The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 02, 1891, Image 1

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ilattsmouth Herald.
lubhry h the iflnxltr rtht to u
' Iwk-kI Ana-otlK-Mr fur Ihr I'sinlfxs
ATrnth In thin city. Offlm Kocknood
mnted An Hi-live. r.-liollf in'n H:i!:iry $71
to fxo miilitliiy. witli li rrra-"-. lo r-i n---nl
lit own fet'liiiii ;i rMoi:Mlil N't vv York
UM. f'frTi-.
MAM'J'.W."1 UltKl:, LOCk
VK, New ork.
CASS U)Im;K. No. I. .. 1". im-its -v-f
Tuffl:ty nit IJ at llii-ir li;t:i m r'itr'r;tll
uck. AlHMtl 7t'i!"vH ;ir- -orilial:y invited
attend when vlsiti-'i? In t'.f rfiy.
I T. K. Will lA.Mi. N. (,.
,'v .1. W, r.KlixiK. Si'i:.
TKHJIITS OK ryiHIAS. i::itliit!t
L No. 47. Mri t- i-vi-iy V. ilni--il;iV "V !iH.4
t their ) II In kiTk':i li lilm k. Alli-.a..
nliMil.s art' cmtli::'ly HiV t.'il to :ttt.-:nl, I . A.
iaihliiill. :. ; i-rii k Iim ii. K. U s..
'OUk;mkvs iiimmi'sn -snci vi h
;it. rm:in Mm 1: ? Mif t. rooms
open f rem k ::
K :::p :i
in !o y ::,! m; I or men -ii :
Gosiit-I niect.iA; KVfiy
Siiiuiay allt-nu on l
e'eioi-k .
C. A- R.
MrCoiiiiUiic l i.'l. !o. i... iiiccHt v ry S;iHir
day ev i in at 7 :.;'). in I i; t r ltjill. h rkwml
Block. All i.'iini!; ciin:;ti:i-s ai- i;,iU l to
uiert witli U4.
. i;. F. Niicf. A-IJ
1 y. a. i:;i:-. l 'n-..
Our CU.I-l'iiifl List
Glob.--Ii inorr:iT, nml llKKM.I).
narj"jrs "
Hariu r's V..x. ir
Dcr.iorcst's I;i:iziiiO '"
Onmiii ;.
Lincoln (.'nil
Nutii'iinl Trilumi- "
The Forum
Inter Ocean
Lincoln Journal " "
The Home Mai;azino ' "
. i W
. 'J.t",
2. r,
. ..r,.o-
2 :;o
l r
Timo Tablo
fioixe r;oiN; kat
No 1 3 :.;' :i. m No ? 5 :' p. m.
3 5: !". . n "4 lo -.ria. in
"5 9 :-'." a. m. "8 7 ;ii : J".
7 T .-l.-ia. 1:1. " in 3:45 a. m.
a c :.- p, in. " V-' 1C :1 1 a. m
" U 5 :" !. M. 8 a. in.
l!l 11 :01 a. III.
Llewella Moore--; tlie Hcognizerl
Headquarters for trie Artit-lic
H iinU tho De.iutiful.
Au'lc";ia clirysantha, coreopsis
laiiceolata.t-lirj'saiitlK-iiumi maxima
antirrliiiiiims. plaij -co. Ions ami eU--inalis
make up a pariial Jist ol Mr.
Moore's rram.l plants, that arc icr
fccllv lianly ami arc not i
y a'Nchi asiva v. inicr. 31r. .Moo- e
has a tine stock of geraniums,
coleus ami sonic of those richly col
ore 1 1-Vciicli (Mimas, ::ls a line l:ne
)f bedding plants. I.i roses he
makes a specialty of the I'ollowin
hardv varieties: Ceneral Jacqni
itiot.'Md. l'lantier. 1'erle, Nq.lii.os.
together witli the old slanda -d La
France and that (Jueeu of the rose
family, the American Henuty, which
under favorable ciicums.ances has
produced roses s inches across,
bright red and of a most delicious
frarraiice. No ct)llection oT flowers
is complete without some of these
hard 3" roses. Mr. Moore has the
reputation of heini the best rose
grower west of Chicago; lie never
forces his planis. t hus makim? them
tender but irives them every requis
ite to make ihein hardy and siroiiir.
