r POF-S!0 AU CARSS. IMxraoolh Daily Herald 17 ? ts- B:iB,h;-- : , U illar a c.t;- ,y Ili.j d.r n IV J 4. Company, 4 .3 Ar.-li Mr-it Pis', t iN'OTTS BROS.. PUBLISHERS. phiu. piiYsiciAS a:;i sit.oi:os Da. ALFKL!) HIIIWIAN' Office n i res.len 'e :!.; Main street, V.'clcu- , . kairp biut'k. I'Hl)1:!1 "a nN own 'ii.- lnMie ,u I inr i'!es a1'. H It);; in -il ,-ti uu iiru'icii .tpu i.v i ti tiK'Li'i'tii : im .... I;v . M:,.i,iMt i K.a. tic iociiit' I'.ie. l'''k-.!n' e No. !!. T. v. m v:n(;sT' n i'. I'.m mmin- i LH.i LIVINGSTON' & -CUMMINS n r.T H i voice No. HI J. Main iit. 1 r' ilii.iii! 'J ltnildi-nce Telephone Ir. Living-ton. 4:i. Kmldfpc. lVh-i'lu'lie lir, Cummin, Ho. Surveyors IVIL EVU.NKKHiuil !H'!tVEY: E. JS. HILTON. (aliruutes Mil plans ( all work fnraWl.id uU'i itecnuh kekt. Ollic: in Martin Eloek. Plattsmouth Nkiikahka A County Surveyor -A.VO- civ;l EKCinzEr;. All orders left with Count y Clerk will refcive prt rupt Httt-ntion. OFFICE IN COUriT HOUSE. I aw orncit Wvr. L. faHoW. Pcnonal nuu.lu to Jl bunlnnu eutruoted to uir ear ot4ky i oririt TitlM -kmiiii'I, Ahir,iCteoiiipiied, Inur nce written, real ehtaie old. Betterliicilitirn lor milking Farm Ixiini than ANY OTIIEU AGENCY f LATT8MOI TU NKB1UBKA jTTOKNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attnniry at-I.w. Will gr prompt tttrntloa tti all nui,li)it rntruptril to hint. on,ce la Culun block, Eal mde. riatl'inouth, Ni-b. TTOKNEY AT LAW. WINDHAM 4 DA VIES. K. B. WISPHAM, JOU A. DAVIKH. NoUry 1'ublle buUrj i'ubllc OfRre orer Back of Cai County. JliSUfiiOiitu .... Kebruhi Banks. Haak of Cass County . Cor Main and Fifth itreet Fald op capital... Surplm . ib MIC OFFICERS 0. H. Pamela t Prwidrnl J. M. I'aiienoD ( anlirii Jm faiientoo, Jr. Awt Carhier DIRECTORS C. H. Pa'ni 'le, J. M. Vatti rson. Frrd Cordrr. A. B himtli, it. B. WiTidltani, li. 8. lUnuey aiid i i i'attenioa Jr. A GESESAL AN21KC BUSISISS TRAS3ATED AonMiiitri soIirii-Gd. lL!ert rM'w o tfm 4HfHii aid prompt aft nt.oiiiivt'D to nii bu- Tie C.'ii.z'-.Ls BANK PLATTsMciUTH - .NEHUASKA C'yll J U'k paid In f jo ft 0 Authorized Capital, $100,000. OFKI, JK.I Fit Sli CAItl'.l. Tli. J"S. A. CONNOt, I'f-mli-'it. i-'-fi"si lt.t t W. IT. ct.'SH !' ,. ':.i:;,;,, Frank rrmilj J . A. t'nr.nnr I" " fT'i'ti'- J. W. JtibtMin, Hri.ry l:7"'k,,lniin K ':'. W. 1). y,,r:..iiu, nn. V.etiSM.jnp, ',V. U. t'u.!,inii. Truivi'-!" a c-i'T.1 I :' l'. ii.cn. A'.i l,o It ivr v I .im! j I, -h to li,i,.- I are iiii;'t tt cul. (, n.uiiHr Imw ill r '--' r ii, . ki, u aud e pmii'i-e a; coiir t-'ll" tl-.lt!t:r!lt. Iwim rrriiirai ot rro!tn twar nf tntr rrt iuvs and m,! e-Uy),. county and Vi- 1'Llt KatlOttil BANK OF PLATTSMOUTn, KEBKA8KA Wter the ry ! farilltim for the prornp transaction of lliiltlinaia Danking jOasincss Bto!n,bm!lj,wld. fTrrr)TirDt and local -urltim bounlil ind mid. l'poiita rrn-lvrd and imIitiI alirl on tlii rrrtinvar l'rafta dntwii, availal'lx In any part of tbr Cmird Statin and a,l the prlaclpal lowaa of Iurope. COLimTIOHi MAD AXD FttOM PTLT MKMtT TKIJ. BlghMt mark-f p-l'-c pId for County War raula,Bt:te ami County bunU.j PIKECTORH John Flt?irrld D. IIakwortb JoboK.i:lark . F.. W illi .rorge E. Dorey Juhn Fitt:rfi.i,l. S. WatifTti. .PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 21, 0J1 an-l 2j:1 Mnin St., Plnttsmouth, r.cbraska. II, ST, EGX3, rrupritor, 7ho lVrkin lin l'n thornualilT riniiyuteil fnnu top to Imttom ful i am onn of tlia bc-it liiiti-U in tlm tiitt pM.ar.lrr will I e UUit j t!m week at f ( SI mul up. CCOD BAR COITITECTZS. I'uhlls'i-.l evnry thernlay, and dully every KVflilii'; nMr J) Vlinduy. I:i'i,wi-i-i il al His I'luttsmn'ith, Xeb. post -oi'decfor tr.itwilmioii through til U S, mails at 'on! il ela rate. U'lux curiier Vine and Fifth stieeU. Telephone TKIHS full WKKKl.Y. It; m copy, one year. In a-lvance (I M iij ropy, one year, tint lit advance 2M) One ropy, si month!, tn advance 7.1 Oni 1' i,v. three month. Hi advance. ... 40 TEIIMS rB DAILV One cop one yar In ad v nice Si. 00 One copy per neck, by carrier lb One copy, per month ,V FKIDAY, NOVKMIiLIt 20, lSnO fowis far pctiu and HSlute lietnocrntic c.lttori me auMirir.t; tiiu republican lead eu fli.it it is perfect y uneleos for tUciu to lecture the r.tuy at hnutc n publicatis who give Uio iemoLTiits a cbnnce in off years t(f curry tlio Cnuutry. Tlicy asmire us that the republicans stay at home pur portly to "rebuke" the policy fjf the re publican party. There ii a ((rain of truth iu these re proaches. The republican pirty is made up of many elements. It lias the fastid ious, the over coatciontious, the stoi-aod-thiuks, the hair spl'ttrri and the h lir balancers in great numbers. Thexe are excellent people in their way and so upright that they actually bend back wards six days out of the seven. They are very difficult members of the family and tfary are the casting vote. Every time the robust ana stalwatt element in thu republican party, alwajs the ruling element, makes a stride in ad vance as they always do after a national victory, these finely adjusted Datum don't know for certain whether it is rifllit or not, but think probably it ihn't right, and tbey pull back in their traces, The ilemwratic party is not bampend with any of these doubtful element. It is always on hand, ruin or shine to vote straight and nothing ever turns its stom ach. It is constantly reinforced by a large majority of the newly arrived im mL'ran'a from Europe who vote without (luestion or KjttesmiahncM for the whole ticket. In the end the fine baited of the republican party Bt back Into line and save the country from the bourbons, but they ore out of line or at bnmA nn an ayrrirr alr,ot httlf cf the time. But it is never safe to depend on tlnir aWnce from voting for any great V-ngth of time. At bottara they are all right and vote right on great or C uions. State Journal. SOLDIERS' PENSIONS. The annual report of the commissioner of pens'ons f.r the year endih-j Jnne oO, ls'.io, showM that the total number tf pensioners in the United States on tb day was 5 )7,!H The fuMOniug u a Hit Xr tts state oi Nvbraaka by coun'i'n: A nm a ii'-i..pe i in r lnnine iexiiK " llinjn . II o 'l K itl,,lu l:u;. I.llller ' - . .In r Cli:i.! '' iTf ( IfyeliltC .. I 1.1 V tvl Knniry I I Ki itl I i m :..lia.... himtiili ii Knox . .'' i. ii..-;ih er ! I. ii c n :i ' i. !.'. in '.' I.up II . VI. I II.O.-JI, .ill -.tn I.' Vn ci . x-;ii..-e S. m.ilM '. 'l' Mil R l-r.ll i.e (5 lit 1.". .' 1:1 2 l;i ii I IM I , 1 -i r-ix'ns ,., ....... '.. rierrp IN' la'tf )-. I'.lk , I IN .1 V, .i e.. k . I iliaro.i.n ., 1 . It i:. i ine " I . . mii 't.-r I.- -i nit l;:i,tr ., I, j M .ld nen, lull i lieniiau..... . ' Hn.in ;'i. Siai ton . I hau r 41 TliinlUr. l.iJ:TllUriOU ,., , It Kor.i .. Diw.-t ... 1 1 .v. . ,). i .. I 'IX'Ml lll.o . K..o1-U , I'l'li.H . - .Mil' -r l-i I, li TI I.'. VI ft I-. .1111. I Ml .Her , rnnias .... Ii ,llle!d .. i-r i.r.ii.I (lre'ley., . II UMll'OD . 'U'Van- .., ,, , i -i-.tinioii i 4i, 'A'ayrtw HI ailWrlwlrr 174 K'lW'hrrler fiiVerk 'M in M Tot.-tJ s.il It. it. 4ii..... llHtet Ililehmrk.. II. ilt Ho.ird. .. J. il. rvin .. Julin.on... A WOMAN'S CHHISTMAS FEAST. A o-.ers perfect Christmas tnagaz lis for women ctinld not hav lirm nailr thtn is tli Deremliir Ladies' Home Journal. Truly, bere is Clirihtmiis In ong and sketch. Sixty fiyo authors and srtHtahave belprd to make this numirr authors famoa and gifted like Ifaniet B'-ecbcr Ptowc, Eliibcth Etuart I'lwlps, Margaret Dclund, Kurab Orne Jewstt, Mary iapes Dod'e, Dr. Talmaer, Ma Lewis, Iiobert J Hurdetto, Mr Henry Ward ne.hrr, M.i-y J. llulmes, Kate Upon Clark, L',l i IVl.al.r V.'ilccx, I'. e T'Try Con);'", K..ter ('ortfH, Elisbptb R ('tii'.-r, Harriet l'r.-si oil KpoiTorJ, lrf. Ljniiin Ablm't, Mat,;aret Enttome ai.d F.'x'n V.. Tt -x ff 1, ea. h of wbiiin te.uku a ilirt'.iut nn:f.'i in t'iir corjtiibti'iotn'. r.ver)thin(t y.Iiji h a ivoini;) would like t j know about ( hii. I in-, bow to innke piOi'li'H, what to rj7Z, 'l about tlie CiiriMmaa dinner and h iln!y d.coia tiutu is given and by the best authority tbtainable. Women have never had to beautiful a imgazina repir (1 for tic m, r ih tn i iTu l" V.lun, ii in ru ie' tioo, hilpful in tttie-a perfect dt'.ijjbt lo i.rud and ryo. A np ('iid Cliri tmas cov- lUEi'.E ff'ia tt J-J'.ii;'' i:ia o:;;:n vf -" WClt brCHUii'i lit? ha I I'M. ki ll hi 4,1 AVli -n a friciiil jicii.lru out to Mm Una uo er th cirenin-'-iiii Im wai III. kv in not lr. a'ain;; hin neck iiMoi. of I. is arm, ho 1 ra: -d iiji. L"i im tr.nv up: Cnrti' Il-cnrd. , SulM-ribo lor tin: In y Hi ii.-.i.u, du- iver-il to all parts of the eiv for 15 eiila per wn-k FOR DYSPEPSIA, Ayer'sSarsaparilla Ian effective remedy, as nuinirous tcstlnia nlals eoucliejiiely piole, J. or two years 1 was a cointanl anflerer from riyM la and liver coinpl.ilnl. 1 doctored a long tunc an. I tlie medicliii-s prenerllvd. In marly ercry ease, only aitnivated Uie dlseane. An atiotlircary aiimed me to use Ayer's H iraiarllla. 1 did so, and was einv.l at a east of fi Hlm-e tluit tlmo It lias been my family im.U.Jne, und .ilekneaa has Iwroine a siramp-r to uur lionwliold. 