The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 07, 1891, Image 1

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    ... - I . .
5 L I
mouth Daily Htprald..
Uth tear.
i VL-
If -VI
Jkf aalT rlfffct t aaa
U tor lh. PalnlM
Jscttt. Offle BckwK4
5, rtltble mho 8 Alary $7f
ffl reBpoimlble. New York
. I. (). O. F. meets fT-
IiHr ball in Kitt'craid
jk-'sr- are corutauy invuru
CScfcln the city.
JT K. Wii.mamh. N. 5.
W, imnxiK. sec.
BIAS. Ciiuiitlet !.,!(;
II Vlll.lll'
C. A.
IK fiaill Plirri. iiwwui.T
'to f :30 I il l-or men owy
' try SuiiUay afternoon at 4
Sr A - R.
meets every Satur-
A' thctr ball, Koekwood
'cuiiiiaiie.t ai e invited to
Niu, Post Adj.
F. A. Pates. Yo? t i in.
Clubbing List.
crat and Hkrald. . . .
. . 4.(50
.. 4.80
. . 3.10
. . 2 40
,. 2.45
,. 2.15
. ,2.2."i
2 o0
1 fe5
1 iv to t n
blxhtfB Kazar "
to J ,.
i jJoxUsts Magazine
n.T-. j ju
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ITAV Iliof.
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I 1.1. ,jm.m
Innu I k nT"Nf
IOV bl
f CAfKi ia ..
,i i sry T
jt p"flnCall
i to 9
vonal Tribune "
..... Fotnm
JxUb Ocean
Lincoln Journal "
The Home Magazine "
Time Table
flO 1 3 :M a. m No 2 6 :05 p. m.
" 3 5:45 p. m "4 10:30 a. m
5, 9:25 a.m. "8 7 ;44 p. m.
7 -15 a. m. " 10 9 :45 a. m.
"9 6 -.25 p.m. " 12 10 :14 a. in
11 5 -.25 p. n. "20 8 :0 a. in.
19 11 :05 a. in.
' Treubund Ball.
SatJirtlay iiiprlit at Lirtlarkranz
Hall. A jtiural nxl time is uar
teetl. Price of ball tickets t iikmii-
bers, 2 to those who are not mem
bers. Mc will be charged. 1 he
band will fnrni.-
h the
To Ice Comsumera.
My ice waoti has beiini to make
regular trips. Orders left at my
ntore, my commission house or with
the driver will be promptly attend
ed to. tf K. S. White.
Croup, whooping conj;h and
bronchilis immetllalely relieved by
Shiloh's Cure. 4
The fragrant Heliotrope in bloom
wonderfully cheapat Moore's Green
House. dtf
"The Fair" has only a few more
velocipede's left, which are bei un
closed out at cost. tf
Dr. K. I.. Siccus has returned and
m;iy be found hereafter at lus lliee
over Geri ilia's tlrustore. tf
"Tlie Chimes of Normandy."
Mr. Vouiil;-, a few days ao, wrote
K. C I'sher. the iiianai;vr of the 1-re-mont
opera house, where the An
drews Opera Company had recently
been, to know if the show was as
yfooil as had been recommended.
Here is Mr. I'sher's reply which
speaks for itself:
Frkmoxt. May r, is)l.
Mr. J. I'. Youn-r,
Dear Sir: Yours of M;iy 4 re
ceived this morn in u-. Will send you
one of our daily papers to-niht;
they do not come out until 4oclock.
The Andrews Opera Company are
first class and iive a lirst class per
formance. I am sure your people
will be pleased with these attrac
tion. You can recommend them to
your people as highly as you please,
vou and your people will not be
disappointed. Respectfully.
K. C. I'siiiik
The fidlowinij is a fishy flavored
special that appears in to-day's Dee
from Lincoln.
