T u in J x FOURTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY AUGUST 4 1891 NUMBER 2b3 Plattsrrio )lUlViA Ml -1 I -1 0M Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strcnth. - Latest I'. S. io eminent Hood Re port. TTOKNKY A LAW. WINDHAM & DAVIES. K. B. WIN1MIAM. JOHN A. HAVIKS. Notitry I'liMic Nt:i.-y KuloU ottlire ovnr Hank l Cits Ou;i 'y. flHttsinouth .... NViirasha jTTORNKV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-I.w. Will j;ive jirotnpt attfutloii to All tinniiiffiH Piitru-tt'd to lilui. Olllftj ID Uuioii block. Ka--t Side, flatt-mouth. Neb. it c. mcc.kk, m. n. J- IS I.OCATEH If loratetl at Kitit Milv;rove. lie has 4t tain'l the nllice formerly occupied by MR. MILLF.R Ol that tllai-e and can be fonnil at all hour ex cept when pnifi-et-jonally out. JpUCKER SISTERS. CAKRV A Fl'LI. LINK K VllLLENERY AND JRENCH 'LOWERS. We also have a dress niakii! denartment. Siit k isfaet ion guaranteed. Shkkwooo Stork. 1jlattsmoi;th ) T?. A. SALSBURY : D-K-X-T-I-S-T : t;i)LI AN I I'CKCELAIX IWtW.NS. lr. Ste'.nways aiKistlutie fertile painte ex J tract ioi.' of teeth. ; Fwie Cold Work a Specialty. Ktx'kwood Work riattsmoiith. Neb. J)RVIOLA M. FRENCH I'll YSK'IAN Ac SUKCEOX OFice with Ur. Jhicman IIOUKS 10 : 00 to 12 : 00 a. in. 3 : 00 to 5 : 00 p. III. . ship 2vi 2T 9 : 00 to 11 : 00 a, in. '-' ; no to 4 : 00 p. in. Telephone No 1J. 'l Arrs.MoiTH Afh VTEW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL Ac SON Keep all kinds of builders hardware on band and will Mipply eimtraet i" on most fav oralile tt ru s : TI3ST ROOFING : Mpoutini; and all kinds of tin work promptly one. order from the country Solicit-! eu; Teasl Sr. TLAlTSMOUTH, NEB. IS T1IK l K-A-n-i -n c ii-o-r s-K IN THE CITY FOK NO Tlo.r fi kmiiim; ;ois LACKS KMHl:MlKKIKS KITCHK.N NOVKI.TlK- TINWAKK. CUSSWAKK ETC- ETC- The goods w e offer on our 10 and 25 cent counters cannot be duplicated elsewhere We hare but one price, and that the ,,. cheapest in town. jL IlJj JL JTi. Ill f ; OOLD And PORCEL.VlX;CROWX8 Bridge work and tine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. STEIN AUS LOCAL as well as other an estheticsKiTen for the painless extraction of teeth. C. A. MARSIIALL, - Fitzgerald Bloc'- PERSONAL A. Behling returned to his home in Omaha to-day. J. L. Farthing was a Lincoln pax- ; sender this morning. .Mcs(i;niies Dovey and I'almer are visitors in Lincoln to-day. C. II. I'arniele and J. M. Craig arr in Lincoln to-day on luisincsn. T. 10. Tower was a passenger or. No. 7 for Omaha this morning. Mr. Flathan and daughter re turned to Omaha this morning. J. N. Wise departed on No. .1 this morning for Omaha on a business trip. John Olelield hoarded the train to-day for his home in Omaha. Mr. I). S. fniild. I?. A: M. supply agent, is in Omaha on business to-day. Mr. Creighton. one of our staunch base ballists, boarded ') for Louis ville this morning. Mrs. Milligan. of Thiirman. Iowa, arrived on No. .1 and will visit Mrs. I la use a few days. Mesdames Olive Cooper and Chas. Yockey. of Atichson. are visiting relatives in the city. J. Finley, our old friend now of Fairmont, passed through thin morning, enroute to St Joe. You can get a bargain in carriage dusters, fly-nets, whip, saddles and 1 i jf 1 1 1 harness at W. (. Keefer's. tf. Nrn. L. It. Ilorton, who lus been visiting Steve Buzzell and family, returned to her home in Omaha to day Wash Smith and familj' returned last evening from (Jeneva, where they have been visiting friends a few hiys. Mr. and Mrs. Willey, who havebeen visiting relatives in the city, re turned to their home in Malvern, Iowa, to-day. Mrs. l-'erner. who has been the guest of Miss Moore the past few days, returned to her home at Mon tezuma. Iowa, this morning. J. I). Graves of Iienkelnian, after spending a couple of days in this city with Iriends and relatives re turned home this morning. He will stop at intermediate points. Mrs. Defibaugh and her daugh ter, Mrs. Olive, who have been vis iting relatives, Mr. John Leyda and family, will return