'I J ru:.. n 1 IKldlU KNGffTS BROS, Publishers publiihd every Thursday, land llT ',,T tuliii6icttSundr. Ko.'t-'t""' J l t,ie Flatttimoutti, Net), pst nice(r trkusniisniou tlnwwh tin? oiai! t second clas rate. ottt" cruer Vlnsaud Fifth streets. TKK.MS FOB WKKEtTt ' i' .. t.ny, one year, in auvam-o. . Uue w,J"v montni. m advance m three nionthr. In advance. ... 40 T1CHMS '-! BAIL , ip one year In advance WW ipy l week, by carrier IS . jdipy, per nmntti M , . - -y-" 'sflTRtf AY, SKPT. .1. 181. REPUBLICAN SfTATE CONVENTION. The republican electors of the t,tate of Nebraska i're requested to ttend delegates from tlieir several counties to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln, Thursday, Sep tember '..'4, Isul. at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of placing in nomi nation candidates for one associate justice of the sup.(-me court, and two members of the board of re gents of the state University, and to transact such other bii-iiiiss an maylie presented to tin-convention. TUB AFFf KTHNlhN r The several counties are entitled 1o representation as follows, being based Vlpon the vole cast for Hon reo. ll 1 1 .i-l I in, f'r attorney-gen--ral in l"v' g'yMgone tit legatc-at- l.trgc to each tniinty. and one for rach l.V) votes ;Yid the major frac tion thereof: .'.lOMe. Admim Aiiliur Aite!nS- Haulier Hoyd 'P.Wine.... . iJuSuiOu'ui (I. T.H-NTIK.. I'H.. .ll.ihlll'l T . l.krjtlliev '. . ii kev fain . .'I'Kellll 'I . th!iMl;tli V . J'KiU'X '' .'. itiH-.ttti'r . ii l.i nun rt . 1 L"KII )n I... 1. 1, a 7 Mxilimn . m McH-.ivin 1 .11 Meiruk 4 alM'e 4 . :t Nriitiihii r, Siik.iW . MOtiie litr;twii,e n . 4 IVrlih,, . . . . :i . lleicree 3 .i:ji'hi-ii ,. 4 I'l.ille 4 .. : i'.nk .. 7 Ited Willow b .. :t 1 irh,udiri U .. i, Kim k :i ,.11 Saline H HtMHI 11. n HUte . Hrnwii Htift;il... .; . Hollar Hurl C'w I'-tlu 4 'ham Cheyenne.. Cherry 'l.ty Cnlfal Clltllltiic .. 'uiiler . . .. I.tkU ... I)ae I) .ttwiiti Ifc'llel .. llnll.... . l.ielne . . 1 lttfl. lUMily t-'illni'TP.... Franklin .. ft runner ... Puma . iae t.arneld per 4itant . . iieely .. Hall llAitiiltun.. Harlan ... Have Hilflimck . v -wiiy . . ... ... :i HaUlnler It Klult . . . . 5 s-ril "henrian S Sherman ... . Minx . ... J Manton .... t Thayer 2 TiiotniiH '1 Tltnr-liin ... . .. .. Vallev .. . Wiiihinitt'iti 4' Wayne . .. 4 efiler 4 Whaler .. 3 .. 2 . :( .. H 4 .. 4 .'. 4 . i Holt . .. York .12 Howard 4i " tinoker '.'i ThIaI .rf-tlerin !' No vote returned. It is recotnended that no proxies tf addtnitted to the convention, and that the delegates present be authorised to cast tiie full vote of the delegation. It is further recomended that the tate central cominiltee selrrt the temporary organisation of the con 'tion. John C. Wa t-mi.n, iVALT.M. ShKi.Y, ( hairuian. Secretary. THE COUNTY CONVENTION The county convention is called for September liith, 1SU1 at Iouis ville. The primaries are to be held on the 12th day of September. The basis of representation is hnsed on the vole cast' for attorney general at the last Mite election, one delegate for every ft'teeil votes apt! major fraction thereof, and one Bt large from each ward and pre cinct. l.iiVrty and Rock Hlutf precinct was given their usual vote a no i.iir basis of appointment could be h.idon the division. Krlw will be found the plnce Slid - time of holding the primaries and nuilrVer of delegates entitled to rep representation. rnci!i-r,T!'4 ass ri a.k iku al ( ret k ore. at 1 f m. ln eni)d ... 7 Mnie.ti Bruit at 1 p rn Smith It ml 4 lni'tvlile. al 7 ill Haneinirr hall 7 f'ii:ht Mile lii.ive :i In 4 h II HI "' Ii.h, 7 I'i. tiiiinnlh ire ;i i m Tai Inr iHriol Inline .. 