The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 27, 1891, Image 1

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IT i
.1 JLfcI idili.
I'UM rLK, .if
' --Jv.. . r ".w.- vvr.-V- T--
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of hg powder.
Highest f ;!! it' l-:ivt uiug streuih.
--Latcsl I. S. ' ..) i ,.M-rti Food Report.
i'.ki.:v . i ri. i. i.i !-.
4lLLEStHY A'it' J ri-N .a j'l.'JWf.KS.
(I - -
- . - - -
NV alHi :c ;i i!r-s m:tkiuu ii-:Ml tr.i;i t. S;it
if;iet ion u.u.iiiK f.l.
StIKKW ! Stou t. Pf.AT'l -s MOUTH
i;.:iry fl Foil Line j
AXO I liKSU I I T Wfc'tS
KOOM 2. K I KY II... K. I'M n-VOl l h
S. i;. J I ALL SON
keep all kimls ! luil(r !::ir'hvai - o:i )i;aul
ami will euppiy -.:iir:u l r- ui inot lav
ora'.jle ti-r.i s
ar-H Mi-its if lin wirl; pi-i'in tly
ilonc. unle;t. Il iii uu foun ry r'olicilt'il
sin Pasl St.
of the season.
Where Ihc inost dfliciovs ice creTim
will be served ;it all hours.
Fiuits. nuts c:ui'"ie-: ai"? rinj'rs alw:iys fresti
an-l te l'Mnr Speriil attention mveii
to nipulv'inir pi.'iiics. s.irials ;uul
families with cream i"
Ui-; r ma'-l
rnvtjiciAX & STKCJEOX
0 Tics uiih Dr. :Zhi-.-a
10 :00 to 12 : GO a. lit. 3 : (10 ti " : 00 p. ill.
2K. O - Z X"1 Z.Z -
9 00 to ll : w a, in . ; w i" : v-
Telejihoiie No TJ.
KIM! riSTKI. i! flt.VJ POKTUllTS.
Thorough iiiftniftion '"'i r.'tel. Crayon i.m)
Free hand ilrawir..
D1LF RlUT 11, : -i
landscapes. Fruitn aurt Flowers.
To, 911, Kim M. Plattsiuoiitli, Seb.
To her Millenery would say
to the
ThatTie will be prepared to take
orders from now on. Having the
best system of euttitiLr i the city
nhe can
AikI wonhl be pleaeel to have a
share of your patronage.
PlattsmoutL. - - - Nebraska-
-. , Kotary PttMi. ; Notary I'uIkIc
- v 1 efflce of.r Bak'of Cas County,
riattsmouth. . ' -Kebrash
jttorney .- ' . ' -
. N. ' SULLIVAN. r
' -Atty Wi'.t' p.vw proaYt a,ttnt!6i!
' W- !1 bainecH' entniste.1 to ' -tit"." OCWre Is
- -Cala blwW. Eat Si4e, PlatL r tli, tiel ': .
- -1 ' : ' . -,. J
i - l..u!.. m v.-
.Mi- - Ha,;
Albeit iespam i.iiii" '.'
1 1 . 1 r C'l't -K i i 1 :- i -t
Mr. O. U . I ! i.iw.
ciiy to-d:ie vi.-i. ';.t'.
l r. ami ,'1 is. -vi.u ! 'a
I: ni Ci
- . i : tiler
T. L. ae:e i
iiin.LT from a brief It 1'.
Colonel I" r nicks, i.i I )
the M. I rout' . i. :'.(,: s v .:
Inst night.
Colonel M. B. M i : rpl i :
r" 0:11 11 1 i i ' i i.-r To Id v . . .
this morning.
M, (.'. U.
- i. M
I'.ii iMi-r f ;( S
fcr'sioilil 1
is in to'.vn to tl;iy.
IC. L. k'cnl of Wefjiin -r W.iler v i
in the eity yesterday and re'iiiiud
lu.iiie this moriiiiiLV-
(lenre TnrpiT w is dovii yest' r
i.iy lot'I.iiii; afl'-r the in!e:is!s 1"
of his new invention.
