The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 21, 1891, Image 3

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Vailery Meat Market
195 8 Oth at.. Union Mock, formerly
415 Main street.
A Splendid Market, where Everything
kept ia Firet Class. We aim to
uleaae, and solicit the Patron
age of the Public.
B fair and h( nent dealing I expect to
merit, share of the trade.
1311m. J. It. VALLEHY. Prop
Waon and Blacksmith shop
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and
plow Kepairint; done
He uses the
Which is the best horseshoe for the
farmer, or for fast driving, or for city
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that anyone cun put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
hit shop and examine the nkvkrsltp
and you will use no other.
112 North Fifth St. Plattsmouth
Thoicest Braudsof Cigars,
including our
always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885.
Lumber Yard
Vhe old reliable.
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera house.
The Leading
Constantly keeps on hand 'everything
you need to furnish your house.
Plattsmout - Neb
Staple and fancy
Flop ill M a FpBcialty 1
ju'i-wui'ti . t Publ Solicited.
re abundant; but the one best known for
1U extraordinary anodyne and expectorant
qualities is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For
nearly half a century this preparation has
been In greater deinaud than any other rem
edy fur colds, coughs, bronchitis, and pul
monary complaints In general.
" 1 suffered for more than eight months
from a severe cough accompanied with hem
orrhage of the lungs and the expectoration
of matter. The physicians gave me up, Lut
my druggist prevailed on me to try
Cherry Pectoral-
I did so, and soon began to improve; my
lungs healed, the cough ceased, and I be
came stouter and healthier than I have ever
been tefore. I would suggest that the name
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral be changed to
Kllxir of Life, for it certainly saved my life."
F. J. Oliden, Salto, ISuenos Ayres.
"A few years ago I took a very bad cold
which settled on my lungs. I had night
sweats, a racking cough, and great soreness.
My doctor's medicine did me no good. I
tried many remedies, but received no bene
fit; everybody despaired of my recovery. I
was advised to use Ayer's Cherry' Pectoral,
and, as a last resort, did so. From the first
dose I oht.ined relief, and. after using two
bottles of it, was completely restored to
health." F. Adams, New Gretna, N. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. O. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all DruggwU. Price fl ; six bottles, $
A strictly first clsu machine, fully warrant
ed. Made Torn the very best material b
skilled workmen, and with the best tools t:at
huve ever been devNed for the purpose. War
ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex
pected of the very best typewriter extant.
Capable of writing 15) words per minute oi
m re according to the ability of the operator
I'KiCE $100.
If there is no agent in your town address the
ni tfiufacture.
Agents wanted Parish JS. Y.
Lincolu, Neb,
and Syrup.
Low prices quoted on targe or email lots
Strictly Pure.
Adirondack Maple Sugar Co
123ti Monroe st., Chicago, 111.
Western Agents.
The 5th St. Merchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
Consult Your Interest by Giving aim a Cui
fr3ltt--t-Q3.'-a.tla. '-
mr h
Bridge workJand fine gold work a
DK. STKINAl'S LOCAL as weH as otaer aa
esthetiRHifiven for the painless extracriea 1
teeth. . . ,
C. A- BIARSHALL. - Fitzgerald B'""'
Owto for Impttme: loom
of Haxkood, Somlmal
Cmlukmo. Smmmmtoirmoa.
r n. SlfDittruit.
Lorn of f swore. Wilt
mo worn a TfOM0. tlfar-O-O
tfoM." MNlff
lores. 506
Soooimt Qlrofmo fttfn?
mtiooaco Bom.
To the Electors of Cass County, Ne
Having noticed the false and violent
statements made in the columns of some
of the papers published in this com ty,
which we b lieve are made for the pur
pose of deceiving the voters as to why
the petition for a county Keat election
was refused, we feel that it is but justice
to ourselves and the voters that l he txact
facts btimild be known.
We will briefly state our officiil acts
in this matter, and upon what facts thev
were based, and fe:l confidant that our
action will be approved by all intelli
gent, law-abiding people of this county.
Tiie petition received our prompt at
tention when presented. Immediately
after it was presented a protest in writ
ing, and sworn to, was filed in the office
of the county clerk by electors f the
This protest adyised the board of
commissioner that man? names on the
petition were secured by unlawful means,
that many names were forgeries, that
many others were the names of non-resi
dents of the county and stili many others
signed by persons who were not electors
of tbe county or had been procured t
sign by fraud and misrepresentation.
After due deliberation we continued
the hearing of this controversy for forty
days and this ia the firrt ground for tbe
adverse criticism to which we have been
subjected by the unthinking partisans of
tbe object of the petition.