7 4.; n n ,' 7 i in tow n hull 3 r.l in i ii. 7ii in vie n-iiiHii nitie I lll T, '1 p ' M ' V elllHll h'MIH,' V.r (! Hut, in lliii'Te vhoiil Iiiiii .. ttiwk fi"ll-.4pin .Minray -ihixil h',u e... , Jii.in, Spin riilliii1! A Kiili-rt iitt'.ee K.iule ty, (.v Creek, t p ni I A K ll til Fl llt Md W W pre. I In 3 p in I H'-M 'e vlni.il lion r ,ne. 3 i ill t enlT m tto.il Intlne Xtherlv. J ptn lli len .ehi.il liiue ITtTliHui ril i lir t aift.-""inel ellalliher -;rt aril vtwil Imil-e M4 ward. Hi' liev liimlM-i Mee 4t h atd, W eiii-ineainp lihfk fiin al d "i-IphiI Imil-e miriMi WATfK i irt 11 alll .1 ti, H. M,-!l.ol llnlHH ft -iel v-ml r. t't it nnyn'11 eli imiirr . . . . . fi tl.t t. .mI ii t'i l. I hilmll .t "lilleratllller II Tetill lltlllllternt tlelegalea. ., IMattsinotilh City primaries or derett to be open at 1- o'clock m and continue open until 7 p. m. Cot'NTY ATTOKNKY TkAvlH wants Hie democrats to nominate him for litrit't judge. TllF. IlKKAI.I) hopes they will, for then Judge Chapman will snow him under so deep he ft.n't know he is running. RECIPROCITY WITH MEXICO. The .Mexican government has ap pointed a special envoy to negoti ate atLT4ty of commercial recipro city willi the Cnited Slates, and there is good reason to believe that such a treaty can be mad, ii utifiit farmers and uianufactui.ir',?! Ten years ago a treaty of thai kd was negotiated by Cien. Crant, it will be remembered, and the .dehtot ratic leaders in congress defeated its en forcement. The concessions made at that time 'were of an estimated value of many millions per year, while we wi re to tfive in return only whatwf1 could afford. Since then the trade of Mexico has become much larger, and the reasons are corres pondingly more forcible in favor of an arrangement by which we can secure an increased share of it. Last year more than two-thirds of the exports of the country were to the United "States, while only a little over one-fourth of her imports were bought from us. In round num bers, we purchased from her $10, UtX ),i;; I more than we uold to her. We Hold her more than any other out-countiy, to be sure - f iL'.ti'Jl.KW as against $000,0u() sold her more by Great Britain-but in the aKTe ate other countries supplied her with three times as much as she obtained from us. It is our own fault that this fact exists. Other nation have profited at our ex pense because we have not taken proper care of our own interests. In the nature of things we should have a pruitUul iuoinii!y of lite commerce of Mexico. There are certain Keorapieal ;tnd political considerations which tend con stantly to bring the people of the two countries into closer relation ship. A hiri!'' amount "f A tm-riean capital is invested in Mexican en terprises, and the people are favor able to American traders. Hut the want of a reciprocity treaty pre vents us from taking full advantage of the situation. Other nations are able to secure a majority of thecus- tomers by reason of the draw-backs which we have imposed upon our M'ht K. Mexico is not to be blamed for buying hmh1s where nltecau net them on the best terms and under the most profitable conditions. It is no part of her duty to K've tlM trade in preference to others simply because we happen to be neare to her. We must offer proper in ducements if we want her patron age. She has a right to ask that we make reasonable concessions to her and duplicate the favors ex tended to her by our rivals. We are prepared to furnish her with practically everything that she im ports, and to take practically every thing that she exports; but this counts for nothing unless we make it to her interest to do all of h trading with us. She is perfectly willing to buy more from us if we will so arrange things that she can find an advantage in so doing. The matter is one of business and not of sentiment. We have it in our own hands for the most part, and can make a bargain that wil, yield us large returns. Mexico has signi fied her desire to adopt the recipor city policy, and if we meet her half way there need not be any trouble in effecting a treaty of the most beneficial and satisfactory char acter.