1 "7 s ,r t 4' 1 1 J! : V- I -i V I A mmwm, S" I , M f . Is' .0U i 1 t 1 furn)htl anrt ' th County Clerk will I) iCOURT HOUSE. 1 T, 11UOWN. atiun to all ih.-iiihi autru-tw ,nrd, Abstract o'ii'lt'il, Iiifiir real estate m-l it. ei lor in-ikintf h;irrn l.o:in! thai ,Y OT11EK AlilU.NU jIH K1'11ANKa -V V. N. SULLIVAN. Law. Will Rlvn riiijt attfntlot ie entniftt'l t him. II1ch ii i, East Side, nattmnoutli. N-b. SHEY A LAW. WINDHAM & DAV1ES--WINDHAM. J'MIN A. HAVIKS. Notary lutlie Notary 1'uulU 0 Office over Hank of Cans County, jmouth - Nebnush;. Scliirk nue AM) The WaKhlngtton Avenue GROCERS )C -AND AND Provision Merchants. Headquarters for FLOUR AND FEED, We pay no rent and for CASH. You don't'pay any bills for dead bentf when you buy of this firm. The best SOFT COAL always or Band. X)ONT FORGET I AT THE x5 OOIRISriEIRS 5 Opposite liichcy Uroa Lumber office QOLD.'ANO I'OIICSLAIN CROWNS -Bridge workjand fine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. STEIVAUS LOCAT. .oh well as other lap esthetics 'iveu for the painless extraction o. teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Pk-" HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Conatiintly keep on hand everything yon need to furnish your house. CQ15EH IXTH AW MAIS STRJCKT Plattsmout - Neb PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, at, 221 and 223 Main St., lattsmouth, - Nebraska. H. M. B0K8. Propriator lhe Perkina ha been thoroughly rvnorad from top tc bottom mad 5 new one of the best hotels in the state Boarders will be taken by the wek at $4.50 and np. GOOD BAR C0ITITEC7ED CHtCHtffrER-s GirsH. CINA1. HMD CMIMC. Mtaa. TmUm mm mm. rj m, mmm mw I t ! .1 f . X ? i Rineir. 1 . - "- - Nebraska I J3.- i-;.--B2, ( W,f irveyor RaJ JilNEER. 1 7 T7V!ssa A llENTHEHAIR Shows sli;ii3 of fulling, Lctfin nX on:e tlio u.-to of Acer's Hair Vigor, 'ilils inep.nath.ii Btreuglljeiia tlio toiUj, proinoL.-a Hkj j(iowUi of new hair, r.Urv- the ii-iIujaI color to Cray and rr.Ji d hair, iuv rentiers il Noli 'We liavi: no ln-iitalion in pronouncing Ayer'a Jlair Vi.'or nii' iii;i. ! im i.hm .mh' Uie hair, and uc tio tiii.i ;Ji-r N.n . j 1 1 eii:e In its use. Tliis prejiaralion pi'M-i v.v; the h;;ir, euii'.-i oal'oi nil :ni ! a!l .i .' .i rs of the scalp, makes and l.i illh: hair solt and phanl. aad 1 1 ill -s laldn Ls. W l.il -it Is not a ly, tlios; who have usi-d Ih- i:;or :iy it vwll MimuJale the lnols and eolor (;lands ol ladcil, ;'iay, li;;ht, red h.tiL. clian;Ui t!ie color V A Rich Brown or even Mac!;. It v. i!I not so'T !hf pill" it case in, a pockid-iiainIl'.'Tcl ii f. anrl is id ways njrrceaHe. All thedirly, cuiiiir hair preparations should he !!spl'o-i-d at once y Ayer's Hair Yij.'or, ;ind thoi:sanN who f;o around with li'-ads looi-.hrr like 'the Ji'tful porcupine should hurry lo tin- ncaii st !n' store and "fiirchasc a Motile of the Vior." Tf'f Sunn' Si.uth. Atl-iii'a, Cia. "Ayer's Hair Vi;vr i exi-r'.K:a for th. lialr. It stimulates the yrowlh, cures hrdd liess, restores the naturil color, cleanses tlio scalp. jTcvents damirrlf. and is a piod ilress Ini;. We know that Ayer's Hair Vij;or ditTcix from most hair t-iiies rnd similar prepara tions, it lieiiit? perfectly hnrmless." Vmn SconomUnl uuirtn ping, l y 5'liza 11. I'arkcr. Ayer's Hair Vigor i kki-a itr.o AT " DB. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell, Mass SoU ly "rujists and I'erfuiacra. !!!!: I X X -ISillS AT I O N AL TYPIiWRITEIl A strietly tlrsi el i-- e-aeliiue. t'liMy warra.il d. Made ron Mi" e-y lies' tna'ertal ( -.killed workmen, and wit h llielc-d tools t 1 lave -ve-tieea 'l-vi-e l for t h- purii se. War ran'ed f" do all tha f.ci ! r':i. a'.-iv ex- nected f llie very li typewriter extaul !"i :v ,1 . ii. in I.,- - ii Hluli'y of tlin tipel"-. ni.i. S'KH i: $100. Iftt'-'re ts no a.i;eui iii your town addre-is tin matiu'aetnriK. THE I'AKISM M'l-'t. a. Agents wanted l':.rish .V. "Y. R li. SKELKMIHK. Agent. Lincoln, Neb, miiiiui sell TMC OLD RELJASLE. SF LUMBE i Siiiugle-s, Ij:..t'i, Sa;-h, I-.S fi -r .'iin supply cverw dtinm 1 vi tl:i tity. C.i'laud got terni-. Fourth strei t in rear f opera botio. 6Uw t52E v? hy 1'l'ck5 -Invi-.Mc Tuhul-r liar Cmh- fl'itwfi-rtn: IrrriiTitli.;. SoIJ r.y IliM'rx.only . CQr C ?S3 iiroiws, Sr l.rk. V lc lu'r bowk of iriih J P-CC BOILING WATER OR MILK 9 GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. PARKC&'S HAIR BALSAM Clmuf bMt'.ilct hta. Kavur rll lo Ucrtor Qntr Hair Vo tto VouLh'ni Co.cc. PtrWi Giner 1'cr.ic. I: u.s ' t "WOT i "kfl, Hilt cu. Dr. Grcsvenar's h PLASTER. Uorwl at od. flt. for I.? ail Dnjini, fit? C :0Z3 1. - TIm nt 9-fc. 6ur, rij., f:. ;r-.la. mtmmt Mil, imtm Mtarx-mm m .SMMn iLd.;!.:. ii. A Pll Doors ............ ""... u u l-i Cl ffl f " it:.va:ion, in mctn ia itur.t";;,-. n-fr: 0,'tGtJ riC-klii A!;i. nti.I ir'jreiittao rna:; i,i ; ; t.rr U- c- .i.?S !'i:l'-'iru.-au'M.ill;i : u .Oc.W EPFS A i ""A mmm mutw Mairn-aafwiiti "fAOL. litrnMitrMM ara mmt -ttmUmf imr liM. tff. il i i ll t liKsT SALVIfi'tU lud "wiVu ic O w ''' 'ri:H-r, Sons, UIci.rs, Saltliheum. Fever "Son Tetter, Clisppfd Hands, Chilblains, ( '. ins. iK.d li Skin rtiptiotif, and posi- ; vi-i v i uti s or po pay required. !: ;s "twiratitreil to iive PHtisf notion, or 1 1 . . ? v .''c.'eli . J'riir-C". cc-h'k per box. l'..r I.;, F. f J. F: i( ke i Co. How tc wuccecd. i ; ; I i - i ! tt- i :i i t ' ! i ii f I i I e v.li i Ii ,i w , ii-, i.iolo 'i I y nolve. So.i!'- i l l :ill.-i' l ill lieallli. ilh : ...in. ol III' I., bill ill'- lliojoiity i i ii ii i 1 1 -i i i!i . '1:1 1 'cril v;i ii t olm r ve. 1 i ii - a i :;'. i ' . i i '- ' 1 1 1 ". i 1 1 I! ',;' 1 1 ! i-. ;) - ! i V . ' ' l 'I It :'.- I i I --I I- 1 In: i . i . I In a i i i t tin- i- ii ri I ; up." lllll- v. . 1 1 II iin n- , t i I III-, 1) 1 j ;i i ; I ' 1 1 i i ::nl nerve fota-c. I lit-t- i inxhi;.U liki- tin- K'i-Mor;ilivo .-r-i-i-. I i .--- ciril by t be -4 t:it ! i - i . Mil'.-, li on ro ;i 1 1 nt rvons di-i-ii.--'-.-. ;is li-.ul;iii-, tin- blto.-. n-r otls iror-tl";il ion. .-leoplr..-m-j- s, mill ;iii. i. Si. Vitus lauc iils .mil Ii :-;t tit. liiiil Ixittlcs iiiwl lim I ii i t 1 i M 1 r i i ; 1 1 H ftot; ill F. . I""ricki" iV C'o.'s. itne cirs aii ,'!i iiiii'rliiiti it (a., o( ie.- .viul'ier-, biWil, IllllieJlCeil tin; Piiitl- ot i.c lite ut u i.iiiin y : tip, In lievttig it to in- llie most irniii,it a.!il reliiilile prepara tiou yet ir,nni- tor emii;lis, eolils unil eriiup; tliil tin; public appreciate true lueiit, anil ill tiiur it wiih certain to be e.iiiie piijiul ir. riieir tsiost s'liiuiiit tiopes loive been mure llnm reuli.' 