Thi.- spring is an unusually "ood
one ftr sc'ttiii- tint- pla.its and
should be improved by our people.
Remember the place where plants
and prices will suit die most exact
ing is at Llewellyn Moore's on West
Locust street, and call at o ice. tf.
The fragrant Heliotrope in bloom
wonderfully cheapat Moore's Cb ee:i
House. dtf
"The Fair" has only a few more
velocipede's left, which are beiu
closed out at cost. tf
Dr. K. L. Sitrerens has returned and
may be found hereafter at his office
over (Jeriiu's drugstore. tf
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Forous Plaster. Price
cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke &
Co. and O. II. Snyder. 3
The most esthetic flower nowa
days in fashionable society is the
beautiful tingle dahlia. Moore has
lots of them and they should be
planted this week. d3t
Go to Phillip Krause for your
drv cro,ls and groceries, where you
will Tiiid the best of everything, he
:iUo keens fruits ana vecxauies m
their season.
Shicoh's couffh and consumption
cure is sold by us on a guarantee
It cures consumption. For sale by
K G Fricke & Co. and O.I I. Snyder. 3
Cffnut'.fy Your Homes
Hv vincr t Iw Moore's and se
lectin" a nice line of his hardy
plfiitsT They, will bloom beauti
fully all si miner on the lawn and
will live out doorw all winter. His
prices will be a surprise to you;
these plants are so cheap it is a
wonder Mr. Moore can raise them.
Now is the time to plant them out.
and the sooner Y.a done the earlier
your ilowers will bloom. dot
Cook stoves at actual coat at J. W.
Ilendee St Co. d-
Chapman is in Omaha lo-
Maior Reed left
for liis Lome at
; Peru yeslorlay.
V. G. Kccft r and family came in
this morning from Waboo.
A. IJ. Tod ! ame in this morning
from a business trip to Lliuwood.
I "red Shroedi-r, tb' proo-ressi ve
Cellar Cieek t:apitalist. is with us
Mr. H.irv:-)- WaMron of Gr -ii-wdihI
was in die cily y-sterday on
T. L. Murphy and Win. Neville
made a business visit to the me-t'-opolis
Mrs. A. II. Dickson of Klmwood is
the iK -t of her broilu r-i'l law,
l-'raiiU Dickson.
Mrs. II. N. Love.-in has reiurued
from an enjoyable visit iiinoii the
uioiiutain resorts of Colorado.
Colonel John Marsha'l, a typo
tiTaphical a. iist from l,i,i lii, is in
(In-city visiting his parents.
Mr. . II. I Server a tid wife, of Cro
so.ia, Pennsylvania, arrived yesler
da mo- 1 1 i -i jlX" i visit wiih 1C. Ml'h r
a id iaiuiiy.
Mr. .A. Hasoiu. the -di;rof lln
Murray P.anuner, made Tilt-;
1 1 t:i;A i.i a pleasant call yesterday.
Call a-aWi. lv. II.
George V allei vand wife of Den
ver a.-rived iii theciiy last ni.lit for
a bi ief visit wiih relalives. They
weni lo Omaha this luoriiinu', :ie-
-i t ii i i.i i: led liv Mr
I'. JO. While
Mi-" Amelia Vallerv
A bij conference of school ii nr!i
crs i- bided for this city the last of
the month.
Si;pt. Noble says all the schools
in the county are in session except
four which hold no spring term.
August Wcndt one of our well-to-do
farmers delivered this week live
thousand bushels of corn at Uiis
point, and two thousand at Mauley.
- Wabash New.