- Globe Democrat. CROSSED HIS OWN PATH. We must call the reader'sattention to the fact that Governor Hoie crossed his own path at Cherokee, when considered with the remain d.-r at ki speech. The tiiniti p..i of his speech accredited ull tin Iowa farmers' woes to the taritf, and in the above he lays our calamit'es to prohibition. We want' h:m to stand still long enough to be counted. He says corn-growing iu Iowa Is not profitable because of the tariff. It he will tell the readers of the Capital specifically and with out dodging, just w hat foreign mar ket is closed to American corn be cause of the tariff, anil just why the tariff makes the price of corn lower, we will pny him fl per coin inn for his production. Just so long as it is to the political interest, of the democratic party to make it appear that Iowa is a state of paupers, just so long Iowa will suiter in her material interests. The industrious people of Iowa should rise up in their stiiht und put the t .il.niii ,y pit '"I y ,o death.-- Iowa Capita!. . . . m .. ,. 1 in, generous oner ,-iim .-i.irj ... Holmes oIK'otkf.ir.l.Li.togivetl, IXStfortheestabli-hmetilola semi- nary for colored girls in Mississippi has started unite a rivalry among 1 several cities in that Stale. Noll only the colored people but the whites are nnxiousto have the loca tion of the school which the Illtiois woman proposes to found. The print ipal t'outpetitors are Xatt he,, Greenville, and West Point. Lat h of these cities olfers a free site nnd a considerable bonus to increase the endowment, of the school. Miss Holmes seems to have found a new way to solve the race ijueetiou iu one locality, nt . b'ast, for the com- i ... ,..,......! ,.t l ,t,t it ri.l. red and vhi!ei people. TllB holders of the 4'a-per-cent bonds liave been granted further . time to present (hem for contin-J Jw. J...iuauee at 2 permit, but there is no comp ilsion ab&ttl H" Their money1 s ready fuftlierjj if they prefer to : ake it. i TliKl.i'V just pas-ed in Georgia j prohibiting physicians who are addicted to drink from practicing i their profession is a proper ami I commendable one. There should j be uch a law in every State, as n protection against a very grave! danger. j Cot'NTY Attok.NKY Tkayis paid a visit to our politicians yesterday, lb- i" ertain of one thing, judging from hi-- own statements -that is, that down in the deep recess of his vest pocket the alliance vote tiictly reposes and peacefully rests by the hide of the democratic vote in the ame quiet receptacle. He controls the vote of both of these parties in his mind. There are various kinds of insanity, but that kind that in duces our ambitious county attor ney to become a candidate for the position so ably filled by Judge Chapman is perhaps the most laughable. thm K.niM,rul imu Alter Dinner 8pakr An an after dinner ijieaker tbe em peror l.ii mi MiiH-riur in tiermanr Liu leitk r--.nlily wilhoiit doU-a. expresM iiliiiiwlf vltb viyt tr. never JistceinU to coiiventioual commonplaces, and, atir all, gives the very bent Hw-uranoe tliat bia words are not prepitivil fur him I have