POr88IOAl. CAR 8. C. V. LIVINGSTON K. 1). CUMMIN- iDMrf. LIVINOSTON A CUMMINS PGyslc ans M Umm No. 612. MainHt. Telephone M tUMidence Telephone lr. Livingston. 9, KwMmn Telephone Dr. Cummin. 36- ' i.,"- uj ; , v Surveyor l V t ENCINKKUand hUKVKYOK afcthnates and plan of nil wrk furnished ana Record kekt. Office in Martin Block. Plattsmouth c ii i?:h Nebraska county Sur-veyox ' AHf " -' CIVIL ENGINEER. . i i.m : U r....fc rnrlr will aeceive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. : I: -tee t. ' . 1 V 4. kaitiillrtrT for caafciaav.Faraa Lmm Am - -ANY OTUJ$K..'AAJi;iXt:' . IU.TTSMOCTM ; t r JR0,BKA - JL X. ULLIVAlJr- r meyat-Law. will giv ? atteati a . inuiMM ea trusted . to bla 0o ta WINDHAM A DAYIBS. . WINDHAM. JfHM A. DfVIJW. Htur rubric - nccary rawis i over Baak f Cas Coaatr. . '-V i-ratoa Bankev . .. t3oci of Caca County Cor If aia and rift street. ftMaeDi:al. !..'.....!...... 0FFICEBS .'. raraala FresMenc ee (herder Tie rrestaant J. M. Pattersoa Casheir T. M. fittteraoa. AMt Caries DIRECTORS J. JL raraiele, J.M. Patterson, free Ge4er. A,. mttkHiA.-UdajMa, B. aVKasntey and Tw M. Pattersoa a a a . a asas&AL ahxihc Buapr U aolicttod. Interest allowed oa Usaa and wamot attentloaalTea to all kaa- eatruted tu itacare. TheOitkeM rULTTSMOUTU - NEBKAHKA Oajltal atoek paid In i......$ao AuthoruuidiCaipHaAl, SlOipCooO. 'i i. , ? . . trnciM ? rBiSK OA ItlTOTH. I J OS. A.'crtKMOK. rTesidetJti Vlce-PreWent W. H. CU811UK.- Caabusr. dTrank Carrutb J. A. Connor. K. R. Gntnmann J. W. Jobnaon. Henry Bock. JoknO'Kaaia W. D. Merriam. Wm. Watoncamp. W. H. Ouabtne. HAHSiCTS GENERAL BAB VM BOSfflES asuM ceitiflCAtes of Opostts bearing interest Buva and sells exctvnse. county and city sutaUe9. First ITatiosal BANK OF FLATTSMO UTH. KEBRA3EA raid op capital Ssroto.oo Jurplus U.ooo.oa Offers the very best facilities for the promp' transaction of iigititiiate Eankin Business Btok". lonrt. rld. povrr'iiiu(r ,vr.d locj! auntie bo'-ht i. t -!d- UiT:;3irs rcc-.-ivrd and tiiifTfdt niiowed rn ttio rertificr.tee Crafts drawn, av:ilable in any p:rt of the CntU'rt Statea and ail t.e priiicipuil towns of Burope. OOUJECTIONH IADE AND PROMPTlf RKMIT TKI). Highest market price pM for County War rants. State ana rounty bonds. miiEcroKs John Fltzcerald r. Hawkfvortb 8am Waugh. K. E. Wlille ieorse E. Oovey John FItgr&ld. s. Waueh. President CaIil PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 219, 221 aKi 228 Main St. lattsmouth, - Nebraska. S. H. BONS. Proprietor, lhe Perkina baa ben tkaraaghly renoyated from top to bottom and is novr one of tbe beat hotels in the state Boarders will be take by the weak at $4.54 aad up. GOOD BAR CORRECTED rviiDaw Tbs Plattsmoutb Herald ir.A. IUhr kMlkr earlMlte rlakt ti r.lelara'a iMll at)etlr fbriae Flle ' x tract UrtWUi la ihUrltf. Offlrr Kiwk wo4 WOMAN'S REAL PLVGE. I A CONTRAST BETWEEN THI SHOP GIRL AND THE SERVANT. w Atiid.i aii ..r.ivr. n lit ble lit a i-Ul 7t 14 in. ntli y. U1 n. r. a-e. m ei..eni u ta ..wit ..pi lull niMiniuin -r-w ' lioiM. f-rerc s. MAorAamiiK. uwk Box 1V5. w V..i k. - ' - ... r....i. i.iuiii i iiiir hn.H In ! Itrceraln JL. AlHMiT Fellows are eordraliy -luvlied o atkvnd when vlltutf M ' , - t. K. Wli I.1AMM. N. O. .. W. bi ik. see. ' KiOlHX Ok i-yIIHaK, ;mimit lm.' Meetp erery w edoe-Uny eenl st4heirb 11 In- ek' h bkk; All iiU ItaiKMn 'ire eordln'ly inr fed lo- lte.d, C Ma uliall. C. f. ; Frank I)is a. K. It. H. .U.-SIEN'K- HHI-illN frCCIATlOX ...... r ... a .