The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 21, 1891, Image 1

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' '
ii Baily Herald.
. LI
vi MX
t.J ,.
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking.pnwder.
Highest (if nil in leavening Mrcnth.
-Latest I'. S. ( iovc riimcnt Food Report.
Alt Harmonious, and in the
i Field to Win.
' t
Thu B.uhlifn Party of C. County
Niimo h Si'lnidid Tit kut for
the CuriHiclftrMtion of the
Voter at (ha Fall
: I) K N T-I S T :- -
liol.ll AMI I'Okl KI.AIN HOWNt.
I'f. Hl-lli li ;! Ilt if fiTtlin ii llili " ex
tlliclliil' nl l Ii.
Fine Gold Work :i Specially.
Iturkwood HI'irk I'liittMntnilli. Ssli.
& Airauat ntiiii-iUll
eallEttata, Loau and Iniaranoe Antn
If you have mil estate l ttrll or
exchange fend un description, price
and tcrmn. ,
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable rate.
f l(),(XH) to loan Ht 1 'a percent and
no romminsionn, on good
fiirm security.
Onlcr uiiili-r- ( niinly Hunk,
fllielr KhII mrnw, (unrv rllilxili". Ill Mut iilUI
mi a lut if no Ivhl'in mint lii ht
in mil 1 1-1. 1 1n ) li.iv lull
lius ol baby trwiil- ftiul Hi ur
Aft 1 . rlo til, I ifork nut have Tf
diicrd tb-ir imw pnil"r nt to 40 mid to
7', r 'In trliiiind(
X . .... J..-
: UU1.H And P'tlN'RHINCKOU NH -Uriili?
work on (I linn guli work
PR. HTKIN Al'it LHI ALinorll m otlirr im.
Mlhctliulvn lof tlii- imlulr" ntti'tliin ol
C. A. MARSHALL. Kit.mhl ':
W. II. I'u kciiH in in Oin.iliii loil. iv.
J. I.. Mi fr left l.iMt ninht for St.
l.ouin to lit oiie a week.
Kopv M(."auley tnnl Nrttii: Miil
I it !-- are in Oiiiahii to il.iv.
Fril Sclirailer, tin- ('-liir I'reek
iniller, canie in on tin- S tuiv Irr
Henry S. IiIiiIh, an 1 1 1 I'I.iIIm
iiioiitli liny. in thi- city to-day.
Win. Ko m in iiKMt-ii and family left
for Mlair thin morning; on a vihit.
Ir. Srliililkiietlit left ycnterday
Iliortiiny; for Alliiince on a pleaxiire
Harry ( oolidye left thin uiorniii
on. No. 7 to work on liix llavelock
Mrn. Joe MrCoy and d.nmliter
Maud werr paHnennerK for Omuhii
tliiH iiiurn i Uf.
Harder, cliief clerk, for J. II. Water
i ii it n. nf Lincoln, Stindayt'd in
Iv'olit. I'alton. of tlic I . I'. KllopH
of Omalia, Solid. i veil with liin fami
ly tv ho lire here.
Mr. and Mm. HoiiHiliwortli, of
Lincoln, vixited In the city yt'Hter
re( 1 1 r ii in tr Lih evening.
('hurley Hinklt nnd wife Silil
dayed in Wahoo returning tlii
niorniiiK on the St huj Icr train.
(it'n. Smith, of Otitaha, viwitcd re.
lalivi-n anil friiinU yt-Hterday re-
tnrncd liiinie on the early train thin
m iroin.
JndKf Chnpinan returned from
Kiifttrrn Iowa jenteidav luoruinu.
lie rcportH dry weather mid j;ood
cropK tht-rr.
The republican county conven
lion which convened til Louinville
Saturday, wan one of (lie laryeHt,
tnn.' t rnlllllr-i.iMii-mid hat inoiiioiiM
ConventioiiH ever held hy Hie
piirty in ( hmh county.
At II a. in. U S. WtlkitiHoii, chair
man county central committee,
called the uiet'tiu to order ami Dr.
M. M. Huller of Weeping Water wan
choHcu temporary chairman and
David Miller of I'laUHiiinu til tempo
rary Hccretary. Dr. Hntler, upon
aKHtiniiiiK hitt poHition iim prcHidm
odicer, in a neat little Hpeecli, cx
hortet) the convention to nominate
a clean ticket, worthy the Htipport
of the !iH"tv in it!! sections of the
county. The doctor wan frequently
On motion the following dele
;ati'n were appointed ,m a commit
tee on credential!: M. H. Murphy,
S. KiiUhI, J. Koliinnon.
On motion the following were ap
pointed iih a committee on order of
htiHint-MM: A. J. (iravi-H, A. I'. Wood
anl, C. A. WcliHter.
