7 . i f j . - ' -TL CARDS. ..syors . .iand st'UVEVOi: . B. HILTON. plan of all work lurnlwhe d an-: Kecord kekt. Ofllco in Martin Block. -MOUTH mty Surveyor ANI civ?L EfaciHCsn. orders left with County Ch-ik vn: rwivn liroilltil attention. iFFICE I i J CCUT HCJot:. AW OKK1CK "A ' nr.. T. l!l!(lV?. f ....... Personal attention to ail im-mesn .,.. .. to my ot t v t ,,,,,. Titlos exsininc.l. Alstr:i;lwi...il.-l. l''"1"" nc written, real .-state m.M. Better laciliti.M tor "w.'v ANY OTHER AOLMA PLATTS.MOUTIl M.ii.lAMi,. AYER'S ills Excel aU other as a family ineilicinc. Tlu-y are auiti-tl to -very -otntitution, old iuul yiuiiK. Mi':ir':iH-.l, an- an-n- al.lo to i.ik.-. IMi.-ly v. -.-. Lil.lr. they leave lio ill cll.-cli, I'll U .-.ticiKlhrn reulato Jit: Blimtich. Iiv. r, uul i.ou.-l.i. .'ut.1 ruslor.; cv.-iy orjmi lo ii..uri..l ,1 mi'-Hoii. hor ii.m; i-ith.-r at home or a..;-...-i, .u Un-1 or ,i. Uie.-iC 1'liU Arc the Best- ! f.,r..v.-r l v r.. - !.: , in-li. i., I.. l-v.-M, . ru-.t.v.-.li-.-;.--:. ;,, , :,, I .ii-... : .:.! I. .U-l -l l..tit .-:,!. a ! ,i',v,, ...... ' ' I ' i i. I .n "' ' " '' "l-'-, V'i!"" ''' j -,lv. l.'-w I ' I-- ' ' 11 1 l-;.n-,:.. I. i. i -1 lav.- i: " li ' ' ; !-' 1 :' ' '- y I ;..!. .I.!..--' all : ' '"r t i,,,-iiii..-r ) n.v ..i Lav- ai.v ;!i-r 1 ....i . .' I. i;ic ill.: II A '. I -. ' :" ' '' v.r alv.ay-. al lan'l. I n"i know lio'w lo - I. a!...-. v.ili.o'.it lla in." A. W. So.l'-rl.t-i. I.'uv. ;i. .Mas-:. "1 liav. nv.-l A y-: ' alli.a ti.- a ; :v FamiSy Medicine fr '.- v.-:-.rs. aial th.-y liav a!v..ivs civ.-n 11. utmost sati- fa.-linti." - .Jani" A. Thornton, r.lonnilll-.'loll, I ml. -Two l.ox. s of Ayr's rills .m.-.l m- of s-vt' ln-a.l i.-li.-, fr. i.i which 1 was lonir a snff.-rer." Iviiuna Ky.s, JIuhharl.-.lown, Ayer's Pills, Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Maas. SoM by all l. V-ra in MMlicine. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tiik Hkmt Sai.vk in tin; worhl lor C'ut.-Uriiiw-.-. Son s, L'Ict r.s. Suit llh-inn. F vt-i Sor. H, T. tier, 'lia: 1 1 1 ml J, Cliilliiins, Corns, mikI all SK in Snii.tioiiH, an-! t.vily runs l'ii.-n. r :ii .iv re.jinr.-'t It is oll'iral-t.-l.-d lo t-':.V-' s.-.tisiil( tit;!l. or in. nt v n lttn-l' -l. !'i ic.-ij.". . nt- .. r l-'.-r Mi!.- ! i'. ! Prick.- A: Co. CONCEALING 1H ri. i!l Not V ENCIES. ft Yi'riH- !-ot Co. n.t. Hll.l Why Oiip M.I i-un .Viu.i:.. i ('iil.l Two tri..s i hara ti i i-1 ic ! 1 !m in ::r v.( tohl in t !n-.-iiok:- ro.)in 'la ir.;i ail ini ie .-ii-;i!:;-r. S.i'l a in it-man from NVr Urh-ans: ) tzzsz ' " - What is . I; IZcifiV.l'ii I il l !i.si-;i- i - II i Ml-1 1 . I I -111 ii.il!-- .- V. I I- II'. I 1 1"' I 111' I''.. II till-l.'-I- til I ii l:i i" !l.M . ! -i.l I I- I i i i i il c : .-. .''.'iii' ii iiimr v ami r w.is ii; :i -!.ili.,u! . "A - c .n l i ma i i.i- I-'.-. . .!.'" ., ..- ti hi '. i r m i' !: i ..! 1.1 our r ..I a l li r a-i-'l in j ayin.r oil tin -.1 I. mi i! !! I. n v. K., N i A fc'r-f V-F t r i i n v j i -J i t- l 1 N. - 4 JTORNKV A N. SULHVAN. Attorney at-'ilw. JVU1 pr;;;"! V;,.1 UnloB bi.K-L i-iM-t n;itt....onth.N.