.7 L- I 1 ,1 . I.KT1KK IIKAIM j j Bll.l. IIKAlM If KKVKU.I'K l-0"KllSI CATM-H;h dfe OIKCCLAIM. Tlie Toast 3r m -o- THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM It's facilities for doing work arfj complete -o office is a guarantee for good clean j oh wcrk It prints all the county to subscribe for. Send us your name and let us piace you on our already large list of subscribers. Prompt attention given to all orders ADDRESS ALL, Cor Fifth and Vine Sts PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA good and satisfactory in all departments newsand is the paper ORDERS TO 3 Captain ISatton's Happy MrrU( with the llelle of North Haven Maujr Years Ago Why the Cozy Home ffu flrwlreo L'p and the Hatband Is a Wanderer.' No one would bave 6uspected that Sofia was a ehrew. She was of medium height, with uncut brown eyes aud a sweet face. These with a fine form and charming manner madelier much sought after by the young men of North Haven She chose to bstow her sweetest euiiles on Julius Button, a whole souled. hardy younjr bailor, and all those who sought Sofia's band felt a pang of envy when Julius led her to the altar. The young couple settled down to the humdrum life of the small village in which both had been born and reared. For a time they were as happy as ever two young people who seemed made for each other could be. juiiiiH naa accumulated a snug sum of money and was disposed to take life easjly The apple of his eye was his wife. Next in his affection was his violin, and with those two for company he was content to spend his evenings at home. Aitnougn ner busbana played very well. Sofia cared nothing for music and detested a violin above all things. For a while she said nothing. Then she would leave Julius and hte violin and would run over to one of the neighbor's to spend fhe evening. It dawned upon Julius that the strains he drew from his violin were not appreciated by his wife Then Sofia began to show that beneath a sweet exterior there lay smoldering a fiery temper that when once let loose was Bimply ungovernable, and violent outbursts on her part became more and more frequent. Julius bore it all uncomplainingly, for he loved his wife dearly. His was a- gen tie nature that never held malice and he knew Sofia loved him, so he was patient But all things must end some time, and his patience was no exception to the rnle ANUKIt THAT CACSED SORROW. One afternoon Julius went home and picked up his violin. He had drawn the bow but a few times before Sofia ex claimed. '1 wish you would stop that noise. Julius paid no heed to the request which had been made in such a tnanda tory tone. Sofia became angrier as her husband continued playing, and at last shouted. "Julius, 1 want you to stop that noise." But Julius only smiled andjcept on playing. Sofia grew livid with rage, and seizing a pan of water threw it into Julius' face. Then her husband put away his violin and left the house. In the evening he came back and began packing up his clothing. Sofia had recovered from her paroxysm of anger and was willing to be forgiven, but did not ask it. Her wom an's curiosity could not be restrained, however, and she tremblingly asked what it all ueant. The only reply her husband vouchsafed was that he had shipped on a vessel bound for Virginia after a load of oysters. Days and weeks and months passed and thel absent husband was not heard trora ant Sofia went to live with her hus band's parents. One day thirty-five years later the elder Button read of the arrival in New York of the United States brig Bainbridge, Captain Julius Button. Hesaid nothingof the great hope that had sprung up in his breast, but hastened to New York, only to find that the brig had sailed a few hours before. But his journey was not altogether fruitless, for he learned that the captain of the Bainbridge was his own son. It lifted a heavy load from the old man's heart, although he felt keenly his disappointment at not seeing his son, who had for many years been mourned as dead. .' FORTY TEARS LATER. Sadly