- i I I.. ... ., e - -t yTf iax1 T.. iii. mi rj,u pwli 0 XoPS8ION x.; f. LIVINGSTON E. 1. CltMMINH DIIS. LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS 4 Plpcaiis 3DQ Siireeoiis Offlco No. 112. Main Ml. Trl'ilioiiu : lle!.I.Miiv 'I fli'ilMHif IT. I.lvlnc-loii. JCrfiiliiK!' 1 -t-liln lr. riimiiiiaa. :i6 Survoyorsi l v 1 1. i:n - .1 N ' i.i: n -1 i; i v u. K i:. HILTON. Kn'ul'i t- j, ,i , , 1 1; 1 hi nislie-t aim K . ! ils ki'kt. i ) 1 ! i 1 1 Vt. i i !-i ii C: j v, I' All i :.!-ii with i : m y Cl. rU will UCl ie i lllj'l ..ii" !l.Hll. OrPiCH Sit COU"?T HOUS'. V.'r.f. L. IMtoWN. -i r onat all i I i . ! L'.'-iix . nt I n-1 il Co in V rare oriv .Kir 1 llles eMil.llll. 1. Al-Ila. l-O. llille:, llil-lll-lIH e M II 1 ei., I eal -,'a . ..!. til-IO'l I.m I'HIe-i im le.ikine Harm l.e in- Uian ANY OI'HKIt Aii:.N('V f i.atts.moi i ii m;i;iuska rilKNKV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney uNl.aw. U iii fr.-mi.t to rII 'U-UU--1 entr'i-te.t t- linn. Otln-e 11. Union I'loik. Kai-t S:.e. flat ' -nieol Ii. N.-l. TTOKNKV A .A W. WINDHAM & DAY IKS. It. U. WINDHAM. Notary I'illi JiHN A. HAY IKS. Notary Kubllo Olliee over Hank of Ca-s County Plattsinoutli JNebraslia Batiks Uaakof CussCottaty Cor !.lin a'ul 1 "ifth street. Pjlid up caiiltal Buipl.ir .. ;.rHwl . . Ji IA OFFICERS O. II. I'arnev rresident Fre.l .oi . r Yire I tesnlenl J. M. ratter-oi. l a-hen X. M. 1'alti isou. Ai-bt Ca-inel DIRECTORS vj. II. I'arm.-le. .1. M l'atter-oii. Fre.l i;onlet A. M. Sniii h. Ii. 11. U imliiam. i'.. S. Kaiu-i-y a: id T. M . I'al let -oi. A GENERAL UANX1NC BUSINESS j T RAN SATED i " i .Ageounts soMeite l. lati rest allowed on time ; det' -itH and iimiupt aiti-utioiiKiveii to all tins- J iut-s.1 t iitiii-.' ' t it- eare. The Citizens BANK ri.ATTSMl'Tl - NKHItASKA Cayltal stoi k paid i" . 55'1 0 ( Authorized CapitaJSjOO.OOO. el- Fli'KKH KAN K CARKUTH. .IOS. A. CONNOIJ, rr.Mi,lu,,t Viee-1're.-i-ier.' V. H. C'. SIUN". I.'afliier. iiiukctoks Krauk Carr'irti .1. A. Connor, K. K. ;uth" J. V. .lol'.ia-eti. Henry l?eck. John O'Keefe AV. I. M -rriam. Win. A :-tein-aPip. W. H. Cusliin. TEAKSACTS'A GENERAL BANKING BUSlNES p.-ues oi-.iO:"n-ef .et...-.t- l-ea:injr intere-t ItUAS ...lu! ".:- e.xetianu;.-. eo-.ility an.l oi: -iir.-tii--. Fir-t National BANK Of Fl.A IT'SMH'TII. NEHKASKA Iplul'!':'r:ta--'V.'..:...'.V. ClfTistheverv t,.-t faeUitie, Mr the Promr 1 traiif-ai-tioii ot nominate Bankiusj: Business Btoekf , bonds, jrohl. eovornnient and local e- i SU'.t lee bouirlil aim soiu. itiuno ny..,.. . Drafts drawn, available in any part of the United StateH and aU t.e fnia ir;U town of nd I interest aaoweo mi me leiimv,...- Surope. OOLLECTIONS MAIF. AND PKOM1TLY REMIT- j ll-l'. j Hlehest marker P'iee .iJ fer County War-, rants. State anw County tonds. PIKKCTOKS ; John Fit.unrald I- Hawkworth am Vau:ii. F. K. While ieor-'e 1-.