The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 12, 1891, Image 3

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Tlxo Toast
It's facilities for doing
work, are complete
Having added considerable new type Ijthe
office is a guaradtee for good clean
job work
It prints all the county newsandjis the paper
to subscribe for. Send us your name and
let us "place you on our already large list
of subscribers.
Prompt attention given
to all orders
HIM. H KA la
good and satisfactory
in all departments
Walking Lmtm and Twigs.
The walking and climbing '' leaves "of
Australia were for over half a century
considered the greatext of natural won
ders. A party of sailors wandered inland
and sat down to reot nnder a tree. A
great wind shook to earth several dead
and brown leaves. These presently be
gan to show siarn9 of life and crawl to
ward the trunk, which they; ascended.
ana attached themselves to their respec
tive twigs. .
Hence the sailors, who promptly ran
away, said the place was bewitched. But
the simple fact turned out to be that the
so called "leaves" were really leaf shaped
insects, having long, pendulous legs,
which could be folded out of sight, and
possessing the chameleon like power of
varying their color to correspond with
that of the foliage they are clinging to.
Upon being shaken to the ground, in
stinct taught them to seek shelter of the
friendly leaves again as soon as possible.
These walking leaves are frequently
fonnd in the woods of Illinois. The
farmers call them "animated twigs," as
they exactly resemble a bit of the tree.
They are green when the trees are green.
but as soon as the foliage changes they
become brown. The writer of this was
sitting under a tree reading in the woods
of southern Illinois when one of these
"twigs," as it was supposed to be, drop
ped on the page. It moved and thus re
vealed its identity. Its nature seemed
to be that of a worm, and its vitality
that or he very lowest. It aiea as soon
as removed, and served as a bookmark
for many years. Detroit Free Press.
A Cheeky Mao.
The cheekiest man of the season has
been found. He entered a local barber
shop not far from the city hall and asked
if he might wash his face. The tousorial
juggler said. "Of course."
"I'd like a clean towel, if you please,'
said the stranger suavely.
One coulu have heard a pin drop at
the barber acquiesced and handed him a
clean towel.
"May I brush my hair!" said the fas
tidious caller, as he stepped toward a
looking glass. The barber left his custo
mer and pinched himself to see if he was
really alive.
"I have a good, clear glass here. Now,
just a little oil for my hair. There!" said
the stranger, as he rolled Corinthian
bangs on his marble-white brow.
The barber opened his mouth wider.
"Now, just a little wax on my mus
tache," said the visitor. He suited the
action to the word and twisted the ends
of his mustache to his satisfaction.
"I am much obliged, sir," said the ex
tra nice stranger, as he adjusted his hat.
strolled to the door and disappeared.
A liberal fanning and application of
cool water relieved the proprietor, but it
was an hour or two before he fully re
covered. Manchester Uniou.
Antiquity of the Domesticated Horse.
The horse was probably first domes
ticated ou the plains of Central Asia.
This must have been at a very remote
period, for on the sculptured monuments
of ancient Assyria we find highbred,
carefully caparisoned steeds given in ad
mirable outline, showing how familiar
and how favorite an object the horse
must have been to the Assyrians. The
mane is long and flowing or curled or in
tassels. Three horses abreast drew the
chariot in which were three warriors.
Saddle horses led by grooms or bearing
horsemen are delineated, sometimes in
the thick of battle. .
The horse was doubtless introduced
into Egypt as late as the time of Hyksos,
and sculptured representations or it are
often conventional types peculiar to later
Egyptian art. Instead of the life and
energy displayed by the Assyrian horse.
there is a rather weak attempt to repre
sent life and energy and the effect pro
duced is mechanical. Probably the horse
of the Delta did not compare in beauty
or speed with the Assyrian horse. Ber
jeau says lie was more like the. Dutch
horse of our day. Caroline K. Sherman
in Chicago Herald.
He Got the Seat.
A nice young man got into a tram car
a few evenings ago, and saw to his de
light the only vacant seat was by the side
of a young lady acquaintance. He made
for that seat with joyous strides, and her
eyes answered his with delighted looks.
