The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 20, 1891, Image 3

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817, 2U 221 i2J Mum St.,
lattsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M. MMNS. I'roMrK tur
I he Perkins li'in Im-.-m rli.r..utcUly
reuoyttftl from top t : ...;:..,.. '
DOW OIK! of til- lw-t hotel ill til.: Ht.ltf
Bonnier will bo tnken l.y tin- week at
$4.50 nnd up.
County Surveyor
All orders left with County fl. rk will
receive romot attention.
Bridge, work'ni-l tt n i;.dd work
DIC. STKI N.VI'S LO!,M..ncll :im other an-
estlieties.'jvcii turtle- p unless extr.u-t ion of
C. A. MARSHA LU - Kii.-inihl UW"1
A ifrtetly first el i--" iTvu-liin. fu!!v warn.iT
et. M:ute iroiu tie very l"t : i.i'eri '1 ir
Fkttleil workmen, :ied with the hesf tools t'liil
have fVi-r lo-ii .levi-e-l for ' Ii" t'ir; s War
ranted to .l.i all that e.m 1 r.-aso inlily 'X
pected of the very ln-t tyiewriter eta!if
Cap-ihle of writifn; 1V v rds i"T minute o:
nore ::vorili:if.' to the ahility of the operator.
!aV:t,-'. V.'.
HltH K $100.
'llrliere ;.o jiu.-n'. in joi.r t . . a addiv-4 tin
mmifiieTur. c.
Agents wanted l'aiish N, .
F. II. SKKLKMIlli:, A.nt.
Lincoln, Nel,
agents !f;::.,h"
All iun-iiseiy intf!' t'!i'- !:. 'i'.unv of the
irreate-t --iiou neei ot tl"" v. it i . ni.'ri:r for
tnn . risking nulii mi, entertaining Kin'" uml
Queens. :ni(l knoi tl'.e worl.l over l;V ;ui
intimate frien I. In ori ir:it on for year. too
tujrx. SflsiTlii'-j ;;-'.!.'.. 3IU I'jSO
t''fi. Out 11 1 J.'.i. Agents iv iiili'.l ;i!s In
the Life of S!.eriu:;n. I'-.ii'in ".v'.ir ;ni'l otlu r
fast sellinc: books aiel hites. Most liberal
term. lil'KNS HOi'K (M. St f.oi:i. Mo.
A PVpTTQ Makf tuoper e.-nt n-.t .:i mv
iiU'l-'H iij fors- ts, I'.elts. I'.ni-lies t'urlers
and Meiliemes S.nnvles free V rite now . Dr
Bridman. UTI Broadway. N Y.
P&ckace mak o xrail'tn;. liici..u. ip.Hrkiinir. au.l
Mia ny
by nil dMlors. A beautiful 1'ir'urs
Book nd cards Rent Hit.K to i:y on Kndinc
Jtiresa to tie O. K. HIKES CO.. Philadelphia.
&X BT41 IfTtb.ihr hirU.t. 1
SS2fAriU Inn.. '!,,. h-irl. C ,'-t.". I
ewrOT(uiirmi;r.tii...!,r,ful. SoM m F". ftrr t
8S3 Bnmiiiij, m lorl. r;k itr U-.L. 1. I !
5:-1'mi.w a !;:x-:r.:i:.: ar..w:h.
k;i-"ver Fai'.s to B-storo Gray
.yj -r1 41 r i0 1 iciamuj c olor.
Z r,rA l iir rT:-:i"
"l rark.vr' vrir.r I ohic. it tv.rr- : n. 4 .n.
Vak I.'ji.l. l'h-;.iv. I".ti'L;fi:on. IV.u. 'i -ke in i.n.e.
HIKDERCORMS. Th. r !v . ,r :-.r r r.
Dr. GrcsYsnor's
r- I i
Bell-caD-sic n
Give quirlt rtli' f
frvn fain.
Rh)ara&t::n. Tieara'e-'. pleun.j ami iumbasr 5.3
kTurpd at once. 7rwi.r for i hy all lrnu? !.t'
Lwji '.iiw"i' i.ii .j ' r- "1
CHiCHtfTcis BnaLSH.
a n it it i n vj 1.
