The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 03, 1891, Image 1

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    .- r. . 1 r- - ..V- -7 ; -r-c f
At :
ily Mera
r ' i i t .a
r-i n . ?- six
Winti-r ts In rr l.-it.- l-ut it ti- h r. A Lizard in Mir. i:tc:.-acl.
ill 1 l.i' m 11111: 11 li ' li f.-l. ! 'ri'" '-: :-; .1 run t. ll
' a'.
a:;;. 17, I.v-
I ... 1 . . : .
r -
ai. Osii n if o
LOO' UL lull.
f !
'.- t
A 1 ic-e CiiiM'sS'iit at On t .lOM'S. tt
;. to J()i: luv in -nr suj.l y l'..r
next yrnr. It v.ili j v " i in'ri'
Cht at tlt! j. ricr., lit i rl iif mf hi--
Btork. tt'
" ,
(Joilic ail'l l i'- t.i ;r. -i- ln lur n
i . i.i . ... ;
i us it III 1 1 1 i i r-i 1 1 i :i i . -i. i.i-i'ii, i in t .
Kvi rytl:ii-; t.l tin- l.t. s :-: l.r : li 1 . t I
, J ' - , ,
Miss Mt.lli.-Tur:.:.-. I '
iniliiin : y :i - j. i i . I.
' ' ' ' ' '
jki's s'.t
Now HJ...II rli .,;.! . . 1, rl. ,1 n
yr-u wiil i'lve !.'ir ii n; i ..: tii-i . to!
luy'Iihti!. 1'- i. i '. d . J!.-.
etr.? !. . lit:-; , : : t ,(li. -
Tlllr ll.ti.-i- :.:..r?. 1'ii. t ! !-! ' r
fiUick &; ti'
A :el:'.;un-
At Jul".-'..
'a1. i - i
J '
C. Au-tin IV, in .M. ii.i 1- : I -U. ' i
ner of Tv.i !vti: :ind 1' , i r II-ive
lock an, I l"ni ei-ity ; iojni:y. il
JUi: !i i.s u .? : t .?." J r. :
hits t'nil..-.'. for h ! :i v.- '.h; i- -.i.
lionet liv'.-: 1 r . : I dy.
to Dis lution of 1' iitn. r-liip. Joe i roni-
pel'r.l io rl-..-' i:i iill 1 e'e i!:
stock, irq : s (,i t. tl
For u'.ii.-ss.-..:.-. (.: i -'..:.t' ii. 1 ti...
host mid frc.-iii.-t vi ii'. s u'o toJ'hillip
Krau?. wlic-: you v. ill i'u.l vnstld"
you want lf Vi'iir t ible. tt.
JOE'S. ' f
To ;
If you will ml ih vmir miiin . W't
will mail you cur illu-tratt .1 i-miiij I.Iet
I ;.il a'"Ut Ir. I -.- lakbrat.d
1 KK'Ctra-Vt !::. IMt and i-ppl-.tniv-', :t?:-l
their hai : ;:f.L: ;t i ts ; poi. the n i vi"U-
tltbil'.tatt d .-ssttin, and how they will
quit klv r-. t Ve joii to viui-r .i: I mau
l.ood. " l'a:rpi !t f:e-. It ou at- thu
aluiett d w. ill m ud you a belt and up
I)liallCeS i n :. t.i d.
YoiriAc IVi i.r, Nieli.
for Salo.
A sood farm u. - !'"!! mil'" 'ion: t!v
town of Mui ray, n tin- M. F. D. D
l'lenty of timb-r it'i I water. (Jood
oreh-trd. : be tri:rr tr.-.-s. Fla't.-ni. uth,
Xtl Feb.. : th. t-:'l. ss -f
K. V.. llvi.ns.
You :'.it f. t C rm tut i ' :i what it :.- to
sell Clo'.hin-f. l t'v. a" and b. low Cost un
til ynu lo-.I: t!.r. ;!uh JUK'S -'vk. tf
It is only i h r.nt JuE has to sill
out Ids en'. ire .-tor!', f. T he h is done a
very -f:-f .'t :y - 'id fii -c. - fd l'U-ines.
but iiis-oluti"i be' we. n JUE and his
):irti:er. Mr William FilH r compels him
to close out. tf
Fretl Corcicr.
