The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 10, 1891, Image 1

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NUMMHlt ifi:i
- . . , , ..... . ' . . 1 . SJ . M "" -.- 'Tt- vy
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tii JUaily M
W ... x
f ; ;. ' fourth yi:aii.
t ':'
,n t ..
.iijdiest of all in
Icavrning Power.
The Sprin Wheat.
I lest adapted to Nebraska :iii1 the
wheat that also makes the best Hour
is tin celebrated lilue Stem', r
"Velvet liaM." It i- free from
smut, lias slilf straw, is a good
yiclder ami tlir straw is eaten readi- j
ly l.v all kin. Is of stock. If this
wheat is extensively r.iied in this
vicinity you will have 110 trouble in
getting Hour from it equal to any
Dakota or Minnesota Hour, so says
T. M. W;ii lie. ,w ho will gladly fur
niMi yon out at cost if you eaimot
get it ill our neighborhood. I'nioii
Two shirts wrapped tip in a
JlKKAM of January last. The own
er can have same by calling at this
office, proving property ami paying
for tliis notice. d'Jt
Prof. Crostiiwalte.
Vi;i:ri.c. W a tick. Ni:it.
"After hearing the readings of
Prof. I,. I.. C'rostiiwait in an evening
entertainment. I am assured that he
is master of the profession and is
worthy of the patronage of all.
T. A. Ill LL.
Pastor M. K. Church.
At M. church. March in, Ad
mission 25 cents.
Look Here!
Jivery one indebted to JOE,
Tlie One Trice Clothier, must set
tle within thirty days or the ac
counts will le placed in the hands
of a Justice tor collection. tf
Joe Klein. Wm. Fishek.
I)k. M-MWSHALL. I) K N'T 1ST. will
be in his office on ami after March
The ladies of the M. K. church
have secured Prof. L. L. C'rostiiwait.
the celebrated elocutionist, to give
an eiitertaiiiiuent at the church
Tuesday evening. March 17th.
Tickets""-!." cents. On sale at Wild
liuiti A: Fuller's, tf
Opinions of the London Press.
Tlie first appearance i 11 London of
the American comedienne. Patti
Kosn. was made at this 1 heat re lant
nili'bt.and was completely success
ful. Miss k'osn is nl the type an!
follows tils st le of I.otta. known to
metropolitan amliences some tew
years ai;'o. In personal appearance
and !liysi;ue, in ivacily ami
smarlf ess. tii.- !iev arii::l is not
whit inferior to lier predecessors on
similar lines, and succeeded in
keeping a fair!y full hou-e in con
stant merriment. -Daily News.
Miss Rosa will appear in her
;rcat c.medy succc.-s. "Tin- Imp."
next Saturday nii;ht.
The N. Y. Symphony Club.
I,.si.;. Mu II . Jan. l-'Ol.
The concert last niy;ht by the. New
York Symphony Club was very fine.
The audience was entirely satislied.
Kespectfull v.
I. "K. Cm kc 11. Y. M. C. A.
Secretaries of Y. M. C. A.. Lecture
Courses. G. A. churches, and
other societies all over the country,
that play- the club, speak in tflowincr
praise of the entertainments, and it
it hoped our music loving people
will turn out tonight to hear them.
Draper &. Ruffner.
Is the name of the new firm of im
plement dealers, which lias opened
up at the corner of Sixth and Pearl
streets. They will also furnish a
feed stable fur farmers. These men
are hustlers ami io in to win. They
propose to handle nothing but the
best jjrade of farm implements and
will undoubtedly iet their share of
the trade.
Dr. Daniel (joldinj; came home
Saturday, to spend the summerwith
his father and mother, Mr. ami Mr?
Levi Golding. Dan left this city
over three years ago, after graduat
ing in the high school; and by close
attention to his books lie graduated
with honors at the Jetfersou Medi
cal College, of Philadelphia, about
a year ago. Dr. Golding is quite
young to enter the active practice,
and through the advice of his
friends, he has been giving his
time entirely to hospital work at the
Connecticut State Hospital. The
IlEKALD is glad to note the progress
of a Plattsmouth boy. especially one
hat knows the value of industrious
application to whatever he under
takes to do.