-h. ITTOKNKV A LAW. 1 WINDHAM & DAVIKS. (m.:e over I'.ai.k of t'as County. Nehrasha Plattsmoutti Sflsniiclis v ell 1 -As" The Waxhinttoii Avenue GROCERS VN l Provision Merchants. ll.-ail'iu.uters for in nlTIl V1 hl-TI. r: TYPEWRITER Dl. .-M'i , r. -. Ii' l.v 1-.l.'rf : i 1 1 - 1 . . in Cur i .. U -t ' ( mi, i : I. l-.r I- i ir! i i i : ii i 1 to ;s-i:i.;l jii hi h-'l v.ii.ii.r u: II" at Her ' '1 til'! stri. tlv l':: t !-'a.-!i ia.-. fu.lv ;iii:t.i1- ,.,t Mai.- ir-in the v.-ry ln-st niat.-i'.at h -kil'e.l x...rkn..-r.. a-...', will: tlie h.-st t(ois ml iiiiv.- .-v.-r h.-.-o .o-vi.-.l for tho t.in.-s.- W ar-r.i.it.'-l to 1" all That .-an - r-as.i-ahly , .et-.' -f v.-ry lo-t t)n-nO-r .-viai.r ...-.:.!. ..r -.von..-: !-. ..., :-.-v.!.in.i:.'--oT ,,. ;...,.,. I, in.'.' I-. til.- ablli'y oi to.' . . Wc pay no rent ami Bell for CAM1. You .Wt:,iy auy I'ills for tleaJ beats--when you luy of tliia firm. The, l.w.t SOFT COAL always on Hand. r DONT FORGET AT THE -i.TTn-D a c 5 (JCJrOlJ -EJ-t Opposite HichcyliroB Lumbt r olUce V - T- i' J.,v J-. . ii Tl -... -..,lP- S..ino yeais at; Ciiam..-rlin .'; (., 1 j I).-s Mol'ii-, IWU, c luMi -IHCil tin; man- J . i .... ...... ,. ., .,.n.rh sv : mi. In li. A'lt.o it to ! I.i tin- ia.i:-t )roi.i.t unci ivltahlo r- aru tioii yt pioiliic.-il tor coiiolis, c..!ils ami croup; that tin- piililic appn-iiate Inn tike I it, ami in time it was certain to lr-eoini- popular. Tlu-ir most sanguine liiipes have hti-ii more tli iu r -ali.--tl. ( )Vt-r three humlretl thousa;i(l hot' Its of (Miainhi-rl iin's Coiioh Itemedy tire now sol. I -mc1i year, ami it is rcconia il hs the best made,'' wherever known. It will cure :i severe cohl in less time than any other treatment. For sale by b . Frii ke fc Co. Tlif lioltliim- f tin- Vtrltl's Fair in a citv si-aiii-lv i'tHy years ilI ... ri i . i i I.. .1 ' I It il K'llllll ixmin i " "i. ' ' whether it wi!! really lenelit this nation us much as the ...T"very ox the k'estnr.-itive Nervine l l'r. l.v. ..1. 1 ;.. Mil,- !x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 his is just what the Aineriean people neeil tt Clire their excessive neli)niu -f. lvspepsia. heatlaehe. li..mess. l.-.-nlessiies. neuraioia. m i . i i.- . o - l.ility. dullness, i-milnsion f nid. etc. It aiMs like a iliarm. inai htittle and line honk ml "Nervous and Heart Diseases. with une- inaleil testiiiitmials free at h. i." . ;,-!... A- Co If is warranted ti eon tain no opium, morphine tr il.mii'i''' oils tlruo-s. I The 1 1 en nes Method for piano ami oilman, the lavot ite ami uio.-i mu eessful in Knince ami (lerinany. also harmony taught. iltf Mk's. Mi:k-(;i-:s. w.aH,,Ml,. lln mi-- PllICE S100. ifrhi-r- w m a'eiit in your town addles the manufacturer. TIIK rAKlfeU M". V'v v Kent.s wauitr.1 1'a.h is . v i SKt-'f.F.MIllE. A-renl. Lincoln, Neb, YHS OK.D RELIABLE. liM & 808 S 5 jr ; i i r . j.ii ? PIHF UIBEi GOU).AM rOUCELAlN CKOWNS - Br'ulgo work;au:l i'mo gol.l work u SPECIALTY. t eel li, C. A. MARSHALL, - F iit.