' i ; . v.---.- v"' " ' ' i J t J f " ' ' ' ' ' - - - - - - . -.-w j.,......-..... .J ...w..'- ....-.V.'S . mX.7 'VMm .1 r iiiirimv ! iiTlHfinftiBr 'J"' ' ""P"? 7f T'. j.'. "".-t -, .. . ...... . .. , . " v y - . 1 Plattsmouth Daily Herald I FOURTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1891 NUMBER 215. Struck by Lightning. fj PERSONAL From a telegram to the Bee we 4 Unl Critchiield is in Lincoln t' i i- ax t ii to-day. I I ."s ST clii the following: J A ifnfVyA n Jr8C L- Kl is in Council ,,luffB Klmwo)I, May LU-Last night Don'tmiss lhe carnival to-night ' Oil I (70 y' during a heavy rainstorm the resi- at the opera house. 7 U tTM I George K. Dovey ami wife were deuce of Amos Stiff was struck by The county officials will not cross l W zJv2 7 1 T 17 " W fi JfV1 visitors t the metropolis to-day li?ltlli The bolt struck the bats with the lawyer until Home I 1 I 1 IV A ! J V Christian C-auer, one . of Cedar cmmey78pl:ttinff it froin top to time next week. I J J i-l Creeks solid farmers, is in town .,"".. 1 , .... . v tC(cfn2 to-day. bottom. It also spread over the Lncourage the ladies and assist 2 K. H. Wooley returned to Lincoln roof, passing down the four corners in a good cause by attending the W . fi'iH thiH morning accompanied by W. of the house and tore off the corner carnival to-night. ;! iJljfl D. Jones. strips and siding. The family was VAXTKI A good girl for general ,t PSPSF Deputy Sheriff Tighe went to severely shocked but not seriously housework. Kmiuire at the county ,r- i - M,rP 1,,ake Bome injured- cier -soh.ee. BEtQS 'J Ir A lTyflfVfl HVl important an ests. Hankvanery. Sclnappaasse has put up an UW, i jlA 1 II J. A. Davies will go to Manly to- The IlEKALD is sorry to note the oriental awning, jor'oti.s in its 11.1 II inorrow to try a lawsuit before their co,,teiits of tlie followinsr tele-ram rich colors of yellow red and blue. v 1 list ice of lllC IC1CC ,1 r777T A If 11717 from Wahoo relative to Hank Val- The Marionetie Comedy Co. will U PIOlV IfHlr Mr-Will McUcnn... the nKKAL , The telegram .ays: give one of their excellent enter- M, 1 1 jWj f y IUJ1L.U U is sorry to learn, is very ill at their f p J , y M " Mm" home in South I'ark "The Hank Vralleiy case termina- taiiuueuts at Kck lilulls one week Id Absolutely Pure. Kd IlaH spent a few days in this in vrtIi "f ',n to-morrow (Saturday) eve- SPRING JACKKTS, Wec ,!SLf r, A cream of tartar baking powder. city with h 8 rarentH. rctllring to Th.s is a case where V u lery was ,g. We are showing a beautiful line V L rv for 1 el i' Highest of all in leavening strenth. IliH Illorninrr tried for libelling one Miss fclissa Mr. James Walstow wishes us to and the latest novelties in rogue at ','!,, 3 Hosnry for ladies iL - Latest U. S. Government Food Ke- Omaha tins mornin,,. King, a teacher in the country. express for him through these col- price from sfinoto $10.00. and ch, drens wear -Guaranteed I "J port. S. A. Davis,, wife and little ones 1 . absolutely stainless departed this morning for a brief A Mutter-of-i-act Story. unins his heartfelt tkanks to those visit up in York county. When Kisk jroducel "The Twelve who kindly ministered to the com- . . " Clark Newlan one of Centers pros- Temptations," some eighteen years fort of his wife during her late fatal 9PKING WASH GOODS. A good ladies ribbed vest at 10c a perous farmers.and a loyal re- ago, Mr. Gilmore was then treasurer illness. 