L i : ... ,..r . r- r .., , . f ... . - x w Si-f l III O. run Truvcl. Tli" irn-it lr: wli.wlc," s-ii-l Mr. lii'-!.-:;r'l. ..!' i !i" ,-i-'.-n . f 1 f i - I .'.l'.-iii Aiin.-a:; !' ''.- I - , 'l -,- i. ; ;:i'i !; -r th.m w.' il'i .it J.;. - -!.t i- ih- -.:-'-.i-.- t' ;J. M -.' ; ..v.-rful .;.: I liurt V. il V. -.-l! I I!: FOILED HIS SLAYERS. A PACKMAN'S NAP. HOW ESCAPE FROM PCING MUHDERED. A 1 I.riliiin Story .r I". I' ly I.if.-in vjiar-i-lj N. M1. .I .-v Vi-thhi Fllx-r iiinl S.n :.. W ;.- Ail 1 ' : U"'l i- l I iui.il t.o- J " - ' ! ir.iv.-i.-r-. FOR DYSPEPSIA, I i ;in ill.-.-liv r I r 1 1 - 1 V . as l.alii' runs li-ii,i.-li.-.li -..i.-!'i-.m-!y i ! . v . I or Iw ..!. 1 v..i . :i 'in-.- mi .- .; -. r 1i..ii. r a illl'l 1 1 j l lllil. 1 fl'.'!'!''! ;t .. :;; l!'ii" an-l flw it"' li -hi-- I" il !. iii I r.iily , . . . .. v, .;! : I ' i An u .My i I li: ' " Ay ' :- .i ...j. 1 fit s '. J.i.'l V... i ii. i i ..r y- tip..- i I.. !! lie. l.i! i:.'-. I-. ..H'l m- '..IK -v : lii.-i I ;!; " It I,--.. !::.'. I .. ,t r ! t i: ' in'- ' ii t-ai MM Sal Sift! -: - -.., What is (I lur, S '.:h -. I HI. f. nu rly II'. M tin Mr. . t. . . .r i .. i. : .i I ' i I i . . i r .- i ii ; ! ). ; r . ' .i '. ! i m i . ir ; 'r IV i :: : ' . ..r 1 ." i. . : l rr rTrr'rTOyS5 It M A., ..ii V it' t ; i.. I ;' . u .i r. I ? A. Il.l.t M.lk V.il.l- Kv- vfin .i pt i- I'.i n V'' ' 1:1 1 ' U"c 'l t - 1't.b.C . l ! ii- .i i !.: I 1 1 ! I ..i .1 . 1 ..,. ;' i i i lii . .1 , . -i : !"!. lit . ,T :i : i i ). 1 v. . M r. ! -' I I'. I . :l J, ll.i' i. ....Hi. -J il!- .t. hi;: f AVj '.4 fl J it 51 3 'I t t f t i ;i : . i i v i . ? ! t. hi i i- w ... i-: 'i -i. M.Miill" "l.'l ,' , V I t I : .. .1,. i ii : l t'.'.'i N'; A ''! '.! V - II.. 11-.-- tl - NKVER3LIP liOilSESHGK Whirl. U tl.- I ' :- -'" " farm.T...r I... ' ' '" "r ,,,r .V. imriiyr-rv.r invi.t-l. " ; th.it .my.-n.- ;... ",' ;.' ". rnrks, a- H.-.1.-.I l-r i . . . ... !rv - Dtv-, M. !.!.- 'I 111. I vi u . . . - .1. M. SllN!:iM'A'"'I'- :1 112 Nmtli Filth JULIUS P?.??-:!!. jlSr:'.M Tl-HKl! OK AM I. KM r.K IN THK fi i.i. usi: :' TOHxVC'CO ANI SMOKKIIS- AUT'.CM.K a.' v J na h h h THli OLD RHLJACLf: Shine's1, Lath, Sash, Doors. Blinds Can supply mrw .lcmiin.1 f thf city. Ciiil and t;et terms. Fourth street in rem of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Lc-ii im'J r unit ii u Li.. -u.-- - - AND UNDERTAKER. Constantly keeps on lmn.l Jevrytliirs you need to furnish your houe. OUXKll SIM M AM) M AIN STUKKT - Flattsmout - Neb P. J. N5 PKAt.F.K IN' STAPLE AND FANCY GKOCEUiES. GLASS AND QUEENSnVAKE Flos- anil Feaa a Spcialli 1 atrona the Pubic Solicited. J2BSS33 DUILDING,; NirlU fittSt ii!; 2 o. Li II. A. WHIM & m PINF LUMBER ! 