The kin: of the irt pl.m.nt t:ade in
Cit-s c. tai'.y. is uiti'ii,' in his :-rin'
ant-l- ivl.idi an rit.iises cvcrvtliilii in the
r.r f:-"i ;:nti.-ia' lits to be fo'iud. I
1 . i
Mr. fJur.h. r al-o m da s a soci i .lty oi
j line i. ;;,:'it. ' . i :
lou'Ic le.tne.-s. ;.nbr carries the
i t .. .-u-i....ric .trnl titii-l.' unit
larT, tt M-- i k of harnr-s to be found in I
tllC county: can mm nun
Main .-trett. Pl-P.-nu uth, Xib. .'Ac-.v-tf
tine w oi si i d mi i.'s suit. f. rim r
1 .. 1..,. . r
price sb. r. r.v :.t !-'. .V a' JCE'S. tf
. . - . 1 . ..'-. . .1 ' i . i ! .. ' I . It 1 T V : I '.
next Thur-day. the .V.h in-t., at . p. ia
The co!!;;:o:i ? randies taught. Aj : Iy
for terms ami full particulars of
J:: ( ). T. Wim.i,.
T! Mrs' Herveend lior Piiro
Act on a new p:a:ri:,le reu!atin'
the liver, stomach ami bow . Is th: of."-.',
the nerves. A xasv di-covt ry. Dr. Mile--'
I'il'.J Hpeeitiiy cun; I iiicu-mss, bad ta-te.
torpid liv. r, j ih s, cmt';. .'.:.:,. l:ie
qualed for nan. worn.' v. r lahlr-rr.
Smallest, tnild-st, uri'.-t! o' do-, s, e"i
SampH free at F. E Frickr it O's.
Dr. Marshal!, DENTIST,
Will le in his otTice on an 1 after
Mrth 14 h.
I . c T-t. n ..I... . l. r. n n n .1 m.lC
j , M-im, rtrniu i.ii...... .....
( i ri.iiaiR.r 1 1 J Vortti Sivrh
111 UJ-l.UIlll.41l. I . j ... V , ..
street, Xeville block.
Tf mmn,m mn.l (TffA q fllplin. 17 O to
4 1 1 ':. " " - H 1 ' r-- 1
EUon, the cssb one price clotbier. tf
(. II. Ilillmi is in (m tint tudit)-.
j IVv- u;is ;t Lincoln tut.-si-n-cr
j - ,. (
; ' " ' '
' !'; ! (in- is ntfnilin;,' to Liisinc s
i in I.:Ji- :: tu.l-.y.
i i 'I ! . "" 'ttllt "
In- t ! ;.: r -, is in !:! city toil iy.
! y.v-. S lriti-r Tit- ii:is was it Line. In
I . . .,. .
: t li .. i 1 1 i i i i it in 1 : 1 1 iinl-.
M -I i k s ii returned to lu r
. U i. -.
w '. ' :'.
!. 1 i-t iiiht a 1 ti r :i t wo
i !i r i: eiits, Mr. ii :i 1
. M . 1 .1. r : i l.t
'' ' T-,-l:i U. St e -l.r n 11. tl.e N( -
i i t t'i;y r, w.- in town ovn
: . r ;., ,. ;;?t.-r soinc law lut-ini-s
; , ;.( ;. .
I 1 1 - -1 i i .
l"r:!!i; 1' ilnu r l-ns 1: rn njoyitii;
t fr :.: I: ; .-i-t r, Mi.-.S Dovry. of
iii, low:-, Il di.-iiiii. ami Mrs. 1 lick-
it . i 1 i
: :-i ' n . i 1 1 - r 1 1 1 -1 s win u avc
Judicial ADportionment.
'i"h r. rf -l tin- apporMoiiin.-iit coin
!:.! i:i -. ! y .-triday on; the
-t ii!. li. i d iii.-tiic's providts for
.1 ': i. !s j:.,! - a , follo:
i ; .-: i)i .i ic: U'n ii ul-oi-. .cin ih,
.K:i ..- n, I'n'.i.:" Jaec. JiilVrs- li ; two
ju ! :;-.