1. ( y r t lire.- hini'lreil tlmiisari'l bottles of ( MihiiiIm iI tin's Cmig'i Remedy are now sold Hell year, nitd it is recognized ns 'the best itiiKle,' wherever known. It will cure, a Koverc cold in less time than anv other t rent incut. For sal by F. (J. Friekc & Co. A Fata! Mistake. Pliysici:itiH make tn mirc fatal miHfiike than when Ibcy infortu i;t tienlH tbat nervous heart troubles coitic from tbt slouiiieh ;ml are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the notedIiKliaua Hpecialist, hurt proven the contrary in liirt new book on "Heart Disease" which may be bad free of F. (1. Fricke A Co., who guarantee and rcconitiieud Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale (if any heart remedy in the world. I ten res nervous and organic he;trt diseaHe, short breath, fluttering', pain or ten derness in the side, arm or whoulder. irregithir pulse, fainting, smother ing", dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervino cures headache, fits, etc. The Hennes Method for piano and organ, the favorite and most suc cessful in France sind Germany, also harmony taught. dtf Mrs. Mi;k(;es. The Pulplc and the Stage Ivev. J- M. Shrout, pastor United Brethren church, Hlue Mound. Kan., says.: "I feel it my d uty to tel 1 what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, ami my parishoners thought I could live only a few weeks: I took live bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 'JO lbs. in weight. Arthur Love, manager Iove's Funny Folks Combination, writes: -"After a thorough trial and con vincing evidence. I am confidant Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, heats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness 1 can do my friends is to urge them to try it. p'ree trial bottles at j'". F Fricke .V Co's drug; store. Keg"vlar sizes 50e and.!. fV' ilss' Ncrvoand Liver Plllo- Act on a new principle rrgulating t'a; liver, .stomach and bowoU through the-nerve. A new discovery. Dr. Miles" I'tils speedily curtj biltourtess, buti ttv-te, torpid liver, pitcs, constipation. Une qvialed for men, women. children. SopiIl,-st. mildest, surest! 50 dose?, 2"c. S mi'dn free at F. i. Fricke &, f.o's'. Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Castle. Wis., was trottbli-il with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to an abi rming" deg'ree, apooiile fell awiiy iiud he was terribly icdttced in llesh and sirengilt. Thrive bottles of Fleet rie Hitters cured him. lMward Sbeiiiierii. I larrislmrg, 111., had a rutin ing sore on his leg of eight years standing. Usi-il three boitles of ICleetric Hitlers iind 'even bottles Huckleu's Arnici1 Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker. Catawba. ().. had live largo fever sores on his le doctors said ho whs incurable. One bottle ''leclric Hitters and one box Httck leti's Arnica Salve cured him etitire lv. Sold bv b. G. Fricke it Co. Shiloh's itali.er is what you need j'or constipation, loss of ajipe tite. dilziness and :tll symptoms of dyspepsia. Price It) and 75c. t To Ice Cotnsumers. My ice wagon has begun to make regular trip. Order Irft at my tore, my commipion house or with tlie driver will be promptly attend ed