In the middle of a crowd of men
an I gf street this afternoon Lieuten
ant Governor Majors and Colonel
J. D. Calhoun met. The ousting of
Boyd immediately became the sub
ject of discussion, and during the
course of it Calhoun suddenly ejac
ulated "Ton!, you needn't plead ignor
ance. 1 have tumbled to this deep
laid scheme and one of my infor
mants is in Washington. It is
simply this: When Secretary Proc
tor of' the president's cabinet re
sirrn, Manderson is to be selected
for that position, then Thayer will
resign as governor and you will
succeed to that position and then
repay him by appointing him to
the position of senator, made vacant
by Manderson."
For the first time in his life Torn
Majors turned deadly pale, made
one or two inelfectual attempts to
talk and finally rushed away with
out sayitiy anything;.
Samuel Kline of Union iH in the
city to-day.
John H. Becker i in the metropo-
Iim to-day.
S. A. DaviH came in from the west
thin morning.
V. I. Horton of Wabash hs in the
county eat to-day.
CharleH McKntee will visit rela
tive in Omaha to-day.
Mrs. Bird Critchlicld has iroue to
Weeping Water on a visit.
Wiley Black went to South Omaha
this inoriiuiff
with a line car of fat
Patrick Blessinnton, a prosperous
farmer south of louisville. came in
on the Schuyler this morning.
Rev. Burgess showed his pleasant
countenance at the depot this morn
iii!- as he boarded the train for a
day in Omaha.
Our fenial nost master and his
worthy spouse whirled this morn
in; for McCook to visittheir daugh
ter, Mrs. Margaret Jackson, lor
few days.
ICighl more car loads of the Wis
consin reil stone came in last even
inn for the court house.
Samuel Wichardson and son Will
were the purchasers of the Metteer
farm mentioned last week.
The gymnastic exhibition at the
opera house on the evening of May
13, will be an excellent entertain
ment. A washout on the M. P. jrrade
near Oreapolis is beinjr rajiidly re
paired in order to be ready for the
track layers.
The pay car brought its usual
quantity of good cheer this morn
ing. The car was attached to the
K. C, which arrives at 10:13.
There was a light and some blood
shed out on the bottoms yesterday,
but eye witnesses refuse to tell who
the parties were.
The lish car and guests of Mr.
O'Brion, as printed several days
ago in THE HliKALP, departed for
the Klkhorn lakes last evening.
The "Kaflfee Klatch," together
with a select party of friends, will
be entertained by Mrs. S. H. Atwood
at the family residence on high
school hill this evening.
Kngine No. 243 came out of the
shops this morning with one of the
new straight stacks and extension
fronts. It will pull Nos. 3 and 4 in
charge of Engineer Ford.
The young ladies of the Presby
terian church are getting up a
novel entertainment for Thursday
evening, April 14th. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all.
County- Commissioners Todd and
Trietsch are at Union to-day meet
ing the Otoe county' commissioners
to arrange for an iron bridge across
the Weeping Water on the county
line road. '
Wiley Black purchased the B. F.
Turner property on Dey street yes
ferday, and will move up to it the
lirst of next month. It is a nice
place and will make Mr. and Mrs.
Black a cosy home.
Miss Kdnn ICaton is the new cash
ier at Dovey's since they have put
in their new system of cash carriers.
Business is expedited by the new
system anil a record of the business
is also more easily kept.
The Murray Banner made its ap
pearance at our sanctum to-day. It
is a neat paper and from its well
filled advertising columns it is
evidently doing business in a live
community anu has come to slay.
Hon. Anderson Koot sold a load
of oats in Plattsmouth on Fridav
last for ."() cents per bushel. Sev
eral of our farmers are taking ad
vantage of the excellent market to
dispose of the surplus. Murray
The supreme court has adjourned
to j une 23. It seems the "entente
cordiale" has been slightly strained
between Judge Maxwell and his as
sociates on account of the recent
decision and the haste shown in is
suing the writ which ousted Boyd.
Kngineer Davis, who runs the 10.
puiling the llyer between Pacific
Junction and Lincoln, saved four
and one-half tons of coal in the
round trip by the use of the new
straight stack which the company
is fast putting on all its engines.