Will Leach was married the other
day to a voting lady in DesMoines,
while lie was workinu" on the Leader
of ihat city. He is now sticking
t-pe iii Omaha.
Mr. Hallou has received the bills
of lading of a larije quaniitj- of
electrical apiiliances to be used in
the rending of Hie motor line, work
on which will commence very soon.
Dr. Schildknecht has just received
a fine 7,1 I Iarvard surgeon's chair
that is iiuleetl a marvel of conven
ience. The doctor never spares ex
penses for the coifort of his pa
t ienis.
The Whites are evidently in it.
F. K. White, sou of Oil Inspector
White, was yesierday appoinicd by
the governor as one of the dele to the trans-Mississippi con
gress, which meets in Denver on
the bull of the month.
Max Lemiu and Hans Ooos have
opened up their new saloon in the
Weilenkainp block. Their carved
oak bar and immense French plate
luiTor irives them unite a metro
politan appearance. To-niirht they
will have their onenimr. The IJo-
lipmirin band will discourse coml
music ami the new firm will set a
line lunch.
The funeral of Edward P. Cairuey
vesterday at Lincoln took place
from the residence of his uncle,
John Fitzgerald, and was very
laro-elv attended. Althouu'h but
twenty-nine years of age, he was in
trusted and most successfully
looked after the vast interests of
Mr. Fitzgerald. He was an unusu
ally bright, capable young man,
well known in this city, where his
mother. Mrs. McEntee, resides.
Uncle Jesse Ryan who lived six
miles west of this placed died on
Thursday last, and was buried Sun
day at the Helmont cemetery. Mr.
Ryan was seventy seven years of
age. No cause is assigned for his
death as far as we can learn, except
that of old age. He was buried
with masonic honors of which in
stitution lie was a prominent mem
ber. A' large concourse of people
attended the funeral. Wabash News
Judga Archer's Court,
C. It. A: O R. K. Co. vs. Conrad
Schlater. Dismissed at plaintiffs'
State vs. Lawrence Stull. Dis
missed and costs' taxed against com
plainant. Weidman A Breckenfeld vs. A. L.
Ra3". Judgment b- default for
fli.TO. The attached property or
dered to be sold.
In the case of Hannah I J. Adgate
vs. William Tighe, sheriff, et al, the
the jur3 found for the defendants.
Henr3r Reslie vs. John Johnson.
Continued lo Nay 0, 1S91.
Philip McCulley vs. O. A. Hirsch.
Action in replevin. Hearing set for
Mav 5. 1891. C. S. Polk for plaintiff.
A special train will be run to
Omaha on May bUh. at low rates, to
accoiumodaie those who wish to
M-o tin." President.
The long looked for steel rails ar
rived at Union Friday, so that no
farther dehi3 s on account of materi
al need be oxpeciod.
Sam Ilolloway i - raisingthe frame
of his new coitagejust north of J.
F. Doud's. lb will have a cos 3'
home when completed that anyone
would be proud of.
Mrs. Fred Ladiam has one of the
nicest iiowcring snruns 111 iter
front, lawn to be found in ilic c:iy.
It is a whi.'e lilac, noied for its
beauty as well as its exquisite fra
Mr. lu'lly, a prominent ciii.en of
Paellic Jiii)ci:on, was in town la.-t
11111 Ii 1 so dry 1 1 ki l 11 is eves won m 1 n 1
wo' K. i!'' soon rol. Ilioncaieu, ami
tried jor home this morning
lo k i a g
like a real temperance
Geo'-ge Weidiiian
is adding
i which, v.
him one
a li
on tu n
other sio'-y to his
Norih Seventh sire:
complo'ed, will give-
nicest home?
in Ihat part of the
is uiKViif the old
able to .joy I i fe a id
cilv. Geo"g
gua rds 1 11:11 1-
we believe dec-erves the best the
land ali'o'-ds.
