How m King Keep Cool. The King of Siam ih Haiti to have in one of his country palaceH a wonderful pavilion. It wan built by a Cliincne engineer an a refuse for the King during the extreme heat of the tMiimner. The wallf. ceilingw, and lloorH iire formed of iereM of plate glawH an inch thica. These are ho perfectly fitted together with a transparent cement that the jointH are invisible and no fluid can penetrate. The pavilion irt 28 feet long and 17 wide, and Htand in the middle of a huge batin made of beautiful colored JmarbleH. When the Kingentera the pavilion the single door ih closed ami ce m.tii.wl Then the sluice era tew are opened and the bi.niii i filled with water, llifher and hurher it raises until the navilion is covered and ....... - i only the ventilators at the top con nect it with the open air. When the lie:it nf the Mini in SO LTeat tliat the water almost boils on the surface of the; freshest fountains, this o.ivilimi is fleliciouslv cool. And - - - that ia the way the King of Siam iwuiU liiuiMelf off in the hot wether. It sounds verv delightful From Harper Young people. The 1-adies Home Journal. Lady Macdonald, the widow of the last priinier of Canada, opens the August Iadies Home Journal with her first contribution to literature. in the open article of a series which Hhe has written lor that magiz,iiie, descriptive of, "An Uiicoiivcntinl Holid.iv" which, with u party of friends and in her private car, sin enjoyed last summer through the most picturesque portions of Cana da. I,adv Macdonald's article is written in that delightful fresh and unconventional manner of which we see so little in our modern liter ature, and which possesses such a charm. Annie R. Ramsey has some vT3' timely "I lints on Mountain Climbinir": Kate Tannatt Woods treats a new sebject in telling wnat "The Girls oil to Hoarding School" should take with her; the poet Tennyson's wife is sketched in the series ot "Unknown Wives of Well-Knowu Men": a very helnful handful of articles are those which treat of all the "Summer Ills and Summer Dangers"; the different "Types of American Girls" are treated by four able writers; Jeantiettc J... Gilder has a clever charater-sketch in "Pepper Hash"; Kllen I.e Gradd ttliows the benefits of "Swimming for Girls"; Mrs. A. I). T. Whitney's and Jessie O Douncll s series are continued: Dr. Talmage writes his month from seashore home; Ileze kiah Hutterworth and Robert J. Hurdette tell some "Hright Things for Boys" Mrs. Millon lias the best Fashion articles supported by any magazine; Maria Parlor and Juliet Carson give some Dainties for the mttimer table; little Klsie I,eslie writes of "Children on the Stage iind all thought this number there is the birth of summer and the strength of merit. The Journal shows in this issue how well it is conducted. One dollar per year. Published in Philadelphia by the Curtis Publishing couipan-. a Close CP'l Saturday morning, July the 14th the lighting struck and completely demolished the house of John Scott in the west part of Greenwood, The bolt struck the chimney, leveling it to the roof. Here the bolt divided running in different directionsdown the roof tearing off fully half the shingles and splintering rafters in a fearful manner. The weather boarding, sheeting and studding were torn from two sides of the house. The inside of the house Jt ired even worse than the outside. Lath, plastering and window casing were thrown to the middle of the nor. i lie miraculous part was that the family, consisting of five persons, were sleeping up stairs and escaped with only nominal in juries outside of the fright. The beds were covered with brick and plastering. The house Utterly torn away from all sides of the bed: Kvery chair in the house was turn ed over and pictures and other or naments were torn from the wall. Greenwood Gazette. Aebraska City got scooped at Hastings yesterday by a score of 7 to . Specimen Cases. s. ii. cnnoru, .New t astie, wis.. was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, ins nver was anecteu to an alarming degree, appetite fell away and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Klectric Hitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd. Harrisburg. 