if- nrtfii ntawa -A t v v . J rwnrvmAM that has any sfw And mamy there k we nope. Im (V V1LL 5PEND HER CENTS FOR A USEFULCAKC Of RIRFIANK'S-SANTA- CLAUS-SOAP- V HEW LUMBER YAAR J. I). WiUVES & c'J. ILKR3 IN PINE LUMBER, HHIN'fJLKS, LATH, RASH. HOOKS, BLINDS.and all building material Call and see us at the corner of 1th and Elm street, one block irth of Ileisel's mill. flattsmouth., Nebraska Everything: to Furnish Your House. AT KI. PEARLMAN'S -ItHKAT MODKKN- HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Uing nurch;moil the J. V. Weckliiicli (store room on Koiith n street where I aim now located I can wll goods cheap 'jinthe choapent having just put in the largest Mock l .tw .1 V. . . t. . . .. i: . furniture of all kinds Mold on the installment plan. I. PEAHLMAIV WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND 1 A Kull and Complete line of iigs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUCG1STS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS xrlptlons Carefully Compounded at nil Honrs HAVELOCK . YOU O0IN3 - TO BUILD THERE! -IF SO- Kruir tuber tli.it If. (). CustU A C'u have hii iiimn use eloik v( iUMBER AND ALL BUILDIDCf MATERIAL1 A.T HAVELOCK nd (iunrantee Salhlactlon In all Tilings O: CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA y I THE POSITIVE CURE. I l&'&vl THE POSITIVE CURE. I SLT BlW1 HKItS. M Warnn tMn Vrw T'ffk. IMce 60 rU I RUSSIAN CIRCUMLOCUTION ll(w riitj'' for liiinivMiifntit In liir I'ulillr h.Tvli't, Are Killil. '1'lic rr.iMHi wliy ch:iri),'i'H ur in.iiil fiily ili-.uralilr', Unit Hrn in the iliri-ctiuii dI rcuiiciiny. Hil l timt ajip.'inmLly would iiijure ni one, nr imt m;t 1 in Riis-in i dim- nf tile most miz,imh ami e.vu-.p(i;it-nz tilings that an) forced iihii h triiV:l t r s lit tt-iitiiui In every braneli of tlie U'liuiiiistnitiiiii one in coimtuntly Ktiuu bling niion iiliin-s or de'e:tH tlmt huve long liceu recoKlii.ed, that liaVH been coiiiiiieiited npoti for yearn, tliat are n; iHle!itly picyi'liclal to the interest of everybody, and tlmt, nevertheless, con tinue to exist. If yon ank an expliiiialiou of an ollieial in Sioeriu lie refers yon toSt. l'eU:rslui If yon iii(iiir of th cliiuf of tlie pnsen (lepaitmeiit in St. I'eleritbnrx lie tells you tlmt be tnut drawn up a "project" ty cojie with the evil, but that thin "proj ect" baa not yet been approved by the minister of the interior. If you go to the minister of the interior yon learn that the "project" requires a preliminary appropriation of money even although ltn ultimate effinit may be to nave money and that it cannot lie carried into ex ecution without the assent, and co opera tion of the minister of finance. If you follow the "project" to the minister of finnuee you are told that it has been sent back through the minister of the interior to the rtiief of the prison department for "modification." If you Btill iernist iu your determina tion to find out why this thing la not done, you may chase the modified "proj ect" through the prison department, the minister of the interior and the minister of finance to the council of the empire. There you dimVi'ver that, inasmuch as certain rrou-and-rihhoQ-decoratd nen atorg and general, who barely know Si beria by name, have expressed a doubt an to the existence of the evil with which the "project" is intended to deal, a spe cial "commission" (with salaries amount ing to 20,000 rnblen a year and mileage) has lieen appointed to investigate the iiilij.l and uiuke a report. If yon pursue the commission to Si b!ria and back, am search diligently in the proceedings of the council of the em pire for ill report, you ascertain that the document has been sent