SCr SON . 1ui W 11 ulllll XV 1411 I . i:. HALl- &. HUX E. Gr. KNOTTS BROS, Publishers K( p Kinds of li.iiliti'is h:tnlw:ir--.'lid Bill Ml () ci.i:' :;.! v- ... '!e ; n. i:. hand Hi i TIN nOOn ts; c -V- "IVSlt I deasure in calling attention to our lines o SPIRIT WWLY IDS tot opened t'r .i.r in-p d iin -.n.-ititio I'uMisheil every;iy, and dally vtj evening exct'pt Sunday. itt-!;it:i-l at tlio t'liiitiimoutli. Neb. post- otllt'efor tninsinisMon through th U.,'S. in:ii!n &t second irlitsx rates. OflUre cornrr Vine and Fifth ntn-ets. Telephone 3. done. d si s, ol a very choice line of TKKlls KllK rt'KK.KJ.V, I i-MIO!jll)lfc 00(3X301 1SJ OT30TJS 'ne copy, one war, in nice ;! f j - '' '' "' ' wie copy, one war, not in ..ilv; iiy ..... 2 "! : Oil-- copy, si.-, nioiitlif, in a i' .iii-. v, ! " One e.'py, tliree nioiitlif, in a.) , :ti;c.. .. -10 '-j 11 TKKMH KiK DAII. j'-,,.;:, f)ae eop one y iar in ;iclv iur. r no ! M. '' . One copy pi-r ft'i-cl, liy r: -Ut ... i" I O T );io copy, per month fit; j; . .., MONDAY. MA1 1, ix-il We call special attention to our line of Dress Trimmings hl'KI Nil JACK ETS The lire for Also si Aire Throe Ouarfer Jacket CurUiu i)r.'ierii, Chenille Table Spruads, Itihhons, Laces, Silk Ties, Lsicu Triinininrs, etc. etc. T l- K FIJSTEST & SOH. Tim-: new warehouse law. which promises vast benefits in Ihe farm ers of t h is sin tc, v;is f f-t- :i rt- J by Gen. 10. F. Test, ot ( Xniaha. ;iinl in its provisions is not material dif ferent from lh:it in operation for a liiiinlx-r of years in Minnesota ami I).i.'ola. i .. bra! 'its provisions are. is lollows: I lie larnier can store his grain in the nearest elevator, taking receipt therefor, and wait until the price suits him before selling, paying, of course, a nominal charge for storage. Jlis receipts rej)resent a certain cash value, and he can, if he chooses, obtain money on tliem at the local hank, and when he iinds it ad vnntageons to sell, can take lip bank notes, thus getting the benelit of any rise on the market. The farmer's own judgment is exercised as to the probabilities of a rise or fall in the market, and he may sell outright or store the " rain accordingly. The local buyer is also enabled to handle his own grain by forwarding the surplus to some other center of his choice, and take receipts upon which he can realize, if occasion re quires. 1 He interchange ot receipts 1 for grain will, to a considerable ex tent, take the place of actual trans fers, and give all parlies, from the producer to the speculator at the central market, the benefit of mar ikhv. 1111111.1 IU UU vantageous to the members of the Chicago board of trade and their speculative customers. Beatrie Kx press. . r n it i. I M . I- o. i i i.-i.i .! . II ; ' I id I SANTA CLAUS SO. ( i- fil v t m n i i nm iMoJi(- ;:tk1 r-.iso t T ,1 B A OK I'l.V I IS.M I i .iid up I'.i Oirjiius. JtTP the vei v le-t tran-a' M. IT! ii:iillir : ! !l, O I M.C- NCII O, I. I lie i'l olli. Mil HtoCki", h .Oil". !; ! .;. :iiro i"f iio iin :i-i . iuii liii ei i'.m .i.: . . 'i'fts dratS'i. iv il .Mi United stft'ef ami ;n! iurope. 'in.LKt: io.v .ma i k vnt. linhest m i' kei i ie- p i t i, ran' .-i. S M ,; u ' .'! i i-.!'!'')..-- John Kitzii-fii.hi : Main auli. r . .e I', r- (Oh'i Klt" r:.! . i. ; !.! a ! ;...-.-ii f ., . l-e.'iV ii I ; . I . hum rr I.J .!l (...II II. t- l . ;-i ii. i i ' m- o! I K m t-; i i: ti i - ini::y War rtl. SI IK. TO ADVERTISE Call Ojol AND BRING YOUR ADVERTISEMENT THE BEATRiCE CHAUTAUQUA ihe inanarers of the Iieatrice Chautauqua announce some rare attractions for the approaching-as sembly. The lonq-list of speakers includes the great and only Sam P. Jones, Dr. P. S. Henson, Dr. A. A. Willits, and ex-President Hayes, Dr. Powers, Garfield's pastor in Washington, lecture on Garfield; Hon. Ignatius Donnelly and the brilliant Prof. Freeman of the Uni versity of Wisconsin, will debate the Bacon-Shakespeare question. Prof. W. W. French, the great crayon artist of Chicago, will draw pictures and talk about them in his inimitable way. Dr. Sauanbrali ot India will lecture in picturesque costume and with a platform crowded with curiosities. The class instruct ion will be es pecially line. The music will be in charge of Prof. C. C. Case, the best known of all the Chautauqua musi cal directors. Madame Ivosa Linck-, who attracted such 1 widr attention with the fatuous Gilmore and Iness bands, will be the soloist of the oc casion, me nweclisli Male Ouar- i Wa"ii all') Cl n.-ksirii, li - Wagon, I'ntf'j.v, M u-Jam- upi ) i .V ! ' -; t UOttSHSilOKlNU :. lit- u.