' ,''"' ' " r' " ' . - , I " .. . f V. .. ' . ; im mi i'iih;iwh.a 11 ilk MllV iO PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY JUNE 26 1891 NUMBER 27 - -r .1 nil II . n i & , J - - : ' . 9 mm tegs POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream if tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strenth. Latest I'. S. ioverimieiit Food Re port. CASS I.OUUK. Mo 14. I.O. O. K. meets eT ry Tuefl:iy nmlit at tlit-ir liitll in r ltziMTiiM block. AlHMil Fellow :irt- ronlialiy invitfU t ultena when visilnu; in t'.xr city. T K. William-. N '. J. W. HKllMir.. -. K mollis ok rvniiAS. ttkimtut ni. 11 M.-etc every Wednt'fiut V evenini aiieir li ill in I niie e m iai iihm-k. ahvi ItinV. km;;liM are. oonli.tily aiv.leil to aitt-inl, C. C. Marshall. (V C ; tl Do try, K. K. !S. YOlJN; HKN H' III-ImTIKN SOCIAT'ON Waterman llo k Main Stre-t. ltooii't Vpen from x :.u a in to S :M i t For men mey (iosel iiicetini; fvt-iy Sunday allPindou ut 4 Vlck. C. A R. McConnltile l'oi-t. No. 4... nits tsyery Satnr . day evenint iit 7 :M. in tlirtr ball. Koekwootl block All viMliuj; coBiraden are invited to oieel with u V. K. Nile. Tost Adj. F. A lutf. Fot Cora. TTOKNKY A LAW. WINDHAM & DA VIES. R. B. WINDHAM. JOHN A. DAVIF.S. Notary iillie Rotary l'ubitt- Office uvec Hank of t"at Oonnty. Plattsmoutli .... Nt-brasha JTTORNKY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-l.aw. W ill piv prompt at renrlon to all oilfillers- en?rii-t'l tl liim. oiVu-e id Uniou block, Ka-t Suit?. I'lattiuoiit li. Ntb. IJUCKER SISTERS. CAKKY A Fl'l.l. I.I N K !" VlLLENEIY AND WENCH Kl.OWF.KS. We also li 4 a dros makiiii; ilciiartmont. Sat Ij isfactioii iMi.tratitt-t-il. S i K K V. t : ) I Sl K K. I LA ITS N OCT 1 1 jAVVSON A PF.ARCE Carry Fvill Line of FINE mLLEXERY AND CHI Is DRENS CLOTHING. ALSO FKfc'SIl L'liT FLl WKKS BOOM 2, K.1.KV KI.O:K. Pi. VrTMOUTB JSJEW HARDWARE STORE S. K. II ALL V SON Keep all kinds of !mil'er- li;iilu;'.r- on hand and will supply contiact r on most lav orable teru s : ROOFING : f'pouti'itr . and all kinds oi tin ork promntly one. Onlers f'o'ti Ills country Solicited 616 Teasl St. rL.ATISMO'rTll. NK. jjRVIOLA M. FRENCH Physician a. Si;k(;eox u, : r. HOIKS IZ . rREITCII 10 : 0 to I:.' : 00 a. m. o:"0tc5:eo p.m. zs xs . sn:Pi:.i.Ji 9 : 00 to 11 : 00 a. 1U. 2 . to ! : 00 p. in. Telephone No 12. Plattsmoi th A km IS THIi i k-a i -1 -n c. 1 1 -o- r-s-1 : IX THE CITY FOK NOIH)N F C1JN I sji IN1 GOODS LACKS F.MKKOIDFKIF.S KlTCHJf.N OVEi.TlES TINWAKK. til.ASSWAKE ETC- ETC- The -oods we offer on our 5. 10 and 23 cent counters cannot be duplicated e.iewhre We have but om priee. and tliat the cheapest in town. "THE FAIR" -315 MAIN STEET 11. C. McGKK. M. r. IS LOCATED I tocated at Eight Mi!e!Urove. He has ob tained the ottk-e formerly iccup:ed by MK. MILLER Of Kiat dlsce and can he found at aM hour ex cept when profeionaly out. THE BR D.MAW WRECK. A Washout on the B. & M. Causes the Death of Two Wen. Hit KM A MEAN MY KK(0VEU. Engineer Deluney uml Rrnkemnn Moore Killed I ntuntl y he Heport of the Herald Lam Nnjht Proved Coerecl. A teh'ram to tin- Hee from Vork nays: The we.-t bound freight train No. 4.", engine No. VXi, which passes through Yrk at 4 a. m. was wrecked th rec in iles weslof here t his morn in j The eiiiMH-er, L. II. Delaney, and brakemaii.W. II. Moore, were instant ly killed, and die fireman, O. J. Kenti. iium tall- wounded. The conductor. II. J. K'aney, and rear hrakeman. A. Mattlu'ws, es-aped unhurt. The eiiLiiir. t'iid-r ami fifteen cars were piled in a heap. The remaining seven c:,rs and caboose remained on t he i rack. The scene of the wreck was a '2' I foot till in the road about tweiry live feet deep. A small culvert three feet square had always been si'fii-c-ent to pass the water at that point heretofore, but last tiifht the con tin cons hea vy rain had filled the ravine above and the little culvert was insufficient. Had there been a twenty foot bridge at this place the disaster would not have occurred. The ravine filled with water, the fill in the track actinias a dam until the stayed torrent was as hili as he t 'aek. This is easily shown from the masses of rubbish left by the Hood hih on the banks on either side. Gradually