On motion the couvt-iition ad
journed until 1 o'clock.
I'pon re-annemliline, the report
of the committee on credentialH,
with the recommendation that
voti'H tiy proxy he admitted
making in all l.'ij vott'H wiih
On motion deleati'H prext-nt from
each precinct were allowed to cant
the full vote, ill the event that the
precinct win not reprcHented hy
The report of the committee on
permanent organization, that the
temporary chairman he made per
manent, wait adopted
The committee on order of blifi
ut'HH recommended that the candi
dal en lie nominateil in the follow
ing order: County clerk, treiiMiirer,
Mherilf, i-oimty jude, clerk district
court, county Hiiperiiiteudent ol
hcIiooIh, coruor, Ktirveyor. delegate
tti the htate convention. dtdeateM
to the judicial convention. On
motion the report w;m utlopted.
The Htdection of the county com
miHHioner ;m left with the lirM tlin
trict. After ttiite a lengthy diHciiK
hiou an to the time that the liml tlitt
t rit t hhoiild Helect i t m candidate and
Heveral auiemlnieia.i to the motion
proponed, the matter wan laid upon
the (aide.
The chair next announced that
the convention would proceed to
the nomination of candidate in the
order (leniirnat'd l,y the report ax
Frank l)icknon. of I'lall-n.oiMli
hi'iu)r t lie only nominee, wan nana n
iinotinly (Irelan d the nominee liy
I.. ('. F.ickhotf liciny the only
candidate for treasurer wan nomi
nated liy acclamation.
For Ilie (iflicc of nlierilt thelollow
i n U uamert were prent nled: Thon
Williatnn, of I'lattnuioiith precinct;
(ieo. Ktlnou. Rock Hlultn; A. I'.
Wootlartl, Wcepinif Water; Havid
Wootlartl, of Weeping Water.
After two hallotn were taken re-
ultinji in no choice, the namen of
TluiH. Willianm and A. I'. Wootlartl
were withdrawn from the content.
The third hallo! reunited in the
nomination of (ieo. IvIhoii hy a vote
of 07'2 to Kl'tj. ( n motion the nomi
nation of Kdntin wan made utian
imou. Calvin Kunnelt, of Weeping Water,
wan unaniinuoHly tleclared the
nominee for county judfje, hy ac
clamation. For clerk tin' namen of A. Salin
hury. of, A. L. Timlin,
of Weeping Water; ILL. Lloyd, of
1'nion. ( n the Hecoiitl ballot Salin-
niiry wan declared tne noiinnce.
On motion the nomination of Salin-
waM matin tinauiinouii.
I lie naincH of A. J, (iravi-H, of
riattnmoiith, and I. K. I'Vtla, of
Weeping Water precinct, wen
presented J. K Lcytla wan nomi
nated on the first ballot.
J. I. 1'nruh, the prenent inciim
bent, and Henry Ilieck, both of thin
city, were presented for coroner
rI r. I nruh recfivin(r a majority
wan declared the nominee
A. C. Mayen wan nominated for
county c urveyor by acclamation
X. M. Todd waH re-nominated for
county comuiinHioner from the firnt
tlintrict by acclauiation.
U. It. Windham introduced tli
following resolution:
Ki;stH.VK!, That in the pernon of
Hon. M. H. Keene, cx-chief juntice of
.M'liranKti, we reciirni.e a man emi
neutly lilted for the ponition of an
Hociale pinlice tit the Hiipremt
court, both in point ol legal attain
ment and moral Htainina. There
fore, lie it further
Kenoivetl, I Hat it in the ex
prcnnetl winh of thin convention an
nt'inhli'tl, an it ia in the interentn of
the republican iiartv and the irreat
atate of Nehranka, that the Cann
county tlelegation be mid in hereby
iiintructetl to cant the full vote lor
Hon. M. H. Kt-ene for annociate
juntice of the Htiprenie court and
line till honorable meaiin to necure
bin nomination.
Wettenkamp. .
(ireen wood precifict Turner Zinc.
Center precinct - Manley Flower.
Mt. I'leanant precinct - John I'hil-
K'ock Hluff precinit William
Murray precinct (ieo. LloyH.
Tipton precinct -T. N. Htibbitt.
Weeping Water precinct -Jamen
Stove Creek precinct - If. (I.
Avoca precinct - J. II. Davin.
Liberty precinct (i. A, Rone.
Nehawka precinct ('. I). I'alwier.
I'lattnuioiith city -Firnt ward:
(ieo. Houui'worth; Second ward: D.
K. llarr; Third ward: O. C. Smith;
Fourth ward: S. C. Wilde; Fifth
wartl: A. J. Graven.
Weeping Water city - First wartl:
Simeon Rector; Second ward: C. A.
