0 !ri;iiiqnM!(!i ihiilv llmliijw. F. Crabi' & son, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-I.aw. Will prompt attention t'i ali i ii-Iiu s ntt'i'-tci t" liim. oil, o' in I in. n l).k. fca-t Sri''. IMnt tf montli. Neli. Everything to Furnish Vour I. PEARLMAN'S (iKKAT mhki:n HOUSE FIPNISVING EMPORIUM, Successors to K NOTTS P.KOS.. PURMSIIKItS. - ROBERT DONNELLY Wagon and BTacksrnilh 1'ulilNlie"! very 'i h'THilay. ami daily every evening except iiuday. '! !! 'il ;tl 1 lie Flat tHinoiit h , Nc'i. p"Kt II1' f ! liati-e'iis'iou through the F. S. mall-' at see :ii cl.i- ratt-i-. Ollleo c i.,1-1 'iiu: anil Fifth slivrW 'f' !.'ilicii- :. Ti'oKNfc v AT LAW. A WIN 1)11 AM ii DAVIKS. j. wInDM W. .II1N A I'AVIK.s :.,.i..iy l-iii.li- .N.'i.t.y l-ul.IV (tr.i c i'V-i- i!ai k of Cii-t I'unty. 1-latMiMiiitli - - " -Nf,"isl,:i L'lidt'i Viit iin:: ioeia limine SHOP- V 'I t'UMH I'l'l! V. I.HKI.V. :. .; y, nee year, ill advance ... i:.c - i- . "'in- Near, not In vrii'-' I'm - i - - I j . si ini'iithf, in ;i ivaiuv . i ! t ! i - in' iiili". in ai'.v iuri' I Ki:.M I"' 'It l. I !.V 'I..- -.v "in- y -iir in ;ilv iiici' iii "r.i!.. i i '. !. Iy curler . . I !);' . J" I t'tl'lltlt Yoilean l'ii of l.iin t-lit-ai) l.r "put ea-li "I' ea: ' . .. I V I a -i'i-mii " I i.i I i -i i ri-i' I n tin ul-. a . ni t,i''i- i.i In ;i ii - it - on 'In1 IN---I M.1 Mr I . J I Ml I" Mi III n'.i'. us. I'l'.-u'i'-. .".1 -..!.!- i'i'"!.:y ..'ismv.J ; STOVES, RANGT. A.'D L F;Ir mSUi-:Cr-. Agent I'M' tin- s '!';. :-:iii-l White Si-'.in' .M.-i.-hin -. . Sii.iiT'-tiiMS ''il ei. -iai iot.ei'.H :-. A l ! ' ' I. A .'. POLK liUos. Horseshoalnt; Specially c 1 1 i:.i. j'l tt ll o. is. i oi K ( j l '.-e'i m .it r, t.-,i -,' i:: a:; M,.- r..v:: N'-taiy. "l:.-'-in.u ..i, l Liisiii:ii ' l .a'I-e i. i r i a'i'l ; nwoo.l I I. v I iTl-i-iJ ami in. mi i 'i..-' ')pera Hoi;c IJiock : I i -.i ;. i-l 1 i.i i ii iii f e.- '...i' i . r ill i i,, 2 '.''.ii'i.'.ijiiiilt . v.'. :'-... ; it ' v. v- v ; - -r ai PjvTil II- -Ml' l ll'T I'M-' I 'MII'I' I'lI'M 'l 11' ""' lS 1,1 'ni. i- . - li'i ph.' 1 li in a i 1 1 I i I ;i utiuy. I; i. i... I 1.. I . ! i i Ittil M ' . 'Vi ..mi .:i. I.i . . . - i 'Mil - ' 1 , i .... ... .i .. . . . inn-.' .; ... .-I I..-...M -.,u i I i. . i . . " : - - 'I''- I' I r - rit'i i-., I. "" 'T Ai l' -- !! :-nl; N.-.v Vi-ik. ('liica'::'i. St. Louis. I Httlhqr YqITI 1! k Wii'T-ljillviV tHlM i"it ;il ;. i si I -t PiBE LUMBER I Shinl 'H, Lath, Sali, Can supply every ili-nniml of the Cull hikI tf-t ti rins. Fotirt,i strert In K-'ar of Opursi House. A l.ox of Safety i.iutchi'S free tosmokers ot hoi M'fTPfQ x Wv arc now p: inun-'d to liig- wells any tlcplli (lusueil, ironi 1 too lout ac-iv-s. AVc use a biiriiiL? machine ami dig and wall at the sairic time. For the first "() feet o(T cents per i'uol, each additional 10 feet 10 cent cr foot will be added. We mnke a specialty of linking old weus. -vith-ont removing the wall. Wc g u a ra n lee satis fa c t i oi i . Leave your orders with Kobert Shl-rwood. or, for fur ther particulars address BROSIUS & WHEELER, I L ATTS M ) I TT II . X K H. Wa'4;u and iUacksinifli shop. Walton, Bu'y, Jlachine and plow Repairing done IIOUSESIIOEING A SPECIALTY Ut uses the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE W'lich is ti'.j 'est hois'. -i l- for the t.it :n ;, - r :' r i-.-st vii. j . or for city pur;-. ever .nveiited. it is ;u made f Ii;:t -lytuK c.-n put on s-l.urp or 11 it , ork. need- i for wit ;.ih"i slippery i.i.-ui.. or smooth, dry n :..'!?. ('nil at 'i" f:Iid cX UIlille tl.. M.'. ;.i;.-:.u' -". : - -. 1 n. otliei. si i - ii 'a ' iA A L' I ;-. i i. !i. ' .ii - t. i'i.tttsi:iOU'vit Tailor M'.- 'In- bvt -i:ui m-'st Ci :::; Ivte st-.-'.-k ji - -...j''.' -s, I'l lii foreiirn i.n.l ibiT:iest:r. w . 1 :;s that tv.r cwas; wes; of Missouri rie.- N-'ti' these price?: V.;::nesS s;;it fioi.. ssn; to -?35. dress suits, s2 to p-.r.t i'5. ?'5..0 f.nJ- upwards. ;V"Will gtt.'.rantee :'- ft. Prices Defy Coinceiilion. l. UliLOOLLn, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor ! -'.ii a Full Lire c t T' ' . . f . - " - -v j 'rr2i, ): V' 1 v. - . . i . la -.rt9 by Uivitg Iiici a Call :t'COd clock -..t N ! -A Y, ) L'NK "J, l -'.i'). 'I'i'i-. i-i i,.-u niiiiK tutor St ilt.' il I'llt to .!aj , iu.il if. 'if t ' fool v.itli him." Yin. ! h.i: :.i u as t U;- only jriju-r f . t in to ('iir:''tly pfili't th . ' . ; i, -it. Ihinl t -oiirso i; n-voiwii ;iil I' i .:: extra session. It is pretty ilttinitiflj settled tliat Fi!t Asit tnt lV-tiiifister (jlaikson will re'-iri us soon us lie, returns to Washing ton, ti::d t'K ii tissuiifi tins editorship of the L'liiciio Times. Tin: recent speech of Congressman McKinlev. of Ohio before. Congress on the pending tariff lill, Ins just been i-sued in piiniplilct form. The speech includes valuable statistical tables, and is mi admirable presentation of the prin ciples of protection, as embodied in the new Tai ill Hill. Send a two cent stamp for a copy t the American Protective Tariff League, Si West 2:Jrd St.. New York City. Tjiky fastened a Confederate lla to the hands of the Washington statue at Uichmond on the occasion of the dedica tion of Lee's monument. It was an im posing siirlit to see the ellitjy of thu fath er of his country carrying the traitorious rag that the union men of '(55 trailed in the mud of the last ditch. Washington made to carry a secession llag is the bit terest insult that the imagination of tin i-x-rebc Is could devise to the memory of the man w ho led the tight for liberty and the equality of all men before the law in 17715. Lircoln Journal. Tin-. Augusta, Ga., Chronicle is a dem ocratic paper in good standing, and here is what the Chronicle hns to say on the tariff ouestion: "It will e a disas'.tuu; day for the whole country, smd the south especially, when the home market, which is the most profitable in the w orld, is thrown open to foreign compe tition. The happiness of the j-cople of all class. s, the conservation of ad in terests, ami the future welfare of our country demand that our economic policy shall not be tudely disturbed