But just as he got there an elderly party
walked up and dropped into the coveted
seat. The young man approached more
slowly and accosted the young lady.
"tlow is your Drotner he asiced: "is
he able to get out?"
"Oh. yes!" she answered.
"Will he be very badly marked?" he
continued, and the old gentleman grew
suddenly interested.
"Oh, no!" she said, "with the excep
tion of a few marks on his forehead."
"Were you not afraid of taking it?"
the young man continued, while the old
gentleman broke out in a cold perspira
tion. "Not at all," she replied; "I had been
vaccinated, you know."
The seat was vacated instantly, the
two innocent young hearts beat as half
a dozen, and the , prattle of "nice talk"
strewed that part of the car, while an
old gentleman scowled upon them from
the distant corner. London Tit-Bits.
The Cavalry of the Romans.
Devoted as the Romans were to war,
the cavalry was an important part of
the army. A great deal of adverse criti
cism has been passed, upon their horse
manship and skill in managing the
cavalry. The Prussian hussar officer,
Warnering, pronounces Caesar an indif
ferent cavalry general and ridicules his
arrangements where cavalry are con
cerned. Caesar, however, conquered all
the same. His ' famous horse, credited
with having a human fore foot, was
equal to the star eyed goddess herself for
victory. Chicago Herald.
There is a hotel in Boston that is fre
quently mistaken for a church by stran
gers who pass one of its entrances. At
the end of the corridor and visible from
the street there is a peculiar feature of
the stairway which, f nui a little dia
tauce, resembles the pipes of an organ.
: Philip Krauae will sell his gooda
cheap till the 15th, of AugiiHt, in
order to make room for his fall
poods. tf
A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too often permit wives,
ami parents their children, to suffer
lrotii headache, dizziness. neiiralLrui
sleeplessness, fits, tyrvousnessness,
wnen iy the tisot Dr. iMiles Kc-
storative Nervine such serious re
sults could easily- he prevented
JruiinHtH everywnere say it inves
universal satisfaction and has an
immense sale. Woodworth A Co.,
of r-ort Wayne, Intl.; Snow A Co., of
Syracuse, N. Y.; J. C. Wolf. I Ullsdale.
Mich.; and hundreds of other's say:
"It is the creates seller they ever
.knew." It contains no oniates. Trial
"bottles and line book on Nervous
diseases, free at F. G. Fricke Jt Co's
Mertt Wins.
We desire to say to the citizens.
that for years we have been sellin"-
Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Dr. Kind's New Life Pills
Itucklcn s Arnica Slave and Llectric
Hitters, and have "never handled
remedies that sell as well, or that
have civen such universal satisfac
tion. We Jo not hesitate to iuar-
antel them every time, and we stand
ready to refund the purchase price,
if satisafactory results do uot follow
there there uae. These remdies
have won there irraat nooularitv
purely on therr merits F. (i. Fricke
& Co Druggists.
1 am an old man and have been a
constant sufferer with catarrh for
the last ten -ears. I am entirely
cured by the use of Kly's Cream
Halm. It is strange that so simple
a remedy will cure such a stubborn
disease. Henry Hillings, U.S. Pen
sion Attorney, Washington, D. C.
For eijfht years I have suffered
from catarrh, which affected my
eyes and hearing; I have employed
many physicians without relief. I
am now on my second bottle ot
Kly's Cream Halm, and feel confi
dent of a complete cure. Mary C
Thompson, Cerro Ciordo, III.
A Safe investment.
Ic one which is iruaranteed to
bringf you satifaotary results, or in
case oi taiiuree a return ot purcliasc
price. t.)n tnis sate plain you can
buy from our advisertise I)ruist
a oottieot i)r. iinr.s Aow iJiscrvery
for consumption. It is guaranteed
to brincr relief in every case, when
used for any affection of Throat.
Lungs, or chest, such as Consum
ption, Inflammation of Luntfs Hrou-
chitis' Asthma, Whooping Coiih,
C roups, ets., etc. Jtis pleasant and
"areeable to taste, perfect!' safe
and Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke
& Co' s Drutrstori.
