7 - ) r V f 'i r. i a PwOF .SSIO H AL CARDS, T. P. LI VIN'.ST N J K. J. UMMIN DUX. LIVINGSTON A CUMMINS PlFsicais eifl-Sipofls Office No. 612. Main HU Telephone kwMlrifiiri- T-I-iIi.ij- Mr. I lvlni"ton. 49, lif r-idcliC Trie llnll(- Dr. ClllriliUIIH. 36. Surveyors JVIL. Hh' il.NKKi; ;ni(i MKYKVui: K. E. MILTON, Ibuuinlva am! l m- : .-illwik turu'slietl aim Oin:c in M.utiii Block. X'UA.iTb.'ujt'Tii - Nkbuaska -a. c. is."S3ie;, County Surveyor AND CIVIL ENCtftEER. 11 orders left with County Clerk will aexvive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, AW orvicE avm. l. brown. rVrxonal atteiiliou to ait Imriiiesa eiitrut?d 9 IDV tMLTH .OTA l(V 11 OKK'K Titles examined, Abstract ciuiiled, Itiui-ace-writteii.real esfAiemild. "Belter larl line-, lor iiiMkmn Farm l.oana Xlmu ANY OTHER AGENCY r LAXTdMU L r 11 M-; B K AtiK A JTl'ORNKV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will jrivv prompt attention o all iiiHins entrupieil to him. ofllee id Jnioa block, Kat Side, 1'lattrinouth. Neb. JTTOUNEY A LAW. WINIE3AM & DA VIES. . B. WINDHAM. .JOHN A. DALIES. Notary 1'tbllc Mptary 1'ubllc Office over Bank of Cans C'ouuty. CTattamoutb - - - - Kebrasha Banks Baak o Cass Cattaty Cor Main and Fifth utreet. Paid up capital-..- '... , jvrooc -Suxplim 25 000 OFFICERS O. II. Parnele Fred iirier J. M. Patterson T. M. Pallerauu. Presided 9S Pre-tidrfiit ("aslieir Ast C'auieT DIRECTORS C. H. Parniele.,1. M. Patterson, Fred Conler. A. Ii. Smith, li li. Wiudhani. 11. Uanieey and T. M. Patterson A GENERAL BAKX1KC BUSINESS T BANS A TED Cciw ' ai;.' ;'.-.n:i.r ;;:t' iiluiigiv:u to ,Ui bu.--lueaa euirusiai to its cure. The Citizens BANK PLATTSMOUTH - NEBKASKA Caj ital stock paid In g y o c Authorized Capital, $200,000. OFFICERS KUANK t'AKKUTfl. JOS. A. CONNOK. Prtdut. Vice-President W. H. CU3HING. Cacuier. D1RKCTOK8 frank Carrutb J. A. Connor, V. It. Gutbmani J. W. JonnKon. Benry Bopck, Jbn O'Keefe W. D. Merriam. Wra. Weteoeamp, W. H. CuafalaE. tSAKSlCTSIA GENERAL BANKING BDSlNES ae eejtlfleates at depolta bearing interest Bara and sell exchange, coast? and city aamue. First lational BANK OP PLATTHMOCTH. If KB BA SKA PaM ap aapltal tco.rce.on l 10.Ma.tW tbe verr'bt faeilitiea for tbe pr p imwKvwy i iiguiaiis Banking Business i: bead a. sold. MTerafseat ui Inaai bought aa4 astd. Depoaiu roeired a4 tntereat allowed on tbe eertiOTa BlWts tf raws, available 1b any part of tbe g te Hum asd all tk priaeipal town ot Oh mask Attn mamT bkmti gCbwa nrarket trie paid for Poonty War rajQU. 8tac aoa County boo da. OIBXCTOBA Wautfb. P. K. Waiw (eorg K. iJerey FltzrwId. . Wansh. PrealdeaU Cbl-" PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 319, 221 ana 223 Main 8L, lattsmouth, - Nebraska. H. M. Pr0N8. Proprietor, 1 ha Perkins h hern thoreutjhjy reaoTted from top to bottom and is ow noe of the best hotels in th a tale Rnardrtrs will he taker by be week at 44.50 and an. GOOD BAE CONNECTED - I Ktod waaOartnc nuiee. Boon maropa Ita oaaraatinfc Taetinwaiala frata all 'pan w theglabaw Proapsetosrasx 1 J L-iTiii-S: ZZ22rMZf2 TIi8 Flattsmoutb Ilarald. tit. . .u,lui) hVl.r rkriuait- rlh l.( ua r. Hlnin in Loral A Hrth-I ir for IhK I'alnlrNS ztraelK wf rrth lit iblnrilj. Office Koch wood ilnr . I.o1;k. N. nr. l . i. F. mei-tn t-v-ry lut cdHV iiik'ln at llieir hall In Fltzirerald oli.:k. All odd l How aie cordially invited -o attend when victims In t c'ty. T. K. i.iamx. N. (!. .1. , P.kiixsk, Sec. W nted ! aeiive. rlii l'! in n- :ilary S7 to tKti iik ntl y. with iiien ae. m ten elll mi U 4iwn i-eiriioii a r-'oiiill vfW Ymk llc.ue. I i fi-rer.e MAN L'K.l 1 1 "KKK. l.oek llox IokS. New York. KNMiUIS OK 'Y I 1 1 1 AS, : ;t mil 1 t I.ok No. 47 MiTli-ovelx V cdneMCy ev-iiinK altl i'irli II Ik " ei k n d Mu k. A ll visitm kni'lils are ;onli-''ly i" v t :1 lo a'l-: d. V. A. l;i sliiill. t'. . ; I i n 1 Dix n. K. K S. Y. U.