If " Flattsmoutli JDaily Herald i:'5J . . - i r w t I m f. -c a PLATTSMOUTH. ASK A. TIILRDAY KVKNING. MARCH 12 180J NUMRKU 155 FOURTH YKAK. f M el Jl i .tiyhrst of all in Leavening Tower. ABSOLUTE! PURE ri USONAL. M rs. 1 . lis (-f;i I. N Wise is in tli metropo- :,y- . Mrs. Piinly and daughter Wl'I'C Omaha visitors today. Will Fischermade.i brief business trip t Omaha lliis morning. Miss Laura Russell. f Weeping W-ater. is the guest of hersistcr.Mrs. A. II. Knotts. Mrs. Oreusel anl Mrs. Hallatice nrc visiting frit-mis today in the metropolis. Liithur Itu-dikcr. out- of Louis ville's best citizens, will move to I'lattsniouth this week. Oeorge Adams and Charley Flowerpot Weeping Water ate in the city today attending court. J. M. Roberts has purchased the Hillings propertv on Main street of the heirs f the Hillings estate. Jack Denstni. the ladies' man of the police force, has been quite sick for a few days bul is able for duty again. S K Fo'desong was taken sick nearlv two moulds ago w ith henior. hage f the lungs atitl is still quite poorly. Mrs. Roberts, of Lincoln, was the guest of her friend. Mrs. Spurlock, last evening; she returned home this morning. Mrs. Hilton departed this morn ing for Dead wood, to visit her hus band, who is located there as divi sion engineer on the H. & M. Claus Hreckenfeltl. the genial hardware merchant, has a new name, the boys call him "Clans Spreckles" for the California sugar king. Captain Murphy, of Arapahoe, an old resitlent of this city and brother of M. H. Murphy, has been here for twoor three days on business. General rainier, the gentleman elected yesterday as senator from Illinois, is a first cousin of J. I. Tutt. John will answer to the title of colonel hereafter. A New Firm. V. C. Keefer has made many friends during his stay in this city, and built up a line tratle in his line of harness and saddlery. In a few days he takes O. M. Streihl. an old li-irness man. into the firm, and as both these j-cntlemeii are hustlers fr,.-,n :iv back, thev will make a Htroii" team. O. H. Sn vler. the druirist, is Pp- ttosetl tt ltok very much like Jutle Kamsev. ami is tlen sainted as Iml.r.." Iv men whom he never met A few davs ar an incident occurred worth mentioning. It seems Mr. rmvder had business in a store on Main street ami the proprietor called him "Judtje Knmsey. -Mr. . made the necessary explanations -i,il thev lauhired ver the mistake Some time afterwards he was called ir:iiti into the same business room Hie oronrietor called him 1 1 1 1 !-e" aiiain and took him to one side to tell him what a funny mistake he hatl made a few days ago bv takintr Snvtler for him.. 1 lie rlriK'-i-ist airaiu explained matters and tue business man wilted. He says the will never a;-aiii speak t SuVder for fear it's K'amsey. nor to Ka'msey ftr fear it's Snvtler. Patti Rosa. The London Times snys: '-Tatt the vounir American actress who has acquired :;o .creat a ti)U laritv in her own country a popit- laritv which was thtrouirly justihetl lv her ncrformanee last liiiiht inatle her first appearance in Lontlon at the Strand 1 heatre. n vv-lw.Ie interest depends upon tin acting, dancingaml siniiii;- f Tatti Ktsa. who is naturally s)tiiimi and piqiiante. and sustains tl'.e in terest and amusement tf the piece from the first seem- to the last. The ol:iv is a decided suc- ....- -i, ! .iik .-hi to have a irood run Miss K'o.-a's tpiips and cranks, he r..-:;eul:ition and ability, never tic irenerate into vulgarity and a re not tl 'f !ii"ure 1 l'.ilti Ksa (lU.inte. tin 1- mannerism i-i "pretty, plump and pi ; rv. niirth-provokiiii'au.l ii- i- i-ver. i til mi ii 1 1 mi: . -. clever. ciptivatniiT and !; ill aiivbo.lv wants more ad ie-tives. let iiim "fill them in him s ':. II. i' sinuing. tlancinir. banjo iitlX are alike excellent, and. above allTshe is genuinely humorous." The e nnpanv will ajpear in their new play." The Imp." next S.itunlay night at opera hoii-e. Too Epworth League Will hold their monthly meeting 1'ridav t-M iiijig. March i:t. at th.eres ideiHt" f Wash Smith on Marble street, betwe. u I'ifih and Sixth. AM ytting people iiivltel. " lj. 1. M. IUTK.NEK.) A nice "niiil nit at si. 00 at JOE'S, tf Go to .ltd! and lay iu jour supply for next year. It win pay you cdhu ''- eft at thf piieca he is rloumg btock. out his tf U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. i; 1889. I)w. MARSHALL. DKNTIST. will be in his office on and after March 14th. The court house contractor, O. J. King, of