1 Lv f V .ACER. 4unty Clerk wii' -Attention. lLliTH T HOUSE. vr- k nu IHL fO ;, "nartpr for JL AND FKKI), . and Bill for CASH. iany billn for dead beat- M tills firm. Abso' iOFT COAL alwajB on STT FOKGET Ya ' -e UicifV IrH I, miiiJ.it office An N- J 7 i : . . . I . VP j r- r to $mo moil ' v Vr "vV. tolWhi own vfcSiza VV CASS 't- block. kIitcj work'an 1 fine gold work a l: SPEC! ALT Y. i DK STKINAUS L XT A . :is -vi-il as other an esthe(i-'V"n f rl!i" im'f-'-;t'5'"'" ",: "' It-ftii. C. A. MAKSIIALL, - I-'il.yiT.iM '' HENRY BOECK Tlirt Learting FURNITURE LEALER AND si UNDERTAKR. Constantly keep-s n haua evcrytliir you ned to furnish your hon CORNER SIVTII AND MAIN STKKKT Plattsmout - Neb PERKINS - MOUSE, 217, 210, 221 and 223 Miin St., lattsmouth, - Nebraska. H. II. BOFS, Proprieb-.- lhe Tcrkins has been thoroughly renovated from top t. ttuu n;' "K now one of the best hotels in tin tate Boarders will be taker by the wk st $4.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED i t ; u la c it 3 ? a , c a fi 1 : s- j JB c " ai . 0 a m 3 K ? O !C I Ct A n s 3 Q O 5e"l s : v tb B a S S . CJ O d C I S 9 S 5 lis?!; - JB ( V - s aS ?23 SS Si s C . J - e ua i! r - - Tf Chichestcxs PfiuLrt. S Its a? r c t: V g n 5 5 - s S I i t 2 2" 3 - s fl s 5 5 i e . u a c e SO S fl f o llffli TMC OBtCIMAL AND CtNUINf. Tor only Saifin. Sore ant ntlialU n.l tint's. Laala. uk ar UueaaaMr. Jafliit ilranal IB )a4 an m-nlt3 hi a.iiH with utunblva. Tak m AM biiaa am pamli iaf 1 aaiaa, pink arraaioara. ar. aaasvau eaniatterfeita. -Vi Lir.icjiw. er a.-ka n. UiienTiieEJair Bliows ius of tilling, Uigin ai oaoe Ute un of Ayefa Ilair Viyor. TtiU ttraptwaikMi treiiKtbena tba ae&ip. prouMJtoa Uta growth of IM)W liAlr, restore Um UAtur&l oulor to gray aul huleU luir. mm! readers it ultv fUr.l, uk1 gloMjr. We have no hesitation In pronotuttlnf Ayer's Hair Vigor iinfuab'l lor lreiii( lliu hair, and wc tlu Uot alter king expert nrc in iu iihr. Tliia prpparatioo ri;s:rve Uiu hair, cura (iiinclriitf ami all lwciifl'-S of tiiu scal, niiiki'.M toiikIi atm irni! hair soft aiil ilianl, and n-cnU l;;'!;.!.s-. While it Is not a lf, tlnM- who have u.iI tho Vinr nay it will stimulate tho rooU ami ci1t Klaiiili il faali'il, cray, light, auil red hAic clLtngiji Uio color to A Rich Brown or ovon Mack. It will not sol? thn r'nf ca.ni: no. a xk'Hiaii!kiTrhif, ami is iU ways aTccahli'. All th?lirly, unimny hair ir'parations should ho dlsplarol at finre hy Aycr's Hair ViKor, arid thousands who no around with hi-ails lMikinfr like 'tho fretful lroupini' should hurry to thf nearest lni(j stor and K'""'dia.s" a hotth of tin: Visor." The Sunny Smth. Atlanta, Gx. Ayrr'.s ilair Vigor is oxrellcnt for Hi hair. It stirnulat's tho prowth, run-s hald n-ss, n-stori-s tho natural color, cleanses tho "il. prevents dandruff, and Is a Rood dress ing. We know that Aycr's flair Vigor differs from most hair tonics and similar prepara tions, it IicIiik perfectly harmless." From (moinvLul Jlwekrrping, hy Kliza K. Parker. Ayer's Hair Vigor rniii'A rico nr DR. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Mass Sold hy "ruggLsts and IVrfuinen. TJIK I N X ICR X AT I O N'AL TYPEWRITER A "fii'-tly Hr--'t rl::- m-i-h :. fw'Iy w irra.il il. Made from fti" ery dest material l v. rK .- . :trit -.vi( !i" l!ie liest to:ls t.':at ive ever iiiM.ii iicvi-e.l for til'? ur'.se. War r.mte l t do .- :! Mi::t can In- r:a.o-iali!y ex- i t -'l 'f i n- very In t typewriter extant. ' . -, :'irir v"' r !h - r tii i 'i ii I -. o- more according to ;iie ahility of tiij op-.-i.if. I li:, : .Lin:. ii . i - .,!s w.snte i i'.irisli .N, V. t-. sf.i:lkmii;!:, m. I inc-ilo. NVli, rt ;5 i .