to giye place to theories or experiments at least of doubtful expediency." It is a notable fact that in those parts of the south which are miking most rapid in dustrial progress, the protection senti ment is strong. FRANK RANSOM. Omaha and Nehkaska City papers are exercised concerning Ex Hon. Frank Ransom, who, as is stated, "has forfeited his membership in the legislature as a representative of Otoe county," by hav ing removed his place of residence to Omaha. This being the case, Otoe coun ty is to be congratulated. Ransom is the father of the valued policy bill, for which he secured safe passage in our last legislature. This affords all possible fa cilities for rogues to speculate on the fire insurance fund, as it allows them to col lect the face of their policies whether the iU! Vi iV-- octroyed are worth the sum insur-.d cr i.ot. Fire losses in Nebraska pri jr to 18S prio.- :v the passage of this law was about s:i0.'00. Ln;s ill this state in 1S.- year follow inT its jvissntTi was about Sl,5i..0 . This -tinndv.tts business for the fire inurane companies and their agents, but the j-'-oj-'e bear the losses and the st it . is t'.iiis having its taxable values deputed. In orapplin-r with a fuiestion of v li'.i he V.ad no knowledge or under stai-i'i.iu irt :: an "conomie standpoint, .'dr. K.L'i.-t-m "caught a tartar," and his blows at the "soulless, blood-thirsty" corporations, have fallen directly and heavily . r. the public. So much for 1 r. judice HnJ ignorance. It is deplorable til it Mr. Hansom had not been tuo ed to some place for public safety before. Otoe county sent him to the legislature. Happy Heosiers. Wri. Tin M'oLs, 1'ostmasti'i ol I.iaville. :r.l . writi .-: trie Hitters has iloi.e incrf :r me ilisn all otl:t-r uietli'-iiies eomtiineil. for tl.ai lead t'eei t:.i: :'.riil:K from Kidney ;i:id l.iviT i ii'i'iiii-'n' "''""V,;, ,:'';. ' . t,J ,. . .,n ' trouble.- ' John Leslie, farmer and stockman, j I)t ' li- .u-:'V-!i te' P." assnnl; j of same place, says : "Find Electric Hitters . t! , j.;.L ;.; r .1 -i! . pf . - -? t :.i -.., ,-..t... - Mriiu-v and Liver medicine, mad" j ' IIkiimi.M'i Aki--:-: i ur-i v.-ut o ,, . e a new man.- J. W. Oiri.ier. I IMPOKTANT. i - ; re lai-lcuaiit.saliu' t.'-.vn. savs : 'Klee- -;i .:'ta:e - mus be J' " Ne.v V.'iX : tri ; L.tieis is i-t t in- t luiu na a man who fs '"''- uu and don't care whether he lues or ouinl new strength, good appetite i like ie il -n-v lc.i.e e. '.if- ''" 11 ' ,i eh at F. tl Krh V; & f'-'s Pruu 2 ail run i!.u ind don't care whether he lues or die-' ; p.e l.eiiiii new i-iinnui, n"i a (ii'ii.e . . ... r.ll-.l f Store V v -ar ' !.f ."III- . :r. I :.h .il -Ml. il-.i-s-- : :. .i.-.l -::'."ii I I i.x i . -1 ll.. i.i..'li'. SIX I'M ST T'i'SVOCTl! Drs. C . i" 's ?. bh : 403 Fariiain Stract, Omaha, Nob. xpi-cialists in Cliionic, Neiyoii3, Skin and UUii (I liifeast'S. ('onsult.ni-ai atofliee or liy mail free. Medi cines sent. '' n-ail ir exprnss. seeiirely packed, (leeir.'in ulisi'l valinn. iiiar-oitee- 1o cure -uicfe!y; safely ami permanently, NERVcIlS llLBiLiTL ?Sd nilii emissioiw, piiysi-;il ileeav sirisini; fn m imliseielii'!!. excess or l:0nlenee, producing sieevlessncss, ilepnmleriee, ) inpl;" on tile l: -.', avetsi' ii (. .