-i; MI-N'S ' III IVII' N M -CIATIOX ali-rii.;ui liloi li !;.iii Mm I. I '.ins .pen fr in h ::mi a n lo i; ::;o p " ; I or men on y Cikk'I iiii'el tin eveiy .Si.noay itltciiii m at 4 o'e ock . C. A R. Met oi.iill.ie 1 i-1 . Nu. 4.r. leeeis i vi ry Salur- ly eveiiiej; at 7 ::V. in t l i tr hall, l.'oekwood lloek. All viit intr eiinraces aie invned to .reft witli int. (J. F. Nilec, Pi-si Adj. F. A. Hales. Port Com, Our Clubbing List. (31ubr-l)eiin)rra:, ami IIkkaLU f 2.25 Harper'a Magazine" " 4.G0 llHri.ei's Uazar " 4. SO Diinorest's Miij;'z'e " 3 10 Omalm I!ie " " -40 oledo Blrtdu " " 2.43 Lincoln Call " " 2.13 National Tribune 44 44 2.45 The Forum 4- 44 5-55 Inter Oci nn 4 '4 2.23 Linct.ln Journal " " S 30 The I Ionic MuRazino 44 4 1 fco Time Tablo OOINO WKST OOKOKAST ..3 :30 a. ni ..5 :45 p. ni ..9 :S5 a. m . -15 a. m. ..6 :15 p.m. ..5 :25 p. m. No 2.. " 4.. " 8... " 10.. " 12.. ... .6 :05 p. In .. .io:30a. m ...7 ;44 p. m. ... 9 :45 a. ni. ...1C :14 a. ni " s... 44 5... 4 T... " 9 - 11.. Notice. Have your watcher, clocks and jewelry repaired by the Fifth Strttt Jeweler, lie has now engaged the services of a reliable workman, Mr. C. H. Jaquette, as an assistant. All repairs will receive prompt attention, all work warranted. Engraving nnd repairing of fine watches a specialty. We mean business and propose to have the work or know the reason why. Very Hecpectlully, ' Geo. W. Vass. Fifth Street Jeweler. tf Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in tlie world for Cuts Bruises,' St-res. Ulcers, Snltllheum. Fever Sore?, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptious, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For s:tle ! y F. O. Frickc & Co. Will Lie Given Away. Our eiilerpritiuo- druggists, F. G. Fricke & Co., who carry the finest stock 'f drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are giving away a large number of trial bottles of Dr.Miles celebrated Restorative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc Druggists 8iy it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is universally satisfac tory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in ah cases of nervous or organic heart disease, palpitation,pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on Nervous and Heart Diseases free. rllss' Nerveand Liver Plllo Act on a new principle regulating the liver, 3tomack and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles1 Pills speetfily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Una qualed fer men, women. children. Hmalleat, mildest. Barest! 50 doses, 25c. Sampla free at T. G. Fricke CVa. The Greatest Strike. Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure has proven itself to be one of tbe most important. The ..demand for it baa be come astoaisbing. Already the treat ment of heart disease is being revolu tionised, and many unexpected cares ef fected. It soon relieves short breath, fluttering, pains ia side, arm, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, smothering and hear dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and Nervous Diseases, free. The anequaled New Heart Care is sold arid guaranteed by F. O. Fricke & Co., also his Restora tive Nervine for headache, fits, spree1 hot flashes, nervous chills, opium habit. ete. 4 To Nervous Debilitated Men. If you will send cs yonr address, we ill mail yon our illustrated pamphlet enplaininS all about Dr. Dye's celebrated Electro -Voltiac Belt and appliances, and their charming effects upon the ncrvious debilitated system, and how they will quickly rer 'ore you to vigor and man hood. Pamphlet free. It yon are thus afflicted wo will send you a belt and ap pliances on atrial. Voltiac Belt Co. Marshall, roch. The breath of a chronic catarrh patient is often so offensive that be