1MU1 lane oi F ist ll ick rilbeI vests it Tic B -- publican is in the city to-day. of a Philadelphia theater. Little Col. Friend, the agent for the Lin- P' Gigl.an.s Black lisle Threal vests at ' 4.V If' Dr.A.RmllNbBry hHthe xei.Hlfe riht touw Charley Miller went to Omaha lid he dream at that time he would coln steiim jye xvorks, has his room . f'. V, 0lnain Silk Mixed vests at 7.1c Or. Stein u' l.ocul AnsMhrtlc for ik(- I'iidImi this moriiinir armed with a "razah." not onl v own "The Twelve Temola- r i i i- i i c A F C Cjigham. .... r-i-ii t trtraetUaofTeoth in thUcity. Office Kockwood "u""XJ u',, il,-, inflir mit noioiuyown inc iwuvt nwipia m the frame building back of the .. t. . , Full Line of Childrens underwear iJ' Block lhe ".breaks nau better iook out. tions " but half a dozen other i . i i , , Domestic Giulianis. V ioc. nous, uui nan a uoieii omi i hiizrrerald hlock nicely ilecoraled " K: - """ Sig Green took his formal de- famous spectacles as well, and be w;ni , ,iiir,.ii ,.,,im -.nHm.-nf .f f - WlS.'ruKSllSSlSS E;'n' 3r" Vif lm "-' P-prie.or of ot o,y ,Ue hand- m;,''',;;,: ,.,.,U.XCI.NOS p Box 1585. New York. . , ... most popular theater of Philauel- .. ... . TT . c-.,, ... . . . cintrs exceed anvthiiur ever before ' John Cummins came home this 1 . . mouth 34 years ago to-day.IIe has Silk Striped Madras Cheviots . ' ! , , I tu. v. , , n 0 v m,pt, morning from attending the bus- Pia, The Central. This is an ex- Fancy printed Chambrars M""w" by uh :.t pr.iTSUH low sih lasL !". C83 LODdE. No. 146.1. O.o. k meots ey- inesa me,,a covention at Omaha, ample of what honesty, sobriety . , . ' , 4. , .. .mtj imintu i-iuiuorajH. season. V ery Tuesday niijht at their hall in HtRerald " . .. , . . , .i,;T, iwl . , J . J evident pride and still believes Mock. All Odd Fellow are cordially invited He took in the banquet which he and strict attention to business ac- 1M .. ., .... .. I to attend when visitinK in the city. pronounced a great success. ,,,i;i, lattsmoutii will become tlieijuecii fi T. K. Williams. N. G. " , complisli. Citv of the Missouri )' j. w. BKiDGE.Sec. T.A.Worth and family departed Don'tmiss seeing the greatest of t fstwdtay 'or Pullman, Ills., where an plays Cver seen in Plattsmouth, Pickens, Neville and others aae lJeailtiful line nf'Snliil 11 ,.V TT..n..W.ti ..4, u ff -TTNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, r.auntlet Lodge Mr. W. has secured an excellent po- 1 T,n,ni,(;n" whirl talking of enjoining the further UCUUUIU1 1111C Of &Oll(l JSlack licill icttl buteCHH J II C li. no. 47. Meets every Wednesday evenmg gition. Charley Brown accompa- lne Iwelve lemptations, vktiicn J - V? at their hall in Weckbach block. All vi.ltin ,e n rtv exneciinto take a will be iriven with a small army of work of Pitting in the foundation knights are cordially invited to attend. C. A. mtd the party, expecting to taKC a win ue (.lunwiui aan.munnjf ui roiirt t.ti. for il.o rr-,ti StHni'tl lirot'aflpd mil T'nlL-'i Tntt iYtr. nnili., !v i.nur .,,,,1 Marsiiall. C. C. ; Frank Dixon, K. it. s. place with the same company. people, and all special scenery, on tor tne court House lor tlie reason k,uiii,u, muuueu aim X OIKil JLOlt CIIC'CIS, CIllll C'ly I1CW U11U : , T ..... .w .;i. TT-nr that they claim the specifications VOUXG MEN'S rHKISTION ASSOCIATION The regular term of the district next riuuwlay n ght May 28. ff iired up to. .,, - , X Waterman block. Main Street. Kooms court will convene in this city next