The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 03, 1891, Image 1

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o n y T a mn n.m j ir n !! ij l ii
fl, a (Pa
? 1
-rl . 5
IF h '.'
v;i tl t ll
, f
1 1
Absolutely Pure.
1 A rri-nui of tartar linking i
Mighc.-t of all in leavening Hlrcutli
-I-atci t I'. S.fioviTtlilK'lil hood We
ort. ' .
: D IvN T I S T
. '. COM) A.VIf liKCKIAI. CKOf S.
li Ml "ITIlt AVS Hllf ll t'1 i fl'Mll puh ex
4 tlit-lltir ol leelll.
f hire Gold Work a Special.,
n. A Ulmk Vlljt in , "ti
j'.f-, t -
O'H.II A1I MlirKI.AIN'l T.ON -Bnil
t work an. I tin? olil work
IH. rrKlNATS f Hi n iiilmr,!
KliDtlcvlvm I'f .'" !".' tl. Will Oi
ipflnmiiil iin'i-tiujf of the
,11c ..llu- Hiicii-ty wuh iylp
.il hh(1 lyrmcil into tlirre tie
pnV.., u'litH, lluit of cjii-i'il, art and
,irrn . W f lire, iiniJ the furcvfn ol
IIii'hc varfv.l intt-rt-KtH madr to !
yf iul critirtly o Use of i -
pic mont nearly rririvfiitiiig tlicni;
thim iiic irJr Hi iiiv C;" f S
pi rtiMl to look uflT thf art, men in
t.iftttftl in fat liornt- afttr llu
Kpttd, and the farmer after tin-iirii-tiltural
I'nder thin tleparture either tie
iiartment will le a failure or a hiic
cchu juwt aw thf prrtom reprenftit
iiiir HiOHf intereHtrf make it, for the
r xpoimihility ol earn I entirely
tteparated. Kaill tlt-partment ih
plaretl under thecoiitiol of three
If it he made a nueiTHSt it miM he
made ho principally through the ef
fort of the Citi.tMiM f rialttiuouth
and thonp mnfitie who miiy inic-
if iinilerxignt'd have lieen
Unrtl to take char-e of the art
Miuill endeavtir to oo
part laiHifully ami well, and
to net' Huh department wen
ii.ed for the fair. We expect t.. wlu.n thiu address is
lo hell) tin out Carefully
; limine the Premium and the
diiccmenln there otfered. Take
Xiiu: bv Uie torclOCI and et reaUy
tin; grratfat fair ever held in
una county. I or uuoririniion
. ...: i : ..
Miller, Seen
Alf White taken in Omaha to-day.
Dr. Hall was a panenger to
Omaha thin morning.
John Hoone !h trunaacting buci
tienn in Omaha to-day
. F. K. W hite Khippel five earn of
com to Chicago Umt nigtt.
W. II. rickennn'd family are .tak
ing in the Onj.iha fair to-day.
Kd. Cummin and wife were early
piiHMeners lo the fair thin morning.
Attorney Allen Heenon in looking
after iuterextn in the nupreme court
Mr. CiiiMlafHon went to Oakland,
'Xehr., to-day to look after laixl inte
rentn there.
Mm. Geo. Img-eiihngcn and foir,
Fred, were paMneugerH to Omaha
thin morning.
?lr. and ilrn in. Haiiiewn rt
liirm d hint evening from a vinit at
Ies i'-ien, la.
M.ixler Sam Cone and winter, iMinu
Lou, went to Odell.Nehr., thin morn-iii-
lor a few (lay )' vinit.
T. II. .StepheiiHo.-i, H popular at
t'niii y, of Nehranka City, ii in town
t i day on legal biminin.
TTis smiin wt r.t to li'.fn.
wood to-day n nd will join her friend
Minn Rone Hyern in Bhort vinit.
Mr. and Mm. Hayatt, f Sidney,
Ta., after viniting relatives in tl"
city returned home hint evening.
Al. Ilirnch rx-mayor of Malvern,
I.'., and wife, are viniting with the
fcimilyofO. II. Snyder, the drug-
, feint.