beard con.ipic.uoui peakfni in Eng land and in our own country, and. if cotiirKnmiH are not in tins ease invidi- OUn, I aitouitl tvxy tiiitl titu Gctutau ui- peror Uewl uot fear to meet ocb an uu ilienee as even a New Englaut tw i- t y iliimer aspeiiibles. One of tbe prettiest j Kliewbes I have listened to was delivered j bytbeelllp.rorinalltlwerin(tbotoii.nttow,;," l"r,,n- )r ,,,, m. bia wife in tbe province where ahe wi.a I ,.n.ilWr in value.no other part of the le 'i u, t- t inn ni vaji; iii (k umin' naval ami tuilitiiry inan-uvern of h'j), al which the L'nile! JSuunwas rejiriiiu! by CoinuiAiider Ward, and Great UnUiu by Adiiiind Hornby Tbe emperor's words w?re. "I desire to exprese to you. uiy dearest hir. tbe (cratitudfl felt by tbe empress and myself for tbe kind words we bave just beard At tbe same time our tbauks to the wbole for the day we bave passed aud for tbe reception wblcb the province ha prepared for ns. Tbil day was. bow- , the city invited us into the corpor ever, not needed to orJer to aure u ,. . , , f th. warm fri.mitKhin w. k.v. frml, ate limits, yet wc h;,ve over one hu u- here. "The bond that unites tne to tbil prov ince aud chains me to ber in maimer different from all others of my empire is tbe jewel that sparkles at my side, ber majesty tbe empress Spnint? from tliia oil, the type of tbe various Virtues of a German princess, it ii to ber tbat 1 owe it if I am able to meet tbe severe lalatra f my office with a bappy spirit and make head against them." Tbe words of tbe emperor were unex pected, and to no one mors so thau to bis wife, whose face beamed with bappi nets at the compliment she so publicly received. Nor did any oue wbo listened to the Fjieake.r at tbat dinner think to question the spontaneity and bonenty of tbe hiiiKtiutre, Poultney Bigelow in Ceittnry Twm Rvmarhabls Marriages. A mon k the romances of tbe last ceil tnry '. bsndrd down cao of a certain buuiruian who was making ready for bin wedding ceremony with the lady of bit choice when he learned from frighten ed messenger that the lady bad eloped with another lover. Not at all discon certed, be coolly continued hJi toilet, and wbeo it was cornpleted be asked his housekeeper which one of bis serraDta was without tbat excellent thing In life a lover. Learning tbat tbe kitchen aiaid was the only one, be sent for ber, had hr Joi hr Hnnda frylri jtof- uaded ber to accompany hirn to the the church at tbe time appointed for bia wedding, and brought tbe simple country maiden back a peeress of the realm, Tbe marriage turned oat very hap pily, like the more recent tuariaife of an Lnglieb gentleman in New York, who found a youiirf emigrant girl of bis own nationality who had missed ber friends and was alone in the street lie asked ber after a few moments' conversation if site hud come to America to Cod a husband, and when she answered coyly in tbe af firmative be took ber to tbe nearest church, snd they were wedded, snd are, stx'or.lintf to the latest reports, happy together. New York Sun. .icirirlty la f.nr,i. Insf-ad of leading the, van, we are from ten to fifteen years belaud Lurojio. Kven In our own field of eb-ctrical meth isis, al s irim'i.eiit Atnericatii l:tneinu iissureil me in I'ans, we arn now five yeira b ibllid tlie coiilitiei;!. lie declartid that the difllt:ultiei our Aiueiitin cor- Ij.mle-t.i etiil eolnp!ai.i a.sjut, when ' i,-.- 'd t luiey t'teir t-legriuih. fl-pl.cne ; .....-..n , , .1 Kur, 'lllt our fl.lw countrymen Insist j x,y,n reinsuring in a at.ite of inviucible j iguotniice rather than l.