A genuine Stetson t hat
at jOKJs.
S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, if.87.
YV. II. Pickens is in Council HlulTs
Joseph Sharp, of l,incoln, is in the
city to-day.
. I I. Itallou has business at the
state capital to-day.
Sol Riins is attending to busi
ness in Omaha to-day.
Harry Harstow was amoiii the
Omaha passeiisrs this morning.
J. II. Waterman is looking aft-r
railroad matters in this city to-day.
St-ve Orton. a leadini;- capitalist
of Weepiiiij Water, is in the city to
lay. Mrs. Pearce made a brief business
and pleasure trip to the metropolis
Marion Kuby, a prominent citizen
of Louisville, is in the county seat
Mrs. II. C. Kitchie and daughter
Mary departed this morning for
Mrs. Charley Forbes is visiting
her sister. Mrs. Al Gass, at Pacific
Junction to-day.
Otto Kos started out this morning
for a ilrimae to St Louis and in
termediate points.
Capt. II. K. Palmer will leave on
the llyer today for New York City
011 important business.
Judfe Cline and Attorney Rock
well, of Louisville are in attendance
at district court to-day.
Miss Nettie Waybritdit and Miss
Margaret Davis returned home this
morning from Weeping Water.
Mrs. R. Smith, of Oakland, Hurt
county, has been the truest of Mrs.
Dr. Withers for a few days. She re
turned home this morning:
W. R. Olmstead. foreman of the
Waterloo News oHice. visited the
family of J. M. Young over Sunday,
and returned home this morning.
County Surveyor Mayes has
clo.-ed his Sarpy county school and
can be found at home from now on.
rca ly to attend to his ofiicial dulie.-.
J. M. T. Schneider, a resident of
this chy Iweiily-.-ix years ago and
at present a u hole -a !e 1 i-.j nor dealer
at Nebraska City, was lsere yester
day on a business trip.
Alex CTi fioii. having been trans
ferred to Nebraska City, does not
come home as he-used to. He how
ever looked in on the folks at home,
last nihgt which was his first visit
here for a month.
Kcorge Kd son. one of Cass county's
best faamers and one of the boys
that is proud of his republicanism,
made the IlEKALl a pleasant call
Patti Rosa will present her new
comedy-drama, "Imp." at the Water
man next Saturday night. March It.
The sale of seats will begin tomor
row morning, price fl.
Levi Golding has traded off his
stock of goods which he removed
to Omaha, for Omaha property.
He therefore continues to make
Plattsmouth his headquarters.
The warm sunshine of to-da-would
make one think the back of
winter had been broken so often in
the last three months that we have
lost con fid auce in that sort of pro-
i red lire.
! Geo. W. Fairfield went up to Lin-
coin this morning, but he promises j
to come uacK ueiore ne returns ii mie
and give us the advantage of his
experience as a practical hvdraulie
i r
S. A. Davis came in last evening
from a business trip to Hastings,
it i , .,a,t ,. ;(i, ,.-.., i, i
He brought with him a handsome
bantam game cock, but as he is not !
a sport, he explained that the chick- I
en was purchased in tlie interest of
the younger members of the family, i
Mesdames Dawson Pearse are f
always abreast of the times. On
Saturday next they will open up
their Faster bonnets and spring nov- i
cities with a wealth of French"' llow-
ers that will fairly outdo nature in j
her happiest mood. These ladies :
are artists in their especial lines,
and something unusually nice may j
be expected at their opening on Jvit- '
urday of this week.
is 11
of the post-office department, is in
the city today, inspecting t!i oi:i e
and looking particularly n 1 pro
posed new location in the Riley
building. After all expenses art
paid the postmaster finds lie re
ceives a salary of about !rl;) per
mouth for his work ol sixteen hours
per day. He ei I her has to move t lie
office or resign. The two north
rooms in the Riley building on
Sixth street with an arch between
them has been offered to Mr.