- I ovey John Fiteeral l. S. WaiiKh. A a Li - Preriileiif PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, -"-1 a'I Main St., tattsmouth, - .Nebraska. H. II. PONS. Prorritor, Ihe Perkins his b en thoroiiiiiiit renovated from ti p tr :,;.ii..t.. uJ s , ow one of the bst hotels in the. state j Boarders will be tnkce l.y He" we. K ai f 4..0 and up. GOOD 3AH C0H1TECTED A "I, liT.ir. TeetimoninJBfr.m 1 . u, - . ttn. POUT ffi 3W F -AH At.. A-.w York. J A J f u ruuT r- lfuri r r 1 VVSlll In one's life m the discovery of a remedy for ao.ne. ...K-HUadll.K malady. Tl. iM.hnJn of K. rofula is lu your WooU. Vou inherited it Irom your ancestors. Will you transmit It : ' . . - to your off-riru.i;? In me ui eat majority .,f rases. IK.II. ro.,.-..n.u.... ami t.'atarrl, .,- in.il! in Serofuia. U n snjMiM-i l l).- tin nin.iry siniii-i: of many oiii. i ' iii'iaiiK'lneiiU of tlie Iimiy. r.ei'i" al om:e to rkuliae your LIooil wiin tlie .il.iirlaia alUi'.iLive, Ayer s SarsapariSIa " l"r several iik.iiIIis I :n tronlili il wilh j 1 sTiifuIiiis eiiii.a; i j r in- w 1 1 J lly. ; ) My ; 1 1 J : 1 1 w.s I. i I. nr. -,:-iii :,o .i .M ii.- I I h.i! 1 v. . t 1 1 ' t. i 1 1 1 1 j v. in i. Afl.-r ; I- :-: .. . ! . i:i ;:i. f l l 1 ' i ; ' . '.it - ! .i i!i i. an I ii-l -i v. i!!t . i -a .....! . -.-i . i i ' . o. :i ..a-- i "i ; i S23t3rc-J iffiy Health ' V of III'' -'e :'S- I r- '.) , .i: i ! ran I uli"a I A hi ' ! in, i II'. sum e ei; t i. i:. !.:!:.. , ... v..... ;.. ii: i v.: ! iit. In-. .! . I" 'i if I I y II. 1 .1 l 1 1 1 1 . A'M:t N-! I'. " X ' O 5"' O O ' V f ! . O I O v.- OuviJ 6 1 : ci 1 . . i : r a i i i i . v dti. j. c. av;;i: & CO., i.- i:, it V-Iiv li in-. 'li-i.i. il.t-ivj .. V..ilwi 'lal.i.ule. 3 12. I NT 10 R X AT i () N AL fYPE WRITER i . sfrii'tty tlr' e'-ij i -----T i ine. fu'ly warraiiT--il. .Ma.le rmii Hi;- very .e-.t ni.il eiial t -k il leil workmen, ami w it Ii the lust tools fat have ever t.een levi-eil for the urse, Wal-niite-l t' ilo all that i-an lie reaso .;il!y X liecteil of tin very le"t typewriter extant. ( 'a'l.ilile o' -.vj'in l" i w s -er iiiitinte ot mere aivonliiiK to the ability of the operate". IMiK E $100. tStiii-ie l- no aeut in your town aditres the in. nui.ietiio i in: i" ia.sii MT'ii ci. VL'ei.t- ante.! 1'aiish S, V. f. si:i:i.kmii:i:. Avr.nt. I .iueolii, Ni l, PURE l?iAPLE SUGAR Htnl Syrup. Low (Hires oitotcd on iare;e or ftutill lots Strictly Pure. j Adirondack Maple Sugar Co ! 1 Car, Monroe st.. Chicaen, HI. V -tci'll Aornts. The 5th St. Her chant Tail;: KeepsaFunUneof t 0 I? 3 5 1 1 3 G))li Consult Your lutereit' by Wlvirit! Him a Oali SHERWOOD BLOCK Imuku n. iirb :"- (tOl.n.Wli rnKCEL.VINTCKO'.VNS- Hriile- work; ind line oold work a SPECIALTY. ! i 1)K. S! KlNAt'S LOCAL a-well a other an- j t-tiiet itsiven for the iain'.e--exfrartion of teeth, j , C. A. MARSHALL. - Kitz-erald li!' i '4V-!2Z&j?$9- Bar, Pwrnpt.- yoemv-, , h4$iH.&4slt Emissions. Spermatorrhea. ! KQ NTH .IH te';i4iw f Inmm nf Mmmaru. Jtr. Will I mahe uou a S1R0NQ, Vigor- 1 ious Ka. Prie $1.00. 