The weight social at the new
church in Mercertown to-morrow
night for the purpose of raising
money to purchase furniture for
their new house of worship will no
doubt prove an interesting time.
The largest lady takes the cake and
the largest gentleman will be suit
ably rewarded. Don't forget the
time, to-morrow, Friday evening.
Thomm B. Heed in Rome.
Behold me as I stand,
Where Koine has stood
For twice a thousand years
And more!
Behold us both:
Me and Koine!
And then, dear friends,
Please give your eyes a ret.
Koine has her history,
And I have mine;
But Koine, although she sat
Upon her seven hills
And ruled the world,
Never sat in the speaker's chair
Of the Fifty-first congress
And bossed that
Megat herian aggregation
Aa I did.
And that is where I've got
The bulge on k'ome!
Here in old Ca-sar's district
I sit me down, and with my feet
Upon his ancient mantelpiece
I feel at home.
Me and C;esar!
Twin stars that twinkle through all
Two iron heels that trod as one
Upon the people's necks.
And then we got it in our own!
By gosh! dear friends, I don't like
that a little bit,
And C:esar didn't, either,
Although he didn't have a
Word to say after it was over,
For obvious reasons!
But Brutus wasn't a patching
To Springer of Illinois,
Or Rogers of Arkansas;
And C;esar has something
To be thankful for!
I'm with you, Rome,
From the Passamaqiioddy's
Tumbling tide of sawlogs
To where the tawny Tiber flows,
And we should organi.e
A Reed and Roman trust,
Anil swipe the universe!
Are there objections?
I hear none.
The ayes seem to have it!
The ayes have it!
Then let her go, Gallagher!
But I shall never think
That in that elder day
To be a Roman
Was greater than a speaker
Of the grand old Fifty-first.
And don't you forget it!
That's what! !
New York Sun.
List of Letters,
Remaining unclaimed in the Post
Office at Plattsmouth, May 0,
lS'Jl, for the week ending April 29.
Alexander. J K latbrop, Mary J
Uaircl, Alice
lVny, (.oiniuodort:
I'lin'cr, Willis
Fetter. A K
Hots, Henry
Hall, F
Smitli. Sam G
Smith. Horace
Seoville, Mm. S. A
i honuis, Wm.
Persons calling
for any of the
above letters will please say "ad
vertised." II. J. Streight, 1'. M.
"Chimes of Normandy."
The Andrews Opera Co. closed
their engagement at the Grand
Opera House last night with the
ever popular "Chimes of Norman
dy." This opera is one in which the
real merit of the company is most
prominently set forth. George An
drews was given a rousing recep
tion on his entrance, anil also an en
core on the famous waltz song in
the first act. J. C. Taylor in last
night's role proved himself some
thing besides a singer. As "Jean
Grenicheu" he has one of those dif
ficult tenor roles, different from the
stereotype lover, anil his efforts
were warmly applauded. Kd An
drews and J as. K. Keknard furn
ished the usual amount of fun that
is so much desired in comic opera.
C. A. Parker, the new ucquisitioa to
the company, took the part of "Gas
pard, the Miser" and played it with
such perfection that he was accord
ed a curtain call at the end of the
second act. Selina Taylor made a
saucy "Serpolette," and Nannie
Wilkinson a pleasing "Germaine."
The chorous and orchestra were
strong ana showed marks ot thor
ough drilling. Taken as a whole
iiie production was a masterT one
anil it is to be hoped that on their
return in September the Chimes
will not be left out of their reper
toire. -Sioux Falls Press.
Remember this company will ap
pear in our city to-morrow night
for the C'l I I'Ll M KNTAKY HKXEFIT to
J. P. Young-. Don't fail to pack the
house. Prices 33, 30 and 73 cents.