1t uMw)Mlvib(BrtiVwi. Take
Ail p(Ui n pMteiouq uuf. ii vn(7n. m aunrirroM roan:? rv lift. Al l'n.rswu.riw- ci
44. in !ro;M V pmntvlart t ijiriM.w, n J li lt-f fur 1.' t ,n I T: -r. h, rv-tara M nti.
!. Te(lmonll. w hw. CMICHCSTCR Crlf MIC'l CO., M!liJt..m Mnan,
ta lf aU Lvcai Ur-fU. k'UJJuAiH.t. i'ULX. I'A.
Good News!
Mo om, who la willing to dopt Bie rlfitiX
course, Mod be loo niW-f1 wUta boua, aar
b noo led, pimkta, ur oUiar cutaneous erup
Uous. These ru Uus rtseulu or haXaro' ef
forUi to expel poiaonuiu luid rffote nuittrr
from Ujo hUxMl, 2uul ahuw pUmly lht Utt
yU:m U riddliiK Mjm:U UirouKh the kklu of
impurities winch it wu Uio legitimate work
f Uio liver and kidneys l remove. To re
store ttioo orgaiui la Uioir proper fuiieUonM,
Atr biU.iiipArtlla is Uie uiedu-ine roqiurwL
Tliiil no otiior bjood uiflor r-un compju-e
mlXi it, thMf1"1'' voaUiy who Lave gaiutxl
frore tfc tymnny of deprnved Mood by thfl
aso of thi.i inediirioe.
" Kor nine years I wa uUi'irU! with n skin
IiHise Unit dbl not yield to any remedy
until a friend advised me to try Ayer's Snrs.v
Iaiilla. Willi Uk iiho of thin medirine the
complaint dis.'i'lH firel. It Ls my belief Unit
no other blood tnertjeine could have t-ffeotod
no rafild :nid eornj'leto a cuir." Andna
I). CareLi. i'. VieUria. TamaullpiU'. Mexico.
"My f.aee. for yerirs, w;ls covered with pim
ples and humors, for whieh I eonld find no
remedy till I tM-ean U Uike Ayer's fcarsatm
rilla. Three bottlns of this iO"eat blood nvdl
nne pfb.etod r lhnnixti eure. I confidently
recommend il to a!l uiT.-rinK from slniiiar
UuuJjUsa." M. I'aiuir, Coucord. VL
rRETAIimi IlT "
DR. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, TSTaneu
Bold by Irurf"- ' -- 'Wortli$r.a ttlo.
AVa?.n and Blacksmith shop
VVnnn, FJuo'y, Machine nml
plow !t"jiirin 'lone
He uses t!ie 2
Which is the lest horsi-shoe for the
tiirimT, or ftir fust ilrivinn, or for city
purposes ever invented. It is so
thrtt tmyoue f.n jmt oi sh:rp or tint
corks, oh needed for wet mid slii-prrj
lays, or smoetli, dry roail... fall tit
h'3 shojt Htid examine the nkvkksi.ij
ind you will use no other.
iN'irt'i I'ifth St. I'ltittsmouth
Hank of Cuss Co aaty
:or Main and Fifth street.
aid tip capital.. ooo
Virpi-:- -Jr) OHI
5. !i. r.i.ii'J'e President
'red :or:er Vice rresulnnt
i. M. I'a'ti 'soi! Ca-iheir
f. !. i':''t.-r-oi., Cashier
). I' !'i-iti. I. 1 T'atterson. Fred Corder.
i. i;. Smith, i:. B. Wirtllitim, B. S. II imey a:id
r. ri. l'art,-rsf,.
A -counts sn!:eited. f:oert allowed od time
lli ir- and p'omjit at t'-iitioiictveu to all btis-n-s-
.-nl i osteil to its care.
h -
z. i. o , ,
m 5 s - rn
- 2 r ? - -
i c 1 1
"3 U -""
5 lr -
CT3 ;
CO 5
- - r.
r o
- E3
X (i - i.
iii ' j'fcjMratiUU, WIIK-
Pimpien,'.i-, Sunburn
ami Ton. A f w priHieatirins will ron
d r the mot Ftubb'jni'y rel pkin soft,
-.month si.d vihit lohi Cream is?
not a t.iir,t or j-ow-I-t t cover defects,
hut ft remedy to cure. It Ls superior to
ill ether prvpar.uioiis. riiil is f.-uar;inti '.-d
aj v'ive patisfact'on. At tLniTjietj or iiiiul
lior SOtiT.U Pro pared Ly
i -Srf js Stln.t waad"rinR r-rd. I?vks lirip.i
-r . t PT-i -t tt'epi'Po. iti?ciuj i-nsr
-3 3 f FSnt. (n-st en npr'irtin to I'rof.