For 27 vears Joseph "Shera. of
Kock Bluffs has been engaged in
the business of selling general mer
chandise at that place, and to-day
he carries, a large and complete
stock of groceries and general mer
chandise which he can sell cheaper
than any competetors for the fol
lowing good reasons. He - pays
no city taxes. He pays no house
reht. He, with his family attend to
his business. His farm furnishes
all his needs and more too. Conse
quently it is hard to undersell him.
He keeps constantly on hand a
large supply of flour and meal. He
is alive, and a let live man.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately dissappears.
The first dose greatly benefits. 7oc
Sold by F. fl. Fricke, Druggist, wt
There has been but one new
Summer drink broiight out this
season- It is Cherrj- Phosphate
and is dispensed from Brown &
Barretts fountain. tf
Will you suffer with Dyspepsdti
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit
alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2
NHIss' Nerve and Liver Pllle-
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une-
qualed for men, women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c.
Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co's.
The largest line of patent med-i
cities will be found at Brown & Bar
rett's tf
Everybody sa s that Gering & Co
sell the most wall paper and paint
Why? Because they sell the best
goods for the least money.
ANTED Salesman.
T.oeal And Travellnc.
A good chance ! Dont miss it !
You need no capital to represent a reliable
firm that warrant nursery stock first class and
true to name. Work ll the Year and
good pay weekly to energetic men. Apply
quick, cratiDg age. L L MAY fc CO.
nurserymen rionsi ana seeamen, si raui aim
lnis House is responsible.
The Leading
Constantly keeps on' hand everything
you need to furnish your house.
Plattsmout - Neb
3 KM&n.utt. A
Ayer's Saroaparilla
Is an effective remedy, as numerous tefltlnvv
tiUls conclusively prove. "For two yeura
1 was a constant sufferer from . dyspepsia
ana liver complaint. . I doctored a lnr,
time and the inediuiues prescribed. In neat ly
every case, only aggravated the disease.
Au apothecary advised me to use Jlycr'i
Sarsaparilla. X , did so, and was cured
at a cost of fS. blui't that time it has
tx'en my family medicine, and sickness has
lieconiu a stranger to our household. I
believe It to be the best medicine on earth."
P. F. McNuIty, Jlackiuaa, 23 Hummer sL,
Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is a certain cure, when the complaint origi
nates In Impoverished blood. '" I was a
great sufferer from a low condition of the
blood and general debility, becoming finally,
so reduced that I was unlit for work. Noth
ing that I did for the complaint hel)ied mo
so much as Ayer's .Sarsaparilla, a few bottles
of which restored me to health and strength.
I take every opportunity to recommend thia
medicine in similar cases." C. Kvick, 14 K.
Main si, Chillicothe, Ohio.
And all disorders originating In impurity of
the blood, such as boils, carbuncles, pimples,
blotches, salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofulous
sores, and the like, take only
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DE. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Kail.
Price f 1 ; six bottle, $&. Worth $ a boCUa.
217, Ul'J, 221 ami V".':'. Main S.
"lattsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M. BONS. P.-oorie.r..-
I tlr Poi kl?)-. Ilt- Im-cN th.-ruUiflb
Miovitr-I tr.:i. !") ' .-.-'it..,,, rti. '
low !)' ! tin- host imrel- in rb. -Tl
3'oirvl r- wll tk tip- w-'k a
14.50 unt up.
i'tidld niKk' IOO !' C CtCVT. net on
II U fi!l JO my 'oiets. I!elt lirushe-. CiicbTS
& medicines. ample? free. V rite now. I)r
nridgmau.371 H'way v y.
VV Rsv iwrr
Th c Grat Health LJIaIH IC
Poolunte makes 6 nllnni. Dehcions, sparkling, and
tppatizmg. Sold by all dealers. A beautiful Pict.urs
Biu.k and cards sent FKKK to any one nandirut
address to tlieO. K. HIRES tX Philadelphia. VL.
Closures and bautiiefl the hair.
PrunutMS s kisuriaut growth.