Prices do, 50, uc. and $1.00. - 1ITCU UP apift bellers. f pen f roin 8 :30 a ni to 9 :30 1 m; For men only S. S. Knglish. of Eagle, was made ft, Gospel meeting every Sunday atternoon at 4 Monday with a full docket. rt , 4 b a'elock tJ A , , The First Train. chairman of the most important I , T For thi3JTeek.?1nlyf,LCAS"' Messrs. Walker & Pitman, the Ending- committee at the State fl C.A.R. Bennett & Tutt will sell 25 pounds Murray rain merchants, had the BllsineSB Men's Convention in V McConnlhleroBt. No. 45. meets every Satnr- of Granulated Sugar for $ 1 .OO. honor of shipping the first goods Omaha vesterdav Besides beiiir a day evenins at 7 :30. In tfcetr hall, Kockwood 1 uradlia csieruay. utsiuea ueiii, a I! Block. All visiting comrades are invited to The festival to have been held at over the new line. They sent out good business man, Mr. English is -j- -r" -j- , -r- -r "IV T A Tv T Tv T j oieetwithus. Wm Taylors this evening has been twenty cars of grain yesterday editor of the "Eaglet" of that city. IH -( f-V l A Pvl XJ tk u. F. Nile. Fost Adj. postponed on account of the quite a remarkable showing for . A i X . -L L I J JL V JL V X"JL JLJL -L N X N . i v . RtM Pitroii . , . The rain of the past two days has - ! F. A. Bates, fom com. weather until further notice. the new town. . , , 1 .. . J. . j j, i a stopped work on the court house ( fi uCKER SISTERS. "I.nfotor beer"! council proceedings. and settled the fact that the M. p. One Door East of the First Wational Bank v Jr worwc, who stole the bottle of beer left The members were all present ex- track layers will not reach this city I CARRY A FULL LINE OF hanging in his well will return the cept the mayor, and W. D, Jones, this week. We are not complaining I Millbnery and French y lowers, bottle he will donate him a full who was in attendance at the coun- of the rain, however, for it has been I MISS KATE HE1VIPI-E TRIMMER one" ty court as a juror. Mike Murphy worth millions to the farmers of the j o- J. N. Dorrity took the place of presided and sent for Jones, when state of Nebraska. - . iul m- i ilm.hmii . .mursi I Wealwhav1s?anKrS&elS?rtn,enl"Sat" Conductor Loverin on the K. C. run, the vote on taking an appeal on the Northwestern Nebraska from Al- 1 SheewoodStokk. PLATTSMOUTH and Mr. Abbott, a brakesman, has Sullivan case came up and he was liance on up to Dakota was treated T T A T T 1 ' T" T 7 1 been promoted to the conductorship brought over in charge of the dep- toa snow storm last evening lasting I 1 Z M I ( )( U t DAWSON & PEARCE of Omaha merchandise freighter ty sheriff. several hours. It is presumed of -L -L A V J UVyil. D Mr. Lee Oldham and Mr. Kankins The city attorney recommended cour8e that the snow ,uust have S crry Full Line of each expect to ship a car load of to rhe city council that they file an meKed as fast as it fell, as the i in t Tvnvnv Alrn OTItl hogs from Murray to-morrow night appeal bond iu the Sullivan case al weathehas not been cold enough FINE It will be some time before trains a cost of 35 cents and thereby eave for it to remain on lhe ground. hrT ' ...... . ' i DRENS CLOTHING. will run regularly but this ship- their rights. They could then Jhe VaJ aigo bank. ,robbers ARE YOU " GOING " TO " bUILD " THERE? j . .