to the minister of the interior to serve as a basis for a new "project," and then, aa ten or fif teen years have elapsed and all the orig inal projectors are dead, evr;4hing be gius over again. At no stage of this cir cumrotatory process cap, vou lay your hand on a particular official and say: "Ilerel Von arn rrimiihU fir this What do yon meanbr it?" At no stage, probably, can you find an official who la opposed to the reform or who ha any personal interest iu defeat ing it; and yet the general effect ul the circmnrotatory process is more certainly fatal to yonr reformatory project than any amount of iutrlligent and active op position. The various bureaus of the provincial governor general office, the chief prison detriment, -h ministry of the interior, the ministry of finance, the ministry of justice, the council of minis ters, and the council of the empire con stitute a huge administrative maelstrom of ignorance and indifference, in which a "project" revolves slowly, month after month and year after year, until it is finally sucked down out of sight, or, per haps, thrown by a fortuitous eddy of personal or official interest into the great gnlf stream enrrent of real life. (teorge Kennan in Centurv. Th. Alr' Trmialtarnnry. L'uhke fog. haze commonly occurs during an uuiimially dry state of the lower stratum of air. In considering its caiie, it has Iwn suggested that the small quantity of noutranspan-ul matter required to produce the dimming effect should always be borne in mind. If the eye can olwerve the change that comes over a drop of water when the fifty mil lionth of a gram of fncliMne is intro duced, possibly a weight of water or dust dot limch greater would suffice for visibility in a column of air 1,000 feet long. The air is at all times charged with dust particles to a degree difficult to realizo. The purtjit air tested by Mr, Atkins when making hi measurements on the top of lien Nevis contained about It4,0oo dust particle toch r-ul.jy Inch, which would give 8."),S3J,iJO particles to every cubic foot, or &"i,2a2,Ot)(l,OiJO to a hori zontal column of 1.000 feet. Tbil being the ca.se, it is manifest that a condensa tion upon a small proportion of these or a momentary adheeion by electric attrac tion would sufiico to produce tho optical effect called 'hale" or "haziness." St. Louis Kepublic Mulo of Ih. Hih.r.. The origiu of this everyday phr;e Is sufficiently interesting to even bear re telling to those that already know iL Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher, while experimenting on the vibrations of tight drawn strings, discovered that htrings of certain leugtlu produced certain notes He then illogicully connected the seven planets known at that time with musical note for the reason merely that the radii of the seven spheres, In which, ac cording to then misting notions, ttm planets were net, were of unequal length and therefore (?) products! different notes These notes hedublwd the "music of the spheres." This musio was not supMued to lie caused by the friction of the sphere iu the sockets in which they were set, M is now currently thought, but wo pro duced by the vibrations of their unequal radii. New York Recorder. 