-a b a -.s $ y ; .1 i -i w tr J si U S isS a t! CCS. i. sfcA YHH OLD R,;f.iA!:i!.ri, PIMF LU 5 Vk fr rr-, ivibth i MiinLT'e, Jjatii, tih. -in .u'ly t vcrw d::m-ind f tin city. Otillnn l gvt tonus. Fourth ttr-i t in rear of opera hous?. 0 2C!s:FrUAti.rS ASTHMA Cltf JW nv niinuca. lLaartiAn is Iti-mM'-u, d:rn-tand JJCtilBTAik. ol a ear It Uw renlt la all curable . naAslprle trial CAQTlnoe. U mo-K ier -..rl Iri &Oe. Jdjoa I, f Ironu or hr mail, t aoii la rKCK r RBNESSAhbadsoisrscURED ijm: by t'eck's lavible Tabalar Ear Caftb- E3T3laV Jtia 1"". WhKpcra brard. Conifortable. i -,lalVt:l Irriiir.irf2il. S"MbF. Hlarnx.onlv, CD CP 83 iiroailfts;, Jicw lark. Wnw or bovk at pruutainCC BOILING WATER OR MILK EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 L3. TINS ONLY. r',.-,-.- :s r.o a--!i in votir tonu ad'Ir'--i t!ie i'l MiUl.H 'hlSil HAIR BALSAM iO'C'iii" SA' d-W-n9 ni bcaa:;f;oa the hair. ! '7i'i2 li iromitef a Inxu;u.n growth. f'-jkPs- W Ber Fails to Efrtors Gray -Jitii-; Hair to it Touthful Color. --JQ .r Cur.i K-alp diu-am hair taiiinz. yTy.? 7? aur.nnrl tuaiat Druyyirta Wcrk Lnrtrs, IVh:!try, InJ:gct;on, Fain, Take io time. JUcta. HINDERCORNS. The m! ni-r enrr for Coma. b.ui aUrxuu. 1m. ai LiruKU, or ULsCOi at CO., T. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic 47aea quick rmlief PLASTER. ... . 1 . . f..r j ! a l.v .11 I n (j.lht. Rco Cscss DiAvcro 3nA.o kjn4. Jtl iubtujt'fm rj4 Witirm. for Ladira." Utm a. i-Mnn al&iL. SMI6HCSTCR CHCHICU CO., Jia.lUa naan niiXlaVB:14'ai LA-FA. '" r-- SWEET SCENTED FLOWERS. Llewellyn Moore's the Mecognized Headquarter for toe Artnatic and the BeMUtifi.il. Aiiileo;i;i chrysjintlia, frt'i.sis I;ni olata, t hr3 sunt lii-mum tii.ixi m i antirrhinum, philycoi Ii-ns anl fle inatiM make up a partial list of Mr. Moort-'s ;ranl plants, that art- per fft tly lianly and ;irc not injurt il 13 a .flrar-ka winter. Mr. 5loor has a lim- stock of ;Tatiiuins, colciis aul sonic of those richly col-or-l l"f:n-h caunas, also a line line of hv-.Ilin plants. In roses he makrs a specialty of the following hanlv varieties: (ienei.il aciii mot.'Md. 1'lantier, I'et le. Niphitos, together with the old standard l.a France ami that Oueen of the rose family, the American itcniity.which tinder favorahle circumstances has produced roses S indies across. In i",ht red and of a mo.-t del icious fraorauce. .No collection of (lowers is complete without some of these hardy roses. Mr. Moore has the reputation of hciiijjf the best rose grower w'st of t'liiciif,'o; he never forces his plants, t h us mak i nyf t hem lender hut ives them every reipiis ite to make them hardy and strong. This sprino- is an unusually ;-ood one for setting out plants and shouhl lie improved hy our people. Kcmember tin- place where plants and prices will suit the most exact ini is al Llewellyn Moore's on West Locust street, and call at once. If. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Ukst Sai.vk in tho world for Cutt-I5rui.se.-:, Sores, Ulc;r-j, Salt Kheuin. Fever Soros, Tetter, Chopped Hands, Chilhlains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cureH Piles, or no pay required. It is 'turanteod to tlive sutisfaciion, or money refunded. I'rice 2-"i rentu j)er hox. Vor sale lv F. O. Fricke & Co. How to Succeed. This is the threat problem of life which few satisfactorily solve. Some fail because of i! I health, oth ers want of luck, but the majority from insufficient ?rit- want ofuerve. They a re nervous, i rresol ute, change able, easily ;(. t the blues ami "take the spirits dotvn to keep the spirits up." thus wasting money, time, op porttinity and nerve force. There is nothino;' like the Restorative Ner vine, discovered by 1 he Teat spe cialist. Hr. Miles, to cure all nervous diseases, as headache, the blues, nervous prostrat ion, sleeplessness, netiraloia, St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria. Trial bottles and line book of test i moil ia 1 s