0 - - 6 t. (HucccHKor to U. T. M hi he ws.) (,'AUKV A CO-lIl'LETli LINE OP Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Etc. Having completely reclean id and renovated. We now have as neat a hardware slock as can be found in Cast County. We respectfully invite the public to call and learn our method of doin business. Hardware can be sold cheaper for cash than on time and we are the people that propose to do it J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything to Furnish Four House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNITV1NG EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House V ean buy t hhn cheap for spot cash or can eeenre what you need to furnUh a cottage or'a mansion on the INSTALLMENT I LAM. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINCS. Agent for the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine. he largest and most complete Stock to select from in Cass County. Call and see me Opera House Block Insure your property against flro, lightning and Tornado in the AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Cincinnatti, Ohio. G Commenced Business October CASH CAPITAL Stockholders individually liable, under the constitution of the State of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net ouarantee of about $700,000,00 to policy holders. Losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) nearly four millior dollars J. II. BEATTIE, Secretary. Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident SO tSSCRi BE FOK DAILY AND TTIuTJE TLIEAJUHMR IPAffMEIHI IP DAS DUMU,,Sr THE WEEKLY HERALD IHTas a ILarger (Circiiliitlofifi than any two IPapeirs in itEae (Dona I. PEARLMA1N. $3oo,ooo.OO OAZZAM GANO, President. Asent, Plattsmoutli Nebraska 9 WEEKLY ! catty, mm 7 K NOTTS BROS, Publishers! Pub'U'r! vrv Th"rsilay. and dally every evening except Sunday. Risleivd at 1 tie Plattsnimtli, N0. p'Nt otl'ift r t r;iiM"i-tioii through trie U..'S. mails St om'imhI Hits r:it-H. Ofllee corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone 38. TF.KMH KoK WRKKI.Y. n copy, one year. In advaiiee . .... ...flM one eoi)V. one year, not In advance 2 00 i One copy, six nmiitlif. in advance 75 j H-Jju py, throe inontliH. in advance. ... 40 TEEMS FOR OAILY Oiie eop on y -ar in adv -nee 00 One copy pr --ek, by currier 15 )nt copy, per month W WKDNESD.VY, FEUItUAKY 25. 18:1 Tm tctions of the independent Btates-ini-n in the Nebraska legislature, after they hud made so many charges of bad government from the stump and through the columns of their subsidized organs agninbt the republican party, is certainly a surprise of an unpleasant kind lo their zealous followers. More pernicious bills and a gnater waste of time and money has nev r been 8. en within the lepislatire hulls of our fair state Some of the nu a-ures proposed are so foolhardy tht it seems the clerk would not have the patience lo read them, much less take up l he time of the legislators in discussion, j As a fair sample of this independent chuff we appeud the following, which emanated from the mind of a brilliant senator. The small sum of $25,000,000 is asked for to build u railroad in other sta ts. An indebtedness of nearly $ 25 per head for every man. woman and child in the state, created in one foul sweep It is Senate File 29: 'Submitting to the electors of the stae for rejection or approval an amendment to section 1 of article 14 of the constitu tion, authorizing th state to become in debted in the sum of $25,000,000, to build a railroad from a point within the state of Nebraska, to a poiot on Lake Michigan, and providing for a method of voting on paid amendment." The Nicaragua Canal is second in im portance, of course, only to the Sue. Canal among the great works of modern times. The refusal of the United States government to take charge of this work under the administration of President Cleveland caused a temporary suspension of the enterprise. Thereupon, however, a private company was organized, and in another shape the United States govern ment has again taken it up a shape in which it is said that the constitutio ! ditficuliies in the way of the original plan have been avoided. This matt r has been in the hands of the Finance