iT ,xi a. ni V ! a. in -ins. m. S I.. . ;.'! n, hi . S a u. m, i o. 1, . 0, 1 II :U" s. lu . . irir HAILWAY -.NKCAkn. " ,,' Ull n lavwi... ariivm... "ij except Humlay ld. Ws. ni . 4 .OS p. !'. o 0 - . , .. ; . . - ,,.,'..,".' hatch . ' . ' . . no more. , . ' '"die. Tim ' ; -;.'?.'.' . wwIimI 1 , .'; " ', i ' ' mt prof.erly ."' f ' . ' '-" Vn'-nilly recognized. , , "f ,". f surprise to ninny ' ;'".' "''"'I' li'liiim 1ms for the . , ." i ' ,J '""MncfHsfulinhutoh- ' raisin, ,' Most men , .' huhhies. ami the rearing of ' 'jr. tiarry itoilolph'i pet aiunim !'. It is such hn oriifinal hubby that '. wt'll i aked Low he acquired .- an I!.-;!. Mr. Rudolph is athor- i K;irtj.inHii. aud, to quota hi own rdit, "would rather (run than eat." , .-, ju-'iil am ib':twint shooting i hi do . i-A, and he confesses thut he always i i;ul a fancy for the game little liob Whit. A 1 lout three years uo he was tvn a brace or "live quail while gun tiiiift at New kirk station, in New Jersey. Thes were the nucleus of his present stock, lie brought theui to hiH home, and fitted up a cae for them in hi littlu buck lot DAW Ho gradually acquired a few other birds, which paired oil aud commenced to lay and haUh egija during the sum mer. The small ones were successfully hstched out, but died very shortly after. Mr. Rudolph detejinined to discover the cause of their early demise, and, know ing it tmist 1 lack of proper food, de termined to watch the hahiu of the old er birds aiul experiment npon them with rarietits of zrjjn and ioauot food. Io spite of tlie amusement of his friends, who considered his attempt im possible, Jlr. Rudolph set to work in oarnest to rsise quail, and, after numer ous failure, was able. In his second year, to successfully hat b and raise a brood of quail. He had hit upon the nlit method of fiiing them, and the young birds were an M r .ni and healthy as if born under natural conditions. Since then he reckons uat 6." per cent, of his young birds have lfn successfully brought to maturity. As statistics show that hard ly 50 per cent of wild game birds attain their full size, owing to the nuaiber of their natural fi-s, such as hawks and vermin, this is an eitreniely good rec ord. In a small yard, scarcely twenty feet souare. Mr. Rudolnh keen his nets - . An no. The iticliHnre isshntin on three sides by a wcxKleti fence, and on the fonrth by the rear wall of the house. Around Uie liordcrs are bwls of geranium and small shrubs. In the center is a patch of grass, with a tail plant in the middle. On one side of the lot are the cage, in which Hire ,ra e are paired off in sep arate COOM. llAlsINU VI All. In the fourth ck is a lonely and dis consolate hen, while running loose about the yard are two c ka and a hen with three chicks. The latter are a remark able bnsxL They were hatched, with five otht-rs. on tiie Mh of July, which Us nearly one month aJiead of the billing -a.m. The defunct ones weie killed by the iiicli-meut weather or some other caue common to infant quail, but the anrvivors remain perfectly healthy. When the next bnxxl is born, the chicks loose in the yard, together with the parent bin Ik, will beshnt np to make room for the newcomers. Owing to the eitreme pugnacity of the cocks it is im possible to let more than one pair loose v a time, or fue iivea of tne birds would be endaugere-L The pairing off of two rocks with one hen, although rare, Is oc . casionally found. The two tnsle birds who champion the little mother hen live in peace and harmony, and both work together at making the nests and take their turn in sitting on theKjs. The principal food which Mr. Rudolph gives to his pet, jg grain; grasshoppers also form psrt of their dietary. But the secret by which he manages to raise the young Mr. Rndolph refuse to reveaL lie says th.; li something natural to the birds in wild life, hut beyond that be will not commit himself. The quail are very fond of hemMeed, but they get so