Streighl. rent and fuel free. That
he should prefer to change rather
than pay $7." per month out of his
own pocket, is not surprising.
Among other things mentioned by
the inspector was Ihe fact that we
could have a free delivery system
the same as Omaha, Lincoln. Fre
mont, Beatrice and Nebraska City,
in the spring if we bad more room.
Mr. Freeman goes to Lincoln to
night and will be here to see our
people again Thursday before a site
is agreed upon.
Council Meelin:;,
The city fathers met in regular
session last evening- with all mem
bers present except Hagar and Mc
Callam. The matter of buying
twenty acres of land of the Platts
mouth Laud and Improvement com
pany for cemetery purposes was
taken up and discussed pro and con
and fmally put over until to-night,
when the council will meet to take
up the matter again. The price
asked is $2.10 per acre which seems
reasonable considering how much
adjoining lots will be dainng-ed.
On motion of Salisbury the mayor
and city clerk were instructed to
take immediate steps to see that
Plattsmouth got her share of the
river appropriations, and on motion
of Drown, Salisbury was added to
the committee. Council then ad
journed to meet Tuesday, March in.
River Improvement.
If our people will act at once and
promptly, we may be able to get
our just deserts in the way of river
improvements. The river commis
sion is now in session at St. Louis
and will probably remain in session
all week. Omaha and Nebraska
City each have delegates before the
commission, while Plattsmouth is
not represented at all. The board
of trade should take immediate ac
tion and send one or more delegates
to St. Louis forthwith. We not only
have $."O,(RI0 specially to our credit
in the hands of the commission. but
we have our share of the million
dollars appropriated to be used be
tween Sioux City and the mouth of
the river. Last year, through the
manipulations of W. J. Hroatch, the
Oniahogs" and Nebraska City got
all the work, amounting to over
:lo:.n)!). while not a penny was ex
pended here. Anil no where on the
river could the money he belter ex
pended than at 1 M.iitsmouth; if the
bar in front of the depot were
rec!aiiin ;i the river wouii!
be straightened and the chan
nel thereby deepened aiding navi
gation material!;. . i;;it thai is not
if ile- bar Wi re reclaimed th-- peo
ple we are assl'.re.'l would be willing
to 11- e it for switclus and won id
move ihcir Pacific Junction offices
over here together with their freight
crews making" this one of their main
division stations on the liii '. Many
other direct i c:a :i i s wou! i be de
rived iivnn the expenditure of a
large sum of money here. The city
council have- acted in lite matter
and we hope trie Hoard of trade
will send a delegate at once.
Relief Corjjs Mcclinij.
At a regular meeting of McC'o-.ii-hie
Relief Corps No. ."(. it was unan
imously resolved that a vote of
thanks be heartily extended to the
ladies who so kindly opened their
homes and entertained their sisters
who attended the eighth annual
convention of the W. R. C, Depart
ment of Nebraska, held in our city
last mouth. And it was further
L,i:sir.v::: That rve
our thanks to Mr. C. AY. Holmes for
favors, and to Mr. S. A. Davis for
his kindness and assistance in hav
ing the ladies tickets properly
stamped; also to the comrades of
McConiliie Post, we give our most
hearty thanks for financial and oth
er aid. and to the Sons of Veterans
for their many kind acts and assis-
! tance in so beautititllj- decorating
theliall. Also
Resolved. That that the forego
ing be published in the city papers.
Sakaii M. McKlwaix.
Kiily Dickson, Secretary.
Father Carney, accompanied by
his brother, departed for a two
months visit with his parents, who
reside in the northern part of the
state of New York. The IlEKALD in
company with a host of friends,
trusts we may see the worthy gen-
lk.m:m inuch linprmvd in llc?dth
i.: . t- ... to
return. Father Crary will
argeof the parish during,.
absence of father Carnev.
Mrs. C. V. Sherman left last even-
ing for a visit of a few weeks with
her .laughter. Mrs. Bellville. at
mixvillt low;!. -M rs. I wrm;i n iv-
prcts to meet fu-r nephew, Mr,
(Jrooine, at Des Moines, and togeth-
er they w ill visit her old home and
,irth-place which she has not seen
. ' ..
for twenty-five years.
