,.7T: , , -.1 .'. PlattsmoutLally erakrfiyrw l y lias the C V-.-" .."'.- ? r-v - ."V I iden club sent its pa FiiKiksir ram pers to Mr.jniaine? If, not they ought to lose no time in forwarding a consignment of free trade litera KNOTTS BROS, Publishers The P ture to that jrenllenian. After ?Ic Kinley, no public man is more in want of conversion to the true lineal l.iilli. Willi Ihe ?lelinley act blud gcon in one hand and most tempt ing offers of commercial reciprocity in the other. Mi-. 1 liable is in. iking t ! ii- w nil ! 'hum.' has pi a eti ti .'.lis on t . i 1 . i ! . i , ami (lone more than appears on the surface to 'I;.!-'- i . h ! , I I ! ' I !;' i e r if""Y 1 I'Y.V take great pleasure in calling attention to o-ir lme3 o ruMishcil vory Thi'rs'liiy, 'and daily every evening c('ett Hunday. Keisteit-d uttliw I'lattmnoiitli, Neb. i.ost-o11ri-fr transuii-sMon tltrouli Vir U...-S. mails lit st-cotid rule. Oilii iM:a;:ir Vn:c :wid Fit ti. : i-'ft Tk plum: uS. r. A. (k Stela'i It tract U.B "ftwt 1 JMM,MMMI i i . , IF YOU SHOULD TRAVEL OER THE WORLD H TXT ntrt A3 FAR AS YOU COULD CO, to W oijrl f-r yur ins-p'.-etion consisfing of a very choice i is III1M ol . 1 I KA- RETTFR SOAP tIiaisI SANTA CLAUS 1KKMS 1 It V It I K t.V, !ii ,)'., i :n . r, 1 1 .. v ." .... en- rn. y. ii'iv .::r, in u.iv.vee . ',.. In 1 1 - I ; 1. II!.: !l f . ill .1-' . !'! On" n. t li ;-1 im-'I'Mi-. i:i fHnrfC I iiv.'ilnig J ; 1 1 Y I'll 1 1 ' 1 1 j.liiill- i - s -. a : i ' 1 i .','.-' .'". .'.iii i I - tan t i a i s 1 1 e i .- i . 1 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c e -1 1 . i . . . a . I he !a.p-- .' i . . i : . -e. -.!:. ! : ' .-o .. .. (... j .;, I ,.:;,-,! . i . ;.- j . 1 1 1 1 .:.. na l:e k you'd never qur to Knov jf 4? 40 ft fiiYh'"' V'. K A tj XY-'r n -..vf-f.,.:-.-., ... i t ij : , y- ....... . t, a i ja'-M-i; I., p V f .1 .!' jT i v K ( U.' L( '.'J 1 1 I t V .1 - K i A rvr i: v ILL r - I.I.Wl Vi i.l l' I. ... V ' i. I . !.-- 4. -A S.!h !S AVu call special attention to our line of Dress Trimmings bl'lil X JACKETS The Reefers Also ii Nice Three (Juartcr Jacket C'nrtaiu Draperiei, Clienillo Table yjn-eads, Uihbous, Laces, Silk Ties Lace Trimmings, etc. etc. T H E 37 1 jt J5 S T (lie Gitr 9 fM TO fljDVFaf PIS E Call OoHl 1 A T AND BRING YOUR ADVERTISE MENT If You Waat to Sett To nr Prop err Advertise it. '! iv ,:! . I .(' i t-i s : ! .-. . i i . i .'-. i : ' w.' 'ill'! i - .' i! h ' i '.'. i - wi'h :t ! ' m wra ;e con gi'i r-s wo 1 1 1 g to 1 1 1 . I i iii." i in I " in-ver was n pote-it : la -fM' in r -tut nil ; r. pi : 1 ! ' -,. : : the cont i'iiio.1- I . ! a : ' i " ; of the democratic parly. A col'V of the Sidney Telegraph sent us 1' (leoige 1 'a i rljeld. of Min alai'e, C"lu' i iine eieinlN. eualain.ia two column article devoied exclus ively to Mr. rurnell, their alliance nieinher of the legislature. He is flayed alive for his Ihim1 treachery of the interests he was supposed to guard, and instead of improving the irrigation laws, the fat wittcd egotist has injured his county by amendments to the law that will lie a serious d ra wl ."ck to Hiosewhode sired 1o irrigate their lauds exten sively. Mr. 1'urnell, we are lead to believe, did not get a word of con demnation that was not merited. i - lire, C li I i I o I me WITH Hill against free tra le. and Cleveland against free coinage, the democratic platform makers it would seem have a hard job to per form; but they haven't. Hither of the two gentlemen, full of demo cratic patriotism (r), we wager would accept the nomination on any kind of a platform or without a platform altogether. These, modern democrats, after suffering so many defeats, have become a sort of self adjustible affair that veers with the prevailing wind. If the drift is towards tariff reform, they are tariff reformers; ii" toward protection. they are proiecuonists; and so on through the list of national policies. t ' ' . :. i '. 1 . i: i . . ni I 1 1 ' . : ; : i ;,!...': i i 1 1 i . . . ; i S( ---1 1 1 r i ', f-lo ' i ' ' . '; mi: i ' ' s in h e i i iM ii i i ' f ! i ! ' in -!"irt. e-:M::!;v f'T th" i I'lliii d Suites m -a. - people. All writers on Ibis subject juni at once to ti:,- conclusion that tin' t lee J ii i ii I iy ! ; ' ; ie. 1 1 1 it en 1 1 oi 1 1 v be obtain -.' Iiy a fe ision of (he constitulion of the I'aited States. Of co i it .-c a con.-1 i t u ioiia ! provision tothatelfeci would be more bind ing, and the lust way ultimately, but it is noi absolutely necessary to obtain the object in view. United States senators can be elected in Xebia.-ka by the people just as ef f"clua!Iy a - t ic- i . ji :i I is by The nation through the. electoral college, or even a congressman as a result of a nominating v out en t ion. The present constitution of the state of Nebraska provides that its citizens may vole for a In ited States senator, and that the proper otti- I i . ..i , .. i i ii. . I Ifll. .;wi'.l l UUIU tlllll illl'liMliM I llie res:: It of such ballot. Here is the whole gist ol the matter, if the peo ple will honestly and earnestly t -ikt IJ JLJL THE IlEUALD'Sjob department Las been fitted with new typ and is able to do the finest of work and on short notice. If yu want eale bills call on this office and get our prices which reasonable and alike to all. are We are Here to Please m i: Gk'KAT results were loudly pro claimed by the astute eastern press as bound to follow ihe ei i i si n n-i : t o I I ie i ia n s i 1 1 1 ii ie ra nl.s t . : 1 1 n '-.-,-ulararni3 . lvrudite editorials were penned by men who never saw an India:!, except in a : .:"' m i:.- ce. shiiwing how nicely the Iudia.n questio'i had bv.i g'-a; pi. d with and si-llVd. M I'-.i.- m' ".!: "n the noble red man rciuses point blank to joiti the army. fe likes to f!li"-t wlien he a'cts Pia.l.b'. I to i'ake a business of it under strict disci pline won't do, and ?Ir. Injun is too smart to try it. The stealing is better outside the ranks, and the danger of work is too great, so that another important tpic.-Aioii settled by the metropolitan newspapers refused to remain settled. 7r r; & lit Tj A m $7 n v TA RE F C W. D. JOKES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS x THE OITY IN Carriages for dr. 4th and Vine Pleasure inul Short Drives Always Kept Heady. I'lattsmoutli, Nebraska F Q T7WQW G2 WIIJ, KKEV CONSTANTLY ON HAN) A full aid Complete line of their choice by their votes, either Js-tw MliiGCllCXilwiSj P&.HltlSj Eflldi OllS l3' their own motion independently or through a fmblic nomination. These ballots are bound to be counted, and the legislature elected at the same time, as well as Ihe state, would know which person or persons in each polilieal pa'"tv a majority of -heir party desire I a Ihiitcd Stat"- senator. .o legisla ture would dare to g. back of this expressed will of the people, and 1-. nature :l the iustruuienl liicn-ly !eg"al!' the reeio.i.-- ii'i.'- lif'jiMii" to record e j j n-s.-r; I DSUGG1STS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions ( iiiet'ully Compounded at all Hours The Best is the Cheapest Th-it in Why Vrc Ch.rdcr after 15 yuars of experience as the most successful A gr ji ultura.1 i:api la'u.t d'ulci in t'c county has tclecU'd the following imple-n.-uts which h:: 'Mrrios and heartily rc-comm-mri. to his friends and patrons. a . LM.1 STJBSCBIBE FOH; IT Cor Fifth .and Vine Sts PLATTSMOUfH, NEBRASKA w 4rqrp t fi rTnmsm Our neighbor has an argument in favor of free trade and he did not get it out of the Cobden free trad? pamphlets either. Like the bo' who made the windmill, he made it all out of his own head, and had bass wood enough left to makeanother.lt is this: Great Britain has got along somehow with the balance of trade against her for a few years last past; hence America should follow in her free trade neighbor's footsteps, "it is English you know." The editor of the Journal might have intro duced a better example of an indi vidual getting along with the bal ance of trade against him by hold ing himself up as the bright exam ple. Of course it makes no differ ence how the fellows who pay for such prosperity feel, just so the shining example shines with the balance of trade against him Working men with their starvation wages in Great IJritain understand how comfortable it is to have to put up for the balance on the wrong side of the ledger. The Journal K.N'ows that the balance of trade don't count wlieu it is at some oth- power available. er fellows expense. It is always a siiii of prosperity to pay out more than von receive. and iiaoii would soon m.ike tiii. method as binding as the instruc- votesand the convention now are ;t, i, ..