EXPERIMENTS IN HYPNOTISM. a AMooai of Son Kstmordinarr t- lags a Meeting Ui Lvodoo. " Dr, Stanley, whose performance at th Hotel Jletronole I saw. is a clear exnon- ent of uynnotiBm. His demonntration mtwt have been very utri king to some .- snen in the room, to whom, evidently. i M. Charcot's exjeriinent8 at the SIpe " triere and the work of the Nancy school were evidently unknown. The men whom Dr. Stanley had brought forward -,aa subjects were knocked over like niue . pins by sudden sleep imposed npon them in various ways. One yielded to the . somnolent effect of rotating bright col ored disks. Another toppled off his chair at the sudden ignition of a magnesium wire which dazzled his eyes. A third, very susceptible to the power ot suggestion, was told that he would go lk to sleep when ho picked a match box off the floor. He stooped for the match box, and forthwith rolled heavily off the plat- f1m 1V"4'M 1 O f1 F f S 1 k 1 v lilts rtll itTa broken by sympathetic hands. Another, . while intent on something else, was startled by a sudden noise. Instantly he slept the lethargic sleep. Once again a subject's close attention to the ticking of a watch brought on the effective drowsi ness, and he soon toppled off his chair. A boy, who had in various parts of his frame peculiarly sensitive centers of nervous activity, was touched in one of thoso spots by the operator. In a twinkling he dropped to the floor asleep. It was a strange tight, half weird, half ludicrous, to see those ten subjects scat tered about the floor at the feet of Dr. Stanley, like so many men suddenly be witched. One man bad fallen with his hands clasped and raised some distance from his chest. Ho was allowed to lie in this attitude for what seemed to be twenty minutes or half an hour. Let any one lie down and hold up the arms high above the chest aud see how long he can hold them there, even with the support he will gain by the elasping of his hands. The muscles will not long sustain the experiment. But in the lethargic sleep or tue hypnotized one s sensations of fa tigue apjear to bo suspended. The limbs obey the ope rator, and remain in the po sition in which he puts them. The state ofcatalrpsy is easily xmduced, and then the ir.en are brought, at a mere touch of the hypnotizer's Land, into that false awakimr called somnambulism. Men and boys were kept in this waking-sleeping condition throughout an in terval for refreshment, and, according - to the lecturer, whoe word there is no reason to doubt, were all unconscious of their exceptional condition as they walk ed about among us. Brought back to the platform they were made the victims of hallucinations of that amusing kind to which mesmerists have well accus tomed us. But these mesmeric tricks are decidedly more interesting when pre sented as part of an exposition of hyp notism in its various stages. One experiment, 1 confess, I do not like. A man is given a strong emetic, and made to drink it under the impres sion that it is a pleasing beverage. But there is this curious interest in the act. The natural effect of a strong dose of ipecacuanha wine is to make a man vomit, and. whether he knows or does Hot know he has taken it, there will be no difference in this physical effect. But in this curious hypnotic condition, it is enough for the man with whom the pa tient is en rapport to say to him that he is all right, what he has taken will agree with him perfectly, and no bad results will follow. The ordinary physical ef fect of the emetic is not produced. The post hypnotic suggestion was il lustrated in this way: The patient was told in his hypnotic sleep that he was going to awake, and that three minutes after he would do a certain thing to Dr. Bond which Dr. Bond had himself sug gested that he should be asked to do. This was to take off Dr. Bond's eye glasses and put them on his own nose. The lad was roused from his sleep. Dr. Bond said to the boy, "Now, are you going to do anything to me?" With an air of surprise at an odd question the youth made the answer "No." In three minutes to the second the lad, notwithstanding his own statement.went up to Dr. Bond, took the eyeglasses from him and wore them himself. When called to account he seemed a little con fused at his own -act and made an apolo gy to Dr. Bond, not for stealing his eye glasses, but for having told him before that he did not intend doing anything to him. He did not know then that he had to do this. London Cor. Providence Journal. UNION ITEMS. FROM THE LEDGER. We passed the largest orchard yesterday that we liave yet Heen. ItroverH over 100 acren. nome of which iH bearing and boiuc are yet too mnall, but the trees are thrifty. and of all varitiep, and belong to Mr. I, Pollard. A little "scrap" took place between a Mr. Gish and a Mr. Stewart south east of here lat Saturday night in which Mr. Gieh received a heavy blow on his Hide by a club in the hand of Mr. Stewart, which remitted in the breaking oftvoof the fonnern ribn. Dr. Wallace was called and dressed the wound and reports Mr. Gish as improving. We