-.-. it I-i tt.'ct ;to. t'u-.-: one
I.'...'. Di-.'.i "at- Lain aster; thru
jilc s.
F. ,. i'i 1 '. - i Set Douglas, S:irpy,
Wa-i.i-toii, li ir' ; st veil juli'er.
l-'i::!i Di-:.-ic' -S Hinders, IJutler, Sew
aid, i'.'li;, V; li:, t ah jujoejt.
Sii'i !i.-tii. t Dodie, i'olfax, l'lattr,
.'I ...:e ; tw j'i.liis.
-. vi.:,i;i i)i-ti ict--Ni. tic, Thayer,
Xurko'tl::, i'ji tr, C. ay, Iliiuiltoo; One
j id:'.
: H. ti t t'u'idnir. S.'.n'on,
i'i. :i. Dd-ola, t ciur, '1 huion; one
j "!--
N ioli !)'.: t; i. t--Wayr.e, M .dis. u. An-
l-'J V. Vi: rc Kiit'X; 'Ul ju.lgo.
i". i.t Ii Di :iL-t A.laiiis, b.-tt-r,
Kiauk 2 in, Ktiiiiity, li irlan, FliiIps; one
ll. vm-.h Di ttict IJuffulo. D.nvs. n,
( 'u t ; ; t uv j i n".
Tw. if'.li D:.-trift I.Oiian,
Siiriiiviii, K'it!'. C.'tifi'iine, Deuel, Sen! ts
i.ii.lf. Mim't.i;, II liner, Mcl'herson,
Ai'.i ur. i.-:!ii:; one ju' 1
'i'itii:..' r.;2i i s'.iie: l'uinas, Fronttir,
li d Wil ow, Iiiuhcork, II ayts, C'hae,
Dundy; i i.' j.idi".
Foui o v i.i:i Di.-triet lax k, Dross w,
Iv i Fdi-. Cinrry, Slteii 'a", D tsves.
-i ;:.. I' .lit uu r.;i;i..-d tt ni
tory n rth of th' n ; one jutlr.
Are Not Alono.
A ; ;. ..'.l : .;ii,cr mi vm Tin; Ii;.:-
,. , . ,
Ini:;t- n !: .s b ! n . atly cuttm x down
f .I ik,
the h adipiart rs ;
i: '-' ' i.--t uiIit inii.-'led, i;i v mr ;
,- , .. .. ' -C
oat 111'!:-.': S ill-chart.' I1L tl tV lie n. Tire
... , . . ...
hi.-. . .- li at il...t ai COn.o' Ot i
tie.- pr.'.-i l.t p.r.r t.t ate of busin.j-S :.nd
. .1. .. i- ..... i-... ......
tuo poot t'uiio atv uir iiiu lutuie, me
aur.j' aiy is . biied ta di'spi-uso with the !
I - i , I
. s.r. iec-ol tuem-a-. addressed. ,
As u rule the uotiees nr.- to t ike effcet j
March 1.
-I !;:ow." si: 1 ..:) of Mm-clerks. "M-it ! :i3 ,,i,l, "d-nt vo.; tf-pe.ii." Iu th j "Da you wili to know the ..uicke-t Xutiee hereby' yiveii that the part
si I th- c-utpry d-at: , , i,, , th. ,:th -r f.U.iv z t h,l; ,i ? tt, curea -Vcrc cold U c will u-ll -( ; ,
... j ir i ' . i VuU. lo euro a coal qoacivly, Jt iuu.-l. i.e ,
t''.s:.:...e the a ttur, i 1 la. i.- j r j,.. A?, mui tne v iy that t'ata .1 -w .-taUi btfur.: th- c itt becou...- sfct- undeisira-d under the. li;:n f
Iv. V.o :.:: :. '-I :i Ike io-.d did m t . t. EH; ;. : -a: 1 south .-ei Tidrd ...... j,, ti;.. m. Tl.-s can :tiv.a ! I !5iP.-k .V Wa'k. r U thU .bv .!?-. K--d bv
pi. t x j i .';:.-' s ;s t nu rr!i, ami from '.' e j
report- that pes.-, thriuh our h.aid- i-i
..aid- II
ii.ii.Vi: it.