L-ii A. iji.
., T 'UK i 'l' I-. 1 L I' 'II . ' I
-jkii. iJ7 l iiiU Ave. Sew Yuxfc.
Red Cposs
Diamond Bzand A
1 u
Til- ml, Safo. Son-, ml reHni." 1'. .or !sj. NltW
mthvr kind. .nrns jiljtfms. v
f. rrl r"3 p n ir? f?
U'ooinn Fiu.l It lliillrult to Krsi.t tlin
li-iirt t Itrio iia lre--iit4 Krre tf
fluty I'fiopltt Vli Arn in tllber Ite-
lirru HonnHt, Cheat I lie tin vermiirnt.
Women jire e-t-ix-ciall v sns--ptirli to
thi erit.iceir:etits of MimliiiLr. It has
fKHn hiii'j iiiai. no woman can resist, un
N-ni plat ion to inaKo an ellort t carry
riKulrt sMtift to d'.ity past a ctistoiu
house oilie r, and it is a htatement i:i;id
by certain oiiiriaisin Hie cusionis servirt
th.'it if every p;i.eij-er oa Loar'l iiiomn
itif ocean steamers wen- thoroughly :inl
romjileteiv searcln-'l m ho miiit it
is riroli.kble that not one out of lift v
would 1 found to have resisted tin; ,'i
lurements of just a trifling hit of hiuii.:,'
I'lmt' to al'i romance to tne iioiue ftom-
iti. Oftentiiii'-s swell carrying in
dutiable oid.s is nierely inadvertence.
lack of Kiiov-d.;e or oversight.
Presents lxm riit for the "d--ar ones a!
home'" liave, Iwti overloo!;-d when an es
titnate was )!ad'-of dutiable iroods
and were only recalleI to memory when
found by the customs ollicer. Many
name high in society ami well known iti
religions, liuancial or professional circl
lias bi'eii upon tin; bouks of the
treasury agent's oflice, but it is a fact
worthy of note, 'and which reflects much
credit npon the department, that such
matters an; kept as secret as any portion
of tint work.
I hero is no necessity, said a man
who had made smuggling the study of
hid life, and who is employed by tin;
custom house, "for dragging these legal
and governmental skcletons-in-tlnt-closet
into tho light of day. Oftentimes it is
sad fact that they have oe-enrn.-d, and for
our own satisfaction (fur we are, withal
at times, men of some sensibilities) we
prefer to let them drop and remain tin
mentioned. Then, again, there may l
certain arguments used of a more or less
persuasive value which would naturally
induce the insjieetor to give as little pub
licity as possible to Ihedttailsof the case.
"I do not mean by this to imply that
the practice of brib.try is in vogue to any
extent. Tliis fact may not he duo to
original lack of sin, but it is true, never
theless, although honesty is enforced to
a certain degree by the remembrance of
the previous good record of th stw-cial
treasury agent's department."
Perhaps the most novel and popular
form of amusement for the smuggler
nowadays is to use Uncle Sam's post
bags for his exciting trade. A number
of books have lately been entered at the
liostofQee, sent from foreign countries,
which were not altogether intended for
reading purposes. Several mouths ago
there was received tit the New York post
office a handso: e'ly bound volume of
Italian poetry. '1 iie book was printed on
a high grade of paper and bore the date
"Padua, 17:5o." Its title was "LeTrege-
die Di Giovanni Delfino." It was prob
ably supposed that the Kstoffice author
ities would ''pass" the book on looking
at its title on its examination. Unfort
unately in this, as in all cases where
books are in the mail, the volume was
opened and carefully examined.
A section of the center of 200 leaves
was cut our, inrougn the oxnc, aim in
the cavity thns formed was placed a
green table spread, with cotton embroi
dery, upon which an extreme valuation
of three dollars could barely be placed.
