4 'aJIVB 1 I wandered The snicU of otat ; 1 lie&rd riy" ' I As a h '' Plattsmouth Daily Herald We Hell men's working pants and blouses at a discount ot 'JO per cent. We are closing out this line of goodH. tf "Tin: Fa ik." BuakofCassCo tt a t y Cor Main and Fifth .street. 'ant up capital frA) (kki Vj;;-.Jl!i' '1 ijoo OFFICERS V M. t'ano-le !'r.";i.1-,i? 'r-'d ('.'. i r Vn.e J'r'vd.ti. i. M. 1'hI tersoii t'Msheir r. M. J'attersoii, Avst ('.'.-iiiet DIRECTORS '.if. -I . M ! I 're. I (Jorder. i '. :ri!h. .'. !',. 1 . i n . I. S. !; .ini-ey ;n.d !'.. M . I'.tlSTsu-, V OEUSRAL 6AN3flNO KTJSINESS j; H Just the same. (1 K NOTTS BROS, Publishers AND 50 DOES Published every Thursday, .'and daily everj evening except Sunday. ltKtetered at the PUttsmonth, Net). post 0!1lcefor trniis:iisiii tlir.MiIi tin- IJ.,:S. mallti at second clasH rule. Ofilee comer Vine arid Fifth streets. telephone 3H. TKKMS KOK Wr.l.KLV. i,e. copy, one year, in advaiwe. . .... ne copy, out year, not in alv;:m-e .. One copy, six inontlif. in advance .. . One cpy( three month, in a!vau;u. TE.1CM3 KOlt I)AI1. !)ne cop one y.'ar in advance One copy per week, by carrier One copy, per month . .- .$1 5fl . 2 f . 71 40 $ Hl 15 Tfl-u3ATEiTJ A"0 jolir'Tt- li!oS!t- i!ld :tVO!!!-T !- w, ,oi ril-l(',( to its !! -ive ' on time Iven i'i all lui- t Virst iN?tt05ia! 13 A N K OK Pl.A t TsMl Til. NhT.KANKA 1 11 0 ( I v. 'ii: .1 'IT to awKifrisE li. wk-WA Call Om. TI HSDAY. MAY ILMS'.jl (joVKK.NOK Tll.WKK must enjoy, srt-in the (ui;i1i;i city council make a public hinliin stock of it self iti a vain effort to snub his ex cellency. Sl.N'CK the state executive is nfjain a republican we are wondering if I'aul ra tulervoort is not kicking himself for joining the alliance too soon. The luscious plums from which I'aul has fattened for lo these many years are ai;-ain haiiiin temptingly low. I'aul has killed the n'oose that laid the golden c'S and can now mourn in the empty granaries and barren feed lots of the farmers alliance. r;tid iip cap'tai Mifi-la-i ;iers ti:. v.-rv le-l f.u'iliti.-s for t!i; transaction of iiyitiniHte rOi.o o.o-1 lo,(i' .0.0:1 l-IOMp Banking Business Stock?, bonds, jiohl. j;ov rnme!it ;i''d loi a! ue sunties Ioii!-!it i i:d '" d. ii-po-i'-. I' l'- iv-d mieresl allege, 1 on Hi;- et-Ii h-..: er Jrafts drawn, available in any part (d Hit A S! Mies ::-ol a I'he i.-ieeipal f-'WH" ! Surop!!. lOl.LKC'l'lNS MAIlK AN! I'Ul M I'll V IIKMlr I t -. MADE ONLY BY N.K.FAIRBANK&.CO. Chicago. t BONNER CT A !5 1- 4 SU 7A ES .liktliest m c "t i o ra:i..s. L-.!Hf- ' i.': . i 1 1 ' : .'T 'or:ty omiy Imiio!!'. War- John Kit.i Sa:l: W..I-. 1.; a.: . I la k-ori li . V.. V-"Iii-e i,eor:;e p.. lov: toil. 1 FilM"ral'l. ' i'n-f uleiit AND BRING YOUR ADVERTISEMENT ffOXou Want to Sett Yonv Prop cry Advertise It. THE II KICALD'S ioh )ep:irtinont has been fitted with new vype anu is able to do the finest ot" work and on short notice. 11. I 1 1 1 it vou want sale bills call on this onice ana ret our price which are reasonable and alike to all. We are Here to Please n SirBSCEIBB FOR IT Co Fifth asdJVise Sts PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA 1W. WYlCTlf, the Confederate pris oncr that was detained by the I'niou soldiers at Camp .Morton, near Indianapolis, lias made a very flat failure of his attempt to com pare northern with southern prisons. The doctor admits that they had daily a dish of vegetable soup, a loaf of brrad seven inches lon4" and three and a half inches deep and broad, and a piece of meat. Yet he say.