i n -5V HARDWARE I W HH1NDEE & CO (Successor to U. T. Mathews.) CAKKY A COMPLETE LINE OP Hardware, Stoves, Having completely reclean id and renovated. "We now have as neat . a hardware stock as can be found in Cas County. "We respectfully invite the public to call and learn our method of doing business. Hardware can ha S3ld cheaper for cash than on time and we are the people that propose to do it J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything: to .Furnish Four House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE :FURNITVING EMPORIUM, Cutler Waterman's Opera House Va eaa buy of bira eueap for spot cash or can ecnre what you need to furnish a cottage or; mansion on the INSTALLMENT FLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINCS. Agent tor the Celebrated White Sewing Machine. be largest and most complete stock to select from in Cass County. Call and see me Opera House Block I. PEARLMAN. Insure your property against flro, lightning and Tornado in the AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Cincinnatti, Ohio. : Comineacext Business Octotoer k&jti, CASH CAPITAL - - $3oo.oqo.QO Stockholders individually liable , under the constitution of the State of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net Guarantee of about $700,000,00 to policy holders. Losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) nearly tour millior dollars J. II. UEATTIE. S rut.try. Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident y FOB DAILY AND TTJHIJE MEjSlDOILES 1PAIPIE1E& F Cass CKfeinwir I HE WEEKLY any two ILfopeirs In riihe (DonpGy Tinware Etc. GAZZAM GANO, President. Asent, Plattsmoutli Nebraskfc 9 WEEKLY B HERALD, . 9 Piaitsniouih Daily Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers I'ulilislieil every Thirsl;iy, and daily everj venluii except Sunday. Kfgtalered at the I'lattnmouth, Neb. post 'tleefor transmission tUnu,'fi the U.vjS. mail it MfCOUll CliLSrt rutB. OMloe corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone 38. TEHMS KOB WKEKLf, ne copy, one year, in advance . ........ .91 50 i:ie ropy, one year, not in advance 2 00 ne copy, six inontlif. in advance 75 Oneje- iiy, three montliH, In advance. ... 40 TKKMB rOB DAILY )'ie cop- one y -nr in advuice $ti 00 )ne copy per week, by currier 15 ne copy, per month 5C S AT U It DAY, FEBHUARY 81, 181 Tub tone and tenor of thi county seat )rtiun- in so in'eiuperatc arul abusive that their readers must certaiuly under stand their inability to either tell the tru li or treat the question fairly and honestly. The supreme court is tra du xd and malign :d for deciding con trary to their wishes. They assume to criticise that tribunal, charging that its opinion is dishonest and contrary to the evidence and law. Yet, they studiously avoid letting their readers know whi t the opinion of the court was and what reasons it gave for reversing Judge Broady. Newppaper men of ordinary fairness and manlincs- when they criti cise a written or published utterance which they disapprove of quote the same or the objectionable portions thereof, in order that their readers may judge for themselves of the force and merit of their criticisms; but n-hen a public journal attempts to smother the facts from the public and by garbled extracts and abuse, endeavors to excite the prejudices of their readers Hgainst public officials and at the same time are too cowardly to state fairly the acts of the officials they censure and criticise. The opinion of such a journal is dt serving of very little confidence and espect. The opinion of the court in the bond case speaks for itself and convinces fir minded, unprejudiced readers of its correctness; yet these journals, while they traduce the court, have not the fairness to publish that opinion. It is the same case with the action of our county com misbionurs in refusing to call an election to relocate the county peat of Cass county The commissioners are abused and tra duced in a shameful manner. Yet, not eve 11 a comment appears, in a majority ol those organs, suggesting what the f vcts were, upon which the commission ers acted. They don't want the people to know these very important facts. A petition was presented which did not pretend to comply with the req'iirements of the statutes of our state, providing lor the re-location of a county seat. Over two hundred and forty of the signers of the petition withdrew their Lames from it; so that, upon no possible pretext could it be upheld and, although heie was some three hun dred odd signature on the petition which failed to state the section, town-.