The un it r.-tan. li:-is th.n on.--fourth j
tu" . :'..-: a ;. .a::-. .1. n: ;:. ;: '
s. i. -.ot ti of .lis. h::r.:e have be :: !
tt.:k ire; E-r the c-v.:iiu.:v six i:r sjviii I
The Canainj: Company.
T'r.e C ia: in:,' Com;". ny n :l .sti.te sv s
sold y, -tcr.'ay to Fr.-.i.k Oiitlun-.n by the
.-lurin' fur -V I ,-'..'. It fcreelosid on
an 1 1,000 iuortf;agc. The prospects
n-jtr are very frivorable for the op- n.tion
of the plant this summer. We tru-t tliat
the arrangements bein made v. ill be
fully carried out, ass the canning factory
employe were poor people, nnd is of
more real advantage to the city than nny
institution wo ever had outside of the
r mm- I
B. & M. shops.
. , 11 1 ,1 - ,, . 11 .. .
-lii.t. !i 1
I 1N j
I'.!.-ii, tin- ; !-h 1 in- piirr ilnthi r, i
-i 1 1 1 1 u 1 .1 1' - 1 In :! : ) 1 ; I. .-. 11 ;.n ' li
hiMis- in t..wn. tf
.. , ,. -, 1 ,
i- r.iiiK i. 1 -nil. u id- I - n, :i (; . -
-,- ... ,. ' , ,, .. . 1
'(ill, ;nr 1 1 1 1 1 1 .111. ijiimi'U.- 1.1111.1 uii'i
Ilintlirr fcr i f-W ii;i.
I-'l-i il r villi .. ('. I'. ti IS II tie
t ..i ..r i .. , f.,r
,' . '
......ii- .. .I...- I.1.-. .1 .....-.-1 i.i.r u tr.ri.
' '3 ' "
i, i' ii i.
nil." .l nil.: -......-i.
t ..I. m is urap. i".:. i luiuiieriiitve n
lit J it ' 1 1; 1 1 1 'r I" ST. ill it '.Hill' lie II' lUpi'I
r i :i 1 i 1 1 to start it Lip iuij i' nn n' 5 t
in tl.i, rity. I. ut :' i'dn - Mii' il'l-
rooms a1 i! -nlli'-ii i t el.eoui -oj' lie i;t tli'
liuve ivi ii tin- unit' r up i ntirely.
Tin- lit!.- letl.e of Mi. mid .Mis. -I. I I V
til .Hill Nil" till .S' t Ill'lll' i li
In:. 1 :-, lil i: 1 K li V. !.'
. Nil n A !:! lur ! .
.-if M. . II. li. UiWliuii.V. 1 1 7 U ili:m
Failhinn died last niht. Aud s but salt watt r for t W( :i! v-f Mir houi s.
iin-nths. Tjie funi nl will ilar to- ! ,. :l;S(1 :lt,. two or thri . u::d- of s dt
lie now at "J o'.'loek 1 1 . mi the .si. K.jj.ork. Ab-- it l'o'tlo:- ; 1. : - i.e i n '. t. - :i
.'lmrcli. II v Bin-liner ssill have rh tr'- j ,a 0f hot ir.ilk w-.r p!:t.- d by his bed-
ot t li-' s. I'Viei J I ;
j. in Is of the family
i t; ' id d.
Plittios at ll bitl'o.-.ii.; rail i.t .J . M.
Muir's .;iid in-nee". K:-y t. iiu-, a are
ehaliee. I 1 1 Nolth Sixth stn ' t. !:'.t
II. P. Sundell, ouex.f our best citiz ns
start. .1 thi- inr":H'.' siri Ids fatuity lor
imit county. -Mr Sundell own- a bam
le-ie ".shieli :h' V i xptel to impi'-ve ami
i ,lom so will ei.j .y th,' pleasures and
profits OI I O 111 me. I ll" 11 i-.i-.M l uoe-
L:i, M,s:,,d,ii,..!,'pi,i!;,p'..M! ,.i
ma' ter.- ot inter-, .-t in old 'Ja.