4 ". I .' A ii'i all I-. 'i i"ia i' la ' in iii:''H'i i 1 p . l'.;l -.M:. I. l:V jji'.. J. C. AViiii CO., Luwt 11, J.Ia.st:. l i i.-.. .'-! ; i-. ti..!'.;., ; ".. V. ill. f j a l...:M..-. f IA V - " X 1 .'. I .1 L.I : V ivi i AJj l l.i 1. 1 i' i' ... I a it 1..- I . .r I I ;w .1 - . .1 . . : : 1 t- in if itfcniinj; t ) the iibility ol the optT;iti" "'Cu 1MMCE $100. I . ., , : i, y air t i a i. a I.U'i- I!. laif.a-tui. . t.'!.: l-AiriJ-n m i-; "". ... t vv .ii; I .-. I Ta.isti .N, . F. i. SKMLKMITiR, Atr.nt. I .iiiculii, 2s cK, ?UaZ iViAPLE Mil. 1 Syrup. f.o'A :'ir.-j i'i.)t" l on t'l'.'e or -ru-ili !o-e Strictly Pure. vciiron.iaok M-ipla nar Ct f 12:?i .r . r-l-r ..- -T . . Cl.i. .1C". I!l-1 ; t ' . 1j 1-M t- 1 3 : iJ i i L. t i- is Keeps a Full Line ol t : Y.cir Inn-res riy f.lviuu " a.SZRVOOD CLOCK .p);.d;axu roucEi- yinC'-uowns liridira wi rkT iral tine io!d work a SPECIALTY. :ri. Si 'KIWI'S LOt' . a- il other HU- ..-tja-ti.-s-iv.Mi tor til- p iinlt- evtraetimi 0' teeth. A. MAUsdlAi.U - Fit..'enihl Ft-1 1 . xSSTTTTTO Ci.-?. rrsrr.pt. Fo2trv ou3 Man. PWc v'-00. 6 floras. $5 09. A wi! ecf.'. Z.ox. Aadmss 39ia Lucas Avi. BT. LOU13. - Mft -f tr-v-I-KyC-i 2: 2l a n a a era t. . ui (Mil ;l,.1i .ir.a n..i;ii. .- :i' ! i ii; ! . it. ; ' i- ;i! :i ,-r.i'i w-:;i--ri w.i'it - v. ::: I i.:-.t ;. r ;:i-l lii'J .ill -i-'l ." I : " . ' !"! ."I'lil "f I, ',, I.... i . wii ii .in v- , '. w.i-: ii ir;'.. . 1 1 : i r l' im- li 'in j ;(, i ... i-. I ::!. I v. r ,.;. i :iii.v ir::i'!s m lii" ..:nt ry. j I ,M'i, ra:a- ! I'i U ! v I 1 v ' W 1-1 1' ' 1 t . I it ril ! I 1 v..;.M ) ii ir-.-i-'l il li" i.'i.'i'l'- aw:iy villi l.i'-. '-.la i ..-. .i-.- I .- il la.ua it. li:nn-r 1 ! I. . i-.. ..: '. .; oi I U" Wli'-!' ''.V. ;:n.l - I,i ;...ii to i;::- t!i" l::r:i with h.,tvri;a in hi- l:a:i-l. His :-althy nian ;: !.;, :i :nv :l' 1. ili'l ' "' t j . . 1 1 lay .:i .v : ' v. i:!'i.i n-acaiii ,.i!i;---. 1 c.t.ilioi. :-ay 1 l..o ei th ..... . I. 1 q.i.rklv .-v.alaAV. .1 a eiip of .-.ok a few l.xoii.iifiils u! i.r.-a-l l w'ri: 1 e 1 iut. my poek'-t. Ti.' !i ! ): '.ar--l to l'-iv.-. -jai Voii inusL lii bioo.le.l stor!-: I li.'.ve i' -fore ymi To,' mill Moo ly. ';o'.,..,:v I caa tia.le oiu- of the anii.ial: a sii-. -r wau-h.' liui I k:i'-v if I ever went into that i a: n 1 w.uii-i ;i-.-v-r f!ii out. of it aliv . 1 liia.ie soul- weak -..-u.- ami h.ari.eJ . 1 -, .-,-n the r.'.i'l. ki--:i!rc :i "harp lookoal ii. : ; 1 . . . i " ' , 1. Ti!C -i.i luiiii wa- iiiu-h .... .- ;,- . .- a.-: !' . ; into Hi- trap, i : i . .... ..I ...it ,.f vi.-.v I s:i'A- .1 - . . j i i a.'- o . - ; ; - ?;!-., ii .h-i.-nni;:--1 to ,v ,1, w- ' '. rove a littl.i r lovn l ii'- r. .;:-i.i4!l'l 1 Mooil where i ,-..iill what was foiir r,n at tin? 'i.-;r!i. I i-.iv.' .".io"ly and his son com;' ,ul. .-ach armi-.l with a riile. -i'h -v walked ini.i t!i" vn.d ii"t fur fy.ou where 1 was 1. . vi l.-n.iy meuu- :i.T to ..-!. 1 111" "I f irtil' : :i W!i iho roi l, i atii eertain tliey meant to lay in ambush for me and shoot me flown a.s I p-i'.se.l. lvut J made r.p my mind to ft.ol them, and, instead or. p'inij th.: way I ini. .-ml -fl. went in the opposite direction, .;;s.-ini; the house in the woods so the '.- Tr.- :i w..:dd nor. s-.-e me. I kept elo-e t r..-- road, and when about half a milo from Moody's I saw two trappers walk ing in my direction. -They ltK..kel like honest fellows, and I eontided .iy nuspicions to them. The tirst comment, one of the men made wa-s. I always believed that old wretch wan a murderer.' As I was not in seat h of ail venture I declined to return to Moody's house, and in the trappers' presence de manded an explanation. SI MMAUY PC-N'ISIIMK.vr. 'All I judced was their protection foi :i ri'ile fir two. For an old silver watch rhev cons.-ntefl to accompany me, and Avsian.fl. 1 did not susj.ect Moly 01 ni- son were within a mile of ine. lnt v. v.. n 1 s'ul'lenly walked out from ;i lit 1 io clump of trees a bnllet v.-.-nt whizzing ::-t vi" :;nd 1" ! ' d in tin- trui'lcofa IS ,rv. I ju;..!! -'! back in.- a i eie-ie' a-.;-. i a:i i v.-;..-; s-.I.u- -si -care i t. i. 1 t --nit my revolver, iiowevcr. . - ; . .1 .'. : 1 l i .-.- t !:-.; i.io:;i. iv-- ;ii:;."es. Su.l- ' - . -, 1 . ! :-.; .;-t, i,-.; I .::'. ..: I w.10 1-..1.1 ti'. s -1 think i: l:-i . I. - t i.r. u up. I-- lir.-t 1 v ar- ! Iv tr.'i-o. r l'ricTid.-i call.-i me fr.ua hi,:-; "place, and lyin;,' b.-hin.l a 'df ii ire.. were the "t.odie.-1 of Mo wiy and ...-. son. Tii--- "Id man was sh a thronii th" tempi- when h" was iookinir over t :n 1' 4 for in-, ami the sou's back was brok-I:-- hav;:..r stari.1 to ru:i away after i;.s father wa.s killed. The bnih t passed thn uirii his stomach. Iloth men were fleatl when we reached them. We then r- tumed to the house, but finding it t-npry look.-d into th - b;:ra. and there 1 '-.-.md the two women in a bi? cellar un der t'm building digging a irrave my TTuve. We tk'ttnd no less th.-.u twenty she)" t :is in the place. That old wretch aud his son h". 1 killed ov.-ry stranger who 5vd viif-.'. th:st part of the country f..r vt;:rs. '1 lu re was 110 t-ud of excitement when the news of the ghastly linds in the d.Ti went abroad, and before? I Iell the country the two women were strung u; to a t ree. Moody's remains and those bis - a:' v. -v.' :ii" Iiuti' up Jis ;i w;irii- in -f U .1 tr t-it ar tii" sid" o' the road. he ci I pioneers in that parK.f th? eoun trv c ..1 ..Il v-.n a . .,, t h raoru tiiriiiia. ftorv arsir.r Mooiy s U"n tnau 1 n.i.. Chie;-ro Herald. A few thousand years 410 in the '.