the old man returned to his home in North Haven. From that time he became a close reader of the news papers and at last, four years later, his vigilance was rewarded. He read: "The United States brig Bainbridge, Captain Button, is expected to arrive at the Brooklyn navy yard tomorrow." Once more the old man journeyed to the metropolis. He found the brig with dif fioulty and was ushered into the cabir to await, the captain, who was on shore. Captain Button looked curiously at the gray haired old man whom he had been told wished to see him, but did not recognize him. . Nor did the father rec ognixe his son. Slowly the old man told his errand. "1 am Captain Button, sir," responded the captain. Don't you know me. Julius? I am your father." It was a very affecting meeting, and when it was brought to a close the father asked "tremulously, "Julius, what shall 1 tell mother?" Captain Button hesitated for a mo ment, then, without replying to the ques tion, he asked, "Where is Sofia?" . "She still lives with us." "Then you may tell mother that I may come to North Haven when I come back from my next voyage." An hour later Button. Sr., was on his way home, and Buttdto, Jr., was on a voyage to China. W hen he returned two J - . mother were dead. Sofia still occupies I the old homestead, but Captain Button has never seen her since they parted. New York Herald. A Floral Curiosity. We have just been shown a curious plant by Mrs. Judge Chesnut. It i3 called the "snake plant," and is an oddi ty. The stem of the plant is of succu lent nature and resembles the body of a snake. It had a large Easter lily shaped flower of dark purple color, with a single f urple stamen. Its odor was offensive, t is a curiosity in this town, no one hav ing ever seen a flower like it. It was pre tested to Mrs. Cb.es-nnt by her sister of Frankfort. Ky. Platte City (Mo.) Landmark. u9uunu too often oermit viven and parent their children, to sniffer from headache, lizzinei.. neuraliria uleeplesrtnesM, fits, iiervousnessnens. vviien ly the use of Dr. -M 1 1 .s 1V siorauve .Nervine mini .ncrioiis rr- nultn could easily lie prevented i'ruisiM everywhere Kay it ive. universal satisfaction and has an i111tnen.se sale. Wood worth Ac Co.. of lort Wayne, Ind.; Snow & Co.. 0 Syracuse. N. Y.; J. C. Wolf. Hillsdale Mich.; and hundreds of others say mi is me ureaies Keller iney ever knew." It contains no opiates. Trial hollies and fine book on Nervous diseases, free at K. (J. Ericke & Co'.- Merit Wins. We desire to say to the citizens. that for years we have been selling Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. Kind's New Life Pills Hucklen s Arnica Slave and Electric Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. e do not hesitate to guar antel them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, it satisatactory results do not follow there there uae. These remdies have -.von there grant popularity purely 011 therr merits F. G. Ericke iV Co Druggists. I am an old man and have been a constant sufferer with catarrli for the last ten years. I am entirely cured by the use of Ely's Cream Halm. It is stranire that so tdmnle a remedy will cure such it stubborn disease. Henry Hillings, U. S. Pen sion Attorney, ashiiiirton. 1. C For eight years I have suffered from catarrh, which affected my eyes and hearing: I have employed many physicians without relief. 1 am now on my second bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, and feel confi dent of a complete cure. Mary C Thompson, Cerro Gordo, III. A Saf- Investment. Jc one which is iruaranteed lo bring you satifaotary results, or in case of failuree a return of purchase price, un tins sale plain you can buy from our adviserlise Druggist a bottleof Dr. Kinir.s New Discrvery tor consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs, or chest, such as Consum ption. Inflammation of Lungs Hron- chitis Asthma, Whooping Cough Croups.ets., etc. It is pleasant an: gareeable to taste, perfectly safe and Trial bottles free at h. G. hrickt & Co' 3 Drugstori. JOSEPH