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Klectric Hitters and even bottles Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba. O., had five large lever sores on his leg, doctors said he whs incurable. One bottle Klectric Hitters and one box Huck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Claus BreckenfieTd. Wm. Webber Geo. Poisall anil John Mumni went frog yewterday on the Iowa bottom:-. The doubletree broke am! 1 1 y had to wade in inky look ing w that was about fur feet 'e' ;md studied like it was four mi'es to the bottom. Wm. Short brought suit against his wife Lucy for divorce about a tli aim tellinir a cruel tale of abuse ami cruelly on the part of the wife. Wm. repented however and returned tohisspoust t'lis week anil the proceedings have been dismissed Hetuy C. McMaken of Plattsmouth awell known G. A. R. man and an aid-de-canip on the staff of the com manderin-chief, is in town looking after Grand Army matters. He is enthusiastic over Lincoln's chances of securing the annual encamp ment of 1M12. The Nebraska dele gatiou has secured a one-fare rate to and from the encampment at Detroit and will have over the ituiiingtoii on the 2d of August. St tr Journal. Highway Robbery F. A. Creamer and Mr. Klein of Ashland brought in a man to-day who attempted to hold a hired man near South Hend last evening. The robber only got 25 cents but if he had persisted he might have got $1(X) as that amount was held by would be victim. He now awaits tri;:l and boards with Sheriff Tighe THE LAND OF INVERTED ORDER Queer FnkH of Nature Seen in Aus tralia mii1 Vicinity. In the following it is nmjxiseil to prove that Australia can be termed "The of Inverted Order." In the Antipodean wildd of that new South Pacini: repub lic everything has some remarkable characteristic peculiarity. Instead of the leaves having their flat sides turned to the ground they stand edgewise. The opossum of America is the only specie.; of paunohed animal known to the world outside of Australia. On the Australi;;n continent there are at least 110 specie having that distinguishing ieculiarity. They have been arranged into five tribes, according to the food they eat. The root eaters (wombats), the fruit eat ers (phalangers), the grass eaters (kan garoos), the insect eaters and the fi-'; eaters (native cats and rats). Of tl: wombats there are four Fpecies, all -i which burrow in the ground. Two other very curious animals are found in Australia that are unknown i;i any other part of the world. These are the echidna and the ornithorhynchns. This latter is a species of beast shaped 11. T A 1 1 S , 1 use a oeaver, out navin weD leet ana a bill like a duck. Then there is a flying mouse, about half the size of our coin- mon mouse and of a bright red color. 1 1 has a very long, furry tail, which is nsed as a rudder and looks much like a feathe: when fully expanded. The trees are alwaj-s in full leaf, but shed their bark every year, which fact alone would be sufficient to make the Antipodean continent a wonderland. The leaves of nearly all the trees are highly aromatic, but the native flowers. though of most brillif.nt tint, have no fragrance whatever. In writing of the backward order of t'.i.iLr-s in Australia Mr. M. W. Ullnthorne says: Australia is the antipode of the en tire world. In that country a rising "j.irometer indicates rain, and a fslihig barometer fair weather. The s wans i!'; black and the eagles white; the mole is oviparous and has a duck's beak: tle dogs have a wolf" s head, a fox's tail. m:i.i never bark. They also have a bird with a tongue like a broom, and a fish which has part of the body belonging to the genus Kaia and part to the genus Squale. Many winged serpents are found there and fish with large feathery wings. The emu is a bird as large as an ostrich, but instead of feathers has hair. One bird has a note like a bell, another cries like a child, while a third laughs as though his sides would split. St. Louis Republic. w tliorne. Ancestry and local surroundings, men tal gifts and mental defects, unite to make Hawthorne the greatest master of the preternatural, the magician of the spell of supernatural awe. From every side come the elements which produce the effect of unsubstantiality his power of pensive brooding, the brown twilight color which wraps his figures in a strange, hazy atmosphere, the coldness of his analysis, the self possession of his style, the indefiniteness of his touch, the inde terminatenesa of his end. His heroes and heroines have little warmth; they 6carcely talk like ordinary men and women; they move self consciously; they speak constrainedly, as though there is something present which reads their thoughts, notes their gestures, registers their actions. The human interest is never so over powering as to break through the film of the atmosphere. A master of the by play of suggestion, his hints meet us at every turn. His subtle mind and pic torial imagination give ghostly signifi cance to the commonest objects. He works out the central idea in marvelous detail, never presenting it nakedly, but always giving it concrete shape, exhibits it from fresh points of view, offers it in new combination, till the reader ends by feeling that he is himself haunted by the impalpable, inevitable presence of Hawthorne's thought. Edinburgh Re view. . . Some have so chafnTrnaanner as to lead you to think that you are, for One Fare Bound Trip. Tickets will be on sale to-day and j Monday for the Council Hluffs Chautauqua at half rates good to return until Wednesday 22. This assembly is one of the best in the west and has a most excellent program. P mm an Hair chains, rings, crosses hair work of all kinds to order. Mks. A. Knee. tf 1720 Locust St. Needles, oils and parts for all kinds of machines can be found at the Singer office, corner of Main ami Sixth streets, with H. Heck, tf "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering Nt Co.'s. Kit When you take Quality and Make Hiiy Cheaper anj Place in Consideration you in the World than of V. Can notul f It is reported that Hrown A Harrett are selling wall paper cheaper than any other house in the city. tt "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the.age, at Gering Co.'s. Kit The St. John's Altar Society will give a social, Friday evening, July 17th, on the church lawn, corner Fifth and Oak street, Kverybody invited. dlt Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and JLiver Complaint? Shiloh'a Vit iializer is guaranteed to cure you. 2 them, the only person of interest in the world. Observation of their way with others may make jon modify your opin ion of the manner which once seemed so charming. Andrew Carnegie has the short, thick set figure that characterized Grant, Meis sonier and many other notable "little" men. He wears a full gray beard, and bis eyes are gray and kindly. License Notice. Notice is hereby given thnt I will apply to the county commissioners at their next regular meeting ior a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Union, Cass county, Nebraska. dAwtf. John Noiilew. Take your prescriptions to Hrown .V Harrett's,they dispense pure med icines, tf "Frosted Cream," the latest and greati'st drink of the age, at Gering Sc Go's. lot Notice to Water Consumers. Water rents are al ready past due and must be paid before August 1st. Plattsmouth Water Co Hrown & Harrett have the finest line of wall paper in the city. Their prices are away down. tf "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Germg & Co.'s. lot Some choice lots on Chicago ave nue for sale. For particulars call at this oflice. tf "Frosted Cream." the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering & Co.'s. lOt The largest line of patent med-i cines will be found at Hrown it liar rett's tf Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Ukst Salve in the world for Cuts- Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblnins, Corns, and nil Skin Sruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or bo pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, oi money refunded. Price 2" cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. The Only One Price Clothier in Cass Co TO APPRECIATE JOE'S LOW PRICED You mu.xt call and Examine his Superior Jlake and (uality of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc THAN THOSE KEPT 15Y HIS COMPETITORS. Joe buys Only From the Best Houses in America JOE Wood For Sale. Over a thousand cords of dry wood for sale bv Charley Ilemple. J.enve orders at Henry Weckhack & Co's. dtf Potted strawberry plants of choice varieties will be on sale at Lew Moore's by July lath. Plants put out now will insure a big crop next year. d&wtf New BarnNew btoek. Khun Parmele has pushed his way to tlie lront as a livery- man ny keeping nothing but the finest car riages and buggies and best horses to be found in the state. Those wanting a satisfactory livery can't do better than to call on Mr. Par mele. dtf A Fatal Mistake. Phvsicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. l)r. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist. has proven the contrary in his new book on "lle.'irt Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder. irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Kestorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. 