To Those WhoVVish to Build,
As well as those who do not, con
sider yourselves invited to inspect
the elegant line of builders' hard
ware just received at Breckenfeld &
Weidman's. In their show win
dows may be seen as fine a line of
oxydized silver, copper, brass,
bronze and nickel door trimmings
as could be found in Chicago. Call
in and see what they have and get
The cablegrams from Lurope say
that an American by the name of
Win. Jacques and daughter were
assaulted in Florence yesterday by
Italians and that the daughter will
die of the wounds received. If this
report should prove true serious
complications may grow out of it,
as President Harrison or Mr. Blaine
will not tolerate such treatment to
American citizens without invoking
the dogs of war.
Charged With Rape.
Jacob A. Jones of this city has
caused the charge of rape to be
lodged against one Bert Parker, a
young man about 24 years of age,
and alleges the crime to have been
committed on the person of his 13
year old daughter Melinda, about
noon on last Monday. Parker was
arrested and taken before Judge
Ramsey and waiving examination
he was bound over to the district
court in the sum of $3hO, failing to
get a bondsman he was remanded
to jail. This morning his step
father Philip Batch secured a bond
and he was released. The father
of the girl alleges as a rea
son of his failure to prose
cute sooner that he did
not learn the facts until
a neighbor who lives in part of the
house informed him of the facts.
The girl in the case is not very pre
possessing and looks nearer sixteen
than thirteen.
Judtie Arplier'r. Court.
Philip MiCully vs. O. A. Hirsch.
Replevin judgment for plaintiff.
Hester Pool, a young lady of
eighteen Hummers residing near
Union, has caused the arrest of
William Philpot, a prominent
young man of the same vicinity, on
the charge of bastardy. Deputy
Sheriff Black arrested Mr. Philpot
and brought him in last evening
and lodged him in jail. The exam
ination will come off some time this
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 23
cents. For sale by F G. Fricke &
Co. and O. II. Snyder. 3
The Sisters' school in this city
has grown to be one of the best
educational institutions in thispait
of the state. The town owes Father
Carney a debt of gratitude for his
zeal in erecting such commodious
buildings and organizing and
caring for so successful a school.
Go to Phillip Krause for your
dry goods and groceries, where you
will find the best of everything, he
also keeps fruits and vegetables in
their season. tf.
The Marionette Comedy Co. of
this jjiy met wi-h a cordial recep
tionlf Cellar Creek the other eve
nhifefand added several dollars to
their surplus.
A l lnch for tike .H. it.
A jrood story coines aii the. w.iy from
San Francisco. It is said that a lady ap
plied to her physician in that city for ad
vice and a prescription. He had long at
tended her and her family, and on this
occasion he recommended that she go to
a popular watering place in that part of
the country, giving her a letter of intro
duction to a physician who resided at
the springs.
On the way there tho lady remarked
to her daughter that as long as her doc
tor had been treating her he had never
stated just what was her ailment. "I've
a good mind to open this letter and see
what he says of my case to the other
doctor." Acting on the impulse she tore
open tho envelope, and, talcing out tho.
letter, read, "Dear Doctor Keep the old
lady four weeks, and then send her back
to me." Detroit Free Press.
K:nrs in I'
The pure whites of Drazil comprise
about o3 per cent, of the total popula
tion; 23 per cent, or so are negroes, and
about 33 per cent, mulattoes, while the
remainder aro aboriginal Indians. In
the northern provinces the Indians are
most numerous, and in Rio do Janeiro.
Bahai, Pernambuco and Minas the ne
groes are to be found in great numbers.
The .greater part of the Europeans in
Brazil (who live in the .seaport towns and
the adjacent provinces) are those from
tho Latin races, chieiiy the Portuguese
and Spanish. Detroit Free Press.
As early as the campaign in Spain, in
13G7, in support of Peter the Cruel, and
also in the following reign of Richard
II, the English soldier appears to have
been in white and with a red cross of St.
George on Lis breast and back. In 14G1
there is evidence of red being adopted
for a smail number of men at least,
when a contingent for the army of the
king maker (the Earl of Warwick) was
bent from Rve dressed in red coats.