You will be sttrpi ise:. lnw fhi"i) -oii
iviii I . m v l.ov-' ami men's rb -tliipii at
El. sol 1, the c.i.-il one pi ice. clot hit T. 1 1.
A ti b ur . 111 irom Aurora. lib, say.-
()i r I'lO nn n h i'
e t.-.-in
i lis; haf". d
,v th" II. .V ). car and lol'on.o! l ve
shops here. The laboratory has lain
practically riband, in tl and th" vorknir
force at the shops tltieed fully -V) p. r
cent. This is 'he bioiT' st cut made by
the company .-i.:; e l1-!1)
The proprietor.- of Ely's Cream P. dm
do not claim it to b a cur.-all, but u
sure remedy for catairh. olds in head
and hay leVt r. It is not a I'kiui.1 or a
snuff, but i- rasil'. app.Hi! into tl.e nu-
i ' u T ..i-.-s ri in f :it onl'l'
I 'ii : II ' r Met'.-i r re-ides with his
s-on-iu 1 v.-. F-tcr E. laud, out in the
wtSH-rn pan oi me ir.iuos. i.c.-.i. . ...
r . it. . : i 1.
drove two n.i'.rs to -lair st ition on the
Kick I-!.':d th'- inornitiLS hoard. l the
train a r .-ut!i i..!i !. aitiViiiLC in le in
tune io in c:. i,r. xnusi r wnicn put
....... , i .
him in Fl'!t:.-T5u:uti in tin:" for a bit
l.leakfi-'. i!
c-.:- t v !.y t)"op e want
o c!i tl-- (Ctn.ty fed for any out of
the way vi'd me, .aid he relused to sin
th p.-iili-.ui mueh to the tlisus' of some
of his iieiuhhor?.
7m. A. Liiah of '.! ;"'.t n '.wind, one of
C:iss roentv's eailv se'.lh rs. has iu.-.t re-
turned from t!io sunny south, lie pur-j
1 - - ., . , 1 ftll I
cl:a,t.t i,:.!!, acres oi rati in.viaoama
and is arrar.rrnit t- 1' f--
down th r.- as 10:1 as j .-.. bl.. The
mu ." "s " hi. Ml P. P. of Red Oik
h i- !i:-;n p.i'; tl )svn there hi Is fair t j
take all his icqu ant inces t.) th .t c;;un
trv. y.r. li.hik-; he h ;; a f.-rti iv.
will. I.i I 1: -.nd wo tru-t tltiit he
ll ':!?.
Ilorci; - i Vi.- - . i'.i ;'.l .
hi-: i.i -lo: .i X. Eorv .ai : oul back
' ' ' , ,
of th.' ftore rt:nl v.'as greatly surpris d to
r:.:i ( i ,i :i v. .-a-.-'n :.i:d in t!:e tdh.-y.
popped. i'el Iiot'cal t'.va l'.:il JW.s
. . ,
..' '.' .- , ' v.--.".r tro-i J..-'-
. , . - - -
i. i l-.o :. I'J J .-:..- .Ill i .'V.'Y o
, ,u the other. ll. X , ia :. cot;imrndixij:
. , , . ,. . .
tone or voice caicuiau'ii to siriKe leiior
to the hearts of c-vil.Lv.-rs. demanded
L " , ' , . " . The full-twin:' idvertiscmer.t, pub-
what they were do, ni:! I hey jumped,,.. j.romim.-nt western patent
onto the sva-on; i: of them picked up ! medicine house, would indicate that they
a stick ot st .y ; w-'O-d acid r-iised it, as
ta et was a cranio:.. Horatio did not
, . i v.-. -a". Iv o t o!
. ' ' ,
si -at: then he -ot h t ami thirst..- I for
,,,., j,ut it was too late. At 1 .st ac-
cecals tne li.U v-- n.i.i m rniiu c-ip;uii'..
...'art. e1
..'.Tr::'.!e Ha-tir.
New I3.::ci y.
Henry V.'tckbaeh .v Co., ia company
wiiii Fred Stailelmuu, are going
to operrrte a liist class bakery
John Hartman and George
Longtnhanen are engaged to build the
oven, which will be the largest and best
in the county.
