The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 22, 1891, Image 3

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    r ' : .
X . C"J
a better soap tIjatJ
ft ( ; iwmw
J. D. flit WES & c4.
DOORS, DLINDS.and all building material
Call and see us
11th and Elm street, one block
north of HeiscPs mill.
Flattsmouth, Nebraska
Everything to Furnish four House.
Having uurehac(l the J. V. AVeckbach store room on south
Main street where I am now located I can sell goods cheap
er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock
of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stoves
and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan.
F :Q F2I22J5 G2
A Full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
ARE - YOU - S0IN5 -
Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of
And Guarantee Satisfaction in all.jTliiiiss
at the corner of
SO -
St New York, mcewcia
r u w a
How Disgruntled Actor Oat Eresi with
( the Crest Hamlet.
Edwin 'Booth, despite bis reputation
for balng cold and unapproachable, has
a humorous Bide and can tell a funny
story, even when it's on himself, with a
solemnity that is refreshing.
A member of the tragedian's company
relates the following: "He once told me
about a western experience of his in the
fifties. Booth was then the star of
certain stock company playing the Call
forma towns. It was rough out there
then, and the same company did every
thing from 'Hamlet' to a song and dance
all at the same theater and often with
in the eame week
"In this company there was a young
man of much histrionic talent, who, pre
vious to the advent of Booth, played the
leading roles, but who was thrown into
the shade by the new etar. Jealousy an
hot words followed. The manager and
the disappointed tragedian were contiu
ually at war over the distribution of
"When the time for producing 'Ham
let' arrived it was found that the cast
would necessarily muster into act every
one from the ticket seller to the lamp
man. The long suffering manager had
resolved to punish the recalcitrant actor.
and he was given the part of Guilder)
"There was some muttering, but all
went weu enougn until tne opening
night. The house was filled. The
scenery was crude, and for that matter
bo was the audience, but the applause
was generous. Things reached a climax
in the second scene of the third act,
where Rosencranz and Ouildenstern are
sent by the king to spy on the alleged
madness of Hamlet
"The usual futile endeavors to get any
information out of the melancholy Dane
were gone through with and then, of
course, came Booth's powerful scene in
which the musical instrument is intro
duced (the pipe on this occasion being a
clumsy tin affair, painted to suit the
aesthetic soul of the property man).
"The audience listened in breathless
expectation, and the dialogue proceeded
as follows:
"Hamlet Will you play upon this
"Guildenstern My lord, I cannot.
"H. I pray you.
"G. Believe me, I cannot.
"And here the proud Dane lifted him
self erect, preparatory to hurling at
Guildenstern that crescendo of mingled
rage and scorn which begins with ' 'Tis
as easy as lying, etc. Buthe crescendo
never came.
"Hamlet 1 do beseech you.
"Guildenstern Then I don't mind if I
"And seizing the obstreperous horn, he
broke forth into a weird, unearthly 6traiu
of Yankee Doodle and what-not.
" I stood there dazed,' said Booth,
'for it seemed to me hours, trying to con
nect the lines or collect my thoughts so
as to go on, but it was of no use, for the
fiend with the horn kept right on with
his refined torture, until at last, in 6heer
mercy, the curtain went down to rise no
more that night.
" 'Mr. was promptly dismissed.
but he had had
his revenge.'" New
York Recorder.
The Maternal Instinct and Dogn.
Dog worship is, as has been said, a
fashion. It is, for the most part, an im
itation, a pretense, in the beginning at
least, though it may become, often does
become, sincere, serious to a degree, in
jurious alter a long indulgence, un
natural attachments, affections misdi
rected are likely to bring their own re
venges. They 6tray so far from fitness
that they cannot return to the normal
when they would, whatever the effort
made. That dog worship is a fashion is
shown by the fashionable women who
regularly appear in the parks and public
drives with tiny dogs on their laps or
nestling against their bosoms.
Often these women are unmarried.
