f ffltatteiti0iiilf ! - 'i 4 r. if. Til I HI) YKAK. l'LATTSMOUT II, XKKRASKA, MONDAY KVKMMJ. .J UN H 2, 1SH. t 4 ('. S.. l'-lk, iifto! in-)', l'i:k wimiiI Itlock. I !u . i . r :.',. I .M in-1 1 .-I t.iiii.l t. I'l i.ty ! Mniir. r r ' I i .m. I liii-iil il !ii i-.-r mill. tt Alal''i-itiii'-, t!i lest v.vill fmisli, for hale at V. O. l'l i l.e C Co. dlf Ij'I IJ'oi' " eij-ir, li itils I 1 1 1 ! lint (How. ini A: '., oIr n'jt. I'S tf "Li K V is a strictly Iririd iiiii1; union oi;oir si.lil only 1y i n tl A; Co.tf .1. 1Vhm''Ith !'ii:iriiiit--s thiit (Jcrinn A; tVs Kit" i a s'rictly pure lia- van ::ir 'lily ". I -"" 't 41il'. customers wanted to tnioke 'La 'i'!1' I,'"P,'l,""tr r,,,"t 'V-, sold : ur'Jv fieri A: Co. ltf viVpperlmr" "La Roa," the finest, all clear H ivniiii, or eiyar on the market, sold ly (.Serine A; tl -t f. Oerin As . tin- popular driiiist, have secured tli- exclusive ff J. IV-pprrhur's ur.at rive cent La Rosa. ac-tf. The iisM-SM-il valuation f IMattsmouth city for is'.trt exclusive of the Filth ward is sT:!.-,:!; hii.I County Clerk Critch fifM estimates tint it will Ik?' hii even million. Win. Hose unl IlausTimin, two sturdy ttermx.il f?i' niers nt"r Nehawka, were buying exchange on llnmliiri; this after- nouu, preparatory to taking thrir de parture for a visit to the Faderland" whither they .-tart this evenin-:. Diku: At his home, miles south of this city at 11 h. m. yesterday of con sumption, frank Milter, ui'e I IS. Bur ied at the Kikenlmry cemetery; services at residence at 1 o'clock p. m. today. Rev- Buck tier officiating Co tti John SchiappaiX'i-si- ic Co., for C.-ntml America hananas, California oranyes, Virginia peanuts, New York and home made c.xndie. 20'2tf De Witt Times: -MWs Daisy Kerr is without a peer in elocution, and Herbert is without a doubt the most gifted oy in America." These little ones will soon appear in this city, watch fur the date. The l'lattmouth Home Mi : i n circle, assisted by the lest nui-ica! talent of the - city, will g-; ye Pallor Concert tomorrow evcninir, June 3d, at the home of Mrs. F. T. Davis on High School hill, No. IIS. Admission: Adults, 13e; Children, lfc. Proceeds to be iwd in the Children's Home at York. Chdrn n's Day exercises, at the Christ ian Church, were postponed last evening to Sunday evening ;June Sth. en account of the death of littla Ethel Newcomer Saturday evening, she being one of the participants in the exercises. Further notice i f the time of the exercises will be niyi n in this paper. This morning at 0 o'clock the forty two thousand persons appointed to take the 11th census sallied forth to ply their multifarious rjuesrions to the people. Some may run the gaunt let and come in all right, but from the decidedly person al'nature of some of the interrogatories we opine the way of the enumerator may not at all times be tranquil. The traveling public will do well to note the change in time of trains as given in the II. AM. time-table in this paper. This morning No. 7 was due to leave here at 7:1.1, and there was a hurrying and scurrying among passengers to meet it, many being of the impression that it de parted at 7:30. The obliging ccuductor held the train several minutes, but several disappoint ments occurred any way. Following is a list of the prominent attorneys from abroad in attendance upon DUtrict Court today: E. II. Wooley, Lincoln. Geo. S. Smith, Omaha. G. W. Covell, J. C. Shea, II. D. Travis, Weeping Water. .J. II. Ilaldeman. " S. F. Rockwell, Louisville. O. B. Polk, Greenwood. District Court. The June term of the District Court opened this morning. Judge Chapman, presiding- The forenoon was occupied ia calling in the docket, 'assigning cases etc. The docket is a short one, there being but 10 civil, and G criminal cases. This afternoon the case of the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance company, vs Rinard Gilmore is being tried to a jury. Notice to Tax Payers. Notice is hereby given that the com missioners will sit as a board of equaliza tion, beginning on Tuesday, June 10th, 1590. All persons will take due notice that if any changes are necessary to be made in assessments it must be made at this time Binu Ckitciifiei, 2-w County