free at K. (i. I'ricke V Co.'s. Some years a;;o Ciiauux.i liiia & Co., of l. a Moiir'h, Iowa, C 'liini' iiced the man ufacture of a cough syrup, believing itto he th- most prompt and ruliahle prepara tion yet produeetl for coughs, colds and croup; til it the public apprcci'ite Irue merit, and in time it was certain to lie come popular. Their most sanguine in);,es have beeu more than rodiz.u. Ov r ti reo lui.i.lrt l thousand bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nre n- w ohl each 3ear, and it is recognized as "iic? best matte," wherever known. It will euro severe cold in less time ttein r.v other trcatnit-nr. For Ptile by F. G Fricke & Co. A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart 1 roubles come from the stomach ami are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, tho noted"!!idi:nia specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke. & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It cures ! nervous and organic heart disease. short breath, buttering-, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or boulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. The Ilemies Method for piano and organ, the favorite and most suc cessful iu France and Germany, also harmony taug;ht. dtf Nks. Merges. The Pulpit and the Stage. Rev. K. M. Shrout. pastor L'nited Urclhrcti church, Ulue Mound, Kan., says.: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. Kings's New Discovery has done for me. My lttncfs were badly diseased, and my parishoners thought 1 could live only a few weeks: I took live bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gfniningf 2d lbs. in weight. Arthur Love, manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: - "After a thorough trial and convincing- evidence. I am confidant Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything- else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my friends is to urgfe then: to iry it. Free trial bottles at F. F. Fricke !fc t'n's drug store. Kejjvlar si.es ."jOe and SI. K-'lIss' Nerve and Liver Plllo- Act on a new principle -regulating the liver, 3tomach and bowel' through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles" Pills epeedily cure biliousness, bad tast. torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une qualed for mon. women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest!. 5 doses, "c. .Sampla free at F. G. Fricke &, Go's. Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford. New Castle, Wis., was troubled with neuralg-ia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to an alarming- degree, appetite fell away and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Flectric Hitters cured him. Fdward Shepherd, Harrisburg-. 111., had a running- sore on his leg of eight years" standing. L'sed three bottles of Klectric Hitters and seven bottles Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba. )., had five large fever sores on his leg. doctors said he whs incurable. One bottle Klectric Bitters and orse box Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. . A PRACTICAL JOKER. Some of Irkln' llarmleaa but A maalnar Trlrka WI.Oli l I'a-rpctratca. Perkins is tall, angular and a practical joker of the severest tyt.