Omaha, is in the city to day gelling reads for work. The pat ty at Cap Ma Mi's last eve ning was a very pleasant mhi.h .m fair and was largely attended. Dr. Mathews got a dispatch to-day tiling him to Humphrey, IMatte county, to do some velrmary worK. Ll Jeary. an Iowa farmer, was ar rested here last night on a I tuted Stales warrant. Tolio-maii ritzpat riek took him over to the Junction. O. A. Carr delivered a very enter liniiig and instructive lecture at the Christian church last tngtit. which was attentively listened to by an appreciative audience. Nebraska City is all torn up over a mad dog scare. A bologna harvest is said to be in progress down there as the mayor has ordered every dog killed that shows itself on the street. Thomas Thomas has unit the meat market ami will move onto his fine farm live miles west of town as soon as the' weather will permit. We are sorry to lose Mr. Ihomas as a citizen. A "guess where, go (here" party " ... . . r . a 1 t- A. T"I. is on The tapis ior iimigni. i oe irls have sent out invitatroiis und the boys are scurrying annum to find the location of the aforesaid party before it is too late. What is being done about the G. A. R. Hall? We understand the boys have a snug sum in the trea sury to invest in a nan, ami n seeum that right now is tue time io gei hold of some real estate, before it goes out of sight. The state relief commissioners have purchased 3,(X)0 bushels of bar ley from J. A. Connor and bushels of wheat from F. K. White, which with large amounts purchas ed from other dealers will be ship-, ped to the front as needed. Mr. Wescott's folks expect Mrs. Hrusie ami her husband to arrive here this evening from Chicago. Mr. Hrusie is a republican member of the present California legislature and must feel somewhat disap pointed in not being able to take a hand in the United States Senator ial hVht that is now on at Sacra- - j, niento. Chadron is no in arms for a nor mal school. A. W. Criies, F. M. Dor- ri.nrion and several others have been appointed to camp out with the legislature ami secure it possi ble the desiretl plum. Nebraska has already one normal school too many. The State University is sufficient for all present purposes, and the en dowmeut of other schools is but : waste of money. Mr. Will L. Seism, the Grand Chancellor of the Knights of I'ythi- as for Nebraska, made the Flatts mouth K. I, boys a pleasant visit last evening that was thoroughly enjoved. Mr. Seism is a hearty, wholesouled trentlemaii ami puts lots of life ami energy into his office. The lodge here was revivi fied, as it were, by his wise counsel and courtly presence. Johny F'itzpatrick says he 'aint doin' police dutj- at Pacific Junc tion if he knows himself, and he thinks he does. He took a prisoner over at 7:45 in the evening, expect ing to get back ni an hot'.r or two but instead, he had to patrol the tracks at P. J. until the roosters crowed for daylight before he got a chance to ride back. He says he didn't get a chance then, he jus took it. ami after getting on top of a living box car he held his breath all the wav over for fear the train wouldn't stop until it got to Lincoln loluiv claims if the "web feet want anv more Nebraska prisoners "they v.-ill have to come afllicr tliint, and don't you forget it." Kemarkabb' Facts. Heart disease is usually supposed to be incurable, but when properly .reatetl !;;rg-. portion ot cat-.'s can be cured. Thus Mrs. Klmira Hatch of Klkhart, Ind.. and Mrs. Marv L Itaker. of Ovi;5. Mich., were cured alter sutu ring ' vears. j. c lan- b-.irger, druggist at San Jose. 111. .-.is th.il Dr. .Miles .evv Heart t. ure which cured the former, "worked wonders for his wife." Levi Logan, of Buchanan. Mich., who had heart disease for !!( years, says two bottles made him "feel like a new man." pr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co. Hook of wonderful testimonials free. 1 Hair Work. Of all kinds to order. Hair chains, pins. ring, crapes, etc., a specialty. J Orders left at Dovey's store or Mcsdiimes Y ise cc Koor, will b promptly attended to, or postal card to Mrs. A. Knee, Hair-dresser. Tub L'uisvill reformatory. The Louisville reformatory bill was recommended to pass in the house yesterday by a vote ofpl to I "J. I lie commute uli.eh went up from 1 his city, consist i ng of Messrs. '1 od. 1, Patterson, Caniitli and ot hers, tl id excellent work for this measure, as at one time, before the vote was taken, it looked as though it would be defeated. It is thought no ser ious opposition will be met in the senate after the men.