-hip, range, town or city in which the persons so signing resided, or their ages or time of residence in the county. Yet, coun ing tius-j names, the petition did not contain the names of "resident elec tors of sni'.l county equal in number to tiiree lift hi of all tVie votes in sjid county at tiie last general election." These re quirements are .mandatory and the peti tion was a nulity without a compliance therewith. The petition was rejected be-eau-e it was not a legal petition. If three hundred men could disregard the s atuies in signing it, the thirty-one or two hundred necessary to authorize the calling of an election, could disregard the law and refuse to state where they resided and how long they have resided in the county, or whether they were "resident electors" or not. The county commissioners of Cass county did not make this law and should not be abused if the petitioners for the election failed to observe it and comply with it. If the newspapers which cen sure the county commissioners dispute these facts, why don't they show the people wherein the commissioners were it fault. Newspapers like the Eagle and RepuL licau, of Weeping Water, ought to have respect enough for themselves, if not for our county officials, to let the public know wherein the commissioners are at fault. A wain, the attempt is made to mak the public believe that the names of cer tain old citizens were stricken off the petition dishonestly and evidently some of thse citizens believe- they have been wrongfully dented the right of petition by the county board. ' These names were pointed oat by the board as all il legally appearing on the petition because they failed to 'comply with the law, which required them to state their exact place of residence."1 It" was' one pt the reason! the county commissioners gave to4 the people why, tinder the law, tber tion'rs; I)Ut hud tltche uhdihi been regu lar on the petition it et was insufficient to warrant the granting of the election, because then there were not names enjuh on the petition t authorize the county lourd in 11 tint; favorably 011 the petition. It is to be rereted th'it this spirit of unfairness has been rettorU d to in 'his contest, Tlie best evidence of a wiak case is when the argument of abuse and falsehood is resorted to. In the end m-h urguuieut always re- I t trns to plague the partv which lias to rcsoit to it to maintain his cai;a v THE ftEWDISCOVERY, You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about itr You may yourself be one of the many w ho know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. f f you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friend, be cause the wonderful thing about it is. that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discov ry ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottle free at F G. Fricke & Go's drug store. 6 The best and surest dye to o!or the beard brown or black, as may be desired I Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers, t never fail?. The First Step. Perhaps you arc run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do any thing to your satisfaction, aad you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal health condition. Surprising results follow the use of this great nerye tonic and altera tive. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50 cent at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. I'uKHy'n Wny of CHlcliing IlirdH. A lady in Cincinnati litis a wonderful cat named Dick, well known for its sagacity. She has been in the habit of taking crumbs from the table and shak ing them 011 the ground outside, so that the birds could feast therefrom. The c;it, meanwhile, would ambush itself. a:ii, at the opportune moment, pounce upon trie bird and secure a seasonable meal. The good lady tried to break the cat of the habit, but her efforts were of no avail. She then resorted to other nivalis, but with no success. At last she discontinued the practice of throw ing out the crumbs for the birds. The t at, seeing that its daily meal was not forthcoming, entered the house, pur loined a pitce of bread from the tablo, scattered it over the ground at tho ac-i-.isiomed feeding place, and awaited re-r-rilts behind a tree. Soon the birds ap l" ?;vil sirid tho cat teenred one of the r);irrov.s. Cincinnati Enquirer. ('.ay Hair Honorable. Next to baldness tiie loss of color in i'.:e hair is dreaded, bnt of l:te years j .'fay hair has infuiiia so fashionable that . his is not oonsiu-Tod a detriment. Tho lact is U!:;.iy pJt poison 0:1 tiieir hair L; i -.::".. i." c:i::n'je in color, and then vlen gray hair goes oat of fashion they "t:.T."