Th- boarl of trade will uvvt t the )in,l sue. ;:ir-. Tne cou-h is s..on fol- , W,(V contiuuc. tht. u. ,)f rrl it.tirj., j prfiq hf5- f Q v3.
C. A. II. Wcduesdav ever. inc. lot-d h a profusC watery cxpeetoration ! .)3,;rc i-n,;4fs or Vqiid E'v's C.-eaui j AC"WJ WWlAwAi '$
'r-taca at m,:,:, Ma'tttts cf ;.a ! ' tl5'! y Pr"- au-ry . ,..llmt p,'c;isiut ff a, i,:,,,, n1 a v,n-e I ,
ir..'.,ri. , (.(,..a.b.r t--v. rv nie-n'-- r ! '"'" .from. .Uu' , l1' . 'n s' cure for catarrh nd cold in had. can be j Ji-"vr U;....v.,
l1;'",;, ' -ir' P mr"' r cas,sthere -satJn v. atecoatiiiocathe ha.? ff,r It i5 ,a,Hv aoplk- 1 into I W UI Uii.
,a u.,l be pr. A. E T.uu.. - t03,u.,. a l ;it to do .' It is only neees- the noetri, b ;lfe am, anil ip
In.i.1.-Tif horrln t ak. ChumbfrLun s Co'Jirh liftll- - , . , .- V. . i -Y
1 "' ' .1 - . . 1 1 ti 1 . 1 . . . 1 '-i ' 1 11 .1
.ill. I is ( . . ! 1 n ! ;
!M' 1- ;t ! W
i ' 1 1 :l! !,: . i . it' ; ,
.'. il :i :i :,K-
.! i !.. 1 .1 1 1 . T
1 ; ! .! !v 1 1 1 'M :i
j '; 1 i"- n: :i 1 i! ; 11 1 ir i 1 :.: 1 1 : . 1 u us 11
llilit f..r ir.i!i;!.'.t i . . : : i s -. '1 in- d l.-;i .1111
is .is i'cL.iv. -:
! ' -'':! A . i.i- 1.
' -.
' li r-l ihri- :i!ri 1: h!i' i: r!ji s 1 iil-,
i r.Kl'A !i (1 1. ul (;' y h:-A-i ! ilS stdllilK ll
to.LiV. List S (!( !i:irr wi ili- ill :t li'llr
town iilr.Mlt i;;ii! 1 1 1 i ! s 1 1 'Kl Illir, I 'a ,
Mr J 1 il i 1; 1 ; ii a -; ::i ; n ;ir 1 1
di pi t ai.d the ii: d.-.y lie i It ouet r ill- j
i side. Al.out :i inoiitli ii-'.. the liud '
I i ....... i - I 1 i
i eiin causing; nun M in ns Moiioie 101
j ,,. lilst tim,. .,. .,. ..j ,;t. f !
,. 11 . ll ?.... .. I :u;...v I
Hilt IIU',
j Ul,,ll,l k;i, .,, j
In- t-iii
until li" Ii id tr. m. .i-. I n' tl.e .'
Id th'.' for . 'l !.'. !1 ll-' ( OMM.dl d it
,,,eto- ictl
ill i 1 1 i ri:i ': not h'm
1 f.;,;,.. Inn )..!y li nn- .1 i-vi r If 1. It j
; s' tiii-t h i n i ( r . ' t !. i e i t lr
oniar li a oi:: c. r. ; ...- l ep
tile sv is in hi.1- throat uud full with a
splash in: o th" vi r.
li f io H I II. lur.
