NEW LUMBER YA AR J. IK HAVES & CO. DKALKKS IN PINK LUMI'.KK. SHINOLKS. LATH, SASH. BOOKS, LINI)S,hnd all building material Call and sec us at the corner of 11th and Elm street, one block north of llcisel's mill. Flattsmouth,, Nebraska WILL KEEP CONSTANT! X ON HAND A Full and (Complete line ot Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGC1STS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded sit all Hour The Best is the Cheapest That is Why Fred Gorder after t years of experience as the most successful Agricultural implement dealer in the county has selected the following imple ments which he carries and heartily reeoinmonds to his friends and patrons. Hotclru.m. Molina and or WAGONS, Bradley, 3?eraf and 3Doro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES CUL tivators and Badger Cultivator. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND H a -worth Checkrowers and Planters Ml QOlDKl Handles the linestot Ruggies, Plia'tons, Carts, Spring Wagons, and Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured. The largest line in Cass County, ot double and single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLER an experienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. Fr edGorder, Flattsmouth and Weeping Water Everything to Furnish Your Houso. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having bought the J V Weekbach store room on south Main street I offer my entire stock at a sacrifice to save moving. Mow is the time to buy Gasoline stoves and' furniture of all kinds. Opera House Block I. PEARLMAN. -i m mm 1 lcaCP?ccxvoccL Fcv S?sscJ V 7 -rue- POSITIVE CURE. J a. oil Uj i. i'. troiu hetira. ka City i promised uh for the Fourth at half rate. John Archer of Havelock if visit ing hiB father, the police magis tral, to-day. ;ir genial friend. G. F. S. liiirtnti isjuhi ' .r'over tl"' nrrivil of i fi'ie gl at his house Saturday evening. It was the ! the day of April when ltoii.k! wa- lirt !noiin for - IF' tin new court house II. C. Mr.Miikcn had the t-tmtrac'. and did all the work on Use cava. uns. The Wcping Water srdoon easts have been disposed of and the order oi liie city v oi.iu'il iif'-nntd. The ,-alooa- ar a::aiu iu Us!l blast. We will print l ! :e op i u ion d itic null 1 tomorrow . Ir. Holin-s T Hi it, Straii- Story. Dr. Holmes tM the otlie.r d.13' h curious exj-erieu ;eof his. At dinner one niirht h! was suddenly moved, apro; of nothing, to relate a very carious crim inal dise he had not even thought of, so far as he knew, for forty years Wiicu they left the. dining room and pji-si d iato the horary it was found the mail had been delivered while they were at dini:er and l.iy on the table. Dr. Holmes opened a p;iper sent him by a friend in tlniaad, and behold, it contained the same story of the loiiu; past crime that he had just beeu reiat ini.'. revived in the newspH.r, and a friend in England, thinking it would in terest him from its curious character had sent it to him. "Now, what," said Dr. Holmes, "put the story at that moment in my lnindi 1 BUpiose the Spiritualists would say tmit a spirit read what was in the paper ly ing in another room and communicated it to me. Or was it possibly my uncon scious self that saw it and communicat ed it to the brum?" "Which do you think it was, Dr Holmes'" I asked, curious to hear his keen and subtle analysis of so strange an occurrence. "I have no theories," ho replied; "1 only stale facts." lio.-ton Cor. New Or leans Times-Democrat. A Crime Drtrrteil. "The detectives are looking for the letter box robbers and are on the right track," she read from the morning paper. "Gosh!" "What's the matter. Uncle Ephraim?" "1 knowed it," ejaculated the old man. "I knowed it. I suppose I've got to give myself up. Nothing else to do." "What's the matter?" "I dropped a letter in the box yester day and didn't put any stamp on it, but 1 didn't know any one see me do it." New York Recorder. Proper Itrtdul Ktiquettn. There are .many little things about weddings that people inquire about. The bride writes a personal note of thanks for every gift received, whether it be a great one or a little one, and, if 6he cannot do this before the ceremony, she does it after the bridal trip. In the church the bridegroom's family and friends sit at the right of the altar, being on the bridegroom's right hand, while those of the bride are placed on the left at the bride's left. The bridegroom does not pay for anything connected with the wedding unless he should choose to send bouquets to the bridesmaids, and, of course, to the bride, and presents and boutonnieres to his best man and the ushers. A widow removes her first wed ding ring at her second marriage, and does not assume it again. The engage ment ring is taken from the third fi&ger of the left hand and worn afterward as a guard to the wedding ring. It is not considered good taste to cut the finger out of the glove for assuming the ring. . Ladies' Home Journal. Beautiful meteorological photographs of clouds and the aspect of the sky have been taken by reflecting the object in a mirror of black glass placed in front of the object gi.iss of the camera. Notice. The business relations heretofore existing' between 1. S. Wickham and A. J. Graves are this day terminated bv mutual agreement. P. S. Wickham. A. J. Graves. Dated: Flattsmouth, Neb., June 30. lS'.U. The largest line of patent med-i cities will be found at Brown & Bar rett's tf "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering A: Co.'s. 10t Brown Ac Barrett have the finest line of wall paper in the city. Their prices are away down. tf THE POSITIVE CURL. KLY BROTHERS. 