-. Uno of his rH-culinr pleasantries is to suddenly halt a strange, iioiripoiw individual on th street, bnttoribolrt him and remark with ctiol assumption: "1 leg your pardon, sir, but I think you have inde a mist, 'ike." "What i that, sir:" the victim is like ly to ak. "Well," IVrldns will reply with tho utmost audacity, "this city does not be long to any one man or set of men. You may think you own if, but you don't. See?" and Perkins will hurry away, leav ing the pompous man to his nv:i reflec tions. Sometimes ho vari's this h:t "resting peformanee in this highly ori'.'inal f ; tuit ion: Stepping up to a total str.in;,t-r he will bog for a lhrht for his cigarette. This trilling fav t having been extended, he will engage his victim iu conversa tion for a jii"iiio;it. When another st ranger appears 1 Vrkins hails him. As he approaches Perkins introduces him to the lirst man. "Ah, Mr. Smith, permit me to present you to my friend, Mr. Urowu. Mr. Brown, Mr. Smith. " Of course the men shake hands and Perkins takes his departure, leaving tho strangers to extricate themselves from their embarrassment as best they can. One day Perkins entered a small east side dry goods store with a friend. Ranged in front of the counter were a row of stools, L'pon these the men seat ed themselves. In a moment a dapper young clerk came up and asked Perkins what he desired. For an instant he seemed puzr-leil for a reply, but soon his even rested upon tho familiar sign "If 3-011 don't see what 3-011 want ask for it." That furnished him with a clew. "Well," he said in measured tones, "j'ou can briu.y unci plate of corned beef hash, nice 3' browned, with two poached eggs on top; also a cup of hot coffee. What's yor.rs, ieorge?" ho added, turn ing to his friend. "Gimme the same," he responded. All the girls in the store stared hard at the impudent fellows, and the clerk's eyes began to bulge. "Gentlemen," he replied, with a show of calmness, "3-011 havo made a slight mistake; this is a dry goods store and not a restaurant. Do I look like a waiter?' "I am not hen; to answer questions, j'oung man," said Perkins, as with his friend ho rose and moved toward the door, "hut if 3'ou can't fill orders you'd better go out of the business or take in your sign." And the jokers vanished out tho door. Perkins is still at large. New York Herald. Two StorifH About tho Kiblr. According to ; story now current in Washington clubs, Commander Sehhw of the navy received among his Inn-hood Christinas presents a handsome llible from a rich aunt. After a moment's re flection, they say-, he exclaimed: "I'm up to that dodge." undlicgan examining tho volume eagerly leaf 13" leaf until he reached the Sermon on the Mount, where he found a ten dollar bill pinned to tiie page. This is no better story than that of George Ha3ward's gift of a big Bible to the old city clab. In the presence of witnesses he put a ten dollar bill in the book at what chap ter is not stated. The volume 1:13-011 the center table in the reading room. At the end of .a 3'ear, in the presence of the same witnesses, Mr. Play ward opened the Bible and found his ten dollar bill just where he had left it. There w:is nobody in that club who was "up to the dodge" wluch 3'oung Schley penetrated so prSmptly. Buffalo Courier. Tlio Mnsliroom. It is commonly believed that the mushroom literal' grows in a night, so that it has come to be emblematic of sudden development, but the truth is quite otherwise. It is very likely to re quire several weeks for its formation, and up to the time of its appearance in the light of day it remains beneath the surface, very much compressed and held in small compass. Then comes a moist night, and the cells of which the fungns is composed are greatly expanded, so that it thrusts itself out above ground. But it is no heavier, though so much bigger, than da3's before, perhaps, when it lay hidden in small compass under the top la3-er of soil, a perfect mushroom. Washington Star. Air Ships Too Fiuit. Englishman A w where can Hi book for San Francisco? Gotham Joker Depends on how 3-ou want to travel. The ticket office for the express traius, which run through in four days, is just around the corner: bnt if j-ou are in a hurry 3-on'd better take the air ship, which darts over in twenty minutes. Englishman Aw much obliged, but has Hi hintend to