...'.rrx'ii'i V Piattsmoutli Dailv Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers i'u::i-i-1 I i-v.TY Th'T- 'i ty, :ni'l lully rv-ry vi-nt:i,;'yi-il :intnv. ii-t'i .:'.! !".-.iMstii".tti "!. ;:t- u"U-'..r 1 : in .i.ii- hi i hi ii'i ;.i t!..- ' . nutilH t :( Hill c!:t.- litter-. !!! v.. )!- Yiii:i:i1 l-'i'ln trccin. 'i'l-i'-i-in'ii'- .. . I" II MS -' II " V.' K ! V, Hh- I'cii.y, iii- y ir, i:i ntViiTH " . '(i!j, n;.c yt-:ir, ii"' !! .".i(v -iht .. . 2 ivi- Si ru":'H!r. i'l -(''''Mi't T. Oi.r -Si ;! i;i ;. stm .. -til THOH 'it ! I . it (! y-M1 iii ;'.Ov Jirr "tT'nci'i y '.-r !. I.y iv v. . r i '.):! i-iiy, p r iiiiilli W MONDAY, MAY IS, s;l KKAk'XKV's liiicst fie;;k i.-t ;i tvv( ii;iiccl cstlf that is iilivc and IjuIh fair to livr out its full time. TO ADVERTISE 2v 1A1TS Til K lfiiiorrat if p.jrty of N'clinw ka is ilu proud jos.-ssor of a live mascot. I I'm nauie is h'osrv;i ler. TlIk'KK .i'lii';i.k;i iicvsj);i;iorH litl last week. They were the Anselino I'ress.Gsnuly Pioneer, and the Ru.e dale Reporter. Q)VEKX(ikTiiaykk honered this city with his presence yesterday. The governor is liale and hearty and will no doubt continue to ad minister the duties of the executive office with credit tohiiuself and sal isfaction to the people of .Nebraska refined suar still hears a duty just as binding twine does. The re-I duetions in the duties on fibers will j be indicated by the following lable: til In .v. New law . Sunn ami si-al jjr.i-s ?li;itini. l'li i'. Manila ;." ' !!! hi- Taii'pic.i lii'cr 1". " These fibers are largely used in the manufacture of th twine, and the removal of the duty on thein should perat' just as m:i!-:iii;f raw I sriir free has operated. As a mat ter of fact nearly ail twines have shown a tendency to decline in price since the passage of the bill. Some time ;ii;"o the KeoiiomiM tpio'icd from l!i price list of the Cable I'lax Mills of Sell a h i icoke, near Troy, X. Y.. and showed that a reduction had been made on S. out of l."0 grades ;imI sizes embraced but not a single advance in the whole list. American ICconmnist. fVee liffle kittens, soiled Hcir nyttap iqd didl kijovdl o do; "fill 2k Wise old friend ef1ANTAi ! AILS 3l $Tn A n hf&S M km "J m -J ' j ..-5 t 21 X. L - .-. THE Of.,D rf Ca,ll On ii "KAKLV limes and Pioneers," is the title of a very- able and interest uif address recently delivered by JJon.J. Sterling Norton before the hiembers of the State Historical Society at their last meeting-. It could be read with interest by every Nebraskan. S Tti. m- Id m 11 tJ AND BRING YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IfLlTou Wmat Ito Sell Tonjp Froocry Advertise It. ThE Uee still remains in mourning for its own beloved governor Hoyd, while the State Journal is beginning to hedge beautifully and now talks as though Thayer might make a good enough official, and that they were really for Thayer all the time under the hat. 1 MK .Mirror stems to have stirred up a. hornets m-.-t in its onslaught against the police force. The chair man of the police committee I; . i already called on the editor ,or his proof which he has agreed shall be forthcoming. The next meeting of the council will undoubtedly be a lively affair. THE HERALD'S job department Las been fitted with jpe aad i? able to do the fiest of work and on hort notice. new The latest news from the Charles ton aud Itata indicates that the lat ter will be hailed by some one of the three Yankee ironclads within the next twenty-four hours, and a light it is thought will be the re suit. Tfae other insurgent ironclad, the Ksmerelda, is at Acanulco off it you wt -ale bills call on this office and get our price which are the coast of Mexico ami will, it is believed, take a hand in the 1 reaionable and alike to all battle. We are Here to Please m i ii I a i i niiiiii i j SIBSCBIBE IFOIR, IT Or Fifth no Vine Sts PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA THERE seems to be a posibility of the Uniied States supreme court hearing an argument in the govern or contest before the adjournment which lakes place Nay 25th. Kx Senator Garland of Arkansas has taken hold of the matter for Hoyd and as lie has great influence the case will be pushed to an early hearing-. The HeK'ALD is still of the opinion that the judgment of the Nebraska court will be afiirmed. ANOTHER SUBSIDY LINE. The Hungarian Diet has autho rized the