They a -e making as much fuss at
Weeping Water in opposition to the
openiiiir of a saloon as if
whiskev I
had not been as accessible as water
for lo these many 3-ears in thai
town. Tills howl about the saloon,
and, complaisant wink at wliikey
drug stores, is a species of tempo--ance
reform that jia-akes nio,-e of
arrant hypocrisy than it does of
genuine i euiperance.
It will soon be time ,'or pol i t icla ns
to begin to sproui; this warm
weather is having an vli'ect on them
already. Please 'emember that a
county ticket will be put up and
elected, and that Platismoiiih will
not be in it at ad. Time, the great
heale;-, will not be around to soft
soap the bond ridden and court
house cursed people of old Cass.
The man who attempts it will have
to be armed with several boxes of
Lidian sa've and o.her healing
balm. The people will not listen to
it or allow it to be rubbed on.
Weeping Water Eagle.
Hovvlolay aCorpst.
La- the lln'ngs on the floor, put
ting a small tack he e and, there to
keep them i:i p'ace. Put the carpet
on die iloo: unrolling it in the di
rection in which it is to be laid. Be
gin to tack it at the end of the room
which is the most iregu'ar. If
there be a fire place or ba3 window
in the room, fit the carpet around
these places first. Use large tacks
to hold the carpet icniponi -ily in
place; the- can be wuhdrawn when
the work is finished. When the car
pet is fi..ed to a place, use small
tacks io keep it down. Tack one
end of the carpet, stretching it wclb
then a side, then the other end and
fmall- the oiher side. lie careful
to keep the Lues straight and have
the carpet lit tight 1-; for if it be
loose it will not onl- look bad. but
will not wear well. Maria Parloa in
the Ladies' Home Journal.
County Court.
Timoth- Clark vs. II. II. Vanara
nam. Suit on account. Oi trial to
Timoth' Clark vs. Plattsmouth
Canning Co. ct al. Continued until
Ma. j' 5, 10 a. m., on application of
C. Lawrence Stull vs. Frank Dean
et al. Default of defendants en
tered. Trial to court. Judgment
for plaintiff for $4.a0.
Last will and testament of John
G. Renkin. deceased, filed for pro
bale. The State of Nebraska va. Lent
Swtnehart, J. A. Caldwell and Wm.
Gra Complaint for unlawful as
sembly. Defendants found guilty
and each fined $1.00 and costs,
amounting to $3f.8.".
"The Little Tycoon."
Willard Spenser's clever and melo
dious comic opera, "The Little Ty
coon," received the marked ap
proval of one of the largest and
most brilliant audiences of the sea
son at the Tabor Grand last night.
The opera is deserving of all the
praise it has received in the eastern
cities. It is filled with bright,
pleasing airs, and has enough of
vim and go to keep an audience in a
continual state of good humor.
Denver Republican.
This beautiful opera will be pre
sented at the Waterman this eve
ning. Prices. 50c. 7.V. -1.00 and
At Miamiy.
Long keep.-; tho only place
sement in J lie way o: a tem
hilliard hall.
of mini
pera nee
Dick Oldham is
ra.or in hand who is
clip the men's ion
ti:e man with
er 1 i-al3' to
braids or
('has. Conally is at his anvil
earls' and late and reports Imsiness
vei"3' sat is fact or' in the blacksmith
ing line.
W. II. Loughridge is the pioneer
blacksmith and machinist, and is
assisted b' W.J. Holme.-, who does
ill'' wagon making and wood re
pairing. Messrs. Walker V Pit! man are the
grain buyers and iiae a very com
modious id e va tor, wh ir h is groan i ng'
under its load of grain, awaiting
ihe advent of the Wains to ship
out 011.
"The carpenter work of t lie village
is performed by J. V. linger nad
Mode A: Gray. Mr. Jlerger is just
compleiiiig himself a line residence
itiat wouid do credit to a much
larger li wu.
E. A. Hurtoii is the genial hard
ware man and greets the i ranger
and eve; yboib i Ise with a word ol
welcome, am I is doing a good in. si
ness in his hue. Wo a e sa isliei
! that Mi'.'rav h:i; a l:rst class busi
nessmaii in Mr. Hurtoii.