to their home in Weeping- Water this evening;. Come in To-day and examine the shoes offered in our sample sale. Wm. Herold A: Son. tf Married. (loKMAX-KAXKIX-At the residence of A. I. Campbell yesterday after noon at 1:4T o'clock. Miss Jennie Riiiikin. ai Iturling-ton, la., to Mr. J. II. Gorman, of Denver, Colo., Rev. J. I. M. Ituckner olliciatiiig". O11I3' relatives and intimate friends of the bride were present. They received a number of very elegant and costly presents. Those present were I. It. Smith and family. C. A. Rankin and family, C. Forbes and wife, Mrs. It. N. Loverin, Mrs. C. D. Thorp of Schuyler, Misses Mpllie and Nina Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. S. Nay of Princeton, Ills. The happy couple left on No. 3 for the west. ' They will speaid a few days on the Grooms ranch, then proceed to Denver, their future home. TlIE IlEKALD joins their friends in wishing them a happy journey through life. Boy's if you want a line dress shoe at a low price let Wm. Herold Ac Son's show you how cheap they in be sold, before you bti-. tf Sad. We received the sad tiews this morning of the death of the younger brother of Mr. Joseph Weinzieril, who has been draftsman in the Mo. P.. office here. The young man was a graduate of ;i prominent medical college of Germany and it is indeed sad that disease should thus abreviate a life so promising. All possible aid and attention was given him bv his devoted brother but all efforts were futile and death releaved his suffering- at Sedalia, Mo., where his brother is now em ployed. Mr. Weinzieril in his bereave ment has the deepest sympathy of many dear friends in this place. "He ye, therefore ready" Waxted Two good apprentice girls at Wise A: Root's millinery parlors. 12t H. M. Gault and Wiley Black shipped a car load of fine cattle this morning, A Mr. Lloyd, an employee at the It. A:M. shops received a slight in jury by a small piece of steel being lodged in his eye. F. P. Brown, one of Plattsniouth's reliable carpenters, went up to Lou isville last evening to do a job of work for G. W. Holdredge, manager of the Burlington system. We are jlad to note the growing- prosperi ty of Mr Brown. The smelting works at Omaha are Still closed. Case of Itillstein vs. Craig resulted ia a verrttct in favor of defendent. The honorable board of county commissioners sit in session today. The gunning party went out to the grounds to-day to try their skill. All our best tpiality ginghams at 7 cents former price lh'c. Win. Her old iV Son's t f Advertise in The Daii.v IIkk-aed if you would inform the people concerning your goods. We are glad to note that Hilly Harrold, the genial barber, is walk ing out to-day after a spell of sick ness. Chas. Chassot has resumed work in the H. A: M. store house. Kvi dentlv business is becoming more active. The average employer, since Aug. 1, employs his men with the under standing that eight hours shall constitute a day's wok. but the farmer still holds a grip on the hird man and hired girl. The brick-layers arrived from Omaha last evening and began work in earnest this morning. It will be but a short time until Cass county will have one of the finest court houses in the state. I We understand that the journal will move to-night from its present quarters in the basement under the Sherwood block into the Fitzgerald block and will occupy the rooms formerly occupied by the Inde pendent. Riley arrival: C. S. Moore, W. W. Codnalder, Council Bluffs, J. F. Johnson, Cleveland. Ohio; Geo. R. Sotitei, Lincoln, C. S. Rainer, Syacruse, Miss Terrill. W. II. Beek iiiau, J. M. Gill. J. It. Miles. Omaha; F. F. Fitch, City. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Fleck and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dodge received a telegram to-day announcing the serious illness of the father of Mrs. F.eck and Mr. Dodge at 1 1 arris burgh. Pa. They all leave on the flyer this afternoon for Harris burgh. Isabel Wiles, one of Plattsmouth's promising young ladies, starts this morning for Shenandoah, la., where she will attend the Western Normal College. From an acquaintance of long standing with the institution The IIkkalm can truly recommend it to all who desire to attend a lirst class school. Mr. Hackney informs us that owning to a deficiency of necessary supplies, which could not be ob tained in Oma ha the motor car will not run before Thursday. Mr. Hackney expects the necessary supplies tt arrive from Chicago at any time and the line will be in operation as soon as possible. A special from Beatrice conveys the intelligence that Jack Marion, who was executed in that city March 25, 1887, for the supposed murder of Jack Cameron, was inno cent of the charge. Cameron volun tarily left the country according to his written statement and now can only deplore the fate of his supposed murderer. The Democratic Press including the Journal is loud in its denuncia tion of J. S. Clarkson, Ouay's suc cessor as chairman of the national republican committee. It may be that "Ret" is "vain and fond of news paper notoriety," but we feel safe in predicting that he will keep the democratic boodlers and their. allies hustling during the next campaign. The Beatrice Driving association has favored this office with a com plimentary ticket to its summer meeting, to be held in Linden Tree Park in that city, August 27 and 28. The track is one of the best in the west, the purses liberal, the buildings are all new, and as this is the first meeting of the associa tion, no pains will be spared to make it a success. Pursuant to yesterday's call, a l.'irge delegation from the young people's societies of the different churches met last night at the Presbyterian church to act upon the proposition to form a union. Temporary officers were elected and a committee to draft a constitution preparatory to a permanent organi zation was appointed. A meeting will be held Thursday evening to complete the organization. W. G. Keefer will close out his mammoth stock of double and sin gle harness, nets, whips and car riage dusters for the next 30 da3rs regardless of cost. It will pa3' those desiring- such goods to give him a call. . d&wtf SAO NEWS FROM DENTON Williiim Berdirie Meets h Horrible Fate . The sad intelligence was conveyed to our city this morning that Wir. Herdinc. who will be remembered as firnierly a citizens of our city, was a victim of a fatal accident last evening at the Denton sand pit. The accident occurred whilelterdine was attempting to make a coupling, when he slipped and fell, the cars passing over his right leg. He was at once taken to St. Klizabeth's hospital, in Lincoln whore he died at S o'clock this morning. Mr. Ber dine has held a responsible posi tion as brakemati on the It. V M. passenger train during the past tTTree years and stopped regularly, when otf duty, in this city. All who knew Mr. Itcrdinc are aware that he was an energetic young man. of excellent habits, an honor to his parents, and helpful to the society in which he mingled. He was a regular attendant at the Pres byterian church. Mr. Berdine's parents reside at Fariningtou, III, near Peoria. The news will be specially sad to them but they may well find consolation in the fact that he was an exemp lary young man and was always at his post of duty. Fire's Fiendish Work. CAICAGO, Aug. :t.- A fire involving a loss estimated to be at least if 1,( ), XX) broke out at lM) this morn ing in the large retail dry goods and notion store of Seigel, Cooper A: Co. The blaze started on the first floor and spread through the inilauiable stock with the great est rapidity. The entire building was soon amass of flames and every available piece of lire apparatus was called to the scene. Any at tempt to save the building was hopeless. The efforts of the fire department were devoted to pre venting the flames from spreading to the adjoining buildings. Twenty-live employes were in the build ing but all of them so. far as known escaped uninjured, except one cash boy who was on the third floor. He started