-lire passes the house, which will probabjy he done to-day. This wil 1 give Cass eoiinty ils first stale institution, and one that probably will grow into a very extensive and important, adjunct to the present penitentiary. An Omaha Madstone. Two anxious looking men rang the tloor bell at ."Mi South Twenty sixth street at about 10 o'clock yes terday morning. They were in quest of a madstone, and believed thev needed it badly. The callers were John Weir and Frank Davis, both of Nebraska Cit and they were twoof the three men bitten by the mail dog that ran at large in the streets of that city Monday. The call was answered bv Lee L. llenbow, whose madstone has been the Mecca for many a pilgrim from afar. The wounds on the hand of Mr' Weir were deep and ugly looking being four in number. According tt) Mr. Weirs statement the dog met him in the street, sprang upon him. ind though he threw up his hands the animal caught him and hung on until lie was violently swung loose. Mr. Davis' wounds are on the hand. but of a slighter nature. 1 he two tlid not know much about the third victim. Mr. Henbow, by pricking the flesh in ami near tue wountis sianeu blood and applied the stone. It did not draw or adhere to the wound. After repeated trials Mr. Henbow, who has had considerable exper ience with such cases, declared that there was no hydrophobia in the wounds of the bitten men. The wounds had been cauterized soon after they had been inllictsd. It was with great reliei tnai tins conclusion was listened to by the men from Nebraska Cit v, and they returned to their home last evening. The mad-stone in the possession of Mr. Henbow is a sort of heirloom. It was given to his great grand father bv the Indians in Ohio 1UO years ago ami has come down through the family to its present owner, it has cured several serious cases, and hydrophobia has never appeared in a single instance where the stone has been used. vmiar.a World-Herald. County Court. James Irving vs. Hlanch Miller et tl. Suit for damages for breach of contract. Judgment lor plaint ill for $125.. Frank Husche vs. Hank of Com merce et al. Suit in replevin. Court finds right of possession of property at commencement of suit to be in defendant, S. U. McClaren. Judgment for return thereof ami in case return cannot be had. Value thereof found to be $289.00. The State of Nebraska vs. Daniel Spurgeon. Complaint for larceny by bailee. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Castle, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell awav and he was terriblv reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of LTectric Hitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd, Harrishurg. 111., hatl a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing-. Used three" bottles of Klectrie Hitters and seven bottles Hucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker. Catawba. ()., hat! live large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he whs incurable. One bottle Klectrie Hitters and one box Huck len's Arnica Salve c:uvdhini entire ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. New School Buildings. The board of education is very much impressed with the idea that bonds ought to be voted at the coming citv election tar i ne erect ion i of two gootl substantia! live-room school buildings, one to be located centrally in the north part of town and the other in the south part. The schools are badlyjovercrowded. so much so as to seriously interfere with the teachers' work in some of the rooms. lh is empowered with the duties of calling a bond election mid would like to know the feelingofthe people before a:i- election is called. It seems almost "impossible to conduct the schools another year in their present quarters; new rooms must be rented or built, ami the board seems to think it would be cheaper in the end to build what is needed at once. District Court. State vs Stevens. Defendant charged with burglary. Acquitted. The jury is still out in the case of State vs Smith, while the case of the State vs Walter Cole, for embezzle ment, is now on trial. i - ! A genuine Ste'-.-on at JO liS. 4 hat tf Look Here! Lverv one indebted to JOE.' The One Price Clothier, must set-; tie within thirty davs or the ac counts will be placed in the hands of a Justice tor collection. tf the provinces and 1.8SS privatf) prof Joe KLEIN. Wm. FisnKR. ' erty. Theodore ChilO,ir. UrT,'. A Smnll mze. At nearly I o'clock this morning the lire bell rang out indicating a bla.e in the Third ward. The K. P. lodge was jul winding up an inte resting session and leaving the -ats in charge of the janitor. Tlf l...,-: ,-ltlli'fl I k t- ill' Kt'l-OMfl W'Mr.l I hose cart and the way they rushed the eart over the rou;vh ground with Grand Chancellor Seism of Omaha in the had. was truly inspiring. While Mr. Seisin's plug hat did not aiIdtohisagility.il gave the boys an aristocratic appearance; and the rapid manner in which Griffith ami Dovey rounded the curves aluio. t threw the carl on its back. They soon arrived at the lire (which hatl already been put oiil by the folks) tired and foot-sore. The firemen were soon after on the ground and took charge of the cart much to the relief of the K. P. boys. The damage to Mr. McKntce's house, we learn, was inert ly nominal. Republican Primaries The republican primari'-s have been called for o'clock in tin- several wards of the city as follows: First Wartl Council Chamber. Second Wartl Hrick School House. Third Wartl Ridley's Lumber Office. Fourth Ward Hrowne it liallou s Office. Fifth Wartl School House. Two couneilnieii will be nomina ted in the Fifth wartl and one in each of the other wards. Delegates will be selected for the city conven tion, which will meet at H:.U). imme diately after the primaries, to nomi nate two members of the school board. Mr. Hayes and D. H. Smith retiring. The apportionment and place of meeting will be given to morrow. The Pulpit and the Stagre Rev. F. M. Shrout, pastor United Hrethren church, Hlue Mound. Kan.. ..r r , .1.... ... ...II ...I ... 4 says.: l ieei n my uihj " vn.,i wontlers l)r. ixuigs ew iiseovei has done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishoners thought I could live only a few weeks: I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaming ios. in weight. Arthur l,ove, manager ia e Funny Hoiks Combination, writes: -"After a thorough trial and con- . !.... voicing evidence, i am eouim...... Dr. Kings New discovery nr con sumption, beats em all. ana cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my friends is to urge their, to try it. Free trial bottles at F. F. Fricke & Co's drug store. Kegvlar sizes aOe and $1. Do Not Forget The night school at South Park school house on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights each week. The common branches taught by d:U O. T. Wool). The ladies of the M. K. church have secured Prof. L. L. Crosthwait the celebrated elocutionist, tt) give .-in entertainment at the church Tuesdav evening. March 17lh Tiekets " cents. t)n sale at Wild- man & Fuller's. tf Philip Krause Is recognized as the leading gro cer of the city. He keeps glassware, om-e.isw are. all kinds of groceries and table delicacies. dtf Crabs .rr Fighters. Crabs parnctaariV r.rc JiL'riti' ani mals; in fact, thev will fislit anything. I have seen r. cr.ib, in conflict with a lob ster, catch the hitter over the fore part of the he.iJ, where the shell is hardest, and crush it in by one effort. And it rather bears out my idea thai tho claws of these creatures are particularly weaj)- o::s of war; tbnt the? lromt-nt one of them receives severe ininrv in a claw it drops it off by voluntary amptitatiorr. severing its connection with the body at tho slumltkr bv an r.et of its own will It seems to me probable that if the claw were necessary for feeding nature would railier f ce'e to euro an injury to it than let the animal discard it altogether. Tho rrv:ci' of crab v. uich is most con- r-:c"--.: 'y f.Thtcr th? t.rrr.rlt cr.tb. Ls first id::a of ir.-V-pen-lent llf ! is to oat a harmless whelk and occupy its shell; its next notion to give battle to every crab of the same persuasion as itself that it comes across. Altogether hermit crabs are undoubtedly the most quarrelsome croat"vo3 1:1 cziz WashincO'-i Star. ::ice. Interview in .'.r( ntine. ervitus, or? at ?ro are two uv.i-. Dr.enos Ay res rr.-d o:v.;.t Cordoba, which together counted J!V, students in 18S9, and delivered 34 diplomas, including SI doctors of law, S doctors of medicine, and 11 civil eniue.-rs. In the wholo republic there are sixteen national col- It 'ges, with a teaching corp. of 4.'jl pro- fes?ors an. I 2,500 pupii,-. l attendance in 1"?S3 of In the capital and tho j provinces t.ere are tuirty-tive normal i schools, with l-JJ'-l pupils of Ixth sexes. no ueorae prou-ssors and teacners, v i'.iv Li .- i iniary schools. . A . res in ll-?.f there were : ry seh-ds. directed by 1,071 . rr:::. se ! h teach: ;s ar.l atteirle 1 bv"i I.o09 children. In the provinces there were 2.7!'.) pri-M-irv -eh tvirh a taehitg staff of 4,Z. u-.i-l an atteii.-uiee of 20.,lsrt. To ro.-r.me, the- re.--:!:- obr.iine.1 were 3.042 primary wh'jols, G,l(j:i teachers. 2.j'J,('S)5 pnpils, 2,73 jiriraary schoolhouses in the t 1 whole republic. Ut these 6chx)iiiotiie9 I ills'; nra tli.- immurtv nf tho nntinn or of our, iijTjiri'Ui CLE A RAIN OF: LADIES AND CHILDRENS CLOAKS, u; d::rwear and hosiery BLANKETS COMFOETABLES WHICH BEGINS TODAY E HAVE cut the prices deep, andjpar ties in need of anything in the above lines will save money by calling. Our new line of embroideries, the handsom est andlargest line ever shown by us. F. HERRMANN FIRST 1OOU KAST FIKST NATIONAL HANK A nice chiltls suit at $1 at JOK'S. The finest of of furnishing gootlrt at slaughtering prices at JOii'S tf A gootl! pair of shoes at $1.(X at JOK S. tf All the latest styles of wall paper found at Wiltlinan & Fullers. Wildiiian & Fuller carry the larg est and finest assortment of wall pa per in Cass county. Xo old chestnuts or rubbish at JOii'S. Everything of the latest style and at below cost. Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking :)iul toilleiierv a suecialtv. Kooms over Harold's store " j a tf. Go to JOK and lay in your supply for next year. It will pay you gootl interest at the prices he is closing out his stock. tf When you are in Lincoln, call on W. C. Austin & Co, in McBride block corner off twelvth audi' Street for Havelock and University property. It is with regret JOK has to sell out his entire stock, for he has done a very satisfactory and successful business, but dissolution between Joe and his partner, Win. Fisher compels him to close out. tf Now is your chance and such a chance you will have but once in a lifetime, tt) buy clothing, furnishing goods, hats, etc., at slaughtering prices at JOK'S. The entire stock must be sold out as quick as possible A line worsted men's suit, former price :?1S now 1 'J.."-! 1 at Joe's tf You cannot form an idea what it is tt sell clothing, etc.. at and below cost until you look through JOii'S stock. " tf Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that partnership heretofore existing tween the undersisriied under the firm name of JJu.-ck 6c Walker is tin" tlav dissolved by mutual consent. All deb4 due said firm mu-t be paid i to II' y Uo'ck, whoiissumes all in- debteo.iess tf said lirm. HlC.N KV li(V.CK. Geo. . Walkkk. Feb. 2'i 1M1. tiw lm. JOE ha.i not "bursteJ." Joe never has failed, for ho believes there i. nn iionest livin ftr everybody, bat owing to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe h com pered to close out his nice und dean stock, rc-gftrdless of cost. tf Found. Two shirts -wrapped up in a IlEKALD of January last. The own er can have eame by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. d2t EE Ml! CE SALE PL A TTSJ10 U T Jf , NKB. SoeDiiicliseo Mirt Tlif W;thiii)!tou AV'-nUft GROCERS Provision Merchants. Heati'jiiiti trs for FLOUR AND FKbl), We pay no rent und nell for CASR You don't pny any bills fur d'.nd beats wli'.u yu buy of tlijs firm. The best SOFT COAL nUaji oa I Und. XDOISTT FORGET A T THE Opposite Uicliey Bros Lumber office D DAWSON & PEARCE Carry a Full Line of FINE MILLESERY AND CJfIL DRENH C LOT HI NO. ALSO Fl'.ESH CL'T FI.OVVHKS ROOM 2, K . LET RIXICK. PLATTMOU I H THE MAN WHO Drivfco tlie the Ileaive is riot in-it And for that matter, neither is the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Over fJ.0O0,JO0 Singers have been sold in the United State which means that we have over 'J,X),(tM) wit nesses to the fact that the SLNCKR is the be.-t machine made. All the newe.-t improvements have been ,t i,. i . , . .. ... aum-'i wiucn iruiy maivc liie linger The Oueen of all her Kealm. Machines sold on the most favora ble terms by the department mana ger. MR. I). I'. CKON'IX, at his heatl.piarters in Henry Uiccks Furniture store or by Mr. Atherton, local agent. r llss' Nerve nnd Liver Pllle Act tn a new principle regulating the liver, tomacb and boweln through the nerves, A new diticovcry. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure bihou?nt-s, bad t&ste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une qualed for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c Sampl free at F. G. Fricke fc Cu'i.