write a book hon Ham erica Hi will take the hexprees train. New York Weeklv. An Indian Uplift There is a belief prevalent in India that if a man be sleeping, no matter where, and a Shesh Nag come and sit beside liim, with a hood spread over the sleier?s face, the latter is sure to be a son of fortune. Popular tradition as signs the same reason to the rise of Haida Ali, of Mysore, from a common soldier. American Notes and Queries. To Save Coal Kills. A secret chemical powder introduced abroad when sprinkled over the top of the coal in a newly made fire cements the npper part of the fuel together and causes the coal to burn at the bottom and throw the heat into the room, in stead of allowing a large part of it to go up the chimney. New York Journal. Indiana contains only a dozen men who can properly be ranked as million aires. And there are probably not more than two men in the state who are worth $2,000,000 apiece. W licit is Cast o rift is Dr. Riuiiue! I'itclierN reiTlptini for Infant and Children. It cout.tinM neither Opium, Morphine uor other Narcotic Mibstaiiee. It In n, harmless MiihAtituto for larttgor!c, I)ro;s, Soothing Syrups, and! Castor OIU it i Pleasant. Its fruaranteo N thirty yearn uso hy Millions of Mothers. Caytorsa, destroys Vorm and allay feveriKlineos. Catoria prevent: vomit. Sour Curd, cures IiarrliTa and "Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Cafttoria assimilates tho food, regulate tho stomach and bowel, jjivinir Iiealthy and natural tdoep. Cas tor!. is tho Children's .Panacea tho Mother. Friend. Castoria. Outor5a U an excrlleiit rwili'-tr! fiT cfrfl droru Mot?!rrs have repeuUxlly told uiu caf ila good WT" upuo altoir children." Do. O. C Omowi, Ivel!, al&s. O-aitorla. U the hc-t rwmoly for -)i;!lr.-n at irhicli I am aeqninUJ. 1 h"tx the day is t far (tirrtant whi-n mothers wfllcoiiMiiler the real Interent of their children, nnd ti. '';i:;t.jri.i nte.-vd of thrnrioiisr(um'k nostrunwwhii-horo diaitroyins th'-ir loved ones, hy forcing opinia, morphine, BootliiiiK ayrup uml oth-r lmrTiil ai'iits down th ir throats, thereiiy rvmliuj theiu to pretiiuturo graves." Vu. J. F. K;sri!Ei.oa, Cut: way. Art:. Tho Contanr Comp'iiiy, T7 I ! '.' - ,T -fn- -VI HI a "?rr r ?;-.-!. DEALEIIS IN PINE LUMilEH, SlIlNGLi;:-', LATH, SASH. POORS, IlLINIW.Hiid ni bui!dine in U ri Csil! nrnl sec us at the corner ai nortli of llciscl's mill. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL DT7CED PEICZS IN ALL OUR COMPLETE LIKE OK BOOTS AND SHOES ISHQllIjYS KOI IMcIi. W. A. BGECK CO. Also the Iigh rtmiiitig; Domestic Sewing; Mnchine fir sale Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GEE AT MODKKN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House 7 taa bur of him ehaap for not cash r can rrnTf what you need to furulah a cottai; or wau.ioD oa the IXSfALLMKNT I'bAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINC. Ajrent lor the Celebrated "White Sewing; Machine. Th larst and 'tt owp'ere Kt.clv to :ect from in Cas Coubty. Call and ee Opera House Block L PEAROL1N. qpAh)Tf) n-n M THE POSITIVE CURE. I EL7 B HOT HERS. M Wum D Cantorix " PnMoHri Is so wrll alnptsl tortitldrmtlua I ri-'-iini:i ii 1 it aakU(mi io- toiwiy pivnuriptiua kikow u to ii. ii." II. A. A nmuR, M. ill So. Oxford i t , l:roiklyn, N. T. "i:r rhyslf-LuLi in tlm chili!n"rn di"jvr incut hav.j hi.:i n hi;;!ity of tin ir xMTi rneo in tlu-ir outside praeii- n it h 'jiKtorLfc, in J nlt)ioii,:1i wo only .i.ivn unions jii ii.i'dli-al M'j.j !iM wlii'tia l.no'.vti as nriii.i produRtK, yc t v e aro fr:'o to rimfi-ss tliat ti I'K-rit:; of ('.-,...t4i-ia ha l won in U look witb fj.or ujhiii it." t.NITEIJ liOSI-ITAl. .NI IIISITMRaRT. Uobton, Main. Ai.ij-.v f Siirnt, yv.. I u rray Eiroot, IIo-w Yar'l City. lelj t v' V - i. n St. Wrw Tort PrtcC0!til 11