to come down the fire es cape but fell, receiving severe in juries. There were three watchmen on the building who have not yet been accounted for. The building was entirely gutted and the north wall fell in after the interior of the iron work was softened by the heat. The firm carried a stock of $"X ),(KXJ. The loss is believed to have been fully covered by insurance. The losses are as follows: Seigel, Cooper A: Co., ifaOO.OOf) on their stock and $40,0(K) on the building; in surance, oOO.lXX). Leander, Demberg, Glick & Horner, loss by smoke and water, $100,000; insured. James H. Walker, dry goods, loss by smoke and water, $.10,000. C. Hcnnecke & Co., crockery and bric-a-brac, 40,000; insurance. $33,000. The losses to other adjoining buildings and stocks in them amount to about $30,000, mostly insured. Notice W. C. T. TJT The ladies of the W. C. T. V. will hold their regular meeting at the Methodist church to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. There will be reports from the con vention at Lincoln by our delegates and other business, and all mem bers are desired to be present. As we could not get the use of the Baptist church as intended we ex tend a most cordial invitation to the ladies of that society and all others interested in this work to meet and co-operate with us. By order of president. Secretary. Clearance Sale on all summer goods at Wnr. Her oldAtSon's. tf It is with reget that so many small bo-s are seen upon our street daily using cigarettes, there b3 contracting a filthj- habit and, doubtless, retarding a healthy development of their mental facul ties, and natural growth of the body. Fach might well post the following in his hat: "Harrv Curtis, a glass worker IS years old was found dead at Find ley, Ohio. An autopsy showed the heart paralized, caused by the ex cessive use of cigarettes." Attention Shoe Wearers! Shoe's at factorv prices at Wm. Herold AcSon's. " tf Take your prescriptions to Brown & Barrett's.they dispense pure med icines, tf Bier Opportunity Now to buy sample pair's of shoes at rediculously low figures, come now; delay lessens your chance. Wm. Herold & Son's tf Additional local on last page READ A SPECIAL! AT THIS I1T CRD2.1 RIDUlS CUR LTOCK or EMBROIDERED FLOTJ XTCI1TGS, WK HAV1 eep Out One lot of Flouncing:- at :',He worth double One lot of white Flouncing at S2.O0; pattern worth ;(). One lot of white cream and Flouncing redm-ed to 8.20. A pattern of this lot comprises ods So ALL OF OUR FANCY PLUSH ORNAMENT REDUCED TO 5 CENTS EACH. F. HERRMANN HARDWABE FOR Having purchased the U. V. Mathew's in terest in the firm of J W, Hendce Sc Co, J now propose to stay in Plattsmouth and sell hard ware FOR - CASH - ONLY At prices that are within the reach of all. Everything in our stock a bar gain. Look over our list and see if you cannot find some thing you need. o 0( o 4.T00 lbs cut nails, 3c per lb to close 200 dox carpet tacks, lc per pa pr 7.1c t grass scythe for.Llcts Best clothes wringer made, $'J.I0 Step ladders from (50 cts up SO cent spades for i.1 cts. Tinware at reduced prices SO ct handsaws forOacts Brooms. 1.1 to 2.1c ts Churns, SOcts to $1'00 Chopping bowls, 19 to 34c ts Wash hoards, lOcts Bushel corn baskets, 19cts Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 7.1c. Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 40c. Cook stoves at cost to close. ooOoo Other articles too numerous to mention at correspondingly low prices Come and see us. Kemember we sell to everybody alike NOT - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME. J W HEN DEE FEOIAI IX 0UK C031 PJJETE STOCK OF Ladies, Misses, Bgys, Chiidrens and Infants Summer Goods. THEY ARE AtR FIRST Gt ASS AND OF THE VFAIY LATEST STYLE. BAKCADIMS CALL AND BE SI D LOOK SALE . - ; MA 1)1 ; A in Phggs j worth uji to bi() a patU-rn. One lot of white anl black Floiiiicinfrs reduce to 5. CO. A pattern some ooods in thia lot for merly sold at S1O.00 a pattern. All our patterns contain 4 k yds of material. A1LE FOR ALL CONVINCE!! Cash only