-;- ! !u ii. .. I :'i.i!'V VV'iiifh is th l-. sc iioiislmv !r tlit furnier, r fur l.i-t lirivii'.'i, .t lor t'it purpOHL-8 ever invented. It 5s .sij ;;ittiie that anyone c-.n j;ut ii sharp or flat corks, iiH nuL'tlci for wet itid slippery d ity s, or niooth, o!rv romls. Call at h3 shop anil t-xitrjiiiic the si;vKiiSt.ip uid you will u:-e no other. J. M. SHNKbbr.-M;?ci''.i;. P3 N" rt'i Ftftfi St. IMattsniouth I There's banks of violets, Banks of p-. Arjd bajjks wfjere miriers jrope; And baJ?Ks tbak hai7dle croldea coin, Bt FAIRBANK makesTHE BEST olil QaPi M.rQn.n NJ(airbal v u5WU4mUlhUJUUftK CHIC BOM NEB STAB W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST R1Q Carriages for Cor. -itli anl Vine THIE CITY Pleasure and Short Kept Keady. Drives 1 1 i . i IS h I'lattsmouth, Neb: F q wwom cv ( -;c i WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full aud Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours ECIHUKDS ?i ROOT SIS Tue liciiiL'i r nieichants of Carry a full stock of jinorni mtrchondiati wh:ch theya-.11 very closf. Tlicrlicst priori paid for all kinds of farm prorlec?. Gen erou3 trcatnientaud f iir de.iliii; is the sticriil our succcssi. CHAS Murray Neb. ' : t S i i . SoUry Publie The Best is the Cheapest Ih&t is Why Fred Oorder after l.r years of experience as tlio suocessful Agricultural imphrnont dealer in the county has selected the following rmple uieuts which he carriw and heartily rccommomh to his friends and patrons. SSotclrura.. Molino and Scb.utlorV WAGONS, ' 1 Bradloy, Peru, and 3Dooro LISTERS and PLOWS MEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND Badger Cultivators. 3 i - 6 s." z o ii - "2 o a , ' : - - 5 e i- P IT Ton Advertise It Fropcry new TIIK IIE1:aU"S ,), department h:i been fitted with f-yyve .nnd if- n!le t .! the iint ot" work and on short, notice. vt want sale hill? -nll on this office und get our rice whieh are reasMiialle and iilike to all. We are Here to Please vwi w.i vri r-a v vihbbI wiJ TSii -&ari .-jjs-? 1 SUBSCRIBE FOB IT Cor Firm and VinkSfs PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA tftte. the inicst iu the whole world. will be present for a week. Dr. M. M. l'arkhurst, whoso expo rt ion of Scripture is simpl- mar velous, will t;ive ibiily readiiij.s and will conduct the Ministers' Insti tute. Prof. W. V. Karnes of Chi cago, one of the very best elocution ists in America, will conduct classes and irive platform readings. The S. S. Normal Class for adults will be in charge of Dr E. L. Eaton, who will also conduct classes in micro scopy and show the wonders of the heavens through a larre telescope. There will be in all twelve different courses of study in charge of able and enthusiastic instructors. The grounds of the Assembly are i i superb condition. The electric railwaj- now in construction will c irry passengers into the grounds and up to the tabernacle t !! new uuimmgs are in proce enti.atnirtion A nnimin - ..ivu. IV (1L11I V 111 j the Beatrice assembly is the beau- ! tiful steamer "SJueeu of the Blue," j f which carries ,nnj passengers over a six mile course uusurpaseed for picturesqe beauty. We adviee all who contemplate attending an as sembly this year to send to the sec retary. . creen, at Beatrice, Neb., i for the program before decidim-i ! where to go The Jate.- are Juur Zi J j to July 0 inclusive. o O J5 s csr Oh f. I I .1 C3.3 S. ll!!illfs 3 - 2 u, m a ;. Several ! process of i Ljj : feature of L r' 51 - ! ' ! L Si i !is 2 - 3 -Jo ST 2 o 3 5 k i J5 "5 "u 1 (Cme3wC;OC5S3'w C o b C3 ? o a o WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Checkrowers and Planters. Handles the finetol JIn--ies, I'luetons, Cart.., Spring Wa-o.o and Carrn.cres and other vehicles that are manufactured." ' The lartlinc in ttis Countv, oTdouhle and .inle harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID Mil 1 Fl' v i" . . tu-ii.tiiii. au experienced crorkmuB has charge ot our harness shop. x Fr ed Gorder, F'lattsmouth and Weeping Water PKiLII I.N STAPLE AND FANCY (iliOCKRIES, JULIUS PPPRHEfiG, , MANOFACTCRKB 09 A KB WHOLESALE & RETAIL EAIiHB IN THE Thoicest Brands of Cigars GLASS AiS'D S a 9 a -a 9 Flop niid Feed a Spciallj the Puble SIicited. No tanner or Mod-maii cau aliord tt lie without Ifallar'rt Jiarb Wire Liniment. Animals Mat posed to f)e mrmantlv inittriMl rind n-,,.1.. i bae been made valuable hv JtJ timely use. We are -o well pleaded i with it retultii thai rre heartilr i recommend It to our eueujrneri. ForMle by all fingim. ' I ! i wVp Apampbletof Informatroa BE3aT)- .'iE, I - - . - QUEEN STVA RE inclading our mi. Lai o rOBACCO AKD 8MOKKK8' AJtTICLS iwar. tx, -tock. Not. m18Ml JOEKSOH EIILBING, NirtH 6tH S K. DRESSLER, The 5th SL Merchant Tailor SHERWOOB BLOCK. Call il II