Mrs. M. O'Hriori i:':ine i:i ihin
inoritittp; from SouMi Rend fo visit
frieiid.-i ior ,i fevdi:H.
Mrn. Waller Rti'.hei fort! left for
DesMoines this niorfii!); (o visit her
its f
ft?w l.lj
J. .. Iv'ichey. Walt-r White and
IS.ixter Smith took the early train Onialia this moniiiio'.
Mrs. Guthman of Lineoln
down yesterday to visit her parents,
Mr. anl Mrs. Jacob Vallery, Sr.
Mrs. MeWhimiey o Custer City
South Dakota, came in yesterday to
visit her daughter, M rs.J. I. Chase
Harry CoolidLCC went to Havelock
thirf moriiiiii to di some tin work
for the I. iV M. the new buihlins.
Col. A o .v:i tii. of Hoslon. the
j.rince oi tin oft'ee men. accompan
ied by his wife was in the city yes
terday. Mrs. Jo" Tubbs and Miss
Maker, left on the flyer yes terday
for I-'iensont, Michigan, to spenl
the summer.
The regular iiiedinc of the M. K.
Aid Society will he held tomorrow
afternoon "at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. h'arthitiLX in South Park.
Mayor Ireland, of Nebraska City
and I. A. Gibson of Lincoln return
ed home this morning after spend
ing a day attending district court.
Charles Dawson and his daugh
ter, Mrs. Geo. Dovey, left last eve
ning for SI. Louis. Mrs. Dovey will
make an extended tour through the
W. I,. Jirowne left this morning on
the flyer for a tourof Hitchcock and
Dundy counties in the interest of
the Lombard Investment Co., of
which company he has been com
missioned a special aent.
Ote Dovey IS hvaysood natured
but he is especially so now as his
Ljirl has returned home.
The livery barns will furnish con
veyance next Friday nin'ht for the
lecture at Mercerville for 23 cents
round trip.
There are twenty-two steam boats
plying the waters of the Missouri
Kiver between St. Louis and Sioux
Jim Muirs -New Home" canine is
a dandy with the words of the
favorite sewing machine deftly
painted on his side.
A member of the depot force is
reported as beiiiLC married, but is
too modest to mention it. We will
Lfive his name short'.
Hal Johnson, conductor at the
Rock Hlu its express, was reported
in three minutes late this morning
owiiiir to a defective track.
The Capitola Butts. Ol Butts' river
steamer, laid up all nifrht down
near the bridge. It was bound for
Omaha and "weighed anchor" for
that point about 0 o'clock this
Next Saturday is Decoration day,
one of the most impressive holiday's
of the y ear. A day, full of patriot
ic sentiment, and loving remem
brance ot the sainted soldiers who
sacrificed their lives to protect the
honor and unity of their country.
IMattsmouth people have never
seen in this city as interesting1 a
show as "The Twelve Temptations,"
to be at the ojera house to-morrow
night. Thk HKKAI.1) will stake its
dramatic reputation, on everybody
beiiig' delighted who are so fortu
nate as to attend.
Major Piukerton. the night opera
tor, has been promoted to the posi
tion of night agent. As the pay has
not been increased with the honors,
he takes great comfort in listening
during the long hours of the night
to the stirring music furimhed by
Dove v on his"m virdiu.
District Court.
The case of Stephen Jochim vs.
Kred Gorder occupied the attention
of a jury this forenoon. Gorder is
security on a $L(HJ0 note which he
claims has been changed. Verdict
rendered in favor of GOrder.
Christian Gain r 'vs. John Black
for breach of warranty is on trial
ihis afternoon.
-." A . divorce was granted Mrs. Brit
tain against her husband as prayed
pr ih her petition. - -
Why is it?
There is an ordinance in this city
against horses and cattle running
at larL.,', on streets or a'h-v;. . v
Mhe uncsiioii arises as to why it is
not enforced in all cases and why it
is that il is enforced in certain lo
calities and against certain parties,
and not against others:- In this
mailer, as well r:s in. my other.-,
there is too much of a disposition
or fact, as you please, to ask, "well,
whose cow is this,'' anil "who does
that mule belong tor Oh, weP,
better not do it. He might feel bad,
and besides, look at the influence
the man exett-," and ail this kind
of bo-h is jr;iei ;-, 1 in ihis matter.