Clerk. PtliSONALS. C. L. C )b in in spent Sunday with rela tive iii thi- city ti-rday. MiV Dr. C. ok an' I Mrs. I). Ilawksworth wi re Oiniiha pice gei this morning, i Miss Belle Marshall, of Omaha, spent tin-Si!b.ith with her parents in t his city. Att'y G. W. Co veil, of Omaha, came j down on the K. C. this a. m. ti attend Court Ucy. A. Madole, of Weeing Water is serving on the iegulr panel of jurors this term. Mrs. Laughlin, of Greenwood, ar rived on No. 4 to visit her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Khoden. E. A. St -pher, of Elm wood answered to toll call as juror this morning, like wise Peter Eveland. Miss Mute Newell, who lias a position in a tor; ut Nehawka, left the city this morning for Omaha. E. II. Wooloy, formerly of Bond no toriety, but now of Liucolu, arrived in the ci?y Sunday evening. Mr. J. M. Craig, who has been laid up the past two weeks with the mumps, is able to be around again. Miss Dinsmore who has been visiting Mrs. J. A, Minor of this city, returned on No. 5 to her home in Omaha. Eldtr J. Iv. Kied, pastor of the Christ ian church of this city, returned to his home in Omahr this morning. Mr. Sol Dewey, an old Cass county man, is a director in a new bank just organized at Hay Springs, Neb. S. F. Rockwell, the Louisville attorney and W. B Shryock came down on the Sehuylerthis morning to attend court. Rev. A. P. Morrison the temperance orator left the city this morning for Ashland where he will deliver a series of lectures. Attorneys Travis and rialdecian of Weeping Water, came in this morning to look after the iuterests of their numerous clients in court. Willis Oliver, of Illinois, .vho visited over Sunday with the family of J. C. Coleman, departed this morning for Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Newcomer extend their thanks to their friends and neigh bors for their assistance during the ill ness and death of their little girl Ethel. Mrs. Chas. Rutherford received' the sad intelligence yesterday of the serious illness of her aunt at M&ryville, Ohio. and departed for that city in the evening. Miss Rebecca Smith, teacher at Mc- Pnl Iowa, and her cousin. Miss EtHe Smith, returned home Sunday evening on No. 7. after a short visit with their aunt, Mrs I. S. White, near Rock Bluffs. Mrs. C. M. Holmes, of this city, and Mrs. A. M. Holmes, of Rock Bluffs pre cinct, left this morning for Kenosha, Wis., to visit a week among relatives of that city. Wat Holmes accompanied them as far as Pacific Junction. Eddie Stiles, who has served faith fully here as messenger boy for some time, has been sent to Exeter, Neb., for night operator. Eddie bears a good in this citv and the IIekald hopes to hear a good report from him in his new home. House to be let on Wintersteen HilL No. 502 1st street within three minutes walk of the 6hops and depot House newly done up. Key next door. En quire of Dawson & Pearce. Riley Hotel Block. . tf Police Court Doing. Saturday night Matt Eislur was lodged in jail and this morning plead guilty to the charge tf drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and Judge Archer assessed the fine of 5 and trimmings, which he paid and went on his way rejoicing. On Sunday, Mike Dunn was run in and this morniug plead guilty to drunk enness and disorderly and in default of a $3 and $7.33 costs went to jail, Sam Small for Plattsmouth. Sam Small will be in Plattsmouth June 20th and will speak on the Amend ment; everyone will be pleased to have n opportunity to hear this renowned evangelist. "La Rosa" the great five cent cigar at Gering & Co. 203 Gt. For Rent. A good six room cottage on Granite street near Chicago avenue; apply to d tf Mrs. C. S. Twiss Go to Philip Kraus for your groceries, queensware, and glassware, also for fresh vegetables and fruits. All orders promptly rilled and delivered to any part of the city. tf Little Ethel Newcomer was upon tl:u programme "f the Children's Day exer cises to be given at the Christian Church, Sunday evening, June 1st, mid upon the hearing of the sad news of her death, tli manager of the entertainment nu nc u need that the exerci.