-- on this dirt thousands starved to death. -As a hotf 'on 1 if 1 'f 1 ll'il" ,f itioii M itii'til :t ! proportions. Dr. Wyeth should 1h awarded tilt1 banner, and decent newspapers should not publish hi.-i false statements, that 011 their very face brand the author as a calunii nator of the worst kind. Xehkaska farmers made w ry lac and condemned the McKinley bill because the tariff v;i;' no4, all la';e:i otf of binding twine. The rc suits of leav i:i'4- i( 0:1 ii';:y 1; uo1i.n1 b- tlu; followiii"" froi)i the (ialveston News, a fri-e tratie paper which b the wu3" places unnecessary stres on the exchange of jjroducts. jtist as thotii;-!! if I were selling wheat or Hour to the Texads I would havi to take my jay in rope or twine The Kansas man 'Vt the jfood clean cash for what he sold and his neiirh bor paid the Texan for what twim he bott"ht. The fact which we wish to emphasize however is that they are manufacturing twine as may be seen from the article referred to bove which reads as follows: -Mr. S Dixon, who brought through the train of wheat from -rironia to the Texas Star flour mills, purchas ed a car of binder twine to be shipp ed back on one of the cars that brought over the Kansas wheat. The Galveston Rope and Twine company decorated with hunting' and oleanders and with stars made of rope and twine. Following were some of the inscriptions: "In God we trust. This is the only trust we bank on." Galveston's greeting to Kansas. First car of binder twine returned Jto Argonia in exchange for their wheat." 'Plent3' more to follow." ".Let us swap products in- depetidently of trusts or combina- ns." "Kxchange of products is b et ter than bank exchanjre." On the opposite side of the cars is a map ot tJie gull ot luexico and southern stales with the following lnscnjmons: -iiie sisal is grown in Yucatan. The twine is made in Galveston. Kansas uses it." "A straight line with only one stop. We mill in transite." "Sisal binder twine shipped by Galveston Rope and Twine company to S. Dixon, Argonia, Kan." The company is receiving the most flattering re ports from samples sent out and expects to largel' supply that country as soon as the farmers have time to try it. EiKUKDS'S BOO! Tne iioni r ini-ichiiiit? of Carry a full stock of irencrai niorclioio1, is-.; winch tlieysell very close, llilust price jmid for all kind-! of farm ' inli'cc. fieri crous trcittiuentiind f.iir tlenlin is the si.'crct .f our success. AS W. D. JONES, Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS TjECIE city IN MiK'iav . Carriages for (ai. 4th and Vine Ploasurc and liort Kept Heady. Drive: Always riattsmouth, Nebraska F WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY A. Full and Complete line of & V ON HAN) go : i f . ' Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Proscriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours ' '1:1 v i.iti'iy !k-oii i-I.-kk A 1 1 t:n- i!i:ir!.( t iM-i.n r.'i.riius of an oli.-oii-u- iiti- :. oi ' :.iiuiijry," XIk y wo U-iuy o::i.if.t 1 r.fj By Y " -'"'Is 'J"ulor, sroeers. -lot!uVr., rt., nii't in :. : iniainv.i ad premium fur .su!jh;iji,tinns Anuuuuot'inents of these eomparatively Worthless reprints are very misle!idin: ; for instanep, they are mlvertiet to le the Fiitst;inti:tl fMiuival. nt of "rill eisht to twflvo dollar book," wheu in reality from A to Z they ore all Reprint Dictionaries, phototype eopies of a book of over forty ynnrs ao, winch in its day was sold for ahout s"".ihi, and whii'li was niueli .superior in paper, print, and Hinting to these imitations, heinj; then tlie best Dictionary of the time instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The supplement