We respectfully and emphatically say
to our fellow citizens that a decent re
gard for our duty imposed by the law of
this state required us to give reasonable
time for investigation. We wers not ad
vised of the facts raised by the protest
and could not possibly act intelligently
without inrestigatioD.
We could not perform the duty that we
owed to the people of the county with
out taking tbe time of which these parti
sans complain.
Under the laws of this state the county
commissioner act judicially in passing
upon tbe sufficiency of a petition for
county seat elections. It is difficult to
understand how they can perform this
duty without the necessary time for in
vestigation. This is true of all courts
and tribunals that proceed upon inquiry
atid hear before they determine. It was
our duty to pass upon the sufficiency of
this petition: - In the performance of that
duty it was necessary to pass upon the
qualifications of the name of each person
which appeared upon that petition; to
determine whether those persons whose
names appeared on that petition were
qualified electors and bona fide residents
of the county; to ascertain that names
had not been duplicated and to deter
mine whether the names appeared on
that petition as required by the law of
the state. The law governing county
seat elections was our only authority for
calling an election. We addressed our
selves to the performance of our duty in
this matter as prescribed by the law of
this state and which duties we assumed
under the solemnity ot our official oath.
A.s the inquiry proceeded we ascer
tained by the clearest proofs that names
appearing on the petition had be'in du
plicated; that minors and non-residents
in large numbers had signed the petition;
that others had been induced to sign it
under the representation that thej were
signing a petition against prohibition
and as we examined each name appear
ing on said petition the fact was dis
closed that ."00 names did not comply
with the law governing county seat
elections. That law prescribes as an in
riispensible qualification or character of
such petitions that the section, town
ship and range in which tVe petitioner
resides shall be given, his age and length
of residence in the county; in a great
many cases this provision was disre
garded. We carefully deliberated on this mat
ter and asked the opinion of the county
attorney, H- D. Travis, and our final de
termination of the matter wa9 in accor
dance with the opinion of the county at
torney and our own judgment; for in
such cases it was impossible to know
whether such names' were bona fide or
not, or whether they had been placed
there by persons ignorant of the place of
domicile of the persons whose names
were signed.
Tbe statute has fixed these require
ments and we ask the intelligent, fair
minded and law-abiding citizens of this
county and state if we had any right to
disregard the requirements of the law,
which was our only authority for acting
and which we had solemnly" sworn to
support and observe.
If one oF these requirements could
be rightfully disregarded, then the ob
servance of every one of them would be
optional with the county commissioners,
and we could act upon our mere
whim or preference in matters of grave
public concern.
In this matter we adopted and acted
as well upon belief that the law jwas
mandatory and that it coutiolled our ae
tion in this matter.
.The complaint that old residents of
the county -whose names appeareTupon
the petition were stricken off for thi
reason should be directed HxaiusL the
law, un-l the ueisous prep'iriuu the peti
tion, and not agsiut the commissioner,
whose duty it is t follow the law.
In citi'9 where registration laws pre
vsil it is a ntstter of In quent occuieuce
i hat Imun fide electors sro denied aud de
prived of th riyht to vote bt-naue they
neglect to register. Such pu's ns could
not raliontliy complain the election
boards for reft sing to accept their vote,
f'T the reason th tt the 1-iw prexcriked
regis! r ion as a condition upon whi-h
the right, could be exercised.
IUfore the citizens can exercitteihe
elective franchise he must co nply with
the 1 1 V that rcg'ila'e-4 the riht. If the
citiz -n Wiethe to txercise tlutt rihi he
must comp'y with the law that
rmnts it and if he neglects the require
ments there is no person to blame L ut
himself. .This is equally true in the
matter of this petition If any elector
of Cas county desired to have his name
counted on that petition the law pre
scribed how that wish could be gratified
and the requirements of that law should
be observed. The petitioner prepares
the petition and an obsetvance of the
requirements of the law in all matters
pertaining thereto is a duty that he as
sumes and he bus no rational complaint
against the ministers of law if he has not
complied with it.