J. W. Freeman. Lsi., sp
( if-orge I ,oii';e:ihagcii has been
unite sick lor some d ivs b"t is a!le
j to be out again.
The ca -;e of Con ()'(' 1 1 nor v.-- the
II. iV M. oeeupi'-d t ! ) a 1 1 en i io 11 o f
the district cnii' i vesfi-rdav atter
imiiiii a id all lay i i- l.i .
Simon Alix. John Wuuderlich and
John Mackey to.tknut their sec;, 11 I
papers today and are full-Hedged
citizens of the l 'uited States.
Warren G. Richards, king of the
fun makers, will be at the opera
house to-night. He is a member of
the new York Symphony Club.
The mayor has appointed G. W.
King as garbage master and scav
enger. Mr. King is a new comer,
but the business is one in which he
claim to be well versed.
J. M. Schnellbacker sprained his
knee over a month ago and is still
confined to the house. For a man
who is accustomed to an active- life,
it must be pretty hard to be shut up
so long in doors.
The IIlCk'Al.l will stake its judg
ment on the claim that the sym
phony club which appears at the
opera house to-night will give
Plattsmouth the best musical treat
of the year.
F. II. Lllenbaum, a gentleman of
experience from Council Hlulfs.has
purchased the Vall'-ry meat market
on Sixth street and is already in full
possession of the premises. He ex
pects to keep nothing but lirst class
Allen Rhoden. the victim of Ihe
circular saw accident south of town,
is resting as well as could be ex
pected. Dr. Siggins, assisted by
Drs. Schildknecht and Hrendel. am
putated the fractured limb just be
low the knee joint. The young mm
rallied from the effect of the opera
tion and if blood poisoning does
not set in. and no sign of it has thus
far been apprehended, he will cer
tainly recover. Mr. Moore was well
enough to be removed to his home.
W. II. Miller, one of our best car
penters, is home from Sarpy county
where he ljas been engaged on
bridge work for Hilly Neville. The
work is finished over there, but an
extra stringer lias been ordered
placed on all the bridges, so that
Mr. Miller and his crowd will begin
on the job at LTnioii this week and
finish as they go. Work has been
begun on the over-head crossing
nsar Lew Moore's.
Republican Central Committee Meet
ing. The members of the republican
city central committee are reouest
ed to meet at my oWee to-night at N
o'clock. "A. N. Sili.i VAX.
Hair Work.
Of all kinda to order. II lir chains,
pins. rin's, cri;c, etc., a sp.-ciulty.
O. ilers h it nt Dovi-y's stare or Mcsd.-inx
Wio & Hoot, vviil !e promptly attended
to, or postal c.nid to
Mi:s. A. Knkk.
Do Not Forget
The night school at South Park
school house on Monday, Tuesday.
Thursday an! Friday nighis each
week. Tin
dat ( ).
T. V.' )( i.
taught bv
Remarkable Fzcts.
Heart disease is usually supposed
to be incurable, but when properly
treated a large portion of cases can
be cured. Thus Mrs. IClmira Hatch,
of Klkhart. Ind.. and Mrs. Mary L.
Haker, of Ovid. Mich., were cured
after suffering '20 years. S. C. Lin
burger, druggist at San Jose. 111.,
says that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
which cured the former, "worked
wonders for his wife." Levi Logan,
of Huchanan. Mich., who had heart
disease for .10 years, says two bottles
made him "feel like a new man."
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold
and guaranteed by F G. Fricke &
Co. Hookof wonderful testimonials
free. 1
Perhaps no local disease has puz
zled and baffled the medical profes
sion more than catarrh. While not
immediately fatal it is among the
most distressing and disgusting
ills the llesh is heir to. and tlie rec
ords show very few or no cases of
radical cure of chronic catarrh by
any of the multitude of modes of
treatment until the introduction of
Fly's Cream Halm a few years ago.
The success of this preparation has
been most gratifj-iiig and sur
prising. A National Event.
The holding of the World's Fair
in a city scarcely fifty jears old
will be a remarkable event, but
whether it will really benefit this
. .......1, 4lw, ,1 i .-. . . f
,rsltiv xVrvine l.v "Dr.
I-ranklm Miles is doubtful. I his is
itist what the American people need
to cure their excessive nervousness.
I dyspepsia. headache. dizziness,
! sfeeplessties. neuralgia, nervous de-
J i t i
etc. It acts like a charm. I rial
bottle and tine book on "Nervous
and Heart Diseases." with une
qualed testimonials free at F. CJ
Fricke & Co. It is warranted to con
tain no opium, morphine or danger
ous drugs. 1
oui- AjjTi;ni
SJSJK HAVE cut the prices deep, and 'par
ties in need of anything in the above lines will
save money by calling.
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
A nice childs suit at $1 at JOK'S.
The finest of of furnishing goods
at slaughtering prices at JOlv'S tf
A good pair of shoes at $1.X) at
JOK'S. tf
All the latest styles of wall paper
found at YVildinan cVl-'ullers.
If you want good goods cheap, go
to Ml son the cash one price clothier.
Wildninii .V Fuller carry the larg
est and finest assortment of wall pa
per in Cass county.
Klsnn the cash one price clothier,
is selling goods cheaper than any
oilier hou.-e in lown.
No old chestnuts or ruhbish at
JOlv'S. Everything of the latest
stvle and at below cost.
Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking
ami tnillenery a specialty. Rooms
over Harold's store tf.
Go to JOIi and lay in your supply
for next year. It will pay you good
interest at the prices he is closing
oiu his stock. tf
1 1 is with regret JOK has to sell
on., his entire stock, for he has done
a very satisfactory and successful
business, but dissolution between
Joe and his partner, Wm. Fisher
compels him to close out. tf
For glassware, queensware and
the best and freshest groceries go
to Phillip Kraus, where you will find
everything you want for your table.
Now is your chance and such a
chance you will have but once in a
lifetime, to buy clothing, furnishing
goods, hats, etc., at slaughtering
prices at JOF'S. The entire stock
must be sold out as quick as possible
A fine worsted men's suit, former
price $18 now $12.a02at Joe's tf
You cannot form an idea what it
is to sell clothing, etc., at and below
cost until you look through JOFTS
stock. tf
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween the und -rslgned under the
firm name of Ha ck !t Walker is this
day dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts due said firm must be paid
to Henry Hack, who assumes all in
debtedness of said firm.
Hexky Heck.
Geo. W. Walker.
Feb. 'J 191. dw 1m.
JOE has not "burated." Joe never
baa failed, for he believes there id an
honest living for everybody, but owing
to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is com
pered to close out his nice and clean
stock, regardless of cost. tf
Mmlm scMrk
Tim Washington ATnun
Provision Merchants.
IIcal'iUHi t'ri for
We pay no r:nt ;ind gfll for CASH.
Von don't pay any bill for (h ad benU
wle.n you buy of tlii.i tirm.
The best SOFT COAL alwnji
Opposite Kicbey Bro Lumber office
Carry a Full Lln f
Drives the tlie Hearse is not in it.
And for that matter, neither is the
Singer Sewing Machine Company.
Over 9,000,000 Singers have been
sold in the United States which
means that we have over 800,000 wit
nesses to the fact that theSINGEK
is the best machine marie. All the
newest improvements have been
added vfhich truly make the Singer
The (Juei'n of all her Kealm.
Machines sold on the most favora
ble terms by the department mana
ger. MR. D. P. CRGNIN,
at his headquarter in Henry Huecks
Furniture or by Mr. Atherton, local
K ltss' Nerveand Liver Pill
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, atomach and bowel througl
the Hervea. A new discovery. Dr. Milet'
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad tast-.
torpid liver, nilt-s. coneti nation. Unt
I qualed for nie, women. childrei
Smallest, mildest, surfet! 50 do, 25. .
1 Sam pi free at F. G. Fricke A CVa.
i 7