Committee of the senate during this session of congrt-Fs, of which Senator Sherman is chairman, and this committee has prepared a favorable report for an appropriation to push the work to com pletion. An explanation uf this report and of the committee's reason therefor, j as well as of the commercial importance j of the canal itself, will b made in The ; Forum for March, by Senator Sherman j himself. He goes into detail in explain- j in the fiu.sncial aspects of the plan, s J well, of course, as its political Leafing. I and thus at onc thrusts the subject for- ! ward as a matter of public concern. i The March Cosmopolitan exhibits a j table of contents made up to cover the j wide possible tu-ld- The uiagaziua nj edited upon the principle of giving j sonic-thing lhat will interest every mem - j ber of the family circle. the young j woman as well as the philosopher, li opens with an exquisite frontispiece, a reproduction of a painting by Seifert of Munich, purchased by the Cosmopolitan f r use in this way. There is given first j a light article treating of the French stage and illustrated m a way tout jjtyes an excellent idea of some noted French beauties. Protestant Missions appeals t all who contribute to the great works performed in tne nanitf oi religion kim ; obavUv nrtiilo in Tlaikpfcr America ia a! chat ity, while in Lraike&t America is a concise discussion of the Indian question ' with a great variety c-f pertinent illus- ! " i . ! tralions. Mrs. Van lienssalaer (.ruj:r j writes of the slovenly dressing of Amtri- j cans, and no one is better qualified to le- j view the subject thoroughly. A depart- j ., iw, m,rii7ini wnilr i the Ion it cv met- . ure in magazine woik is tne longexptci- j m - f 1- .1 ed autobiography of Frederic V iluors, the famous war correspondent. Villiers i writes as well as he illustrator! and ins "Story, of a War-Correspondent's Life" is as entertainingly written as it is skill fully illustrated by this prince of news paper correspondents and artists. A j striking short Story ot thrilling adveu- . . .-.T fore, "How 1 Shot M)' r inrt Elephant, bv MacMabon Cballinor, and "Iybor Unlons and Strikes in Ancient Home," an illnafratpd Mitielf. hT I)r G A Danziuer lllUStratea alticie PJ ur. U. A. uanziKer, are among the best things in the March Cosmopolitan. The regular deparl roents of Current Events and Social Problems, by Marat LTalstead and Edward Everett Hale, respectively, are as usual, main tained with-the accustomect wisdom and ability expected of tbeM two well known nent fentutl-. ue Coemopolitur Mr Mathews treat of "C"tHin R Dt Voluint-B f Verse' j the March number. (Cosmopolitan Put ' lishtnjj Co., Madison Square, New Yoik, con a npv.) A LUCKY NEBRASKA GIRL. Tii coi.ipc tition for the free college education prizes, off. red a year :P to the girls securing the most sul ser pt ns to the Ladies' Home Journal, has just closed, and Miss Elizabeth C, Morrell, of Omaha, Nebra-ka, is announced as winner of the second priz'. Miss Mor rell will have all her expenses paid for a year at any American college she chooses. Merit Wins. We deireto say to our citizens, that f years we have been selling Dr. "King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life ITU. liiieklen'n Ainita alve and Klectric Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as wll, oijtliat fcliave given such universal satisfaction, wo do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and'we staiid ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory resu'ts do uot follow their use. The remedies have won their great opularity purely on their merits. F. G. Fricke & Co.. Diuggii'ts. The best and surest dye to olor the beard brown or black, as may be desired I Buckingham's Dye for the Whifkcrs. t neyer fails. A Safe Investment- Is oe wh ch is guareuteed to bring you satin factory results, or intense of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you ca& buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. KIiik's New Discovery for 'ontumption. It is guaranteed t bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Cheo t, such a Con-umption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoopii g Cough, Croup, etc. It ib plea'antfland agreeable to atte, perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free t F. G Fricke &Co"s Drug Store. DISEASED HOGS Cannot become healthy food simply by the process of death. SWINE RAISERS owe i to themselves "and society to ADVOCATE REFORM In swine raiding that will promote the public health. Hogs should be fed, . Dr. Jos. Haas' HOG and POULTRY REMEDY The only reliable medicine for swine. Used successfully for fourteen years Prevents eisease, Arrests Disease, stops Cough, Hastens Maturity. Destroys Worms, Increases the Flesh. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co Plattsmonlh, Neb. i'itt';; .'"I ??l.25 in I ") i are ' I : O'l r i ' ' (.; jiu'ku large- r. 'Vrir- r.r testimonial ,i Hi -page p imphlet on iiiaiifl fori. 2 cent stamps sbi-ilo'y. s-iine will I I- l.y miil re reive jrou:pt attention. MX. il V.VS. fit lianapolis Ei MURDS & ROOT Tne pioneer merchants of 1H mm Cany a full stock of general mere ImukIisv- whit li theysell very ( lose. Highest price paid for all kinds of fjirui peudoce. (Jen erous treatrm ntand f'.iir dealing isithe secret of u l success. chas l nnn ?ulirv ic ! ?T),rr.lv NH) Don't Be Duped Th,re have lately beenplaced upon the market several cheap reprints of an obsolete edition of - Web3ter's DioUonary." They are being offered at a low price By dry gooli dealers, Brocer," clothiers, etc., and in a instances as a premium for nubseriptioo 'XSSuncements of these comp.rativeiy W0lthlGSS r,prjnts are very misleadinjr; for instance, they are advertised to be the substantial equivalent f)f Mjn eignt to tweve dollar book," when iu reality rrom a to i. tney are an Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a book or over forty yearn ;o, which in itn day was sold for about $S.0O, and which wan much superior in paper, print, and bindine to these imitations, being then the best Dictionary of the time instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The siiDotement of 10.000 so-eal led "new words," which some of these hooks are advertised to oon- tain, w9 compiled by a gentleman who has been dead over thirty years, and was published be fore his death. Other additions are probably reprints of a like character. The Genuine Kdtf iob of Webster Coa- familiar to this generation, contains over 2noo ..:, illustrations on nearly every pa. and bears our imprint on me imc psc- k ,B protected by copyright from cheap imitation. pense published a thoroughly revised successor, the name of which is Webster's IrzairATiOMAi Dictiosabt. Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated pamphlet free.' 6. & C. MERRIAH & CO., Springrfleld, Mass.; U.S. A. vaiuaoie aa iiii.i iim k mrc . 1 Xi ar m VI L-J m U II UJU ti 1 II sO 11 J If A woman may sevand a Woman may spin, And a Woman may WcrK all day, ButLulierJ STA(tup comes into her nouse Then vanish all troubles aWay. THE BONNER STABLES W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS 11$ THIS CITT Carriages for IMcasure anil Nhort Drivo Always Kepf Heady. Cor. 4th and Vine WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Cnrcfully Compounded at nil Hours !Leave your orders the HERAIjD for JOB WORK DESK ME lORANDUM; KIIvE. 1 hit; lile U not a culcnder, but ft record, where all suiipenne items can I".; recorded and eacli item, as onsecntivelj dated, will take it 'place at the iront" and stare you in the t'ace until such item shall have attention. At the time of writing letters relative to important matters, dates can be lixed when thes matters will come up again should such letters receive no reply. Especially adapted to recording tor future attention euch mat ters as appointments, Payment of Life Insurance Premiums, Henewa! of Fire Insurance. Special collections, Promises to pay, Dr. oA Cr., Pavmett of taxes, Dates set tor nit. Expiration of time toi appeal, Uueiness men wlio.see these tiles, as a rule, buy them. Price, with ink wells and full supply of memorat dtim cards complete. $2.5J Parties dosirin: glass ink wells will do well to write us. SPECIAL TERMS TO THE TR ADE, Taylor & Wells, MANUFACTUEEES AND GENERAL AGENTS. 10 N Y. Lit Building. Omaha I THE POOITIVE CURE.- I OAF Am riutthtnouth, KobrH6ki r with your AGENTS WANTED v ft' 1 1 !J0Df