Independent however of the fact that
names were duplicated upon the peti
tion and that large numbers of minors
and non-residents signed it and inde
pendent of the fact that 09 names
which appeared in the petition did not
comply with the law and could not
legally be counted, the petition was
rightfully rejected and dismissed tor the
reason that 224 of the electors who
signed the petition voluntarily withdrew
their names from it and in due form ot
law required tbe commissioners not to
consider their names as petitioners, al
leging that their names had been pro
cured to the petition by misunderstand
ing and misrepresentation; this act on
the part of those 224 persons left the
petition 88 names short of tbe number
required by law.-
Our supreme court has decided that
petitioners on this class of petitions are
in the nature and character of plaintiffs
in a law suit; they baye an indisputable
right to withdraw their names from the
petition or law suit, at any time before
the question i s finally submitted;
this is their undoubted right,
they have as much right to withdraw
from the petition as they have to sign
The object of this petition is to show
and make it appear that there is a prob
ability that if the election is called the
proposition may be favorably acted
It is certainly no more annoying or in
jurious to the partisans of county seat
removal to have these persons withdraw
from this petition and thus defeat the
calling of an election, than it is to vote
against the proposition if it is submitced
and if they will do one they are quite as
likely to do the other.
Our supreme court has decided that
county seat elections are not favorites of
tbe law, and those who desire them must
comply strictly with the law.
Tbe expense, loss of time and inevitable
annoyance and frictiou attending thest
contests should not be inflated upon the
people by th ; mere whim or caprice oi
agitators or of public servants but should
be granted only as a mandate of the
In conclusion we respectfully submit
t our fellow citizens of Cass county that
in this matter we are as clearly con
vinced that we have performed our
duty and our whole duty as we
are that an alleged petition was
presented for our consideration
A committee of the petitioners ap
peared in person and by counsel before
us when this matter'was finally disposed
of, and gave notice of an appeal from
our action in this behalf. We were
pleased with this course, for if we were
wrong we were willing and anxious that
the courts should put us right; and we
are very much disappointed by the neg
lect of petitioners to pursue their appeal,
and we here offer these petitioners and
their counsel that we will voluntarily
appear in court and if they will present
their grievances and there submit our
action to the judgment of the court, and
should such judgment be adverse to our
action we agree personally to defray the
expenses of the inquiry in court, in- a reasonable attorney's fee to be
fixed by the court on behalf of the pe
titioners. -A.. B. Todd,
Jacob Trietsch,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick, we gT her Csstoria.
When she was' Child, she cried for Csstorias,
When site became Miss, she clung to Cnsterl,
What is
m w m a ww a i
f . Qi rfn D
Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, lrops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting: Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieve
teething; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates the food, regrulates the stomack
and bowels, giving- healthy aud natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend
"Castoria Is an exorUent medicine for chil
dren. Hthers havo repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Pa. O. C. Odoood,
Lowoll, Homo.
- Castoria to the boa remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Unqt
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and uao Castoria in
stead of the Tarious quack nostrums which are
destroying their lored ones, by forc,Jf opium,
morphine, soothing syrup andiner hurtful
agent- down their throataerebjr sendiug
tbecu to premature graTes
Conway, Ark.
Th Content CecBvpamr, TT
233 -
DOORS. liLINDS.mnd ail buiIdmK uatensl
Call and see us at the corner of
11th and Elm street, one hlock
north of Heisei's mill.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
Plattsmouth Nursery
HBuy your trees of the IHIome
T a.. where you can select
your oww trees
great privilege anu weiacna-i w
yn. t have all the leading? va
rieties and know better what
varieties wall tlo here than
agents and yon can buy as
cheap again.
Apple trees. 3 years old
Cherrv, early Kichmond, late
Plum, Pottawattamie, wiiu wjobu
Raspberries, Gregg Syler
Strawberries, Sharpless Crescn
Concord vines, 2 years old
Moors Early grapes, 2 years old -Currants,
Cherry Currants
Snyder blackberries - -Industry
Gooseberry -
Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old
Houghton Gooseberries, 2 years old -
Asparagus " ' 7 ""
Rosses, red moss and white moss
Shrubs, Hydrangias
Honey Suckle - - -
Snow Balls -
Lilacs -
Evergreena, Norway spruce B, Fir
RIeairaeiry one-Cmlfl mile north oil
to wd, of 1DttIiirStreete
Address all Orders zo ' Z"'.. "V .".1-7.'.
Cmstnria is so well adapted to children 1
I recommend it as superior to any preseriyatSB
known to lus."
II. A. AaoRsa, M. D
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, X.
Our physicians in the children's da
meat bare spoken highly of their
enee in their outside practice with I
aud although we only nave among essr
medical supplies what is known as
products, yet we are free to confess that I
merits of Castoria lias won us to look W
faTor upon it."
TJwitbo IIoarrrAL. Ann Dnmusi
Bottom, III
Aim C. Smith, .,
Mrray Stroot, Now York CHy
that will be a
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