86 Warren Ven Tort Price 60 eta J Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit al izer is guaranteed to cure you. 2 "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering V Co.'s. lOt Wanted. housework, Windham. A girl apply to for general Mrs.' K. B. tf. A number of day boarders can be accommodated at Thompson's res taurant, opposite opera house, where the best of meals are served. tf "Frosted Cream." the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering ifc Co's. lOt Hair chains, rings, crosses an hair work of all kinds to order. jUks. A. K.EE. tf 1726 Locust St. Some choice lots on Chicago ave nue for sale. For particulars call at this office. tf Take your prescriptions to Brown Sc Barrett's.they dispense pure med icines, tf It is reported that Brown & Barrett are selling wall paper cheaper than any other house in the city. tf Vi'lirii yuu hike (jiuh ' m liny ! :;' nt-1 w to 4 f 1 II im The Only One Price Clothie in' Oass Goods, Nats, Etc, MMt VrVJtt M. MM V mmm tl Tmm M - a. m iAjh mtr mm. 10 ; rfjKr.UA s L JOE S LOW PR Ci You niu t imII .Hill hXNirmie liis mimt'oi' ami (Juality of Clothing, Furnishin THAN THOSK KKPT BY HIS COM Tin ITORS. Jce buys Only From the Best Houses in America; Z j o k - Quotes no Prices But he Will Sell You The Best Goods FOR T3T23 X..T XIOXTE. Money (Sheer tally Refunded if Goods Wound not Satisfactory or as Represented, Opera House Corner Plattsmouth, Neb. How to Succeed. is the great problem of life This which few satisfactorily solve Some fail because of ill health, oth ers want of luck, hut the majority from insufficient grit want ofjnerve. Theyare nervous, irresolute, change able, easily get the blues and "take the spirits down to keep the spirits up," thus wasting money, time, op portunity and nerve force. There is nothing like the Restorative Ner vine, discovered by the great spe cialist. Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous diseases, as headache, the blues, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, lits and hysteria. Trial bottles and fine book of testimonials free at F. (J. Frickc ix. Co.'s. A Safe Investment. Ic one which is guaranteed to bring you satifaotary results, or in case of failuree a return of purchase price. On this safe plain 3 011 can buy from our advisertise Druggist a bottle of Dr. King.s XewDiscrvery for consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in everjr case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs, or chest, such as Consum ption. Inflammation of Lungs Bron chitis' Asthma. Whooping Cough, Croups.ets., etc. It is pleasant and gareeable to taste, perfectlj- safe and Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co's Drugstori. AIFatal Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the notedIndiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F G. Fricke & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. Itcures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. Mert Wins. We desire to say to the citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. King's New Life Pills Bucklen's Arnica Slave and Flectric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. W'e do not hesitate to guar antel them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisafactory results do uot follow there there uae. These remdies have won there graat popularity purely on therr merits F. G. Fricke Sc Co Druggists. IVdlss' Nerveand Liver Plle. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure bil!iiv-ss, bud taste, torpid liver, pii s, con.-! jitun. Une qualed for mn, women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c, SampU free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. NOTE SOME OF MY CASH PRICES NEVER BEFORE EQUALED IN THIS CITY. clothes wringer now $2.00 .7.") grass scythe now 50 l.(X) grain scoop now T 1.1.1 grain scoop now HO 1.2.1 grain scoop now H7t 1.1H spade now ."i 1.00 spade now vi .7.") shovels n ow (iT) .7.1 manure fork 50 .50 hay fork 40 .45 hay fork 35 1.00 hand saw 50 1 K5 butcher saw now 1.40 1.75 butcher saw now I.ri5 1.05 carpenter saw now 1.25 .25 egg heaters now 20 .35 wash board now 15 ,'.) lard can now ,05 1.50 wash boiler now g .20 stove pipe now 124 gun powder by keg, 25 lbs 5.25 stove boards at cost 1.25 screen doors now J.15 window screens out of sight, Household sewing machine. .. .20.00 tinware at bottom prices. Table cutlery less than cost. Shears : razors never ho low as now 20d cut spikes $2.50 per keg, .'id fine cut nails ff.OO per keg. AND TIIOUSXDS OF OTIIEtt ARTICLES TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION AT PRICES NEVER RE FORE HEARD OF For Cash Only At The Above Prices NOW IS TIIK TIMK TO GKT BARGAINS. HAVELOCK ARE . YOU - GOING - TO - BUILD - THERE? IF SO- Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBER AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL .A.T HAVELOCK And Guarantee Satisfaction iu all Tilings R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA.