The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 01, 1891, Image 1

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    J"K,"At , ' " 7" -"'7
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Lai tsmo
NUM HkU 107
! uj u r 1 1
11111 umi y a
Plattsmouth Herald.
rlUbrj bm lh irlole rlicM to f
.- i.)kll fur tli I'alnlrM
,afTeth ! thWeltr. Office Uockwowd i
1 1 11 An wsilve. r H.J.1-ni n-:tlry S7i
V it- . ultt, HiiTfUUK III IIM'THHftlt
1 '1 own ectlni a r-Mi
' W HV UIUIIIIK J . " 1 - -
itxthtililK New iU
I linn. Keferenwa.
MAM I AI 1 I HKH. lA:k
xx 1585, New York.
4 UAnn lil"ir., ru. im. i . -
CAry Tuenlay nmltl at tltrir liall n I-itr-r:tll
. . ' r I j . 4k L ........ u a, w
f BIOCK. A11U'1! rnurai1 iir- iiinmi'j n""r
I- to aueuti
i "
ST, I VIltl"K H ' "
T. K W 1.1 AM. N.
.1. W. I'.KII;k. Si-:.
KNH'.IITS OF 1'YIHIAS. .;:iuiill.t I .oil is
No. 47. M.-.-l--v-iy tlnt-l:iy ewiili.K
at th.-lr h .11 li. w.-.k'a.h k. All vimiiii :
knlnlilM art mv It-.l In iilti-ml, '. A.
If aisliivll. ; Kr.u k lix n. h. K S.
Y()i:Mi ,MKN'S IIKIVIP'N SO(".lo
WuU-rmuii I.I.m k Main Mi- ' l. I.'.is
pen fn m H ::m :i m to !; V cor '" '
;s.fl nicel'iiK v. iy Si.nit;iy ;ill i n ii at
C. A R.
MrCojinlhle l ui-l. N. ". nn--ts ry PnUtr
day eT-liinK " ! t r li.tll. l;.-ki"l
BiH-k. All isitiiiu '"'i:" ' s ' i,'V!"',t ,"
.ueet wit! u.
;. r. Nil.--, r,,sl A"J-
' A Hall", i'' ' ' '".
Our Clnl' -i'-K List.
01bi;-I) iii' r:i mul 1Ikkai.i.
HurjM r's M:t:i.'.ii-"
HnrMT's Wn. iT
Dfiiu .rest's M;i4n.iii): "
Oliiitlut Hit "
lolullo 111
Lincoln (''11
Nutioii'il Tril.inu: "
The Forum
Inter U van '
Lincoln .lounial '
The Home M!i;i.iiu "
j -in
Time Table
Goin;' ;in:
Nal :i :::' :i. in -! 5 :n:. p. in
3 :"' I'- i" "
4 ( a. in . " I.-.
7 " "
9, fi :.'" j, in. " 1-'..
11 ft l. :. "
i!i It a. in.
.. .lc ::. a, in
...7 ;ll V. i!i
.. i : !.", a. in.
. .10 :1 1 a. in
.. . . a. in.
Thr fragrant 1 1 ' ioi rM t- in liloom
woiuli-rful I v i li-'apai Mooa-'s (irci-a
Nu.f. ' ltf
Tlu' J'air" lias only a icw nioro
yloripi'ili-'s U- l, wliicli iirv boinir
CiDsed oili at cost. If
Dr. 1C. L. Sitri;iiis has ii-lurni-d and
may !' found lu iva iter at his ol'lici'
uvcr t "" s ilru.istoro. tf
I"or lanu- hack, side or chi-si. u
Shiloh's I'oroiis Pla-U-r. Price 27i
i-i-nis. For sali" hy h J. rickc
Co. and I). II- Snydi r. :
The most i-sih.ciic llowi-r nowa
davs in lahioiiaolc socii'ty i-1 iiic
I oi nt i ill sm)jl;I.- dahh;. Moore has
loi- of .hem" and tlu-y shouhi be
plan.ed iilis wi'el.. d:.i
Co to Phillip Kranse tor your
drv u-oods anil ;roeeries. where you
will Yiiul Ihe ei of t ei y 1 hi.iu,-. he
also keeps i'ru'us ami vegetables in
their season. '"
In order ie sellle up Ihe affairs of
the linn oi J. V. lieudee A : Co.. we
will for the next ::0 days sell I lard
ware at rock 1 .oi iom prices. Come
aloni;-a m1 r-ee for yourself. Kvery-Ihiiiu-
uo- s. price no object. J. W.
