The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 23, 1891, Image 3

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    - - . V - : .-
- . .. - i
I he Use Of
Harsli, drastic purgatives to relieve costivo
ness in a dangerous practice, aul more llalilo
to fasten tha disease on tin; Jiutlrnt than to
cure It. What Is nreilcd In a medicine that,
in effectually opening the bowels, corrects
tin: cottivo habit anil establishes a natural
daily action. Kucli an aperient M found in
Ayer's Pills,
which, while thorough In action, strengthen
ha well a? stimulate the bowels aud excretory
"For eight year I was afflicted with oon
Stiputi vliih ;.t i ,t became so hail tli:it
tin- iloctori could no more for inc. Then
1 to take Ayi-r'.s fills, anl mii the
bowels lifrani' r-ul:ir antl natural in their
tiiovi-uii-iit-i. I am now in excellent health.'
Win. II. Ilel.iiineM, J lorset. Out.
"When I fee I the nee.! of a cathartic, I
take Ayer's Tills, anil linil litem to he muro
ilian any other pill I ever took." Mrs. H. C.
Cirnlif , T.iirwi ll ille, ':t.
"i'or yean 1 li.tve l.e.Mi siil.j -et to consti
pation :tiid le-rvon ; he;nl:i. -h1-;. iv rrseil 1 y (:
raii:;"iiiei ' .f the liver. After triK hij? various'-s, I have liecimie eonvin.-ed that
Ayr's Tills are tho best. They have never
faileil to relieve my l.-lious attacks in a short
time; aii'l I am sure my system retains its
tone lunger after the use ,f these Tills, than
has Imvii the casts with Jiny oilier medicine I
have tried." II. S. Sledge, V.'eimar, Texas.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Iealers in Medicine.
A strictly first cla machine, fully
ed. Made Tom l!:- very best ni iterial b
fkil'el workmen, and wilii the best tools I '.at
have ever been deviled for the purpose. War
ranted to dit ;tll that can be reao..alIy ex
pected of the very best typewriter extant.
Capable of writing" worils :er minute oi
more according to Uie ability of the operate.
) If t'l.-r is no au-oi: in y-.ur t 'm a '.dn;-s tin
ni'ji.ii'.wl nr.
rrr i . - ? mt'i; .
Agents wanted T ui-ll -V, "V.
F. il. '.All. KM IRi:. A-r- nt.
j.i.ic.,1.., N. 1..
::! Sy ( up.
Low niio-s qiiot:-l on lare -r n ! I !:..
Strictly Pure.
Adirondack Maple Sugar Co
1U;;; Mimnwrt., C'hifugo. II;.
W. stem A
k. UiiQuLLii,
The 5th St. Merchant Taibs
Keeps k Full Line of
Consult Your Interest t, ltvug lllra a Call
01th ' '
: goli:and roHCKi,AiN2CiuvNs -
Hri.lge work, 'and tine trolcl work a
PR S! I'CNaPS M" l. as :; a- other no
fsiliciics:iven lorthe pa:ulos exiracuoo
C. A. MAKSHA.LL. - Fit:e;raM P'- '
Etjtj, Prompt.- Posl?l
Curt for Impctence, lo$s
of Mcnttood, Seminal
rigsions. Spermatorrhea,
Neroourncss. Self Dtstrutt.
Lost of Memory, ?. Will
tr.a?tc you a STRONG. Vigor
ous Maa. Pric fJ.OO. Q
r?l 1 fitfA l3or,a. $500.
ijoxts, o w. ......
Sottlol Olrerflont Nalti
villi ouch Box. Aitdrtta
tr. LOUIS. ttft
Veliery Meat EarM
10" S 6th st., Union Hlork, formerly
415 Main streut.
Sjjlendi.l Market, where Kvcrytliiny
Ivi-jit is First CIuhh. We aim to
iilei.rie, hnd sol'u it tin' Patron
aji; of tli'5 Pniilic.
i:x(;klli:ni koasts,
;.(HK. fist; ami nil!-:1: it.i.n( lies
IN s...Ao.
1 v f lir ami In nest 1 ;iJ I expert l
inerit a siiarc of lio trmle.
i::i lni. J. II. VALLIIilY, Prop
W alien and I'lin ksmilii -.le',-?