becomes an object of disgust. After a time ulcera tion sets in, the spongy bones are attacked and frequently entirely destroyed, A constant source of discomfort is the dripping of the purulent secretions into the throat, sometimes producing invete rate bronchitis, which in its turn has been the exciting cause of pulmonary diseast. The brilliant results which have attended its use for years past pro perly designate Ely's Cream Balm as by far the best and only cure A fine worsted men's suit, firmer priceJJIS, now at $12.50 at JOE'S, tf J Fif'.een Thousand Witness the Ryan-Needham Battle. IT LASTI'.I) FIVE 1VEAISY HOURS, Ami for Over Seventy Kouiid was Simply Seienilllc Kxlill.it ion Smaliin- lle Rau and Needhaiii Has Knocked Out in tin; Sevent v-sixth Koimtl. Minn-:M'ims, Feb. IS. The Neert-li':n.'i-R;-;!!i pri.f lii.ht v;is witnessed by r.no.t prop,.. Uy:m w i.lied in at V.V.I ;ml Ntvlli:im at 1"7.. )ciiiinls. Vlinos th? entire city government of Minneajio. lis was out. Ni -I'd ham first (til vi-. i'.u i '.n j; al .:ll and wn.t itiiii'ciiiatt ly fol h.-.vr l by Ilvaii. Dili;.' Iycia .!' Htieator i jeoru Sidi luiis secondi.-d Kyan .s- '-a.iam .s was ease l for bv Au.straiian a and Charl s Keininick. Tho "i ; t iii! was at cvi li monev. At !.':.'!! 1 tilt lighting fomuu-nei;.!. For the lirs ii ur no diiiVrence was noteil oilier than '.hut Uyan did most of the leading, A red haul reach seemed short. in tin iLIrly-thira round Ilyau be.an gettin he lr.- :. of it, and Xecdiiam tried bar; U strike a foul blow. In tins thirty iV !irt li it wasthouglit Xeedhanfs.-jaw wa. I.;.keii, but his .seckmds would not ad mit it. v nen me rorry-eigiiiii nrand wa called an oiler of $l,0oo on Ryan was re At 1 o'clock both men were amjarent lv ecpial to the same number of rounds over again. Kyn.ii Made a Itusli at the opening of tho liftv-iiflh round. wilding Neodham to the ropes and then amzii usu-rmg a noiiy mow tuat uazod Xeeilham tor a moment, lie recovered sparring followed, and the round that promised warm work, ended tamely. A series of leiuts at marring was the record of the fifty-sixth round, and at its conclusion was greeted with a storm ot hisses. 'i am sick," said Billy Myers. Ryan's second, as he leaned against the rojies in The United Press corner when time was called for the fifty -seventh round. 1 1 : i i i .. , z inij , wnu n.is lougnt many a game bullle hinuself, miglit well feel nauseated lor the round ended amid hisses without a blow being exchanirid on either side. Both men danced around in the fifty- Jgmii rounu. JNeriiiinm received btaly blow as an ojiening for the fiftv- mnth round and returned it with a light delivery right and left. So far Not a ltlow II ail Drawn Hlood, nor outside of swelled faces had either man received a contusion or a scratch. 44 hat are you going to do: keep us hero all nighty" yelled the siieetators. Need- ham smiled and endeavored to force the lighting out Ryan answered with are treat, and so the round elided. Need bam rushed at Ryan as tbe G'Jth opened and planted his "big glove on the lad's jaw. A second attempt by Needham va: avoided ly a clever uuck of the head, but no further fighting was done. Before the Gist round opened Referee .i!a;i;nx annoawwl tuat unless tin fiirnt :-;i'ii" is a eo.'H'luion wii'-i-.i 'hi i.,'.i:.is lie wo ul. I emleavor to d'-ciue it on its merits as it then stood. This was greeted with cheers and cries of "Fijjl.t, FisTit It Out!" The men had now been in the ring four hours and the admonition was not wasted on tae contestants for the moment Neeuham rushed, but was stopped. Soon after he rested his left heavily upon ms antagonist s toreliead. Kj-au ruen lea twice ana counted each time, and tlie bell stopped action. Onemn the sixty-second round, however. Uyan smashed Needham squarely in "the mouth, and was