO.OOO. imciu HANK OAKKOTB. JO. A. I.'ONNOK. Prasldast Vloa-rT"!' W. B. OUSHISa. Oakiar. DisaoroB rraaa uamns J. a, Cwu(.F.It.(ii'a f. W.Josasoa,BsnrTBMk,JohsO'Kee(e W. I. Mrhaia, Ws. Wstsnesiap. W. H. Ousbloi. TR1XSACT8U GENERAL BAN UNO BOSlHES atueaeeillftcAinnl drpu.Ha ls-a(lli Intsrsat Butt slid rll airliauga. eisjulj sua city. .on 8 ANK OF CASS COl'NTY Cr Matu snd riftb ureet. Paid up capital I Suiplu. at M OFFICERS 0. H. Psnials fresldMil rred (lordsr Vies Prsaldanl 1. M. Fattnraos Caaliall T. M. ralteraoa. Aaat iauna! DIRECTORS 0. 11. Partnsls, J. M Pattarvis, Pred llordsr. A, H. smith. U. B. W tad Ham. B. 8. Ksrotej sad t. M r atleraiia I GENERAL BANK1NC BU8UES8 7&ABSATED Aaeouuti aollrttsd. loiarsat sJluwad as tlm IsiHMiia and imimpt aiU-nliuaancu lu ail bua- kiaaa eoirutled to IU ears. mi mm When you go to a shoe store your object isnot only to buy shoes but to procure for what you spend the lies! that your money will buy, Iash than this will not content you; more than this you cannot, in rea son, nek. Our methods are as simple as your desires. We do not lift your expectations to the clouds, Mil we realize mem wnatever tney are. We will never sacrifice your interests to ours and nowhere else ran you iret a fuller and fairer equivalent for your money. An especially profitable purchase for you is our etc. BOOES. SHOES OR RUBBERS a SHERWOOD. (all M tin Street iHlLIP THE1HOLF ft 0 ML rifHIl fit, ' Coindt SALOON IN TIIK CITY Here may lie liiuiiil luin e wines liijuors iinil cigars. 1; VNIIKUSKR Ml' sen i!i;i;u. AMI MASS' AI.K WHITK I.AHKI alwnvs on hand. tOKNKK OF MAIN AM) POl'KTH T. 1. PFxTKIiSKN THE LRADINO GROCER HAS THE MOST . COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. t'VEFM'iNC FREZfl - AND - IN - fEA ' li ATTENTION FAHMEK9 I want your Poultry, Kizgs, litit- ter and your farm produce of all kind, I will pay you the highest cash price as I aiu buying lor firn in Lincoln. R PETERSEN, .THK LKADI.NG GKOCKK IMattsmouth Nebraski P J. ILA:.VS:K:.N oiAi.aa m STAPLE AND FANCY C QR0CEI11ES, GLASS QUEENSWAUi iuu 'in a iuuu UjlUUiUllj Htrumve -I th I'ublo SoliciUxI. JOHNSON EDILDING M lTTOKMT A LAW. WINDHAM St DAV1ES. . B. WINDHAM, JUUN A. DAVIKH. Notary Publls Notarf fubl t)flloa aver Bask otCaa Cosatv. riattisiouth .... Mebraib TTORNIV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney it-U. Will rlva oroniiK aitntloa v ail diiiiis emruaieu u niai. innea 10 Uolua block, Kaat Hide, I'lsUamoulb, Mab. JEW HARDWARE STORE S. h. HALL A SON Keep all kind of builder hardware no hand slid win lupiiijr rnntraetun oa moal lav oralila lei sit TIN" ROOPINO BmutlliK and alt klndi ol tin work bmmstty one. orilr loin tba comiir iirltrit tie IVsaI HL I'LATTHMUUTil, MH. Lumber Yard "1 THE OLD flCLIACLC U. A. WATEBUAN & SO!! Bhinjfloa, Lath, Hasli, Dooro, Blindf Can uilj everw demand of the city Call and got terms. Fourth itreot in rear of opor honae. PI LUMBER 1 1 -'? ! r. Interview .In Washington bur. IT' Yofa' Jwarnsi,