I i le is It p' i I i ::U O i t ill' xt l I' lit d in -
ti .. iM.tii.i.. ..!.; . 'i". ).. .. .i.;, .-..v-i. t.i 1
: Ml . ! Ill I" !-1 I ill : i-.. V hist I l'":l' -
. : -
i a is:; 1-.1U.- .- ; t urat't r ins
. , . . , ,
! i:i;::,:v;:;,;:;;;; ?rr:.:,
i - 1 it . li'. t V 1; ci. .': '. er.ey .'lul i-: t. t elite
li.icett iiitn Uantici :i"it or iiy-.ii- i.-..! e las.i
u l..t e-. V. It !i ! ijlliik I'eveise
a 1 1 fi ae :' ',' ' i"ii t ? !e- a:- !. -' y of liat n
Mis Jalsii r .ijip. in il e i - telneir e a- u i-:i
iii.i i he s inji.tiliy of lur inii.-iifi.' ; ami l!io
M'Mill i- iiio-t -J.V.A fyii'i.iy rrei-t.V''. s!ie iai-r.e-
all Ileal Is w :i :. !:: .'. sue-ii-iis in lt;t-
; knej; :i i.r..:..ti! .1 ...o -iv imi v.Iueli svi.I j.eiina-
neti'iy l.ri.t luf it'! Ut-.' ai: I lai
M.--, EIM.-;- !::'"s a i.t v.- play to
FiuttMiiuuth next riaturday, v, lit n t.he
j .-ipa- iits ::t tl.e W.:'a- :" ' e: a hi.u.-e.
I "Miss Maliiiiii";," a laiuiaiu li.uhl comc-
w;n jL. in''eed.
j An Elegant Rrcorcl.
- por tllL. i)L.nL!'iL uf ti)i; l.n 'U numb:.'!' of
policy holders uud other iijleref.tttl partii
in this city, v.e take the pleasuie in pul
1 .. ,
ii-hiii"' the lo. low hi"; n port by the j
li tuker,' Eif,- In.-unmec Company at Lin-
, , bt.,,in..Ia.r t t!K. present
, . the List t. ut has
j' iU;u,c ,)y ;l JcV(.j ircliilum
D.tnv at tiie sane are. ,-t ituiuci.t
i c.OI11;li;1L.(l i:, - iiu.t that the ii.a.k.r
is purely a r..d -iv.s'.ai company, should
t ,ivo .)t..rt.,icUCC OVcr ull -of.ais tt i ii j
j dl z uf Lh i s ttat-.-:
t n.Muiiojr Jam'.siiv 1-t., ls-ji.
Cash ia ..!!(.'. :aal ia l:au.'.s .
! Ail oilier i.siels..
,7n.j n
s r 'i: , .1 l
LlAiJl l.ini:5.
T., , ,:i,y ,u.:,:ei s. ;il , , r cent
j All iiaid.ii a.-
.. . iii
1.77: ;-."
.. '
...... i7.iui 1". !
fuiel la i.i.liey hl.Ui.s
ni i i: i
Ii:.s?:r:i:-".' i'l fei '" t)!'.r. .-.tsr. t -.). . .-1 , le e'-i .m
Uj...1i 11:! ;,:..;!..;..' i.'- " '-
Tlie 'aa.slmss f,,;-1 a a-'- ::;;a'.-j t -.v:t:i that m
ii-'-l :
! Iu. i.r;iou i:i f.r-a. iuereu-etl n .er cent
, r ...
1 1:--. rv.-,
'' i -;- :;!' :c:-s-" '
! i:nease r.iar ta i.e ura! ce ia f.-r. e.
1 "'r'.i- . -
. iK'Ulli i.-.i. ti:.-".....- . i .ov..
uire..-.eJ A
I L.a!;?e Hue l- n.ii.i a:.'.--' 'a i..oe.
(iec: cased . -.
raard disease as a punishuien: lor sin:
I dune if you choose to, as nature in her
km. iocs- to man rives oim iy v.iiiiiiiiu
laud 3:.::ilv t'.ils von in nature's way.
,,m,ish,ra.nt for Some indiscr. -
,io'f yoU arc to be alHicted with a celd
; m.c:'3 vat tin o-e io nam m uu o
1 . ' i
prompt action. I no i.r.-t sy :.:pto:a.-. o 1 a
cold, in mozi ca -cs, !s a .try, loud cou-h
cut in tutu.'ir n.-'M-i. riui ii...... 1 uc"-1
will geatly hsscn the severity of the i
i j.-i.i a . I.,,,- Ti,.. i
cold and in most cases wll etlectually
counteract it, and cure what would have
been a pevere cold in one or two days'
time. Try it and be convinced." .!,0
cent bottles for sala by F. G. Frieke & j
Co., druggist?.