Webnter; Third ward: A.L. Timblin
I lie lollowmg were chosen an
central committeemen for the firnt
tlintrict of county comniinnioni'rB
Firnt wartl, Hyron Clark; Second
wartl, Jcnne Root; Third ward, M
H. Murphy; Fourth wartl, K1 (ircu-
hcI; Fifth wartl, A. J. Graven;
riattnmoiith precinct, Henry Fikcn-
I he coinmittee t lectetl Henry
I'.ikeuliary chairnian and tense
Root net ret a ry.
Like all convention, in which the
party represented wan in the race
to win, there wan quite a npirited
contest for some of the oflicen, but
all were willing to abide by the de
cision of the uinjorty, ami harmony
and good feeling prevailed.
The entire ticket in worthy of the
lull support of the party and with
thin able corps of oflicern at the
helm the affair of Cann county
will he entrusted to good men.
A r.V
In order to reduce btock to make mom lor our fall pui'duiseo
we rinibt clone out the balantte of our tSimimcr Btock as quickly as pus
Bible, ('oiiiuieiiciii to day we will oiler our entire line of white
goods, enibruiderieis ilomicings and all over
At 20 Per Out 1)1-count From Uvular Price,
adics ummer vests at 8c regular. 10c quality.
y adies summer vests at 10c regular. 15 qualitj,
J adies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c.
Ladies black lisle and ancy Egyptian
35 worth 45c
cotton vests at
Ladies silk mixed vests at 6oc was a bar- v
(jivkx wmi
each 810 uortli ol' ootls
at Tlie Fa r' are not
"Daubs" but real artists
Sec our 5, 10 and 25
cent counters for Ilarrains
Mr. Windham, in a forcible
npecch. moved the adoption of the
resolution. M. H. Murphy wan a
friend of Judge Reese, but being
opponetl to sending instructed dele
gates, moved an
the motion he divided and that
each paragraph be voted upon sep
arately." The amendment was then
taken up and hint. A motion to lay
on the table wan lost. The original
motion to adopt wan then curried
unanimously, demonstrating eon.
t limivcly that Judge Reese ban a
friend in the republican party of
Cann coiiutv.
On motion each ward ami pre
cinct were pernimeii 10 name a
member of a coinmittee, the duty
of w hich nllall be to select fourteen
delegaten to the ntate and judiucial
The committee ncclccted the fol
lowing de legate h to attend the Htate
convention. S. S. Knglish, Geo. W.
Clark, A inly Clirintennon, lohii
Clementn, Geo. I. Matherson. Jan.
M. Drake, I. N. Woodford. C. L.
Graven, II. Kikeubary, Jan. Hall, J
A. Dinin, Wanh Smith, S. W, Orion,
Jan. Robertson.
The following were selected dele.
gates to (lie judicial convention:
J. K. Stucker, S. S. Hrown, Isaac
I'ollartl, Sam Darker. J. II. Hall,
Anderson Root, A. J. Graven, N. R.
1 lobbn, (ieo. Findlcy, ( It lando Telft,
J. O. Atlaiun, A. L. Timblin. J. H.
The following resolution wan in
troduced and adopted:.
RksjU.vkii, Hy the republican
county coiiiuiittee assembled, That
the memhernof the county central
committee lie and nrc hereby 111-
Htriictetl to (ill all vacancies in the
iiominiitinil of ciinditlati'H for the
Heveral ciiunty olliceM that may oc
cur, liy reanini of death of cantli
tliilen, removal from county or for
any other cause.
The following wan also in
imoiisly adopted., That the eminent abil
ity and fearlesH integrity of the
Hon. S. M. Chapiiiau an evidenced
by his course on the hriich maken
it the tluty an well an the interest of
the people of thin judicial tlintrict
to elect him to the position he ban
ably tilled during his term of ollice.
The names of Orlando Tcft and
M. II. Murphy were presented for
chairman of the county central
coinmittee. Mr. Teft reieivetl a ma
jority of volcM cant anil wiih de
clared elected. On motion Mr.
Murphy theelectioii of Mr. Tefl wiih
made uailaniiiioiin.
The following were chosen mem
bers of the county central com
mittee: Salt Creek precinct - Geo Findlcy.
South llentl precinct -W. 1 Wells,
liuisville precinct Milen Drake.
Light Mile Grove precinct - Henry
I'hiltHiiiDiitll .precinct William
Convention No'
The usual remark wan, that the
republicans had an exceptionally
strong ticket.