fat on it that its value as wholesome food is very small. It would soon kill thein off. It is nst-fnl, however, in feed ing hens which have Is-en sitting io or ler to bring them back to their proper condition. Philadelphia Ledger. Applying at Hailqii.rtM. "1 underhand that yon have been at tending Ihe I.M-tnr.'s on 'First Aid to the Injured,' Miss Rosalia." said the young man. "Yes." answered the sweet girl. ''Can cnn yon tell me," whispered the youth, drawing a little nearer, "what you would do for a bro broken heart?' New York Truth. torn Lata. "I ay. old fellow, here are the five hillings I borrowed of yoa last weekf "Thanks, dear lwyt 1 hud forgotten 11 sbont it." "Hang it, old man, why didn't yon tell me that five minutes ago?" London Jit-Iiits. . .n.i tod.iv. , . ihhi were piisecn: ..nil to-liiy. Monroe iind wife returned y Kiiimas laet evening. 1 .Mr. Hill kucy niid wife, of Hotel Kiley, went to Oinnha biet eeninjr. Mrs. Jolin Itoone ami daiiKl't'T were pas.-cncr on No. 7 for Omaha. Two harvrwt excursion trainn went west this morning ctowdcil with people. Mr. KdinuiKlf, one of tin- enti r iriiii incrchiiiitK of Murray, is in the city to-day. J. 11. Waterman, of Lincoln, was in the city lunt ti ilit. returning this morning on No. 7. Silc Patterson mid Wm. Slinock of Louisville ciime in on the Schuy ler to attend the fair. W. H. dishing left last night on No. '2 for Chicago to attend the funeral of his mother. The boya nt ihe bagae room nay they never handled as much laggage in one day an they ilid to-day. August Tarscli departed last attend a reunion of hi old regi ment. Mr. (leori-e Furguson, formerly of this city, came in from Lincoln thin morning to visit a few days with old friend. Obituary. DlKl) Dora, daughter of Tom and Kluabcth Hodgson, at Oak street, ut :45 a. in., of typhoid fever. Misa Dora had iieen eick for the past two weeks), lut strong hopes were entertained for her recovery, but ut last she had to em cuinti to the inevitable. She was one of the most highly respected of ouryoung ladies, and her afllicted parents have the sympathy of the entire community. j Ia wt ok STOI.KX - A stem-winding silver watch. The finder will please leave at Frank I'Hrruth's jewelry store and receive $" reward. 4t li. W. I'lKW'K.' The Katie Putnam company came in from Sioux City and quar tered at the Hotel Kiley. They will hold the hoards at the opera House to-night in "Love Finds a Way." Progmm for Thurdy. LOT I 'l-SS TKOtTiSO KA'-E, Pt'HSiK t" Trotling race lor horses that have never beaten "J:.V minutes, mile heats, best three in five. First horse W Second horse ' CK) Third horse IS 00 LOT II- HICYt LE KAl E.rt kHEt:). Half mile heats, best two in three. First f 1-1 Second ! Third S LOT II - (iKN'TLK.MA.N'fl KOAHS1 KKH, S fL'KHEi'iO. Horses that have never trotted for money outside of Casa county, mile heats, hesl three in five. First horse Ti" 00 Sietnd horse IS Of I Third horse 10 00 LOT III-Kl'.N.MMi KAl K, KKKK KK ALL. la-KCEllfW. Kuniiing race, one mile heals, best two in three. First hTe USHJO Second horse 30 Third horae 3 (l Bma Ball. Tu-niurrow at - o'clock a dub of the energetic hoys of the High school tire to try their skill upon the heroes of Murray in an interest ing game of base hall. This is the first game to he played by the school hoys and they have undertaken a big job when they challenge the farmers of Murray precinct. The public are expected to en courage the hoya hy their presence at the park, dencral admission 1.1, cents school childcrn V', ladies free. Capt. W. A. Ahhett, who has long been with Messrs. J'rei ival and H ilton. Real Kstate and Insurance Brokers, Des Moines, Iowa and is one of the best known and nost re swcted business men inthat city says: "1 can testify to I the good qualities of Chaniherhi'Ii'a Couh ketnedy. Having used lit in my family tor the past eigt years, I can safely say it has tij equal for either colds or croim." rent bot tles for sale by F. . ) icke A Co. Druggists. SWUkT SUClt.TIKS T7"MlilllS OK I'Y'l'lllAH llnuntlft l.oillrt- XV Ko. 17 M-cir every M'nli -Isy rviMiiiiK al their It II In farmed A I rti t hi'" k. an ' Uins kmuli'K are niill; iy u, v I Io u'tfiiil f. C. UIibu.:. C ; tl Vi,i . k. Jt. S. YOIMI MFN'H I IIUIM H fi '(iOCIATIilS u'aii-riniiii III'" k Minn hm-i-l. hii' pfii (r 'in s in In ;' I' J rnr irni mily ti'iMiel rnett eveiy unility aUene t-n at 4 uViuck . A I'. '. Me.