"Si iHM Cora Cook returned thin
morning from Glen wood. She will
teach in the city schools this
Uncle. Jacob Vallery wan among
io-,trie throng going to the nought
ii. i . , i .
county imr, now m ,
Minn Wiggenhorn, who ban been
viniting with her friend, Minn Dora
Fricke.departed to day for her home
al Anhland.
Rev. D. Murphy, D. D.. of tic
fowa, arrived berethin morning and
will make a nhort vixit with bin
brother, M. H. Murphy.
Mm. C'hanr, accompanied ly Mm.
Carrifiran unl two daughtcm, who
have been viniting with her a few
dnyn, went to Omaha thin morning
fieo. and Clara l'almer paneed
through thin morning on their way
home Irom Xarrimannelt Tier,
Rhode Inland having enjoed
summer npvnt A 0 ea nhore.
The FreiLnts Not In it to Any
Oreat Extent.
Ocn. Orci ,l !!oncn:e.
At the late i-n". -tinmeiit ut Detroit,
Th Gmi th Doll Prk YeHtercUy
E ly Won by the Horn
t Team.
tr,wn A Marrett have junt re
ceived a fine line of imported tooth
and naii hriudien, i loih anil hair
.,... mUmm Mrira dwhv down. tf
WANTED-Huninenn man to travel.
Good pay. Permanent nituation.
i"i Timca lluilding, Chicago, III.
Wantkd- -A deniiable tenant for
the Dovey homentead, corner o
prciiM C5i. lc strcetu.
tt K.G. DovfcY Sox.
I have been troubled with chronic
catarrh for yearn. Kly'n Cream
i?atm ia the onlv remedy among
tlTe 'many that f have lined that
iitlord.i me relief.-K. V. W illard,
DniL'ui-il. Joliett, III.
yiy -J:u !iu teerl aillicieo Willi
namil catarrh mnce mute young
I wiij iii luced to try l-.Iy n 1 ream
Malm, and before he had lined one
(hotili- that dinagreealilf catarriiai
rni ! id all left him. He appear
'.KMrii ., iiiiviiik'. It in the bent
.1 1 .tt-'-! i i I'ledy in the market.- J C.
Areola, III.
Our i in n are very low on wall
, ,..,Tai .w winh to clone out our
niif wanting wall paper
ike advantage ot tnenc
t It.
; i,u, lo Colli Conumr
rill liiniinh the bent of coal of
r.rli'n to thone who pay nie.but
I- do winh to run long winded
i. ii ( don't want. A 1 have to
i.r what I get I niunt innint on
Wwlial I fi ll. All thone who
' thi'innelven inilelittil to me
ileane pay by the lath of Sep
il'. r tin I r.iiint have money to
for winter coal,
Iii-aler in Anthracite and Milium
ion coal and wood. Ollict' and
Mini tut South Third
I'tattnmoiith, At ').
New GixkU arrivtng every day at
JOF.'S the one price clothier. tf
I.OHT Met ween h itr.gerald a cor
ner and corner of Seventh and F.lm
ntreet probably at or near pont of
fice a paper back inntriimental
mimic book. Kimlei plea leave at
J. M. Muir'n opponite pont oflice. lit.
U. K. Hondricn who ban been
vi-itinur frifiuln in the CltV. and
vi?inity for the pant week, leaven
titi tiiortiioir for MeloiL la., where
he will iinttiimcn the piiili ipalchipof
the public nchooln at that place.
JOF.'S Stock of Underwear, in
larger and better than before ami
price lean than lant ye nr.
The erticial meeting Ht Ih" M. K.
Kir,ti thai wna i ItMvf been to
night, ban been put .off one week
ami will be held Thiirnday evening,
Sept. 10. J. P.M-JHrcKNfcH.
Tbefineal Hneof Neckwear. 1 la tit
and Cap at JOF.'S, the one price
Capt. W. A. Abbett, who ban long
been with Mennm. I'recival and
Hatton, Real Fintate ami Inntlrance
Hrokern. Des Moinea, Iowa ami la
one of the bent known ami mont re-
npectetl buninenn men in that city
nayn: "I can tentify to the koi1
qualitien i ('hamlx-rlain'a Couirh
Remeily. Having lined It in my
family lor the pant eight yearn, I
ran nalely nay it ban no equal for
fithercoltlnorcroui)." Ml cent bot
tle for aulc by F. (. Fricke & Co.,
Onite an excitement wan gene
rated among the boy lant evening,
owing to h defective electric wire.