1 tiellcve It U) tie tlie bent niedlelne on earth." P. F. lcNulty, llackjnau, a buinnicr sL, Lowell, Mass. FOR DEBILITY, AllAa'o Cna..!ll. srajsa i WUIOUJUrillU Is a eertaln cure, when the complaint orlirl nat'S In bniovrrUilied Hood, "I was a (treat sufferer !mm a low condition of the blood aud irrneral debility, becomlnir. Dually, so rrduerd that I was unlit tor work. Noth ing that 1 did lor Ilia complaint helped me so much aa Ayer's Hamaimrllla.a few bottles of which restored me to health and strenctli. I V'ke every opportunity to recommend this medicine In similar cams." & Evkk, H K. MaUl su, Chllllcothe, Ohio. rcn EHUPTI0H3 And all disorders orlirtnatlng In Impurity of the blood, such as bolls, carbuncles, pimples, blotches, salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofulous sores, aod the like, take only Ayer's Garsaparilla rasraaio by DE. J. O. ATKH CO., Low.U, Kaas. Tries (I ; iti boule,aa, Worth 1 a Uxt la. 1H8 J1GLKE 0." 'flu Bcm9ln our di.U j r.'ll n.ji-n vie slajt to man of woman D"t llvinff will ov t d:.l . loeurocnt wltliout u- loi; l!,a fic-rf 0. It sundi Id the third plvr. !:j irf), hen ,1 will rei.-.r.io hi ywJ-s and lU-a twnn p u'fy-:i-i piaoa ia ivju twee It will rest for ore brn.-:nl v'.' t. Tart U auotlur 'U" tlch 1. i:i-rxmi lo rtay It u unllkf iIhi fl ni 0 in e:r v;i;; ;n ihu ri:! that It a alresiiv n.. d u;.li H tl p!.v, whrra It lli pi-rmsni.ii'lv rr rutin. I' e;i -I th" "X F"Ili;h Ara Wt.ii It A VjImmi Sctt.t.g jcbia. Ths "No. 'j- i encni'ri fore.rt- j lArr '.iy Ih- ' ur,, . tltv Taii .mtii'i) oi ibrv. v!ir, aftw a ie-.cn.ro oh ai'.h ti,c leiv.inK ins j'oims '.t lie n.rkw'' ' '."r-i"l it a .'.' Gr-nd 1'rUn given lu fi.r.11-, swinr n acblnei. i II il i.rs'n exruiiti n.u.ir i-.--l,a U,ir award cf gild tn .K !-. T Pr. in h tK)rnmeni' : icAgrx) t avuier. 1 vtlted cor.tllonof lir. Nalital.keH1 .t- i, f,i t: el .I'.of lh cvuiatoy, v.-h ihiCroof I'v 11-10 ,1 llus r. Tb "No. 5'' l o-t tn vn niaibme Irajroimd kiu. be.i u an iiiir-ly i:.,.kaa, and (1,0 Orind Prl -i! :;t I'.irn ., t.,. -l-i H in thntrid e-tadv-neln .rmw.:.li.. -wtianism of II in -. Tlr-r . I 1 c -. r t urwl. Uiem. t-J,ofb.- In." - .. .(!.,; UtL iui lo V'.: .-i ic, CLicjft Dealer Vt'antcd. r.aiirstnrnpnii! li3&iIW.k!n!liSt.,KJIKSASC.ir,i!!). Tb toly KpMltllat U tb City h ! t E.-raUr Oxsviuiits la II rditin, Ortr 21 yMig faOu, U ywi la Obiwrfk TKE 010$T IN ACL AND 10HUST tOCATia. "vA wuisnsWsi E7 in ws) trss f l'io4rl Hl'R-i,rir-rsiifi HwfcHintrf t J imrt k.TH, ur-.i Vr'.nsrj ii-sFa--. Ctrm b4sm MUts "r m-ir;'! ft !uc-'-."n Citstraa Um. '1 ttutiKsuxU ut om synrxl. hir-swrUiuw i imi-ortant. A 11 bk1 irlnta f fjuaWtv tat i mI m-4 skltt lutta, Itsstbaj otiia Mruis1i In Wij Hrrft if nifVA' ti ! irf , siivt rm furusshs4 rwtsslr tuf Hms. ho runnlni u tli 1,4 wrm lo list to titstart4ia vrssr r niirm t, iiw. to. nr. ury or Injurious) rssTui s v-rt. ho lsintls)i Irom trn 1 nri. l't.(lni at d ittfiw lrss(i hf ls-tf' mii lrM. BlM.-r)t pait 41r"t"r frtws from u-Bm or lrsai hitst ioar cmm ui astta oriAisjrurbr A 4 rtro tJ rff Frti-Bath tt Hm.trK.-J UUUtA nit-! ,n .,..t. CMluf- fr.r An. fO ',ltr. l-rvrr Dasai XiUiA 16 ftat ft Jfr to ii i..'oid rmtJ thi Lowk. nilEULIAIIGLl THE CHEAT TU' ri'lSH t?imWV.t. a ro? m v n cu n n -rrw lot? HLLKAHl.'i. . ' j . J 1- P- '"- ' 1 if fuivlt, I1..1 T,,ll.t ' ' f j I In ( ur fwttMi ... i . 4 ty, ari'i l..fttrir ftl oi . U i V , uJF 4ll,OfJ.i it ra.KLKI,i.fw3ll, Ifla f.DniCr.,!fc,sCirr,f',s. 1, Vliv1ryWrlren. Pk.Un. ? ui 1 hit it Jl I. h 11 - - r-. e f . 