it undermined the track tint"! it was shaky and i.isecure and the lliial break, when the mighty torrent gathered strength to carry away about fifty feet of track, occurred just at the time the train arrived. The section crew from Hradshaw, the next station west had Wecome alaiimd about the steady down pour and had started over their track in the niht to investigate. The scene of ,he wreck was not on iheir division, but they knew "if train was eoiuiu and came on to meet it. Had they been three min utes earlier the accident would not have happened. As it was they were just in time to see the power ful eim'iiie' ru nu iu twenty-live miles au hour, leap forty feet across the chasm and bury itself in the bank on the opposite side, while fifteen freight cars followed it. some of them boutidinir fiftv feet further on and the remainder piling abovt and around in a shivered mass. Thev reached the wreck and heard a voice from its midst. Search ;-round in the irray lijiht of the tnorniii"; they found the fireman sitting indite midst of the splintered debris and half covered wiih water, One foot was crushed completely off below the knee, his body was bruised and his head wounded. The heroic fellow was pale as death for the arterial blood had been pouring from his shattered limb. This lie had stopped himself before lie was found, by taking off his blouse ami rapping it around his leg and twisting a surgeon's knot over the arteries. 'He had then drained himself out of the narrow hole in which he was wedded. "Hoys fjive me some clothes," he asked "I am cold." He had narrow ly escaped drown in , for the heay train had completely' finished the break in the tack, and the onlyr tiling that saved him was one of the cars that the torrent had to sweep around- and which warded it off. Not mu'h could be done for the heavy rain and the roaring waters but everything that could be was done, and later he was taken into York on a hand-car. At 10 o'clock the citizens, who had located the engine, secured tools and set Lo wrk to fi"d th? two men who we e br'.ed below. It was hard worl:. rs the bottom, sides and ends of '- heavy freight cars, the be:;'.. ' vi- 'ed and broken iron of all si.es. machinery, '.ro"" -:es, binding twine, rail! oad :!.: ami all the pro miscuous art'tv'js of freight were piled and wedded as tiht as tho terrtfic force could drive 'lieni. At last they fui'id brave Delaney. the engineer. He had stayed with the engine and was crushed beyond the resemblance of humanity. His body was completely cut in twain. His head was almost unhurt as were his lower limbs, hut the two were lyiiiif in different places. He had died at his post of duty and died instantly. Later, tin body of j Moore was found near the cab. which had been thrown sideways on the tender. He was lyinir wedded in where he had been thrown by the shock. Although he was not crushed, he had no doubt been instantly killed. To the rijrht of the center of the pile of cars lay two cars across the telegraph wire. The tremen dous forces may be imagined as it had power to raise the first of these cars hljh cnouyh in the air to briii'; the wires down under it. Th is under car was broken to si i vers, the other one was lyinjr on top of it and in it was a man and horse, and, strange to say, in all the roll ing over and concussion neither of them were scratched or bruised. They were both prisoners. Some one chopped au opening for the man. and the horse was released about noon, when he trotted off up the hill as if it were a holiday affair. The dead employes are both resi dents of Lincoln, and both yoiinj; men in the prime of life. Mean, Un injured fireman, lies at the Wnverly house in York to tiiht at the point of death. The terrible shock, loss of blood and submersion in the water and exposure to the rain has lowered his ital tone so that the doctors will have to restore it be fore they can attempt to dress h's injuries. He says he will reeove and his nerve has never deserted him. Take your prescriptions to Mrown V Harre'tt's.they dispense pure med icines, ti Postponed- The Marionette comedy company have postpoml their entertainment to Monday niifht on account of the rain. They will also ffive a