0 , Scmcat Directions Mntl'1 wit rar, i .'.ox. Aaaress 5?!0 Luo Av(. (ST. LOUIS. MCV . OH SSL ; effort aud difficulty, wearied by emo- . .1 i i. .. ", "- " i in nrin Now tliev nass thronirh the . , , '.,,...,, , .1, ...k church ?m (1 1,u? m"ra 'f ",P ; mi-tits w Inch ariso amid the Khadows of the ai.-le:-, among tin dull scraping of . , ; , .. . f, , t and t he rustle of j,'owns-. t hen-on 1 he, ., . , , , tho v,hi. rlUIIins, j , ;l - . l iii; v. a of i-uxi and air wlii'-li i oiii" vi t i li: -t t tn-'ll . 1 :Ic ' a r-'-ail t) real h f ..r t::. 1 1 :';; m i.f t!it !i!:-c'i, 1 h" ! -:il:i oi the line i f car- , !: '.- t : il :i v ::i 1, t i- i .iv i -nMi oi 1 !; .-I. . v.-J 1 I 111'- Wi:! tr.-.n oi ! . ; , I ' : I : 1 i!!'.; lio j:i 1 : l i..-.i 1 i:'- a.' ri .; . i-j i !: i i , -1 1 : i . i' I 'I ! '. V. I! '.I I ii . v i , . i v . I a I; iM ii.- o:i !.: I i l.:l . i n A. 1 . I lleli a :i -. : - one t .... .: r -.'.- ! ii : v i '. L '.i ' .-it ::: 1 ': '. ' 1 '' t!i i .t!-:i.-i',i s f I--!---, '!,:. I ; -: .:tn 1-1 ! his .'ii- r ; - i :.; - ; . , : : li . :i a ! i il'c! ;.-i : ! . . v : v p. .r: i ;!: t::.:rri a r::-;i ! I ln.in: i !.i t.;i:;i' i. r of Lis vc.ir.; 'ny iii,! ii' 1 it' ii i.ll 1 '.'i ! i :' 1 i: : : -: i T 1 l -s of .;( of whi.-'i .--lie liei-oiins iiii-tii-, ;ui 1 vim wiil i::iv.- tile iiuinlier of innnths lieccs sary for in r to take a lover."' Ami as .soon as lie roiiM he Leirati, .vi'. ii lii.i::V ot in to ai ! m;'t t in - 1 -laou-I : .i. '.i i I" tV;i. 1 '.le- ! : ii. V.-!1, tiiis tim till' illljieecaille JiVScllO- loj-Ciral diagnosis of Vico Moliseliad been found to fail. Not o::ly, tifier soini' iiioiiihr;, tin: beautifisl ''.i.nora Marc'nis lia i no lover, lint it appeared also that she i. ever was to have o:ie. A! ways dressed with an adorable ele-;aiii-e, witii a luxury fail of "Too 1 ta.-to, lie- heau'iifnl tii-'imia loved to amuse ii.r.scli", moving freely in that society ne.v lor Ik r. lindini; herself in her ri.iit pl.iee as n inarv(-lous lant in a wise of valuable ponvlahi. developing itself in all its spl:'!i'!or. Sin-wi tit to danees, to the Jlieaire. enjoying thu iilebi.-c-ito of admiral ion provided by her beaiily.ro-ipu-ti in:r a litlLj Avii'a her adorers, ilut irriaij about tlie fin; in order to make th' mi )arkle, her Wii .-so.' ;t , .! Jen but-o-niy, but lii.ver let'.ln r.self be burned. In tin very moment of a declaration, in ihe mi l.-t of one of those waltzes whose not! s f. em iiiii.', " u:i purpose to iid- i-xpir:.!T virtue in t T i -i - s-Tp'-nt i:t' spirals, s'o. c;;t r-'iort li, adorer by tnrn her ;-; lie h.-id ari-i ayiii.e; .serenely : '1 li.ui't s'-o my hu.iiiand. L ok a iitt ie Aviiere my lnis'uaud is, if you will be so kind." A. el it was known that lnr greatest Ii-:iit was to nl,;..' pr--ci.si.