-ocii-ly. -as'.ly tiisciutviintl. lack '.it e"ili'!i'i! linil, iin iil irf si miy or liai m i-i. :.nil Urn's ii.'e a iituclea, safely, perina neiuly and I uv;;tc!y e..rei. tillJ-'il Hill iJ: V.L". must li.-r- l il.Ie in its :e-nl.s, eonipletely ere..-.ic:'.teit v.Hli tuit t lie ai l of mercury. e'.-efn';:. r; sii.i-!as. fev'-r sore, lil.-ieiie-". el.-ers, j'-.'.ni- i :-.( i,e:.ii anil") es. i.e! e s.i. ! l!:r;.. n.'.il': ar-i 1 -m.-e. ra' . . i 1-e't'-.. pet iiia-i.-n! .y cared vli"ie ol 1 1 1 -r- - i:. .- f;..iird. 7TT1MTIY n::.!.; 1 7 '''r - IVliJilJlli lidiJifV.il 1 i.'atf i. .inia!..ii:-!ie!-it, ! i'r'.ii.-iii, I'lirniaii i- I'Lu-tiy mice, .line !ii.;ii colorr.l or -vio'i iiiil;y eiiiiell on -t:iii!.':-::. iv.s-k l;v-:c. a i Me .ieet.eystu . s. mo .-.pt'v r?i'! safely ear- (! '-:ii..o;sve;'..'.ii.:ii'.e. m i i n...ii j i- 1 ;'i :i;iii:i'i"i in-raiaix 1. 1 e-iu . ' t 11 V K ..! ...,.....',.' . ..-il 1. en L ' I. . . I III''.!1 . : l l J Tieu, canst i' or liilalaii"!:. ' aies. h"iae liv t'.it -'il. v itliou' : eee iu-li ainiovaiice. To Youpgand Middle Agerasn 0 -nr ."nvo I'lie aM";i; clifc:-. oT leuly vice, h IjdC 'ii'l II w ''ich !i-:m"s o. -I'l'nii' w ;'.!.' H"SS' ilestiuyin liolli v:i;i.l ;:r. ti ,;v. v. i:h ail its dreaded iUs., iiermefe'iitly cucd. DC1 P?'. ''.'( Adille" ti'.oce vlio lii.ve im JjhlJ. U1': '0 ! aired tl'.'.'iie"-;ves by iiiiprop- 1 ..I........!.. - .... .1 ... Hi."..' l.l.it wlli.'li l'.ill I i lli'llll.l'l. .4.... "1 ' I I.."..-. ... ...... lintli mind a;:d boily. uiilirfiiij; llieia :ir busi ness, study or inarriaire. Married mm, or those lsterini- on i bat happy life, awaie of physical debility, uu'icxi;- as . if.,.i .iric.;, OUR SUCCESS 1.3 llt.fc.-(Jt i 11 l f . i i t ; n 't ... x.. . ........ ...... .1 1. J IU- vTllll- ied. thus siartitisr aritrbt. Tliisd .Medicines are lnepareil in our iiiiiorar 'ry exacuv io sau ...w.l, yi..- 1 1, ii ..IT n .r ..i.i'.w v. i r J I ' .11 f lllilll'V. t fciaiiill.. lul lu.' rf -..!! ...' x'.il'i. Vitll flit 1 1 r li inim.j t. ..v. .'..' iii.ij .. .. j--.. ... .... siilfer;HKand slui'iie. anil add eiili.-n years to lite. Aiinress or can on DRS. BETTS & BETTS GRAND DRAWING OF THK Lotteria fie la B?iGSco"C"i?i -Piiitica t)F THK STATE O? ZACA1XCAS. MFXIC A syndicate of capit 'HsIs have secured the eoacessio.i fur oper-aiii; tliis LOTTERY mi l a i '. 1 extend its Imimiicss ;l-.:-ot;:!-.ii'.it tUe Piiiteil .States and i'.i; is'.i i iumbia. l'.elow will !e fonid a list of lh.- pr .-'s which will li.-; iir iwn-oa a": ;-:ACAiJi'"A,- Mexico j ami coiitimie iae:it:-!y I In rraftt-v j capital e-.? en r n. a T- I lWi.iin.. tickets, at i'.e eu ; Halves s-a.i"' : Tont'iis j :. : Ar.ierio.-i!' C'i..'i-e. -. I. 1st ' r i-n !.;.s '. t prize ef. a. - 15" l- 1 p.;e el . . . . .'.a.' I il 1- 1 !!" ':" -" '' I' i- :i in ii;." t ... . lu.i el nr. lc '.e-: i.f ."i.n.'a .re 5 prizes of .'.ui.ii are lii pri-: s i t ... Im ' nr. jn prizes of '' arr jiii j riee -'"i re. oeo prizes id J"1-' ar-- .rii,'i oi it s el 1MI ai . -!". ... II -Ml I. ill I :r: f ' m I'l.'MI I ill I. ..I 1". A l'l" X t M ATI i , 1-' I ' K l.-ft prizes- f IWi to- im prit-s ot ... 1"" ire . - 1T.0 p-!'"S ef e' . :'.'' prie. "i . . "-r .i - 24: 0 sJS.a'l" ' W; -.'O S"-t.!'Vl ( h.b rates : rickets t v :. i 5v-ei-il rt'tos irr-itied n-ith H;e!Us. ! i mu r -r sj . WT? n i:i -v,'r; ! AUJ-H W hit J T..uua:i.lj city in rnif-d States litui Uitti-'i America. ' Vile p i tnrnt of pnes i -u:;i aaf eed by a spec i"-. !-:' of ii ii- " ;hni!-alid ;1"1- j ' . ,,i " ... t,.. m,Xl pv Enre-'s . ..,,.... i ,.;;.'it;'iis e.uii'- tnaiio i.y hxrtre-s ! j (',,.i,,f y;les or BatiU Ti -k.-t sent diiv'r, f piiiiuurer.ier.t will Ik i;:d '' ,r-!l! -NV.W ' York.Mor.trei.1. Ct. I ; Clncao. .-.ill fiV(il .... (,r C"'v ef MeX'-e. F-r fur- :-r n.t-.tiuat -n tVJl Jpav riH". Miii.a-r. j j Apirtado 43 Zacaucan, Mcxioo. j 'unpaVles or BatiU Ti--k .( yev.i" diiv'r, t" j tua :-v-.., : .v'.v '."i'i ! V.':.i. L. I51:WN. ;.t...,,;,: ;, jii i.in i,i a .i n;-!IM"f titril-tej to my care . , . , Titi.- i-Miiiiiti-l. ,i.Ntr;i.-:so .laail.-.l. Iumii - i- w i nti-ii, i . .ii ' . .... f.'ft.'I'ta.'iiill.'H li teiMli;,' I' ll' II I-all'- I' -" ANY nniLi. I'LA'ITS.VI Hi M.I.!.M'.A iiVon. IAN a:;h ;.t i.skon I)h. ALFUKI) SlIIPilAN OMit-e ai.'l l).-elisai y iu l' iMllie.' tial'ulii'i. Ci.iiiei- Main ai"i 4tii Ut el. "Iliee .iiouis In to 11 a. in. : - tin til 3aml 7 inilil . ni. Surveyors j .IV lb KNCINKKU II. C. SCHMIDT SURVEYOR AND DRAFTSMAN Hans, spec-mentions and estimates. Municipal work. Map etc. Platts.uouth - -, Nebraska. Ql VI 1. ENi'l r.ii iiu .......... ...i tr:'i7Vo;' E. E. HILTON. KstimaK'S and plans of all work furnished and necorus M-rwi. Ollic in Martin Block. Pl-ATTSMOL'TII " . JN EBUASKA Bank9. B a nkof Cas Co u at y Cor Main and Fifth street. i'aid up capital :,n (mo 25 oeo Surplus O. 11. lMrne e 1 resi. .-in Fred lore, i 1 i . .!. M. Patterson . . Mrt " .la- ratterson. Jr Ast I aslilel DIRECTORS (MI. Parmek'. -I. M. Patterson. Fled Colder. a f. smith. i:. 11. V. imiliam. 11. S. Kainsey and Jas Paltersou Jr. A GENERAL KAliKlNC BUSINESS TP. ANSA TED Accounts solicited, tt.'erest allowed on time ii.'iiosits :-,;hI oroiiint atl'-ntauisjiveii to ali l-ns- intss einrusted to its cafe. Pirst National BANK OF I LATTSMOL'TI!. NEIJUASJvA Oilers the very best faciiiiies for the prompt transaction of Mitiniate Baiiidiig Business Stock!-, bonds, cold. Koveriimect and local se- i.: .. :.. ....,i. ...,i ..i.i li.'iioslis rcceiv.-d Culillv r u.niH," i- 1,v . v.. v.. aid interest allowed n the certihcates ?. ... . . ..ii .i.i ii. -jiiv ii-Ai-t nt the wrings uian ii a.rt"."" "'J ' , , 1'i.ited States and all the principal towns of h-urope. ( OLLKCTIONS MAUK AND 1'KOMPTLV KEM1T- TKU. Hisihest market price puid for County War- . , , . . ...... ,....,.