F.a-ncr A Dawson keep the othor
geaera! store, and are doing a ver
sailsfae i ir' '01 :: i i)e.-s. lhe goutlo
ine.i have been in business Ik re'
only since la-'t September, :ltl tiieir
genieel and accom n todn't i ng ma .1
ner is last winn ing't hem lriemis and
custom. t
Tiie piivsiral ailiiseiilri of the peo
ple are look.d atu-r b- Dr. D. 1'.
Hreudel, wbv i-; a g'ra.di:;; ,e ol the
Indiana Medical College, of the ses
sion ol isI5.
The doctor is well established in
the con of the jit-ople as a
iirsi class pliN'sician, and luus a wide
field of pract ice.
Messrs K'oot t'c I'.-iugb.t are the
lumber dealers, and have done a
business ia r exceed i ; ig their expec
laiioiii wtie.i ihe3' ope. led up last
September. The' have a splendid
s.oek of lumber and oilier budding
maierials found in a first class
lumber 3'ard. and by their square
deal iii g tiit'3' are fast building up a
t:ade in be envied by dealers in
larger cities.
Edmunds A: Root are the pioneer
merchants and carr everything
that goes io make up a iirsi class
general sto'e. Mr. Edmunds of this
linn is lhe po-diiiasior, and Mr.
Root, th'" (" !i.-p'.'-t- i.f tiie
is (.oiilillissioiH d a notary public,
and is qualified to tlraw any thing
in the way of a legal document that
ma' lie needed.
The last but b- no means the
least important factor in die make
up of tne town is the -Murray Ban
ner, tiie initial number of which will
appear this week edited and pub
lished by J. A. llasom. Mr. Basom
is an experienced newspaper man
of more than ordinary culture and
will, we feel safe in saying, give the
Murray people and Cass count- a
journal well wortuy tiicn" pa.ron-
Leaving Rock Bluffs, we called on
a number of the prosperous farm
ers n'ong the route 10 the risini
voting town of Murray. On reach
iti'r this new place, situated equi
distant irom Flat ismoutli and
Union, on the Union cut-off, we
were surprised to hud u
o. sucn
proportions havn
rowu to
11 u; it
a ousine.-.s linie en
in so
s'.wiri a time. Nearlv all the differ
ent lines oi : business a re 1 epri
by capable, en terprisi ng men.
Mm-rav is bound to for ire to the
front as a trailing point. Anion
the needs, of the town the mo.-
nro'jshi'- one seems to be a boarcl-
i .in- lioiise and a bank which will
come ere long. W AXDi-;:!-
A. Hastie took In lift -two loads
of corn Thursday.
The case of Louis Brittain vs. S.
A. Brittain was compromised 3-es-terday
by Mrs. Brittain receiving
$300 alimony. She will get a di
vorce. J. Pepperberg, the cigar king, was
in town Tuesday taking large or
ders for his famous Bud and Boss
cigars. The Pepperberg cigars are
leading the van in Cass couuty.
R. N. Robothom received sixty
eight loads of corn and forty-five
fat hogs last Saturday. Five of the
hogs weighed 2,('10 pounds. Rob is
a rustler and gets his share of the
Mr. John Clements is making a
spirited effort to puc-h his corner of
town to the front and he is having
excellent success. He is selling
lots nearly ever- da- at reasonable
prices and" as a reward is seeing
fine residences go up all around
Snakes are said to be thicker this
season than for many years and
people should be very careful, es
pecially with their children. Tues
day Wm.Delles killed a large rattler
on' his farm white cutting stalks
and says there are scads of them.
He also "had a horse bitten on the
nose while grazing, from the effects
of which the poor animals head is
swollen to a putf. Be careful!
Additional looal on fourth
1-J Ft 1 i l'i M
11 11 IT1
We are showing' a beautiful line
and the latest novcliies in rogue at
prices from SJ.aOlo K).(H).
l ull Line of
W'l inch Zepher Gighams.