Buyers of antique books who have ex
amined tlie volume, which is now in the
customs seizure room, say that had it
not been mutilated it would have readily
been worth if 100. It was addressed to
Judge William Allen, of Southampton,
Mass., but Judge Allen has never read it.
Lately this volume lias been followed
by a volume of the "'Report of the Brit
ish National Fisheries Exposition,"
which was !; all a report, for quite a
collection ol !ry was placed in a
neatly scoop- . orifice in the center
of its leave.-, .tremes met when a
Latin dictionary was put in use a,s a
carton for transporting a pipe, and the
"Odd Fellows' Quarterly Magazine" did
duty as a packing c-ise for two razors.
A novel called "Tin; Great Tontine"'
held two diminutive and very prettily
decorated Chinese vases, bnr the height
of incongruities was reached whe-n the.
"Sermons of Bishop Urooktield, of Lon
don." drifted into the New York jxrst
ofnee artfully surrounding several sets
of false teeth.
It is not generally known that no mer
chandise ther than books can be shipped
through the mails from foreign coun
tries. Cigars, cutlery and chinaware,
jewelry and fabrics of cotton and silk
are often started on their long journey,
with notations accompanying them stat
ing that they are samples or gifts, but
these casual remarks never save the
goods. They find their way to the
United States custom house seizure room,
and there remain until the yearly auc
tion. Steerage passengers of the kind who
seek the services of philanthropical -o-ple
on lauding are no freer from the
taint of smuggling than their more aris
tocratic brethren lxve deck. One of
the customs inspectors saw an Italian 2
mean di-es and jnor appearance who
wore on the little ringer of his left hand
a diamond ring which glittered in the
rays of the sun shining over Miss Lib
erty's left shoulder as the Ves.-el was
coining i;p the bay. lie thought the oc
currenc'iuu usual and investigated. Two
thousand dc liars" worth of jewelry waa
taken from t.e immigrant's person. II
had fallen a victim to his own vanit
lie was un..lie to resist the delight.- of
making a d;.-piay l-efore his fellow p:i-.-"iere.
York World.
"One wtird inere," said a speaker,
"and I am done." And the reporters
found wbtn that word was written
down that u contained 1,5'JO syllables.
The famou.s woril of Aristophanes was
outdone. Th ; same fellow is the speaker
who often sas, "A single remark," and
iben talks fur fifteen minutes.
lltmUiilC m '.V.. If.
It is not often that a wolf story is told
Jn a Wity to tshow tin- cowardly nature of
the animal. For this reason the follow
ing account, given by the author of
"Twenty-soven Years in Canada West,"
has its own value and interest:
M' wife's youngest sisler had a jet
sheep that she had brought up from a
lamb, and to which niie was much at
tached. One aft rnoon she was going
down to the .-pring for a pitcher of wa
ter, when she saw a large dog, as sh
thought, worrying her sheep, upon which
hho picked up a large stick and Vtrnck
til" l enst two or t hr.-e : trokes with all
her strength, thus compelling him to
drop his prey.
Tiii -. however, he did very reluctantly, his lie-id at tlie same time, and
showing his t -eth with a most diabolical
hirtrl. S'i" saw at one., win-n lie faced
her. by his pricked ears, high cheek
bmes, long, buhy tail and gaunt figure,
that her antagonist was a wolf. Nothing
daunted, she auain bravely attacked
him, for he seemed determined, in spite
of her valiant opposition, to have her jx-t
lamb, which ho again attacked.
Sue boldly boat him o!f the second
time, following him down the creek,
thrashing him and calling for ai l with
all her might, when, fortunately, one of
her brothers, attracted by her cries, ran
down with the dogs and his gun. But
he was too late for a shot, for when (he
rei lib !"eiii"!it he scamp-
trod olf with all his speed.
A Kival of tlie I anions St laxlnir;; Clock.
The most wonderful clock is on exhi
bition in th" parochial school buiMing
connected with St. Paul's German Lu
theran church iti Janesville, Wis.
Tho timepiece? is divided into four
parts geographical, a.-.!, mu
sical and numerical. A little bell strikes
every minute. The tirst quarter hour
represents childhood; tin; second. Youth;
the third, middJe age, and the fourth.
old ago. As tin clock st rikes the hours
a corresponding number of apostles make
their appearance, from one to twelve.
Above them stands Jesus blessing them.