The highest place in the world regu
larly inhabited is stated to be the Bud
dhist monastery, Halne. in Thibet, which
is about 10,000 feet above sea leveL The
next highest is Galera, a railway station
in Peru, which is located at a height of
15,633 feet. Near it, at the same level,
a railway tunnel 3.S47 feet in length ia
being driven through the mountains.
In the Seventeenth century rotating
pumps, like the Pappenham engine with
two pistons and the Prince Rupert with
one, were first use. Pumps with plunger
pistons were invented by Morland, an
Englishman, in 1074: the double aering
pump by De la Hire, the French acade
mician It is hardly worth while to dread a
thunderstorm, as there is only one chance
in about a million that a person will die
from a lightning stroke, which is doubt
less the most 'Jistan tan eons and painless
if all causes of death.
1 W'
We are showing a beautiful line
and the latest novelties in rogue at
prices from $2.5010 $10.00.
Full Line of
315 inch Zepher Gighams.
Breton Zypher Gighama
A F C ogham.
Domestic Gighams.
Henrietta Sateens.
Egyptian Printed Cottons
Silk Striped Madras Cheviots
Fancy printed Chambrays.
Beautiful line of Solid
Striped, Brocaded and l'olka
rapid sellers.
One Door East of the
Remember that K. O. Castle &. Co have an immense stock of
And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Tilings
a. b,
Notary 1'uMic
Notary i'ubllc
Office over Hank of Cans County
Attorney Will frive prompt attfiitlor.
'o all hti-iiie-" Tit.rii-t-'t t' liiui. U!t,ce iu
Union block. Eat Side. I'latUinoutli, Neu.
Cor Main and EiXtb street
"aid up capital
v or
"25 000
0. n. Parnele President j
Fred (iorder Vice Pre-iiint
1. M. Patterson Casbeir i
T. M. Patterson, Aest Caebier
0. H. ParmeK .T. M. Patterson, Fred fJorder.
1. B. Smith. H. B. Windham. Ii. S.Kamey and
T. M. Patterson
Accounts solirited. Interest allowed on time
lepositB and prompt att'-ntiongiven to ail bus
iness entrusted to its cire.
The Andrews Opera Co. passed
through the city this morning on
their special car and were looked
over by a IIekali reporter, who
pronounces them a fine looking lot
of people. Some of the ladies
were handsome, and the male mem
of the troupe were above the aver
age in personal appearance. They
will be greeted by a full house to
morrow night.
We carry a complete line of Gor
don's Fast Dye Hosiery for ladies
and childreiiH wear Guaranteed
absolutely stainless
A good ladies ribbed vest at Kk:
Fast black ribbed vests at :Cc
Black lisle Thread vests at 45c
Silk Mixed vests at 75c
Full Line of Childrens underwear
Our line of black and white I loon
rings exceed anything ever before
shown by us at price aft low :h lar-:t
Jilack ileniietti Satccim in
Dott efi'uctt, entirely nevr and
First National Bank
PlIYSM I AX A: Si k(;i;o.v
lit : W to 1.' : ;i
.'; : to 5 : 00 p. hi.
X r--. -L- 2.T
I ; ti i : CO p. in.
'u.vns.MMCiil N'F.i;
9 : 0.) t') 1 1 : '"J :t. in
Teli'i'lionc No 1.'.
h inctriiftioiiH in I'-iel. Crayon arid
Ert bui.U JrawKi.
Landscape. Ermt- and Flowers.
No, 9ll,EimSt. I, Neb.
Sstlmates and plans of all work furnisbed acid
Records kekt.
Office in Slar'tm felock. '
Kep all kinds of bnildfrs hardware on band
and wiil tupply contract r on most fav
rat ie t-rir:s
f pouting
and all kinds offtin work promatly
done, orders Xroiu fthe .couuiry Solicited.
61G Pewl St.