Ueude-i: Co.. C V. Matthew's old
siand. l-
Shiloh's -oUi;h and consnniptioii
cure s sold by us on a guarantee
1 1 cu 'is consumption. I".r sale by
1". (J. 1 icke Co.amU). If. Snyder. :
Denutify Your Homes
15v tTbiuLj Lew Moo-v's and sc-lc"-.i7:if
si nice !'nc of his h;'.rdy
planls? Tliev wdl bloom beauti
fully rll suiiMii -i- on ihe lawn and
will" live ou. i'oo-s all winier. His
prices vv'l be a siiprise to you;
thee phmis are so cheap it is a
wonder Mr. Moo. e ca.i raise them.
Now is the time '.o plant .hem out,
ami i he sooner 'i 's done the earlier
your tlowers will bloom. dOt
Catarrh in New England.
Kly's Cream Ilaltu ivos saiiiac
lion' to evervoue usinc: it ior
ca.arrhal troubles. C.. K. Mcllor.
ii-i...-..-ii Worcesler. Iass.
I iTelieve i:iv"s Cream Ualm i
best article for catarrh
ever oi.ereu
the public
-Hush tv Co.. druists.
W.,-....1...- 1
.I ass.
Aii arii. Ie oi
Ahleti, lit uuiiii.
Those who iiri
it. Geo. A. Hill. v.v. - -
real men I. C.
priuu"i-eiii. ,'iass.
. 1 ' 1 -.-1. 1.. ..c
li speaiv iu-4,iii oi
uru--it, Sprin-;-
field. Mas. . . .
Cream Halm has cTiven satisfac
tory r u 1 i s. W. 1 . 1 ra per. dr u -ii i s t .
Sprinir'.ield. Mass. Vass
I o-ettinir in a biir siock of spring:
i .,.,,,,..7i.- ..-nods. II"- novel. ies
lim .-ll.niii' , -
in breast p
ins and jewel ry are v.en
"ui'jr a.. Ca'l in and look
wo. nIi lo-:.
it his new -400. Is.
A Good Girl Wanted.
Four Dollars per week paid for a
xiod jrirl. None other need apply.
Drown & Darrett, successors to
Wildman Ac Fuller, have an endless
variety of wall paper and borders
all new colors and designs. wtt
Hi.jb School Notes.
The teacher of K00111 H has been
absent the last two days.
Miss Heisel's room sports the
banner this week with a record of
tf..."i, the best of the year.
Hall playing is indulged in by
several of our younj ladies from
hih school. Miss Lou Simpson is
the only one that can throw a ball
like a boy. She is a professional.
Miss Alice Mann lost her watch
last Tuesday, but I uck ily for her it
was found by Miss Minnie Tyler
ami returned. This is Ihe third
watch lost here this year and all re
turned -but for promptness com
mend us to Miss Tyler.
Some one must have drawn
largely 011 his iniainal ion when
he reported the purchase of an
origan by the board of education.
Prof. McClelland reiiled one for re
hearsal praeiiee. Only this and
nothing more.
Keh:-aisal for the entertainment
lobe jive.i at the opera house on
June Hi is proresi 11 T '"I'cly and it
is ;'o"uip; to be one of the best enter
tainments of the year. No eiioris
will be spared to make it a success.
A lew ol (hi- boys who i 11 la MO
they own the earth v. iili a picket
fence around it persist in coining
on the school grounds and playing"
ball after school hours, contrary to
rules and i usi ruei ions. Asaseijuel
to Ihe above we refer you to tin
broken Lilass in t ! 1 : I 1 1 . 1 1 1 i : :r. loys
should do as they are told and savt
unpleasant complications.