They give to dogs the care, the tender
ness, the devotion they would give to
babies had they borne them. It is plain
ly the derangement and frustration of
the maternal instinct, as is proved when
they become mothers. Then they usually
discard their four footed pets immedi
ately and forget all about them. Junius
Henri Browne in St. Louis Globe-Demo
A Unique Tea Service.
County Commissioner Tolman has an
unique tea service. It includes not only
the usual articles of a set the tray, plat
ter, butter dish, sugar bowl, cream
pitcher, cup and saucer, but also a caster,
supplied with the usual cruets the whole
made of wood. Two kinds of wood, black
walnut and white wood, were employed
in their manufacture, and the contrasted
colors, which appear in even the covers
of dishes and tops of cruets, have a beau
tiful effect. The whole service is as use
ful as any made of crockery, and was
made by a skilled woodworker while
confined in the county jaiL He agreed
to make them for Mr. Tolman if the lat
ter would furnish the material. Port
land (Me.) Argus.
Twt Extreme Cages.
In refreshing contrast to the man who
lost a day's work because he bumped hia
head while getting up in the morning
and thought he might have a headache
if he didn't keep quiet, was a man up in
Sprague's Mills, who fell a he was carry
ing a piece of timber about noon, but j
I A. - A 1 A-l A " A 1 1 '
Kepi ai worK nnni ume 10 go nome at
night, when he made the discovery that
a bone in his leg was broken. Lewiston
A Queer Place for a Horn.
In the lot of sheep shipped by Davis
Minor was a curiosity. About one-third
of the way back from the shoulders of a
ewe a horn grew out of its back. The
horn was just the same as any other
eheep horn" and was about three inches
in length. Doniphan (Mo.) Prospect
News. A copper steam kettle has been made
at St. Louis for a firm of brewers. In
its construction betwveu-7,000 and 8.000
pounds of copper was used.
..y Hooters.
Wm. Tlmnionft. potttntjtater of Idsvllle, ind..
writes: "Klectrlc Bitters has done mre for
sue than all other medUlues combine d. fur that
bad feei ng ariHinir from Kidney ami l.iver
trouble." John Lelie, fanner ami Mockman,
of same plar. any : "Kind Kleetnc Hitter to
be the best Kidney and L'ver medielne, made
me feel like a new man." J. W. iinnliiH
bar.iAare merchant. ame town, cnyn : "Klec
trie Hitters h just tiie thiiiK for h mati who f
all run d'.wn ai:d don't e:ire whet tier lie lives r
dies ; be found new Mlenglh. pood appetite
and felt just like he Ir.d a new lease on life
Only Mhj, a bottle ht K. !. Fricke & Co's Urug
Mure. 2
Slccpness night made minernhle
l3r that terrible cutigh Shilohs rem
edy is the cure for you, by F. G.
Frick. 2
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frejucnt no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all such girls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to nead
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no remedy equal to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a line book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricke
A Co's., who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics. Cures
fluttering "short breath, etc.
I am an old man and have been a
constant sufferer with catarrh for
the last ten years. I am entirely
cured by the use of Kl3''s Cream
Halm. It is strange that so simple
a remedy will cure such a stubborn
disease. Henry Hillings, U. S. Pen
sion Attorney, Washington, It. C.
For eight years I have suffered
from catarrh, which affected my
eyes and hearing; I have employed
many physicians without relief. I
sun now on my second bottle of
lily's Cream Halm, and feel confi
dent of a complete cure. Mary C.
Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111.
Height of Cruelty
Nervous women seldom receive
the sympathy they deserve. While
often the pictures of health, 1 hev
ire constantly ailing-. To withhold
sympathy from these unfortunates
is the height of cruelty. J hey have
a weak heart, causing shortness of
breath, fluttering, pain inside, weak
and hungry spells, and finally
swelling of ankles, oppression,
choking, smothering and drtAsy.
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is just
the thing for them. For their ner
vousness, headache, weakness, etc.,
his Restorative Nervine is unequal-
ed. I'ine treatise on "Heart and
Nervous Diseases" and marvelous
testimonials free. Soul and guar
anteed by F. G. Fricke & Co. 6
Wonderful Success
Two years ago the Haller Prop.