The wrapping became worn and
failed to iioii-conduct.andanthewire
touched the iron work, the entire
front of the Fitzgerald block wan
cbarg.'tl heavily with electricity.
Several lannern-by accidentally
tout lied the pillarn only to im
mediately feel a ntrong hock. It
wik npon generally known ami
quite h crowd congregated, ami
after satisfying their eurionity, the
younger portion found enjoyment
in introducing new recrnitn, until
quite a late hour. The defect ban
been repaired ami all in working
B 4 M'. tl. Fremont 8.
A large and enthuniiiHtic audience
aanembli'll at the ballpark yenter
day to witnenn a game between two
of the bent amateur club in the
date. ;
The ground, owing to the rain
the previous night, were not in the
verv bent condition, but notwith-
(landing thin unfavorable condi
tion (hi! boy gave the auditor a
highly interesting game.
The vinitom take high rank
among the amateur .nine of the
ntate, and upon two previoun occa
sion they ' have won gamen from
the H. A M'., but it wua plainly tlin
cernible to all that the home team
wan never in better trim, and after
the firnt five inning the result wan
no longer in doubt.
The battery for the vinitom did
fairly good or!r., thoogn the H. A
M'a. expf .'enceil little difficulty in
hitting Finch, while fnylor, though
a good man compared with the
average amateur, could not "freeze
on" to the ball as could Maupin.
The M. A M'a. did not find It prorii
able to Rend many fly ball among
Fremont' fielder, though at time
the latterjneemed ;o lone their grip
and made several connecutive rank
error, Ihu affording the I. A M'a.
an opportunity to run ia neveral
Yapp twirled an excellent game.
The net-ret of hi nuccen lay in the
fart that the batter did not know
whether to exoet.l a rlow or fast
ball, thu rendering hi ponition
rather perplexing. Yapp did gootl
nervice at the tint, alno, almost in
variably finding the ball for a afe
ground ball.
The ratrluiiir of .Naupin wan
nutierb. and be manifested that
coolnenn, gracef ulnesn, and readi-
nen that ha characterized bin
tilavimr throuirhout. When he
r " '
came to bat be wa greetetl with
cheem, ami he never failetl to wake
the lie'dem.
Sain Patterson made a dive at the
ball for a successful three-base hit.
Miller made a splendid catch in
right field, ami an usual wa "in it"
stealing base.
We ttiiuht continue the account
and r.peak in detail f the meritao
the respective player, but spac
forbids; ntifhce to say that the vim
tor a a whole played well, ant.
bail they made fewer error the
game would have been close. The
home bam took advantage of the
error, which, with good playing in
every quarter, eanily.won the game
Following i the "core:
Gen. Greusel
cut of a (liamt
council. In : of Dc
the comnip
Fourth war
the Mexicai
the late we
south and
number o
We gleai
I'rcs tlti
in unifoi
breant '
f made the rectpi
1 badge by the city
I Mr. Greusel wan a
it and a member of
council from the
Me resigned bin
id went to the front in
at. He alno served in
etwem the north and
iok an active part in a
'ery important battles,
'rom the pctroit fF'ree
ien Greusel appeared
.1 of his rank, with hia
oriKti with numerous
II q it ut hi i(i i t t i it 4 KfMJ
medals, and his entry into the
council I'liamber was greeted with
great applausi'. Alderman I.owrey
introduced the General to the conn
riband then A Herman Griggs in a
veay impropriate Sy-ech presented
him with a haiulrtome diamond
Mr. (rretisel'v iiresent home in m
Mt. I'lt HHant, Iowa. He in the father
of Iv. S. Greusel of thin, city, and the
many friends whom be made while
li.r l:iul winier. on a visit to hin
son, will be glad to bear of the higl
honor the citizen of bin old home
gave him.
WASTED Two Ti??rrniir- rirln lo
learn dresn-mnmng al Mir. I A.
Owens, second door west of Hotel
Riley. , -t
County Court
In the matterof the last will and
testament of jame ' Hrown, de
ceased. Will admitted to probate
and letter testamentary issued to
KUa J. Pitman excutor.
State f.'mk of Film wood va.
amesHoyce. Suit on promissory
note. Continued on application ot
defendent til Sejit. W, 10, a. ni.
State Hank of Filmood y. James
Ilollowbeck. Suit on promissory
note. Continued on application ot
(rfrndent til Sept. 211, 2, p. m.
. . . t....
I. C. Clinimin ft fttin v. joimui
Robins. Suit on account, rnal to
court ami continued ti S'p-
a. m.
Last will and testament of Fred
erick Gordt r filed for probate.
Fresh Oysters received daily at
Filleubaiim's Market.
J" "'dcr to reduce stock to make room for our fall purchases
we inuRt'tlosc out tlie balance ol our Suimnt-r istock a quickly as pos
Bible. y iinnn;nt!inr to day we will otter our entire line ot White
goods, ft ibroiJeries flouneingH and all overs s-s
At 20 per i -fit DiMoiinl From hvhr Price,
adits summer vests at 8c regular. 10c quality.
readies summer vests at 10c regular. 15 quality.
4W ij
tirnrfh Ko
Ladies blar lisle and ancy Egyptian
35 Wtt-th 45c
cotton vests at
Ladies 'silk mixed vests at 6oc. was a bar-at75-..
Jadias iulk vests at $1, reduced from $1.26.
20 per cent, on all ladies shirt
waists and-
C)0 per centdi6sount on al? t?q umbrellas
Challiea reduct
Mousseline de
1 to 5 centa per yard, reirularn 8'tc (luallitv-
.ntlia retluced tfU er y ard.
We make thisofb-V in (-. -Jr reduce stock Now is the time to
purchaae i fu wntlf 4n" - 'J above ffoods. RICMFiMIiER all of our
no.i.lrt lu.iikf-.l in plain hStt'Tand wc dona wc advertise. Don't miss
t)ii,l,c an they are the lowest prices quoted this season,
M,A n.itn
AH HH K l't A
Miller, rf 4 0 2 11
Matipin, c 5 2 2 H 1
S. I'atterson, 'Mt. 5 2 1 13
Maker, If S 2
Lincoln. 2i ...... !i 3 3 3 II
T. Patterson, ss . . 4 1 1 tl
Yapp, p 4 2 I 1
Creik' 2 0 0 13 (I
Dunii, rf 2 l I t o
Total 3t) 12 11 27 22
Father Cramiton .left last even
ing for Republican City to be tfonc
few days, lie will visit win.
Davis, formerly of this city, before
ret urn inn".
I .ort Gold bracelet, between the
Catholic church anil Fred Gorder's
resilience. Finder please leave
at this oflice Bnd receive reward.
Miinio Leon.
Miss Mary Giiint will return in u
few days, from her visit to her
home in Canada, ant will resume
giving music lessons next week1
All pupils expecting to take lessons
will please leave orders with J. P.
Ftir many years Mr. H. F. Thomp.
son, of le Glomes, lowa. was se
verely afflicted with chronic diair
) tiot-a. iic i): .sases
very severe; mi mum "i
feiieril it would end my lift.
seven years ago I chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chamberlain s
Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea
Remeily. It gave me prompt relief
and 1 believe cured me permanent
ly, aa i now ei "i utiuk without
harm anything 1 please. I have
also used it in my family with the
bt-rt rcattlts. For ! by F. G.
Wri-kip A ( O.
ll WHI
that I
rt i .ft.. '
" nr ) i , 7? -
When you
should begin to
think about your
tall underwear.
We liave jtiKt re
ccircd ten easeo
of ladies, chii
drcnn, nicn, and
bo)' underwear
direct front a
manufactu r er
wlio wus need
ini money and
dispone of part
of tliiB years pro
duct of bis mill
at asflcriftce, his
misfortune was
our opportunity
and we bought
toC ('CuS nb aCne
than their ac
tual value, to
start this under
wear we intend
to make some
U WUlnM it - ' - wr-
Special No. 1
years oltl
Children all wool Scarlet Shirts ami drawers, all
aizes running large enough to fit a child twelve
A U till K A fit
Taylor, 1 0 tl 3
Stephenson 4 112 2
( .rr 2 2 1 3 4
Gatcwood f 2 O 1 (I
Finch 3
Tew 4 0 .0 I 0
Creenwalt., 4 II 0 0 2
Ticknor 4 0 0 1 8
Baily SI I o a
Totals :1 10 3 13 2:1
k(lk HY "tVMVtiS
l,btttsmouth....1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1
Fremont 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 01 -
teleiibone I
if 1 smoothly again
If you want to see nice clean ami
well made tip Clothing you should
go to J()F mid look his stock river
List ot Letter,
Remaining unclaimed in the Post
June at l laiismoiiwi, .-m pi. i,
1HH1, for the week ending Aug. 2i:
llmiiio I, .1 C.