A poor man whose cow comes in
Ihe way is bled every time. The
man vi'.'i liie influence and
i r ! : : ! r doll ;rs turns his cows
and mules loose and devil a word
do you hear. To the writer's own
personal knowledge t he city police
impounded i h n e head of cattle; two
of them were owned by one man.
lie paid his dollar and took charge
of his slock, and before the gate
..s locked, and in less than two
niiiiiiii s ;i I terwarils, the oilier one
-. as turned loose, with the remark
liiat "well, I guess I might as well
Liirn her loos-'. Perhaps they will
i;:Ue care oi it." One man jiaid his
in c.isli; the other stootl in with the
A little girl came very near being
kicked Monday by a mule while
playing in its own door yard, and
ihe animal was not out by accident,
either; it is out almost every day
niul has been for mouths. The po
lice have been apprised of this mat
ter but pay no attention to it at
least the mule still roams at will.
The query is -why is il?
This matter should be looked in
to. I!' the ordinance is defective,
remedy it. If the ordinance is not
in accordance with the law, repeal
it and let us all turn our stock out.
If the law is all right, then let our
officials enforce it ami place every
man on an equal footing and not
m: k ? pels and law breakers of a
portion of our citizens anil law
abiding citi.ens of ihe balance. If
our police is to blame in this mat
ter, then remedy that, but let us
take some stejis that will place
Plattsinouth citizens on an equal
with equal jirotectiou, regardless of
political influence. CITIZEN.
Election of Officers.
The Odd Fellows elected officers
for the ensuing year at their hall
last night as follows: Noble grand,
Lora Davis; v ice grand, C. II. Peter
sen; treasurer, P. J. Hansen, Jr.
L. (J. Larson was elected a delegate
to the grand lodge.
The Track Layers.
The M. P. folks got as far as the
Lydia Livingston f:irm, south of
John Cummins', last night and can
easily reach Capt. Wiles' to-day.
And if there is no rain to prevent,
they will lay track in the city limits
to-morrow. The B. & M. people are
getting ready for the track layers
on the Platte river bridge to-day by
shifting the track over to the east
side so that the M. P. will have more
room. It is said the patent reversi
ble frogs will be put in, so that
neither train will have to stop to
turn switches or keep a switchman
on the ground. The depot materi
als will be brought in and work be
gun on that structure as soon as
the track reaches this citv.
That Other Road.
The Omaha Bee, in speaking of
new roads likelvtobe built, touches
up the line that Plattsmouth expects
to get. as follows:
The second road that is looking
for an Omaha connection is the
Chicago, St. Paul it Kansas City,
the "Maple Leaf" line. This compa
ny has a line from Chicago to St.
Paul and one to Kansas City,
touching also at St. Joseph. A line
to Omaha is all that the company
needs to cut a pretty wide swath
in the business from Missouri river
points. It is the purpose of the
company to build a line from the
Kansas City branch to Omaha com
mencing at or near Des Moines and
running through the southern tier
of Iowa counties between the Rock
Island and Burlington lines.
Plans for this extension were ripe
a year ago and work was about to
be commenced when the money
market became so close that cash
for railroad building was with
drawn entirely.
Mr. C. K. Berry of St. Joseph, as
sistant and general freight agent
of the road, was in Omaha yester
day and i m formed a reporter for
the Bee 'that the building the
proposed line to Omaha was again
being considered and that proba
bilities were that work would be
commenced within a month. "By
the use of the Wabash connection.''
said Mr. Berrv. "the 'Maple Leaf
took u.tmu carloads of Wabash
freight for eastern points last yeai
The company can't alfonl to stay
out of Omaha and I' predict
the 'Maple Leaf will be in a jo
sition to haul a good share of Ne
braska's big corn crop to market this
List ot Letters,
Remaining unclaimed in the Pott
Office at Plattsmouth, May 27,
lsnj, for the week ending May 20:
Ad:ini?!, r, W r.rown K E
Ch re, .M laiiieiMn.Jiliii
Dean, F heel. K E
Hawkin. JE Ihelder
I.HtHThairen. f 'Uas Polyx, Bdihi
f':iri-k.t'nrrie Smith, Uobt E.