matinee at H o'clock Monday at the low rate of of ten c ents for ffniwn people and five cents for children. "Frosted Cream." the latest and irreatest drink of the a;e. at (Jerri; A: Co.'s. 10t A F'lenanl Anniversary. The comfortable home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heeson was invaded by a lar-e company of friends Wednes day evening. They called to ex press their hijuh regard for the worthy couple; the special occasion for the visit beim; the thirty-sixth wedding anniversary of the host and hostess. A bounteous supper was prepared, which, with all the delicacies of the season, entertained the crowd most acceptably for some tiine. Mr. Heeson was prevailed upon to tell a few of his inexhaust ible stock of stot ies and a real pleas ant time was had. Amonof those present we noticed Mr. mid Mrs. I shell. Mr. and Mrs. Horsley. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hikea bary. Mr. and Mrs. K. R.Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Todd. Mrs. Maumeister and daughter Anne, ami Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Root. "Frosted Cream" the latest and greatest drink o." l ie at;e. at CJerm; & Co.'s. Kit ' Our friend II. C. Hackney, of Ash land, has taken charge of the Hotel Riley of Plattsmouth. Harry has been connected with the hotel busi ness before, in connection with his father. He will make a jrood landlord and Plattsmouth may con sider herself fortunate in securinr Mr. Hackney. We recommend the people of Weepintr Water to the Riley. Weepinr Water Repub lican. L. K. Karnes' youngest son, Rey nold, now living in Ohio, cut his foot, from which blood poisoning set in and for several days his life was despaired of. Word received by Mr. Karnes this morning' indicates that he is much better and will probably recover. Waubonsie has been hav ing cjuite a religious awakwning at their re cent quarterly meeting. Our Mill Jones. Jim John and other Waubon sie v:siiovs ought to have been over there. Mrs. M. J. O'ReiMey and daughter have i"one to their former home at Ann Arbor. Michigan, to visit rel atives and friends for a couple of moiiihs. The I i ibe-n ia.-.s will take part in the corner stoue laying Monday, and on the Fourth they will go to Council Mluffs. The adjourned term of Cass county district court will be opened by Judge Chapman in this city tomorrow. SEN ATOM THOMAS APPROVED. AUiiine Peolutionti Which Throw "Cottonwood" in 'he Soup. At the last meetMig of the Pleas ant Hill alliance the following reso lutions were adopted in vindication of Senator Thomas of this county, who. although a member of the al liance, voted against the Newberry bill: Whereas, Several malignant and imprudent members of the farmers' alliance of this county have from selfish motives secured the passage of resolutions condemnatory of the official conduct of our loved brother, Samuel L. Thomas, and through the blind force of enmity scattered said scurrilious resolutions broad cast throughout the counlry, and Whereas, Our sense of lairncss impels us to condemn the narrow minded and selfish demagogues who have placed the alliance of this county in an uiuavorable light by the foul slanders of a worthy brother, an able senator and an honest man; therefore, be it Resolved, My Alliance No. 1 ,'-". that the alleged resol ut ions of con demnation of our wor.hy bioiher, Samuel L. Thomas, are untrue, in fact, malicious and unworihy of the Honest veoma'iry of l .i s cou-ity. Resolved. Flintier, that the offi cial acts of Mroiher Thomas as a senator of the last legi.-lal u re f u My jusliiv the confidence re"osed in him; "that he loyally suppotied evei v measure that could possibly benefit the farmers of Nebraska, and bravely imposed such measures as would" c pple tne commercial and imlusirial i lterest of t he stale end thereby injure the v.y interests that he so ablv championed. Resolved. Fori her, that t he noisy demagogues a:id office-seekers wiltiUT the all:a ice who are really responsible for these ! isgrace. id resolutions can confer a much greater benefit on the all r-ice oi lips county by wit hl rawicg f on it iian by any other means l.i-eiv to be adopted by such creatures. A. K. Tout), president. Rout. W. Mlac.v, secr-a