-oioical yesterday, us we may say tin- northern part of North America was ::r rally covered by tfreat fif-lds of v.-hi'-di were a mile or more thick in their n . 3 . S3 ,-. ,1 cAi.tl. f. r deeper pans, iiiiii riw-mroi ou. .... .... as co-i'ral P'-nn?vlvamn and north- ' Uen'.nCiCV. . i i . 1.-17. ITr.nih.-rt of Italv is 42 yt-Mrr, , -.1 His face, like Parnell's, has a fi.vi 1 ,-r ression of melancholy. Ke is brave. c.'.ur'eous and devoted to his only child, r . . rm. 1 TTS no f. J weil'as lie does Italian, and is aid t. U . vhArmiii man to in. . 1 i i I . I ; r I- .. 1 c 1 : -. i i i II l.'l sp- .-.1 'i I ;i . , ( '' ,, -.-.ry i.i.I'- an -. :l a: --V - i' i a - I i ly a a -.-a -: :ui i'i:. ;.- M -. " I ' -1 i i x' i i in.- i':.i'i' ! i.er. ill.- Iiilloi Will .uil f. I T!.'. . ( lii:- i !le -i-V '..I il li if ol' t .l'' 1 ' 1' 'I1' rill" tl;-; -. ;:! '" i . ' ;-:i o a ! :s I i !' ..-i ' . i ! r i'a vi j-! '.- is . ., i v.vit ni' ill f lii- willdo.v.- o. -i-i lo : I ,-i-o:',-L . 'i'iiis -.vm iow irippi-u- i t-. i f .- a !'.'. i. 'in i 1 t'i..- ot'i -I la- irtiiDT. a?nl the kitt"i. ipute carrie-1 v !,v i-- -a .---.-it " f t ! id. -a. M.-ppi-J m;i i;p :i ti:e Wlll'low 1"(!T' to take ;- f ai's eye view of tin? yard b--low .and th. - !:-. r.i-idi;. ci.tfit.-y Ten. -nilv. i ;- .:-M-- ... - h.-r Haws r-li:':" ' I'rom imd'-r her tipo-i a p.'-ee i" s',1.- W. Si!.- f d il trill ' i ' - and t h".i d f n-- ;mu of .-i I.l'- i' . t for - ,- !;-.) of It..- ;i.iii!.:s. lint so ;i ii . .,' oil - ' !: - ierriii-- laia!, d 1 f. vi : i w :.". 1 1 sue thai UIU d from ..it i!a- roof ;!: a rub'o r hail, and .-ii!.-: this i list -11 it's r'Ti't" eaili'ined on In -I h"ailloir.r .1 "irney towaru l .1 "m. She iaiid-d 011 her f.--i a.rain, shook ta rself for a moment i.ist to see that she w.is all t 'l- re, ati 1 1 m in-,' vent ... .. t'lT". . . . 1 . it" I i-i 1 1 11 1 1 hi . :i ola- Wnllli; ...iillotr' 1 mriiev toward til Tiound. I . a I a: lit vl "f t riumpii, a "la w .11.1: ay. 'low's : i;it lor hi Th'r" picked her w:v t.iWJirl l'l-lio'l-e ,-.'caiTi with a de li .chli'ul air - f iioih iu.lauce and totally 1 obvious to i h" f-ft that sin.- has only . i.Tht lives iell tf her eredi t . - New Yf.rk Fvenin Sun. .".I:i liiiie ffM-Nhapinsr :nl lif.rin I'.st A run An ingenious m;iehine is ued in Eng land for .r T;iriiiTr 1 -h-raph post arms. These arms ; lire usually made from th.-t.t.-t selected L'ln.nnsli f.;ik. and vary i:i length from two feet to four feet. They are in the firt case pkm.