Sell vernier Adam Vai:Fleate Kohl,
-Persons calling for any of the
above letters will please say "ad
vertised." IL J. Stkeioiit.- 1'. M
The "police court" is on the j"ty j
this afternoon in the district co'irt
hence no news from that quarter. J
i Jen "y ' ;-i hi;;- ... . : 5. T '- ' .' ,
Murray are enjoying!
the S1.ale ( ou. i. '
lion which is now in session a He j
at rice. j
Don't forget the "Twelve Ten.p1 j
i i.u ' at the oj--i a iiou-.e i. -m . i- , i
night it will be by all odds the tin ;.t- '
est show of the year. II you miss n
you will regret it.
The Rilev block, or rather the
square of which the Riley block i- j
the largest part, will fitrni-h a nine j
to jday a nine recruited liom 1 1 - ;
square between Boeck's corner a no ,
Ca: f.i ill's at ihe ball in vii;
Two cars of oranges from t'aii-j
fornia and one car of race hor.-cs I
passed through on the pa-.--enger j
train this morning hound lor ("hi-!
cag'o. They were transferred atj
Ashland and came in on die Si itu -
ler to connect again with No 1.
R. W. Hyers was censured a v...r'.
or two ago for representing to the
farmers that the Nebraska In- I
Company' was an u nsa le institution 1
Today the comjiany is oau i.'ru pi !
and is in the hands of a -.-. -iv.-r J
as .Mr. nyers pieuicieu n wouui in-.
The "Twelve Temjilat ions" showed
to crowded houses thiee tii-hts in
succession at Omaha less'thji si
months ago yet they are ( hereVL; a in
this week for three nights, certain
ly a good showing as wthc merit ot
the entertainment.
Gust Reinhackel is reported dan
gerously ill at Colorado City. The
folks here received a message yes
terday morning sa iug- some of
them should come at once; an indi
cation showing that he is wore.
Albert left on the iirst train for his
bedside. We hope he will him
much better on his arrival.
A large company of Portuguese
citizens passed through Omaha
yesterday on their way to Califor
nia. They were an unusually
bright appearing crowd of foreign
ers and carried with them an inter
preter. One of the boys in the
crowd, a lad about thirteen or four
teen years of age, got olf the irain
at Omaha to look about the depot.
and while he was out on his tour of j
observation the train and party
moved-out. the interpreter carryuiLV
his ticket. The poor fid low soon
discovered he was left without
ticket and money, and being unable
to make anyone understand him,
as Portuguese is a rare language,
he started west on the B. & M. track
at a lively- trot for California. The
unfortunate boy- may have a hard
time of it before he is aide to make
anyone understand who he is and
where he wants to go, as the party
were compelled to go to Hastings
before they could obtain a layover.
We learned from the interpret'-r
that the boyr'sname was "Gonzalus."
Lincoln Dy Works.
These celebrated works have a
local agent here in the person of A.
L. Friend, who will give rates and
look sifter all matters left in his care.
Office ix. Postollice on Sixth street.
Partisl ProgJam for Decoration.
The Post, Wotnans Relief Corps,
Sous of Veterans and all old sol
diers meet at G. A. R. Hall at 12 m.
I-orm on -Ham street at 1 p. in.
R. W. Hyers. marshal.
March to cemetery 1 p. m.
Song by choir.
Ritual services of G.A. R.
Song by choir.
Oration by Prof. I). R. Duiignn.
Address by Guy Livingston.
Song by Cnoir.
Strewing of flowers on graves of
unknown dead by Post.
Calling list of dead comrades.
Strewing of (lowers on graves of
all comrades by- detail.
Assemble bv music from martial ;
March back to G. A. R. Hall.