-ly to her hiband the declarations which slie liad ee-ived. When she cam" home with him from a .ball, all wrapped in tin; white silken folds of her sortie- du bal, v i 1 1 1 her pure 1 hr .tt . hei-Miiowy shoulders !i:- t 1i;-i-vi;:i ,1 still nior - fair frorn lier - v. .r.is'l. v. li boa: win-n i:i the evenim' -In- nn t him in tin diniuuc roo-u. .-.till in vi-iiiiiii costume, with her slim waist tiirialy compi-es.-ed by an exipii-ilely t-le-;..,.: u""'.v:i. with lor anisii.-tie-l by i i i- i;iit excitement wiiich ele gant con-v-- ;-ttio:i always pro. :vis in a youn-.? vvoei.iM. -he amu.s.-d herself iminetisely : . ; I: im; ;. her lei.-baud .-on.- of : ii .- pi. .v. Kimr and roi-ii pitrase.-: Y '. i !;.'! r. . . I w:i.s a; i '. ;i,:i -- ! schi.-. .Mfiiv? was tin-re, you know. Always f... u.'.ti ;ri i always ia d -,i.;i;-. A'.'d .ii - ( "o i'leih. lie tint has .-:; -'i l.tLrubri . r : IT h ;s ! : . 1:i:l .i 1:' i r niv s .'.iiiiii a lumiii; . -iiai! -. Ai;! .h- .vie! si , i im; r.pjio.-j u- to iii im. ia a ru-t le . f .-:-.::;! : 1 j . i.ciki'i.'r saaie I'.ke t w -i.ir.s the l.niaaais, i a rice as huzelnnts. v i'ieh adorne 1 h--r sm ill ears, sin- cn ti;;."e I to la.i'4-i. wiili h -i" ei i -tie hiuii t. r. l'uii of nii.-ciiief and full of teiidt-r- Ah. indeed, old Marchis could c;ill iii"i-'-lf a foil ii:i,:e: man! Fortunate':' Yes. he on.";ht to have c; .ie i'l-'red himself so. When lie set himself to reason about it. to describe mentally his conjugal situation. In; had to conclude that he would have done wroiii; to complain of his desiit'y. And yet What of the t.-rribly unexpected had in it discovered i?l the depths of the pure an)ililV of i Jetlllll.a's eyes? Was : i. re arisen in his soul tliedouiittiiat ; 'eir fai: iif nine.-.- airaitist every trial, tuat el. li:cs toward her admirers, wa. uothin.ii 'out til-- wi.-'i to preserve intact p '.:-;.; :; :. piire.t w-o,ii diillculty. and tiiat preei-ely tn that position was Ii-r--eT.-.l all tiie Teiid-i-ne-s shown toward him-eif! I do imt know, but the vivid and n..'i--: nous joy of the wedditi"; Avas to 1'Mrr i:i him. .ra'ioc.'i hi- lmv r.-1-i ;ain. ! tie- same, aa-i a painful doubt ti:rilieil in his voice when lie n-nlied to t:.e piavial ( ('...lu'-inv of Cb-iiii:ia, lol'- ciii "; him-elf tolauich. too. "Take care. now. take can the A'eu- L.eauee of tile tvrailt hallCS over A-u" - A a. t In-h ,r t vrant. how he lov. .1 her! j i(,.v s,..-had known how to bind him .j,;, ;,.,. inl,. i;,.m,is. white and per- f'lin.-.i a- 1 wo iitie.-" For not nine; in the w-onld ie- have .h.-c..vered iii- i, 1 i :: .--.. !.-d . t .!-:::: er.i.r to obiain: tor i,.,w tor i.im mat l-.ve ..f v;.i. :i h--i!..:t!.fd had b.---. mie his p,I( -t f..;t a p.,;nlul r;i-;l-,1i;v at his l;::t ;;f i'.'," mere tiior.iri.t tii.it a day t.wjriit c;oe whcll he Wculd b -oidi.:ed i r. lu.-e lr-r .sollletiliuo;. Yet tl. it da' ralli'-. Suddenly, by ote- of tilose mys terious coui plications ot iiusiue . las Uank, which until then had ir :ij from ltht shook." Not a noi-v downfall, o-io nf thos.. nnl.li- ruins wi.l, i i,r diK "Treat failures, hut oiie of t ;.). f ,-p, intimate, heeret rrisnHtii.it uui U borne without a word, a lament, under jM-nalty f deat h; that ran be overcome TMTian v i iiai ii ; mat ran ie overcome , , - f . ,. - .