Mevor Pails to Bestore Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Cure Malp dincaie & ban- tailing.
flOr, and 1 ID at Drugpiw
y 2''&rkor'B xiiifcv Tonio. it cuiva the wurnt cou?li,.
IVt.ihty, Iiil:linn. Paiu.Take in time. Ml cM.
H ? V D !l RCO R NR. The onlv lure cure for Comt.
; v .- iifHcox co., k. y.
Dr. Grosvenor's
tf. quirk rtlUf PLASTER.
from ptxxn.
Rheumatism, neoralria. oleurisyand InmbaKaf
oared at once. &enttn f or sale by all Irnr cnHtA
Chichester-s English.
LadlM. n. 7. ;i ;ZZ.A"-',!Turu "as.
DOJ" r0- " W ribbon. . Take
. f " PWwM box". wrapfxra. an daaffem OMMrfrlu. it Drairmm.. or wi m
JO.VUU TmtimoiiJii.. Aw Bapm. CHICNCSTFR Cur.icn rn u .
Hold by ull LkmwU ir-gglle.
What is
. s.w i r - h - -N r -tiim -'-
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescripioa fw IwtCnnt,
and Children. It contains neither Opiam, MorpMoe nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a ha ami ubistStqte
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and. Gftrtor OIL
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years nee oy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Cfsrd.
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria ; relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation .and flatulency
Castoria assimilates the food, regulate?, the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. '' Cas
toria is the Children's panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Catorfa is an exoelleo medicine for chil
dren. Mskbem have repeatedly toM ma of its
good effect upon their chikirem."
Dr. G. C Ofoooo,
Ixnretl, Mean,
Castoria Is the beat remedy for chUdceo of
which I an acquainted. I hape she day ismot
far distant wbti motbera wmcomsider the real
interest of their ehiUlreo, aad uso Castoria in
stead of tke various quaes: nostrums which are
destroying thkir krred ones, by forosngOfAun.
morphine,' soothing syrup and other hursrei
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
TA. J. r. KiBcnrxot,
Conway, Ark.
Th Centaur Compaay, TT Murray Street, New York City
tlrletly first trlixM maehlii. fully tirat--d.
Mad iroin th very best materai b
-Ktl'ed workmen. nd with the bent tools
have ever tie-Hii .levl-ed for th" purvme, War
ranted to do all that ran h rnuHonnlily (.
t-eteil of the very bent typewriter ttnt
'ap.-thle or writing l.Vt wrt r nr minute or
more according t" the ability of I Iih opera'"
II there is no agent in your towu .id. liens the
TIIK PAltltell M'K'U CO.
Agents wanted Parish . Y.
F. B. HKKLKMIKK, Agent. .
Lincolu, Neb,
Wagou and blacksmith hoi
Wagon, Buy, Machine and
lww Itejinirin Kme
Jle uson the
Which is the h-nt lirwMli(ie for th
farmer, or for fant driving, or for cit3
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that anyone ci-n put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
his shop and examine the nrvkksmp
and you will use no other.
' . J.$M. SUNK!. Lit A CK Kit.
12 North FifthjHt. Plattwnouth
Lumber lard
r fimrn i
r L
Shingles, Lath, Sanh.
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth ntreet
in rear of opera house.
Red Cross Diamond Brand
n.. o ..
ether lilsd. lufu.m JtiJ.m ,w ..,."-.
" Cweterla Is so well adayead to children that
1 1 is iBiisiis 1 It awssmieiius ksw pss aewiatlom
known to me."
H. A. abomm, BC
111 So. Oxfe4 St., BreaMya, K. T.
Our jilij sieiims in Ham ehadaea's opart
ment have spokea hiiralf of their expert.
eoee bi tfiear eulBsde pim.siaia with Castoria,
aatd aUbous we omly nave ' among ou
medical mmjffim wfass bj kaova as regala
produouv yet we awe free to onotess that the
tneriM of Oafltorta has won as to look vital
favor ttpeo ft. i
Uxmco Hospitai. akd OisrsjfasaT.
Boston, Maa
A llik C. Smith, Prm