111. Voting of Ih. S.a lll. Vou may find in the sea devil a curium Illustration of nature's system for ad justing reproduction. The cod lays sev eral hundred thousand eggs at a spawn ing, because nearly all of them must necessarily be lost whilu floating on the waves and those which hatch are mostly devoured. Cut the sea dovll, which pro duces but s.ngle young one at . time, re tains the latter in its belly until the Infant creature Is from four to six feet In length, o that when born It It ahl to take car of Itself and is In no dnnger of being drstroyed.lnti.rvlew In Wash ington Btar. When The HAIR IW'ws iiLS of f illiug, tsigia at care tlie use ul Ajrer't Hair Vigor, lliii preparation tlreiiicUisns IM snalp, pruinoios the cidwMi (it new hair, rt torus Uu uauual color to giar suit lulori tiair, aud reuik-M II solt y'ji ::-, sul Kluesy. We tiATB uo hesiuttim ki pronuo'Jn Ajrefl Hair Vl(tur unr.iuiM fr UtiastiiK tlie hair, and we do Una after lonr xN-ri-euee hi Iu use. This preparation preserve the hair, earns daadrurr and all disasr!s of (lie scalp, makes mukIi and brltUe hsir soft and pluuil, and prevenls Baldness. Whils it la not a dye, those wlio bave usd Uii Visor uy U will sUmuhii the mots and eoli. glaiMis of faded, pay, Usht, and rd tutu; cJiangiiHi Uie color to A Rich Brown or even Maek. It wtll not soli the plIlo eaM no. a porkot-liandkrrnhie, aud is al ways ajrretaWe. Ail the dirty, Kuminy hair preparsUiins should be displaced at once by Ayer's Hair Vigor, and thousands who (o arotmd with heads looking like 'ths freUul poreaplne' should hurry to tlie nesrnrt drug store and snrehase a bottle of Uu Vlcor." Thi Stmmf fimtk, AtlanU, Os. "Ayer's H.Ur Vigor U eifnenl for the hair. It stimulates ths growth, cores nakl ness, restores th nstnral eolor, elcanMi th scalp, prevent dandruff, and Is a food dress ing. We know that Ayer's Hair Vigor differ from most hair tonics and stmllar prepara tions, It being perfectly harmless." From VoMaf llrmlfrjrtmt, by Btra R- Parker, Ayer's Hair Vigor rn wr km an t Sk. . 0. ATM ft CO., Lowell, Kaasv BoM by PruHKlsU aud rwfumm. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tiik Hkst Sai.vk in the woild for CuU Hruises, Mores, Ulcers, Halt Hlienni, Kt vei Hores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, slid all Skin Krnptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to (five satisfaction, oi money refunded. Price 2.1 cents per box For ssle by F. O. Frickc & Co. Hni n tti-i-n Cm-s i in u u.iy. "MyHtic Cure" fur rlitMiiiiiitiMin iiikI neuralgiH rudicully cureil in 1 to 3 duya. ltriH tion upon the MVHtem iH ri'innrkiilile and uiyHterioiiH. It re move lit once the i iume and tlie tli Hejiee immediiitcly rliMwn(penrM. The limt done ureatly lieiu titn. 7,h: Sold by K, (i. Fricke, OriiKxitt. wt Will you suffer with DyepepaiH and Liver Coniplaint'r Shiloh'a Vit ali.er is guaranteed to cure you. 2 A Husband's Mistake. HuebanrtH too often permit wives, and parentH their children, to miffer from headache, dir.zincHH, neiiralui wlcepleeniienH, litn, nervouHiieHHiieriM, when hy the (me of Dr. l ilea' Re. Htorative Nervine hucIi Berioim re Multei could eaaily he prevented. UrujfifiHta everywhere aay it (fivea iiiiivcrsnl eatiefaction and baa an imineiiHe huIc. Woodworth A Co., of Kort Wavne, Ind.; Snow A Co., of Svracnee, N. V.; J. C. Wolf, Milledale, Mich.; and humlred.i of othern aay: "It ie the ffreutcH eeller they ever knew." It contuinH no opiateH. Trial hottlea and hue hook on NerroiiM diHeuMi-M, free at F. (J. Krii ke it Co'e Merit Win. We deeire to nay to the citizen, that foryeara we have been selling Dr. King'" New I)iMi-overy for Con Hiimption. Dr. Kind's New Life Pill Hiicklcn's Arnica Slave and Klectric Hittera, and have never handled remedies that m il an well, or that have jfiven euch univereal eatieiac tion. We do not hesitate to n'l""' antel llieui every time, and we etaud reailv to ri-finwl tin. i.uri-liiiu.. ii r.iiis;ir,i( mry reeiiiiKdo not follow then- there uae. These remdii'M have won there iraat popularity purely on therr nierits V. ( . l-'ricke A Co DniUKiHts. Sudden Deaths. Heart dinoac in by fur