-oo ment will add something to the doubtless get a better settlement and . , . (r , ,..,., ( ALSO FRESH CUT FLOWEKS diinit of the town.Murry Ban. need not prosecute the case further Pledtd Hly and were sentenced ! . Uli-,11111 Ui in. -ii. j f to the penitentiary at hard labor, i r bwii. Pl4ttmdt ner if they did not want too. lhe fol- . . , . . .. , ITf1 SO . ca BOOM2.B LKY bu... nt-r. j Tobin, who did the shooting, for ' y it.... ,t ; ,.f lowing members of the council vot- " , , . la . . nr.. cT-nDr Herman Klietsch put in one ol & six years: Nelson for five years and 1 -VTEW HARDWARE STORE the ategt ic beer ed againj ,t ay -udj PPot.on. Ruy ihe They that K () CajjlIe & c) a iminfrf)He stock of 1 I ' J S. K. HALL & SON PmPs the othfer at h" salo"' Junes', J C Peerl'on and Mike M ur- -tizes of Casa County, Kuby hav- j I , h which 1S qUlte an imProveme"1- jones.j.. i cierson ana nine wur j ye borne a good name. T TTIIT'DT'T A rn ATT TJTTTT TiTTP TT A TTTTJT A T Keen all kinds of builders hardware, on hand M Klietsch and his clever assist- Ph- LUMBER AND ALL BuILDIlJU MATJEiliAL ff ud will supply cpntract'TB on most ia Those voting in favor of filing an ....V.raUet.e.!a:? ant, John Bauer keep one of the r L Iir0wne L Cheap Sugar Ought to bring ! ;tin roofing; J""1 -t kavelock 1 A report from Fairmont, Neb., utscne- es Lion and McLaughlin's 'l done.MoAer?Tcmf? says that a very destructive wind Benklem.n Notes. XXXX Coffee for Sl.OOatE. All(l GUiirilllteC Satisfaction ill all Tlllli ( 1 storm passed over that section at The Presence of Deputy United G. DOVEY & SON'S. siercasist. FLATrMOUril.KB. earlyhoKr yesterday morning- States Marshalls Hill and Stewart -r- Ar, : !' A large number of wind mills are i our city this morning created no Thh Putts.mouth I erald of a O ( ) k A ST I H fT PO J i j3R VIOLA M. FRENCH reprted blown to pieces and mova- "nusual excitement, as whet busi- recent date speaks highly of Pro- . IJ lll OC W PHYSICIAN & Sukgeox ble articles piled up promiscuously, ness is dull the United states author fessor McCle lan as a teacher and DCicB with Dr. Shipman doing much damage. The storm ities droP in on Benkleman and al- hopes that he may be retained. - HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA- i " -ii i wav find olentv of o-ame. but when This does not surprise us as the w - y.Trr. was accompanied by a heavy rain. U1 " HOLKS - they drove out into the country a professor is not only an able teacher ' j .extox Mr. W.ivThon.psonof Crete has few mile3 nortll and returned about but is a cultured gentleman and de- ? I ,0:ootol2:wa.in 300to5:8op.n,. bought the ice cream parlor and noon nQt with a prisoner, as one seredly popular wherever known. f ..onto r;Mt4,oep... confectionery of John Morgan op- would naturally expect but with an York committed the blunder about S Xi T T T'Ti T ! , Telephone So 12. Pi.ArTSMOuTU.NK. posite the opcra house. I le is anU l? am, com lete testimony a year ago of losing him, and having f J W t I thoroughly familiar with the bus- etm the rise wa cat. Mar. regretted it for about twelve months I tJ ,rn; ROSE CAPLE mess and promises to treat the pe- Stewart boarded the train for it is to be hoped PlaUsinouth will frTVFN RS. ROSE CAPLE. ople to a better article of ice cream carrying the moonshine still not make a similar mistake.- LJl V H1N Kl5PASTELA?PCKATro:trU4lTS. than they have been accustomed to a .hi,e Iarehal Iim Murray Bannt-r. C in this city. Choice candies and . , ' , . X. yv 1 1 I J JV Thoroutli lDBtructions in ra-stel. Crayon an.l other (1-oods are i,ein- received by remained over to make some arrests The ofticials of Cass county will V X A t Freo handUrawiut?. Chester Thompson. a farmer resid- in,iiii,r in a o-atne of bae ball willi .V X ' ,, i Mr Thompson who is determined ., 1 , e , inciuige in a game oi uase uan v mi i XX X I . to please his patron ing three miles-north of town, has the lawverg f Plattsmouth next I VV I I " ' nilpr.iXTlSB SKETCHES FitOU j . been arrested. Suspicion rests up- Friday. n will make a dog laugh to V X '' NRTURE enator a lioiita wjt a pleasant ou Bevcral a9 Uein,. implicateI i.i we jfxrietch play first lae cl X CT i - 1 f land.p. Fruit- a.. Flowers. 'tw vh he doeai" ,nv i" distilliSof ardent 8Pirits little Ami Todd run ba.es. Dago feN U ..X ZD ;A irT"NTVr 1T1Q h. No.9ii.ElmM. riattsmouth.Neb. sc nator sa3 s he do, sn t care any- in this vicinity which has been Sullivan will want to be 1 Sl . Xi- lj 1X111 t thing about the resolutions of the ,.i ,..,i,, . i ,,- t, . , f i i i carried on for man months. coacher and scorer, and Allen Dee- mm. m-, , iiviL KiGINEKK and SUKVKYOB i.b",!! Heavy rains have fallen here since Si,n will take center field and stop Ol SllppeiS XO OG grX"x7"02HL :': ' E E. HILTON. Vte! lie also'said he owed the al- aturdayind that of last night was an the balls with his crutch. By- . , .. ... . iif ia great. tanners feel certain of a r0n Clark will want to stop short Q,TTTffl,TT T.O r r"r" Tv 5 T" Kutlmates and plans of all work lumisbed aud 1 lance nothing as they had fought ' . . . SV . WJ-i-W WJL-Lw L b I- K8t,roate8ndPKecorL.kekt. him all Ihey knew how during the crop unless the hand of provulence and let Col. anatta ruubasesfor W W j , ..... ... . sends hail to demolish them. him Weeoinir Water f-Iatrle.' - , , , j Office in Martin Block. campaign.-- eepuig ater Kepub- . mnl- lr " 2fll8GGCG U JTH. O S S S "fc ! lican. County Court. w w -a-w w W Plattsmouth - Nebraska ... Citizens Bank of Plattsmouth vs. Cass County Teachers' Meeting. . , J 7MTTCfI f;;r T T meet",-f1:1 LomsM. Kouret al. Suit on note There ill be a Cass County n-lO-ZLTCOr OZTOlO-ttOn. ICUOOSS ATTORNrA LAW Plattsinouth. Saturday are as fol- Teachers' Meeting at the high O-UWWJT irnjBjt. a lows' Onenuic Kxprcucs r A .w . n.vir. Ti "V , - r Plattsmouth Gas & Klectric Light school building to-morrow, Satur- "1 I fl.TTP T "T- nTT T1 "T-T ? VLiDIIAM- DAia eral nstruct,on. fading Circle, ' Flattsmouth Street Railway day, at 10 o'clock a. m. A program 0.15160. 111 OUL XT"!.- . Pi -B-55Z$f&. J Sic ookLaw -Value of Phy.c- Co Suit on account for $m Hear- of interest to all teachers will be - Sfflc7o,erBa0kfCa- County. Instruct.o n' an d "Institute May 28. 10 a. m. given. See notice in another H mtt-uth --- - Nebrash. Course of Study. . Leading teach- Aermolor Co. vs. Post. Bris- column. J - ers will present papers on these , - 1T , - .. . , " j r . . . . , ... . ley & IlardN'. Suit on account for ,, i ' i ttorney subjects and a general discussion . .i , . . , . . . Base Ball. . 1 ATTORNEV J I, 9.13. On trialto JU. Verdict The game for next Sunday will be W A RHPHK' .xV O I 'I ' !LIVAN t tt tte m. and clones at 5 p. m. All who or Ptiff for $302.ii with the Crane coinpany teara of V V . J. JDUU Or UU. yauWno flEffg can should attend.-Weeping Water . Certfed of 9t a,"d Omaha, and will be called at 3.30. flf ,t11 ! OnltBWwk. KLtSide.FUtt.Hioutli.Keb. Vncrl tament of John G. Roberts, de- "They will be counted June L, 18Jl-j ( -'J- Lagle. ceased, filed for probate. Additional Local on Fourth Pago f