-es would be postponed ui.til Sunday evening, June 8th, l.DO, and that resolutions of respect be drawn up and u copy be sent to the heart-broken family, and the following is a copy of the resolutions as adopted by the children of the Sunday School: IN MKMOHY OF KTIIKI NEW COM EH. Whekkas, It has pleased God to take away from our midst by the arm of death our dear ' little friend and schoolmate, Etuex. Nkwcomkh, therefore Resolved, That we feel we have lost a dear, loving friend, and one in whom our anticipations seemed to present to us a happy and useful future. R. solyed. That her loss to us shall be ns a token of the future that awaits each one of us and that it is a consolation to her many friends to know that "She is not lost, but only gone before." Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent, to the bereaved parents to gether with the following truthful lines: "All that's briulit iiiut fade. The brightest ntill the fleetest ; All thatV Mveet wan made But to be lot when sweetest." VlKOIE TCJTT, f Oi.uk Boyd, Committee, Minnie Bates. ) Plattmouth June 1st, 18!I0. New fruits, candies and nuts coming to John Schiappagase & Co., every day. 202tf The genuine Santa Rosa cigars, five cents each, at happy JackDenson's restaur ant. 203l!)3tf. Advice of a Prominent Land Broker Rheumatic Syrup Co., Jackson, Mich : Gents: In February, lbiS'., I com menced using Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Strengthening Plasters for iufiam matory rheumatism, having been troubled three years with this terrible disease. My joints were swolen so that I could hardly walk and I attended to my business with dilKculty. I used three bottles and ap plied the plasters to my limbs and back, and I can say that I am now cured. I have not been troubled with rheumatism since discontinuing its use. My father-in-law, Mr. J. D. Skinner, of Mauson, has al so reen benefitted by this medicine. We earnestly recommend it to our friends. Take my advice, give it a trial. C. R. Nicholson, Manson, Iowa. Ask your druggir-t for it. "La Rosa" is the name of a special brand of cigars made by Julius Pepper- berg for Gering & Co. It is a daisy. A Safe Investment Is one wli this yuareuteeil to briny you eatb factory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan y u can buy from our advertised lru.iri;ist a bottle f Dr. Kina's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to brinir relief in every ease, when used for any affection of Throat, I.untrs or Chest, Kueti as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis. Asthma, YVlioopir-a Couj;li, Croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free t F. CI Fricke &Co's Drug Store. " Notlceof Condemnation. To William W. Wolf, and Airs. William W. Wolf, his wife' first name unknown, S. B Clark, first name unknown, Mr. S. B. Clark, first name unknown and the Mutual Benefit Life insurance Co., of Newark. N, J. non-residents, owners, mortgage s and lien holder : You and each of you are hereby notified that the Omaha Southern Kail way Co , has located its railroad line upon and through the following laud situated in Cass couuty, Ne braska, and the same h needea for railway purposes to wit : A strip of ground loo feet wide upon and through the north half ot the northwest quarter of section number eleven (11) in townshiD number ten (10) north of range num ber thirteen (13). east of the sixth I M., as lo cated by t he engineer of said railway company on said premises. Ala a strip of land loofeet wide upon end through the Wesr, end of Sec tion two in towuship -eleven, north of Rjuige thirteen east of the Gth p. m. in Cass county .Nebraska, as located by the engineer of said Kailway Company upon and through said property. S, f. Clark, first name unknown and J.Irs S. IJ. Clark, his wife first name unknown, nun-residents, owners. Also a strip of land loo feet wide upon and through the northwest quarter of section four teen. Township eleven. North Kange thirteen east of 0th P. M. in Cass Couuty, Neb., as lo cated by the engineer of said itai'road Com pany on "-aid property. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurancd Company of Newark, New Jersey, Don-iesiuent, mortgagee, hve, or claim to have a mortgage lien on said property. That unless you apply to the County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, for commissioners to appraise and assess the damages you eustai by reason of such appropriation of said land as above described, on or before the Sth day of July 1890, the said Omaha Southern Kail way Company will apply to the County Judge, of Cass County Nebraska, for the appointment of Commissioners to appraise such damages on the 9th day of July 18o. Omaha South kbs Railway Company, By A. N. Sullivan, Attorney. AGENTS VANTED SRH the Zacatecas State Lottery. Loteria de la Beneficencia Publica is chartered by the Gov ernment and operated under its supervision. Capital prize, $150,000,00. Drawings on the 27th of each month. Tickets, S10; talves. So; tenths, SI. New York draft. Juan Fiedad. Mgr., Box 43, Zacatecas, Mexico. To Nervous Hub luatoc! Wen. If y will send us your address, we will mu I you on. i'du.-ti.it il phamplih t explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic l li and Appliances and their clai tiling id'.cU upon the nervous debilitated system, and how tluy will (juicklj restore you to vigor and man hood. Pan phlct fiee. If you are thus ulllicttti, we will send you a 1J.-U and Appliance on a trial. f l Voltaic Kklt Co. Marsha'.. Mich. Bcklon's Arnica alve Tint Ukst Salve in the world for Cuts Bruiscs.t Sores. Ulcers. Salt Hheum, Fever Sores, 1fvft"i Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns, nnu nil Skin "Rrn'onis, h n.wsi tively cure.. Piles, or no pity required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money ref u nded. . Price 25 certs per box For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. A Postmaster's Talk. W. Potter, the postmaster at Elm E. Creek, N.b., fiys he hns personal knowl edge of several cases of rheumatism in that vicinity that have been permanently cured by Chamberlains1 Pain Balm after other renVedies were used without bene fit. He hns sold it at his drug stor there for live ytnrs and says he never knew it to fail, thU "any cus'omer- who once uses Chaiiiberlain's Pain Balm will have nothing ejse instead." For sale by F- G, Fricke & Co. Wantli: 5,000 live, pigeons fJr Cheyenne (tournament. Will pay 30 cents per pair, deliyered on express trains be fore Junt'li, on U. P., or B. in Nebraska, in light boxes. Ship C. O. D. to P. Bergerson, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Canning Company. There will he a metiug of the stock holders of the Plattsmouth Canning Co., at the office of the county judge, Tues day evening, May 27th at, o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as business of importance will come before the meeting. l;j-2t. By order of the President. Sheriff's Sate. By virtue frf an order of sale issued by W. C Sliowalrer cle!; k of the District court within and for Cajs county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 23rd day of June A. 1). lSiK) at 2 o'clock i- in, of said da- at the south door of the court I'oine iu said eounty. wt-ll at pub lic auction, ti-.li'f!ovir real estate to wit : The sojlUMds Il'-'Ky ?c i ; v-.--.f i" .-r . .; of n w i) of j ...Jphh'ty six (ar.) toVn eleven (11) range tei', .'"JTu Cas county Nebraska to gether with Hi 61 privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging r in aiu wise appertaining, the same being levied upon and t:tkeu in the iT'-perty of Oliver Jacobs ic Co. and Paulina A Ilortou and Wiiiis J. llorton defendants, tosat isfy a judgment of said court recovered by Murtey Bros. pbihitiM's against said defendant 1'lattMiioutli, Neb., May 21, A. D, 1). William Tiohk, JSlieriif. Road Notice, To all wiioni it may concern : The commissioner appointed to locate a ro.vd begim ing at the southwest corner of section thirteen (13) tow n eleven (11) range thirteen (13) and running thence east on section line two and oue-fonith i2',Z) miles have reported in fav r of the location thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must be filed iu the county clerk's oftiee on or befor? noon on the loth day of July A I) 18:r, or such road will be located without leierence. tneret'j. KlKO CltlTCHFIELl. 