-d ..;i tin; f.-i.: sides by means of a spe-ial pl-niin' ma chine, and then sawed to the exact h-iifrth required by means of a doulih cross cut sawing iiuichiinj made p.-eiaily t'f.r the jiurptise. The arms are then pai-sed on to the shaping machine, which rapidly ami eiTeeiiv-dy floes its work. Tli.-. machine is qui.e s -If contained, and has the driving shaft pl;ue;i ovtriie;nl and si.pported upon standards !i..-d tf) th" i.Kiin-bed. The ;: rnuiements for deal mi; with the vaiiot;s hn.ths of ar.a !.ave hi- n carefully v-ofi:,-! out. At t;: !; i d : -M . i T-ii- ti;..-.-:t-.- !i.'- w -t'-t; ' i-'T-l .;; -. Is.:- .-.' Voi k ' a- i:o:. -nd T.-: ' "m:. v.' i::u.-i ex :, 1:" .'.; t.-xr -nvi';:liy in tin- ii.TTit f L' il" 1 . .. :!y, Ikim-ii was in .t ;..; he 'walla 1' wi.h .a ' . -. ! iJa' .-.sr. Iiefv.use lie v ..-'i v. in. .... ,-:::.! ih.i not ,-wim. He was tp.t a J t - ; vi l.:-canse tile Context teil-. 11 ! that lie waike.l with io ut all. :md he was not a Methodist, because we are plainly told that Cod took him." New York Sun. Are tin- Kjes l.vrr SaiV? Ilev.-areof the t-lectric li.cht. This i: a w:ir-T c .'Kided by ri .-. -rre: -ponflent, -.ii.l;; v ih:.t shoiu-l '" heed'-'l. The t-a . i tii.- i..: Tt.i! :--nt lamp is apt to i e i.:.:,hl;.- .. '- ' -la-- vyes if pre-tautlo::- a. .- : --t n wuli regard tc eha-les ..r glo:.e. Piain r cut ghiss is particuiitriv noxious, m an u..; ii "Trt-ii'-r thick white shad. , and th" glass sh.,ildb.. fitted. Itissahlthat a iinuifer of i:i"ti in t .; t.-iuos aie MiU--:- in- with M.ie eyes, ent irely due to thf i.npro;..-r i-'Tiding of the club light. London Letter. . i A Start ling (. uiii .: rinon. Recent statistics show that Fiench railways annually kill f.me p.-rsuii out o i-ach i.iOtl,00i c.arri-d. while in Kngland 21.0(o.oi.m are carried before one meets a violent death in a railway accident. French railways annually wound one passenger out of each 500.I.MW) carried; . ..ioiit . " , . j Kngli-h. one in each 7o0,u0n; Belgium, ' - . l. t i-.o ..in. ..T-i.l Tt.-i tii n..l ! onedn each 1 .. OUU, and Prussia only ' one in each 4.W.000. St. Louis Rcpub- on ,-. j v..re Ti.an That. j Doll. y-Did she say you nay. w 1 man. I li. .lii .-ile wasll t r-O CoU-lia I'....' ' - that, she tu-ed a plain ai..l em: uati j nx' Muusey s eekly. s Ir. J limn ! ' ""(Irrri. I :::'. ' - ;.?o:"Vt I : .'; ''. ' a..i:::. I '. . ' -" . .r;.; .t'- 5 - :;,css. f '..-I or.' I I ;;.irrli.r'.' : ! 1 -. ;.!" -1..:-: i t: vN ivi:!- h; :i!fhv "f ';i-;t"rl i aa .;.-. tl'-nt. m -.tii-'no f r f-'r' M..ia.-1-s liai.- r.-!-.-it.-.!!y t..al n..! i n . v- 1 clV.-i t n;'.ii tii -ir . ti.l.ir. ii." i.t. u. f '. - r';it..'