The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 16, 1891, Image 3

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fljree lilUe klfleip, soiled tijeir qjliep,
p4d dicfyt kljovval b do;
Yiilviis eld friend
fr,., Soap.
V ftse li!i!e kihlerts,v,d ieir nfes S
were &s brig &r(d soft &s ijcv"
NXFairbank&Co.'- Chicago.
. : in
t -
i 0. auivEsp cu.gri
MIINOI.EH, LATH, 8 A fill.
IXtOUS, BMNDS.and ill building material
Call ami sec us at the corner of
11th and Elm street, one block
north of Meiscl's mill.
Plaiismouth, iNTobraska
Everything to Furnish Your House.
;ivm mirvli;icl the ). V. Y tckbacli store room on eolith
tin htrei't where I am now located I can t-ell oods cheap
ijlian the cheapest having just iiit in the largest stock
w KOods ever hio-iht to the city, (iasoline stove
furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan,
Q IzrjioijK cvv go
A Full and Complete lino of
Young 'j'riut Arm f'lenty,
"It w very difficult. " said a business
man, "ti umkn people nnderxtand that
one can't always employ yoiiinr, men
Hiariiiij in lift jnut to pleas our friends
who recommend them to us. It's bad
business policy t' Employ more men
tlmn 1. ne iii'piIh. In llie.-,r day of close
competition, no basini-MS iijhii can afford
to fp'-nd money unwisely. A certain
voliiniD of biiniiif.i justifies nud demands
a certain expenditure In sularies to carry
(n that bnMm wt. It isn't fair to tin to
k im tn iinTi-;iMi our alarv list when I
there in no for no doing. It iHii't
fair to our trnnted Hiid elllcient einployceg
to ask un to employ new men and yet
maintain our pnlary list. We can do
this only in two ways. One into paio
off enough from tlm wilarieH of the old
men ti provide salaries for the new men.
Another in to discharge ohl men to mako
riHim for the new. You see that both
plum are out of the (iieMtion, other
things beinic equal.
'Tophi who send promicuoti8 letters
of recommendation often cause no a
reat ileal of embarrassment. One likes
to ple&ae a friend, and yet one cannot
always, in justice to himself or others,
do thin. And have you ever noticed
how many of these letters of introduc
tion d"enb the bearers of them as bril
liant yomiK men, who will prove of
value to those who employ them? Hard
ly one man in a thousand of those de
scrilied in this way fulfills the promises
made for him. Do thoe who wiiIksucIi
letters ever rounder that if a bij busi
ness house employed all the men who
brouht letters of recommendation to
me nrru it would tie overwhelmed with
employees within a yoar and driven into
bankruptcy in two years by its stupen
dous salary list? New York Tribune.
In on. . ,
iue i ' '
Horufulii ' t
from your , , , -
to your ofIirii" "'
of eaaes, foolh t)"us ' ' ,
tiiiito In Berofula. It ' , ' '
primary source of iiiaif ' .
of Uie lxJy. Begi. at'v .' , ' '
bkxxl with UiejUiulatU a. .
" For sYernl montln I w:n troubled with
scrofujous eruitioiis ovi-r the wlwlo hocly
My iippellte w;w liarl, ami mjr Bysjtiin so
pnwtruteil that I w;w mutlile to work. After
tryliiK several remedies In Taln. 1 resolveil
to Uike Ayer's Karsaiarllla, ami did to will,
siieh kooU eltiwt Uiat less Uiau ouo twlllo
Restored My Health
and strength. The raildlty of ths cure as
baihlimi nm, aa I expected the proresi to he
Ion anil tedious." Krederleo Marlj Fv
nandej, Villa Nova dr (isys, I'ortuptl.
"Kor many yesrs I was a sufterer from
scrofula, until about three years ago, when I
beipin the ius f Ayer's Harsaparllla, since
which the disease has entirely dlsappearml
A little child of mine, who was troubled wlUl
tlie tame complaint, hss s!o ben cured by
this medicine."-H. Ilriindt, Avix, Nebr.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
SB. J. C. A TEH & CO., Lonill, Haas.
Bold by Drui (lliu. $t,ili)i. Worts Xsbottl.,
How a kpliler Itulnad Nation.
When the French quartermaster, Dhv
jonval, was confined in prison by the
Dutch at Utrecht he sought to Ix'guile
the tedium of his prison life by atten
tively studying tho habits of the spider
which frequented his cell, and eight
years of imprisonment gav him h'i-nre
to lie well verved in their ways. In De
cember of 1794 the French army, on
whose victory over the Dutch depended
Disjonval's nutoration to liberty, were
in nullum!, and the victory seemed cer
tain if the frost, whb
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
Thk Bkht 8ai,vk in the world for CuU
llruises, Hor(!8, Ulcers, Halt Khtuni. Fever
Hores, Tetter, (;lmpped Hamls, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Hkin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures I'llm. or po iiv reouired
It is guarantied to (five sutisfsciion, or
money ref undeil. I'nce 2.1 rents per box
ror sale ty r. O. Fncke & Co.