-or.ilJ. rniiinlcsj LBth, Sash, f is t 5 &k Jr.n supply everw J.iiiaml ot the city Ca'il" atf.l -et terms. Fourth street in rear ot' opun hoii?.-. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER Remarkable Rescue. it... -v.. ,a..... i i-,,rt on I'l-.iiii'u-U 111., makes i , i i.i.i .... . - - - . ..... i.f- wi... ..in' 1 1 o1.1 wliii'li set UirMrtirilirii. uin. -n' ---. tletl on her l'liis ; she wan treated for a nioiita ly her la"my n s-a-iaii. mu sie old her nhe was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no meilieiiie eouhl cure her Her Dnejcuist suitefted Ir. Kint;' new discov erv for consumption ; nhe bought it bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from the .lose. She continued it 11 m and after tak i ten bottled. found herself sound and well now does her own hounework anil is as well a he ever was. Five trial bottles of .tins fjival diseovervat F. ;. Friike Cn's uIm Store rcebottlen aiie, and 1. ttftllss' Nervennd Liver Plllo- Act nn a new nrinciole reguLitino tl.o livrer stomach ami bowels throuy;li the nerves. A new discovery, ur.iiines Fills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une qualetl for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 closes, 2"c. Sunpla free at F. (r. Fricke & to s The New Discovery. You have heard your friends and no oil oi-s ta Kino" iiDom it. 1 ou may yourself be one of the many who know from nersoiial exoeri'-nei iust how o-ood a thint;- it is. If you have tried it you are one ol it staunch friends, Lerause the won l...-fnl ihino- :ii'oi:t ii is. that wnen -n-.-ii :i iri.il. Dr. KitiLr's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never . i . it :md .-hoiild he alllicted with a ciu!i. i AND . ! - :-. JLaWilTi.'iu! ri; i-L'. v i-i..'-'-? t - , -,: . . i. t.. -.:.:. i : c ! Jti-ii: .'. 0 iv. 3cti-.i?r?' :.-:-lu'VC.:-w- L IIWC-AM UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand .everything you need to furnish your house. CORKER SIXTH AND MAIS STREET Plattsmout - Neb PERKINS - HOUSE, 217 219, 221 and 223 Main St., lattimouth, - Nebraska. R. M. EONS, Proprietor. ..PArlcim has been thoroughly renovated from top to now one of the best hotels in the Btatc Boarders will be taken by the week at ti.50 and up. Hi !r5!TjNE5S4-nEiDSi:!SESC,.l3ED ; . ".-'s i-1 Ij I'-.v!.'-' In .; '. 'i i.ii.ijjr i.ui C'J- h" v.r' j oJ- r: ' . .., :.:n. 'a.p m h. -.r i. .- ,i.'.. f.: i'-w;.;. -.j. -'Ji"!. V raj f tovt wt ;rouib 4 Oft.U SOILING WATER OR M!LK 3 GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. 552 PARKER'S LSmP HAIR BALSAM w- J-r U r'S2L "'d IMr... mid iM .iuiHui the h&ir. OlSfn 6 si Funn.Kj a lmrariant growth. rJCS1 O 1 Never Tails to Betore Oray Wjr'.rrJr 1 TTv. i Youthful Color. ?V5i5-iiJ Cun p d:we A hair IniUcg. jyt V? ttig.aivt !.. a ttmigula l. imii. i i 'IJ L J 1 ,J k J II Wk Kin(r. Drtiiity. Indigestion. Faiu, Take in time. 40 at. HINDERCORNS, The only tnn core for Conn. GOOD BAP. COHITECTJ-n Or. Grosvenot's Bell-cap-sic PLASTER. I? rr7i f .ioi. t" J old oranv throat, lun.o-oi- trouhle. si-eur.