Co.' ordered their bottles by the box
now thev buy bv the carload.
.Niiotig the popular and succeseful
remedies they prepare is llaliers
Sarsaparilla & Hurdock which is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist hesitates to
recommend this remedy.
For sale by druggist.
We're After You.
That greatest western paper,
The Weeklj- State Journal, is deter
mined to double its circulation this
fall. To do this the paper has been
enlarged to twelve pages every
week; new departments added, and
every column iresnenea ana
brightened by crisp and orginal
ideas. The Journal is the true and
able exponent of western enterprise
and thought. It has grown apace
with the progress of our common
wealth and stands to-day at the
head of western newspapers,
equalled by few and excelled by
This will be an exceptional fall
and winter for newspaper reading.
Kvery man who thinks for himself
and wants his boys and girls to do
the same: should have the weekly
Journal in his family. Write for
sample. You need only to see the
paper to appreciate it. sena twenty
five cents for a three months trial
subscription. You will then be
come a regular reader. Eighty-five
per cent of trial stibscribers stick.
That's a good record. Published at
the state capitol tne journal is
more in touch with the great
masses of the people, and the ques
tion that agitate the hour, than any
of its competitors. Don't forget to
send for a sample paper. e want
you to see one. liie paper usen
will do the rest. One dollar per
3'ear. Address, eemy state jour
nal, Lincoln, Neb.
Wanted. A bright, active agent
. . . . w-
in every town in tne state, .easy
work and good pay. Address,
weekl- State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or do pay required.
t is guaranteed to Rive satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Leading
Constantly keeps on hand everything
you need to furnish your house.
corker sixth and main street
Plattsmout - Neb
Bhows ftlgnj of lulling, begin at one Uie una
Of Ayor flair Vievr. Tbla pre pexaUoa
6lreugtiMf thm scalp, proutotea Ute growtb
of bow hair, nMoree tita ualunU color to
gray aad fended hair, mm! rendurs It soft
Hi, nd gloesy.
We bYO no hesitation in pronounern
Ayer's Ilair Viur unrjiuUel for ureMaiug
Uie hair, and we do Uus after long ox pert,
enoe bi ita una. This preparation icesrtt,
the hair, cure dandruff aud all (Lumuumm of
the aealp, makes rough and brittle h&ir solt
and puaut, and prevents naMnoss. While It
is not a dye, those who have used Uk; Vigor
say it will stimulate the roots and color
glands of faded, gray, Ught, uul red hair,
ciuwtibn the color to
A Rich Brown
or even Mark. It wfTl not sofT the pfllo
eane no. a pork rHiAndkrrrh Iff, and U al
ways agreeable. AH the dirty, gummy hair
preparations should be displaced at once by
Ayef! Hair Vigor, and thousands who go
around with beads looking like 'the fretful
porcupine' should hurry to the nearest (img
store and purchase a bottle of the Vigor.""
Tin fwmtr South, AUant-v, Ga.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is excellent for thfl
hair. It stimulate the growth, cure baM
rem, restores the natural color, eleamea the
scalp, prevents dandruff, and is a good dress
ing. We know that Ayefs flair Vigor differs
from most hair tonics and similar prepara
tions, ft being perfectly harmless." From
Jteonomicai lltAAkpig, by Eliza R. Parfcer,
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Di. J. O. A TUB & CO., Lowell, B
ftoM by 'Migglata aod Perfumer.
217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St.,
lattsmouth, - Nebraska.
TT r t- "v far r v
a. ol, nvns. rropriMt."-
lhe Perkins htw lict-u tiirut;ljl)
enoyated from top tc
aOW One of flu- best hoteln til tin "fnt(
3oarrt will l- luki-i by tl. w--k ttt
M.-'iO hiuI ti i
BftrSi Trots pte F0STCTv
Cerv for Impotttct, Lom
of Manhood, Seminal
Emissions. Spermatorrhea,
IHeroousnest. Self 'Dittrutt,
Loss of htemorif, Ac. Witt
mahe you a STROMQ, Vigor
ous Man. Prle 91.00. 0
flowj. Si 00.
l' lr m'ii lyrr Til. ' n.ri. t.r.
with euch Vur. Actdrsss
4T. LOU'S. - MO
bv Prjtk'a tnvifiibleTiiljnlar Ear rb
Ion.. YVbl&Dr b.ani. ComfortuM.