-in iii m o -so n inT For men oil' OtispH meet'uK ery Huaday alterncon at o'e ook . e. A. R. Yfrv.nnihi Pi ik i No. 4S meets every Patur ' JaV etenrna; at74.. In1 tnVti Man; ltockwood Block. ' All vibltlng. comrade, are inyttea jeet with u. ' o: F. N1les.-rct Adj. t ; v, sjgA.esfF.pftCew. to t OW CIubblna Ut- OUkbA-DfluocrAt and (JCitALD. .... .$2.25 Harper a Bazar Oemoreat'a Magazine Omaha Bee "' oledo BlaSa Lincoln Call, National Tribune " TheiPorum V Grte tkean : Lincoln ' Journal. TW iipmalf agaxino 4i 4.00 .. 4.80 .. 3.10 ..2 40 .. 3 45 il5 2.45 ...5.55 .7.2.25 1,85 1 ';-l,';"vli:"" f - i . ayHwo arxar oaa bast 2f :34 a. as Ma t.., .faausa - m.i..:tt.:tf.4r'4r: bV!'-.V..y. Maaaa. t. Mla. as. " la -a. :1S p. sa. " la M :U a. at 11.. .....a a."sa,' TTh NTTSfmibhony Club. t-i Ar-.trrcat marital rt.nization. Tbe following letter was receired. which "f kbitfa: KAra.TaFe't. 16. 1891. jF.-TOTird-.'i.latfJihoain.eb -Our aepl are ia raptures oyer tb delightful en tartaiament given us by tbe New York Sym pboay Club Saturday evening. The opia house was packed from "pit" ta gallery with ,an entknsiastle, crowd, thxt Insisted upon re calling each member of the alub repeatedly, Mr. Cbas. F. Biggins, particularly, captured every auditor with bis magnificent handling of bis $100 violin. Every motion and touch fcespa'xe the flnuhed artist, and In bis bands the violin became a living creature. The universal comment upon the club here 1 "grand." "superh." " perfect suocess.' "the finest everln the cityr effc.i etc'. 'Your seople must bear them or suffer regret, i f i 1 taf.-B. Pikccf ; M'rr Lecture Course, This company will - be at' the opera house Tuesday, March 10. The Ser ml tubtfata. F. G.-rT-itkii & t,o-,'drugtHW,"beIieTe that the secret of Buccess lies in perae Terance. Therefore they persist in keep ing thVfinesL line of perlnmeriea, toilet articles, coametica, druga and chemicals oa the market. They especially lnrite alFpenioiswho tateS parpitatioa, abort fereatbweak1 or hungry, spells,! bain1 in Aids' orUnofe&eW';opbress1on.i4b.t mire. dry codb, toxrtherin, dropsy -Aof hirt diaease to try Dr. Miles unequaled New Heart Cnre, before it is too late. It has the largest sale of any eimilar-'remedy Fine book . of testimonials free. Dr. Miles Restoratiye Nervine is unsurpassed for sleeplessness, headache, fits, etc., and it contains no opiates. ' " 5 Wm. Budig charged - Jim' Sage with assaulting him. Judge Archer assessed the fine at $5, which Jim paid, with a smile on that indicated he was not much worried. Singer Sewing machine company have established a branch office in. Henry Bocck's furniture store where all kind of machines trill be repaired. R. O. Atberton, dlw Local Agent. Hair Work. Of all kinds to order. Hair chains, pin", finf, craj.es 'tc, a sprcialty. Orders left at Dovey's store or Mesdames Wise & Root, will be promptly attended to, or postal card to Mrs. A. Knee, Hair-dresser. Benton Brown came near losing a val uable horse yesterday on account of ac c'uien tally cutting an artery in the hors :"s mouth while endeavoring to cure a case of lampers. Wildaian & Fuller earry the largest and finest assortment of wall paper in Cass coanty. tf County Court- Frank Busche vs Bank of Commerce et al. Argued and submitted. J. E. Halletal vs Edward, Murphy, Continued by consent until March 16, at 10 s. m. In the matter of the estate of N. B. Howard, deceased. Final settlement and decree of assignment A piece of the fractious saw that came so near ending the lives of Allen Rhoden and George Moore may be found