All citizens are invited and ex
pected to participate in exercises.
Dll-:i Monday evening at o'clock
of consumption Charles Hammer.
The funeral will take place from
his late resilience in the 2nd ward,
Rev Witte officiating. to-morrow
afternoon at two o'clock. The
funeral has been deferred that his
two brothers who reside in Dakota
might be present.
Y. W. C. T. U.
Regular meeting of the Vs Thurs-1
day May 2Sth. at i o clock at the l.
M. C. A. rooms all members are re
quested to be present. By order of
tin president.
Needles, oils and parts for all
kinds of machines can be found at
the Singer office, corner of Main
and Sixth streets, with II. Beck. tf.
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
cent. For sale by F. G. Fricke &.
Co. and O. II. Snyder. 3
Brown & Barret carry. the largest
line of druggists sundries in the
city. ' tf.
J 1
r lit I
si-h'i ; j
. . liOVf II!''
t be
lilt I I I!
1 ' I''..
: l: i
"WiNG A A -
I ui! !.
- . . t o,.;!
'on 7 ;!
L !' (" o;!
i ' r(..H i 1 IS.
I I.' Ci-'llillll".
; '. t i t a Sateen s.
llgvptian Printed Cottons
,-iik Striped Madras Cheviots
J-'aney printed 'ha mbrays.
licaulilul lino of Solid Illa:;k I Fen ric tli Salterns in
ti ij cd, li-oeah"! and lolkiOott. iTccts, entirely iu;v and
i ti
On Door Cast of the
From a Joe, ?.!., slice failure at
The wholesale shoo lirm of Smith, lihisiand Co. of St.
doe. Mo. Passed into the hands ol' a receiver.
ll. J0JI5 T, KISITT'A! of the wholesale dry
goods firm of iirittain,
to that position ami ha.s eorihnied us fJJAH) worth oftl3
stock with insiruetions to piaee them on the market at
prices that are hound to make them go. Inspection of the
stock and prices will convince the most skeptical that we
have followed out his instructions to a letter.
This stock is c ean and fresh from a wholesale house
and not an average bankrupt stock that has been pulled
and hauled over the counters of a retail store, and consists
of ladies, Misses, children, infants, mens and boys shoes?
from the cheapest to the best qualities, 'phc prices that
we sell them at less than it cor-d, to make them but they
must be sold within the next .'() days. The only condition
is that thev are to be .-old for cash. During the sale we
w ill sell the regular line of shoes carried in our shoe de
pariment outside of the bankrupt stock Jwecanw fuily as
many as any exclusive shoe dealer in the. cits at a great
ly reduced urice and will make special offerings in all sea
sonable goods, such as white and black embroideries,
ilouncings, India linens, lawns, Mull.-, and organdies, of
w hich we hav e the largest stock we ever carried. Dotted
Swiss in black and white eh allies in several qualities,
i French and zypher ginghams. India China and Surah silk
j for summer soar. Xew novelties in ladies belts, Windsor
ties zepher and outing llaunels
stockenette, Tyrolese suits, waist and skirt, summer cash
mere shawls, capos and jackets, and other goods too numer
ous to mention of which we have an endless varietv.
We are offering all of our 15, .171, and 20 cent satinet at the uniform
price ot fe 1 or 1'2 yards tor a dollar.
HER0LB & SON. 507 Main SL
i' VA -VlWMII M f' 4
-'PR I G i K l FRY
We .!!'! a complete line of Gor-
i: '.- i ;-! Dve i'oier for hldittf
d i h.ld:.T.s v.e.n Guaranteed
i ' i . I i ; ' . I ill i :-:
i - I It.hed vest at Me
l I ibbed e is at ISac
ie T bread est sat 4ae.
d .e-t - at
; of I hiMrens underwear
! Ilia
r l.( X .( I GS
( Mir lia - ui l.ku 1; and white h'loun
eiugs e .! I anything ever before
sh'.u Ji by us at jii ices as low as l.iKt
First N ational Bank
Smith Co. was appointed
ladies waists and fast black
i ;
if !
r. :
i , !
H :.