Dr. Mutter as a presiding officer
is a success. He presides with
dignity, impartiality, and decision
are rendered in accordance with es
tahhshtd rules of parlimentary
M.' DrTii Ik "wiisTIow n in the wei
end of the county "making hay
but o ing to the rain in the after
noon, he hail an opportunity of at
tending the convention an a looker
great many were niirpriset
Jadias silk vests at $1, reduced from $1.2,.
per cent.
on all ladies shirt waists and
C)0 per cent dicsount on all our silk umbrellas
Challien reduced to 5 cents per yard, regulars (';,c tpiallity
Mousse line tie India reduced to tk' per yard.
We make thinolfer in onler to reduce stock - -Now in the time to
purchase if in want of any of the above goods. RKMKM HKR all of our
gootln markeil in plain Ii;: uren anil w e tin an wo advertinc. Don't minn
thinna.e an they are the lowest prices quoted thin season.
warm feeling existed
that such a
between the different sections of
the county. 1 1 plainly proven that
the republicans propose to lay
aside petty side issiien ami work
in unison, which means success
to the entire ticket.
The Hpi cch of Hon. R. ft. Wind
ham in support of bin resolution,
was a forcible one, and had a tell
ing clfect upon the convention.
Mr. Windham in well informed in re
garil to the meritorious nervicen
rendered by Judge Reene and bin
just claims upon th republicans
of Cass county.
When ir, Hntler, in Ihiw speech
upon taking the chair, referretl to
Mayor McKinley, he wan greeted
cheers anil loud applause, thus in
dicating that in the future an in the
pant, the principle of protection, in
its true cenne will continue to he a
shining star in the republican ban
ner. After t li e pa n s a ge of
Windham's resolution to instruct
for Judge Reene, a prominent
gentleman til I'latlsiiiiiuth who wan
a delegate to the ILintingn conven
tion two yearn ago, with nix proxies,
all of which were cant agaitint
Judge Reene, wan heard to remark
that he had been ashamed of him
Keif ever niuce. Thin indicated that
lie wan now a Keese man. The little daughter of Mi4
and Mm. Frank Dickson died last
evening at u:. ol summer com
plaint. The funeral will he held at
the home of F. M. Richey at '.
o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
Tint oflice of county clerk will he
closed to morrow afternoon owing
to the funeral of the little child of
Frank Dickson.
To CumI Consumer.
All those that tin not sellle
their hint sea-on'n coal billn with
me by the Ilith of ( )ct. next will not
expect to have any nccomidatioim
from me thin nenson of course.
( Hliif and yards 404 South Third
utrect. Telephone, III.
I alwaVM try to have a full line of
all graden of coal on hand.
tf Timothy CLAkk.
I'lattsiiKtuth. Sept. ISul.
V h e n y o u
t-llnIlM licein to
think aboutyour
lull underwear.
We have just re
ceived ten eases
of lii'lii'n. chil
dren", iiu'!i. and
bovti underwear
direct frotn a
Jiinnnlac; I li r (i r
who was need.
money uiid
willing to
tlisposf id' part
id' thin years pro
duct of his mill
at a KHcritice, hi
liiiidortune wan
our opportunity
and we bought
the goods at
than their ac
tual value, t
tart thin under
wear we intend
to make souk;
Siitt'iul No. 1
yearn old. ON LY Idc
Childr us all wool Sc. ill. t Shirts and drawers, ..1
ni.en running large enough to lit a child twelve -KACII.
I V O (Inhlreiin heavy natural wool coioreti nuin,
o)(MlHl li0 H, Drawers running in name wizen an the near-
let only ctn u garment. You can t HtTortl to buy the cloth to mime your
childrenn underwear w hen we can nell you them ready made no cheap.
Special No, 3
Menn extra heavy ribbed natural wool colored
nhirtn and drawers all Hiscenouly t in KACII.
C I N I '-"dien heavy merino Shirt ami Drawers, Silk
&i)cciai no, -i
triunned, b very nice garment, Unit in univernally
noltl nt.TOctn; We nell at :ctn FIACH.
Special Floor Oil Cloth bargains
Oil Cloth for
lloorn under
sloven, etc at only 'iV per ntpiare yartl. We have it in neveral different
tlenignn antl witlthn.
RliMikets or Ik'd Comforts "j;
oil neetl fcny give tin a
ill and we will surprise
you with prices. We Imve them to nuit anyoncs pocketbook and will
give good value for your money.
To give hair
anil luxuriant
Hair Renewer.
a beautiful, gloeny
gruth' try Heggn'
old liy Hrowu A
Best English linoleum
(i'-' centn a stpiare yard. A Hecial liar
gain at the price.
New Stock of Shoes Just Received.
During the last week we have received from New Kugland factories fiU
cant'K of Ladies, Misses, Childrenn, Menn anil boj m nhoen, among them
are unprecedented bargain. Call anil nee un, and let us show you
how cheap, nolitl, wcrviccnhle a hlioe can Ke sold
.. I
J , 'f
J '
I'wt if