The teachers were commenting
on the luck of Miss I-Ycemnii and
Miss k'ovee. heroines of the jrreat
blizzard, that they were both mm
l ied ladies at present. One of the
teachers remarked that if siorn:?
brought about such d;':-h"iblc :v
suits a bli..ard amomr the Platts
mouth fraternity would be highly
apprecia ieil. and we think by the
way she spoke and lookil that these
were her sentiments.
An iiem in school notes of last
week iiiiimah-d that we had about
iiftecii old maids in the school. Yi
wish to speak a word in defense ol
the teachers in this matter. Many
imagine that because a lady is a
teacher she certainly must be a
cranky old maid. This is all a mis
take; we don't have cranks, neither
do we have old maid -. If this m;
ter was invest iivated it would be
found that we haven't a single old
maid in our schools. A few of vhi
;irls are probably of ae, but to
place them at twenty-live is ceriain
ly ridiculous and unfair.
It appears as if theve is some mis
understanding anionic the school pa
irons reirard. nir spell inir. Some of
them claim that it is not lati'ih i in
the schools. True, we do not have
the old blue-backed speller of last
centurv for the children to memo
rize, like they learned their letters.
but each lesson is a spell injur les-on
to tin- exieat of the words found in
such lesson; ami besides this we
have from one to two spelling les
sons in each room daily. Pupils
are required to w--iie the work and
to place the words in their proper
shape as to sentences. We have
111:1:13- pupils from ihe counb-y who
have learned that old spelling
book to memory-, and when they are
placed beside our pupils i:i putt i. i;x
spelling to a practical test or use
they fall away below, as they know
how to spell the word if it is found
in the speller and p'-ou need to them
and they see the color of the book
cover, but in demonslrnl "njr their
knowledge bv writing the words
they- are found wanting.
Miss Gracie. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A Connor, will ive an "At
Home" party to a select crowd of
her little friends at from 2 to a
o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
This is May Dny and a queenly
day it is. too. The air is fairly re
dolent with the sweet perfume of
the plum blossoms and the lilac
which vrows in almost every door
One of Premier Kudi ni's represen
tatives crave the city a call to-day,
armed with a hand oriran and the
customary monkey. As he could
not speak Hiiirlish sufficient to tell
his name, he will probably not be
detained in the city for the fall
G. V. Lindon came in last eveiiinir
havinc." batrired three rare birds of
the loiipT billed variety. Two of
them were pronounced a rare spe
cies of snipe, while the third, almost
as larire as a teal duck, we pro
nounced an ICnirlish curlew, a bird
seldom found in this part of the
Council Proceedings.
The council met in adjourned
. . 11 1
session last 111111. su iui-mioi-im
A petition for permit to put 111
. . 1 1 1. 11..:..
newer connection oy jaeoo m-iti-rich
was granted.
The claim committee reported 1.1
favor o f allowing ?.).() to A. C.
Mayes for en-riiiecrinjr and the war
rant was ordered drawn.
The claim of Matthew Gerinr for
iiiK) attorney fee in in county bond
case was referred to judiciary com
On motion f A.Salisbury the
mayor was authorized to appoint a
committee of three to p;o to St.
Louis and meet the river commis
sion, since Mr. Herlin had assured
our people that by so doin-r we
could jret what belonged to us in
the way of river improvements, the
expenses of the committee to be
borne by the city.
On motion ofSalsbury 2fK) was
set apart to rrade Sl.'.th street
north of Main, from the west sideof
the street to the curb line on the
east, as far north, as Walnut street.
and from Walnut to Dey street to
i;. ade the full width of the si reef.
The motion prevailed unanimously.
Mr. Glitsche offered a resolution
aullioriziii-r the transfer of l.!0
from the business tax fund, which
was overP.owi nir with money, to the
;v.ier::l fund, which was empty and
had some warrants against it draw
hiLT 7 per cent i:ile'"est. The resolu
tion was unanimously adopted.
On motion of Salsbury, M r. M. 1 ?.
Murphy was elected president of
tin- council with no objection.
The license committee, after the
council approved the bonds of ap
plicanls, b,ii::'it in a report favor
injr the r "anting;' of saloon license
to M. S. k'ya.i. Win. V." eh her. j ::.).
Miimm, 11. Huns, L. Hoediker, Geo.