at Ger log CVatoda. . Z T ; Will yon suffer .' With 'drapepaia and liver complaint! Sbiloh'a vitalizer ia r guaranteed to" care you;; For aale by F Q Fricfce an O. U. Snyder. Tb Form or Trlea tm Up Uwdy Mitd Konl Together with Scarcely Slot Money Than tb Latter Ceti M Fokt Uuimj. Th Cnoa f La Kvtl. The kitchen and nurrry vrrsns the factorj nnd "store' fjnest-ua hai.' leng en gaed the attention Of women ' vfbo'arn devoting liieir liVes't6 the itnproveniCTit of th? material condition of their i-isterl in other worda, those philanthr-opic per Bona are wondering' whether, 'after all', the' working Woman has "dor. e h wise thing by leaviug' the 'sphere vhich vrns pecniiarly her' own.' with uif?rcrt sur roundings',' since the day3'of Adam, and invading the occupations which are, by their nature, adapted to men: "Some opinions On this snhjeel Lave re centiy beeif'given. Tliey calnte ftorn wo men who thoroughly understand t lao ex isting condi tions "of lif and tLe!r ' ex pfeiiiiious ' were ' echoes which ; are heard eVervwliere nowadays. ' Th beat'f rei'.de, maTe-antl fernalerof the w6fkiig" w6nien are; asking" th 'aatne question Way do wcAuen ' pnt 1 themselves trader. oicYiiri tsttoic where thejrtnay be led c slarVai ridnor 'shame When ihty can rtxiHf avoid both by remaining wlihintlleijf natural sphere." . . The nr&wer Igiven' by a. " leadrr tpl. the i working women is' the'. onty ona tihai,'cov- 'era' this question in inahj casea. , lt ia tho ! lady laier-: Th "aaleelady and, th i toory,'iaay,DV 'im ' aaHtion ; to. eciipae cue wive a nit osngniwa oi, weir emploVeVsin ttiematfer o' drvas, tad :tl fee'hbtWhaTj8urd -WMIh tip iy pr ,irpjttB t, ,i , CarefarorVrs si.y'that jitf.b irai. ter the girls act just' the saneaa' the youngiueh of the' day who crofrtL aoeaa. olheV "for1 clerlcaaiiia' etcTi waflMasVii VI "1. (I) rt.vi 1,1. int. 1 ENTIRE ) n STOCK OF . . Clothing. wej ajo Kcunacn aiAu,aMica MKt.rauu, fluco Hhem td fhe rosy, healthy servant: girl, who haa(aa acoount ayt. tM bak. qr to"ihe robust m'echatfic who ca jwaoei a larger1 tSi oiTbU oft 'S."'4r eTeBing.. J Tafjbaj'. :who; sells handkerchieia en3 toilet l)oxra dnro income of 10; cents is thb other kali, of,, the'getieman' wh cpi-. Thy are the natura prpdnct of, theDevr Amencaa lady and gentleman craze, wnd. they never reavjustwhatitrraeana nn less tbey lt'kArried. Then the ; ntle fcatt"4drk wisheiJL had 'mated with a girl " fas'- domestic service' whd knew how o" (bH6k and who had a little money laid fcyrahd the ladSr rcreta that ; she did aot devote her omilea to a mechanic' whio cottkl aupr6rt her.r The police courta aad the divorce 'courts give the culminations of fhese atoxiea 'every day in the year: r Bstthe'purpb&e- of this ' iarticle ia to give further particulars that-enter into the contrast between the 'women in do mestic serviceJaihd those who haveVflooded ' men's 'becupatiohs.' According" to the most accurate statistics obtainable, the 1 wages bf servants in this city average, at the lowest estimate, $15 a1 month, besides board,' lodging and in many 'cases all the clothing needed. : ' ' Perhaps $3. 