Vt;(in, 15uy, MaHmie imil
plow iJep'lM 11'. 't ilU-
He. uses the
Which is tho hest horseshoe for the
far mor, or for fast lriviu, or for city
purposes ev?r invented. It is so made
chut anyone cr.n put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
lays, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
ha shop and examine the nkvekslip
nd you will use no other.
112 North Fifth St. Plattsmouth
OEAT.BR IN THK Bra?!(isof Cigars,
including our
- i
1 1
I 1 1
p-ut.i msk. or
v p.iiv in
Nov. 2.
i ai hi
1 .i
py t craft m
1 iiMnrn
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
n supply everw dcm-ind of the city.
Call mid g-.-t tornn. Fourth street
in roiir of oprra house.
Tlie Leading
Constantly keeps on hand Jevery thing
you need to furnish your house.
Flo infl M a Fpecfalty
:irtn:i 'v titt: Pnble Solicited.
Not to the brave iixm the hattl fl"l.l
Alone tho liihns nt victory ldon.;j;
Nor only to tho jnvat ' artli thi? son
Of ami iuran hIiouM tlit Kinder yirM.
OmiIit tin! souls, Kinlo hiimleil. wii-IJ
liiiltlcax u.aii'.st tbc hostn of wron,.
Unknown, iiuiioK-iTin life's r.'i kli'ss throng.
Anil only in Co,l's il.iv to ht:m.l revcali-il.
How many Mich. i;i puiii'iit, liii:nii!' uis'.
1;.-M'!.? us wijii tli''ir liiief iii; way
Nolily t'liiluri'i: worthiest to.sliiue
As tixt-.l M i: ) in 1-"u:iki's ftcrruil skies:
For the-;!-. Tor tin, I reverently l.iy
On their diiL tiii.s 1 1 1 1 ! - le.if uf mine.
-Overlaii'l Monthly
,l u- i I : l wo men composed the frtmily
;it (.'-!; dii i.'.iH. and a fC"'. wild life
lii-.'V ! I .W't tint- they were ll!ll'!l t o
ir f. r 1 . .J will i;ieiii, i !;-!
: le
w;-. ii
t .v :i
:.n-l .
: . f. :
: i i ! . -. Truth to t-.-ll. 1 h'-.-e
s .'.iijrilln tic feeling lo-t be
1 (.'.'.rlyi !! s.
vi his s-.-lit.-t dinners
'f i
-.s to c
!'.. seor.p
1 t!l" -(ll!l-
'.. v.-j; !i i-ii.ii. i'
;( i if l .' i ie . al;i ii:
-: . - : I his nu'ii.
: i:,: I'.M i; ---if wa-a i- iteoed i:; iiie
uf rtiiv,s fr'-oury. Tin .'.-.rIyo::
:!(.; :;--nerations back laid pruved a
-jvadihrift ratw and their once ahij-I
; aii iiiiKt'.v had dwindled down to a few
harrr-n acres, with a village of miserable
!ir.i:.e.--. which yielded tho solo income of
the fin -sent proprietor. Still he could
ln.'ir;t a lomc deseetit, and we all know
how far an illustrious pedi'ee will k
li,-,v.'ird propping up a falling house.
Tiii was t?ie Mate of altairs when 51 rs.
Mondevillo i-anit' down from town with
a half dozen servants at her back, and
pretty llerthu Mondeville. her very re
luct ant companion.
Pertha was the lady's youngest daugh
ter, and, be.-i Ie.; the generous portion of
M -mdeville property h'.stin'd to fall to
her share, had good prospects of an in
heritance from a. certain wizened, eccen
tric woman who had stood godmother
to her at her christening, eighteen years
U fore.
With such expectations, and possessed
A natural attractions which drew hosts
3f sighing lovers to her feet, it was cer
tainly reprehensible in her to give pref
erence to one far beneath her in the so
cial scale. At least so reasoned her lady
in 'tllier. But Mertha was wilful, and
lu-ti.enial restrictions went for naught.
S'.:e had given lu-r heart and promised
i. i. r hand to Henry Dernard, the strug
gling artist. vh: as yet was quite un
iwiuwn to both f:i:::e and fortune. lie
was sanguine, tliough. and Uertha no
lc;--s so. She reposed the utmost confi-
::ce iu hisgcisins and uiLhnate success,
wi.-i'j ho toiled with renew: d energy for
ii trinn;ph:;l v.r I:-"v;:ig that her
ii. - i'.-iiiess was iir. 1 ; li:o result of
hii t:r..rt.
Cut hero Mrs. Mondevillo interiiosed.
II: r wrath h:tnr!'-stly upon her
C.:.; !:l;-v's jierver.-: a-.i. until angered
in y:::d hoTtntl?, had recourse to ex
tv uvt:rire. to 1 -rerJc of tho proposed
1: : :.:' IT::::" lJ.rn.:rd was fe-l.-Md-.'ti
ho;:.-:-.', ai I l:.-rti.:i wa s p'ac-e
under strict es.-ionago for tho timo
Tlio Carlj'ons worn distant relatives oi
the family, and Mrs. Mondeville fixed
upon tho h.all as a tecure and retired
asylum for her waywai-d child. So
iiit-KT they had come, fast upon the
track of tho courteous little nota of
warr.irg th::t aimo-inced th-'-m.
The hall had been put iu hurried order
f' .r 1h'j reception cf the ladies. The rem
aaat f plate were duly jxdished; the
t'r.:y'.-d damask a::d fine linen (evidences
; f decaying gentility) taken from the Carlyon cleared his domicile
bachelor gr.ests, aa-1 met tiieui with
tie l.-l ood, no matter ho.i much
w,-!:r'ied upon l3 adverse circumstance.-;.
.''a. v.!:. waa in the habit bv'ing
a"-.. : t for d.-.ys together, knew nothing
T ;':e ;r-.::;"l adve:it. trid f u: ;ri.-;ed
ia.a -e!f noi a iivrle by coining homo to
1 sr.:-! i an unpretvdriitod piti'iy cstab-
:;. !;ed i re.
; L M-..idevi'l-. endured wec-'c iu
ureary. stditary ;:' i ' . a:!-l th'jn went lejivkig n.,-:.aa a:i 1 a lyz:x eyed
to the hospitable charge of the
r 1 yon
It was -not a pleasant duty for the lat
. :!;. ;'.s.-i.uiie. and I'm- a tiine they re
:,ivtted the necessary suc;:nsion of their
reekh-ss pleasures. Not that either re
formed, even temporarily, but the hall
could no longer bo throws open to boom
comrades and nightly orgies. They
clung to their customary habits, but un
used to the trouble of concealment,
chafed against the bondage which com
mon courtesy imposed upon them.
This state of things did not continue
long, however. Bertha's cheery young
presence brought a flood of sunshine into
the dreary old house, such as it had not
known for years. The grim, dark rooms
held attraction for their inmates which
they had not hitherto possessed.
Certainly, in removing her slaughter
iroui the influence of one lover, Mrs.
iloiideville had not meant to subject
irr to the importunities of two. Carl
yon, drawn perhaps by visions of the
ample dowry destined for, and Ralph
bias as he was actually touched with
?n approximation to noble sentiment,
were both soon numbered among her dev
otees. Bertha's position was becoming ex
tremely unpleasant. A note smuggled
out u." i.i.o the watchfulness of the maid
lii.'ught no response from Henry Eer
nard Her m other remained unmoved
by her urgent entreaties for a speedy
returii. and meantime the two Carl yon
ore-ed their individual suits with per
sist, 'lit ardor.
llalp. impulsive and passionate, could
wait to take no politic moves in pro:e
cr.tiug hi.s wooing. His very cam-st nes
would have pleaded powerfully for him
had ia.t the giri'.s heart a-id mm 1 been
filled other and oih-.-r thoughts.
He cam - ia npoa h;r ..:;-l.!?:i!y or.-? aft
ernoon when he knw her to be alon".'
It s th. old. old story, Deriha. that I
w.ui: I., tell you," he said. -I suppose
1 a:J not wort ay of von. !. 1 ve been a
wild blade iu my iiiae, but I will make
iam.' whjn , you siye me the
doar assurance I am waiting for. Uerl ha.
love, come to me.''
Ilis dark f ace. h.r: -l-i'i u" de. ;. l!:e
lines dissipation h:i 1 h-i't ii-:-:i ii . :'. ',.'
tender. His eyes looked d.r.v:i i:i iu rs
with eager, imp M-io'i-d iigiit. H t: ii '-
heart throbbel pityingly as biie i;:: 1
the, pain her words m.i. t indict ie a
"Oh, Ralph, 1 h i 1 hop :d y.i.i ;'it
not subject me to this te;t! It won! 1 b
cruel to give you false lu;je, f f 1 cm
never be more than your ;.-a.' :l fri. :i 1.
Forget that you have ever carcl f.r in
and bestow j'our love on some one wo)
wiil make yon happier th.iu 1 ever
"IJertha! n-rtha'. You can't mean
to leave mo in utter d-spair? I will wait
and wirk. and
my.-v.df a betier
en. Only led lie
!' w::::iing 3'u'i at
man tn in I nave
ti'-,; t'ie,-e i., a !
'It 1 1 - r can
. llH-
lie, Ralph! Ileeause
because I love anotner!
The si ill. white rngo which seule.l
down on. n 3; i.s face frightened Ipt more
t'.i.ui if he. had broken out in angry
"1 .shall not jfivo yon neverth"
less," be said, with qr.iet intensity.
"(Jive a little hope and an epi:d
cha::ee, ai'd I will try for your love by
fair me.-i'i.-: but by measures foul or fair,
no other man shall ever ever take you
from me!"
With that he returned, leaving her ab
ruptly as he had come, and his ijuick
steps gave back a sharp ring from the
paved walk without. At a little dis
tance he encountered the elder Carlyon,
who accosted him, timing his leisurely
pace to the other's hasty strides.
"Easy, my son! I have some-information
w hich it may be best to impart at
once. I happened to overhear your con
versation of a moment ago by the way,
you should never make love near open
windows and atu gratified to know that
Dertha holds such an important place iu
your estimation."
"Ah!" Ralph waited, knowing that
something more lay behind that suave
"Yes, but I must warn you against your
own impetuous nature, which may lead
you to extremes. As she said, it i.s quite
impossible for her to regard your suit
with favor."
"May I ask why?"
"Simply because I intend to marry her
"By heaven, j-ou shall not!"
The elder Carlyon drooped his eyelids,
a trick of his wdien angered.
"Did you ever know mo to relinquish
a purpose'r"
"Or mo to fail in making good my
words? I would kill any man ere he
should thwart me or brave me by flaunt
ing her preference."
Each read indomitable resolution in
t he other's face. The gauntlet was cast
between them, and hereafter only bitter
enmity could mark their mutual rela
tion. A week wore heavily away. Then
Ralph disappeared, vrent no one knew
whither, and Bertha awoke to a con
: -cionsness that .she v.-::;; no better than a
j.-.-i-;o:.u-i:i the old i.;-.:i. The maid had
Loe:i bribed to co-operate with the elder
Carlyon, and he himself announced his
purpore with a quiet steadiness of man
ner which would admit of no gainsaying.
With his ruthless wiil crushing down
till obstacles in his way, and no com
munication with her friends permitted,
save such as he dictated, Bertha felt that
her opposition must give way before the
cruel forces he brought to bear upon her.
At last he gained his purpose. How
iie accomplished it himself and the maid
best knew. But the clergyman was
waiting at the church, and Bertha,
worn to a shadow of her former cheery
s elf, with her face scarce loss white than
the bridal robes she wore, went trem
blingly down the worm eaten stairs to
go and be wedded to the man she both
lialed and feared. Carlyon met her
with a triumphant smile upon his face,
lave the words of gralulation he wa?
about to oiixr never left his hps.