Nicho', J. J. McVey. Herman
Klietsch, Hans Goos. Jack Grace,
and J no. Kvers. The report was
adopted wi.houta dissent i 11 r vole
and the council adjourned.
The Si. Lou;s Committee.
The may or in conformity with, the
resolution which passe;' the council
last niirht, has appointed Jiidire
Chapmau, M. H. Miir)hy and C. V.
Shi-rinau to wait on the river and
harbor commission at St. Louis in
company with Mr. Herlin. when it
is confidently expected that ar
ran.ireinciits will be made for the ex
penditure of the river appropria
tion which wa.s made lomr niro for
this city. Mr. Sam'l Wautrh will
probably le added to the committee.
DiKi This morning at the ripe
of SI years, Mr. LTisha Stradley, at
tht- family home one anil a half
miles south of Greenwood.
The funeral will occur to-morrow
afternoon at U o'clock, the inter
ment takinij- place in the Greenwood
Mr. Stradley was the father of Mrs.
D. K. I kirr of this city. He had been
an honored resilient of this county
since 17.") anil was in -rood health
until he received the fail (a full ac
count of which was pfiven at the
time) which caused his death.
The deceased leaves a widow aired
70 years and nine children. all
jr'-owii and married.
M Stradley leaves a host of warm
personal friends behind who ad
mired his sterling integrity and
kindly ways, and who will jrreatly
miss his crenial presence.
Dis; rict Court
Judire Chapman set aside all tin
sales made of the Wcckbach prop
er; y the other day. exept the bus
iness room, the brick yard and the
dwelling bid in by Duzzle which he
intimated would be set aside also
but allowed Mr. Huzzle to make a
ThcFriday Entertainment.
The entertainment in room l'A tViis
moruiuir was jriven by the juniors, j
and was devo-ed to the subject "of i
rrlass. The marvels of blowinirj
rlass were explained and demons-!
tmted by actual work, which was
done in a manner that convinced
the audience hat the class thor
oughly understood their subject.;
The explanation and comments oy j
Miss Kdith Patterson was excellent i
and very creditable to the younjr
lady. j
The visitors present durin-r the !
moriiine-exercises were Miss Mia
- - - -
Gcrinrr. Mrs. Iiuckner. Mrs. Pepper
berir. Mrs. J. M. Patterson, Mrs.
X'iles. Mrs. Dudley. Mrs. S. M. Chap
man, Mrs. Mauzy and Mr. Peterson
of the Journal.
Lenhoff Hros have rented the
vacant room in the Fitzgerald
block where they will remove at !
an early day.
The Cuik County Bank Robbers.
A special to the State Journal
from Kn-rle jrives the following bit
of news about the Casscounty bank
robbers who reside in that vicinity.
Jessie L'uby is well known here, be
inr conuei-ted with a ood family
at Lirht Mile Grove. He lived near
this city for many years and his
friends are unable to understand
his strange actions. The telegram
This vicinity is all excitement
over the arrest of Ruby, Nelson and
lobiu, three well known larmers
near here, on the change of robbing
the Hank of Oak Creek at Valpar
aiso. The two former were consid
ered above reproach. Of the latter
very little is known anil that little is
against him. Kuhy and one brother
have lived in this neighborhood for
the past ten or twelve y ears and al
ways had the name ol beme; rooii.
honest, hard-working- fanners, al
though poor. Jesse, the one under
arrest, was supporting! a widowed
.sister and live children and the
brother supported an aired lather
and mother who an- prost rated over
tin news received of their wayward
son. He also has one of Ihe sister's
children. The two boys have kept
the sister and her family for eleven
yea rs. Jesse's most i nt i ma te I rieiu Is
cannot account for this deed. He
was always easily led. not of very
s; .-on.'j- mind, and it is supposed lie
was led into the commission of the
crime by Tobin.
Younir Nelson farmed with his
bvolht r ihree and one hal f mil. s
northwest of here and Tobin worked
for them. Nel.-on was considered
:.-':i exemplary yuuii.ur man. and so
! fa'' as could be seen had no bad
, la-bits, fie was a member in u'ihhI
I standing- of the (iood Ti-uiplars and
j was wi-il liked by all.