SHERA. For 27 years Joseph 'Shera. of Rock liluffs has been engrailed in the business of selling' general mer chandise at that place, and to-day he carries a large and complete stock of groceries and general mer chandise which lie can sell cheaper than any competetors for the fol lowing good reasons. He pays 110 city taxes. He pays 110 house reht. He, with his family attend to his business. His farm furnishes all his needs and more too. Conse quently it is hard to undersell him. He keeps constantly on hand a large supply of flour and meal. He is alive, and a let live man. Riieunnatisrn, Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralg'ia radicallj' cured in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately dissappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7oc Sold by F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt ONLY ONE. There has been but one new Summer drink brought out this season- It is Cherrr Phosphate and is dispensed from Brown & Harretts fountain. If Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2 NHIss' Nerve and Liver Pllle. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowel? througt. the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles" Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une qualed for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c. Sampla free at F. (. Fricke & Co's The largest line of patent med-i cines will be found at Brown & Bar rett's tf Scotch Zepher Gingham reduced from 17c and 15c to 10c at Win. Her- old & Son's. tf WA nted salesman. Local And Traveling. A cood chance ! Dout - iuisc it ! You need no capital to represent a reliable firm that warrant nursery stock fiist class and true to name. Work rll the Year and good pay weekly . to energetic men. Apply quick, stating age. L L MAY A. CO. . xsurserymen rmrat ana seeainen, m raui 11 in . 1111 nouse is responsible. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. ConstnEtly keeps on hand everything you need to furnish your house. CORNER SIXTH AND MAIN STREET P lattsmout Neb limiM oootitM.IVAljr "iror i)wytwa' I was a constant sufferer from dyspepsia ana liver complaint 1 doctored a long time and the medicines prescribed, in nearly every case, only axKntvatod the disease. An apothecary advised me to use Ayer's Sarsaparllla. J did so, and " was cured at a cost of 99. ttuico that time It lias been my family medicine, and sickness has become a stranger to our household. I believe it to be the bent medicine on earth.' I'. K. McNulty, Ilackiuaa, ' bummer U, Lowell, Mass. FOR DEBILITY, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a certain cure, when the complaint origi nates in Impoverished blood. " I was a great sufferer from a low condition of the blood and general debility, becoming finally, so reduced that I was unfit far work. Noth ing that I did for the complaint helped mo so much as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a few bottles of which restored me to health and strength. 1 take every opportunity to recommend this medicine in similar cases." C. Evick, H E. Iain st, Chlllicothe, Ohio. FOR ERUPTIONS And an disorders originating in impurity of the blood, such as boils, carbuncles, pimples, blotches, salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofulous sores, aud the like, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla rBtriKD BY DS. 3. O. AYEB Sc CO., Lowell, Mm. Price ! ; sis bottles, 5. Worth a bottle. I'KKKLNS - H(H:.SK. 217, iiu, ayi u lattsmouth. H. M. 30NS. I ''i Main r.. t In ritijfj i - I bt I t -enoV'itod J11M .(! :: rkitih iN-lJ' th- I 111., n tl.. -lir. -!. r- vi!i M.50 .ilitl HI . 200D BAR CCNMECTEl PJi Vjipn mvk IOO I- 't-:-T. net on Un I 1) my "oiets. t'.elt Hriinhe-. Curb-rs & medicines, ample free, v rite now. l)r Mridgi'tHii. 371 li'wwy Y. ayvyi hn.T Th t GreatHealth LI Kill K. Package m&km 6 atallooa. LteUoiuna. aparklin, auil ppetixins. 8old Of mil dealer A beautiful Picture Book and cards eens FHtJJt to anv one aradins 1 . . i. t' T i X t 1 1.' n . . . . ,. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleans and beaatina the hair. Promote a lnrtiriant crorth. Vever Fail to Boatore Oray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cm tcuip dif.-awM ai hair faliujg. mm ' Ginger Tonic. it rurt; -.hn w.rl curh. . jt Pi ::(-, j-k.i.Ki-stion, j'r.tt, ane m iiuie.ocu. '?0?M. "ilv nrp cuw fur Corha. . .Vi:. . ; i or ilJrCOX u CO., ,N. V. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic Biwet quirk relief Jron pain. PLASTER. icared at orjoe. Genuine for nale by all Ortifrirtntfi A Klieamatism. nenralna. Dlnnnarand lombaaraf C.ncHr",7!.-iH Encuvi. -,THC .B,G",AL fiwD CCNOINC. Tholjrafe,rJBre,r1rarfe,l(br.al. Ljulleo, M)t lr,f.t .or UMcketter e BngiU IHammi Jtmnd id Hrd ul Vol u. . ,. .fr1 T1"1 hiT &. Take no V P"1' f,u!t wrPP"- are daeerruaa eonnterft-jM. at Injur. or u-rxl as loilio rS! f,,r t"a. and "HrlW l.r l.aH, m letter. b.Vtere Mail. tld by all Wul lr-Ck-lata. 'lllA.Alr..plllA7pA? What is I 3 i v -tT.. It : . .. r.j... . . .4 ' - r ' .... I ... - - . Castoritv is Ir Samuel Pitcher's preerlptioa for Jnfnjitn and Cbildreu. It contains neither Opiam. Morphiixe nor other Xareotic substance. It t a harmldMss mbJtlate for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrupa. and Castor Oil. It is Plesvsant. Its guarantee U thirty ' years use ny Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fererishness. Castoria prerents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food; regulater the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's .Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria la an exoeSeot nwdicine for chil dren. Mothers bavve repeatedly told m ot its good effect po (beta cWWreti." Da. Q. C Osgood, Lowell, Ifeas. Castoria ts tse beat remedy for children of which I am acqanhuad. I bpe aha day boot far distant vrben motaers will eoosider the real interest of their obUdren, aad bso Castoria In stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ooes, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other borstal agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Pa. J. F. KmoHKboa', Conway, Ark. The Centanr Company, TT Murray Street, New York City. TYPEWRITER A Ntrlcily firm cla- iiiHehlne, fu;'i Urf,.f. fit. Made Tom tli ,-rv .! .. Lklhed workmen, and with the 1 , Have ever heen .1-v.e. for I h- mir ! " ar rallied to do nil Mirt c:ti. !... rHit- uMy utfTirn ! me very :ti.wrtlHi i-il.l I'd, iKf, e of m- 1 1 tf: ciMire Mcoonlii if t'i I"" ""! -1 tnl'iiite ot a' lil.j ..1 1 hi ,.rn.i" i'KlCE $100. miicri is no agent 111 your t'wij aMre" the in oiuiacturm. Till: I'AKiiiii M'K'U t: Axeor wanted 1'arlsli . I. F. H. 8EELKMIKE, Aui. Ij'ucolu, N'h, 311KK SILNFJLLH.U KI IL - Wagon aud Itt&ckHinith lni. Wagon, BuKy Machine and plow !tutiriiM 'unit tloUESIIOBINO A SPECIALTY lie uxes the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which in the hHt liorncslioc for th lariniT, r for fnt lriviin, or fur citj uurpoBCB ever invt ntc.l . tt lb so made that anyone ci.n put on sharp or flat corks, as needed lor wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at h'3 shop and examine the nkvkkslip ind you will usi no otu-.. J. M. SIINKI.LIJACIvER 12 North Fifth St. I'lattgmoutb Lumber Yard TMI; 04-D ftLIABL. INF LUMBER ! Shiutcles. Lath, Sash. Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and et terint. Fourth ntreet in n-ar of opera liout-c Red Cross Diamond Brand ether bled. Mefiue MmukIwm cn-i 'ml,. on,. Castoria. "Castoria so well adapted to cbBdrcn thai I inioiiiinenil tt aaswperior toaoa; praacriptio known to me." H. A. AansmtL, IS. 111 So. Oxfosri St., Broufciyn, N. T. Our physicians in the children's depart meat bave apokaa burhb of their expert etiae ha abaar aatside praoSee with Castoria, aod slfhoiicb we eahr iiave aaxiog " oiar medicai tmppMm what is kaowa as regular products, yet wo twe free to eonf ess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look wUfc taror upon ft." tTirmo Hosprrai. ajco Drsp3aaaT, Boston, Mass Aixhc C. Surra, Ye.. , A V