- a hottle -'' ,;,:! o-ive it ;i f.iir trial. It is .r:i :u-i d i-wrv time, or tuo.iey ui'.ded. Trial hollies free at F. C l-'ricke iv Co's ilruostore. i hest ee Xia-.l i."hin nee, I'lir;;''!' ot t;i with lleurv lloec' 5, oils :i:ul parts or all kin-s of cn in- i'-.'ind at the Singer -f- ii.l Slx.h -trteLs wtf tl.e i.i.h to a... -- :; i-M : V- '11 lai! I r ! t!i :t (.,..- ,,f tie- V.ar a-.M the e-1. ot ,-.-! :! f.- i ; 1:.- ; . .ii; h are vi-.-v nir.v: i i n ; i,n. -r.-ilKe up-:!i th-ir part. "Ti i- p.is'.a- Mt of t In: men with-ml i.i. -ait-iit until on.- -..li;il! V ll.liiiV Dr.-s-'-.-l'e.l liiM wi:ilov iu res; ii :is" lo tin; eaiiii Kane; Iaiu' !:e .1 ;i !.'iii. 'Will you writ" ytr.tr l.amn or make a eros, J.ickMmy -ai l tie- i):;yui.i o '-r. 'I'll write my name,' replied tho nen . 'The pen was handed to him and 1 ho place for his signature was careliuly pointi-il out oa the pay roll. "Ihc man took the pen clumsily, dipped it in tho ink, looked at it and then at the pay roll and finally laid it down on tho desk. ' 'What time is it'r' ho asked, looking up at the paymaster. ' 'It is just 10 o'clock,' was the reply. " 'Well, then,' said tho darky, '1 ouess 1 ain't tfot time to write my name. I've ot to meet a man at tho custom house at 12 o'clock, and 1 guess I'll just make a cross." "The custom house," said tho New 0ri.V.T!c 'nan, in conclusion, "is about ten minutes' walk from where tho man was staiulino;." "That reminds ino of a little expe rience 1 once had with a nero," said a brick manufacturer of a little town up tho Hudson, who chanced to bo of the party. Wo called tho man ohl undo isett, continued the speaker. "Ho was a dear old white headed iellow, witli a lit-nt hack and about seventy years old at tho time tho incident 1 am about to relate oc curred. "Ho had lived in a little shanty in tho town for vears and uul odd jobs at whitewashing, masonry work and va rious other things. Unit tlav I wanted a man to stack some brick for me in piles of a thousand each, and to turn a little something in tho way of Uncle Ned 1 hired him lor tho job. " -Cati vnn connt. JNedr l askeu mm after I had told him what I wanted. " 'Yes. indeed. 1 kin, inassa," tho old ftinw relied with a chuckle. '1 kin count right smart, and ho ran off the numerals up to ten glibly enough. "Ned began his task ana workea ttiidilv for some hours. 1 looked out of my office window after awhile and saw that he had far exceeded his numuer nf ;i thousand bricks to a stack. "I walked ont to see about it. He was hard of hearing and did not detect my ..rmrnncli ad lame nn behind him. 1 drew nearer and overheard him say, as ho lav each brick on the stack: 'A nudder an' a nudder, and der goes a nudder. A in-wider, an' a nudder. and der goes a ii mliler ' " 'What in the world are you doing, Ned?' I asked. " TYmnrin' de bricks, inassa. plied, as he continued, 'A nudder an' a miil.lnv. and der croes a nuuuer. "Tint. Ned. vou