- 1...I11.U ranis, oiat5 a"" "u"lJ DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald I. Hawksworth John K. Clark F. b. While tieorge E. Dovey John Fitzgerald. S. Waugh, Pretident Cashier. The Citizens BANK FLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Cayital stock paid iu S50 000 Authorized Capital, $100,000. OFFICKKS FKAXK CAl'.KUTH. JOS. A. COSNOK. Pr. si U'at. Vie-Pi esi ,et t W. H CUSHINQ. Cashier. DI HECTORS Frank Cumuli J. A. Connor. F. K. Outhn ntif ,J W. Joir: on, Henry Back, John O'Kecfe W. 1). M. rnarn, Wm. Vatencamp. W. H. Ci'shing. u;.- a general hankii.g bnsiiies-. .-.II viio have anv hsnklng business to transact ar- inviiel to call. No matter lev.v t.-.r-.'e or -in-al! the transact ion. If .-. ii! rec 'io 'Xircarei.ii attention v- pret'iije ahvitys rour- -totis treatment. . , ... ::i,;.ites of Jeno-its bearing interest "" 15uys and selN exciiaiee. county and city sureties. KEHRY BOECK'f- is Tin: j-lack to nev voru i-arlorand Bed Room Sets. -Vfiat rresse-, Sofas, Lonr.ses faP(1 Cfce Furnlture. . . . Cull !ili''t examine als s in elsewhere. ,r. , 0 ., Cor Main &ith x i Crll tin.-l examine his tock ,hetL-n. -,i 'iisttslUOUth, 2sei. PTONITTOE udeep And then oonit- tn mr oi'ico I anil worth much iroiv tli tw il wAl We give tiiat ioni.,vtn-ii ami ahri'.lo-oii I )ictinarv--i'r a ('lul) ol scriher t.. the AN'kkki.v H kkai.d. .r l,,..,.ci. in - ..i- t'oi- SI'iUII iii il the eases the eilsn must ;u-eMiii.anv lh' cry ot the ilictionaiy. Walk rier'ht il at Kiii-i' :i m r 1 THEv BONNEB I-TAELES. V. D JONES. HAS THE FIN ri'X-fLS Cor. 4th ami Vine. (StiCei-.-M l" Vfil L'oj, i . : ! i . : : r . 'f; &J t - d I- Vis 5 PURE I Indianapolis, ir: r. No. 75. Price, $18. 00 at Factory. Casi -wrltn Order. 'V "K i Strictly First-Class. Warn.-1-id. All Second Growth Hi -Kory. Steel Axles ana iiru.- iow Bent .e.it Anns. -t-r .': ."ic-:-i Ixinff, Easy liidiug. Oil 'ic-j.i:. .-. i-l .:;..i:r.'. Best iicc:j anu ip you can't nyu i,v;.a. roa THE U3HTEST WEIGHT PRACTICAL BiHDER EVER mi. it works np.rfftciiv on rouVh. uneven eround: in light, short grain; in badly lodged grain. Some dies do not. Strootw Frarn-, Simplet Connru'tio-i, Li-htcst Draft, Greatest Dtirahllity Most Ea-ulr Managed. GREAT IMPKOVKJIESTS for 1!W place it farther than ever in the leu1 of pretenaea nvais. nrcaiun iut DCADCD ifEacii DEERINC CIAHT WOWER. b.i rrkJ x r- r- - fcj km r C n I ApplytoournearestajrentforIlIuHtrate.lCataan.ilII.. to us. V;rf. UEZRIfiC . CO., Ch.coyo, 111. Cures where ali ei.- iuils. taste. Children tak- it A-t...'fVii.tJ .z..l k;- . Bound. o : u i :: t!.i- lii! . !l i.. .-iijurb, ' si " i in iinn- .-nid ii;i.im-. wund Mia! old !n...; - W'.-lt.-i'.s 'n- Ten voarlv. iitid in :,'l;ince mi1. !'i wiih llie Vi:i;ki. 1 1 ku- Daily 1 1 i kai.k ne voar. In all nler, r h.- I'uUy jnil ujioii !eliv- 1 i i-1 i t i :i -" - mv liiiiili d. Propriet- r. EST MGS IN Oj.rX;lrf a? - : 1 1 l"l. t ! I, . ' ! H .'s! -I. M. il '''i ll' ) il I ! sal: - vouf. xesceants. write so-: i v..-. i Jysoe Steel mmm in tali, heavy sraln: th-3 Leader in its Glass. Pleasant aii'i a-reoani..- totlie v-itliout objection. iyuri.w:iS'.