-,.i is tu" I i-aif!v f.-r fliMfii f v ia. 'a I :..a ui.:.-.l. I i-'i'- - ,; ' f.-.r ili-I;iat w i. -a i a.. I Ii rn witlc.n-i !. r t'n- r- 1 i-.t -i'' :-t i .f I a- ial li i-ii, .an I ns. f ' .si. iria i s-...i,l ..fin. .-.ri'.ii.-'i'.-i'-k no-trains v l.a Ii ar ,I.-.,ln.vin,- tli. ii" l"'-'-l Iv f"ri-iii'I'i a. iii..t-.hiii-, .- ...il. !.;- syrup "H'l r 1 ri ! ur.-nts ,:..-.ii th- ir ttir ials, tti.-r. ! ,-j s.-mJia ; th' iii to .r.-aia: ure :.:-." bit. J. F. KiN' iii::.oi:, Coii-ay, Arl. . TIio Cf-ntiinr Company, TT II mar . tm J, 4. it. GliAVES & CO. i,);:vjj.:KS ;N pim-; .1; y, ;i :i ;, SI IINtJLKS. LATH, SASH, I IM M!iS, F'.LIN DS.hihI ' Ia and sec u.s at the vuviivv of litis and JBIm street, one Mock north of lleisol's mill. Flattsmouth, Nebraska iisav voup ftree of 4Iae Sllome $ "4 lifci tJL V V W l-ii v- -w. -v ' V, r it ji ts l-,--ffl ( . l: ,j : 5 Sj j ai il ii .V)ile tree-, 'j years old 1.. f Vf.'llS flltl 'herry.earlv Hielimond, late iMumri'ottaVattamie, Wild Raspberries, Ore ly,er Strawberries. Sbariles- O esen Cuni-nir. vines. '1 years old Moors Early -rapes. 2 years old Currant. Cherry Currants Snvdcr blackberries 1 . , 1 i)0vniii,r G-ooscbeiTies, 1 years old " htQ ( f oosebei'l'LCS, 2 yCUl'S old - ; i-'n-011L " i AsptiraHS " 7 " ; iOSfS(J? retl IllOSs Ulltl white lllOSrs , . ii,.,t,.0,u(on Honey Suckle - fcjnow Balls Lilacs - " Evei greens. Norway spruce Siursery oue-SaaSl mile GsorlKi ol town, eml ol tin Street. Address all Orders zo PU1T1SM0UTR, - JVEB. j j , i 1 1 :".! i'J ir Ziil'-iiitH r "; ! : : (wpliiiK nor :. ;.:.;:.;.';-: Mi1slilil J ; : . ;.r;tJ ( ;i-or Oil. i ; t ,-: y y "iiiV l!S 1v V.' : ; ; n.l aliiijH s j. . 1 Ci.Kt 1:1 I naiur::! sl l. as- Castori.. ),.;: t it, .1 t..':i' !r-nttil aii.i. n ! il 4i.-.,ui-i-...r L.iiy i.i-.:ripU I : 1...UA u t' J...' w ,. II. A. Ai.f-nru, M. I. ,:l r,,. (i i 1 : I , I i......lyn, N. V. ' nr 'iy i. i e s l i II. !i l Jreir.H ilrjarV i,t )i ..... ! lii. i !y ..f li. i- -xMTi- . :i -.- in i : .. -j r ..i. i-i.;.; i a -." a ' ' i-sloria, ... , ;i'tj -,-!i - . 1 1 ' ;.- .- .! iiamii:; tmr , ., .,. .1 . ,.; ; in ; wh .L ii t.ii . -1 :ii .-:uliir .-..il.i-l :, yi -l v." ar.: : t -'.r!'- .-. I!.ilt til i rs ..f '( a N.ri.i l.a.s wi.ii i ' s L 1.x. k with. 1 i- i a it" I :,i:ia. Ia.a riAi. am. In- i tnhart. i... ,t.ii, iU Au.r.:.- C .''an is:, '.-..., array Street, X.Vnr "or-U City. Vk ir. A. V t I a all luiilfiiii matt-rial KURSERY r? t to m - 3 F-s "TJ vrtt r1 Fi vi. L.ii - - yen esn i o 50 120 2 00 180O 1500 Richmond, wra-KM h Goose - ; 10 (JO 25(X 00 150 150 250 500 OCX) 3C0 1') :jo:$ oo !101 00 2o:j 00 10 1 ro 10 1 oo 125 10 Uo; j:0 125 120 140. B, rir li ! i V i A A: