v fe'.. a 7' :7 AUDW ARB I W HENDEE & CO (Successor to LJ. V. Ma: hews.) C'AltltY A CO 31 PLETK LINE OF Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Etc. Having complctc-ly reclcan m! ami renovated. "We new have: as neat a lianiwaro sdoc!; as cnn be found in Cass County. AVe respectful ly invite the public to call and learn our met bod of doinir business. Hardware can bo sld cheaper for cash than on time and we are the people that propose to do it J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything to Furnish Tour House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S -GREAT HOUSE FURN1TVING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House Vou can buy of liiiu cheap far pot cash or can peenrf ; what you need to furnish & cottage oi' manHiuu on the INSTALLMENT fLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISH1NCS. Aent tor the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine. 1 lie Iarnest and most complete 'nck to ."elect from in Cass County. Call and see me Opera House Iioek Insure your property against Hro, Siglitning and Tornado in Hie A3IAZ0N INSUllATtGE COMPANY. Of Cinciimatti, Ol.io. Gommencexl Business October 1:871.. CASH CAPITAL Sti.ckholders individually liable , under the constitution of tlie State of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net nuarantee of about $700,000.00 to policy holders. Losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) nearly tour millioi; dollars J. II. DEATTIK. Secretary. - Win. L. BROWNE, Kesideat J?5 71 n C&Zs & y 0 DAILY AND TTffllJE TLEAJlDOfiK JPAIPJEIE IP CASS CfldLLKTTY THE W IHIas a ILarger Circulation titan ..yto-Jgac:fi. fin ,ttCie ;,, MODERN - I. PEARLMAN. S3oo.ooo.oc GASZAM GANO, President. A?ntf Plattsmouth Nebraska w 23 9 WEEKLY 1 8 1 1 a S ill HERALD Piarisinoiiiii Itoilv Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Published everv I hernlay, .and ititily every .veiling except Sunday. Kiislered ;it (tie Plattsrnomh. Neb. pist jtlloefir f r:ms:: -i through tin U.jS. mails it second elasn r;il"H. Ollice corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone m. T Kit MS Klllt WKKXLY, One eopy, one year, In advance .... ' :ie copy, one yar, not in advnee .. One copy, six iiioiiilif. in a.!' ;mee .. . i) ir'' ;, three month, in advance. TEU.MS FOll DAILY Die ''up one y in a!v me One copy per week. Iy can ier copy, per inooth . . .$1 M , , .. 'i m . . . 75 ; ... 40 . . $ 00 ' ir, W i .Vil.SDAY. r Kl-.UUAUY 2.;, lsul Oinaini World Herald is in Mli ef'.ci; over the, l.iiliir.: of lira.il tu aei;i-j.-t Mr. iiiaine's rcciirocity terms. Inotlur words, the small lmred iditor of that jiajirr wou'd lie; a tra'tor to tliu naiiotiid 11 11;; would .i)Uosu what ho knows is for the best interests f the government un der wlioe t-tandard lie lives, all on ac count of the fact that if reciprocity b catried out the- democratic patty will again find itself ten years behind the procession. A man must ho a bra? mounted knave that would place patty before all else, yet we have the evidence before us in the W-IJ. ev ry day tha Mr Hitchcock is exactly that sort of a man. Sakpy county is in mourning and Col. Huehucr of the Nebraska City News is wearing crepe oil his coat. All on ac count of the impressive announcement (by that great democratic moulder of opinion, .Mr. Calhoun) that Andrew Jackson is dead. The editor of the Lin coln Herald is impolitic, to say the least; the uncalled fur destruction of this popular democratic hero, who is voted j for in Sarpy county, in Nebraska City and other isolated places every lou years for president, is a colel blooded tliru.-t that will be cheri.-hed against fie versatile Calhoun by the old time d.::ic CT its all ovr th state. Had he lin rel 8l'jg tftfd ili he -1 : h, or tl'c jios-; jble de m:.-o of the vcncal d i-t.it' r-uinii at a:: eaily day, his lead I-' would have- beci. n: -p fired for tiie shock and it w uld i.ot have lei n so sorelv llc. Ob- ALI, tlie iiilUiiS thai we will hav pi. iced before ':s as aVe.-uk vi thy h.t-t ce:-ns, we C"!is'd. r ! i:e deJ.t statnti,-- the liio.-t li.itttii:.g to the mlcgrify ulul ability of tlie govi rnment, and to ihe won It rful resources of the counlry. 'A e I i ti i.l from th-.- l::t";-t oi'tu? r.-trri.s th ; he na:ional dibt h.is decreased ironi j :J in lbt;-", to 15.JS1. per capita in i lb'JO. The state deb's have decreased v.vit. 'J.l-l to per capita, county i:.-j debtedness from $-1.73 to aim municipal indebtedness from ';'10.-j2 to J l'er capita. The total per capita bi5c!)!eduvts, according to the ccti.sus bu.letius, h is decreased from VTo.l'U i . j 1ST0 to $-.:. 2.J in ISoU, aud i'H in ! is:h). j Au n.'ttiou on eartis can s:io-,v r.u: rapid recovery from a deluge of oebt I And. we believe the iojjic of 'Vents i . i ls;ar us out with the assertion that wi.ii I '.ii.,iji v renr-i m.iri' t' f rei tr '. ti iea n rn i-.-ii:.; -J niatiageuicnr, ihis nation will ij. Ill 1 richest on the globe, and v, ill be t!e: J linaaeial center of the commercial world. ' A traveling man of more than onii uarv acumen aiul ability has been writ ing some practical observations on tip McKiuley bill during his commercial t ur through the we3t. He returned home last week and winds up his series of articles as follows; I am home from my long trip. There is not as much said about the McKii.ley bill as theie was when I started out last November. The lyinj assertions as to its advancing pric-s hare long since been proven to be lies. The factories of the country have leit its impulse, not by increa ed prices, but by having the home markets. Let me give one incident that came to my notice, aud I will drop my note book into the drawer where my order book rests, and leave them together until i start oa another trip. I took a section in the sieepia? car With Mr, Harrison, who represents the large nianufue- tui-inn l.,.ea ..t Unwiril llr.ia A- t'.n Vxv Vnrfc rtrv with fu-tones in several localities Said! Citj, w mi lactones in several localities, oaiu he, "Ihave had immense trade in garter; wel.hin- We used to run thirty looms oo cotton aud two looms on silk webbing, bur. nearly all the silk wetbing sold came from Krauce. The McKin'ey bill advanced t e duty on the silk, and it has increased our trade so that we now have thirty looms mak.ng it." -Uow much was the tariff advanced V "Twenty or thirty per cent." ...r ...i. j.j ,. .. "Uow much did you advance your prices?" -Not one cent. My pr;o-s are the same as a year ag This is the story I have constantly bren hearing, except where trust are robbing the people Aud trusts came from England duty H e"- lire. BRITISH COLD. Our free trade friends grew very i; - rlio-'innt lust fall when we claimed tht ir digaant last ran wnen we ciaimeu uur unpatriotic, un-American zeal for free trade whs awakened end kept -warm lv . . . . , - , " wjivi-s wtth n retmiiiTC ' rr'i j of this country we :i',;eii t tin- f. l l,ivi iiu special ca'It' ili)ittcli. v 1 1 i i -1 1 im srl i explanatory : 1 mion, Fehriiiiry ! A ein-im litel ease ha" just be i b ' if the law com t n S vvedce. It appears that a u-.'!.-h l ewp:'pcr, Mntula I'Osle'i, aecmed ee::.;in persons i,f high so'-ial position, one I ir tlie late Oenei.il Director of ll-t'-IIH ..l.il .1 . tl'i f the II 1U I. Old L h i I'Ai t o' ili.- c. ,1 i- of Stockholm, with h iv i i ji re eiveit cn!-.li.-- fr In the Cob. ten C li anio ui: i i ' to t.t',i:o f r en ryiag on a free trade aivtiitiou In Hp-ir eitnnfy. 'she ni l ..i- ni "ed liie lil-el, the Wliter oleaili L' tli:-t all ths'aleineiits were true, anil c!:i;:rirn; that ' ire-e It sin ovl; li.nl he- ii able, l!l IU1! ; lie I .or, ii oi !- ii.Ii.i y Mi !om. l' onlaii.i e. pj ' 1 ilit- e'.i: V .-. eie ii'rulliiti, ai.dthese accounts ful.y iiin; out t'.e state-lie-. 1 1 th.'t !.::! I. - n in -de. I l.e W! ill r t lie a. I i r ee, ed liis i"fc!-liiiiio- p! such a u ay iliil t'e-ie cmi'd he io H'l' oi ;!-, :.-: heni n-i y, an. I . e I'lilli r all' ge. 1 1 i : t tl-eM- -.i-.-m-, ae-i-nn : - v. ou'-l v. 13 mio'i in- .-loili-h (1 in I'.ei an. If -1,1:110 i.as !). ii lo 'e.lncalc"' 1 '1 Ii, V, in;! ;;i !l..a 1 " iU r Ii- IHlt lit. d l I'll lit to lal, A McKINLFY PLATE C LASS IN- UUriTHY. An erlean Leon 101 : Tin; ri action i'l .-iii the "Tl iiiDijih ! Lyinu" ''' "t h and. V hear no more from the "reformer" tlie cry about McKinle- pi ices, but inte;td news i 1 1 -- liki- tin; following ate Ixvinnint; t-.i gladden tlit- wot kingman's heart: Tlie plate nl,is fac'.ory now bein eoili ucled at I rwhi. l'a.. to b;- one of 1 he Iarncft p!allt of the kii-d in .Miini a. "ver i;ro fen wiil he em lojed, nuil wlii:e the capitalists i I iiivt no tiaie- teaiiiin si. the outlay will amount t o.er -l o (i iimi A leailhi New Yoik h.-.nker is behia'I the o-ntei price, which is to he known as the I'cnin-ylvauia l'latet.ia s Company. Merit Wins. Vte de-in; to say to our citizen, thnt fo years we havelbcen seliir.g Dr. King's New Discovery for t'onsumation, Dr. Kind's ew Life l'i'ls. Rii'-k!enii Arnica alve and Klectric Bitiers, and have never handled remedies that sell ;;s v. II, orjl at ".have jjw-n such univei.sal satislaclion. we do not he-itate to guarantee them every time, auilfwr stand lea !y to refund th' purchace )irive. if i-ali'-faetr.ry resu'ts do net follow their use. The remedies have won their !rcat vopularity purely on their "merits. K. (J. Flick At ., DrenKi't. The best and sim-.t dye to ; ok r the b ar! brown r 1 lac k, as may be desired I ISackinham's Dye for the W'his-kers. t neycr iaib. A Safe Investment Is O'-e wli eh l uareiiti-ed te hrin you iatic la . ry reMi't;-, er if.ease f f; ilme a ii tin n ol u :':; -e pr:ce. On this i-afe l: n yi u e; i; b i fr ai i in- i..!c!uM it 1 -i r; ,it a 1 oil !e of . Dr. Ki n' '(' Li--cov ry fo ( en-nirp!ion. It is jjii.-.iaiiteei. i. brim- uliel' i-i e i c se. whi-n a l'.-r ;:! ; iiiii i li 'I. i f 'Il.io:,, l.ans er Ci.;1-! , M!"li ('.!: i; ill ; it ii -ii, ! :. (lain la at ii n of Li:ti;.:s. lroi i h'tN, sl i ina, A": hoeph 4; ('oni;li, Ci-".l", el-.1. il p!ea .11''.".; 1! : :::ee:ib'.e io a - , 1 1 1 1 : . 1-. ' e. ; ; ! ; ih-- - m ' i i::!!. ' : ' I I . ; !. 1 u t .1 i i'l-'i .!.. 0' .. ; : !,;.- - li,:..'. j y- eki il-Jaut rut W XA S fan t 11 i" : het':;!,' f, o i -i ....,v by t!ie jiroc ess of dt :tli. owe ir to thei'iselvcs and soi i ty to . -.t r.. .a 1 i- ilk.fr '- t 4 liii 11 s '.via .' .ai-'.-iuT th..:. win p;vipn it,- ttie pu, lb. oS slionid !..- led. j - jjj J i S:.- i v J? v? i CCbw? I Hid J0ULiRi rijVLEDY j C U-i!.i s'icec-- 1 o inr .oarti:- 1; v; ai- rvVjnr5CiS-6J5S Aricssri L jiais, si-ps CoiJn, haiieris wiat-jrity. uo;itys ivciimt, inci'dasas tfta Flesh. For s d.; by I- .; Pinttsntouth, Nob. Fueke A: Co .itf3!4t: iii-M i L 3-" - f 1.25 in 1 5'H p;ir .;kix. TV; larges ;ir:i r.'i t ch.: ii) '-Vrite r r t-virim miai ii .igolo'iy." lU-pl pampMli;t wii swine will 1- riiHileii for 2-cent stamps (.rders tv ni-iii reieive promo attention. T(. HA. VS. fo ti suij li-t Porn Be Duped There have lately been nl.iced 11 Don the market I several cheap reprints of an obsolete edition of at a low price Dw 1 J dry goods dealers, grocers, clothiers, etc., and in a few instances as a premium for subseriDtions topapers. Announcemenw oi tnese comparatively I WOrthlSSS j reprint3 are very misleading ; for instance, they are advertised to be the substantial equivalent ; Jffizt Whe - a h!tinnoiiae j nBpnni UlCLIQiiarieS, : phototype copies of a book of over forty years azo, which in its day was sold for about S5.00, and i'ch was mUch superior in paper, print, and binding to these imitations, being then the best Dictionary of the time instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The snrolement of 10.000 so-called "new words." which some of these books are advertised to con- tain w compiled by a gentleman who hs been Heorl nvnr thirtv vears. and was mihlished be- fore his death. Other additions are probably ! reprints oi a line cnaraeter. The Genuine Kditiun of Webster's Tna- , I .1 .1 ..I I .... r- l . ; . . l i .V.A familiar to this generation, contains over 2U0 pages, with illustrations on nearly every page, j;nd beaTa our imprinton the title page. - It is protected by copyright from cheap imitation. V&lnnhln m this work is. e have at v&t n- pense published a thoroughly revised successor, ' the name of which is WtBSTxa's InxuutAii05A& A woman tnay eevand a voman may spin, And a voman may vJqtK all day, But!-VfiefJ SATAGup comes into her Iioose Then Vmfch ai! troubleo avay. Mr CLMUB'OAIP- 33 H AOS mm m mmmmMmm T U W P A M n F P v T A P. I IT Q V. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST FUGS IN mJ 1 llJ rarriacs lor Pleasmc: Kept Cor. 4th and Vine F Q FmorjK G2 WlhL KKi;P COXSTANTJA' ON II AND ' A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS I'lvscriplions i :Vi i'uiy (jnnimuvAki at ail Honrs t n a - ri .ti-w.j' DKSIv 2,1 B '.OI1ANDUM; FI.LK. s CV IT '-;- U'rti' 'i iiis file is not a calender, but a record, where all suspense items ; c;ui 1; recorded and each item, as onsecntively dated, will take it 'place at the tront" and stare yon in the tkee, until such item shall! have attention. At the- time ot writing letters relative to important mafters, dates can be fixed when should such letters receive no reply. Especially adapted to recording for future attention nch mat tors as appointments, Payment of Life Insurance Premiums, llenewa' of iMi-e Insurance. Special collections, I romie t imv. TDrvor O.'l I .. . . l'a yiren t ot taxes, Date -n't tor . - . , JjllSiness men Wlo See tlie.-' ! Price, with ink wells and full supply d' irietrnra: dum ards complete. - - - Parties dosii ing gla-s ink wells will do well to write u. SPECIALs TERMS TO THE TRADE, Taylor & Wells, HAiruFACTUZEBS A1TD GSITERAL AGENTS. ! y ;) V T J f PuiUlilf Omaha j - - ' . 1 - I W-J 1 1 ami Miurt Ihivcs Always Heady. J'Intttmonth, JS'ebraska with your orders v. ' V v. the;. - matter will !!i up agair. '..,...!." J :llt - . expiration ol tllllu tor apnea.; ,., 1 , r Hie. H a rule. OUV tiiein. truTn! duin ards ' IfWlrlMWI 9