I Tobin laid around here a!! winter
I and report has it that h- v.;:.-- foiled
1 in an atteiuot to enter one of our
hoti-is latent uiht throii;;h a win
dow which hi- had unlatched from
the Inside before closing- time.
F ier.ds of the tlii't-i- aw iis)os'.-d to
lay most of the blame on him and
:!iel:- .-ymp-'ihies are wi'di the other
two on account of their lormer
I'ood be ha v ior.
County Court.
Owen J. Webster vs. 15. F. Lrmr'
Ilearinir on object ion to at lorney's
lien 011 part of plaintiff. Default of
plaini iff entered and hen rimr by the
court. Objection overruled am!
lli-n held valid. J. H.ilaldeman
pro so.
The State of Nebraska vs. Lem
Swim-hart et a!. Complaint for
unlawful assembly. On trial to
Theo. Shaffer vs. Jos. T. Perki 11s.
Su it ou account. Default of defen
dant entered. Trial 'to court and
j iii!.'4,-ine-nt for plaintiff in the sum
of f-'.'j'S. ;.''."").
Ilearinir on final settlement estate
Ilenjaiiiiii Macy, deceased. Geo. I.
Jvioyil, till m i uist raio Accounts al
lowed and decree accoruiuirly.
Nichols Mttllman -At the of: Ice
of Ihe county j udjre, April 20, lM .
at 10:!i) a. m.. Cap!. L. Nichols and
Miss Ivnima M 11 11 man, were u n i fed
i.i marriaiie, Judi;e Kamsey ol'Jiciat.
1:1 r.
The li'tl Tycoon.
Sur-estlve of the :i;)roacIii:;
performance of the Li t i le Tycoon,
the follow" a -4- Jo'i-fo vi;-oito:i i::ci
ilent is recalleil. A very prominent
lady of our county, away Iack in
t'ne -fifties, was ou her way (as a
bride) to her Arkansas home, and
at Cincinnati, as they wee embark
inir on the steamer Tycoon, the lady
was presented with a canary bird.
After an ownership of a day the
bird escaped, when a lady passeu
rer composed the two followinir
1 had a canary,
I i.wne I it a tk y ;
I loved it leury.
Hut it fl-::v away.
"My pet ol a d;y.
Have I lost you so so. n-.'
Oil ! why flown away.
My Ml tie Tyco:m?
Baby is Sick. The woefull expres
sion of a Des Moines uam.-ier's
couiilcnance showed his deep an::
ie. e was not en. I rely without cause,
when he inquired of a druIst of
I;e same city what was the best
to i:;ve to a" baby f c r a coid'r It
was' not necessary for him to say
more, his countenance showed that
the pet of the family, if not the idol
of his life was in distress. -Weirive
our baby Chamber!. lias's Cou-h
Kemedy." was tin- drurrists answer.
- dou'i like to cive t he baby such
stronir medicine," said the teaaister.
"You "know John Ole-:o:i, of the
Y.'' t Printing" Co.. don't
you? Inquired t'ne dnm.irisi. His
babv. when eiirhit.-en months old,
rot 'hold of a bottle of Chamberlain
Couirh kVmedy and drank the whole
c.f it. Of cour.-'e it the baby vomit
verv freely but did not hurt it the
least.aiid what is more it cured tho
baby 's cold. The teamster already
knew the value of the Remedy, hav
inir used it himself, and was now sat
is tied that there was no danger i
irivimr it even to a baby, for Sale
by F.'G. Fricke A: Co Druirirists.
' Cook stoves at actual cost at J. W.
Hendee A: Co. d2
We are showinir a beautiful line
and the latest novelties in lorue at
prices from !f'J.."V) to .fKMK).
hull Line of
!51i inch Zepher ( Iii;hams.
Hreton Zy plu-r (iiliains
A h' C Gilliam.
Domestic Giulianis.
Henrietta Sateens.
Liryptian Printed Cotton
Silk Striped Madras Cheviots
Fancy printed Chainbrays.
Beautiful lino of Solid
Striped, liroeatlcil and 1'olka
rapid sellers.
One Deer East of tho
&TV . V(Yi?
Remember that K. O. Castle Co have an immense stock t
Ami Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things
Llewellyn Moore's th Rcoijnized
Headquarters for the Artistic
and the Beautiful.