'Frosted Cream." the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering Ac Co.'s. lOt Wasted, General Agent to re present Fidelity Mutual .Life Asso ciation of Philadelphia, Pa., in Plattsmouth and vicinity. Address L,- V. Woodniansee, 337 Paxton Pdock. Omaha. dot lee Cream Delivered. J. P. Antil" has started an ice cream delivery wagon, which de livers ice cream to your homes in anj- amount you wish, leave orders at his place.near corner of Sixth and Pearl street. tf Quotes no Prices But he Will Sell You The Best Goods FOH THE LEAST JiOXTE-?. Money Cheerfully Refunded if Goods F und not or as CO)j Plattsmouth, Neb. Opera House Corner Represented rViJ & PEARCE tAWSON 1J Carry a Full Line of FINE MILLEJSERY AND CHIL BREN8 CLOTHING. ALSO FKKSH CCT Fl.'-WEKS BOOM 2. R.I.EY HIXJCK. Pi. ATT M OCT f B aafc of C a s s Co uaty Cor Maiu aud FiftU street. aid up capital $50 ont Surplus 000 OFFICERS . H. Parnele President fred (iorder Vice President T. M. Patterson Cas'aeir T. M. Patterson, A?st Ca-liier DIRECTORS J. H. Parmele, .1. M. Patterson, Fred tiorder. 4., B. Smith, K. B. Windham, B. S. Kamsey and T. M. Patterson 1 GENERAL BANS1NC BUSINESS I1 HANS A TED Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time ieposit? and prompt attentiougiven to all bus iness entrusted to its care. HARDWARE CHEAP AT" J. FIlTXErST JOSITSOXTS. NOTE SOME OF MY CASH EQUALED IN PRICES NEVER BEFORE THIS CITY. $-.j0 clothes wringer now .7.") grass scythe now 1.00 grain scoop now l.l.i grain scoop now. . . . 1.-3 grain scoop now. l.lo spade now l.OO spade now .73 shovels now .75 manure fork .50 hay fork .4.1 hay fork 1.00 hand saw 1 S.j butcher saw now 1.75 butcher saw now l.'V) carpenter saw now. . . . . $2.00 . . .50 . . .fia . . .SO . . .85 . . .!l.i . . .i5 . . .(5 . . .50 . . .40 . . .:i5 . . .50 .. 1.40 .. 1.S5 . . 1.25 The Citizens BANK PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Oayltal stock paid in $5' Authorized Capital, $100,000. -"ecgg beaters now J-i5Jwash board now lard can now 1.50 wash boiler now .20 stove pipe now gun powder by kejr, 25 lbs.. . . stove boards at cost 1.25 screen doors now window screens out of sight, Household sewing machine, tinware at bottom prices. Table cutlery less than cost. Shears A: razors iif'ver so low 20d cut spikes 2.50 tier kei. lid fine cut nails .f.'i.fiO per keg. . .20 . .15 ,05,: m .12, . 5.25 . 1.13 . . . 20.00 ; is now o ( OFFICERS 'KANK CAKKCTII. JOS. A. CONNOri. President. Vice-FresHent W. H. PUSHING. Cashier. DIRECTORS rank Carrutb J. A. Connor, F. K. fiuth J. W. Johnson, Henry Boeck, John O'Keefe W. I). Merriam, Wra. W'etencamp, W. H. Cushlng. fRANSACTS!A GENERAL BANKING EDSlNES sues cejfiflcates of deposits bearing interest Buvs and sell exchange, county aud city -i A coo i N TED Local .4nd Travellnt A cood chance ! Dout lni? it ! You need no capital to represent a reliable Arm that warrant nursery tock first class and true to name. Work ll the Year nd good pay weekly to energetic men. A.pply quick, stating ajre. L MAY &. CO. Nurserymen Florift and Seeumen. st Paul Min Tin house is responsible. CASS LODGE. No. 146. 1. O. O. F. meets ev ery luecday nipht at their hall in Fitzgerald block. All Odd Fellow? are cordially invited to attend when visltiug iu the city. T. K. Williams. N. G. J. W, Bkidise, Sec C. A- R. McConnihie Poet, No. 45, meets eyery Satur day evening at 7 :30. in thetr ball, Kockwood Block. All visiting comrades are invited to .tieet with up. u. F. Nileo, Post Adj. F. A. Bates. Post Com, First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital 550,010.00 Surplus 10.000.09 Oilers the very beet facilities tor the promp transaction of ligitimate Banking Business Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local pe surities bought and sold. Deposits receiveu And interest allowed on the certificate Drafts drawn, available in any part of the Unite States and all the principal town? 01 Europe. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMIT TED. Highest market price paid for County War rants, Stat ana County bonds. DIRECTORS John Fitzgrald T. Hawkwurtb Sam Waugh. K. K. kShiie George E. Uovy foba Fitzgerald. 8. Waugh. President Ca't ferr AND THOUSANDS OF OTIIEIi ARTICLES TO N ILMEIiOUfe TO MENTION AT I'lUCES NEVE 1 1 JiETOKE HEARD OF For Gash Only At The Atova Prices NOW IS TIIK TIM K TO GKT HAROAIXS. HAVELOCK i ARE YOU - GOING . TO . fcTTTT.n totbtm -ww -w - UVMU - AiltffUf 1 IF SO- i Remember that K. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBER AND ALL BUJLDIDG MATERIAL -AT HAVELOCK And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Tilings R. O. CASTLE & HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA- jr CO 4 V i 1