Dm- moMt freiiient cause of sudden death, which in three out of four ciimcm in uneiiHpected. The Hymptonix are not generally understood. Theee are: a hahit of ly injr on the riht side, slioit hrealh, pain or ditrcsH in the eide, hack or shoulder, irregular pulee. iisthma, weak and hungry epelle, wind iu stomach, Hwellin'of ankli'r) or dropMy, oppression, dry coiih and smoldering. Dr. Milea' iiliiHtrated hook on Heart Diaeaise, free at V.. (1. FrVe A Co'n, who ni-II anil guarantee Dr. Mib-H' uneiiialel New Heart Cure, and his restora live Nervine, which citren nervoilH nesM, headache, sleeplessness, drop ey, etc. It contaiim no opinion. A Safe Investment. 1c one which im guaranteed to I iri n r you Hatitaotary rcsiiltH, or in case of failuree a return oljpurchaMC iirice. Onthiaeale plain you can liny from our adviscrlisf Drtigiat a hottlcof Dr. Miif a New Diecrvery for coiiHiiinptioii. It is umiraiitenl to hring; rtdief in every cane, when used for nny nlfection of Throat, LuiiH, or idlest, hucIi na Consum ption, Inllammatioii of Lungs Bron chitis' Asthma, Whooping Coujfh, Croupe.ets., etc. It is pleasant ami areeable to tafte, perfectly afe and Trial bottles free at F. . Frickc A Co' h DruHtori. For ninny yearn Mr. H. F. Tliomp Hon, of Dch Moines, Iowa, was ee vcrely nlllicted with chronic diarr hoeu. He Haya: "At time it wan very severe; ho much ho, that I fcaerd it would end my life. About ncveii years ujro I chaiu'ed to pro cure a bottle of ( liamln rlnin'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It (ruve me prompt relief and I believe cured me permanent ly, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please. I have also used it iu my family with the heel reunite). For Male by F. (i. Frickic A Co. Wonderful 8ucree. Two yeaM UK" ",e Haller Prop. Co.' ordered their bottlen liy the box now they buy by the carload. Ann in i; -the popular and Hiiccescful remedies they jirepare in llallcr's SatHiiparilla A 1 tin dock which i the most woiidcvfiil blood purifier known. No di'iimfiat henitatca to recommend tins' remedy. For sale hy drucfuist. What is i I I Custoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Kuhwtance. It in a harmless subtttitute for ParegoHc, Irop, Sooth Inff Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. It guarantee is thirty years' use dt Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castorus prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves taethlnj troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulatcr tlie stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's .Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castor! Is aa exoeueut dmhUcIm for ehP. dron. lljiMhare repeatedly k4d uxuf its tooi ffaot upon Uulr ebUdrea." Da. a, a osmod, Loweu, Usm. " CsstorU U tlie biht reinedy fot ebildren of which I am soniaintwl. I hepe tb. day kot far UsUik wImo mother wrnoouidar the raal InterMl of their ehVdrm, and i Cantoris In stead of tae Tsriousquaek oostram which srs destrorlag tlsilr lorl ooas, by foroiuyopiiun, morphine, (ooUiiug syrup and other hurtful agents down abnir tiiroauv thereby seadlua them to premature fnim." Ps. J. F. Kisobclos, Conway, Ark. Cactcrin. TwsVarUaisowcn adapted to cbildrMtlut I reeuaniwud aMwaWHjtloaupmerlptiu kuuwn to ma." H. A. Aaoas", M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our phralouui in th children' depart ment turn spokea bigtiljr of thalr expert net in tliaer oulaSda pracliw with Castoria, and although w oly oave amoog our medical suppuas what is kaowa a rsrular produota, rt we are f rae to ooofess that th marl la of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon ft.1 TJkitsd Ilowrru. una