Additional local of last page.
i ' " - rnr I Kf I. p mnzT r. .urmt'ii tiei i r ......... I
0 P A
n h n
Li) a u
! ii n i
lj Y
T IT 7 ' ""
i A -r-i r -r c -r ,
V V " V U t til
I -. t n , .
: UQ in nGGd cruirytinna
save money by calling.
cr ctst ojp:rijriijD
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
Carry a Full Line of
I)i: l-:Xsi L'LOTjflX'J. i-i;isii cut n..;wi:i:s-
i-mi im.kv bi.wi;
Look Here! j
Every out; italeliU'd to JOE, ;
The ( ne Price Clothier, niu.-t set -
i tie within thirty lav. or ih.; ra - -
counts will lie j.iaced in the hantli-
1 of ji Justice tor collection.
Hi il 'J U.-LIO. IU1 ttin-.-.U'Mi. ii
I JoK KLI-JIN. M. l l-llt.i:.
- - - -
t'ht; tiuist of (imuls at
-launhterin prices a! .JOE'S tf
- I I . i . mm -.
i a n us cana s ir.ibUKc,
llusbiinds too olten permit wives, nnd,'hii.d.
parents th'ir childrsn, to sutf r irom!
'leaaacne, it:z.i.tss, ; ti ; ai l: ; a. -ie( pa-.- s-
ms, titd. iiervoU.-iie.-s, whin bv the u-e j
! -(i i,ll:g r .-idt-coubl ;.-il v b-- prevented,
I Dru-'i.'is'.s trveivtthcie .-iv i' rive, un: -
I'l U. . . ' 1 J . - 11. -U I HIV. , . 1 . . . . . '. . ..i'.i
versa! sa?i-faeti..n, and has an
.1. ie i. .i c.i. r.. . te .
i saitr. v ooasvorai ix 1. 1 , t;i r an a ne,
I.'id.;Siiow A; Co, of Svr eu-e, X. Y. :
J. C Wolf, llid-dale, M'.rh.; ami hun-
dred-? ot others say '"it is th nrea'est
- !l'-r they 'Vr p enra-ans n"
( piates. Tii d Iottlj,.aa!iftD': l..ok on
n'-ryous disei-es, free at"T'. G. Frieke &
Co. ' 5
All the iatc-.-t styles of wall paper found
at Wild man it Fuller's. tf
Dissolution N'otico.
Uieck it Waik-.r ia this day dt.-s- lved bv
mutual consent. All debts due said
firm must !? paid to In ury Ee.k, who
assumes all the indihtc due's 'of saiil
firm. Feb. E Ol
Hkni'.v I.'ua
Gi.o. W. V.u.:;li:. !
icc.s'-lm ,
relief at once
Taken Up
The undesigned has taken up a ytray
pig v. hich can le obtained by the owner
by proving pioperty and payiag for this
notice. S. F. OoIjoex,
Cor. Eighth and Locust etreeta.
ft I
n 1 a
m J
- u Himu t L.;iiiiaJJSij
O fl CCS deep, fllUl par-
m the above 1:1,03 win
liGGElliCllilGH - Mll
'I'll:: W'i:-! il.jM:.:; j , nut;
Provision Merehnnts.
Iit-ai!';..a. v I i "
j r-.. ,,-t r . r p-.j.
j li'UU Mf ' ii.l',
it' . 1 I . . I r
. yOI1 ,Utu-t ) tV .,v biis for d ad beats
SS'ie ll Vi-'.t b-i I t ! S linn.
Ida: la -t S(FT COAE alass a
A ' i i- K -
, . , --. . - , . r
i O VVJtrO M Jivylr O
! o,'o.-i'e Eic-h.-y D:..s 1 .iu,.!..r . !?!'
j -
..n'TIT 7 t t . r t rtTIVl'
j v.
flf n'M !i A.
lioiJiM a;.
A-i-1 -L y
Mr. W. S.Marshall,
. ttu-t -f A'l -''.. orrrahn.
feats may be reserved at-Mr P. Young' r.