RhoumsiiiTi Cucirl In a O-y,
"MyHtic C'iirc"firrluMuiiiitinm inn
111 iirnliria ruiliCHllv cured in I to
tliiys. Its action upon I Ik- nvnteui in
reiiiiiihiilile noil 111 HterioiiH. It n
inovi'M ut once the ciumo hiiiI the li
M'Mimc iiiinicdiiiti'ly iliHHiiiipt-nrH
n- in m nunc trrfiniy iM'iicntM. i.ic
Siold liy hricki-, DrutrinHt. w
for Pa'tv., . j , .-': .
t Is Pluanant,., , ' r' .'
Millions of Jlothci1.'
fercrlslincHH. Castohi "!'' "
k4. . '
cures DliirrluLii aud
twothing: troubles, cures tor.' ,
CoHtorla assimilates the foodV 'i .
and bowels, giving healthy and .
toria Is tlio Children's .Yana:ea the'.
ll Was then of nn.
pre-edentel ix verity, continued. " y" S'lfTer with DynpcpHia
The Dutch envoys hud failed to ne- " "." l'" VT K ""ipiaint.' Mnloli's Vit-
Kotiate a p.'te, and Holland wai, de- s ' ''r IH g"unintce(l to cure you. 2
spairmi,' when the frost suddenly broke.
The Dutch w-re now exulting, and the
rrencli jrenernls nrenared to ret rent
Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
Remember that U. (). CastU & Co have un immense stock of
Andtiuaramtoo Satisfaction In all Thlu?s
but the spiders of Divjonval's cell fore
warned him that the thaw would be of
short duration, and he knew that his
little insect weather monitor never de
ceived him. Accordingly he contrived
to communicate his weather knowleib
to tho army of his countrymen and its
(,'enerals, who duly entimat.d his (Di-
jouval) character, relied upon his as.
surame mat within a few days the
waters would ic'nin be frozen so as to bo
passable to tlie Fieticli trisipn.
lliey delayed their retreat; within
twelve days a sharp freeze m-t in, and
the Frem h army Iriumphed. Disjonval
was releaw-d, and n spid-r hnd hrouulil
ruin to tlm Dutch nation. St. Louis
Nperlff I'linlOKrapht.
Jlr. Arthur R. (Jreen, an American
photographer, give the followiiiL' meth
on .or tiiiimnir the camera a source of
amiihement by flin production of "ghont"
or "sna'low- pictures for fiHiin.L
wated man starting back in terror from
his own siecter. Make a backrroiiiid of
the proper size by slretchiiiK out Some
black material. I'lace the subject, draped
in while or in light clothing, in tho right
attitude to the right or left of tho center
of the background, then focus the cam.
era and expose the plate for naif a sec
ond. The imprison will be that of a
shadowy aud ghostlike figure. Takes
chair and table, placing the chair in the
center of the background, and the table
on the side away from the ghost.
Heat the subject in the chair, with his
naJ turned to the ghost; foens again,
and give the plate a full einosnre. which.
If the light ii good, should be about two
ecouda. Develop and print in the usual
way. Any object to be teen through
the ghost should be photographed with
fifteen seconds' exposure before taking
the picture of the ghost. Other devices
of the kind might be mentioned, but It
win be more Interesting to leave them
to the ingenuity of the amateur. New
York Advertiser.
FUhlug fur Ducks.
Iii India an iugnuiuua scheme is prac
ticed for taking ducks on line, which
is attached at one end to a fleiible stick
tuck up in the mud, the othur extremity
having s double pointed needlo of bone
studied to it The latter is baited by
stringing upon it tome grain of corn.
Presently along comes Mr. Duck, swal
lows the iioedle and finds himself a cap
tive the moment he tries to fly away. lu
old time the Cap Cod fishermen de
pended largely for bait upon the sea fowl
they took on their voyages. To catch
them they threw out bailing Hues with
hooks 011 the ends, to which were at
tached chunks of cod liver. The latter
floated because of the oil they contalf
and murres, gulls and other birds s'
lowing them were ipiickly ptillec in,
skinned and chopped up. Interview in
Washington blar.
- 1 -1 m
IsXTBUOTUIKa. Wimatm4York. iMcs sorts
Hrlutl.f fcr Dog P.w.r.
Printing machines are usually driven
by steam or gas motors, but the machine
which prints a certain newspaper in
America is run by dog power. large
wheel about ten feet in diameter and
two in width Is connected with the driv
ing rigger of the machine by means of
hclt; strijis of wood, for foothold, are
pluced foot apart ou the Inside of the
wheel, where Joe, the journalistic
dog, walks his weary round, and thus
causes the wheel to revolve. Joe has run
the press fur about five years, aud has
faithfully earned his board and lodging,
hut It is now a'Hiut time for him to feel
ill and "turn it up," beiir,' unable to con
tinue turning it round. London Tit
W III b Clven Away
ur enlct pi ifiin; (Irutrjri.-iiH, J. Q
rrii he iV. I o, who curry the fiiU'Ht
Htock of trun, iierfimu-ricN, toilet
tinmen, iiriiHlii-M, spoiiycH, etc., nr
Hiving nwny 11 liiry,- nniiiher of tri;il
lioftlen of Dr. Milcw' celclimfcil Ut
lorimve Acrvinc. J licy uiiruiitcc
11 10 cure liciiiliiclie, (li..ini'.m, nrr
voiiH proHtration, nlccplcHiics, tin
111 eiiccin 01 spirits, tnliuccii, cnlfcc
ll . HmjriStH H;,y ,( M 1 1 II-ITellt Cfl
Hi llcr lliey ever knew, ami iHiiuivi-r
h-iIIv cntinfuctorv. Tliev iiIho irluir
..... 1 1 1 v- . . . .
i 1 1 1 1 e ir. .'iiich .New Heart t lire 111
nil chics of iicrvoiiHoriiryiiiiic heart
(li-eiise. iniljiitation, pain in hi. I
romuici iii. cic. riiie I11111K on
.Nerviinn ami Heart DineaseM,'
ALittle Iris Experience in a Llgrt-
M - I M . I
.-ii.imu .-ir, i.orcn i ri'MCOIt lire
lii'i ier-of the (i.v. l.iyhtlmiiKi. at
Sand Uracil lich, ami arc IiIchhciI
Willi a il.inylitcr, four yearn. I,a
April ehr taken down with Mrasle
followed with dienilfiil Coimh and
turned 111I11 a f.vir i..i..u ;.i
liomcaiid at Detroit treated, Imt in
vain, nlie yrew worne rapidly, until
xhe wiim a mere" handful of lumen",
-Then flic tried lr, Kin'n New
I'lxcovi ry and alter the iihv of two
and a half lioltlew. wiim i'oinpletel y
1 iireu. nicy eay Dr. liny,H .New
'iciovcry im worm lis weiL'lit 111
KUl, yet you may i;e( a trial, bottb
frce at F. (J. Frick'cy l)run;Htiire.
The Greatest Strike
Alining the trreiit striken that ol
ir. .ines ill (iiMCovcruiK- tin .ew
llciirt Cure Iiiih proven ilMcIf to he
one of Ihe iuohI iinnortant. The de
mand for it Iuih become iistouiHh
ini;. A I ready the treatment of heart
dim-une in lieinif revolutionized, and
many unexpected cured effected. It
soon relieves short breath, flutter
inu;, pain in wide, arm. shoulder,
weak and luinirry npclls, oppres
sion, swelling of HiikleH.auioflieriii
and iienrt ciropny. Dr. Milea' tiook
on Heart 11 ml Nervine Ihseiises,
free. The liiieotiiiled New Heart
Cure ia nuld mill iroarantecd by F,
i. Fricke A Co, hIho his keetorative
Nervine for 'headache, tits, uprees,
hot fl.iHheK, nervous t hill-, opium
habit, etc. 4
Strength nd Health.
If your are not feelinir Mtroniir
mid benlthy.try Klectric Hitters. If
"La Crippe" bus left you weak mid
wenrv, use Klectrir Hitters. This
remedy nets directly on Liver,
SluniHcli and Kindys' gently Hiding
thoae organs to prrform their func
tione. If you are afflicted with
Sick Headache, you will find speedy
and permanent relief' by takinu
Klectric Hetter. One trial will con
vince you that this is the remedy
oil need. I.nri;e bottles only aOc.
'or sale hy F. ( J. Fricke & Co.
For ninny years Mr. H. K. Thouip
son, ot lies .Moines, Iowa, was se 1
verely afflicted with chronic diurr
hoen. He suys: "At times it was
very severe; so much so, that I
feai rd it would end my life. About
neven years ae;o I chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chauiberlaiu'e
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It triive me promnt relief
and I believe cured me permanent
ly, us 1 now eat or drink without
harm iinythiiiir I please. 1 have
also used it in mv family with the
est results. For sale hv F. (J.
Frickie A Co.
Wonderful 8ucceee-
1 wo years niro the Huller
Co. ordered their hottlei
hy the box
now they buy hy the carload.
Anionic the popularimd succeseful
remedies they prepare is Haller's
Sarsaparilla A II unlock which is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No dnitftfint hesitates to
recommend this remedy.
For sale liy druggist.
" Castnrta Ii aa exurllaut nwdlelm for enll
itma. Mother have n-paatwllr told ma of iu
good effect upoo Uieir chUdrvn."
Dk. 0. a Osoor.o,
Lowell, Max.
Castoria Is the bent ramMy fc children of
which 1 am arqualuUyl. I tinim tlie daj isia
for dlaUnt whai mothnn wfncooMrlor the rwil
Interest of Uwlr chUdran, sad uao Csstoria Id
sutod of tae various quack nostrums which are
destroying tlmk- loted ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down thntr throat thereof sundlng
Uteiu to prematura grams.
Pa. J. F. KtsnnsLoi,
Conway, Ark.
Cat ,' ' . '
"CantorlaUiowellari. ''
I rvooramruditassupertof ' 1
known to Die. "
H. A. A..
Ill So. Orfort St., Drt
V ' I
"Our physician In the childmn Y
ment have spokoa blRlily of Uielr '
ence In Uatir ouaSila pracMee with Ca.
aud althotntb we oaly mire among . '
niedlcal supplias wha I known as regc
produota, yet we an free to confess that u
merits of Castoria hat won us to look wltl
favor ujion It."
CMrrsD UosriTAi. asd pisrsHsiaT,
lioston, 1
AI.Lt C. Sarrn, Prrt
The Centanr Company, TT Murray Street, New York City,
W li o ii y o u
slldljld H fr to
think iilioiityotir
full tinerwt'Hr.
We lum.' just re
ocivcl ten cufea
of ladies, cliil
drens, mens, am
I (")' s iiiulerwcar
direct tVom a
iiiiiniifiie t ii r e r
wlio wii- need
iiiij iiioncv mid
wan willini; to
lt '
1 -,W. a. A. ' 4T - t
r i a,3
tli.-)oe of part
of this years pro
dnet of his mill
'at a sacrihV.e, hi
inintorttirie wits
our opportunity
and we hoiitrht,
the oodHat less
than their ac
tual value, to
start this under
wear we intend
to make some
per ...1 Ho. 1
ChildreiiH all wool Scarlet Shirts ami drawers, al runuiuir lare enough to lit a child twelve
years old. ONLY :i.V LACII.
Special iVo.
i Chihlieiis beavv natural wool colincd Shirts
i 1 1
ii J .-mi .,,( i,raw,.r!) runtime- in same as the scar-
t only i"i cts a garment. You i-an't afford to buy the cloth to make your
ehildrens underwear when we can sell you them ready made so cheap.
Special No, 3
Mens extra heavy ribbed natural wool colored
shirts and drawers all only Hit cts KACIL
Special No, 4
sold at ad cts; We sell at 3! I cts KACIL
Ladies heavy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk
trimmed, a very nice irarmcut. that is universally
Special Floor Oil Cloth Bargains
sfoves, etc at only i"ic per square yard,
designs and widths.
We have
Oil Cloth for
floors under
it in several different
UliMikets or Bed Comforts liZd","
you with prices. We have them to suit anyone pocketbook aud wiit
ive K'ood vsliie for your money.
Ucst English Linoleum
0'.i(jj cents a scpinre yard,
jfain at the price.
A special bar-
Hew Stock of Shoes Just Received.
During the last week we have received from New Filmland factories Stt
cases of Ladies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and hoys shoes, among them
are unprecedented bargains. Call ami see us, and let us show you
how cheap, solid, serviceable a shoe can he sold
Dr. Grosvenor's
lftirMl t on (Ml. 4)ni for t" all lriirt '"If-
f lHKU 1
fc'a I.TMIbl, T.lMUr Sr UmS-
VbUbwt IniI, l'..toriH.I,l..
IWr.rulli.r..llmn.4tMll. SoMbyr. MlMl.Mlv . tnrr
nr M. iwl. KtIM tut waa wf li.wii.1 llkb
J CImhw. ua biiiiriM Hi. htir.
v I l'rip,,irt r.,w1h.
" v' H" rail to M.atrra Oraj
J! (. -f Hir to III Yo' Color,
v - ' r-Ja. ae "'P "I'.l hair t.tlutf.
y 2 71 l-.' 'l ' mal l"i. -ri-li
II1i?isl'iiTilsLTJ '
e i'r kur tt inur 1 onirt,
ea t.nt trt, Infill
ll .litis lliv W.rial 1
Im1 ntlofl, Him, 1'tkt In tint. eU.
tllNpERCORNS. Th or.lT rirt mm fr Cnmi.
Wagon and Blacksmith shop
Wagon, UugKy, Machine and
plow Reiairiot don.
lie miss the
Which is the best horseshoe for th
farmer, or for fmt driving, or for city
purposes evor invented. It is so made
that anyone ci.n put on sharp or flat
corks, as nocdod for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
his shop and examine tho kktrrsmp
and yon will use no other.
13 North Filth St. I'liittrre. .