Breton Z pher tiighams
A F C ( iigliam.
Domes 1 ic ( lighams.
I fenrict ta Sateens.
Egyptian Printed Cottoir-i
Silk Striped Madras Cheviots
Fancy printed Chambrays.
JJcautiful line ol sjolid
Striped, Ilroctided and Polka
1 apid sellers.
Ono Door East of tho
Remember that R. O. Castle
And GuaraJilet? Salisliiction in all Tilings
- v u x -
C V.
. . -. 1 . .
We f.hiu an
cltaxifjH bolli " ii not BtJf act cry. VS v
raat fevorytiimc for two yearn. Any ono who can
. J ,7t,ioV .v Rnr or IlamefW trcra us, as
weU us pay $W to ju to Bnma tni1dl)-man to
order for thorn. Wo givo uo credit, and tta.78
Flntform, 3-Sprin or Combination
VVn-ifons. fifl same &a other Bell at
Top liaruien ool an aold at .
rmr.tli(MI lluill -;l fiJT H I
.-PKllVirkcl Harness,
Pbaetonrt. 81 IO;
Fine H.oa.A Carl
OUR HARNESS cfX leather.
Slncle, 8toieo.
Light Uoable, 820 to SIO.
Baby is Sick. The woefull expres
pion of a Des Moines teamster's
countenance showed his deep anx
iety was not entirely without cause,
when he inquired of a druggist of
the same city what was the best
to give to a baby for a cold? It
was not necessary for him to say
more, his countenance showed1 that
the pet of the family, if not the idol
of his life was in distress. "We give
our baby Chamberlains's Cough
Remedy," was the druggists answer.
"I don't like to give the baby such
strong medicine," said the teamster.
"You know John (Meson, of the
Watters-Talbot Printing Co., don't
your Inquired the druggist. His
baby, when eighteen months old,
got "hold of a bottle of Chamberlain
Couo'h Remedy and drank the whole
ofitT Of course it the baby vomit
very freely but did not hurt it the
leasband what is more it cured tha
baby's cold. The teamster already
knew the value of the Remedy, hav
ing used it himself, and was now sat
istied that there was no danger in
giving it even to a baby. For Sale
by F. G. Fricke &. Co Druggists.
11 jT jxj ' S
We carry a complete line of Gor
don's Fast Dyi- Hosiery lor ladien
and eh i l I reus wear Guaranteed
absolutely !- la i n less
A good ladies libbed vest at iDt'.
Fast black ribbed ve.-tsat '.'r
Black li-le Tiiread vests at lac
SiikMied i-,-tsal 7"ie
hull Li i;e of ( h i Id reus underwear
Our lini'nl bl.ieli. and white Flotin
ciiigseceed anything ever before
shown by us at prices as low as latt
15la;k Jhdirietli Sateens in
Dott ellects, entirely new and
First riational Bank
A: Co have an immense stock of
Kun rtAAlt llr-cl w.m roniiumcrn.
l.M-r with Tir:V) '.'--n of - ' '
berr, wiu pnTu'o oi
Bme as sell atlSJ.
wrtbdaeb 91o. .
L. B. PBATT, Sscrettrf. ELKhART, IKD.
Baby Carriages.
Patent sleeping coaches for babies
with removable cushions and finely
tempered springs. They are novel
ties that the public will appreciate.
For sale only by J. I. Unruh. dtf
Croup, whooping cough and
bronchitis immediately relieved by
Shiloh's Cure. 4
We sell men's working pants and
blouses at a discount of 20 per cent.
We are closing out this line of
goods. tf "TllK FAIK." .
Brown & Barrett have the largest
and finest stock of wall paper and
borders in Plattsmouth. wtf
"The Fair" has just received a
new- invoice of hammocks, croquet
sets, boys' express wagons and doll
carriages. tf
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit
alizer ia guaranteed to cure you. 2
if I
I t i
' '.:
' T'ir.'"'i.i. '