9-4t County Clerk. WANTEO AN .VCTIVE MAN FOIl EACH f f section, salary t,o to M'mi, to locally rep- renent euecessiiu ew ioik company incor noratedto supply Dry Hoods, Clothing, Shoes. Jewelry etc., to consumers at cost. Also a ladv of tact, salary SM. to enroll members (su.ooo now enrelled, Siuu.OOu paid in), liefer ence exchanged. Kmpire co-operative Asso ciatiou (credit well rated) Lock box 610 N. V AGENTS WANTED. FUK HEROES OF THE DARK CONTINENT By J. W. Buel. The Most Successful American Author. Positively the only complete New Stanley Boci of Picturesgnc Africa. From the Writings of Henry M. Stanley Two hundred thousand copies sold in seven week, and the demand rapidly iriereaing. Nothing like it bat. ever le-n known in tli'e hittory of book publishing. This is the only honk contai a complete life of the V,"oii i"s heao. Aeniy M. Stanlev. with a lu'.l hisr ,rv of ail his gieat explorations, and positively tin ouly complete account of hi-- great and last expeditions fr the relief of Kniin l'a-ha fi " his own thri:iing reports. All other preteo-ied Stanley books are imperfect and incomplete Send for proof and s.ai.-fy youself. his irrear work also contaius the history of Africa' and its people for more than one thousand years illustrated v ith lover Doo enirraviims. colored plates and numerous maps, renderiun it the only cnmgleT picturesque History of Africa ever published. I; is woudcrSul, thrilling, magnifi cent. Duet be deceived by fa!-e re, resenta rions. but send for profs add facts. "Aeroes of the dark Contenent" it is publishen i:i or,e splendid quarto volume of 57t; pnges. eiiual to 1.2u0 octavo pages with 5('0. Irice onlv 3.oo Agent wanted. Territory unrestricted. "Sales enormous, send for pictorial circulars, or to save tune- M"i u si l.ir complete canvassing outatwitii Kuar:"it of f.'luo the fi:t month, or your money t i in iil iti;inded. If vou have been deceived i :.d canvassing for ai.y of the bogus Stanly b i;.-we will ex-'liang out;irs free. We men:. I. usl:. ess. M'? enr Sfiiml'tg in Dun"s and Kradstieets eominereii repoit-. HISTOUK AL Pl LLISHIMiO , 3t Louis. Mo. or Fhil xdelpiiia. Pa. Vf. A. Humphrey, 31. D., HOMCEOPATH1C Physician and Surgeon, PLATTSMOCTHE, NEBRASKA. tail ia City cr Country Promptly Answered qpo Full upper or lower set o('leeli for $s. (iunrauleetl to he the same sis those lor which other dentists charge 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money P.efunded. The only perfect :ml reliable way 'f extracting teeth without pain or d inger. Gold, Silver, ami Hone OPEN EVENINGS U2TriL,ErllIT O'CLOCK. , Dk- WITHERS ' TJhion -Block Bentist Like -A - Thousand - Streams Finding their way to the Ocean, the People ciie to buy: They recognize our uneiualel facilities lor Obtaining anil Dis posing of the Best: Mens, Boys and Childrens Clothing at tbe Lowest Prices. They recognize the extent and excellence of our hpmi tmeiit: The elegance, make, and superior finish of our goods: The Honorable Manner in which we conduct our Business. They Realize when they give One Dollar in Silver We give them One Dollar In Cothin. If 3-011 want aBusiness Suit we will fit you o.it. If you want a Dress Suit we will fit you out. If you are a matrimonial candidate, we will fit you out, tine Dress Suit. for the ocr ifi"i... The Wise never get left and Furnishings ot SI ff' n. mm i The Leading Clothiers, TCTTM1 A Jt a TS nT jsrjiaitirsmoiiBOB..' m BURKE'S IMPtEMHWT HOUSE HEADQUARTERS FOR Star Listers, Millburn Wagonns and Buguies. Moline Hteel Harrowy Little Joker Cultivator. I'lano Steel Harvester and Rinde-s The Dandy Riding Cultivators, and A. fine line of double and single liarness. NO Our Goods are all new with ments WE Mim NOTHING BUT FIRST CUSS GOODS FARM! TV" AGON SPRINGS Wo have something new in a spring for alarm wagon, it will, pay you to see it. Sixth Street, near Riley Hotel. n PISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. m Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure us certain. For Cold in tLe Head it lias no equal. mim m go tJtJ an i?tnient, of -which a small particle is applied P13' Price' hr Druggists or sent by maiL Address, E. T. Hatfi.toe, Warren, Pa. JL Fillings at lltduced Hire -in and they buy their Clothing esi 9 fetk the latest and best imnrove- BUSKE. mi T (TS tf W u1 1 ,