50' h week might be fixed as the average money com pensation Of aU the women in domestic aerrice- ''- INow, according to the statement of Miss Ida Van Etteri," Mrs. Creagh and Miss Foster, the average wages of work ing women in stores and factories is, at the highest estimate, $4 a week. ' ' ' - a comparison. ' That is a half : dollar difference in wages, and that half dollar represents, in a comparison, the board, lodging, etc., of the servants. Of course, no woman can live on fifty cents a week. It takes her whole $4 to pay for board and lodg ings if she "gives anything like proper nourishment to her body. So it amounts to just this: At the end of a week the servant has $3.50 to lay by, while the "saleslady" has not a penny. As to lodging, tho average servant has her own little room, nicely furnished and heated in winter. The 'saleslady,' if she boards, has a cold room at tho tcp of the house, shared by three or focr other unfortunates. The latter works on an average of ten hours a day, while in the holiday season she works as much as sixteen hours, and never doe3 a penny of extra pay reach her pocket Th servant has no songer hoars, and ch( mi t"ft t t-t- o ' i t- tvit! of Them and, besides, has her two or three "even ings o" during the week. ' Her work, on the whole, is much lighter, and she doe3 not know what fines are. If she falls ill, in a good familj-, she receives the same cordial attention that her mis tress would, and is surrounded by kind attentions. And her wages go on all the time. uut now about the "salebialy up in the top of tho boarding house if she should get sick? Well, unless she is absolutely at the point of death she is packed ofE to a hospital when the time for which she has paid her board has expired. But even if she is allowed to remain there till she gets well, she re sumes her work with her trunk under bondage to the landlady, and with a, to her, heavy debt staring her in the face. Ia it any wonder that many a naturally good girl seeks escape from such troubles in the concert halla? And is it any wonder that the comfort able servant girl generally ends her sareer of working for others by marry fng an honest man and settling down in a comfortable home. New York Com mercial Advertiser. 1 . t - V i 1 ' ' ( Furnishing mm, It (i 1,1. v - f) I its, Tf MS Etc. i MUST J3IB CILOSEO OUT . j , ;. . mi. ia iht. . . 1 T '; tl ' . tm I m ic v. rot to 1 -:' if g ' . i Is1 ON ACCOUNT OF r. - ' '! ' ' f . M ' "W ill' I -f DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. r r - . 1 No SrambtE. No Closing-Out Salq. .Aartisiiig Scheme, But Casing i. ; W 4 i - tTa U ; HiOoiai't miss this qit2 you wlIIII sever foe able to bay eBaeaperi in your IfilTe (Call audi see.wliat sUdDIE will do foir yoca l i Mens suits, former price, $4 50 now $3.50 " " former, price 6.00 now 4.50 former price 7.00 now 5.Q0 " former price 8.00 now 6.5 " former price 10.00 now 7-00 " former price 12-00 now 8.00 " former price 15.00 now 11.00 " former price 18.00 now 12-50 " former price 22.00 now 14.00 Mens llats former price 1 00 now 50c " ' former price 150 now l00 ' ' former price 2 50 now 1 50 ' ' former price 3,00 now 2 00 ' ' former price 4 00 now2 75 Overcoats for men, youths and boys at be low cost. Childrens and boys suits at your owr, . tmit' The best t1.00 overalls at COc, Shirts Socks Underwear, etc., at astonishing slaughtering prices It will pay you to come a hundred miles and bor row the money to lay in your supply. It will pay you big interest. . Valuable AnoMton. Mrs. Bilger (reading) The body of a E trilled man found; near Fresno, CaL, a been sold for $10,000. Mr. Bilger Ten. thousand dollars! By the way. my dear, your - family used to live ia California. ; Are any of them buried there?- -Kew York Weekly. We Have The Largest Stock in the Count)!. JOE EILEIEJ Wm, PLATTSMOTJTH, NEB. dDpeipa UHoEise (Doiraeip 6 .'- ' ' ' V , V r V. .f