, .
A.pulerr.a chrysat.tha. coreopsis
aniirii.'imims, phuycodens and cle-
ma'. is make up a partial list of Mr.
. 1 . . , 1 .
Moo e s L-raud inanis, thai are. er -
r , , , ' 1 , -. ,
ACc.'.y hardy and are not injured
by a Nebraska winter. -Mr. Moore
has a fme sloclr of reraiiiuuis,
coleus and some of those richly col -
ored F- e tch cannas, also a fine line
of beddim-T jilants. I.i roses he ; town of Murray, on the M. I, li. IJ.
makes a specialty of the following-I Plenty of timb r uirl wattr. Good
ha -dv varie.ies: General Jacqui-j orr-lmrd. 50 hearing trtta. PpittsmoutL,
mot, Md. Plant lei-. Pr-rle. Niphiios. Neh Feb., Hth, iUl. wtf
together with tin- old standard La, IJ. W. IIyeks
France and that Ou 'en of the rose j m , '
iamily. the American Heauty. which ' Enby carriages,
under favorable circumstanci-s has j I'a;entsleeiincoaches forbabie.-
producer, roses inches across : v,.ilh rciiKivaM.-i iisliions :,al finely
bright red and of a most delicious tempered springs. TJiey an- novel-i-air'-anc
No collection 01 flowers tl(.,. ,ji;it tjI(. tUtr will 'appreciate
is complete without some of these j.-or ;lK. onl , , j i-,;ruh (jtf
hardy roses. Mr. Moore has the . ,
repuiation of beimr Ihe best rose! Croup, whoopm- cou-h and
.--rower west of Chicago; he never bronchitis immediately relieved br
lorces Ins plants, tuns makmir them Shiloii's Cure ' i.
xetiiier oui iivi s iiieiu .eiy leijui.-
ite to iinike them hardy and st'.-onir.
This spriuir is an unusually irood
one for seilinir out jtlants and
should bt improveil by our people.
Remember tin- place where plants
and orices wdl suit the most exact-
ino- is at Lleweilvn Moore's 01. West
Locust street, and call at once, tf
bloom, of
the most;
irorireou- colors. They will con-
iinue to bloom all summer, too. and
can be selected at Moore's Green
House for from 4.0 to accents per
dou-n. dtf
We carry a complete line of Gor
don's Fast Dye Hosiery for hidie
and 'childrcns wear Guarantee!
absolutely stainless
A eod ladies ribbed est at Ihe
Fast black ribbed vests at It.'c
Hlack li-le Threa.l Nests at -t-'ii '
Silk Mixed ve.-ls at 7."c
Full Line of Childrcns underwear
Our lirteol black and while Fiona.
i-ililj,s exceetl anything; ever before
shown by us at prices as low as last
Jl:i-k I itnriclti Sateens im
Dotl ell'eet, entirely new and
First fiational Dank
All persons biowiair tl'ii-niselves
, 1 1 1 1 J . hied to under.-iir.'j'-d ir Jast
, v:-ars ice and ot her yea.-s ice will
please call and sei;
1:0 ice will
be del i vcrc d to them milil former
accounts are paid. The ice wa"-ii
, . t!.e si r -et .lail v and rea ly tS
j) Jiv.r or!(.,, 1f S. W liriK.
j ; "1,llr"
j . , 1 1 t-
' nm now prepared to deliver ice
1 . .... . J,t
, to an tiart ol H e r tv, J el e id 1 one 7!i-
f - 1 .. v(- u' -v
n 11. C. McMAKfcN.
J " T"
! For Sale.
' Cood farm one-fourtii iniic horn the
Vv'e s.-ll men's working jjar.ts and
blouses at a discount of Lb per cent.
We are closing out this line o
1 hi; F.ik"
l'Pn H-rett have the Iar-est
lirown Darrett have th
;lia;iiK"1 'icii wad paper and
; bort.ers 111 Plattsmouth. wt
He- Fair" has iti-l received
new invoice of ha m tnor-l.-s
sets, boy.-' express v. aprons and doll
. carriaires.
m .
Additional (CCll Oil fourth
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