y. Mrown A Marrett have the finest line of wall paper in the city. Their prices are away down. tf A telegram from Mellevue to the Mee says tint Will Jean, a sixteen-year-old bo ' who ran away from his home last Monday because- h:s father was goi'ig to wh;p him, was rounded up by the police at lMatts iiiotith day before yesterday and sent back in charge of an officer to-day. "Frosted Cream." Ihe latest and greatest drink of die age. at Cx-ring tV Co.'s. lot The elegant and e pensive new steam power brick niach'-ie f r the 15. "ck & Terra Cotta Co. -rived Uiis morni"g I'roiu Anderson. Indiana. The machine is so arranged that while a gang of workmen are shove?' g clay in at the top of the mac,,',i ; not her crew r-re kept besv ' ig away nicely perfected pi ' (i k ' o.l. the b.iso. It i: : a tii!'"o e U'Mit over the old m ;'.d ; .d im1 -'"el. 's good busi . (-. se : n ic ; t o; the Te ra C a Co.. o n d " -: ' ' : '.e- p r -v! ' h ' ie ' ' -.es. II. rd rains followed by ligh wilt"". , thelike of which was never,' before Lnown in Northern Iowa.hasj devastated a dozen counties and entailed losses on the inhabitants that will run into the hundreds of thousands. Over a hundred hous es have been wrecked or swept away by the raging flood wh'le stock of all kinds has been drowned. Samuel Rector and Obidiah Stot ler of this county are mentioned in the Washington dispatches this morning among those who have had their pension claims ailowed. Senator Shea of Douglas county died yesterday at his home in Omaha. He had been sick all win ter with a throat and lun trouble. He leaves a wife and fi re chil J en. The last car of red feione from the Wisconsin q".p -i'-? for the court house arrived last night and will be de' irert f ou 'he ground to-day by Mr. Sage. J. M. I.tterson A: Co. are shipping stone from their Louisville quar ries to Creston and other Iowa points. Mrs. Geo. K. Dovey returned home this morning from au extended visit in the South and Last. A big washout nt Wray. Colorado, delaytd 'he M. & M. trains yes terday. "Frosted Cream." the latest and Teatest drink of t.ie ::ge. at Oerinjj Co s. 10t Wanted. A girl for general housework, apply to Mrs. R. B. Windham. tf. A number of day boarders can be accommodated at Thompson's res taurant, opposite opera house, where the best of meals are served. tf Additional local on last page READ AND LOOK SPECIAL! AT THIS IU ORDER. TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF EMBROIDERED - FL0U1TCI1TGS, WE HAVE Deep Cut One lut of FIoune!'igjj at !''.( worth double One lot of white Moimcino; at 2.00; pattern worth 00. One lot of white c renin hikI Flouncing reduced to $.'.0. A I inttern of this lot composes goods ALL OF OUR FANCY PLUSH ORNAMENT REDUCED TO 5 CENTS EACH. F. HERRMANN HARDWAHSF Having pLirehasecl the U. V. Mathew's in terest in the fum of J W , Hendce & Co, I now propose to stay in p!asmouth and sell hard ware FOR - CASH - ONLY At prices that are within the reach of all. Everything in our stock a bar gain. Look over our list and sec- if you cannot find some thing you need. -ooOoo 1.TM lb cut nails, He per lb to close ):') do, carpet tacks, leper paper Tact gras-s scythe for.Ticts M-st clothes wringer made. 12.10 Step ladders from (M) cts up ( ) cent spades for . i ts. Timv;;re at reduced prices S) ct handsaws fortiacts I! oo -us. 1.1 to 2acts Churns. SOcts to irl'00 j Ciiopn'ng bowls. 10 to Hlcts Wash bo;irds. ltk ls Hiii -h -1 corn b;-kets. P'cts Leather back all bristle horse brushes. ",c. Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 4'c. Cook stoves at cost to close. oi ( ) o Other articles too numerous to mention at correspondingly low price Come and see us. Remember we sell to everybody alike NOT - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME. J W HENDEE 135 OUlt COMPLETE STOCK OF Ladies, Misses, Boys, Childrens and Infants Summer Goods. THEV ARE Ait m$T GUSS AND OF THE VERY LATEST STYLE. ARGAORSS FK ALL CALL AND BE CONVINCED. SHE . MADE A in Prices worth up to f.0() ;i pattern. One lot of white and Muck Flottiieinos reduced to 5.60. A puttein some njoods in thin lot for merly sold at Sib. oo a put tern. All our patterns contain I.1, yds of material. II