The twelve signs of thet zodiac are- rep
resented. At and 1'.' o'clock a sexton
rings ,t bell, an old man kneels in prayer,
the cock crows and the organ is played.
There are four dials on each side of the
clock, showing tho years on one side and
the leap years on the otiier.
At midnight heathen gods make their
appearance, ami scenes in tlie ino or
Jesus are represented at noonday. The
four seasons are represented by appro
priate figures, .as are tlie moon's plias"s
The clock was built by "dr. Martin, a
millwright. of Schwarzwaid, Baden, and
is said to exceed in ingenuity any other
clock ever exhibited in the United
States. Jewi L r's Weekly.
An Old ltollet.
Bob Lock hart dropped in to renew his
"i have something in my msid pocket
whieh I want to show von," he said, and
: -r searching for a few seconds Bob
produced the half of a large round leaden
'I was sjiwing up a fat light wood log,
and you will see where the saw passed
through the center of the bullet. Weil.
I got to thinking afterward how old
this bullet must be. The log was fat
heart pine two feet thick. Evidently
the bullet was shot into tho tree when
Kmall or else it conld not have pierced o
the center, and the tret? was evidently
100 years old when it fell to the ground.
It may have laid there 100 years or more.
Yon know fat pine never decays. I am
satineu that obi man i once le leon, on
his tour through this country, must have
fired a fancy siiot at a skulking savage.
and plugged the tree instead of the In
dian. You see it's a round ball, and as
it is so larga I judge it to be of Spanish
Bob is quite an antiquarian, you know.
Atlanta Journal.
Oil Bonds in the Gulf.
Bet ween the mouth of the Mississippi
river and Galveston, ten or fifteen miles
south of Sabine Pass, is a spot in the
Gulf of Mexico which is commonly called
The Oil Ponds" by the captains of the
small craft which ply in that vicinity.
There is no land within fiftem miles;
but even in the wildest weather tho
water at this spot is comparatively calm,
owing to the thick covering of oil, which
apparently rises from the bed of the Gulf,
which is here about fifteen to eighteen
feet beneath the surface. This strange
refuge is well known to Bailors who run
on the small vessels trading between Cal-
isien, Orange, Sabine, Beaumont and
Galveston. When through stress of
weather they fail to make harbor else
where thev run for "The Oil Ponds," let
go anchor and ride the gale in safety,
this curious spot furnishing a good illus
tration of the effect of "oil upou a trou
bled sea." St. Louis Republic.
Tin Silver Dollar 'M."
There is a popular idea prevalent that
the minute letter "M" to be seen at the
base of the head of Liberty on the face
of the present issue of t-ilver dollars
stands for "Mint," and is an evidence of
the genuineness of tlie coin bearing it.
This is a mistake. The "M" stands for
Morgan, George T. Morgan, who is the
originator of the design. Upon the
same side there is another "M,"' also the
initial of the designer. This is to lie
found in the waving locks of the fair
goddess, and is so cleverly concealed in
the lines of the design that it can only
be seen after a long scrutiny. A prom
inent mint official, in speaking of this
other initial, said that he had had it
shown to him scores of times, but could
never find
it un;siste 1. Philadelphia
No Fondness for Science.
A well known scientist sat in a Chest
nut street hotel watching the throngs
pass by, when a gentleman entered and
"Mr. Blank, can you give any scien
tifie reason why women walk pigeon
toed'r" "My dear sir," replied the professor,
in impressive tones, "women and science
have nothing to do with each other."
Philadelphia Press.
111.38' Norveantl LivorPillo-
Act on a new principle reguUtinc,
the liver, dtoiintcli ami bowels through
the nerves. A new diNcovcry. Dr. Mile'
Pillrt Hpeedily cure biln oii hs loif. trtst ,
torpid liver, pibe, const put inn. Utie
quilled for locii, woint-ii. children
Stnallest, mildiHt. snre-t! ,V iIoscm, 'r,r
SumplH free lit F ( i. l'-i !. A. (Vs.
A Wonder Worker
Mr. b'rank Ilulfniaii. a young man
of Hurling ton. )., s. talcs that be li:nl
liffii under Ibe c;i re of jr mi i nciit
physicians, ;ml u-ol their tnait
liient until lie was not aide to get
;iroiiul. They pronounced bisca-e
to le consumption ;ui inciimldc.
lie w;i persuaded to try 1 r. Kino's
New Iliscovcry for on.-umptii!i.
coughs ;iim! coli Is ;iml w as not ;il. li
nt that titne to walk ;icro.-s llic.-ucci
without n stinr.. He found, del. .re
be bull lltsci! bal f of .1 ilolbit bottle,
that lie v;i" much licllci ; lie run-
tinned tiaing; it uml in to day enjoy
iny; jgood b with. If you b ivi ntiy
Ihrout, lung or chest trouble try it.
We tiur.inter s;i t is f.o t ion. Trial
bottle free nt I'. ( i. I"ricle A Co s
J'OZ? 77N II'A'.A'A' OjTjy
21 INmiihIs (;r;u:uljil( (1 Sum
22 rounds WliitoC
Sda i nickers, per pound
Mverl ( I'acKcr, per pound
And all kinds of vegetables, strawberries but
ter and eggs low as the lowest
J. 1). (jit
Call and see us at the
11th and 1131m
north of IleisePs
What is
V r-4 I'iJ J
Cartoria i Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
othr Xarcotis Biibstanee. It ia a harmless fsnbtstitto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrnp, and Castor OiL
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mother. Castoria dentroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Castoria relieves
teething- troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulator the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's panacea-the Mother's Friend.
" OrtnriA is an esceiletat miHn for rV.3
drwi. Mtber3 hve repeatJ!j- toid uie of il
good edaui cjon their chiMrm."
P- Q. C. Ovxv-.n,
LweU, Mau.
Cosfria the bet rwiieJy for ehlHrn of
which I am aci'iAinr!. I h(Te the Uj- Uiot
far disuurt when nioiliers wilfcomii.lerUie rv&l
bitret of their ehil.lren, an.i usa Castoria in
Kiead of th various Tiack nostrums which ar
tUrtroyirv? thi-ir lov..! oniii, by fore in opi u m,
morphine, soothing symp an-1 otli-r hurtful
axreni down their throats, thereby scalding
thm Ut prxMiiafore graves."
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, TT
The Createst Strlk
Among- (he grut wtrikes thai of
Dr. Miles in discovcrin-g hi New
I Icart Cure basi proven itself to In
one of (he most important. The de
mand for it has become astonish
ing. Already the treatment ofheurt
disease is In-inj- revolutionized, ami
many unexpected cu res eltccfed. It
soon relieves i-borl I t e.i I h , 11 1 1 1 tci
ink'.', pains in side, nrin. .-boulder,
weak and hungry spells, opprcn
sioli, we 1 1 i ii g o I a 1 1 k les, smot hei i nig
and heurt dropsy . I r. Miles' book
on Heart and Nervine DiH-iisrH,
free. The u i ie u.i l 1 1 .New Ileal!
Cute is sold and jj, u.i t u n t d by I'.
i. I- licke V "o, il I so his l"f. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i e
Nervine for headache, lit.-. s tee,
hot fhi-hfv. ner ou-t chills, oi.iiiiu
j hnhil, etc. I
i The lie-lines Method lor piano arid
or.;. .li, the I . i v i il- mid mo.-t sue-ce.-sfu
jn bianco :ind Germany.
ul.-o liar iiiony tan;
. Ml KI.I.S.
ug 1 1 and
li'iieVO. I I i J
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I Shiloh's Cm
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I T j r f;inti-i PC
eorner of
one Moeii
" Cawtsorta is so rrell a'laft.! to ihitilren that
I ruioiiL.'aeii'l il mm uparior toauy rtacriptiot
kiMV to lx:. "
II. A. Archh. M- d..
Ill So. Oxford t-t., Urwiiiyn, Jf. Y.
" Our plirsiciuM in Uie cliil iron's diart
mer.t hav Bjj'..en lii-I.Iy t.f t!.- ir exjieri
iire in tlieir outside prac'.ifj it!i 'astjri
ard aIt!:out;!i only uvs a::o!. our
iuedica.1 Huj'plies what U kaown r'-iruUif
pn'xluctx, yet we art; free V e-inf- s-i that the
merits of (i-siora i-a vou m Vj look with
fivor uptjii it."
IZokVja, Mas
.AtiEN f. SMrrn, Pre.,
Murray Street, New York City.