-am snytliii g 1 ... . . from the P-r-biiieiil slid seieiitibc achieve - j ents of i'.ur.pe. lint tMirbaiiS bo fta'ed tiio case too strongly, ls.ubtl.s-s we shall in tnno ' wll the pit sent is a nioM tl. -ii.iliN leinii tobeai,liniuedvb.nwcoiiietoa',illef(,r divestuienth. Much tnl-li-real fMig sense of the fai t thnt the one i J 1 t...u b ti. a ....I .. t ,..,., I i ,, f..r... tit I..,, r..i, -. i ! i ,, i. 1 1 1 T 71 III in " V ll J. i Jllt in.,.,. , . ,, , and mow brilliant array of engi peering and areh.ttural tahnt than nil tlie im- poilantcitinof tad L'niied SlBte taken together can snow, ana unit many a H.i'ul 1 :.;t.,pe.-.n t..wn i b r s: ;.,..;e.l in this re p"( t than many ll larr n Anier-; lean city. Lr. Alis'it baaw lu O:otury. V ' f J .- , . j' - - , .... .i ...... . . .... nmiii-n him1 ' vmyo ' 1 & I I I 1 I I tlHIIIfl I 'tiiii i ii nil if i UUU 1 111 111 C3Etiissjta0fe?lls Op fit llTISM 1 " " , NO EXCUSe M haVlng a Home ot Your Own. Put What you are paying out for Rent into a home. 7 per cent money for persons wishing to build in South Park. Look to the Future anc invest now in South Purk. I EE OFPCETUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. ' Among other reasons why it is better to invest in South Talk lb. in elsewhere in the city, are lhe-e: I'roperty is more saleable if you w ish to sell, more rentable if you city will compare with it in prospect The "nil ward composed hirjM-ly of South I'ark, less than three years ago could hardly muster up a vote at the last general election tbe vote was l.'W and all were not pulled. It has been less than two years since drt d newly built house ontl others in process of construction, owned, with few exceptions, by the parties now living in them. This part of the city iia a store water mains, electric arc lights, church and school privcledges and new chuvcli t dilit e just etviit-d of w hich the whole city is proud. I'l.itt-inonth's steady growth f.ir five jears past almost doubling it" population; the advance stand it has taken regarding public im provements, the certainty of a m w .sll.iiO court house; the cotnidettou of the great Missouri 1'ac ihc rail way into this city, giving us anoth er gTcnt trunk line and competing market; the constant increasing pay roll of the C. Ii. ic 'J. shops, to gether w ith many other well known reasons, assure a steady ami perma-iit-iti MUVMiit.r in lenity, taitiiii wit! doubtless effect South I'ark more favorably than any other portion of I'laltsmouth. With a rOwto lUf mnmrjmn-u( itf a ttill yruittr growth if thin part the rtly, ire will continue to Mil Mt un monthly jxiymenti, furnish nwitey with uhih U ttni huwirji trill rx vhowje lit fur itltirr imjirowl I'ity jiropirly or fur denlruhle linjtrorsil or uhiiiijrorl Imi'li. It is not so iiiurh the speculator im the permanent resident that we wish to purchase this disiral le propert). Out of tiver ticiiTY pres . ..I .e.,er- ,,f S,..,tli I'rt 1 oroi.ert V none lire si.ectll.ilors j .,. M' ,U,KC " "" ,"-1",,l,M ',l,!,-i ! and lots are selling til about iiir , I . . ... ' f.rwi. tln,r .,..r.. , , t , ,, , ,., I i I I h.r . ! ' ' it was plaited a stt arr tiiiuiil ............. v.. .,,.... b. ...i.. . ...... I ' 1 ., . , , , . ,. . , 1 ",k W ' ' '" '"' , 1 (, (lice on Main street over Lank of; . ... v .ieB v ...... R. E WINDHAII COUNTY . M V K V K Y 0 K AMI CIVIL KXGIXKKK A - county rleik will be r , attended to. OFFK'K IN ( fit k'T H'll'SK, . I'laltsmouth, - Nebraska I C LI I S PKITKKIih'kG. MASI'VAi Tt I1K iK AM) n ' r r:nr r n v r, ; 7 - i . t 11KM.KH i rn a CHOICEST HRAXDS OF CIGAK'S ru ll link nr TOBACCO AND SMOKE. .'S ARTICl.FS always iifstock -- o - Pluttsmouth, Xtdtrassa WW? IHST : NATIONAL : HANK i) rLATTHMOl'i ll. MtllKAHKA Paid up capital 9ri.i4t,Wi lO.MiU.V.i SlilplU'. 