A ma:i,with haggard face, bloodless
tips drawn away from his gli: It-ring
teeth, arel. dishevelled hair tr. ;:ming
abi.ut his neck, rushed up th( Ivj;gth of
the passage and grappied wiih him. It
was Ralph, who had been confined all
ibis time in one of like cellars
beneath the old hall, and had escaped
now to wreak insane fury upon his jeal
ous jailer. There was an inherent mnd
uesej iu the Carlyon blood, and these
weeks of solitude and mental torture had
brought the curse upon the younger
A struggle ensued that was fearful to
witness. Bertha crouched upon the
stairs, with rigid, blanched face, and
eyes never wavering from the horrible
spectacle. ..Servants ran screaming, all
was chaos for a moment, and then awful
quietude fell upon the hall. r
. - There was a crushed, bleeding, sense
less mass upon the floor; and the mad
man, his rage-appeased, unresistingly
submitted to the Ixmds which were
placed upcu him. The elder Carlyon
went to answer for his sins before an
eternal tribunal: lr-s ton drags out a liv
ing death in a lunatic asylum.
But Bertha, sorely tried, found peace
at last . Shocked beyond measure by the
frightful tragedy "which had been en
acted, and appalled by the peril her
daughter had passed, Mrs. Mondeville
recalled Henry Bernard from the fruit
less quest he was pursuing. It is need
less to s-.iy that Bertha's letter never
reached him. and that Mrs. Mondeville
had sent him as fat as possible from the
actual track." But the young people
'could freely forgive all past injuries in
the happiness which was theirs at last.
New Y'ork World.
Well to Kiiow.
Not all may know that a hot iron
pokvr. if nothing better ran around
window glass will loosen the putty, when,
it may Ik- easily scraped and the broken
pane removed. The new pane may bt
inserted, putty -neatly and carefully laid
on4 and .tlie work ia done. This may be
cduveuif lit to know when one becomes
the family ''handy man," or one's own,
as is sometimes the case. Good Housekeeping.
What is
Bi5 I
Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescript ion for Infants
and Children. 1 1 c ontains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic Mihstam ". It is :i harmless tnlstitiito
for larsror!c, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH.
it is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use ly
Millions of Mothers. C.isloria destroys Worms and allays
feverish ness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Iiarrhea ami Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
toothing" troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach,
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea tlio Mother's Friend.
. "Castoria Ir an excellent mcdiclno for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of iui
good tfToet upon their children."
Dn. Q. C. Osoor.n,
Lowell, MokS.
Castoria Is tho best remedy for children of
-which I am acquainted. I hope, tho day i.siot
far distant w hen mothers wtllconsider the real
interest of their children, and uao Castoria in
Btead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby Bending
them to premature graves."
Conway, Arlc.
The Centaur Company, TI
. DOOKS, P.LlND.S.rind nil buil.lmy material
' Call aaul see us at the corner o
1 1th mid Elm street, oac bloc!
north of MeiseFs mill.
Kany yooir tve& ffSSse n2.&2it
Murder y wSaiie
vasr owsa tvees
ya 2 have all tlie aeacSana vsJ
alettes missel Iisaw fce41eaf wSas
varieties wiiS laere ftEaa
a$s:efts aaid you eai Unj s
Apple trees. 3 years old
Apple trees, 2 years old -Cherry,
early Richmond late Richmond,
Plum, Pottawattamie, .Wild Goose
Kaspberfies, Greg-g; Syler -.
Strawberries, SharpleAs Ci esen
Concord vines. '1 years old -Moors
Early grapes.2 years old -Currants,
Cherry Currants
Snyder blackberries - -Industry
Gooseberry -
Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old
iioughtoti Gooseberries j 2 years old -Asparagus
. - -
Kosses, red moss and while moss
shrubs, llydrangias
Honey Suckle 1
tnow Balls -Lilacs
Evergreens, Norway spruce 15, Fir
Jwrsery oiic-lia!31 mile eeoi'15i
town, end ol til Street.
Address all Orders zo ' .
" Castoria Is so well adopt -.l locliiMrrn tha
I ri-eomineiid it ua superior to any prencrip-tio
known to mo."
IT. A. Ancnicn, M. D.
Ill So. Oxford tit., lJrooldya,N.TC
Our physicians in tho children's dprV
ment have spoLen highly of their expart
ence In their outuide practice with Cantoris
and although wo only iuvo among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are froo to confess that tbt
merits of Cautoria has won us to look, with
favor upon it."
United Uohpitai. ahu Diss'ehbaby.
Dobton, .
i.lem C. Smith, Vp.,
Murray Street, New York City.
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