of 10,000 so-called "new words," which some of these hooks are advertised to con tain, was compiled ( a pentlemnn who has Iven dead over thirty years, and was published be fore his death. Other additions are probably reprints of a like character. The Genuine Edition of Webster's 1'na briilfjeil Dictionary, wiiich is the only one famiiiar to this generation, contains over '2xM pares, with illustrations on nearly every pa'4. Hiri oears our imprint ori ine title pntre. It is protected by copyright from cheap imitation. Valuable as this work is. we have at vast ex pense published a thoroughly r-'-vised siici-essor, the name of whieli is V." mister's Ixthb-vatio-val II0T!l)NAi;V. Sold bj-a'I BrioliselTiT". T'ln-trn'eil ; r.r: j.h( t :"re. ZMVim & CO., G. & G. Sprigs A. -evk. ' iA .-j I . ; 'ZL Ur r r - J 1 mZ&. .f':;vv' t..--i. JM.ww4 yajk j III.5 2 'r;1 K-ration, "vvii.li' Cf!,cT.d )';ii J7lJnrJr removes ntl Tan. A I - r r.r U ;.ti; tor the mopt For lame back, side or che.t. use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 2.1 cents, hor sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and O. II. Sn3"der. 3 I am now prepared to deliver ice to any part of the city. Telephone 72. 1 1 li. J. WCMAKEX. Croup, whoopinir i coucli and hroncliitis immediatel v relieved hr Shiloh's Cure. 4 The frasrrant Ifeliotrone in bloom wonderfully cheap at Moore's Green House. tltf Tlie Fair" has onlv a velocipede's left, which closed out at cost. few more lire, being' Hair chains, ring's, crosses and hair work of all kinds to order. Mrs. A. Knee. tf 1726 Locust SL smooth iui1 v. h ' . lot a iKust i .. but a remedy f r-; all ether pn-j to give satisAic t .-.!. sd for CO cciiua. i fold. Ohio. i. li- 'tia win ren- 'orr'v rod Bkin bo ft, 1 jila. Cream is V r ! ? -over defects, I'-'-. li is superior to t't". i is piaranteed A f- r!r:5te or mail-r-: ;;-..rs! Ly . Btrrsen a ro. i he Best is the Cheapest That is Why Fred Oorder after I'i years of experience as thn most successful Aprriculturnl implement denier in the county has selected the following inipltt nirmts which lie carries and heartily recommends to his friends and patrons. f 22Iotc2a.ia.223.. Zvlolino and Solivitlor WAGONS, sradloy, Peru, and Dooro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND Badger Cultivators. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Checkrowers and Planters. Handles the finestof Buggies, Phjetons, Carts, Spring Wagons, and Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured.0 The largest line in Cass County, ot double and single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLEU an experienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. Fre dGorder, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water P. J. HANSEN DEALER IN SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE m PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. IND. niv)qo STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AJN'D QUEENS WARE Floor iiiifl Feed a Specially atronage t the Pnble Solicited. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURKR OF AVB WHOLESALE & RETAIL DBAXKB IN THE Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our Fiords Psiajrajrgj' FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE aiw&TB in stock. Nov. 28. 1885. JOHNSON BUILDING, Ncrtb 6U S J in one reuluif. TeatunooUla from all . .51 Prt of thacloba. Proapaotoa ron K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps Fall Une f ' Foraigi? i onjistic Goals. Consult Your Interest by Giving Him Osll SHERWOOD BLOCK! r Tartu - t I. I m uuiamv, wu ma at, atm