'litem the very le tarllitiea Cur the prtiltip tranrtlou ol llnlliiuate Hiinkini; IJusiness rl'.ook. tHiiiila. ftolt). Kvernnteiit ai d leal -e-;.IIK'" ten Jhl 'lid old. lteHiilli ree'lv ttid inieri-tt alKised mi lite eertilicu.' iwatnt drawn, availattle In any part ul tin l ulled hlaler slid bit Ue pnuelpal twu u Kurupe xii.i.mo.a NIDI ASl E.-Mltl.! MMITs TStt Uitihet tiin-kei p'he p.,id Inr t iiiitiiy War. rani. State ma I'tiunly IhiikIi. UIKF.tTOKS Jiihii FiU :rld t). Hak"onn Sam Wault. V- K. WttlUi Oeiirue E. Dove) lnhn KlUjfsrald. '8. WaiiKh. Fri-lU'itl .'' e J HK CMT.KNS HANK. t'LATTSMill'TIl MtMUhKA )jltl aUs-k paid In IV " Authoriitxl Capital, 100.000. - nrrn r.Hi BANK CAKKU1 11 JOS. A. 'llNMu. HrtyiHent. Vles-fi"" ' W. R. (-L'SHINil tahier. i is serosa 'rank I'srrulti J. A. Ciiuunr, K. H. tiutbn . I. W.Johnaon, Henry Bteek.Johs O'Keefe W. D. Mernam. Wis. Wstswanip. W. a. ruiiiiiig. rmsACtn gekecal mm mm 4I1K I cejlld"- tleM't 1eHM-lt b'arl!i( Ititereal Buva aud K-II' eit liaune. ruunly and city B ANK OF CAsrs col Nf Y Cor Main and Flftb nret. iaiS tineanital 9'i0 OX iirplu ... OFFIOER8 ij. It. Parnsls Prsaldsul Kri-4 Holder Vic 'reidnt . M. Palterns l aaheir T. M. Tallerwin. A"t taeltiel DIRECTORS 0. H. Parmele. .t. M Fatt-ros. Pred Oorder 1, H. Smith, K. B. Wlsdham, B. B. Kainaej and t. W TaUenuB 1 GENERAL fiAVIINC ECS1SESB TRAH3ATED AacntiBlsnountM. tntri .". "1 CI ttKC lepiMlu and promiit anentiouslveu Ui all bus Uwiaa sntruttad to IU ears. MEAT HARKET SIXTH STkKtT, F. II. KLLLNHAI M. Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. .Also fresh F.ggs and Mutter. Wild game of nil kintls kept in their season. mm KIXTII HTKEF.T m Meat marketi I 'fUCKER SISTERS. I'AKKY A Ft'l.I. M.NK OF Mlt.LENfc.Hr AND J'Kt'NCII j-'lOWEHS, U e a!i liae a drea makltiK departmeut. h:tl lilartiun guaranteed. SlIKIAVisdi S rtiKK. I'LATTSMOl 'I It AWSON A PEARCK . Carry Full Line or FINE ill U.K A' KHY ' AND CHIL- DUENii t'LOTHINU. . AIM) FUKMI CUT FUIWI'KH MO H 'i, S LIV HUi'l tfurrmiVTB A n -KHILIP THEIROLF Hub Opened up 1 tio Finest, n'tn p Co it at SALOOIT LXTIIK CITY j Where may be found choice wines ' liilo;s )i in ci;:tts. f AMIKI SKU Jll'Scil UKKK. I- AXI MASS' AI.i: W1IITK L.MiKL, always on hand. COKN'KH OF MAIN AM)' Ft It, kTH HT. pHppHS ( F,. PI't'l'Ftl'lSK : THE LEADING GROC ER V HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. titrtiiimvj - Ft,E.:ti m in bum ATTENTION FAkMF.KH I want your l'oultrv, Ktrirs. Hut- ter mid your larm iiroduce of all kintls, I willpayoii the highest cash price (is I Im buying for a urn in i,iucnlii. I R. PETERSEN, Tin-: LMAuixl; gkockk riattsmouth N ebraska 11-, X P J. II A X S i::N (IKAI.KK t 1 STAPLE AND GU0CKK1LS. QUEEN SW, , - ' ,, v i ''loimire ! the ln!!o IivJicit :J. f mm EOiiDiiiEs siiimist, j JITTOKNEY A JAW. WIX'DIIAM & DAVIKS. t. B. WIMllHM. ,ti)HN A. tMVIKS, Nulary I'ul.ne finUry rnblie Otlto or Hank ott'sM Oouuiy. naiumouto .... Nebruba A. N. SULLIVAN. ittorary at-ljtw. Will slvn prompt atlsnllor, 'jo all biiiiirM entrusted to him. omce lu Uslos blurk, Kwt Kids, 'lutUmlh, Neb. jCEW HARDWALE STORE S. K. HALL V SON r iy nil Hnttf bMUdfw hntdwar tm hau i .1 ; Tiisr nooFiNo HinnllUK ( gnd Mil Ir tn,1 ,,f tin eflt J'fO'nst'v one. Order I rum lite . oni.it y sflnut. C'.C I'cui L t'UiT ..Mouru, Mil. ; ; THE BEAUTIFUL Oleographs GIVEN WITH each $10 worth of goods nt 'The Fair arc not "Daubs" hut real artists , productions. Sec our T, 10 and 25 cent counters lor Dargains F. JvSClii'.K Pkup. $ fl V 1 '1 ll .VI ii 1 4 l.'j If i