to. tf V. S. White. A restore, stricken, and give you : luxuriant growth of hair, to keep its color natural as in youth, and to remove dandrutt, mie emir Ii:dla TPIE MAN WHO j !rive the the fleree i not in it And for tli at matter, neither is the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Over Q.llOu.liuO Singers have bee Fold in the United States which inean that we have over P,000,(00 wit net!es to the fact that the SIXGKR i tiie best machine made. All the newest improvements have been added wkich truly make the Singer The Cnjcen of all her Kealm. Machines cold on the most favora ble terwie by the department iiuna Srr. MR. D. P. CKONIX, at hi headquarteri Henry Bc Fumirttre mimxT mr fcy "Hi-. JLtk.ert( A brilliant sky, .fino hn.ro Iroo. Somo tjufl Kun-.v liliiwin tlovtru the alopo; Tbe clari preeu um lliey ctin In-, Tito Mun.-.ljiiie full of life uml liopo Tin-.") till (nie'H liPitrt with K'ee. Tbis i.-t the tl;iy fr ute! A wurm, sweet luioii, witli fluwcr.H rouDtl, A fjl ilir" ts 1 1 : i ; i . - in thesiin; Willi ir.-t;i thim:-t i -i.-siier from t he BruUiiil. Tin -ir higher lit" mil Imitf ht.:iiu - Ilnil! hii i.vMjiii, lirl utel lico. Tln.-ii.s tiiotliiy fur me! A i ii ln-r hky. :v ilec"-r i,-i i--m-, A li t;iiy w:i e nf w i n-r ii-;n-i re--f: A suiueii r l:iii'N'-i!;i lull nf -.ln-i-n, 'I'm- UMi-M ;it il iifilii.-.-.i, v .-ut, 1-et; A s ;t i.-i' .--i-:lL in .1 I rt it "i'lii . is l In- .l.i , f ir in- : The ivviiiii n-nuil-, in : ? . ' r i I t i nml (Th.-ir '.M-.il! 1 1 is ii ;.l I mi ii .-l.-H.-j si-,-1, : : Tin- ' ye m.-iy !:! ; mi i- .1 .li.iml; 'I'n li; ulive K ;n:rc ti ii l;ii1. ill, iiiitiniin u m l mi free. Tliis is tin- ihiy l.ir i;ie! He rmt kii f.Lst, jiiy iml-iie; heurt; Tlie.-e i'h M i ll.HS Mil ke In il I lltt ye.ll ; Tiiey niily form fls jierfeet. i irt, S iMie inn t In- riniiV, i ni i ami drear. '.'Wi-t t hen -ay e.:rne-tly "Ttii.s is tin- tt;iy fur im-y" Annie lnjiln-1 Willis Oi Huston I'll"! Kent Ih Neeensnry. A man who has so much to do tlt.-ir . will wutk nights and Sutnlavs as well . week d.iys is nut likely to do as iimrii i . I the lout; run iis tlie man who rests (ioiI's appointetl times in tinier to ! hiiu'lt' for effective work betwi i these thns. M.'iny ;i busy man bn i : down ii p:reat deiil earlier than ho l t to, because he insists tin working when rest is his first duty. And many a man who observes (Jod's law of the night and the Sabbath, written in man's very nature, accomplishes far more in a series of years than ho could have wrought with any violation of that law. Mr. Gladstone, speaking not long ago of his own experiences in busy life, said of the high privilege of "Sunday rest," "Personally. I have always endeavored, so far as circumstances have allowed, lo avail myself of this privilege, .and now that I have arrived near the goal of a laborious public career of close on fifty seven years. I .attribute in great part to this practice the prolonging of my lib? and the preservation of my faculties. " A true man can do more in six days thru: he can in seven, week by week, as he can do more in sixteen hours than iii twenty-four, day by day, for a lifetime. Sunday School Tinis. Mail In Karly California I)ay. A Calif ornian tells this story of boom times in San