- ro resort to hair dress to give it any otiior color. If XiU h.i.v once gets gray is always remains so, and ii: this occurs X "an. r:-h tho natural process of nature tl;;-iv is n- reason to regret it. or any 1 !;.:;; to 1h ashamed of. A fine head of ca.v hair is always a crown not to be ; ';. U' ic i:s obrained through hard .'.oi ic, mental study and thiukhig, it is Xivtte.l; but if eauwd by ay, disease or carelessness. :t may w'-ii regret it. I'iic Onion's J ijiiitit ers ii f.'oolis. The rr :'e:.s ;':!er.;, in addition to being excellent noeuicwomc-n, are also good c-i.oh.s. W hen the' wera children tr.iy had a Utile kl;ciien of their own at Osborne, where they concocted all kinds of dishes, sweets being naturally the favorites. Here they converted into jam the fruit out of their own gardens, and turned out many a savory dish for the delectation of their brothers, ail of whom had as excellent appetites as generally appertain to boys. At least one of the princesses still continues to cook an occasional little dish, and has been heard to say that she would have made an ex cellent chef. London Tit-Bits. Uncle Sam's Army. The present authorized strength of the army is officers and men. Of the major generals itliree in uumber) one commands the army, and the others each a division embracing one or more de partments. The six brigadier generals usually command departments. The divisions and departments are geograph ical sub-divisions embracing several states, and the general's command con sists of the troops stationed within the limits of this command. Gen. Howard in Chicago News. Where Most of the Pension Money Goes. At the close, of the fiscal year 1890 Ohio had 57,087 pensioners; New York, A0.20G; Pennsylvania, 49.578; Indiana, 47,79; Illinois, 39,943: Michigan, 26,853; Mis?ouri, 23,749; Iowa, 23,189; Kansas, 22,321; Massachtetts, 21,897; Wiscon sin. 16,782; Maine, 15,924, and Kentucky, 15,909. , The number, in none of the rest of the states come up to five figures. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. One of the most noted methpds of "trip ping the 4ight- fantastic'' among the Scotch is the sword dance, which was originated by the Scandinavians and old Saxons, and at one tune was indulged in bjr the Spaniards. . f The NATI0NALHYMGtroaTHE WORLD'S FAIR. THE BONNER STABLES W. D JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINKST RIGS IN THE CITY Carriages for Pleasure and Short Drive? Alwaya Kept Heady. Cor. 4th and Vine F Q Fmoil b $r co WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Fall and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, DSUCGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours Leave your the HERAJjD for vour DESK iQHANDUM FI&E. This file is not a calender, but a record, where all suspense items can recorded and each item, as consecutively dated, will take it ''place at the front" and btare you in the face, until such item ehall have attention. At the time of writing1 letters relative to important matters, catc caw be fixed when thes matters will come up again should such letter receive no reply. Especially adapted to recording lor future attention such mat ters as appointments, Payment of Life Insurance Premiums, lieuewal of Fire Insurance. Special collections, Promises to pay, Dr. or Cr., Payment of taxes, Dates set tor sriit, Expiration of time to appeal,' Business men who see theie files, a. a rule, bny them. Price, with ink wells and full supply of memorardutn cards complete. - - - - - $2.50 Parties dosiring glass ink wells will ly well to write lis. SPECIAL, TERMS TO THE TRADE, Taylor & Wells, EE S AND GE1TERAL AGENTS. . -.. o4 N Y. Lif Building, Oraaha AGENTS WANTED SANTA ULAUS SUAr My Country: 'tis of thee. Sweet Kind of liiicrty, Of thee 1 sing; L.nid where our fathers d;eJ ; Land where our Mothers died. Over the wash-tub tied Let freedom ring. My native country thee Land of th ucbl:, free Thy name I love ; I love thy tucksand frills Hut oii: wli.it l.u.ndry 1 ill Mv soul with horror thrills: W'nen I t!ii:i! ol Thee. Let music swell the rrwe. And blew through an tiie trees Hail SANTA CLAUS: Let tired mortals wake And gladly try a cake, " Let ."!! for cleanness sake. Join the applause. NATIONS. I'lattbinouth, .Nebraska Paints, and Oils. orders wih WORK .'i i m. l.'jd Hill r.i'Kl (l V f jA