-I llrt sua llilM t-'rlii.iy -vh .(lie- if ea'-li iitiHi h hi li A It. Hail In Hni kn.M.k I'l.i. k. frank Vrnmlyea, V. W. I, t' r.uiuie, lu-euniei . o I' W No ni - Mmi (""nil mill tviinh friil. iv vi-i'ii'ii In 1 lie Tiiiniili si li. A I liu.ll ai l.n ku.iml line. E.J. .Mniiiaii, M v, 1 , I', liriioli, Itneinli r, OOYAl. Mii'AVAM-C.n I'tn lull " ' .M-tt ill Ilic K, il e hail In tin- I'a'iin'l" k I'r-lL' Wmk miT in-ineil H luiic. viIiiiis lin lliri'ii liiMii d lii'nrv II. ml I. lU-umi : Tll' VI ;itllliu. sVrrrloiy, I ass I.OIMiK. Vn lli I (I. O. f. lnsi-i ev r Tu'-i'xy nii'lit t their lull m Hli:crmi ni'l All nail leliiids are rmtlisli) nvllnl I hi'cimI h-n vHitli.t; In thtcity. J tory. N li K W . llrinVe. Si-rret.liV. PLACKS OF Woh'SHIP. Catmoi.ic.-M. I':iiil'4 CHiirrh. sk. Istei, filth Mild riixtli. Kalhi-r ''ie-y, I'uMor Hivirii: V-ist lid in :.'i A. M. Siitiit.iy Si huiil itl i .:. i'li bi iieiliiinii.. CnMi4Tin.-rrner l.jrut and Kiifhth Ht. Servh:e HHirniiiK Slid rvenlnif. Klner J. K. Used, psnlur. hniiilsy M-insil 10 a. m. KeisoPAL.-Sl. Luke's ftiutdi. corner Thl'd sun V ins. hev n n. itimei. pi"Hr ser viesn : 1 1 A. M i.ilt iwl'.S Suuday rkUisjl at : r M. liKKMAN MstH"IUt.- .truer Sixth St i,d liranlte. Kev. HIM. Castor, service : II a. h. and 7 r a. auuuA) hchunl 10 k. a, I'HKSHTrrSIA a. emre tl. Hew lllllli h. our ser Mxili und lirsniie i. He v. J T. Kairrt. PK'lor. suuilav-M-i il at ;; Creachlnit at II a. ni. Mini d in, Tlis Y. K. S. I'. K ni tb ! elnirrh nieet eviy H.ilih.illl sm iiIi I' Hi 7 IS In till- liKiemetil ,i the ehiirrli. All are invited to attend Ihi-w rnrei niv Pihst MltTHOiMST. Hlxlh St.. heteu Uin and Pearl. Kev J. I M Hu' kner i.ur. Servlre : II A. M.. s 11 T. M. hiindat SoIukiI Hjiia Ciayrr ineetii x eilnedAy even iitg Gskmas I'BtssvTSKiAS -Corner Main and Ninth. Key Vi me, iut"r. hervlwy akiial hours. Sunday setiil V :M t. H. SS SKIH4H ( osossotTloSAU-liraiiite, be tseeu fifth and nixlli. t'oimr.n BiTiT.-1t Ollvr, link. tetwen lenili and Klrvrnth, Hev. A. Knnel, pas tor. Seivlrm II s In. xnd 7 :.(! S IU. flayer nieetllis VicdlieMla) eelilng. Yut su Mrs's CiimistiaS' A" iatiiiS KMiiu4 hi sieniiHii nliM'k, Mnin street, lim pel ineeianr. fur Mien only, every hundsy af lenifsHi l 4 oVhs-k HiHiut nien eek da)t Iiiiiuii lit K:jS p.m. Hot TH fAIlK TAIISSS l L - Key. .1. M. WimmI, I a'.t'if. Si rviem: StinOuy Hrhisd, In a ni.: triH'liinx. II a m. nd s p. in.; prayer on lurMly nltihi ; choir ptar i I riilny nulit. A I. air selcinne. Mint' Nerve and Liver Pllle- Act oo a new priiicijile ri-nultin(i the liver, idotuach and hnsils throtiKh the nerves. A Or discovery. Dr. Milt' Till speedily cure IhIio-imiish, hub tanU, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Uoe-rjiihh-d for men, women, children Smallest, mildest, surest! 511 doses, IV. Ssmpla free t K. (i. Krirke & (Vs. We have sold's Cream Halm about three years, and have re commended us use in more than n hundred special cases of catarrh. The unanimous answer to our in onirics is, "It's the best remedy that I ha ve ever used." Our experience is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure.-J. H. .Montgomery, A Co., Druggists. )e corah, (own. When I began using Fly's Cream Hiilm my catiiirh was so bad I had headache the whole time and ihs. charged a large amount of filthy matter. That has almost entirely disappeared and have not had head ache science. J. Somiuers.Stcphney, Conn. Hrown A Harrelt have just re ceived a line line of imported tooth and nail brushes, cloth ami hair brushes. Prices away down. If None 10 Coal Consumers 1 will furnish the best of coal of all grades to those who pay iiie.btil those who wish to run long winded at counts I don't want. As I have to pay for what I get I must insist on I lay for what I sell. All those who (now themselves indebted Io me will please pay by Die lath of Sep tember as I must have money to pay for inter con I. Timothy Ci.akk. Dca'.er in AuthrsM ite and liitiiiui nous coal ii i i1 wood. Oflice and yard 14 Smtll Third st. telephone R Plattsmoutll. Neb. If Cur for Pralv. frank t ornclius, of Pureed, Ind. Ter., Hays: "1 induced Mr. Pitieon, whose wife hail paralysis in the face to huv a bottle of Chamberlain's I in u It .l.n. Toth eir ureal suprise before the bottle had all been used she was a treat deal better. Ib f face had been drawn to one side; but the Pain Halm relieved nil pain and soreness, and the tumuli assumed its natural shape.'' ll is also a certain cure (or rheumatism lame hack, sprains sucllinirs and laun ncss. .Itl cent liolties for sHle by F. (i. FrickeACo., Druggists. Huir clains, rings, crosses a I hair work of all kinds to order. Me a A. Kxf.K. tf 174) locust St. Always take your prescriptions to Mrown & Hurrett's. . tf Itch on human and horses and all minimis cured in minutes by Wiailford's Sanitary !lion. This never fails. Sold hyp, i. Fricke A Co., druggist. Plattsmoiilh. wlf. H 8 GItANI) FALL OPEMNQ MONDAY, - SEPT - 21st EVERYBODY IS I1TVITED Every Lad) and (JcntJemcn Slmll Hcceive a Nicer Sou venir Th. VTttW lr.fnmn Opera House Corner Plattsmouth. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND ?S.r."i,4,ai r ; i"i-4 ,-fjir"i'i j( UNDERTAKR. ConiUnlij keei on hsnd everything you need to furnish your house. OokfcBHIIXIH AM) MAIN STHIKT Pittumrjt - !eb THE IXXEKXATI 0 iVAL TYPEWRITER A llrlrtir Drat sIsm miuililiut. full? wsrrss I. Mans from Hi sry bwt material b illisd nrkmsD, and liu tlis Imt tools th b is fvsr Immw di-iM'd t,r iik purisise Wa rantsi) u dn all Una ran bo rsmwinanlr IMtSl flf I ll S tr ftMt t.,kr.l, ( lblsof wrllliu )v. witd, ui r nonuu ai srcornini io -.ns smaif ni the (is-rt' Illlins m un ai;srit in your tnn adireu th piaiiiilaetiirs. TIIK CAKISII M TU '. Anxiila M.lsrt I'srlali M, V. r. B. HKKLKMIKK, Ami. Lincoln. Nuh, Wanted- t ss'lvs . rsllsti m salary 7 n asii nimiiii v. wild iih-is i-s, m tstrrrn-ut to III own etinn a rssi nimilils Ss Vrb llnuas. fftriiTKVH MAM ni rH, I4ll H .i, mk. THE LEADING HOD OMY 0!iE PRICE WILL HA VK HIS- ATS O'CLOCK MUSIC. HARNESS! FRED GORDER The only Inijilenifut di-alcr who THK Lest of harness, both double und single maybe found at tu storennd everything in the harness! which are first class in every respect, easiest riding vehicles on earth. 1 A IX) have a large lot of Schtitler. Moline, Hain and Sterling wagons Spring wagons, road carts, aud plows of all (lis ription. FIJKr) Plattsmouth J W HEN DEE HARDWARE, STOVES & IRON PUMP8, TINWARE ETC HPOT CASH 3)15.1 TII33 -OX She is a winner. We reduce our prices because we can afford too, not because somebody compels us too. Where is the high price, lonir time credit man that can stand it NOT I.N PLATTSMOt'TII. We give yon a few more prices that may interest you; (olden machine oil .... still goes al 'JIic per gal (asoliiie " 4j m Warranted Hay Fork . . . ' " - K- e(lth 2 odd size carriage bolts ..... Uk: per hundred Another lol of clothes wringers .... Carmt tucks still go al leper paper t ook stoves at cost to close. Folding ironing boards H7c nik bail, wire SHI per hundred nilvHiitzed barb wire ..... 4.; Jli st and cheapest line of tinware in the city. Come In and see us whether you arc !u need of any goods or not a bargain "l" Bl,' ''''V,' OU ' t"'- Kverything NOT ONE - CENT - OH - TIME. CLOLHIER - B TO COME. i HARNESS, -AT- has made a success in O Cot being the lightest, strongest and qoiF,r, Nebraska ix )()(- "OOOtHf-