Orwtn J ('.
I(. n. Mr 4 Mra. MrO
llndilrk.diiii MUI
Jmnei, Miy Jnni
Junn. V M
Nii'lioln, Mn Cora
Cinitli, K K.
'1 llnlllM, P. K,
WiIvid, Humuni
Hr.'li. M rh
t'raft, Gft)
Klilrri, t limlrt
Hull. Mr. K
.IpoHI, Kt
Mi'Neslry, Dhu
Sulon, Jutin
Wiley, Wm
lliy,Mr Murjr
1 I TVT O Childrens heavy natural wool colored Shirts
OnOCltll S 0 s and Drawers running in same sizes as the scar
let only 23 c.ta a garment. You can't afford to buy the cloth to make your i,onVrwenr when we cau sell you them ready mude so cheap.
A Bmall Crrlntu t lh Flli.
Buffalo vinltors at ths Clifton Houi
on Bunilay wem the spectator of an at
mojiherle couuiiotlon at tb falls tb
like of which lias not been seen within
tii msmory of the oldest inhabitant
BeUoiQ M-l T o'clock heavy Mack
clooili appearetl as the herald of what
proved to U a cyclone of no small pro
portions, though fortunately it left com-
and no loss of life in its track. Obsurvers
from tbs plariA of the Uifton Hons
soon saw tlmt the first force of the wind
was heitift felt at Uie bottom of tho ra
vins and under ths Camlian f.ills.
It lif til up tbe Immense bank of spray
that drenches the passengers of the Maid
of tho Mint when they approach too near,
and carried it np aliove the fulls in a
huge swirl that resembled the belching
smoke from some lofty chimney. For a
fow moments it was so clear of sprny
tinder tho falls tltut one could we where
tbe mighty wave of water strike the
river beneath. For several minutes tint,
phenomenon lusted, and left an tmpves
ion on the awe stricken spectators that
will never lut forgotten. At tliis time,
alno, tho river tieur and below LewiMon
wa Wing Im-hid Into foam by the fury
of the winiR which Seemed to exeit
C? I II. Q Mens extra heavy rit
apCCltU nO, O shirts and drawers all
Mens extra heavy ribbed natural wool colored.
sizes only 39 cts EACH.
Ctl. ,;,. IJn 4 Lndiea heavy merino Shirt and Drawer . si,k
i3j,'vvJ IfJf trimmed, a very nice garment, that is W'l'veraally
sold at.TO cts; We sell at 39 eta EACH.
Special Floor Oil Cloth Bargain' " ciotu for
stoves, etc at only 2Tc per square yard,
designs and widths.
We have it
floors tinder
j severat different
Bankets or Bed Comforts nyour.eed.ny giveusa
1 " cBllandwe will (surprise
you with Prices. We have them to suit pocketbook and will
give good value for your money. .
Best English Linoleum
A cents a stpiare yard.
gain ut the price.
A special bar-
Look out fcr JOE'S
Grand Fall Opening he
will announce exact
date within a fewdays.
Mure than 400 married women have
applied to the bureau of charities and
correction In New York since the lat of
January for relief for themselves and
childinn, httving lsen deserted by their
eeds a pair oi suoc. this week. We inten.1 to inaurgurate a Special
Cttic oi Diiuva ior o.-fU)u r , Jren. Se ,ool Kl,.,..a sl,l,l b-
their force at fnt from the river and fstvliis! Sliapclv m-c 11 t n l-..- t ii
then np the b,,ks.-linfralo Commer M "h"' &'m M':11 lll,ule. VVt ittmg, Durable.
ami wcgua.ftntfe to fell them cheaper
than you can buy them