can sav that the citizens of Platlsmouth will find no better gen tleman anywhere than they will find in the firm of Smith & Gillette & Co. Their method of doing bus iness is a straightforward, honest one. as has been shown their deal ings with with some of our citizens here. We regret that the comple tion of the new road graudually takes them out of our teritorj Forty of the 72 Dagoes that were brought in from Kansas City about a week ago to work on the surfac ing of the Union Cut-off, struck last Monday because four of the force were discharged. The striker lead by John Chetfa, the man who contracted to furnish the force for Smith Gillette & Co., put out across the county in a westward 'direction which was the last seen of them. rWill you suffer with and Liver Complaint? Sh alizer is guaranteed to curcyou. 2 Dyspepsia iloh's Vit- Only 25 cents to see the Husincss Men's carnival at the opera house to-night. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 2i cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and O. II. Snyder. 3 Take your prescriptions fo Jirown & IJarrett's,they dispense pure med icines, tf Si A suggestion: If you are troubled with rheumatism or a lame back al- iow us to suggest mat you try me following simple reined) : Take a piece oi flannel the size of the two hands, saturate it with Chamber lain sJ'ain Jiaim aim mim it on over the seat ot pain. It will pro duce a pleasant warmth and relieve you of all pain. Many servere cases have been cured in this way. lhe Pain Halm can be obtained from F. G. Fricke & Co. The largest line of patent medi cines will be found at lirown sc liar rett's tf ror a troublesome cough there is , nothing belter than Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. It strengthens the pulmonary organs, allays any irrita tion anu eliectually cures the couirii It is especially valuable for the couirh which so often follows an at- tack of the grip. Fricke & Co. For sale by F. G. Hair, chains, hair work of all tf rings, crosses kinds to order. Mrs. A. Knee. 1720 Locust St. and S jRi. "SST BHOEJIES J 1 Needles, oils and parts for all kinds of machines can be found at the Singer office, corner of Main and Sixth streets, with II. lieck. tf. OE, a- Women in French Railway Office. In order to obtain employment in the administration of the railways in France it is necessary to be either the daughter, wife or widow of an employe. Nearly 500 ladies are thus employed. Indeed, at French railway stations the ticket sellers are nearly all women. In the rail ways there is not the same just payment as in the other state departments. Here the women are paid just half as much as the men while working quite as much. The Credit Foncier employs about 2,000 women on its staff. I am now prepared to deliver ice to any part of the city. 1 elephoiie -tf II. C. McMAKliX. Hrown & Harret carry' the largest line of druggists sundries in the City. tf. The dramatic cast of Gilmore't "Twelve Temptations" is indeed an elaborate one, comprising twenty- three persons to unfold the story. Sixty-eight people form the travel ling strength, which is the "largest spectacular organization now on the road. This company plays three performances at the Iioyd in Omaha before coming here next Thursday night. It will pay you to go and see the beautiful scenery, costumes, etc. Prices 35, 50, 75c. and $1.00. uieu A. K. memorial services were held yesterday at the Christian church. A good audience was in attendance and Klder Keid deliv ered an able and appropriate ser mon befitting the occasioM. In almost every neighborhood there is some one or more persons wnose lives have been saved by Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv, or who have been cured of chronic diarrhcea by it. Such per sons take special pleasure in rec ommending the remedy to others. 1 he praise that lollows tfie intro duction and use makes itverypop ul nr. J and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.,Druggists.' Notice of Probate of Will. In the mattei of. the lat will and testament of Klislia Sirad'ey, deceased, in county court Cas orunty, elralKa. Notice l iierfUv civen tnat en tue bin day oi .lune a. 1J. . isui. at uie count) judge' oince m Piattsmouth, ('as county. Nebraska, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following matter will be hear and considered :d Ti;e application ot Samuel Stradley t admit to probate the i l;isi will and lestarrent ol Klisha stiadley late oi fjreenwooci precinct, in ai county, de ceased, and for letters of administration with the w ill annexed to Aron C. Lder. Dated llay istb, 1891. By order of tre court. 11. S. KAMSti, County Judge MEAT MARKET UW RIYTft STWF.PT F. II. ELLEXBAUM, Prop. TtfE IcE&BINQ: OE-PICE CIiOTlIEl Opera House Corner PL ATTSMOUTH X,: . 