- , ,, -V 1,v l'-a.ior. I...,- liiil'I'-fi .-:iv!'r.v : it is tin ri ! i .1. !-.: i.t '. nun i y 111 tile laiillly lh-coiii.-s lu ri-.S-t-ary. Tu' luxury of (5: riima in t i . lll j;i-!t I;' ::t::l! n'j-oi'it . .' I' : ; : : i" f " ; , , . , . , . , : In-- misii.-n:.:; lie oTfjht to liav , ...- , e wa: In il i, f : (!; .. it. r; ."i i-oi.'iiisi.'.J t. roiiti-nt Ir-r. 'out vry i i ;;i.i- t ! time vvin-u I i it ; Iii.' , i t I 'I ( I ell ii .1 ; i". .- i 1 I . i a l j i ,, ! : 1:1: in . 1 je iir'i I i : ! .1 1 .1.1 u i . v e had that caprii-e mi" l :' ii.ive p -j i to I:;tv-- 1; t own .!i-i;-io:.-! , r--. ;.!'; r I l.-t' ::. '. !. :' e :: ' have aa ii.-n 1 a I ion liiad-ia man-. No would h IV'- s-l-peeted it. Hut in- I: tin! i li- - r l.iy i :i e..;.f iii : his " v. riessne-;. y. ' it mu-t be done. And lie made ,-mi :':' ,-;! c-i:!-'-;e. i h-mrna had ::;! I h r.-ell ne -id ' him. iiv. ii.u; b;i-k .- ;'.i 1 I'd i :: li:'.:- i. i lie : ide ln r bloii i - head, with 1ii.:l in e .-''tilde feminine movement which di plays tin- while threat, the jaire iin. .;'-.cendim'; from ihe slender neck 1 liu f'.ili bloomed bust down to the. round and flexible waist. 1 would like to have it; it pe"ins to me that I should look well. Don't you ,hink so? I have a ;;re:it wish to be r e.i'.-tiful. If you knew why?" She laughed now dflieiou-dy, Avith the air of her roguish hours-. He aa 'as silent f -r a nioiiif'tit: tln-n fixing a va.ue look :' a the delicate ih "urns of the oriental carpet, paling jus if from an inward wound, he murmured: 'The fact is that 1 do not know I do i:et really Lianv Avheth'-r AViieiln.r 1 s!::-.ll be aide to buy it for you" -WhyV" i'.'.i" had quickly nic-i her li'-ad, mu'-;, fttrprised. i?ie-i-y, lookiye; at him. Such a thin" h.-al u.- ei- '-.ippem-d to her. -darc'nis Avipi-d his forehead and re sumed his discourse. "The fact is you see, in a bank like ours there are moments that certain I-', "inents in which one cannot in Avhicii : L is impo:-.-ilile." What A'-, s iiupos-i'rile for hit.-i, in tiiat i . . e ; 1 1 , was to tiiii-ii the phrase. Hi .toj.p!-l and lifted his eyes timidly ti her. desolai, Ir, ;t ; if to be her to help i im. She was ve'-y pale, with a sudden ieirdne-s in all her fe-ifves. in her com taesred ir.outli, in lier knit broAvs, in her spiirklinjf eyes. "Jlave you not 10,000 francs? Is i: possible'?" And her voice was hard as her look a profound l-.rdn-?s-s that .startled him. !".: all at one- "ner fa.i t-han'-d expres sion, she i-eeovered her fn-sh, tuneful i .riii, the sv. eet and limpid ray was re kindled in her blue eyes. '('ome. you Avant to tell ine stories. :.- not to buy im; anything. Dec- i ver! 1 that Avishod to be beautiful in order t' .in veVit o 2.1' -l:-:-u hilie crazy; he La- .i dared fono- th tr he is tired of my .i 'e. S-r. yiiii di-s.