1 .. - -" it v. REiiD! - READ! The following list of properly belong ing to W. 8. Wise, of Ptrris, California, is o IT, red fur sale at a bargain. Lou 9, 10,11 and 12 R 23. Lot 10 0. 0. west i lot 12 H, 28. LeU 4, 5 and 8 B 0. LoU 11 and 12 D. S3 LoU5,and8n. 18, Y. & li t add LoU 21 and SU B 4, Orchard Hill LoU 20, 21 and 22, 0, 0 Duke's add Out lots lo Wise's addition. acre near the thnpi. Call and learn tb terms which are easy. WINDHAM & DA VIE 3. For South Park Lois CALL ON I I g ',' ! il 1 Of Cat I'uUly I) I a u hfitfTII VV ....usjiU .m.i, .-Castoru "CiUt.rf .:saaeiillii.ir,.e , ' drra. l'.iers hare refwatedly r. good erlii tj upoo their children." ( , 3 Pm. Q. ( ' . firla 11 bn remcly foe i . Tof whi iraatityuiluted. I hoj the f ,p.,mA far dutant ttltcn mothers willo.nl.lnf tlie rnal interest of ihelr chllilrcu, and im faskjria io stead of the rations quack oowTums wbleh are dcsiroylng their lotud ooes, by forcing oilum, morphine, soothiig syrup and other hurtful agents doira t-'-ir throats, thereby smiling them lo pretu lur graves." Da. J. T. Kucncua, Uooway, Ark. Tlie Canianr Conspany, TI Everything to Furnish Your House. I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MOUEHN .HOUSE FURNITVING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House You cab buy of him cbctp for pot cvh nr STOVES, RANGES AIID ALL FURNISHINCS. Agent lor lite Ctiifbratcd While Sewing Machine. Ths largest and most complete Slock lo telect from In Cliss Coulity. Call and see Opera JIouso Block fllllUO VKIUL Kij UVV 3 , Carry tlie largest anl beat htlccted stock of fine MI L LINE 1 Y. Shoulder Cjijx's, Infants sacqtics Hoods und Wool ijoods Childrens and Misses Hats A6m'JAtTY Lvcry dq-artment is ovrrll.vi.g t'i t!:o I'liittsm tilth tr.i The Now iff i .rr . l w Herein up3 are ayw.ana curled, ana iilukinT- tiwy. uuuiy sr - svi . . ; :-.y:i i, ' : v,;S Ualn Street,.'"'-. '". ..;.-. 1 7 ; Insure your : IKTty a-alnst flro, lightning and : Tornado,' in tlie 6 AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Cin(nnatti, Ohio. Commenced HusIncsM Ocfobcc 1871;. CSM Cf.FIT,',L "7" S3oo.ooo.oo I lli l'l Mii'iH V liable , (1 t J.i'u wlin-.i t.-r-"t!i.'r with .' , , w 1 ..,..i 115 a iit. 1 Hwmnteu ol about frdjii.OUO.OO t jxilicy liol(lm. 1 t.iiid ill tlH)o!".'-ti vi-;tr-. (witiffi tr'"itiiz:ition ttoftrlw ... dollitrs .1. II. Kl.AT liK, ro-rrr,ry. 1 Wm L BROWNE, Resident . ' rfirfali " ..- ' ' ' ' J lUintend iu t . '; , uwn to ma." Vi ' '. 111 flo. f. , . ,. Our phymlelana 1 1' meet hat spoken hit;blyasWvk mio In their ouUlle practice with Ca. - and although ws only bar among ogt meOlcaf supplies what Is known, as regular products, yet we are fme to confess that Ut merits of Caatoria bas won us to look with favor upoo It." t'srrao Iloarrrn an Dtamuar, Bohioa, Au aw n. Hurra StrMt, New Tork City, ran utrurf wht too nwJ UifurnUb or T 1)1? 1TU 4 K 5. onn? with ik.-w -hu !.i ,;,! will Lo gold le :.t u 1 1 11 -,1 n ' i y I X v jiriivs. Department . a . . - d ixccuioa io oraer. Tin: place ' ' Millinery Rirlo, ' under the coimtifnM. n ,.t t.- i.. . tlu? iiiv.-wit n,.t Knrt.li.a : ..... . . .. ' I J twiir iiiiiiinn 0A2ZAM GANG, I'resuleuL 1 Agent, Plattsmouta Nebraska v ,-' -. I. .1