4 -' The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Eggs and Butter. Notice. The first graduating claes from the Dominican Sisters' school will be dismissed with honors at the opera house, Frida3' evening, May 29th. A rare treat will be in store for those present as talents of a high order will be displayed in every number on the program. The base ball fever has struck this town pre4ty bad. A third nine is being organized: they went over the river yesterday and tackled the "web footers" much to the discom fiture of the prohibitionists. We did not learn the score but Platts- mouth as usual came out on top. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. , SIXTH STREET n Meat marketT HENRY BOECK Trie Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND ISS A001E HAVING ADDED The "L,ehiihoffs" played great ball with the Kock Bluffs team yester day at that village. Hal. Johnson pitched for the "Lehnhoffs" and; W. Coolidge was the catcher. Krskine Hrown played left field like a pro fessional and covered himself all over with laurels by some line field ing. Will Graves also made a great play at right field which would have done credit to a league man. Chas. Rhode of The Herald umpired the game and we violate no confidence when we say there was no kick coming on the umpire. Nine ininings were played which re- ulted in a score of twenty-seven to even in favor of the Plattsmouth club. UNDERTAKR. A DRESSMAKING DEPARTM'NT To her Millenery would say to the LADIES OF PLATTSMOUTH That she will be prepared to take orders from now on. Having the best system of cutting in the city she can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION And would be pleaeed to have share of your patronage. -o- KLSIE MOORE, Plattsmouth. - - - Nebraska- A Free Lecture. Rev. J. D. M. Huckner .v ill lecture on "A Happy Home'' or "How to Marry and How to Live" next Fri day evening. May 29 th at the new The entrance 1 church in Mercerville. A collection is by examination and the limit of age sixteen to thirty-five. Candidates must produce good conduct certificates, both official and private, and must receive at the examination a maximum of marks that is to say, twelve out of twenty. The salary in the first stage is three francs a day, rising to 1,700 a year ($340). A tax of 4 percent, levied upon the sadary gives the right to a pension after twenty years' service. In the Credit Lyounaij women are also employed. For their entrance there the rules are not yet fixed. A cashier receives the salary of 2,000 to 2,500 francs a yt ar, and a clerk from three to five f ran zb a day. New York Sun. Doty First. A teacher in a public school was in f on: led by a lawyer at 2 p. m. that 6he was heir to a fortune. He expected her to g".asp her bonnet and run, but instead of tl at she calmly replied: 1 will hear the class in geography, whip- three boys and be at your office in v i h Dur." Exchange. will be taken to help secure furni ture for thechuroh. The lecture will be very interesting to all who are married or whoever expect to be. All are invited. wlot. District Coup Conviened this morning and has been engaged most of the day in trying the celebrated case of Nor man Coon vs. the M. P. Railway S. P. Vanatta is for plaintiff and li. P. Waggner, A. N. Sullivan for the railroad. A cloud-burst at Alma, Neb., j es terday completely inundated the city from 3 to 4 feet and did great damage to growing crops. One of the best buildings in the town was completely wrecked by the settling of its foundations. Wanted A good girl for general housework. Flnquire at the county clerk's office. d3t Constuntlv keeps on hunct everything you ued to furnish your house. CORNER 8 1 XT 11 AND MAIN TBEKT Plattsmout Neb K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Taita Keeps a Full Lino ot First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid np capital $5n.oto,oo Surplus 10,000.09 Consult Tour Inreres t? Giving Hlro !' SHERWOOD BLOCK P. J. HANSEh DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AJN'1 QUEENS WARE Floor nil m a SSBdalty lJHroi acre ! the Puble Solicited. JOHNSON BUILDING, lortk 6tH S Offers the very tet facilities for the prouip transaction oi ngiuniaie Banking Business Stocks, bonds, eold. government and local se- eurities bousht and sold. Deposits received nd interest allowed on the certificates Drafts drawn, available in any part ot the Unite States and all tke principal' taw.i8 of Europe. 0OLLKCTION8 HABK AXD PROMPTLY REMIT TED. Highest market price paid tor County War rants, State ana County bonds. DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald D. Hawkeworth Saui Waugh. F. E. White George E. Dovey John Fitzgerald. S. Waugh. President Caft?' Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. f ATBBIAH & M i LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demand of tfie city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HAVELOCK ARE YOU - GOING - TO - BUILD - THERE? IP so- Remeniber that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense slock of LUMBER A1TD ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL -A-T HAVELOCK And (iiiarsiiitcc Satisfaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA- r 0 SLIPPERS yi I GIVEN " Sli2?;pers to Toe gri-sreza. t mm - 4k W. A. BCECK GO S"They will be counted JupeilSOl-TSj . 'V:'.