-rvi do you knuvv ;h.:t I am b.-coni' ; amrr' Avith you?" r. a:;r b 'i- v.-d that s'v h-! hit th" trut'i vi;:: 1..-:- wor :,. !:::. 1. I. :d s ) v.-.-'l -'; vi th" i'l" ' n with 1,. : i . l'-id i,: ! '..-:i -. .i ..!' .ii-ly his em- ! ,-i i , jeii she did ! " i km v.- I i ' IV. (.ii i ;i :.- . :: Imi r -ri !' "'i. Liui Uie ei'.i'.i - .v--ry Avoid of 1 :;-.. was : blow to Die heart of Marchis: In-saw her : ir ;.: ih-- '...11, pa . Uij; fr. -ia arm t a:m. with l.'er su p like a flyinir tinsel- t i 1 , i e im ; in ins c '!"le:-!et;- s Vico Moiise and his kind, and keeping nieantiuie in ln-r heart that leaven of rancor axains.t him because of his re fusal: and he saw himself a.rain. as In had seen hiui.-elf a little Avhile lx fore i?; tiie minor, old, weary, worn, beside her so fresh, young. Avith eyes sparkliii-; from the cruel scorn of one Avho has made an unequal bargain. Suddenly he rose, like one Avho has taken : decision, passed his hand across hi- brow, and without replying avcih awav to go out o the house. She be lieved that sir; h id conquered, and lei hint go wiihour moving le-rseif. only Aviih a ll.--h of cunning in her eyes, but wii -n h'- was on r e- -lairs the door e-i.ened. a blonde iie.i.1 appeaaed lietween hc told iii.:" uooi".-: "We are rr-.-:l. (hen?" He did not reply, and she heard his step down tlu3 .-tairAvay, si -w. heavy, Aveary. i- The evening of the bal! M-"rchi.s knocked at tin- door r f his wif '- .ir.-----iug room. "Cotue in." and lie entered. In tiie little dres.-ing room so illumined as to seem on tire, Avith the air iiiied Avith fragrance from thelittl - un-frj)-perel bottle of perfum-. all gleaming wiiite Avitli the disorder of feminine ap parel scattered about. It .vi-i stood erect 1. -fore the mirror, b -rwe n two 'cii'-elin,' maids, r.-aly dr. i f.-r the ..ail. S,;.- Avas truly radiant in ii.-r-'own .:' Avhi- -a' in with ;;l:.i":i t bl-m-. Avitii tn-h sprays of a'.m u i l! iw, r around tii" ii"vk of i'n or, - -. at the waist. aiu"U tin- Avavi:; r 1- -i i s of the train, i uing from that e .vi r:::- of deli cate, pale, dawn tinted !l -wer.-. siie, too. --a.- fn-.-li a- tii- y, wit'n h-r faintly rosy LuUJ'lexion. ;ks if :iie were oiio of tiiu-e liowers become a iierson. liut. under her kit O i ? jsr&JttS MiWiimmim air" What is j.j vw. sty r.; vvv! ri ti r--i i'asluria is Dr. i-.niu l I'ih JirrN prescript ion for Iiir.int.-i u-.l .' ii i M n n. 1 1 rout :ii us "i t hr r it u in, M orpli ine nor i t!i r Narcc! I ".' ;.i;:' ". I! 'i 'i.irir'.li'-s Mil-fitufo tor I '.('-v. ! : . )j:.::i;; ;;, ru;. ::r;.l C;ilor Oil. , r, i- T-i-a,; Ir '"ri(. ! is li.-i 'y j-i-:trsf ttso hv j'.Iil'.ioifN of !s r-;. '.:.'. t;r".i !. rs Viirin and allays ;-V!T. .!!.. . '-' 'i-i i i : -v . !) . s i.:lJ I j: !;ir uri!, ".; .-. -! .' ' ( 'a -. oria rrliv-H ; c ! )' i :i ;' t r-u ' : i -, : ;i n - ' i ' a :n ( I'.it a li-iu'j'. ': ;ir:i assii;,..'; s t .'if I".o.i, i i;;i: la ( . !ni .stoaiarli I T.. . ,,! -i, ..:-. -f.