can't count bricks that wav: that is not counting. I thought you could count one, two, three, four, " -Yes. I dun tole you 1 could count, an' so I did up to ten, but Neils pretty ole now, massa, an' after ten he dun for -ot his sehoolln'. an' so ho counts a nudder, an' a nudder, an' der goes a nc'lder.' "There- was something pathetic about the poor old follows speech,"' continued the speaker. "Of course 1 paid him for Ins day's work," ho added; "but I had to have his stack of bricks recounted, and had to give the balance of the job to a couple of twelve-year-old boys, who were ii.oi-0 i-xp: rt at fijures- than lie.'' New York Herald. CHtoria is Ir. Siimic! 1'itcJu r's iroK riptioii for Infant .uid Children. It -ont.i:::s itvi'.Uvr Opium, Slorpliiim nor other N.ircoirc m:! M.uu i . U U n L:rm!css substitute for lMrsor!v, Drops, i- nolUli f rtips. niul Castor Oil. ic L. IMcoMint. 1U frint-rantcc U thirty year' mo l.v Millions f3ltli. Citoria!-stroy.H Wi.ntis unil :wlkiys fi-icri.slm'KS. Caxtorla, ir-v tiU voubtlnj; Sour Curd, euro lia.rrlm-; nnd Vinl Colic C.tbtori relh vcs twothiiiff trouble; cures constipation ami Hal ulency. Caatorui. assimilates tho 1'ood, ri?ulat-j tho tomah uml bow5l, giving healthy and natural Hlc-ep. Ca toris i tlw Childron'u .aiwwea tho rilothcr's Frind. Castoria. "Cntflfi ta an eio-tlent iiir)lehi'o T-r nll du Mother huvo rejiettU-stly Wild i of iu good effluct upou kiuoir cUdren." in. O. C. Oiwoon, Lovul'., Mash. Castoria U Uio l).t rwnnvly for diil lreii of which I am acquainted. I liJ tho d.iy Uwiot far distant w hun mothers wnfcomiitlrtw rv:U liit.Tt'81 of thir children, and uo Caf-U.ria In stead of Uio variousquai k noutriims which ar.) destroying their lovod ones, hy forcing opium,' morpliiiu;, sootliiuR syrup and oth.-r hnrtf.U irnU don th.-ir throats, thoruby Bcn'iiiiiJ tiiuui U prtjiiuituro gravos." l)H. J. F. KlMfllKLOE, Couway, Ark. TUa Centinr Company, TT II gTrSirififTTi1-'-- Castoria. "rsnr1a Usowcll ixlai't.'d koliJMrn tha I reiM'iunu'ii'l RaMsupwrior t.,twij iuTipti. klMJVD t llkrt. H. A. AHrwiicii, M. I.. lit So. OxTird St., JSrooklyu, H. T Our physician In l' ohildron's tl'Hart m.nt hnv.t sjiok.-n luhly of tlu-ir oxt . oooo hi their outbiU; iraet.iLt with CiwUiri f and alUit.nh wo only iutv. anion;: out uiudititl mil 'pi it what ia known iw r.ul u pr.HliioLH, yet tvoiire froo to conf.-t tht tli muritii of Castoria loin won us to look. wlU. favor upon it." L'xrsscu IIoriTJ. ink Disckniuht. Uohton, Slana Alius C. Purrn, JYct., urray Street, Knw York City. 3SB ''W J. D. 011AYES & CO. DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LA 1 11, rSAMll. ,,-,, . ; , DOORS, RLINDS.and all building matcn Call and sec us at the corner of 11th ami Elm street, one block north of Heiscl's mill. Plattsmouth., Nebrasks-. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL srtfrai !T::;r c'eiin-i. riili-s. crosses h;iir work of all kinds to order. ylK'S. A. KXEE. tf 17'JO Locust St 111(1 Sliii. ill's Yitali.er is what you need for constipation, loss ot appe tite, dil.ttiess and all symptoms oi dyspepsia. Price 10 and 7.x-. I To Ice Comsumers. My ice wiioii has beo-un to make reo-ular trips. Orders left at my tore, my commission house or with the ilriver will he promptly attend ed to. tf S. White. A restore, stricken, and yive you a luxuriant growth of hair, to keep its color natural as in youth, and to remove dandruff, use only Hall's THE MAN WHO Drives the the Hearse is not in it 6tces tfnielt And for that matter, neither is the Simmer Sewinii" Machine Company. Over WMl.iioO Sinners have been .sold in the United States which .......- il,-,i v-li:i-e over 0.0 H).tH ! wit sses to the fact that the MMir-K the best machine made. All the .-.--t iiiMirovi-nicnts have ieen I -hich truly n,.kc the Singer : Mu- -n of ;ii! her kVaiui. !U-s sold en i he most favora : - ! v the d.o'artmeut iH;!;ia- 1H is at Knglisli Hospital Statistics. Taking tho quantity of medicine used at St. Bartholomew's hospital, London, as a fair criterion of the medicine used per patient, the quantities of medicine used every year in the hospitals or this country are as follows: Ointment, 80,000 pounds; cod liver and castor oils ana va rious kinds of mixtures and lotions, etc., i: 50,000 gallons; upward ot nair a minion pills, and between thirty and forty tons of linseed. Mr. H. C. Burdett estimates that the hospitals of the kingdom have invested property wortn ten minions. Their income is nearly a million and a quarter per annum. The expenditure per ueu vanes must, strangely. It is least in Scotland and greatest in an Irish institution. At Westminster it is only teuper Deu; at University College hospital it is 110 per bed: at the Royal Surrey County hospi tal it is 111; at the Devon and Exeter 51, and about the same at. the South Devon and East Cornwall hospital. London Tit-Bits. Accidents Will Happen. Did you note that dispatch from At chison, Kan., relating how "Mrs. Ellen Patton, a local poetess of considerable note, dislocated her jaw this morning while yawning':" Did you observe that record of how Rr.fns Getheridge, of Worcester. Mass., "broke the small bone I of his left leg in sj-pping out of bed'r" Did vou reflect- upon tho solemn fact that IN ALL OUR COMPLETE LINE OK BOOTS AND SHOES BilCtillNS FOli :lhh. W. A. BCECK cX: UU. Also the Li.uh riinninK Domestic Sewing Machine for sale Everything to Furnish Your llouso. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODEKX HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House ea, hBy ot W- cheaprpotor to fur.... . cottar STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINC. Ao-ent lor the Celebrated White Sewing Machine. The largest and mast complete Stock to select from in Cass County. Call and nee i. Opera House Block I. PEARLMAIS ;;rr- z WJ. i. J 4p.. --xi-.A- " ' ' . W , ft .M v ' ' r- I t )C l i ii i.'ll I 1 - ere iijv.- . of J( 1 "W v.'T': ITeVf .11. J-!-. . vr: ( n hile -.-.s and -L'iu . i ; . ..' . y . ::: .y 1 -iuu:;ii La.q;iirt.-r. t