-pv-: o (; ",. .- . -i v. - ' !".-.,-. ' ! 1 1 There was no presidential noiui naling coi-v.. ie' io:i rl;: :;.o A n.-iti; '.lie i !ect.r '' e s .1 ; i.! to choose for themselves wlieu they assembled at AVa,'h i -igtoa. The raid growth and extension of the country made a presidential nomi nating couvciitioii necess,:r3', and now tlie electoral college is simply a recording board of the wishes of the people. The constitution of the LTnited States has not been altered or amended, nor has the college been abolished, though many think it should be. In like manner any state with a similar constitutional provision providing for the counting of the votes can designate to their legis lature their choice for senator, and it would not take but about one les son of popular wrath to convince Mr. Legislator that he had better vote as the people directed. The law has never been enforced in a formal way since its passage. A weak attempt in this line was made several years ago, in the case of Gen. Van YVyck, but it seemed entered into half-heartedly with a preconceived idea that it was futile. The people did not wake up to their rights and power in the matter. For some reason the great newspa pers of the state, as they call them selves, while holding at times for the election of a United States sen. itor by the people, have never pre sented the facts in the case as set forth in this view, nor showed them how to in:i:e their strength and B-och-ir. rolisio and Sciiutlo W A GONS, "7"? rx 1 1 "-- via-' tita W V , LISTERS and PLOWS V DEPARTURE TONGUEL.ES AND Badger Cultivators. v v 7 rr t c i j. j. i v d: AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, ERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA- worth Checkrowers and Planters Handle the iinestol J'mggies, J'lnetons, Cart?, Spring Wagons, and Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured. The largest line in Cass County, of double and single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLER an experienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. Fr ed Gorder, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water p. J. mm DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AIsD QUEENS WARE -!J THt POSITIVE CURE. 1&A3ZF New Millinery Store. ?Irs. (.". T-I. Graves, dressmaking and millincrv. New goods, iew j.rices, latest "stj t -s. Store X. 110 South Hrd st: tflattsmouth. Xeb. !m. -jCAWSON & PEARCF 1 L'Hri'y h foli Line of fixe MiLi.E.s n r a:d cu.il- VUh.A & ' '!J''l fl Ar:V. AIo Fifil CL i i LO'.VLU "making the world ROOM 2' R LKV BL,CU" KUTTMOBIH BLAINE IN LONDON. The holders of South American securities in London have an organ of their interests called the South American Journal, a-, a recent is- j sue of the Journal a plaintive cry is set up over the prospect of tin de vclopenieiit of United Slates inter ests in Soulii Ameilca and ti;eVe.t , Indies under the masterly policx' of i SecretarJ' I$laine, who, to use their j owu phrase, is Flflpi1 db9 Fusil a Spscialty x'.j-t.nage d thu Puble Solicited. JULIUS PEPPERRERG, MANUFACTTJKBB OF AK WHOLESALE & RETAIL DBAX.KB IN TVB Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our Florda furajfi and '8ul FULL LINE OF rOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE always in Btock. Nov. 26. 185. JOHNSON EDILBISG. llrdl 6th S a m :Y lod mrAtr.r cnr. Bookg lfurmi n rum Tflmr. TttiTloiiii from ail pvtin of tU glob. Pmf-isctiw pot iat-S. -Hint no iTHtioii to Prot X. LoufeUo, 3u Rna Avb. Hew Yutk. V . DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of ForalT i ou)3tiaGD3ls. OoQaalt Your Interest b, Givlni? mra a C)lU SHERWOOD BLOCK i-'i-lj if.) .'i i 1 IS