Diego. The general deliv ery window of the postoffice wjis always crowded. One week the mails were de layed for several days, and when they were at last distributed the line of in quirers at the general delivery window of the postoffice extended for six blocks. A man who fell in line in the early morning got to the window and received his mail about 8 o'clock in the evening. One old lady, who had plenty of time on her hands, took with her a camp stool and her lunch basket, and camped right there on the line. She received no let ter, and turned away apparently happy, although she waited in line for seven hours. When this mail accumulated the postmaster made no attempt to distribute the newspapers. They were simply piled up in one corner, and finally a wagon load of newspaper m.ail was carted away from the postoffice. To be distributed? Oh, no; to be dumped into San Diego bay. Exchange, The "rail." I have seen it stated over and over again that "fair autumn is an Amer icanism. I am not sure that I have ever seen it contradicted. I myself learned long ago that to a Dorset rustic "fall" was the word of native speech, "a'tumn" a mera high polite exotic. (Ia it so still, I wonder, in this day of board schools' However, here is a passage from a book of the Seventeenth century, in which "spring and fitll" are spoken of as a Dor set man might speak: "And this 1 doe, not so verie expreslie, by occasion of my contingent health, though still, if I secure not from some decaies this spring, I may chance do it les.ro happiiie in tho fall." Notes and Queries. Ho Gently but Firmly Kefnsect. "Ii.'ginald." exclaimed an up town bride of two months, as she returned from a shopping tour, "I saw the love liest diamond necklace imaginable to day; and so cheap, too; it can be bought J for a mere song." Then she paused to j hear what remark Reginald would make. "Mv darling," quoth he, "you know how i glndly 1 would grant you every wish; j but I grieve to say that in this case I am unable to do so. Nature has not en dowed me with the power of producing vocal melody. I could not sing though I should be promised a solitaire for every note. Loclqiort Journal. In case of a person choking from some thing sticking in the throat or windpipe, trv and dislodge it with the fingers, or a blunt pointed scissors may be used. A I hairpin with a loop on its end is also u'.ful. Holding the person with the heels in the air and vigorous thumping on tbe back is also of frequent service. When children swallow marbles or coiiw it is a mistake to give a purgative. The strange matter will find an escapement without effort. ! Tl nwspapw requires the vrrj- best ! of tbe braiuM and brawn of its followern. j Tbf newspaper xnau is a soldier in irreat imy. Always rftadj murt be hla j motto. It is not for him to reason why. j It is for him to obey to door dve. And I wlio eTer knew hi in to brt6e5 j Lurd Aberdeen i one of the ruoet pyp ular noblemen in Great Dritain. lie i a ilrtmccrat by Bymptiuhy as well ? principlt, and baa been known ride down to bin club hi a milk wiygvtx wkeu a crib -vws u't bandy. He in in man aght after in Edinburgh soeiety. I ia jreiv every mamca tsrrm js mma- idersd a boy, though m hoall hv to be 104. Ko awatUr what him ge, lie fel lows ih posittok ca jovsBgeet sise iau.rs4 tu, lrfiit t4 fiaei Mrkaft t httTutg kved ysjMjsj semg1! k fee Ikeir iataar. U'fc.gi.. ,1 mi ii if What is riiV- iX"XN Cnstoria is Dr. S;:miiel Pitcber's proscription for Infants acid Children. It contain 4 neither Opium, IMorphiuo nor other Narcotic MihstaiK-o. It i- n harmless MibMltuto for Iargorc, Jrops, Sooths:;r fsyrups, ami Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its ruaruutoo is thirty ycarfi uao by Blillions of .Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allaya ftrverisIiucM. Castoria prevent! voui'tlnjx Sour Curd, cures IMarrlnea iwid Viml C.du:. Castoria relieves toothing troubles, cures ronr.tiputiou n:id llatulciicy. Castoria assimilates tho food, rcnlatoj tho stomach and bowel, givinjr healthy arid natural sleep. Cas torh is tho Children's .tanaeca tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. Cfcirtm ta la an excellent nuHlieino for e'nfl dn. M otbers have repeatedly told uu of U good affaot spun Uieir tiiuldrvn." Dil. Q. C Osoooo, Lowell, UaiOL OastorU U the boat nm"y for children of which I am acquainU!. I heixi tlio (Lay Unot far distant whea moLhara wfllctinuliler Uio rwal ill ml of theif children, and u Castoria in teod of th various qoaek noHtnirim which oro dvsAroying their lovad ooea, by forcing opium, morphine, aootiiinj; syrup and otlirr hurtful gots down their throats, thereby aeudin i to pruuiature graves." Do. J. P. KmnniLfti, CJouway, Ark. Tbe Centaur Company, T7 3S3 J. i). GRAVES & CO. DEALERS IN PINK LUMBEIt, SHINGLES. LATIT, SASli. UOOUS, BLINDS.and all budding mtcril Call and sec us at tlie corner of 11th and Elm street, one block north of lleisel's mill. Plattsmouth, STebraeka FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL mmm W mSmmd wtLamJ W Ss mJmmmt aaLaas -ju eLa W jLm So rr-. Z. IN ALL OUR COMPLETE LINE 0k LOOTS AND SHOES BillQllIjNS FOF ALL. W. A. BGECK &r CO. Also the Lih ninning Domestic Sewing Machiue for ..il "'"! iwaattnaamagaaBminwi W inn uiiui um .M;jimias2Jcax3xzz.iviuj2rzrrrz2:rx. uimu.h3cv Everything to Furnish Your IIonso, I. PEARLMAN'S -GREAT HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUiVl. Under Waterman's Opera House ln aa buy shss Otsy fr vot ch r can seenr. what yott nead ft fttrnttk a. ottan or ssiuisioa oa tka lsHf ALLME.NT rLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINCSp- Agent tr tke Celebratd White Sewing 1achir.e. T Urjra4" wrt tleta tck to e!ct frsa ib C Cosity . CJl uti s n Opera House Block THE POOITIVE CURE. s tt mjvmm -jUUmSii-m gmm D Castoria. Ct(tria Is ho well mlrptnl toeliflilrrn thaf I rvccaimieiui ll oa superior to wiy JruuoripUoS L.uuu u to me." II. A. Anonaa, iL D.. Ill Bo. Oiftir.l St., Ilrooklyn, N. Y. Orrr phrslfl.ms lu tho fhildnvr-i depart mint lmvo spoi.cn highly of th: c.Tpi-ri-ttiioe in their otitbido prac'it o ttli ( 'uolwria. and althouflt wo only -j..vi a:non our medical supplitts what ia kuon-ii o n-uuu-products, yet wo are froo to confrsa thut that tnvrits of (lafttorin lias won na to look with favor upon It." Unitkd IIohittai. DirrNSAnT, toaton, ilassv 4 llkji CI Srru, iVas Murray Street, Keiv Yorlc City. 352 ""W -AT- MODERN- I. PEARLMAN. mm, tww im, rr.naicsu. i.iia mi iJI rt,.t IM-i 1 wrvr-- iikj "A i 1