answered with a left hander in the jaw. Both men sparred a moment tor wind, and then Ryan re ceived a tremendous punch in the stom ach, to which he responded with a right-hander full on his opponent's nose. Incitement Va Now at Fever Heat. In the sixty-third round Ryan opened by landing lightfy on Needham s law. and cleverly stopped his opponent's re turn rush. Both men countered on the ropes. Ryan started in with a face blow in the seventy-fourth round aud followed it up with a dash, a succession of fouls and terrific maulintr. Rvan won first blood. Pursuing his advantage he touched on the nose with the right and gave him a left-hander in the jaw that fcent him reeling to the ropes. Kyan Wins. The seventy-fifth round opened with Ryan giving Needham a terrific pnnch. In a clinch which followed, Needham hit Ryan. This was a palpable fool, md another clinch followed, and in this Ryan, acting on the precedent, deliber ately fouled Needham. Then followed a auccession of clinches and fools, in which the referee interfered time and again. Clinch followed clinch, and the men rained blows on each other in hammer and tongs style. When the gong sounded the gymn isium was in a pandemonium. Needham came up groggy in the seventy-sixth round, and which proved to be the last. He started to the centre of the ring, where Ryan led oat right and left, sending him reel ing to the ropes. His eyes were half closed, and he looked like A Dying: Man Fighting for Life. Struggling to the centre of the ring, Needham received a left-hander in the neck which sent him on his back. He struggled to his feet only to receive a right bander which sent him down again. The third time he came up, and after an ineffectual attempt to deliver a blow, a right-hander in the jaw sent him reeling three feet away. Brave as a fighting-cock, however, he scrambled once more to his feet only to go down once more from a left-hander full in tbe chest. It was plainly seen that the fight was over. His seconds aided him to his corner. He looked like a man in death's agony. A moment later and the sponge was thrown into the centre of the ring. Ryan, despite his protest, was mount ed on a chair and carried out in triumph. The tight ended at 2:35. having lasted five hours .and five minutes, and Tommy Ryan is the welter-weight champion of the world. Philadelphia, Feb. 18. Edwin & Stuart (Rep.) was elected mayor ovef Albert H. Ladner (Dem.) by an estimat id majority of 40,000. . i ni T!rTnr4nr,TTiTnnm lUDDUlHrMl CJLOSlMGf ENTIRE Clothing. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, Etc, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP No Humbug, No Closing Call see wj JWotice the Shallowing Mens suits, former price, $4 " former price (5.00 now 1.50 i ii ii 66 66 6 former price 7.00 now 5.00 " former price 8.00 now 0.50 " former price 10.00 now 700 " former price 1200 now 8.00 u former price 15.00 now 11.00 " former price 1S.00 now 1250 " former price 22.00 now 14.00 The best 01.00 overalls at 450c, Shirts Socks Under wear, etc., It will pay you to come a hundred row the money pay you big interest. We Have The Largest Stock in the County. JOE BjLBEH- Who. FESHEI&a, a? PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. CDESQira SHorase (Doriaer 9 STOCK MUST BE CL.OSEI) OF ON ACCOUNT OF - Out Sale, No Advertising Scheme, But Closing Out to Quit Business. E22iss tBaSs great opportunity, yon will fomy cheaper 3 will do 50 now $3.50 j Meils Ual8 fopmer 1)ricc j 0Q imy 5Qc Childrens aud at astonishing slaughtering priced to lay in your OUTo OF OUT COST! in yonr life. for you. .IPaices: former price 1 50 now 1 00 former price 2 50 nowr 1 50 former price 3 00 now 2 00 former price 4 00 now 2 75 Oercoats for men, youths and boys at be low cost. boys suits at your own prices. miles and bor- supply. It will 'i