Minister of Commerce of Hungary to filter into an agree ment with the Adria Steamship Xavigatian Co.. to extend its ser vice to Urazil and the Kiver Platte countries, for which it will receive an annual subsid3" of 7a0,(X)0 florins per year. The capital of the com pany will be increased to "v'JO.I K)0 florins, of which H.OOO.OX) ilorins. will be invested in new ships. PRICE OF BINDING TWiNE. A correspondent writes as fol lows: Hind ing twine is Iorir t ban ever beiore. The McKinlev bill reduced the duty on it. The argument used in the ease of the reduciion in the case ol suirar does not hold here. I'iease explain. It seeis to us that the reduction in the price of binding twine can be explained ovine reasoning rillllc In file e;i . . f rr i v- 1 1 m t t; t ii, A. t&mktb. d PINF UlfiSBtH ! rthinglcs, Latli, Sush, Doors, Biinds Can supply everw demand of the city. Cull and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OP .4 b k4t i UNDERTAKR. Constantly lcenps on litnl everything you need to furnish your house. CORN'mii SIXTH AND MVIN STREET Plattsmout - Neb First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. KE15KASKA Paid up capital $.v nro.oo durjilu lo.otio.cw M&T wre brihr dfid soft as rpvf. HI'. N.K.Fairbahk&Co. Chicago. THE TABL J :s V7. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS IN THE CITY Carri;!u;(s for Pleasure inn Short Driven. Ahvays Kepi Heady. Cor. 4th and Vino I'lattsmouth, .Nebraska F Q wmom G2 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full aad Complete line of Drugs cines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours Otters tbe very bfft facilities for the prnmp trauiactiou uf ligitini.ite Banking Business Htock. bonds, eold. Koverument and local p e- euntiew bought und sold, liepctsits received nd interest allowed on the certificates Drafts drawn, avMilahle in any part of the UuiteA States and all the principal tctwns ol Europe. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY KEMIT- TE1. Highest market price paid for County War rants, state anu i:ouuty Donas. DIKECTOKS John Fitzgerald D. Ilawkfwonb Sam Waugh. F. K. While fcortra E. Dovev John Fitzgerald. s. Waugh. rreeideut :rr.!-'- JRlSSLER? ThQ 5th St. Merchant Talk. Keeps a hull Line of i '.'onfliiir. Your lnrt-res by lvln Hlir. SHERWOOD BLOCK DEALKU IX nppli- 1" th- c-;!s- of si!'4;ir. V.' jii .i!U:;ir in iliis rouniryin llu son - th;ii we ;rciliH r iWndinL;" Tiio nnv!ii:i:cri:)l-s f, r ' ( t ii ;iiul r;iw s!i:;:ir- w-.-rc di:;i ii-! mikKt hc iil l;iv. ;!!ll).-i!h iiit-ach cast' only part of our contain pi ion was l;towii -a mi' tWIIl!' lib.-r- GROCERIES, GLASS Aif Q LTEENSAVA UE of tin raw liiax-rial home, 'i'iii' (iniM-s . i -tiltitl. tlicn-forc. a rcvcniif taritf. The- MrKiiilcv bill abolislied ili.-s,- rfvtMiur ilulies. winch arc always taxes, on the raw malt-rial ami re duced the duty on the finished pro ducts, refinrd sii"-ar and bindim- - ' rr twine, thus reduciiigf the price to the consumers. For remember that :t I f .IT -I i iu,: . ! r u. The Best is the Cheapest 'I'll Ht is Why Fred Corder after 15 Years of cxncricnc n tliA mnct c,,oaor AKricultural implement denier in the county lias selected the following imnlir.v ments which he carries and heartily recommonds to his friends and patrons. ' EZetcla-am. 2olino and Scb.utlr WAGONS, 33radly, Peru, aad IDooro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND Badger Cultivators. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Checkrowers and Planters. Mil. "QOlDE ila.dle the fineetot Bnies, Pliu-tons, Carts, Spring MTagoM, and Carnages and otlier vehicles tliat are manufactured. qi The largest line in Cass County, ot double and Rnr,e ,.lrnecs -t pieces so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles anoTinsDoct RtnX belore purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLEU au experienced workman ka? ckarge ot our harness shop. Fr edGorder, UMattsmouth and Weeping Water Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having bought the J V Weekbach store roonifc on south Main street I offer my entire stock at a sacrifice to save moving. Mow is the time to buy Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds. Opera Howe llloc-k- J. FEARLMAK. Puble Solicited. JOHNSON BDILDIKG, Norlll 611 S -.scr?- I 11 t. HUb T VE CURT. SiSki ELY BROTHERS. M Warraa BV, New Tort. Price CO eta J i i I ! ' I' J