SaorisEf ul wherom! Irrmrdi.i fail. Sold bv F. Ill.aoi.ooly , CD t'C
853 lir..Jwa, 1W W. Writ, tut bouk of proofariltC
ClMUiae. and besutitU. the hair.
PrumirtM a In hi H h nt rmwih
Never Fails to Bestore Orar
Hair to ita Youthful Color.
Curea acalp disoaapa tc hair (ailmr.
SOf.and I mat DniifMti
p 'jjuii i i uaa
P u'Kcp'b G-mrer Tonic, t cuies the wor.t tuh.
iri- i xt i t jy. Iiiitfrtb:on, JJain, Take in time. .'Vj eta.
(wOI; PCO RMS- Thp mTv wire cure for Com,
j'.-. a i p. u J... it: iimgtfuts, or iilaSCUX A Co., II. Y.
Dr. Grosvenor's
RhnmtiBm. nenralria. n!ariflTail lumbajroJ
coroa at once, vmmn ror sate ny ail Lrrnr(r'w
H A IB htm ki.
What is
'-""''ri'iT --''airrtj---f--i ra'i'-'fciTi'i-i Vrn'aiTiiinM-n- rrai ssjsjsjm
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for In&nts
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Movpiaine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute)
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aud allays
fererishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulate? the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's panacea the Mother's Friend.
Castoria is an excellent medicine for chll-
Hthers have repeatedly told hm of its
good effect upoo their children."
Dr. G. C Osgood,
LowiaU, Haas.
Castoria is the best remedy for children ot
which I am acquainted. I bepe the day iaoot
far distai when raoUtcra wnToooaidar the raai
interest of their chttdren, aol use Caatoria in
stead of tke varioua quack nostrums which are
destroying tibutr loved ones, by foraing opiuaa,
morphine, soothing syrup and other htirtfittl
agents down their throaty thereby sending
them to premature graTes."
Da. J. F. Kinchklob,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City.
A trrtPNy first rin- machine, fully nnrr -r-ed
Made from the very het ftiatrrmi b
Httlied workmen, and lth the bent tooN t at
havi- ever len dcvled for t he urxw, Wi W
muted to do ll trint ran be reur.aily en a
f-et-.l of the very bet typewriter extant.
tiil.HlJeof w-iMnje word . i minute or
more according t- the ability of 1 1 e ot ero
PKICE $100.
inhere In no affent lu your town addreas the
m uiufacturen.
Aaents wanted 1'arish , V.
F. 13., Agenl.
i.incolu, Neb,
Wagon and !!lackuilth shop
Wagon, Buggy, Machine nnd
plow Hepfiirinir done
He uses the
Which is the best horaurihoo for th
farmer, or for fast driving, or for citj
purposes ever invented. It is bo made
that anyone c..u put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and nlippery
days, or emooth, dry roads. Call at
hia shop and examine the nkvekblip
and you will use no other.
12 North Fifth St. Plattamonth
Lumber Yard
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors blinds
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera houee.
" Casfcari U nowil adaptad to c JiUrlren thasl
I reooraeod it as psri or to aoy prescrtptfcsfr
lenowa to me."
H. A. aaohm, BL
111 So. Oxford St., QrouUTn, H. T.
" Our phyaicJaiM in tha blldrm's depart
ment have apokai highlfr of ttmir experi
ence ia ttiair utaade praasaae with Castorav
aad alrtiinagh w omly navo among oar
nne4ical saippltas what ia knows as regular
products, jrat we are free to ooof eas that that
merits of Castoria has won us to look Willi
favor upon ft."
United Hospital and Disfchsart,
Boston, Maaa
Aixex C. SinzH, Prfs