-r i:.l!:'iy I .-.I;-i-r. C'as toria ; s l!i "i"il-"is J :i-m-vi i lie rHothcr's I'ririnl. ' ( ;u o!-;- i-' an exeeli lit t:i--!i-i'v f--r t"! ... t '..-:; b .- re;H-.ite.:, . loel n.e of -o.lelleel ui'o.'i tin ir Lh.l.lreii.-' llii. i. ( '. i-e.iion, l.iieli, Miusri. Cr-tor!.i is t'l" I..-: I ieim-!y f .r rleldp-n of v.! i.-h 1 i. in I'-'i'i i m 1 h-.;.-- I. " y i i l.ir ii.! v. iieti ui' In-ru willour.i.l.-r lie- real ii.H-i-i-st of 1 1 i-i r elnl lr-n, mi. I us s C.istori.i tn s'.a'l of tliev-i i,,a.sjii:M-k nosl.riHHS whi li are ilestrov i:u their l.ne.l ones, by foi-citioiiiuni, nioroli'ii--, r-'iiiii syrii) and o"h. i- hurlfiil at-nts i! i u their throiUK, tie rel.y s nJim; UiL-m to tueaialuri- graves." 1)11. J. V. KlNenr.I.OK, Coiiwiiy, Ark. Tio Centar.r Company, 77 : n Bit? WB: B-VJ 5:.i i a .1 m LiJj U'l J-f JUk ,-a-J Jl JL . I . Au.vl .1. li. if R DKALLKS IN IM N K LLMKKH. SHINCLLS. LATH. SASH. . DOOltS, ULIN'DS.Hiid all biiildino material Caill and s(3e us at f lic corner -of 11th and Elm street, one block north of HciiScI's mill. Piattsmouth, jweDrasisa, 'LATTSMBDTH Ssay yoair tree uiiorsie ZnFKtry wisest y&w :asia Secl yotar zztvz Irce ttztzt wfilS Zzz 5lressl pi'Ivilec a sad Iwrnviit- to rztJ&te tizul loiKfcw Izvttlw wS2:e4 vaieti will do Sacre iilaan ageoi mzA ys&sa can Inay us X - Antilii trees. W Years old Apple trees, 2 years old - Cherrv, early liiehmond, late Plum Tntt:ivattamie. Wild iiaspberries, Grogg- Tyl-'r Strawberries. Sharpies.-, Cresen Coneord vines. '1 vears old Moors Early grapes, 2 years old -Currants. Cherry Currants Snvdcr blackberries - -Industry Gooseberry - s Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old iroiihton Gooseberries, 2 j-ears old -Asparagus -Rosses, red moss and white moss Shrubs, Hydrangea -Honey Suckle -snow Balls -Lilacs - Evei greens, Norway 'spruce 15. Fir Nursery oiio-hali mile laortli oi town, end of tli Street. Address all Orders 10 JT. IE. EilEESILJE IST, PLAT1SM0UTH, - NEB. et"--:-l Is i ' '.-. ,. ..-I i: k-.ol II I'l li.e.' '1 .i.l if. -I I .o',j!.!reii thii 11 .. r '. emy J.i e.erijill.JU II. .A. A neiiKM, M. !.. 11! So. Oxf. i'i ; I , la-ooLly n, N. Y. ''!ir phvsi.-i um in the rlnMr'"i'i ili-inrt-rn. ui. Ir . i-i" . ! hi, '.! I- ih ir .-.erl-ei..e iii 1'ii'ir ni;i..i'!'' .i e'--e ii h I 'wilorin, iimI ;i!thoii;-h we only n..o- anions; our llll'.l.eal Flll'l'Iie whllt l i I.!.' .'A II III I'-enUr Jiro l ietK, Vet e HP! f--i! t i rolife-s tll.ttll ni. ;-,ts of Caiitorio. has .voa iim to look with lavoi- u n il ." VmIK.II I loi-l'ITlI. AND I'M rNHABT, I:,i.;Iiii, nlh Ai.i.ks C. Smith, V'h., rlurrny Street, Iior "VorTt City. - kf - S - .JSi-V -f7J. JL.JVS - j :2 -i. . ij -j AVES iV CO. r v. t N - 50 1800 00 Richmond, wrti lO.'i 00 Goose - , 1 00 1500 2500 150 25 150 250 500 000 () - ". 75 :;o:i oo loi oo :25.'J oo 10 1 50 10 00 125 10 HO j:)0 25 2( !io NURSERY