Dispusabt. Boston, 1 Alls C. Smith, Prr:, Tb Cantanr Company, TT Murray Strat, Naw York City. J W HENDEE DF.AI.KK IN HARDWARE, STOVES & IR01T PUMPS, TI2STWAFIE ETC. spot cash mm the ajusiivaflss -ooOoo- She is a winner. We reduce our prices becutiHe we can afford too, not because somebody compels us too. Where is the higfh price, lonir time credit man that can stand it NOT IN i'LATTSMOl'TIL We jfive you a few more prices that may interest you: Golden machine oil .... still jfoes at 2tk: per tfal (iasoline - - - . . . " " ' 14c " " Warranted Hay Fork .... ...... t,acn 2,0tX) odd size carriage bolls - 14k: per hundred Another lot of clothes wrinere - 2.10 Carpet tacks - still jfo at lc per paper Cook stoves at cost to close. Folding ironing boards (7c Hlk barb wire 3.7(1 per hundred (alvaiii.ed barb wir ... 4.;j5 " Hest and cheapest line of tinware in the city. ()()() K- Come iu and nee us whether you are iu need of uny ki(,Is or not Remeinber that we can and will save you money every time. KverythitiK a bargain, NOT - ONE CENT- ON TIME. x Or. Grosvenor's Bell cap-sic syw., r-,. p I a ST E R . UhwTjrosinim. nnnilrT. PxirlHr4Uia lumhaur bnirwl Uimw, Gmtrtn fnm hy S.II IWfi'l HI HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CImmx. and bMuiifl ih ULr. ruftmtrt luauiiSltl Tr,.lh Matst VUl to Brator Omv l""r 4o so'hrul Color. i.aiaja " a 1 1 as aaa J W-nk I. uii,'.. IK-I.C itv. l-t'l vvMioe. rVa.l'.k. lntmt..airu. HINOERCORNS. Th. iirlTmrisirtfnrCor.n. bup. a.1 P..D. Lnt. .1 UtuuiM, w 1UM.UX CO., N. Y. (iRATKl'L COMFORTING Epps Cocoa HRF.AKFAST "Rys tliorinik'li knnwlcdiie of tlie natural Imhk w liteh iruvcrn tlie (iis-ratlons of dli;esten and nutrition, and by a careful sp lleatlon of the Due iroM-rilnaf well selected Coco. Mr, Kni has provldrd our break! uM table with a delii'iiiely llsvoiej beverage wlilch may us many lirsy doctor' bills, ll Is hytlie Judlo loim useol.urli artli'lcn of diet lliat a ctm fltiillou may lie Kradually tiollt up until atrouK enoiiifli to resist every tendency to disease, II iiiitl retls of auliiln melmlles are ftnalluii aniiiiid us ready te attack wherever ilierei" a wek point, VVe may e.cnpe inany a fatal shaft liy keepliiK ourrclvea well fondled with Cure bliMit and a properly nourished frame." I vll Service (iaelle. Madosl simply with Imitlrtfl water or milk. Sold only In hall-pound tins, by Krocerles. labelled tliur: .IAMKh KITH ft DO., Iloino'opathlc Chemist l.otuloll. KnKlsnd PERKINS- HOUSE, 217. 919, 221 and 2r:i Main Kt., Plattsmouth Nebraska H. M BONS, Proprietor, Ihe Perkins 1ms been thoroughly renovated from top to '...ittni aud now ono of the best hotels in the state Boarders will bo taken by the week at 4.(50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED UNDERTAKE Constantly keeps on hand everything you need to furnish jour house. COKNKK HIXTIl AND MAIN 8TKKKT Plattsmout Neb MIKE SllNELLHACKEK. Wagon and Blacksmith shop Wagon, Bugfrj, Machine and plow Hopairinn dons HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY He uses the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE - Which is the best horseshoe for th i farmer, or for fast drivinir, or for city j purposes ever iriTonUul. It is so made, that anyone ct.n put nn sharp or flat ; corks, as needed for wet and slippery , days, or smooth, dry Mads. Call at his shop and examine the nkvkiisi.if and jou will use no other. v J. M. SHNELLIlACKEIt. " t2 North Fifth St. I'latUmouth 1 ' Wanted -An active, relloble man -salary ITS to ssii no nllily. Willi linri ii in r.'prwor In ki iiaii ..I'lloii a :viin,siff fse-w "'-rr Hel'se. I l.-lcno-s MAMf.MHIfl 4 Uox l.,s, New York. -s-.-s l.l " iIS-v-" " '